Securities and Exchange Commission

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Securities and Exchange Commission [Marty Schultz-Akerson] This week, we take a break from examining law firms, per se, and instead look at a huge government agency that employs about 1,500 attorneys. The SEC has an interesting history and modern attitude toward new technologies, all of which adds up to an exciting place to practice.

Although the layperson might think of the

Although many of the foundational laws of

two possible violations of SEC violations. The

Securities and Exchange Commission as

the SEC were passed by 1940, recent ad-

first involved the improper issuance of stocks

primarily an employer of accountants and

ditions serve as a useful indication of the

to its employees. The second, not without

economists, nearly half of the agency’s 3,000

agency’s attempt to keep pace with innova-

irony, came with the release of an interview

employees are lawyers. The SEC celebrates

tions and present challenges in the areas of

Google’s founders had done with Playboy

its 70th anniversary this year with a heavy

investment and business. For example, the

magazine that some believed violated an SEC

docket of nationally publicized cases and af-

Sarbanes-Oxley Act, which President Bush

rule mandating a quiet period before an IPO.

ter the recent attention to white-collar crime,

signed in 2002, was created in response to

a reaffirmed mission of safeguarding inves-

mounting concerns over corporate scandals

tors in the vibrant but potentially vulnerable

most famously exemplified by Enron and

ment in the securities markets translates

U.S. securities market.

WorldCom. Perhaps the most significant

into the need for lawyers with a diverse set

change to securities laws since the New

of skills and specialties. The main legal divi-

The SEC’s widespread and complex involve-

Five commissioners who are appointed by

Deal, Sarbanes-Oxley places even stronger

sions of the SEC workforce are: enforcement,

the President of the United States govern the

emphasis on proper disclosure of informa-

corporation finance, market regulation,

SEC. To ensure a non-partisan stance, no

tion to investors and the enforcement of

investment management, general counsel,

more that three commissioners can hail from

codes of professional ethics for executives.

compliance inspections and examinations,

the same political party, and their appoint-

In addition to white-collar crime, technologi-

and international affairs. While some SEC

ments are staggered so that every year one

cal advances in investing (such as on-line

lawyers may dedicate their time to the

commissioner steps down, making room for

trading) and the globalization of the market

investigation and litigation of securities fraud

a new perspective. Although the SEC keeps

stand as current challenges for the SEC.

claims, others might focus on analyzing disclosure statements, creating new SEC rules,

its headquarters in Washington, DC, it also houses 12 regional offices in financial hubs

Lawyers at the SEC often work on cases that

or interacting with regulatory counterparts

across the country.

involve some of the most prominent corpora-

abroad. Across the board, SEC lawyers work

tions and business leaders in the world.

closely with accountants, economist, finan-

Investors of the Roaring 20s and previous

Recently, Halliburton agreed to pay $7.5

cial analysts, and other professionals in the

generations placed little credence in the idea

million in fines to resolve a claim brought by

securities industry.

of stringent securities regulation, and it was

the SEC. Allegedly, the company, which was

not until Black Thursday brought the world

headed by Vice President Dick Cheney at the

With opportunities ranging from entry-level

of high finance to its knees that the forma-

time, neglected to announce the implemen-

law clerk to supervisory attorneys, the SEC

tion of the SEC became a reality. In response

tation of a change to its accounting process

has something to offer legal professionals

to the stock market crash of 1929, Congress

that resulted in a 46% overstatement of its

at all stages of their careers. While straight

first passed the Securities Act of 1933, which

pre-tax revenue.

monetary compensation falls below the top market rate in the private practice, a highly

requires the disclosure of information to investors and outlaws securities fraud. One

The SEC also affects business practices

competitive benefits package, flexible work

year later, the Securities Exchange Act of

indirectly, as exemplified by the tension-

hours, and other intangibles provided by a

1934 gave birth to the SEC, which has since

filled weeks before Google’s landmark IPO

government post counterbalance any short-

fought off the prospect of a second Great De-

in August 2004. Although the SEC did not

comings there may be in salary. In short,

pression as the nation’s premiere securities

bring any charges against Google, the mere

lawyers with a particular flair for finance

law-enforcement agency.

threat of its presence led Google to disclose

and investment or who are simply seek-


continued on back


ing a stimulating alternative to the private practice, might find their ideal job at the Securities and Exchange Commission.


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