Shape the Unknown

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Shape the Unknown

Hallo Kassel people, thanks for welcoming us ! 

We will try to build a collective village of ideas in the Nordstadtpark. We will be here for two weeks.

Here we speak Albanian, Dutch, English, German, Swiss German, French, Turkish, Ukrainian, and maybe more, but we don’t know.

Among a lot of other things, this is a meeting point.

We come from Kosovo, Belgium, Switzerland, and Ukraine. Most of us deal with urban politics in our own countries.

We fully support the local squat “Unsere Villa ” and their need for space and freedom.

We think that using helicopters to hunt young people is a bit too much.

We don’t know what we can do but a small chat with you would be a nice start.

As far as we know, most of us are nice people.

We’re looking for questions.

We’re looking for free food because stealing is not always easy. We will be happy to cook for you though.

Borders are weird.

We are a collective but we don’t know each other.

Horizontality is the horizon but diagonals are ok.

We’re broke but can we help ?

We believe in sharing experiences.

Learning from each other through collaboration is the point.

We probably have beers.

Some of us want to build a fake bank, a fake prison, and a real spaceship.

Please bring some music from the local scene. Let’s broadcast it in the park.

documenta 14 is an amplifier for local energies and we can build a stage.

We’re organizing an event on Saturday, August 12. Do you want to participate ?

The city is interrupted.

We don’t kill but we fight.

We have no planification, no planning, no plan. In a way it’s cool, but on the other hand, it sucks.

For the atmosphere, this was a fantastic day !

Life is a daily manifest.

We accept the process but we need to make an effort for everyone to be involved. And we are not so good at it.

— collective ? — individual ? — collective ? — individual ? — collective ? — individual ? — collective ? — individual ?

You are more than that.

The squatters need  a house, a reunion room, a sleeping place, and compost toilets.

We have only nice ideas.

Make the invisible visible.

documenta should last five years.

What is home ?

If we have to talk about illegal things, I would prefer not to use my phone. 

He had no uniform, but we recognized him. 

Am I exaggerating ? Perhaps I am underexaggerating.

The learning process is something you can incite, literally incite, like a riot.

This is not an exhibition. There are no curators. You are not an audience.

Shut up. Or rather, speak.

This is not a hobby.

Collective thinking is an expedition into ourselves.

— For them we are like terrorists.  — Yeah... but... for sure you are.

We should eat at 8 pm, clean at 8:30 pm, and do the briefing at 9 pm. Or maybe not.

You should have a moderator during your briefings.

I quit moderating.

One of us wants to create a reconnection zone.

Cleaning the dishes in this water is not really hygienic.

We had wood and some kids just wanted to build guns.

Maybe we should move this house to the city hall.

They said it was an illegal demonstration. There were ten people.

He threw some balloons full of water and he was denounced for vandalism.

Be selective, but be open.

Something like this is cool. Because they need nothing.

They are hustlers in life, but they do other stuff as well.

Some talk, Some listen, Some build.

This experience is disappointing, but in a good way.

Can you open my beer with your lighter or spend three hours to teach me ?

Are we allowed ?

For ourselves ? For documenta ? For the people ?

It seems that we are building a tower of sorts.

We try to hide our doubts and our frustrations.

What about after we leave ?

Some of us think that the political system in this project sucks.

There’s not so much vandalism during the night.

If I can imagine it then it could happen.

Fuck Utopia.

Decide together ? Or do it alone ?

They think we are hippies.

Was macht ihr denn da ?

We are sick of those pallets. We don’t want to look like all those other places but we still need some. # fuckpallets

This animal is made out of tofu.

Maybe we should sleep a bit more.

— Sunday will be day off. — I never had a day off in my life.

We have to install the soundsystem. Now.

— Let’s buy headlamps. — Yes. I have a flashlight fetish.

— Do you live in Kassel ?  — Yes. Unfortunately.

I will not be there on Saturday but I would love to.

