Magna Carta 5 STAR CLASS BARGE BARGECRUISE 8 PEOPLE RIVER THAMES From HenryVIII’s Hampton Court past Windsor Castle to Henley, with frequent stops allowingplentyof time to wander and explore as we follow this old Viking tradingroute through some of England’s prettiest counties Duringthe cruise aboard hotel barge Magna Carta, there is a diverse programme of escorted visits alongthe way art galleries, statelyhomes includingthe real “Downton Abbey”, even a boatyard that has been buildingtraditional river craft for centuries There are also good cyclingand walkingopportunities alongthe ever present Thames Towpath From €37,60000 Book yourstay! Name Yourphonenumber EmailPr vacy Terms ManageCookieConsent Toprovidethebest experiences,weusetechnoogieslikecookiestostoreand/or accessdevceinformation Consenting tothesetechnologieswi a owustoprocess datasuchasbrowsing behaviororuniqueIDsonthissite Not consenting or withdrawng consent,may adversey affect certanfeaturesand functions. Accept Deny Viewpreferences Privacy Po cy HOME BARGE HOTELS DESTINATIONS TOURS RENTALS TRANSFERS MAGAZINE BLOG SelectLanguage help.Gotanyquestions?I'mhappyto

1 7 Pickadate Customnoteforus Send Pr v AIR CON 117FEETLONG 5 CREW 1 DOUBLESUITE 3TWIN/DOUBLE SUITES SPA POOL CENTRALLYHEATED MoorbeneathandvisitWindsorCaste TourofClivedenanditsgardens TourtheStaneySpencerGalleryatCookham GreatwakingandbicyclingopportunitiesaongtheThamesFootpath TourofHighclereCastle(DowntonAbbey)onselecteddepartures EnglishcreamteaattheStaffordHotel,London ExploreHenryVIIIsHamptonCourtPalace Deluxe 5Crew 117FeetLong 3Twin/DoubleSuites 1DoubeSuite CentrallyHeated/Air Conditioned TV/DVDinSuites Pool Sunday Mo Tuesday ManageCookieConsent Toprovidethebest experiences,weusetechnoogieslikecookiestostoreand/or accessdevceinformation Consenting tothesetechnologieswi a owustoprocess datasuchasbrowsing behaviororuniqueIDsonthissite Not consenting or withdrawng consent,may adversey affect certanfeaturesand functions. Accept Deny Viewpreferences Privacy Po cy HOME BARGE HOTELS DESTINATIONS TOURS RENTALS TRANSFERS MAGAZINE BLOG SelectLanguage help.Gotanyquestions?I'mhappyto

Pr vacy Terms Wedne Thursday F Saturday Testimonials Dear TeamMaggie Max Laura Katie Dominic,Carl&Sarah Jane Thankyou fora mostglorious6 nightscruising with you on the RiverThames We leave this oating palace with wonderfulmemoriesof superb &deliciousfood sensationalwines excellentservice comfortable (very!)accommodation and new friendships We are sad toleave ourrelaxed and indulged life style on board and hopefully willreturn again Thankyou ourdayswith you allexceeded our expectationsand have been very happy Warmestregards B & N il ManageCookieConsent Toprovidethebest experiences,weusetechnoogieslikecookiestostoreand/or accessdevceinformation Consenting tothesetechnologieswi a owustoprocess datasuchasbrowsing behaviororuniqueIDsonthissite Not consenting or withdrawng consent,may adversey affect certanfeaturesand functions. Accept Deny Viewpreferences Privacy Po cy HOME BARGE HOTELS DESTINATIONS TOURS RENTALS TRANSFERS MAGAZINE BLOG SelectLanguage help.Gotanyquestions?I'mhappyto

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Pr vacy Terms ©2001 2022All RightsReserved LauthenticFrance®isaregisteredtrademarkofAuthenticFranceSASU 61AvenuedeNarbonne,11220SaintLaurentdela Cabrerisse,Occitanie,FranceTel:3346827 4334,ImmatriculationAtoutFrance:IMO11160003//RCS:No818284382 ManageCookieConsent Toprovidethebest experiences,weusetechnoogieslikecookiestostoreand/or accessdevceinformation Consenting tothesetechnologieswi a owustoprocess datasuchasbrowsing behaviororuniqueIDsonthissite Not consenting or withdrawng consent,may adversey affect certanfeaturesand functions. Accept Deny Viewpreferences Privacy Po cy HOME BARGE HOTELS DESTINATIONS TOURS RENTALS TRANSFERS MAGAZINE BLOG SelectLanguage help.Gotanyquestions?I'mhappyto