Eugene P. Stein Arming the 21st century lawyer: A firm's technology whiz shares his insights

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Eugene P. Stein Arming the 21st century lawyer: A firm’s technology whiz shares his insights [by Teresa Talerico] Although many lawyers view technology as a necessary evil, Eugene P. Stein’s mission is to show them it can actually be an attorney’s best friend. Chief Knowledge and Technology Officer at White & Case in New York City, Stein keeps his firm updated on the all latest tools and workplace advancements— from sophisticated search engines to legal software to customized gadgets. Stein is a 1994 graduate of St. John’s Univer-

Q: What are some common stumbling blocks

sity School of Law in Queens, NY. He and his

for lawyers using technology?

team are more than just the “computer guys”

A: I think we’ve got various, very good collaborative tools in place. We have 44 offices around the globe, so it allows our attorneys,

who swoop in when a computer crashes; they

A: The biggest challenge is people are used

regardless of time zone or location, to work

also develop new and innovative technology

to computers at home and used to being able

seamlessly with one another for common

specifically for the firm. Stein’s success re-

to do whatever they want on the computer

clients or legal issues that they’re collabo-

cently earned him the Legal IT Achiever of the

at home. [Here,] you’re working on a system

rating on. That’s rather unique. That’s also

Year Award from the Legal IT Forum.

that’s networked with everyone else. One of

built on top of a sophisticated set of knowl-

Q: How did you get into this field?

the major challenges is to take the time to go

edge libraries where we have practice notes,

to training and learn how the system works.

model legal forms, and model precedents

Carpenters need to know how to use the tools

available for all of our attorneys so they can

A: Being a lawyer is somewhat of a second

they have to build a house. Lawyers need to

find experts throughout the firm easily. They

career for me. I’d always been a technologist.

learn the tools they need to practice law. One

can bring the right legal skills to bear on a

After practicing for a few years, I was offered

of the biggest problems we have is training.

particular problem for a client.

an opportunity to combine my technology

Folks figure they know it because they have

background with the practice of law to find

it at home.

The third component is kind of proselytizing and getting the lawyers to use it. We have

ways to make the practice of law better. That field has become known as Knowledge

Q: How does being a lawyer yourself give you

very good success rates of attorneys within

Management. It’s trying to figure out what do

an advantage?

the firm using these systems to practice. It’s important for the up-and-coming law

lawyers know, what do lawyers do, how do we share collectively our wisdom, our knowl-

A: I already have the vernacular down. I’m not

students who are graduating because they’re

edge, and make use of it?

coming at this from a pure technical perspec-

getting used to an environment where they

tive, but I understand what lawyers do, how

have instant access to all sorts of informa-

Q: What are the rewards and challenges of

they’ve been trained, and how they work.

tion. They’re used to wireless connectivity

your work?

When I work with partners and associates, I

and getting it any time of the day or the night.

can easily walk in there as a fellow attor-

We’re trying to create that kind of an atmo-

A: You take a whole bunch of very high

ney and bring in the pieces of technology or

sphere here at the firm.

energy, smart professionals and try to get

knowledge components and get right to the

them to share what they know. It’s a signifi-

point. A two-word phrase to me might take 10

We’ve done technology fairs here where we

cant challenge. Many of the rewards are I

minutes to explain to somebody who doesn’t

try out new and different pieces of technol-

get to see just about every area of the law

have a legal background. It certainly facili-

ogy. We once built a desk out of a very large

firm, the business, and how it’s practiced. I

tates the conversation. It makes our selection

touch screen to see if the lawyers, as they’re

get involved with clients, I get involved with

of software and hardware that much easier

reviewing documents, would find that an easy

supporting the practice, and I practice. You

because we don’t need to involve the lawyers

way to work. We show those things off, we

really just do a little bit of everything in this

every step of the way.

embed little bits of technology into everyday

particular role. You also get involved in rather

items like binder clips. These are things

interesting legal questions and challenges

Q: What are some of the innovative ways your

we’ve tried; some have been better received

that come up from clients, as well as what we

firm uses technology?

than others.

as a law firm need to try to figure out.


continued on back


Q: Lawyers and technology—is that a good match? A: I would say most lawyers view technology as a necessary evil. I would say 60 to 70 percent of them view it that way. There are really some who are really savvy and love it and can’t get enough to help them with their practice. The rest of them are like, “It’s a necessary evil.” Q: What’s your advice for those interested in your field? A: Really understand how to learn the law, which is what law school teaches you. But really have a good grasp of how you learn the law. That will help you understand how to integrate tools to help people learn the law. Q: What do you look for when hiring? A: I look for people with technology backgrounds. I look for people with very good people skills, who understand how attorneys research, how they write and draft their documents, how they prepare for trial. Q: What are some of your niftiest technology inventions for the firm? A: We’re just about to deploy a global search engine within our firm. I hesitate to use a word like Google because Google signifies a really simple search. We’re about to deploy a search that’s concept-based. It helps you find previous legal product and experts in the firm just by saying, “Tell me everyone who knows everything about leasing property on the moon.” And it will go across our knowledge libraries and even our work product and bring back these three people throughout the firm who have done that type of work. It’s very neat.


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