I don’t like it when they sing reggae songs in German.

— Is that yours ?   — No. We found it last night. — Come on man, you stole it . — No ! I will give it back !

At least the dog had sex.

If you leave the park with a girl, you should lock the car with all the material inside first.

I can make a melody with the drill and this tube. And you should record it.

Some of us want this to look good. Some of us think aesthetics are not the main problem.

Who invited you ?

Vulnerability is interesting.

I learned graphic design, but I hate computers.

My name is ￟ , I’m right-handed and I have a problem with authority.

He is my best friend.

I like to feel the penetration of the wood.

Of course, we don’t agree on everything. It’s a chance, but it’s also a problem.

New ideas always face a “no” when they are stated firmly. They look too radical.

What is our debt ?

Is this a direct democracy ?

We are developing some strategies of criticism.

Now we have a printer in the park. Things get serious.

Where is the German guy ?

There are way too many guys in the group.

I trust this beam, I guess.

It’s not easy for everyone to find his/her place here.

There’s no place for books on a construction site.

Sometimes you feel useless.

Thank you Süleyman.

We should build a cave to be afraid to go into it.

They gave us some freedom. But how much ?

I guess now we know what the XXI century is about.

The free price system does not work everywhere.

We are not junkies. This is not a crackhouse.

We don’t want to steal the park. We will give it back.

Germans are not shy. They will interrupt you while you work.

Pallets and containers are the symbols of globalized exchange.

The crisis looks weird from here.

Ok... On peut plus rien faire alors ?

Learning and unlearning. That’s what we do.

— I’m working for a newspaper in Israel. — I’m working for a newspaper in Argentina.

It’s disgusting here. We should clean this place.

When will we talk about finance and capitalism ?

Yes, I can do a performance if you like. But it is in French, it lasts for thirty minutes and the texts are from Adorno.

Can you please put your phone in another room ? No, switching it off is not enough.

I was happy when I saw the construction, then I read these posters with all the things that we already know, and I was disappointed.

We are conscious that building a tower is a bit too phallic and masculine. We can’t help it.

— These are the best texts in all of documenta. — Ok, thanks.

I planned a cool trip around Germany but now I found this project and I’m stuck here.

What’s our gold ?

We even stole sentences and quotes.

Where is Adam Szymczyk ?

— We would like to offer you some money. — No thank you, but you can offer us some coffee.

Wer schreibt das Protokoll ?

Do you like reading ?

We should make a cheap publication with all these posters.

Self-reflection is action.

We stole wood. We got caught. We explained. He offered.

When the southern mentality clashes with the Western, sometimes it’s hard, but sometimes it’s funny.

I didn’t really lose my wallet, I just don’t know where I put it.

I didn’t really lose myself, but I don’t know where the fuck I am.

No one seems to know but speeches were made.

Do you want me to be angry ?

— We should talk about that, but not for too long. — Yeah ok, but... I totally disagree with you.

What should be emphasized to transform this into a good project ?

Collective work is about thinking beyond ourselves. It sounds obvious, but it’s not that easy.

At some point you have to agree to disagree.

Feeling frustrated and happy at the same time.

Contemplate the clashes and smile.

In Kosovo we have a different sensibility on this topic.

Swiss people only keep the big coins.

Is it possible to paint it black ?

We need more plates.

Are you afraid to be alone ?

— My work is really intimate. — Mine is not.

Thank you Salvatore, Katia, Thomas, Annika, Aiko, Andrea. Thank you.

Is it ok to eat later if we are late ?

We are not allowed.

The sounds of the tools are ok for the city, but the music is not. Good news for noise artists.

I have a lot of classical music on my playlist.

I swear, your project already changed something in the neighborhood.

— Do you think we should ask documenta ? — Do you think we should tell documenta ?

Are we assholes ?

He said it’s very arrogant to write these posters in English.

How can I make a fidget spinner that spins forever ?

