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The Challenge of Home


We can’t have a Fall Home and Garden issue without talking about home…

Back in June, I moved into my new place in Saint Paul. It has been quite an experience so far.

It is a two-story home built in 1911 with a basement for utilities – for now. It may have looked like an upscale home back in the day, since the stairway was split and to an easier angle for me to manage. The dark wood fi nishes inside and the ornate oval window door up front just make this house simply elegant for its era.

My space is quite large, including a walk-in closet and an offi ce. Both have the challenge of the roof cutting into some headroom deeper into each space. I keep the bedroom area open from each, as the closet and offi ce have their own storage spaces. It is a nice space and worth what I pay monthly.

My landlord has been working on renovations at the new place – both big and small. He dealt with a few issues regarding getting these renovations done – from rising estimates and material costs to some other nagging issues. I will not get too deep into those issues at this time.

One such addition to this home is a new parking pad off of the alley. It is a secure measure from keeping vehicles off of the streets. When I fi rst moved in, I had to park off of the alley onto the grass. The yard had seen better days, including ruts from tires cutting into the lawn.

The pad took a few weeks to fi nish. That included an apron from the alley with an interesting rake up to what appears to be a concrete slab raised above the yard level, based on city regulations. Just have to be careful when I bring home sports cars and sedans to work with.

That’s what makes issues, such as this Fall Home and Garden, resourceful when it comes to making your home truly a home – no matter if you own the property or rent it.

Our cover story features the guys from Wild Things Antiques. They have an inventory of …well…you name it! We feature them as a way to make your home your own – using your own style from their showrooms.

Because of this time of year, we offer ideas to get your garden through the change of seasons. Since you are seeing a lot of electrifi ed vehicles on the road, we talk about both at-home and public charging.

There’s so much to talk about in this issue, so I will let go through these pages. Maybe you’ll inspiration for your own home. That’s what we’re hoping for. 

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