Spring Special!

Toulouse can only be evoked with emotion and excitement. The city seduces and amazes the visitor with its culturaldynamism and its youth shininganew lightover an otherwise traditionaland typically French town Itresolutely is acharmingand vibrantcity,where tourists and locals alike can enjoy acertain nonchalance,while followingthe river from one activity tothe other Tinted in pink and lighten up by the Southern sun,Toulouse is atrue gem in the French province
Mostshopsareopenbetween10:00and19:30(or19:00)from MondaytoSaturday,withalunchbreakusuallybetween12:00and 14:00 Departmentstoresandshoppingcentershavelongeropening hours(until 20:00)andnolunchbreak Conveniencestoresand supermarketsareusuallyopenbetween8:30and20:30orlaterwith nointerruption