— Is it your job to clean the park ? — Nope. — Oh ! And they even gave you an accreditation ?

Are there some free mattresses left at the dorms ?

I changed the system. It was no big deal.

We have good techno in Belgium. Not the one that makes boom-boom but the one that makes bim-bim.

The German guy had to leave but maybe he will come back.

Sometimes we lie.

Now some of us know what a german hospital looks like.

Chez nous, c’est 5€ pour dix bières.

What is the right recipe for a project like this ?

— Are you a real architect ? — Yes. — You did a really bad job.

You will think of me if someone dies.

You can wait and cry or build and learn.

We create illusions because we don’t have any.

In every street you have a neighbor who complains.

We don’t know everything but the city seems a little bit pissed off.

They didn’t realize the power we have.

Advice of the day : Don’t say everything to the journalists.

Je crois qu’on a quand même un peu foutu la merde.

The roof of the office is beautiful but not waterproof.

If you bring a soundsystem for your event we will have to remove it.

At the beginning it was unclear, now it’s confusing.

How many helicopters fly over this park every day ?

The authorities of the city of Kassel should come here and listen.

Should we talk about civil disobedience actions ?

Perhaps that’s what a Kulturzentrum is about.

Fucking rain.

Could you please be a little bit more sexual ?


Sometimes our optimism looks like pessimism.

Thumbs up to the kitchen team for preparing two good meals a day without money.

Thank you Narrowcast House. Thank you Foodsharing Kassel.

Our failure will be a success.

The reconnection zone is needed.

There are some serious skills in the construction team.

Our bodies are changing.

Does documenta use us or do we use documenta ?

On achète un peu, on vole beaucoup et on récup’ blindé.

Is documenta the Tomorrowland of contemporary art ?

Just let them build some temporary bullshit.

But what has changed ?

Will somebody recuperate the recuperated materials ?

— You can not do this.  — Ok, but we will just do it anyway.  — Ok, I didn’t hear anything you said.

— See ? We built this tower.  — Yes. Nobody can climb on it.  — Ok. So let’s cancel the event.

— Why ? — Why not.

—  The maximal noise level is 45 dB. — Yeah... but this conversation is ~72 dB.

A rocket launch is 180 dB.

Maybe safety jackets are too official.

Control Build Delete

Graffiti is good. But not on my house.

She wanted to graffiti the tower. Some of us said no. Some of us said yes. That was a big conflict. She cried.

Rave party at the dorms.

Paradoxal constructions leads to deconstruction.

Daja TasÍ me restoran midis Kasselli !

Linguistic turn and Babybel Tower.

Could you please elaborate ?

Soshenko 33 and Tokonoma <3

The German guy is back.

— Why are there so many guys ? — I don’t know.

— He’s from Ukraine, why does he speak German ?  — He spoke with too many curators today.

You just have to say that you don’t know me.

Props to Myrto and Sten from documenta, it’s not an easy job to work with us.

Hope to see you soon away from this context. I don’t like to be the guy who says no.

I have other stuff to do so this work should also be fulfilling.

Somehow, there weren’t any big problems during the event.

We have some kind of hyperactive constructors in this crew.

— Slowly, I turn into Club Mate. — I just became a falafel.

When we are not here, the visitors experience a walk through a kind of post-alternative ghost village.

Some of us found love.

We missed Njomza !

We only needed five days of construction to build this thing. Give us two months.

The trauma and frustration caused by centuries of oppression.

This construction represents what we should surpass in the future.

What would have happened if we had the time and the courage to really think.

Finally, we build a tower on top of the tower.

We have a flag. It’s yellow, it has some holes, and it looks like cheese.

We should all be a bit more self-critical and confident.

— Please don’t call me “master” in public. — Yes, master.

Nice to be here ! This is finally what documenta is about.

I have no problem with nudity.

Loudspeakers can be loud.

Free WiFi

It’s always good to take a step back.

The city is certainly not happy, but this would not have been possible in Belgium or Switzerland.

