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Practice Exterior
The rounded structure at the front is built with glass to enable pedestrians to look through into the building and be alerted of what's inside,which would be the Library. In addition,the glass would be creating awareness for people who walk past and encourage more and new customers to walk in which would mean more attention and traction. Also, the users inside the building will be able to look outside for a better view which would enhance the users' experience as they would get to experience what goes on outside as well as inside the building.Although I haven't made anything for the interior or expanded on it, the unique structure of the building enabled me to section each function of the building to different areas of the structure. For example,the Library is at the front,the Gym is the slanted structure to the right and theYoga studio is the slanted structure towards the left.The Library is a circular build that has large glass windows and pillars which almost represent Greek buildings,the Gym and theYoga studio are individual slanted,high-ceiling buildings that only have one level, which could be interesting to experiment with.