Various Legal Professions

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Various Legal Professions This article is an account of various types of popular legal professions. It also focuses on the kinds of responsibilities each one of those professional categories is concerned about.

The legal services sector is a vast paradigm including different kinds of professionals specializing in particular areas concentrating on particular fields of Law. Some of them are: Legal nurse consultant: A Legal Nurse Consultant is a professional who is a certified nurse and has proficiency as a healthcare provider and also has specialized knowledge required in medical related legal cases. They are supposed to assist attorneys in reviewing medical records and also make out all the typical medical terminology to achieve the best results for the legal suitors. Lawyers/Attorneys: A lawyer or attorney is a professional well versed in law and has the license to practice law. A lawyer is supposed to apply legal theory to practical situations to seek justice for the person/entity to whom the wrong has been done. In this context it might be mentioned that an attorney especially deals with business issues and business transactions that fall within the purview of Law. Lawyers are supposed to solve particular problems for individuals who hire them for carrying out legal services. Roles of lawyers may differ according to diverse legal jurisdictions (for example, Civil Lawyers and Criminal Lawyers have different areas of practice and expertise). Legal secretaries: A legal secretary is a professional who works within the legal industry as assistants to full time lawyers. Their primary job is to help the lawyers prepare and file various legal documents including important motions and appeals. Legal secretaries are often supposed to locate specific information for particular cases. Legal secretaries are termed ‘’paralegals’’ in the United Kingdom.

Jury Consultant: A Jury Consultant is supposed to work closely in association with a lawyer while the process of Jury Selection is on both during the trial and the post trial session. The Jury Consultant plays multifarious roles of the reviewer and the commentator making the job of the lawyer more effective and flawless when working in the presence of the Jury. Trial Consultant: A trail consultant is a professional who is supposed to employ the studies and parameters of social sciences, psychology, and communication in particular with Law. They work in assistance with the attorneys while representing Civil and Criminal Lawsuits. Trial consultants also help people in preparing effective witnesses, improve on their arguments, and learn how and when to choose the juries. Judges/Justices: A judge or justice is one who presides over a Court of Law at times alone and at times as a part of a board of Judges or Justices. The basic role that a judge plays in a Court of Law is that he hears all of the proceedings and witnesses along with all the evidences presented by both the contesting parties. It is upon him to decide on the standing of the parties involved in the lawsuit and finally issue a ruling on the basis of his elucidation of law and judging of the offense. Court Reporter: A court reporter or a voice writer is an individual who is supposed to transcribe all the spoken and recorded speech presented within the court in a written, unhampered form. He makes use of machine short hand, digital recorder, official transcripts, and voice silencer. On the other hand a voice writer may at times be required to repeat word for word what the attorneys and witnesses and everyone else is saying amidst a proceeding.

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