Alicia Ashley World-champion paralegal says dedication key to success

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Profile: Alicia Ashley World-champion paralegal says dedication key to success [by Regan Morris] Alicia “Slick” Ashley is a world-champion paralegal. By day, she works on corporate litigation cases at Sullivan & Cromwell in Manhattan. Last month, she knocked out Elena “Baby Doll” Reid in front of more than 1,000 people at Harrah’s Hotel and Casino in Laughlin, NV. LawCrossing talks with the pugilist paralegal about juggling her two careers. It was her first professional boxing career

not going to put my all in my job, then there’s

dancing career, her brother suggested she

knockout, and they were the headliners on

no way I’m going to put my all in boxing.

take up kickboxing to stay fit. While boxing

an all-women boxing card. But Ashley was

So in that aspect, I would say it’s more of

and kickboxing seem equally damaging to

back at work Monday morning after an early-

personality than to the similarities of the job.

your knees, Ashley said as a professional

morning workout with her famous trainer,

Because the kind of dedication I put into box-

dancer, she was dancing 8 hours a day at

Hector Roca (recently in the news for training

ing I used when I was a computer technician,

least. As a boxer, she only trains for a few

Hilary Swank for Million Dollar Baby).

I used when I was a dancer, so I think it’s

hours each day.

more personality and the work ethic.” The knockout upset over Elena Reid was

A former professional dancer—Ashley, 37—had worked in law departments through-

The work ethic has paid off. Ashley’s boss at

Ashley’s 17th professional fight, and she’s

out her career, and she became a paralegal

Simon & Cromwell was supportive when she

now 11-5-1 (1 KO). After a year of training,

around 2001. With a degree in computer

asked for flexible hours so she could train for

she won the world championship. But she

systems, Ashley had been working in techni-

the Laughlin fight. She needed extra training

was broke and wanted a new, more flexible

cal support in law departments. Her first job

to prepare and started work at 11:00 a.m.

career. She started temping. Her experience

in high school had been with a law firm, and

instead of 9:30 a.m.

in law firms helped her learn the paralegal trade. She learned on the job, boxing before

it started a trend. “They knew what kind of worker I was, so

and after work.

When she was laid off by Prudential in 2000

they were actually willing to let me” work

during large cutbacks, she decided it was

flexible hours, she said, adding that she

“When I first entered [boxing], especially as

time for a major change. She decided to start

always worked at least an 8-hour day, she

an amateur, I fought like once every year,”

taking her boxing hobby more seriously and

just stayed later.

she said. “By the time I turned professional, they started to add a lot more amateur

turn pro. Ashley, who moved to the United States from

competitions. There’re quite a few amateur

Women boxers have come a long way since

Jamaica when she was 11, lives in Long Is-

competitions now.”

Ashley started boxing 10 years ago. While

land and trains at Gleason’s Gym in Brooklyn.

still an amateur, she said it was hard to find

She leaves her house each morning around

Ashley said she tries to keep her law firm

other women to fight. Now the sport—ama-

6:00 to get to Gleason’s by 7:00.

and boxing lives separate, but they inevitably intersect. Her colleagues surprised her with

teur and pro—is being revitalized, largely It was her brother who got her interested

a party after her most recent victory and

in boxing, one of many sports practiced in

like to go see her fight. She says she never

Do boxing and corporate litigation have any-

her competitive family. Her father was a

comes to work with black eyes on Monday

thing in common? Ashley laughs and says,

choreographer; her brother, a champion


“No. Yes. No. Yes.”

kickboxer. Another brother is a chess grand-

because of women boxers.

master. When asked if she and her kickbox-

“My nickname is Slick, I don’t get hit,” she

“Well, you can always find comparisons,”

ing brother ever beat up on the chess-playing


she said. “Because the one thing is how I

brother, Ashley laughs and says, “No.” Unlike many women boxers, Ashley said she

train, I would say how dedicated I am to doing things, you would see that also when I work.

Ashley has also competed in kickboxing.

never had a problem with chauvinism at the

It’s discipline,” she said. “If I work and I’m

When a knee injury ended her professional



continued on back


“The one thing I do remember—and this still happens—is that guys go, ‘Oh, you’re so pretty. Why would you want to do that, get your pretty face busted up?’” she said. TV networks used to show women “foxy boxing” as a sideshow to the main event, she said. But women are increasingly becoming the main event. Ashley’s boxing has lead to stunt work and boxing parts in movies. Aside from Hilary Swank, she has sparred with Michelle Rodriguez, the star of 2000 film Girlfight. When they needed an extra boxer in the movie, they called Ashley. Next, she will fight on-screen in Strangers with Candy, a Comedy Central show being turned into a feature film. “I got to spar with Michelle Rodriguez a lot, and when they needed someone to fight, she suggested me, and I ended up being in the movie,” she said. “That actually parlayed into a lot of stunt roles for me. I love doing stunt work. It’s a lot of fun. It’s fighting.” Ashley says she plans to stick with both her paralegal and boxing careers for as long as possible. “But boxing is a young person’s sport,” she said. “A lot of people are shocked by my age, because I don’t look it, I look like I’m in my 20s. But it’s not about looks. It’s about how much your body can hold up, and I’m hoping for at least five more years of this sport.”


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