Profile: Siobhan Smith; Corporate Paralegal; Steptoe & Johnson, LLP

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Profile: Siobhan Smith; Corporate Paralegal; Steptoe & Johnson, LLP [by Regan Morris] Corporate paralegal Siobhan Smith comes from a long line of legal professionals and says there was never any doubt that she would pursue a career in the law. LawCrossing speaks to Smith about her career and the secrets to her success; she was recently named one of the top paralegals in the nation by legal author Carole Bruno.

Smith’s father was a judge; her brother is a

Other parts of corporate law in Britain are

research. It’s very interesting to me. It might

prosecutor; her mother worked in a law firm;

more efficient than in the United States. Fil-

not be interesting to the rest of the world,

and several of her cousins are attorneys. At

ings can all be done online, and the process

but I love it.”

age 18, Smith said she knew she wanted to

is centralized through Companies House.

join the family business.

In the United States, one would have to file

Smith has been with Steptoe since 1991,

with an individual state depending on the

aside from a 10-month stint when she was

company’s location.

lured away by another firm. Steptoe missed

Smith’s first legal job was in the account-

Smith, and she missed it. When the firm

ing department of Steptoe & Johnson, LLP. During college, she earned her paralegal

“Here, you have Companies House. That’s

certificate as she pursued a Bachelor of

where you form your company. It’s very con-

Science and eventually moved to a paralegal

venient,” she said. “The language differences

Smith was thrilled to learn that she had been

position within the firm.

are great. It’s been challenging, but very,

nominated as one of the top-15 paralegals

very interesting. I love it.”

for Carole Bruno’s book. The paralegal

Smith intended to go to law school, but she

called and asked her to come back, she did.

manager and several partners at the firm

also wanted to start a family and worried

Smith, like many legal professionals, initially

nominated her. What’s the secret to her suc-

about juggling the long hours of an attorney

wanted to pursue a career in criminal law.

cess? Be open-minded, get the job done, and

with the demands of raising children. While

But when she discovered corporate law, she

keep smiling.

many of her colleagues and family still urge

knew she’d found her niche.

her to attend law school, Smith said the

“I would say the number-one thing is to “I bounced around in all different practice

communicate with everyone around you and

areas, and I loved litigation. The hundreds

to keep it really short and sweet,” she said.

“I get my legal fix from nine to five, and then I

of boxes were a little daunting. And it just so

“Attorneys don’t want to hear how awful it

go home to my kids. In my mind, it’s the best

happens that at one point, they had this very

was or how hard it was for you to get the fil-

of both worlds because I don’t know too many

large transaction, and the corporate para-

ing through. They want to hear the filing was

lawyers who get to leave at five every day,”

legal at the firm at the time asked if I would

made on this date, evidence is on the way.”

she said.

consider helping her even though I had no

paralegal profession is a perfect fit for her.

Normally based in the DC office, Smith has

corporate experience,” she said. “I jumped

If you complain about how difficult your job

on it and loved it. And I decided that was it.”

is, you’re unlikely to rise through the ranks

been working from the firm’s London office

and get more responsibility, she said.

for the last eight months and plans to stay a

In corporate law, Smith said she felt she was

few more years. While the U.S. legal system

getting more responsibility and she doesn’t

“Stay positive and keep smiling. Out here in

is based on English Common Law, there are

have to deal with as many documents, which

Britain, the same thing goes, and I think it’s

many differences between American and

she disliked while in litigation practice.

true in any profession,” she said. “People

British corporate law. For example, appoint-

just don’t want to hear your stories; they

ing a company director in the United States

“I was doing much more substantive work as

want to know what the problem is and how

is simple and does not require government

a corporate paralegal than I was in any other

you propose to fix it.”

agency. In Britain, the process, which Smith

practice area,” she said. “And in corporate

says can be “convoluted,” involves numerous

law, I actually draft documents. I coordi-


nate the transactions, and I do a lot of great


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