Marian Popa
The project is located in Ploiesti, Romania. It aims to counteract the e ects of systematisation and is a reverse concept to what the communists tried to do. The design tries to bring in the city the idea and spirit of the traditional village, and to bring back the authentic values of the Romanian identity. The design is a combination of the village inspiration and the contextual massing evolution. It keeps the fundamental organisation of the village, but is layered and densi ed for the particular location. The massing starts from the speci c urban block and develops in connection with several factors such as circulation and other site forces. It is not a direct copy of a village but rather an urban contextual adaptation. The apartments and their sizes are connected to the types of users that will inhabit the urban village. The design focuses on the needs of the users and on the aspects of community, traditional identity, and a ordability.
Regeneration in the City of Black Gold - Urban Village
-di erent units -precast reinforced concrete elements -cut the construction time and lower the costs.
A ordable Housing
Construction Detail 1:50 Continuous insulated envelope Model
The Urban Village also promotes the idea of self-su ciency which is speci c to the traditional Romanian household. There is a strong aspect of sustainability as people can grow their own food, produce energy with photovoltaic panels, collect the rainwater and use it for irrigation and for other non-drinking purposes. This furthermore strengthens the community and creates an unique spirit of place. Overall, the design interweaves the concepts of community, identity, freedom, a ordability and sustainability in an Urban Village.
Smog fromblockThePollutedfacadeneutralisingaircirculationshaftstheprevailingwindenteringthecorridorsThepitchedroofallowssunlightintothecorridors Open shadedcorridorsbytreesWater Servicescollectionandventilation shaft Rainwater collection tank Filters Plant Room Balconies provide shade Green roofs Exposed concrete Thermal mass Photovoltaic panels Environmental Section 1:100
Hudders Education Centre
The building is an Education Centre that focuses on short courses for the University of Hudders eld. Also, it has a use as a showcase for the University Courses. It contains a diverse range of spaces that facilitate the activity of short courses. These are: 3 lecture rooms, a computer room, printing facilities, studio, laboratory, quiet study room, group work spaces, bean bags areas, shop, library, café, toilets and a small theatre. Beside this, there are 7 exposition areas for each of the University Schools. For the administration there is an open o ce area, a meeting room, director’s o ce, archive, cleaner’s room, storage, plant room. All the spaces are connected by an atrium. This will be used for several purposes ranging from exhibitions and events.
Bradford City Park Music and Harmony Ho Chi Minh - Art Centre
National Coal Mining Museum
Hoot Community Centre