A look into the crystal ball shows the future is now

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A look into the crystal ball shows the future is now [by Michael Kinsman] I always thought that being a futurist was pretty good work.

I figured that if you were always looking out

gin to wonder when it will happen again. If we

that you should be using to create a more

into the future making observations about it,

have a career setback, we think we have done

successful work environment for you and your

you could probably never be wrong. By looking

something to deserve it.

company. Too many workers have lost their drive because they think the company will

into the future, you would always have the chance to recast your observations before

This is the kind of thinking that never lets us

stifle them. Companies know that nothing is

they were proven untrue.

get ahead, never gives us the chance to thrive

permanent, so you should, too.

in our work and never take the chances we I thought people would think highly of you

need to take in a business world that is con-

because as long as you saw positive things

stantly changing.

- Make new friends in your workplace. You might not think there is anything wrong

ahead, it would make them happy or reinforce Business never waits for workers to adjust

with your current group of work friends, but

to its needs. Companies make changes and

if you look closely, they probably are a lot

And, there’s the side benefit that never be-

expect workers to embrace them, or they hire

like you. We grow by being exposed to new

ing wrong assures a certain degree of job

new workers they know will embrace those

ideas and fresh perspectives. Those we know



best probably think very similarly to us. New

But then I started thinking about this newspa-

Here’s some things to think about as you

our minds to new ways of doing things and dif-

per columnist I know. He writes on economics

evaluate your future, either with your current

ferent perspectives on what we are doing now.

and people refer to him as Mr. Doom & Gloom.

employer or with another one.

what they wanted to believe.

acquaintances, on the other hand, can open up

- Focus on what you have to do today and how

Well, Mr. Doom & Gloom is a bit of a futurist himself. His friends rib him, saying he has

- Envision the future of your business and then

successfully predicted 27 of the last three

figure out how you fit into it.

you can do it better. The future starts today so the quicker you

recessions. Most likely, your business is either undergo-

move the better off you will be. You don’t have

ing dramatic change today or will in the near

chart out an entirely new career or job to get

future. Instead of fearing this, look for the

rolling. All you have to do is adopt the attitude

But there’s no downside to becoming a futur-

possibilities it is bringing. Just because you

that you will look at things with an open mind,

ist for your own career. Unfortunately, most

haven’t done something before doesn’t mean

explore options that you might have dismissed

of us never realize that and stumble along

you can’t do it now. Unfortunately, workers

before and that you have an opportunity to be

accepting whatever happens in front of us.

are often told their limits by others. Don’t take

more satisfied in your job.

So you can see there is a downside to this.

that sitting down. The future is where your employer is headed.

We’ve all heard about this New Age idea that we have to take responsibility for managing

- Acknowledge that nothing is permanent,

You can either choose to be part of that future

our careers and plotting our own way in the

particularly when it comes to our livelihoods.

by thinking that you are, or you can retreat into the comfort of the past. Just don’t blame

world. Yet many of us fail to do that and, in fact, wind up doing just the opposite.

Many workers surrender to the forces of

your employer if they move ahead and you

corporate structure. But when compliance


As rational human beings, we have a tendency

with the expectations of others or believing

to frame the future with our past. If we have

that others hold the key to your success, you

been laid off twice in the last 10 years, we be-

are losing valuable initiative and creativity


© Copley News Service

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