Michigan's Summer Start Unique Among Top Law Schools

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Michigan’s Summer Start Unique Among Top Law Schools [by Erica Winter] Despite the fact that University of Michigan Law School’s Summer Start option has been around for decades, it could turn out to be one of the better-kept secrets in law school education.

Summer Start at University of Michigan

eficial to those who have been out of school

The law school does not have a year-round

Law School in Ann Arbor, is such a simple

for a few years and need some time to get

calendar; only the first-year summer starters

concept—start law school early—that it is not

acclimated to academic life.

take law classes in Ann Arbor in the summer.

impact on a law student’s overall educational

All students who are accepted early decision

Summer starters get a break from classes

experience, however, is pivotal.

to Michigan Law do summer start. In addition,

the summer after their first years, along with

regular applicants who want to do summer

their fall-starting colleagues. They work or

Michigan Law divides its entering law school

start indicate this on their applications and

do internships, return for two semesters the

classes into four groups of about 90 students.

are considered for the early start.

next year, and work again the next sum-

Two things weigh in students’ favor for Sum-

semester of classes in their third years

Start each year, explains Sarah Zearfoss, As-

mer Start admission: flexibility and time out

and graduate in December. Some take a

sistant Dean and Director of Admissions.

of college. There are three boxes available

semester off in the middle of their law school

for an applicant to check off when applying

studies—to have children, work on a political

The system is simple. A summer starter at

for regular admission to Michigan Law: fall

campaign, or do an extended externship—and

Michigan Law begins law school around June

start, summer start, or either one. Those who

graduate in May with the rest of their class.

1 and takes two assigned classes and a legal

prefer a fall start will not be considered for

writing course. For the fall semester, he or

summer start. Those who select “either one”

Michigan Law, like most top law schools, only

she takes three assigned classes and legal

give a good impression, says Zearfoss, being

ranks its students after graduation. Summer

writing. Then, in the winter semester, he

flexible and demonstrating their desire to

starters are ranked in late May, along with

or she takes one assigned class, and three

come to Michigan Law at any possible time.

the other members of their class who have

even considered to be a “program,” really. Its

mer. Many summer starters take one more

One of these groups, or one quarter of firstyear law students, is accepted to do Summer

just graduated. Class rank is de-emphasized

electives. Those who indicate “summer start” are con-

at Michigan Law, since all of those admitted

With fewer courses to contend with at once,

sidered for the program, but can hurt their

are talented. “You have a really smart student

summer starters can “perform to the best of

images if they are accepted for summer and

body,” says Zearfoss.

their abilities,” says Professor Philip Frost,

then bargain for a fall start instead, warns

Associate Director of Michigan Law’s Legal

Zearfoss. Doing this “is not a good tactic,”

Students do know their GPAs throughout

Practice Program. Frost will teach Legal

says Zearfoss. Michigan Law Admissions staff

their Michigan Law careers, however, and

Practice I and Legal Skills to first-years this

members “don’t like bargainers.”

this can be an arena where the summer starters are at an employment advantage,

coming summer. Few summer starters are coming right out of

says Frost. By the end of their first year,

All the other Michigan Law first-years start

undergrad. Doing five semesters in a row is

summer starters have three semesters worth

in the fall semester taking three assigned

a tough job, and there is a potential for burn-

of classes and grades to show employers, not

classes plus a legal writing course; in the

out. Plus, on a more practical level, it’s hard

just two. Summer starters will have complet-

winter semester, they have three required

to move to another state and get settled—let

ed all of their required first-year courses and

courses, one elective, and legal writing.

alone trying to do it in two weeks between

progressed deeper into their electives.

undergraduate graduation and the beginning Summer Start is a “slow ramping up” of law school, says Zearfoss, and is especially ben-


of the summer start semester.

This can give summer starters an advantage as employers come to campuses “earlier

continued on back


and earlier,” says Frost, recruiting for 2L summer jobs in the fall of students’ second year—most with only two semesters of law school under their belts. For many, this 2L summer job will be their first job offer out of law school, so “this is why students get so anxious” about their first-year performance, says Frost. The summer start “makes sense,” says Frost, allowing a slower pace with fewer courses.


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