He who hires a piper may fire a piper

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He who hires a piper may fire a piper [James Kilpatrick] The opinions of some appellate judges are so much fun to read that court buffs regard them in a class with fine wines. There is vintage Scalia, of course, from the Supreme Court, and vintage Wilkinson from the 4th Circuit. Today a toast is in order for Judge Richard Posner of the 7th Circuit. His opinion two weeks ago in Tomic v. Catholic Diocese of Peoria ranks with the better pressing of judicial grapes. This was a sippin’ opinion.

The case was of no particular significance.

is unquestioned. All who unite themselves

from “Jesus Christ Superstar” at an Easter

Until a big blow-up led the parties into

to such a body do so with an implied consent

Mass, he would be altering the religious

court, Richard Tomic was organist and

to its government and are bound to submit

experience of the parishioners. Posner found

music director for the Catholic Diocese of

to it.” At least since the 1870s, American

it “astonishing” that Tomic’s counsel could

Peoria, Ill. For reasons not explained in

courts have upheld “a fundamental right

argue that an organist’s choice of music

Posner’s opinion, the bishop fired him three

of churches to decide for themselves, free

could not affect his employment, as if the

years ago. Tomic was then 50 years old. He

from state interference, matters of church

words of the Gospel could be set with equal

sued for violation of his rights under the

government as well as those of faith and

congruity to Handel’s Messiah or to “Three

Age Discrimination in Employment Act. He


Blind Mice.”

U.S. District Court and lost again before a

To be sure, Posner explained, the state’s

“The religious music played at a wedding is

three-judge panel at the circuit level. Judges

hands-off approach to ecclesiastical matters

not necessarily suitable for a funeral, and

Michael S. Kanne and Diane S. Sykes joined

has its limits. “Federal courts cannot always

religious music suitable for Christmas is

Judge Posner in dismissing his case.

avoid taking a stand on religious questions.”

not necessarily suitable for Easter. Even

lost before Judge Michael L. Mihm (cq) in

Mozart had to struggle over what was Posner crept up cautiously on this one.

“If a local congregation of a hierarchical sect

suitable church music with his first patron,

Federal courts are secular agencies;

seized the local church, changed the locks,

Archbishop Colloredo, whom the Mozart

therefore, “they do not exercise jurisdiction

and declared itself an independent religious

family called ‘the archbooby.’”

over the internal affairs of religious

organization, a court would ... enjoin the


seizure. Or if, to avoid having to pay the

In sum, said Posner, turning at last to the

minimum wage to its janitors, a church

case of this particular petitioner and his

designated all its employees ‘ministers,’

supporters, Tomic had no right to a job

the court would treat the designation as a

dependent upon the bishop’s discretion.


“A federal court will not allow itself to get

This fairly pedestrian observation prompted a typically Posnerian aside: “When the United States Constitution was written, England had ecclesiastical courts with curious names, such as the Court of Arches and the Court of Peculiars. Since the United States was not to have a national church, the federal judicial power was not envisaged as extending to the resolution of ecclesiastical controversies.” (The jurisdiction of a Court of Peculiars extended to cases outside the usual jurisdiction of the bishop of a diocese. You may explain this to your next dinner partner when conversation lags. It had nothing to do with the case of Richard Tomic.) Posner was in his loquacious mode: “The right to form self-governing congregations


dragged into a religious controversy even In the case at hand, Posner saw pitfalls of

if a religious organization wants it dragged

jurisprudence. If Tomic’s suit were kept

in.” In brief, who pays a church organist gets

alive, the diocese plausibly could argue that

to pick the piper. Judge Posner, 67, doesn’t

he was fired for a religious reason, e.g., that

fiddle around.

the organist wanted to play certain music for Easter and the bishop wanted him to

(Letters to Mr. Kilpatrick should be sent by

play something else. Such an argument

e-mail to kilpatjj@aol.com.)

“would propel the court into a controversy, quintessentially religious, over what is suitable music for an Easter service.” There is no “one way” to play music, the court remarked. If Tomic played hymns with a rock ‘n’ roll beat, or played excerpts

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