Liz Hudson is Creative, Logical, and a Top Notch Recruiter

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LawCrossing Legal Recruiter Profile

Liz Hudson is Creative, Logical, and a Top Notch Recruiter Liz Hudson is the Managing Director at BCG Attorney Search and keeps an office in Malibu. In her first seven months, Liz set up approximately forty interviews for candidates with large law firms, and she placed eight candidates in attorney positions.Liz knows the legal market, and she helps candidates maneuver the application and interview process. Liz meets with her candidates face-to-face when possible, and conducts mock interviews either in person or over the phone every time a new candidate secures an interview.She provides detailed lists of the dos and don’ts of interviewing and prides herself on being available for her candidates, morning, noon, and night.

Liz enjoys a healthy lifestyle

Liz is the kind of person, who is strong, fearless, and

maintaining a Paleo diet and

versatile. Although this Midwestern girl’s number one

fitness regimen. Liz’s discipline is

priority is to have her own family, she travels as much

not restricted to just her lifestyle.

as possible while she’s unattached.Liz has traveled to

She brings her discipline to BCG

five different continents, 40 different countries, and

Attorney Search by studying

42 different states.Liz loves to travel because she

the firms, the criteria the firms

sees who she is in a new environment without any

use, and interview techniques to

preconceived notions. As a traveler, Liz gained a strong

land candidates jobs. A recruiter

sense of whom she was, what she wanted, and she was

“needs to know the legal market

inspired to be a better person by people from all over

inside and out.”

the globe. Her top trip so far has been Namibia, Africa, because the people were friendly and seemed to enjoy

Currently, she is covering the entire west coast

life without materialism or tourism.

including California, Arizona, Washington, Oregon, Nevada, Alaska, and Hawaii. Additionally, Liz covers international positions. Despite Liz’s busy schedule, she remains connected, and she is currently serving as Chair of the Northwestern University School of Law Alumni Club of Los Angeles.

of Florida, graduating cum laude and being named onthe Dean’s List several times. Of course, she always found time to go to the college football games and basketball games with friends and remains a proud Gator fan!Liz grew up in a college town close to East Lansing, Michigan, and she remains a loyal Michigan State fan as well. Liz is the kind of loyal hard-worker that maintains strong relationships personally, and professionally. Liz always follows up with firms and


for a couple of years, and then,Liz earned her J.D. from the prestigious Northwestern University. Liz remembers the first day of orientation fondly, because she suddenly realized she was going to love law school and all the new people that would become her peers. Liz

Liz attained her B.S. in Advertising from the University


Liz started working in advertising and public relations

is an extrovert, who seeks to continue to foster great relationships with amazing people. Liz derives a strong sense of who she is by surrounding herself with great friends and family. After law school, Liz worked at a large firm as part of the Investment Management Group at Bell, Boyd,& Lloyd (now K&L Gates), one of the top investment management practices in the country. After working at the firm, Liz worked as Assistant General Counsel at Guggenheim Investments in Chicago, one of the largest investment management companies in the U.S.

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LawCrossing Legal Recruiter Profile

Liz Hudson is a uniquely talented recruiter. With

Do you want to be a great recruiter? Liz has some

the creative outgoing personality of an advertising

advice. “Be passionate about what you do and be

executive and the logical reasoning of an attorney,

prepared to take disappointments along with the

Liz is the kind of recruiter that understands the legal

success. You are only as good as you are on your worst

market, relates with candidates, and thinks outside the

day.” All of your mistakes are stepping stones. Mistakes

box to land clients interviews. Legal recruiting requires

happen, and it is important to derive a lesson to serve

a blend of both her legal mind and her outgoing

as a benefit.

personality, which makes her a perfect fit for BCG. Liz is motivated by success. She always shoots to find Professionally, Liz is known for her positivity, realism,

the right match. There is no better feeling than when

and honesty. If a candidate is not the right fit, she will

a law firm makes an offer to one of her candidates,

let the candidate know that the firm is looking for a

and the candidate takes the offer. A perfect match puts

different kind of candidates with different experience or

a smileon her face every time, and she knows that

credentials. She is not interested in wasting anyone’s

feeling will never get old. To set up a perfect match a

time. When life hands Liz struggles, Liz is confident in

candidate must have the right credentials, be reliable,

herself and the ability to get through it. She focuses on

be responsive, and know what they want. Additionally,

the positive in her life and the lives of others. As her

a candidate has to trust their recruiter; it is a legal

late father often told her, “keep your feet firmly planted

recruiter’s job to be the expert.

on the ground, but make sure you keep your eyes on the stars every now and again.”

When Liz is not working as a top notch recruiter or watching a Florida Gator game, she is hiking the

When asked whether Liz worked with a mentor, she

mountains around L.A., riding her beach cruiser along

remained grateful and humble. “I’ve been blessed

the water, or checking out a great restaurant with

with many great mentors along the way. I try to learn

friends. Liz remains dedicated to her friends and family.

something from everyone I come in contact with, so in

“At the end of the day, chocolate is good, but friends

many ways my list of mentors is never ending.”

are better.”


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