Proskauer Rose

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1. 800. 973.1177


Proskauer Rose [Joann Chang] For lawyers looking to indulge their sports fanaticism while using their Ivy League law degree, Proskauer Rose is the place to work.

For lawyers looking to indulge their sports

ate students. The strength of Proskauer’s

associates might have the best compensation

fanaticism while using their Ivy League law

litigation practice rests undoubtedly upon the

of all, listing the tickets to the Tony awards

degree, Proskauer Rose is the place to work.

work of its name partner, Judge Proskauer.

and playing basketball in Madison Square

Although the 128 year old firm is also known

Judge Proskauer’s dedication to litigation not

Garden as some of their perks.

for its top labor & employment and litigation

only increased clientele, but also enhanced

work, it is undoubtedly the firm’s sports and

the overall status of the firm. More recently,

celebrity clientele that gives it its glamorous

the firm has continued its commitment to

lar graduates of local law schools have the

edge. Proskauer represents almost every

litigation this summer by acquiring the NY

best chances of getting hired at Proskauer.

major sports organization, from the NBA to

boutique litigation firm of Solomon Zauderer

Harvard, Columbia and Cornell as well as

the NFL to MLB, as well as entertainment

Ellenhorn Frischer & Sharp. Proskauer now

Brooklyn Law School and Fordham are

players such as Madonna, Jive records and

has 300 lawyers in its litigation practice and

among the firm’s favorites. Proskauer has


over 160 lawyers in labor & employment.

also been rumored to overlook other aspects

New York-based Proskauer broke into the

With a minimum 2,000 billable hours re-

credentials. More demanding than the hiring

sports world in the 1970s with its famous

quirement, Proskauer Rose is not simply

process seems to be the partner selection

representation of the NBA against the Oscar

about socializing with rock stars and celeb-

process. Associates who have demonstrated

Robertson antitrust suit. Although the NBA

rity athletes. Long hours and work hard are

loyalty by their long standing employment

eventually lost the suit, the case neverthe-

expected by both the firm and its associates.

in the firm have the best chances of making

less established Proskauer’s reputation

However, associates have also described

partner, but even then prospects are clouded

for exceptional sports law work. The firm

their offices as unusually social for a large

by uncertainty. And though Proskauer has

continues to reinforce its reputation and

firm and have been known to participate in

no qualms about hiring lateral partners,

is often the top choice to represent teams,

happy hours with coworkers. The occasional

late lateral associates can most likely forget

team owners and sports associations. In

complaints of unreasonable, frosty partners

about partnership.

2002, Proskauer beat out competing firms

and sharing first year offices aside, associ-

Graduates of top tier law schools and stel-

such as personality in favor of top academic

to represent Major League Baseball in suc-

ates have otherwise stated that they enjoy

While it may be hard to make partner and the

cessful labor negotiations with the Major

their hardworking and honest workplace

firm may not be all about sports and celebri-

League Baseball Players Associations. The


ties, Proskauer Rose still manages to get

firm is also getting recognition for its fashion

high marks from associates. The laid back

industry clients, having represented Donna

The benefits of seeing famous clients in the

and hardworking environment seems to suit

Karan International as well as luxury stores

office must be incorporated into associates’

many lawyers. The firm has recently received

Barney’s and Hermes.

salaries, because Proskauer consistently

the 2003 Special Award of Merit by the New

lags behind other major New York firms in

York Women’s Bar Association for its contri-

Proskauer’s litigation and labor & employ-

compensation. This is especially true for

bution to the advancement of women.

ment practices have historically been at

senior-level compensation, as senior associ-

the center of the firm. The firm’s strongest

ates find their wallets several thousand dol-

practice, labor & employment, has handled

lars lighter than those of colleagues at other

several noteworthy cases including the

top NYC firms. First year associates do better

representation of Yale University against an

comparatively, making similar incomes to

unfair labor practice suit filed by gradu-

other first-years in large firms. Summer


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