Brooklyn Law School, Brooklyn, NY

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Brooklyn Law School, Brooklyn, NY [By Jen Woods] September 11, 2001, will forever be remembered as the day that changed America. Since the war on terror began, the country’s legal system has undergone significant reconstruction to prevent future atrocities. Many new and controversial laws have since been implemented, creating new legal challenges for lawyers.

Brooklyn Law School (BLS), located just

career center offers recruitment programs,

students gain experience with interviewing,

minutes from where the attacks took place,

workshops, and panel discussions.

drafting, counseling, negotiation, fact

has dedicated forums, town meetings, and classes to discuss the legal issues that have arisen in the aftermath.

In addition, prestigious national and New York City law firms—as well as major public sector employers—visit the campus in the

For instance, on February 11, 2002, law

fall semester to interview students for

professors Lawrence Solan and Anthony

summer and permanent positions. An Alumni

Sebok discussed the legal issues regarding

Mock Interview Program is also offered to

compensation for 9/11 victims and the

prepare students for real interviews.

Federal bailout of the airlines. The meeting was part of the “Understanding September 11: Probing the Past, Looking to the Future” forum series. The law school also offers a jurisprudence

Over the last three years, about 97 percent of graduates have found employment within nine months of graduation. With numbers like that, it should come as no surprise that only about a quarter of nearly 5,000

investigation, and oral and written advocacy. Students can choose to work in a broad range of legal areas, including bankruptcy, immigration, securities arbitration, criminal prosecution and defense, real estate practice, children’s law, and mediation. The school also has one of the largest externship programs in the country, placing more than 150 students in law offices, public agencies, nonprofit organizations, offices of corporate counsel, and judicial chambers every semester and during the summer.

seminar titled, “Advanced Problems:

applicants are accepted. The average GPA is

The law school publishes four student-

The Law After 9/11.” Law professor Gary

3.4, and LSAT scores range from 161 to 164.

edited legal journals, The Brooklyn Law

Minda teaches the class, which focuses on constitutional law, immigration, homeland security, technology, and other subjects that have been impacted by the war on terrorism.

The required first-year classes provide a general overview of the law and are designed to sharpen students’ analytical skills. Students must also complete a

Review, Brooklyn Journal of International Law, The Journal of Law and Policy, and The Brooklyn Journal of Corporate, Financial and Commercial Law. Students who choose to contribute to the journals have the opportunity to refine their legal research, writing, analytical, and organizational skills.

The school, founded in 1901, has established

seminar course, where they will develop

a solid reputation over the last 100 years. It was recently ranked 58th among the top 100

skills like negotiation, counseling, drafting,

law schools in the United States in the U.S.

roughly half the size of most other classes,

Notable alumni include United States

News & World Report 2007 Graduate School Ranking.

allow students to work intimately with

Representative Herman Badillo, New York

faculty on their assignments throughout the

State Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver,


criminal defense lawyer Bruce Cutler,

Statistics show that most BLS graduates are

and interviewing. The seminars, which are

well-equipped to begin practicing law right

Upper-class students have much more

out of school. Eighty-four percent of the

control over the courses they take, as they

June 2005 graduates passed the July 2005

have more than 240 classes to choose from.

New York Bar Examination, and 97 percent

Every spring a faculty panel discussion is

of those who graduated in the top half of the

held to help students decide on the best

class passed. The average state pass rate is

classes, clinics, and seminars for them.

76 percent.

Unique hands-on training is offered as part

former judge of the United States Court of International Trade James Lopez Watson, TV newscaster and talk show host Geraldo Rivera, and singer/songwriter Paul Simon. ON THE NET Brooklyn Law School

The school’s career center also plays a

of the school’s clinical program. Under the

vital role in preparing students for the

supervision of faculty, students represent

work world. Attorney counselors maximize

clients; and they appear in every type of

students’ marketability by teaching them

state, federal, and administrative court

U.S. News & World Report

job search skills and career strategies. The

on both the trial and appellate levels. The


The Brooklyn Law Review

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