Janet Mosseri

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Janet Mosseri, Director of Career Development, Shepard Broad Law Center at Nova Southeastern University [By Barry Perlman ] For Janet Mosseri, Director of Career Development at the Shepard Broad Law Center at Nova Southeastern University, helping legal professionals find jobs is a lot more rewarding than adjudicating a lot of “garbage cases.” Don’t get her wrong – Mosseri, a former administrative law judge for the City of New York, isn’t passing judgment on those cases she heard. “These were literally cases against people

of the law.” In that capacity, Mosseri truly

judge also came in handy. “In my previous

who were putting their garbage out at the

enjoyed being in the position of decision-

job, I had to listen a lot and listen very care-

wrong time of day -- not bringing in their

maker. For instance, she adjudicated many

fully, and I do that now. So often, students

garbage cans when they’re supposed to --

asbestos-removal cases, governed by laws

just need to say what they’re thinking out

putting out the wrong materials for recycling

still in the process of being settled. “There

loud to somebody. Maybe they can’t decide

collection. Nobody even knew all the rules

were often questions of what constituted

between one thing and another, and I tell

in the sanitation office. They were looking

illegal asbestos removal, and those cases

them what I’m hearing. ‘It sounds like this

at a piece of plastic and didn’t know if it was

tended to be more complex and lasted

is the way you’re leaning.’ And they usually

recyclable or not.”


respond, ‘Well, yeah, I think I am.’”

Naturally, garbage law isn’t the only thing

Still, she faced a huge daily volume of cases

When it comes to advice for job-seeking

Mosseri dealt with professionally prior to

and spent much of her time imposing fines

students, Mosseri stresses the fundamental

becoming a career counselor. A graduate

on people, a situation that eventually made

importance of doing well academically and

of Brooklyn Law School, Mosseri practiced

her unhappy. Mosseri recalls a particular

gaining as much legal experience as possible

civil litigation in New York for about 10 years

example of that: “The Building Department

while still in school. “Experience is very

in a few different small firms (including her

prosecuted a lot of small homeowners for

important to a lot of employers, and the more

own), arguing a variety of matters, including

illegal basement and attic apartments. Many

experience you gain during law school, the

many real estate and landlord/tenant cases.

of the defendants were people who weren’t

easier it will be to get a job when you gradu-

“Mainly,” she explains, “I just liked being in

native English-speakers, who had brought

ate.” When students aren’t sure exactly


their families over to live in these houses.

what they want to do careerwise, Mosseri

Then the Department tells them no one can

encourages them to try different things. “If

From there, she moved into the judge’s role

live in these apartments and proceeds to fine

they work in some area of law during school,

for two NYC city judicial authorities. For

them hundreds of dollars, and the people

they can make certain it’s right for them or

the Transit Adjudication Bureau, Mosseri

couldn’t afford to pay the fines or renovate

eliminate it as a possible career course. A

handled quasi-criminal violations in the tran-

the houses. In many cases, they didn’t even

student can come back after the summer and

sit system, such as fare evasion and people

put the apartments there to begin with. After

say, ‘This is not what I want at all,’ and still

jumping over the turnstile. As she recol-

a while, that kind of gets to you.”

have time to redirect their job search, take courses in a different area, and otherwise

lects, “There was never a dull moment, and I met some very interesting respondents.”

After deciding to relocate to south Florida

prepare for another path.” An additional way

Through her work with the Environmental

in 2000, Mosseri found a position in career

to try things out, according to Mosseri, is to

Control Board, Mosseri adjudicated viola-

development at Nova Southeastern and wel-

get involved in campus organizations linked

tions for a number of city agencies, like the

comed the transition to more positive work.

to potential areas of interest, as well as co-

Building Department, the Fire Department,

“I knew I would enjoy this kind of position.

curricular activities such as law journals or

the Health Department and, of course, the

The job description sounded as thought it

moot court. “Not only do these look good on

Sanitation Department.

would match my interests and talents, and I

resumes, but you get out into the legal com-

wanted something different.” Upon joining

munity. The more people you meet, the more

This broad exposure to NYC’s governmental

the temporarily short staffed office, Mosseri

people you tell you’re looking for a job, the

agencies encompassed, as Mosseri puts it,

jumped right into her new career and got up

easier time you’re going to have.”

“some novel cases and issues, several of

to speed with lots of on-the-job training. The

which required a little bit more interpretation

skills she developed as an administrative


In addition to counseling students, Mos-

continued on back


1. 800. 973. 1177

seri also talks to a lot of alumni who are

assume, than when repeat garbage offenders

looking for advice on changing their careers

came back to see her.

midstream. “They’ll call and say, ‘I’ve been doing this for 5 or 10 years, and I don’t think I want to do this anymore.’ Some are burned out, and some just really aren’t happy doing what they’re doing.” Mosseri finds that many dissatisfied alumni initially think they want to leave law altogether, only to discover it’s just the specific area of law or a particular firm lifestyle they don’t like. “Those in litigation often feel it’s too confrontational or negative. The other lawyers have gotten harder to deal with, and there are such high demands on them, they feel they’re not really helping anybody. They want to do something else that makes them feel they’re contributing more.” Many times, Mosseri helps confused students and alumni focus their job searches by focusing on themselves. “Most people haven’t done a lot of self-assessment before they get to me. I have them sit down and figure out not necessarily what the job is but what they enjoy, what their perfect day looks like. It helps people eliminate certain things right away.” She recommends books on alternative careers for lawyers – such as What Can You Do With a Law Degree? by Deborah Arron – to help advisees explore the full range of options. “Sometimes they just need to find another career within the law that can make them truly happy, something with a different or less confrontational work environment.” Mosseri has done just that herself by settling into a life as a career counselor, far from her days of laying down fines on turnstile-jumpers and negligent property owners. “I don’t miss the judge life at all,” she confidently reports. “I was ready to leave.” In her current job, Mosseri especially loves hearing from students after they graduate. “A lot of alumni come back to conduct the on-campus interviews, and it’s great to see them happy and successful. It’s rewarding and so much fun for me to see them when they come back.” Probably a lot more fun, one would


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