Cooley Godward

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1. 800. 973.1177


Cooley Godward [Jefferson Byrd] The bubble may have burst for the dot com industry, but Cooley Godward remains a leader in the high tech practice.

Cooley Godward’s information technology

$125,000 plus a healthy bonus right out of

communication and encourage hospitable

specialty dates back to the 1950s. In the 70s

law school.

behavior. The liberal stance on maternity leave and flexible work arrangements taken

and 80s, the firm established itself as one of America’s preeminent technology law firms

When the dot com tide ebbed, Cooley God-

there makes Cooley popular with working

by taking the most powerful biotech com-

ward was among the many businesses to

parents. The firm has also established itself

panies public. From San Francisco, Cooley

feel the pinch. The weakening of the national

as a firm hospitable to gay and lesbian at-

relocated to the Silicon Valley, the high tech

economy caused Cooley to suffer over a


capital of the world, in the early 80s, opening

hundred layoffs between 2001 and 2003.

offices in Palo Alto and Menlo Park. The firm

Hardships withstanding, the firm man-

The hiring practices are not nearly as rigid as

expanded in size and focus from a regional

aged to cut corners and retain its powerful

those of conservative law firms of compa-

specialist firm to a full-service national firm,

roster of clients. Cooley was able to take

rable size. During the soaring economy,

riding the crest of the exploding computer

advantage of the troubles in the high tech

Cooley’s demand for attorneys increased

industry at the end of the 20th century.

industry by bolstering its litigation practice

drastically, then fell with the recession. Still,

during the litigious times that followed. The

the firm considers important factors besides

In the 90s, the firm more than doubled in

firm today employs over 500 attorneys in 20

grades. Credentials from a top-tier school

size, growing to over 700 attorneys. Profits

industries. Recently, more than a dozen of

would benefit a candidate, but real world

per partner quadrupled. Cooley Godward

Cooley’s attorneys ranked high on Chambers

experience, professionalism, and overall in-

is still ranked number one in representa-

USA’s Guide to America’s Leading Business Lawyers.

telligence are more significant qualifications

the largest biotech IPO ever. The firm also

Through adversity, Cooley has tried to main-


oversaw the $4.5 billion merger of MMC and

tain its laidback demeanor. The partners

AMMC, the largest semiconductor acquisition

pride themselves on providing a “lifestyle

Cooley Godward currently has openings in

ever. Cooley successfully defended internet

firm” environment, and despite the setbacks

San Francisco, Palo Alto, San Diego, Colora-

giant eBay against competitor Bidder’s Edge,

endured since the crash of the high tech

do, and Washington DC, including opportuni-

and cell phone company Qualcomm against

market, they still offer a high quality of life

ties for experienced corporate, bankruptcy,

Ericsson. In the last ten years, Cooley has

for associates. A casual atmosphere is usu-

real estate, employment and litigation attor-

been behind 230 IPOs worth an estimated

ally advocated in Cooley’s offices. Though

neys. More information regarding attorney

$20 billion, making it one of the top firms

the social calendar is not as full as it once

positions at Cooley Godward can be found in

nationally for public offerings.

was during the heyday of the end of the last

the LawCrossing job database.

tion of life science companies. They handled

for a prospective Cooley associate.

Adgenix’s initial public offering in 2000,

century, a rich variety of social interactions is As the founder of the West Coast’s first ven-

available at the firm. The partners have been

ture capital partnership, Cooley has helped

characterized as relaxed and down-to-earth,

many small businesses off the ground. The

and an open-door policy is maintained.

firm’s clientele includes two-person start up companies and Fortune 500 powerhouses

Cooley has taken measures to further its

like DirecTV, Nintendo, NBC, and TiVo.

reputation as host to a progressive work

Salaries at Cooley Godward rose to meet the

environment. The firm employs industrial

demand in the 90s. Associates could expect

psychologists to resolve issues of intergroup


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