He was annoyed and perturbed. Put out, I think. He and his crew had been fishing all night and caught nothing. I know the attitude that comes home on my man, who fishes for sport, when he has no catch. I can just imagine the effect on a man who fishes for his livelihood. In my mind, I can see the shoreline of Lake Gennesaret, also known as the Seaof Galilee,
and the two boats. There were a number of people walking the shoreline with Jesus.So many that he could not see them, individually, and they could not seehim. It’s just like Jesusto want to see each one of them. It’s just like him to want to look into their eyes. As Simon, who would soon be renamed Peter, began to dock his fishless, fishing boat, Jesus hollered over and asked Peter to take his boat back into the water, far enough away from the shore so that Jesuscould seethe people and close enough that the people could hear him. Peter did what Jesusasked but I think he had some attitude going on. And I think he held on to that attitude! Nurtured it, you might say. I think he stewed about it the whole time that Jesuswas speaking. I think Peter was so into his own thoughts and his own disappointment that he didn’t hear one bit of what Jesussaid, nor did he care. General snarkiness, I think. This I can relate to. I think that when Jesusfinished speaking to the crowd, he turned to Peter and said, "Hey! Push out into deep water and let your nets out!” “Let’s get a catch for ya before we go in!" And I think that snarky, Simon said, "Um. We’ve been fishing hard all night and haven't caught even a minnow!” And I think his tone said, “Oh, so now you’re a fisherman?” “I thought you were a carpenter!” Maybe Jesusraised one eyebrow right then…
BecausePeter quickly added, “Nevertheless, if you say so, I'll let out the nets." And it was no sooner said than done—a huge haul of fish; so many that the weight threatened to break the nets. Peter filled both boats with fish.
In my mind, I can see Peter. Recovering from the rush of adrenaline, fish still flopping at
his feet, I think he was stunned. I think that vivid images of another day and another miracle; when Jesus had come to his house in Capernaum and found his wife’s mother sick with a fever flooded Peter’s mind. I think he was terrified by his own foolishness and his thoughts were racing. Yeshua. Snarky. Son of God. Attitude. Messiah. Oh. God. Yahweh. I am a wretched man. Don’t even look at me. I saw how you looked into the faces of the others. I saw how they looked at you. I am not worthy of you. Luke 5 vs.9-10 For he was gripped with bewildering amazement [allied to terror] and he fell down at Jesus' knees,saying, “Depart from me, for I am a sinful man, O Lord.” And Jesussaid to Simon Peter,” Have no fear; from now on you will be a fisher of men!” I think Jesussmiled. And maybe winked.
Isn’t that just like Jesus?