The Legal Aid Society of New York City

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1. 800. 973.1177


The Legal Aid Society of New York City [Joann Chang] It is a common belief that all attorneys who make it through law school quickly abandon their dream of using their law degree to improve society for a new dream of owning a really nice car. The large roster of public interest lawyers at Legal Aid proves otherwise.

Since its origin in 1876, The Legal Aid Society

munity projects. Among its recent undertak-

of New York City has been dedicated to pro-

ings is the World Trade Center project, which

ciety with aspirations of changing the world,

viding public interest legal services, general-

provides legal assistance to thousands of

most come to realize that the real emotional

While many attorneys join The Legal Aid So-

ly to New York’s underclasses. What initially

New Yorkers facing uncertain housing, em-

rewards lie in helping one individual or fam-

began as one attorney hired by the German

ployment or living situations due to the 9/11

ily at a time. Although The Legal Aid Society

Society of New York to protect German immi-

disaster. Another project taken on by Legal

only offers small salaries and budget restric-

grants from exploitation has now grown into

Aid in its commitment to the community is

tions limit the number of available jobs, staff

the nation’s oldest and largest public interest

the Campaign for Harlem. At the core of this

attorneys report great personal fulfillment as

law firm. New York attorneys looking for a job

project is the construction of a 29,000 square

well as invaluable job experience.

that will help ensure public access to legal

foot building that will alleviate the current

assistance will not find a better opportunity

cramped conditions of the Harlem office. In

than with the 800-lawyer Legal Aid Soci-

addition to the new building, the Campaign

ety. With offices in all five boroughs and an

for Harlem project hopes to raise a $22

annual caseload topping 300,000, Legal Aid

million fund to provide continuing financial

will undoubtedly provide copious amounts of

support for the office and the surrounding

experience in public interest law.


Legal Aid’s practice areas consist of its civil,

Devoid of the usual corporate perks such as

criminal defense and juvenile divisions, with

expensive luncheons and cocktail parties, the

the criminal defense practice accounting for

Legal Aid Society provides its attorneys basic

two-thirds of its caseload. Historically, the

monetary compensation and uses the rest

Society’s civil division has been the primary

of its funds to further its causes. Attorneys

basis of the organization, providing a range

seem happy to work with non-corporate

of services including assistance in employ-

salaries and derive their satisfaction from

ment law, health law, housing law, and im-

the altruistic nature of their work. But the

migration law. The attorneys in the criminal

low salaries do not necessarily eliminate job

defense division serve as New York City’s

competition. Budget restrictions for many

primary public defenders. The criminal divi-

public interest firms, including Legal Aid,

sion has recently experienced tremendous

mean the number of jobs is strictly limited.

growth with the addition of 80 new attorneys

And in addition to academic excellence, Legal

this past fall, bringing the division total to

Aid looks for a proven commitment to work-

500 attorneys. Finally, the juvenile division

ing with the poor in its candidates. For those

handles over 90% of all New York City Family

future attorneys with interest in public inter-

Court cases and is currently working with the

est law, the Society also offers exceptional

Family Court to prioritize a child’s need for

fellowship and internship opportunities. In

stability in the court system.

fact, second year law student interns are as-

Aside from providing legal assistance to the

six-week training program.

signed court cases under supervision after a poor, Legal Aid also takes on special com-


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