Wachtell, Lipton Rosen & Katz

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1. 800. 973.1177


Wachtell, Lipton Rosen & Katz [Jefferson Byrd] This David has taken on multi-billion dollar Goliaths and remains one of America’s top corporate firms despite, or perhaps because of, its small size.

Founded with the goal of creating a firm

clients tens of millions of dollars, Wachtell

arduous. The firm’s small size accords them

without hierarchy, where attorneys write

shares the wealth with its associates, of-

the ability to be picky about their hires.

their own briefs and do their own research,

fering generous bonuses that far exceed

Wachtell only hires associates they believe

the relatively young firm of Wachtell, Lipton

those available at other prestigious New

will ascend to partnership. Stellar academics

Rosen & Katz is far smaller than its competi-

York firms. Last year, the firm paid bonuses

from a top-tier school are usually a deter-

tors. The firm’s total number of attorneys

ranging from $50,000 to as high as $170,000.

mining factor. Attorneys with good grades

is about the same as the average entering

Distributing its considerable earnings among

from Harvard, Yale, Columbia, Chicago,

associate class of a large law firm. With only

the associates is part of Wachtell’s overall

Penn, Stanford and NYU are considered the

one office, it remains, however, the leader

scheme to eliminate the rigid hierarchy

standard. Taking a summer internship at

in the field of corporate law. Wachtell’s total

that exists in law firms of prestige. The firm

Wachtell is allegedly an important first step

transactional value over the nearly forty

maintains a consistent one-to-one associate

in securing a position.

years since four young New York Law School

to partner ratio. Encouraging a team mental-

graduates started the firm stands at over

ity, partners and associates work closely

$140 billion, more than any other law firm.

with one another, often with cases staffed by

ate can expect to be treated as a potential

just one of each. Associate input is purport-

partner. The differences between the offices

In its early days, Wachtell earned a reputa-

edly welcomed by partners. This removes

of associates and partners are surprisingly

tion as defenders against corporate raiders.

competition between associates, but also

minute. Wachtell also seems to be the firm

Representing companies threatened by

means that a lot is expected of Wachtell’s

that offers associates the best chance of

hostile takeovers, Wachtell conceived the


making partner. The firms boasts such perks

Once onboard, however, a first-year associ-

as full-service sushi dinners in the cafeteria,

now prevalent poison pill defense, whereby stockholders acquire stock in the raiding

The workload is demanding. Attorneys bill

laptops, Blackberry pagers, and DSL lines

company, deterring a hostile takeover. Today

close to 3,000 hours per year and associates

installed at home. The hard work of the dedi-

the firm is behind the biggest M&A deals in

may work between 50 and 80 hours per week.

cated few attorneys at Wachtell is rewarded

the world. This century, they have been the

The firm is staffed by only the most devoted


legal advisor in six of the top ten transactions

attorneys. Despite the firm’s efforts to dispel

in America, and five of the top ten global

the stifling bureaucracy that prevails in


many firms, Wachtell attorneys are proud


of their traditional values and conservative

Wachtell, Lipton, Rosen & Katz currently has

Specializing in the largest and most complex

atmosphere. A strict dress code is enforced

openings in New York, including opportuni-

corporate transactions, Wachtell coun-

at all times. Wachtell believes that more can

ties for experienced employment and litiga-

seled AT&T in its $40.7 billion acquisition of

be learned by rolling up one’s sleeves and

tion attorneys. More information regarding

Cingular, history’s largest cash acquisition.

practicing law than in training programs. The

attorney positions at Wachtell, Lipton, Rosen

They represented the Walt Disney Corpora-

lack of a formal training means new associ-

& Katz can be found in the LawCrossing job

tion when Comcast attempted a $54.1 billion

ates are given substantial responsibilities


hostile takeover. Wachtell also oversaw the

up front. Therefore, Wachtell is extremely

largest IPO in American history, with AT&T

selective about its associates, hiring only a

Wireless’ $10.6 billion initial public offering.

committed few.

As befitting a tiny firm that charges its

The interview process here is said to be


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