Productive Summer Vacations from Law School

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Productive Summer Vacations from Law School [by Rachel Daniel] As summer winds down, it’s time to examine what you did with your time off and what —if anything— you can do with the remaining month.

While it is a given that summer vacations

friends and parties. What will you gain from

Even some menial but unusual duties for

away from law school are far too short, they

this? Well, for starters, you’ll be ahead of

an interesting case will look better on your

can still be productive. But such productivity

your law school peers who may have taken

resume then the “same old” research and

usually does not just come naturally; instead,

some time off. Secondly, you’ll also be pre-

writing work. Consider your competition at all

we must plan and make ourselves do what is

paring yourself for what your career will be

times. Some of them will be relaxing all sum-

needed to ensure a fruitful time off.

like. Attorneys do not get 3 months off at a

mer, so you’re already ahead of them. But

time to vacation, and you are vying to become

others will have internships just like yours,

Now what constitutes a “productive sum-

one. So why not start getting yourself into

so it’s up to you to do something outstand-

mer” can be a highly subjective matter. Some

that frame of mind by continuing to work? Of

ing during your internship to make yourself

would say that working and studying are the

course, this line of thinking does not allow

stand out.

only ways to remain productive. In that way,

your brain to get its R & R time, but in the

you can stay on top of your game and be

competitive, dog-eat-dog world of law school,

Now for the other side…taking the summer

ready for the competitive world of law school

you might be able to persevere without taking

off. We’ve just extolled the virtues of working

come the fall term. An internship or clerkship

those rests.

hard all summer, but the drawback of that,

will definitely fall into this “work-now, rest-

of course, is there will be no break for you. Besides just studying, you may also be hard

Instead of three separate years of law school

at work at an internship or clerkship. While

with enjoyable breaks in between, you’ll be

Others would contend that you should forget

these duties definitely take away from your

caught in one (very) long semester that will

about your studies. Perhaps relax and hit

study time, the benefits are enormous. You

last 36 months. Your summers will be a break

a beach resort for a month. Or just rent a

receive real-life experience, albeit at low or

from the classroom, but not from work and

few dozen movies and get caught up on your

no pay, and you get to see and experience the

studying. Can you handle that?

relaxation. Anything to give your brain a

inner workings of a law firm or perhaps of a

break from the intense studies that you just

judge’s chambers. But once you get an in-

If your answer is no, then it’s not the end

endured and that are about to follow. Such a

ternship or clerkship, you still must maintain

of the world. There is no shame in taking

break in and of itself does not sound produc-

hard work and discipline.

some time off to enjoy your life. There is no

later” plan.

tive, but in the long run, it could very well

escaping the fact that some of your competi-

serve as a brain refresher that will benefit

One thing to keep in mind here as you finish

tion may have jumped ahead of you in their

you greatly come next semester.

up your work this summer is that many other

studies or in real-world experience, but think

law students spend their summers doing

positive and focus on the advantages that you

Still a third method is a combination of both

this exact same thing. The fact that you have

yourself now have because you took time off.

studying and relaxing…maybe a study-abroad

“internship” or “clerkship” on your resume

program in the South of France. But these

is not that rare. Common duties here include

You should be more refreshed, more ready

dual plans often fall short on both ends,

dispositions and filings and research, for

and able to begin again in the fall term. You’ll

where you get both too little work done and

example. Granted, those are important du-

have a revitalized approach and a sense of a

far too little relaxation. So we’re left to exam-

ties, but they are also duties that appear on

new beginning when the first classes begin

ine the pros and cons of what to do with your

virtually every resume of law students when

again…just like we all felt on the first day of

summer…a summer that, by the time you

they try for that all-elusive first job.

school growing up. To someone who worked all summer, the first day of school will bring

read this, will only have a mere four weeks or so left of it.

So instead of spending your summer intern-

less excitement because that first day of

Let’s begin with the first example, where you

ship just doing the basics, take your last

school will be merely a continuation of the

continue to study and work hard…ignoring

month and ask for some duties that will

hard work they put in all summer. Just ask

the summer sun and the beaches and your

differentiate yourself from your competition.

anyone who had to endure summer school


continued on back


during high school. Almost everyone who took summer classes will tell you how they stared out the window, watching enviously as their friends played in the sun. There is also the possibility, either by chance or by your making it happen, that your summer vacation yields some productivity after all. You may encounter something—either in or out of the legal realm—that could make good fodder for a law journal article. Sometimes if you go out looking for a story or theme, it will not come to you; but if you sit back and relax and just go through your summer, that theme may hit you. So whether you read this in retrospect for this soon-ending summer or consider it for next year, the choice is yours. It all depends on the individual and what you need to accomplish. Your remaining year(s) in law school and then getting a job afterwards will be very competitive ordeals for you, and only you know the best way to for you to prepare for those. And planning your summer can be just as important as planning your in-school time.


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