Living and Practicing Law in Atlanta

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Living and Practicing Law in Atlanta [by Erica Winter] Wondering what life is like for your colleagues in Atlanta? We talked to several practicing attorneys in Atlanta, and, in general, it’s pretty good. Find out the many advantages and the few disadvantages about practicing in the largest metropolis in the Southeastern United States.

Atlanta is not what you think it is. That is - if

his quality of life. His wife is from Atlanta, so

says. He has seen this not just in the North-

you are thinking of “The South” that many

the family relocated south. Iarocci joined a

east, but also in the Northwest, and the West.

people who live in other parts of the U.S.

small Atlanta firm as a partner, then moved


to his current position with CARE in 1998.

In the real Atlanta, business is booming,

Now Iarocci is the head of a three-lawyer

meeting with defense counsel, or ignore your

minds are open, and most people who live

team at CARE, which has 12,000 employ-

calls, for example.

here are from somewhere else.

ees and $50 million in revenues, serving 45

Prosecutors in Atlanta are no slouches, McNabb says, but they do not refuse to take a

million people worldwide in its mission to

This legal civility is not necessarily because

alleviate poverty.

Atlanta is in the South.

town? No, say the insiders we talked to

Iarocci works with government contracts,

“People are extraordinarily accepting” in

- most of whom were originally outsiders.

government relations, and personnel issues.

Atlanta says Harry Harkins, Jr., who has

While not the “place to be” to practice one

He travels a lot, sometimes helping out CARE

been practicing law for 28 years, 12 of which

specific type of law (Houston - oil, Hartford

staffers overseas. He recently won a case

were spent in Atlanta. He still maintains an

- insurance), Atlanta could be the place to

in Kosovo, defending a CARE staff member

office in Durham, N.C., where law practice is

practice practically any type of law.

against false charges, and then fishing the

“tougher than in Georgia.”

But do you have to be a native to get hired and admired in the legal profession in this

staffer out of jail and the country. “I have a Practicing here.

great, great job,” he says.

“Civility.” “Congeniality.” “Reputation.” These

“The congeniality of the opposing counsel”

are the three words that kept coming up

is what stands out about Atlanta for attorney

again and again in our conversations with

Douglas McNabb, who heads a Houston-

Harkins has a solo practice handling appeals

attorneys practicing in Atlanta.

based firm working for clients charged with

for professionals facing disciplinary hearings

white-collar federal crimes, such as securi-

- mostly for attorneys, but also for physicians

ties fraud.

and CPAs. He is also expanding his practice

“Not that Georgia is not tough, but North Carolina is a particularly strict state,” Har-

Compared to larger cities like New York or Los Angeles, Atlanta’s legal community

kins says.

to work on wills and estate planning in the

is “smaller and tighter,” says Joe Iarocci,

Having worked on cases in 40 states and 80

General Counsel for CARE, (Cooperative for

different cities, McNabb says that some US

Assistance and Relief Everywhere, Inc.), one

attorney offices are “less professional” than

Here’s where “Reputation” comes in: Most

of the largest nonprofits in the world. Your

others. In the cases he has worked on in At-

of Harkins’s business comes from word-of-

reputation as a lawyer is more important

lanta, however, the federal prosecutors have

mouth referrals, he says, as does attorney

here, Iarocci says, because you work with

been “tough but fair.”

David Davenport’s.

“Rambo lawyering is looked down on in

Davenport works on both sides of the civil

Atlanta,” says McNabb. Sometimes, in other

litigation front with the firm Lamar, Archer

Iarocci was practicing antitrust law with a

parts of the country, McNabb encounters

& Cofrin. Most of his referred clients come

firm in New York, living there with his wife

prosecutors who seem to take cases person-

from other lawyers, and his firm does the

and small children, and wanted to improve

ally, and come out “with guns blazing,” he

same for other attorneys with whom they

gay community.

many of the same opposing counsel and judges again and again.


continued on back

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have good relationships. Davenport does not,

software to allow financial information to be

to be optimistic for you) above $350,000.

for example, do domestic cases, so he refers

sent state to state legally and confidentially.

We got over 700 possibilities, all of which

those cases on to trusted local colleagues.

Green works with programmers to help them

were single-family detached houses, and

navigate necessary laws, and also works with

many of which had yards and trees. Most of

The civility in Atlanta’s legal atmosphere not

loan accounts that are not being paid. “I wear

the houses were under $800,000 - a near

only makes your work day more enjoyable,

a lot of hats,” he says.

impossibility for a large house with a yard in

but can be an essential part of bringing in business as well.

a major Northeastern city. There is a lot of international law to be done in Atlanta, with branch offices of large firms

Living here.