People in squats are often sad.

Kris’ mom is here and it’s really nice. And now Gilles’ mom is here too !

A conclusion is important because a lot of people among us are not so happy.

Some of us think that there was no gratitude.

If you raise some questions then you have to bring some answers.

I am surprised that they are surprised.

No one is illegal, but some are superior.

No shame. No regret.

Maybe the concept was just to build something together.

We needed a fucking visa to come here.

We are proud of Termokiss.

This project does not represent the inclusive ideal we aspire to in Termokiss.

Some of us trust long and strong discussions. Some of us don’t. A common ground wasn’t really found.

Did we come back to where we started ?

Do we have to be negative ?

Should I dedicate my energy to building a self-made harp as a part of the Babybel Tower ?

There is no Babybel in Kosovo.

We never talked about the future we want.

Next time we participate in a project like this we will do it completely different.

What do you suggest ?

West is happy. South is sad. Swiss is neutral.

I don’t like this sentence. I love it.

Maybe the prestige of documenta 14 blurred the process.

Some of us have worked for years to set up an environment where everyone’s voice gets heard. It was hard.

Everyone had a voice and some of us took some responsibilities.

A small construction with a shared vision would make more sense.

If it’s about the process, it’s about being dynamic.

I didn’t drink enough water during these two weeks.

Our visa will expire the day the tower gets demolished. If we stay and watch it, we get deported. #GĂŤzuar #Kosovo

She was just making sure that I’m not a complete asshole.

One part of our problems is that we are all enthusiastic people.

Who gives a fuck about who invited who ?

If you want to feel important you should feel like it.

This construction is not the artwork, the real art is direct cultural activism.

Some of us did some really shitty tasks and never complained.

We had the concluding debate outside of the tower, not inside.

I’m an anarchist. I just need friends.

Time goes too fast to do certain things.

We left.

Some people tried to protect the tower and recuperate some material.

We can build without money and documenta can destroy without money.


The unknown shaped us.

Termokiss Prishtina, Kosovo

Toestand Brussels, Belgium

documenta 14 Team Kassel

Arbër Salihu Dritëro Krasniqi Eldena Dakaj Gent Thaçi Gëzim Ramizi Nikki Murseli Njomza Dragusha

Alexander Aerts An Vandermeulen Fatima Chakri Gilles Gilles Hazel Corthouts Ine Meganck Inka Garnica Jan Sterkx Juliana Lamelza Kasper De Vos Katja Möltgen Kevyn Cochinaux Kris Cuylits Leo Dahmen Loic Versichel Louke Loco Maika Garnica Monne Huysmans Mierien Coppens Nadège Ribitzki Niels Coppens Pawel Klat Pieter Gijssels Rein Quartier Renaud Tresnie Xander Stragier

Adam Szymczyk Andrea Linnenkohl Ayşe Güleç Benjamin Kiel Daniel Neugebauer Myrto Kakara Sten Oyavee

Happy Positive Biel-Bienne, Switzerland Cyrill Walker Laurent Güdel Maya Hottarek Nicolas Raufaste Nora Longatti Philippe Flach Roman Luterbacher Soshenko 33 Kiev, Ukraine Alina Yakubenko Anna Sorokovaya Dobrinya Ivanov Mitya Churikov Sasha Dolgiy Taras Kovach

Dogs Princesse Richard Jimmy

People We Can’t Forget Andrea Nehring Aiko Okamoto Gonzalo Angarita Katia Kurt U. Heldmann Thomas Sophia Djitli Membrane Unsere Villa — And many more but we don’t know your names !

Concept and Layout Laurent Güdel, with the help of all the people involved in this project. Number of copies 500 Printing Prishtina, Kosovo Picture Niels Coppens For more pictures and information


Title on the Spot : Termokiss, Toestand, Happy Positive, and Soshenko 33 at documenta 14, Nordstadtpark, Kassel, August 2017

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