Play Together
Local Sports Teams Prove There is no ‘I’ in Pr_de BY TERRANCE GRIEP “The way a team plays as a whole determines its success. You may have the greatest bunch of individual stars in the world, but if they don’t play together, the club won’t be worth a dime.” — Babe Ruth When the topic is sports, teamwork between teammates is, well, pretty obvious— that’s what distinguishes a team from the cast of a Federico Fellini film. And success? That’s pretty obvious, too. Success is winning games, especially games played in front of the local fans. But the fans can become a kind of collective teammate themselves, helping the hometown heroes achieve that success.
Within certain limits, of course. The fans can’t chuck a grounder to the second baseman who tags the bag and throws to first for a double play; the fans can’t perform a no-look pass that’s lobbed around the horn until the center dunks it for two; the fans can’t can’t pass the ball back and forth and back, only to bicycle kick it past the gloved goalie—at least not without getting thrown out by security… …but… …the fans-turned-teammate might foil an opposing team member’s free throw by turning the glass backboard into a boiling sea of notsee, of flapping ulnas and foam fingers and salty
sneers; they might superstitiously spin towels over their heads, as if winding 18,000 jacks-inthe-box in an manic ploy to build morale; or they might confound the visitors’ defense with a ribald chant about the left wingback’s mother. It makes sense for teams to honor their fandom, or segments thereof, such celebrations casting an appreciative limelight on demographics as various as members of the armed forces or pet adopters or fans of movies, colleges…or even the fans of other local sports teams. Oh. And also LGBTQ sports fans, too. In our capitalist economy, fans are, for or for worse, also paying customers, so that team-
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