Kirkpatrick & Lockhart Nicholson Graham Fellowship Benefits Law Students and Nonprofits Alike

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Kirkpatrick & Lockhart Nicholson Graham Fellowship Benefits Law Students and Nonprofits Alike [by Erica Winter] On its 50th anniversary in 1996, the law firm Kirkpatrick & Lockhart Nicholson Graham pledged $250,000 to the Pittsburgh Foundation, creating a fund for a new fellowship allowing law students to work at one of four area nonprofits. With gifts of $50,000 a year for five years, the U.S. K&LNG Public Interest Fellowship became active in the summer of 2000.

Since then, two or three law students have

60. The group has had a K&LNG fellow ever

each received the $1,000 per week stipend

since the start of the program, says Hol-

ship and a summer-associate position

to do a four-week public interest summer


with K&LNG, they are not assessed by the

internship. Two law students received the fel-

If law students apply for both the fellow-

same people. The K&LNG hiring commit-

lowship this year, says Roslyn Pitts, Firmwide

Hollander, who was on the Advisory Commit-

tee chooses summer associates. There is a

Director of Recruitment and Legal Personnel

tee this year, helping to select the K&LNG

separate Advisory Committee that chooses

for K&LNG. The large corporate firm started

fellows, says he is pleased to see an increase

the K&LNG fellows. The Advisory Commit-

in Pittsburgh, and the fellowship is based

in the number of highly qualified applicants,

tee is comprised of one K&LNG partner, a


as well as an increasing interest overall in

director from one of the benefiting nonprofits,

public service legal work.

and an in-house attorney from a business in

K&LNG does not require that law students—

Pittsburgh. Each of the committee positions

most of whom are rising third-years—work

As for the other groups included in the fel-

rotates, so the committee is not the same

as summer associates at the firm for the

lowship, the Neighborhood Legal Services

group from year to year.

reminder of the summer, says Pitts. Some do

Association provides pro bono legal services

apply and get both a summer-associate posi-

to low-income people involved in financial,

The fellowship is “a completely separate

tion and the fellowship, and some only apply

housing, or family legal issues. The Allegh-

program” from the firm’s summer-associate

for the fellowship, preferring to split their

eny Conference on Community Development

program, says Pitts; the fellowship is meant

summers between doing public interest work

seeks to improve the economy and quality of

to “benefit the community and not the firm.”

and working at other law firms.

life in the region through research, planning, and policy proposals. The Education Law

And it is not just the nonprofits that benefit

Another opportunity opened up by the fel-

Center provides legal assistance and infor-

from law students’ doing public interest legal

lowship is that it allows some law students

mation on issues in public education.

work, says Hollander. Interns at KidsVoice, including K&LNG fellows, get the chance to

to stretch out the stipend and devote their

stand in front of a judge and make an argu-

whole summers to doing public interest work,

There are “thousands of organizations out

says Scott Hollander, Executive Director of

there,” says Pitts. The firm chose these four

ment, which is not something many summer

KidsVoice, one of the four groups designated

on the recommendation of a committee of

associates have the opportunity to do.

by K&LNG for the fellowship. The other

K&LNG partners set up to select public inter-

designated organizations are Neighborhood

est groups to include in the fellowship; the

Above and beyond the practical experience,

Legal Services Association, the Allegheny

groups were also approved by the Pittsburgh

law students get “an understanding of how

Conference on Community Development, and


difficult this work can be emotionally,” says

the Education Law Center.

Hollander. They learn to respect the power When granted a fellowship, each law student

and impact that one simple recommendation

KidsVoice, formerly Legal Aid for Children,

may choose a group from among the four.

may have in the life of a child, and they also

provides representation for children who

The law student works out with the group

see that these cases are not necessarily cut

are caught up in abuse and neglect cases in

when to spend his/her four weeks there; if

and dried. Another important thing that Kids-

Allegheny County, which includes the city of

the student fellow is also a K&LNG summer

Voice interns learn is that “this work is not

Pittsburgh. The group represents all ages of

associate, the “students may also choose

for everybody,” he says. Doing pubic interest

kids, aiding 5,000 individual children in the

when to work with the organization” and

law for abused kids, says Hollander, “takes

last year. KidsVoice has grown over the past

when to work with the firm, says Pitts.

passion, dedication, and humility.”

five years, going from a staff of 10 to a staff of


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