5 minute read

A word from MP Peter Schiefke on the virus situation

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Vaudreuil-Soulanges Member of Parliament


Over the last two weeks, we have all found ourselves in unfamiliar and uncharted territory. Anxiety is high as we worry about the health of loved    E           future of our businesses, and our com-      5   this pandemic.

To begin, I want to let you know that you are being heard. Many of       and share experiences, and for that, C %’    from those about border and airport security to Employment Insurance (EI)     &  )    5)   )  cannot risk exposure to COVID-19 due &4     %

Many of you have asked what will be done to ensure small business owners are supported, whether tax deadlines will be extended, or mortgage payments deferred to help man-      & % +        )  others shared with the necessary au-  ) &        - ing this, will have already been addressed in announcements made over the last 48 hours.

!  ) 3   4   &    being worked on by dedicated Canadians working around the clock and will be announced soon. In either case, my team and I are, “all hands on deck,” as 4&  )            providing you with important infor-        us. We are here to serve and empow-  &   % I also wanted to reassure you that        )  7IJC$,K            1  3 &  is evolving with it. We are working closely with our Provincial, Territorial, Indigenous, and Municipal partners   7 3& %M- ther and most importantly, as a Federal government, we have and will         science-based advice and guidance  &0 4&       A  7     7 3 7  @  A I07@AI%7         & and mortality of this pandemic thus far are those that have used this ap- & % G )      )   science tells us will deliver the best

health and safety results for you, your family, and all Canadians.

Our community of Vaudreuil-Sou-   &    recent years that we rise to meet the challenges we face. This should be a &%G are now being asked to rise to meet a challenge once again. We are being asked to show our resolve through the &&     -    & )  -     &  and incident response teams. We need to once again show our capacity as a community to come together and support one another in solidarity. G )     - cantly inconvenienced; there is no go-        •- ward way to put it.

:   )            % (      ’- bec has closed schools, community         )  % @ Minister Trudeau has closed our airports to all travellers who are not Canadian, not permanent residents, or  "     -   –    7   home to only four Canadian airports. (    )           &  - cal planning both before they were announced and throughout their im- &  % (     ensure the health and safety of those most vulnerable to this illness - our      )  &4    %

Although it is true that the average mortality rate for COVID-19 is currently 3.74%, the mortality rate for seniors over the age of 70 rises to 8%, and is approximately 15% for those 80 years %(        );–=  the curve” as much as possible, refer-     =&  to ensure our hospitals are never too


inundated to properly care for pa-   5     % (   why Canadians have been asked to stay in their homes and limit non-      % T    with your friends, family, and through your social networks the importance of following these guidelines.

Even if COVID-19 may not pose a           it can inundate our health care system. It may also be fatal for many of the most vulnerable in our community who you may inadvertently be in contact with if the health recommenda-    & %

In the coming days and weeks, as         Government of Canada will announce new measures. The Prime Minister, Minister of Finance, Minister of Health, and Minister of Public Security have stated that everything is on the table as we move to meet this challenge head-on.

G     )      &  )  &  ) - cal measures to help our seniors, our parents and children, our workers, and to ensure that small businesses )        support they need. As these measures are announced, I will share the       & % C invite all members of our community of Vaudreuil-Soulanges to follow my weekly updates in The Journal, my Facebook page, or sign up to receive email updates. You can do so by send-       @ %! š%7,› parl.gc.ca.

I also invite you to visit the Canadian Governments COVID-19 response website: www.canada.ca/ coronavirus and the Government  ’ 3 )  V =&VSS)))% quebec.ca/en/health/health- S"S?k,K S   - tain the most relevant and up to date    % By heeding the guidance of experts, staying informed, working to-         &- verance, we can protect ourselves and our families, and keep our community strong.

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