Still, Davenport agrees, you definitely do not

in town, including a branch of intellectual

have to be a native to find success. Atlanta

property law firm Finnegan, Henderson,

Does he miss the snow of his native Massa-

is a “boom town,” he says; you won’t face

Farabow, Garrett & Dunner, which also has

chusetts? “I miss it coming down on a Friday,

any roadblocks for not being a native son or

offices in Tokyo and Taipei.

but not on the ground on a Monday,” says Joe


Iarocci. Looking for a big firm? The top five Atlanta-

The congenial atmosphere covers commu-

based law firms are, according to the June

“Today [March 26], the sun is shining, the sky

nity service as well, with many of the large

2003 Atlanta Business Chronicle:

is blue, it’s 75 degrees and the dogwoods are

firms in town giving a lot of support to pro bono work, says Susan McAvoy, Director of

blooming,” says Susan McAvoy. 1. Alston & Bird (447 lawyers)

the Office of Career Services at the Emory

And the people? “I love the diversity of people

University School of Law.

2. King & Spalding (428 lawyers)

here,” says Iarocci. The city is “very cosmo-

Company town.

3. Troutman & Sanders (282 lawyers)

live up to an “antiquated view of the South.”

CARE is not the only big player in Atlanta.

4. Kilpatrick & Stockton (250 lawyers)

Atlanta has about 430,000 residents inside

politan and diverse,” says McAvoy; it does not

The Carter Center and the American Cancer

the city limits, and over 4 million people in

Society are other large national and inter-

5. Powell, Goldstein, Frazer & Murphy (217

national nonprofits based here. The federal


government has many offices here, too. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

The city itself is “surprisingly integrated,” Money.

is based in Atlanta, and the EPA, IRS, and the EEOC all have regional offices here.

the region.

says David Davenport. There is a very well established, African-American middle and

Your salary might be lower than in New York

upper class in Atlanta, making it “quite a

City or Los Angeles, but the cost of living in

mecca” for many African-American profes-

As the state capitol, Atlanta also has the

Atlanta is far less, as well. The Bureau of

sionals, says McAvoy.

state legislature, and all state agencies.

Labor Statistics says that for 2002 (the most recent data available) the mean hourly wage

There are lots of things to do in and near the

According to a March 22 Associated Press

for lawyers in Atlanta is $45.94, and the

city, say all our experts - hiking and back-

report, 16 Fortune 500 companies are based

mean yearly salary is $95,550.

packing in the nearby mountains, arts and

in Atlanta. These include: Home Depot,

entertainment in town. “It’s a great city - but

UPS, BellSouth, Coca-Cola, Georgia Pacific,

Keep in mind, these numbers are at the cen-

Delta Airlines and SunTrust bank. Plus, CNN

ter of earnings, with many earning far more.

broadcasts from downtown, and has its home

Also, the hourly rate may give a better sense

You could have a house with a yard and trees

office here.

of earnings - the yearly salary was calculated

and be in the middle of Atlanta, ten minutes

based on a 40-hour week, something attor-

from your office, says Harry Harkins. Neigh-

neys rarely see.

borhoods our experts recommended include:

Atlanta also has a “very strong” and growing technology sector, says Jason Green, who

Druid Hills, Cascade, Morningside, Virginia

has been practicing law for 14 years. Green is

We did a quick internet search for houses

an in-house attorney for a company that buys

in the city of Atlanta with four or more

up existing loans, and which is also creating

bedrooms and two or more baths (we want


not too much of it,” says Iarocci.

Highlands and Buckhead. Like most major cities, public schools in At-


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lanta vary in quality. There are neighborhood

nization: pro bono work, volunteering in the

schools that are very good and see great loy-

community, time in the Peace Corps working

alty, says Susan McAvoy; still, most lawyers

overseas - these would all bolster your ap-

probably have their kids in private schools,

plication to nonprofits - both in Atlanta and

or move to the suburbs for the public schools


there. 5. “Come on down!” says Harry Harkins. The downside? “God-awful traffic,” says Ja-

Atlanta is a great place to live. Both the legal

son Green. About 2 million new people have

and metropolitan community will welcome

moved into the Atlanta area since the 1996


Summer Olympics, he estimates. The resulting housing boom has brought more people

6. Interested in Atlanta? There are 1,272 le-

driving from the suburbs, but not many more

gal jobs in Atlanta on LawCrossing right now.

roads for them to drive on. (You could avoid this, however, by getting a place in town.) Atlanta advice. 1. “Visit,” says Vickie Brown, Director of Career Services at the Georgia State University’s College of Law (and the only native Atlantan we found!). Check out the town and do some networking while you’re there - especially if you haven’t landed a specific position yet, she recommends. Susan McAvoy concurs. “You just can’t put enough stock in talking to people,” she says. 2. Don’t think that Atlanta is insular - if you’re good, you have a shot. Legal employers in Atlanta actively seek out candidates from other regions, says Brown. Most important: a good law school and/or good standing at law school, and a good track record afterwards. For attorneys, Atlanta has a “more open market than other places,” says Brown. 3. When you get here, get involved in the Bar; it’s important to get to know as many other attorneys as possible to build that reputation, says David Davenport. 4. Caution: many lawyers, dissatisfied with their work, start sending out résumés to large, well-known nonprofits in an effort to do “good work,” says Joe Iarocci. While admirable, charity begins at home, so to speak. You need to have demonstrated that you care about the same issues as your targeted orga-


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