What is Reasonable for Police?

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What is Reasonable for Police? [by James Kilpatrick] Of the making of Fourth Amendment cases, to paraphrase the Preacher, there shall be no end. In support of that truism, consider the case of Dr. Michael Baldwin of Loomis, Calif. He is suing the county cops for abusing their powers. Four months ago he won a round in the 9th Circuit. Now the cops have asked the Supreme Court to hear their appeal.

The case began in July 1998, when the sheriff

147 marijuana plants. Baldwin’s subsequent

The high court voted 8-1 to reverse. Gore’s

of Placer County received a tip that Baldwin,

trial for possession ended limply with the jury

presence created a significant exigency. Katz

a dentist, might be growing marijuana in his

hung 7-2 for conviction. Charges against him

had not been seriously injured, if indeed he

home. The town of Loomis (pop. 6,312) is may-

are not likely to be revived. In 2001 the case

had been injured at all. More to the point: “The

be 20 miles northeast of Sacramento. The mill

devolved into a civil suit by the dentist and

question is what the officer reasonably under-

wheels of the law began their slow rotation.

Ms. Chacko against Placer County and the

stood his powers to be, when he acted, under

implicated officers. Last April a panel of the

clearly established standards.” Saucier had

On Sept. 16, a sheriff’s posse led by deputy

9th U.S. Circuit ruled firmly against the cops.

substantial grounds for believing that he had

Jeffrey Potter searched the outside garbage

They had violated the couple’s civil rights by

justification under the law for acting as he did.

at the dentist’s home. Regrettably, Potter

relying upon a false affidavit. Their claim to

then swore that they had found “marijuana

qualified immunity “was rightly denied.” From

Justice Anthony Kennedy had a few caveats.

leaves and stems recently cut from a mature

that order the county and the officers seek

The excessiveness of an officer’s conduct

marijuana plant.” Moreover, “the marijuana

Supreme Court review.

must be judged by objective standards of reasonableness. The border between excessive

was fresh green and still moist.” This was not so. (The posse had found only .08 grams of

In the 9th Circuit, Judge John T. Noonan

and acceptable force is “sometimes hazy.”

dried and partly burned marijuana leaves and

treated the county’s case roughly: Baldwin

It is sometimes difficult for an officer, in the


was a practicing dentist. Nothing in the record

heat of a moment, to determine “how the

indicates that the officers had reason to

doctrine of excessive force applies to a factual

Other items in the trash aroused the depu-

believe he would resist or flee. The officers

situation.” Police should be granted immunity

ties’ legitimate suspicions. A week later they

had stated no belief that the plaintiffs would

for “reasonable mistakes.”

obtained a warrant. In the early dawn, to

be armed. A reasonable officer should have

quote Dr. Baldwin’s subsequent deposition,

known that Potter’s treatment of Baldwin’s

On that early morning in California, did the

five officers burst “paramilitary style” into

wife was excessive. The malfeasant officer

cops act reasonably? Doubtful, I would say,

his home. Officer Mark Reed pointed a gun at

had “concocted a story and fed it to a magis-

highly doubtful.

the doctor and ordered him to lie down. Reed

trate.” (Letters to Mr. Kilpatrick should be sent by

“then pushed his gun at the rear of (Baldwin’s) head.”

If the Supreme Court takes the county’s ap-

e-mail to kilpatjj@aol.com.)

peal, we will hear a good deal about a relevant Baldwin’s then-wife, Georgia Chacko, was

incident in 1994 in San Francisco. The historic


awakened by the noise. She was clothed only

Presidio army base was being converted from


in a T-shirt and cotton briefs. She opened

a hospital to a municipal park. The hospital

This feature may not be reproduced or dis-

her bedroom door. A man poked his fingers

somehow was identified with medical experi-

tributed electronically, in print or otherwise

sharply into her throat and ordered her to get

ments on animals. Vice President Al Gore was

without the written permission of uclick and

on the floor. The intruder pointed a gun at

the ceremonial speaker. Elliot Katz, president

Universal Press Syndicate.

her and held it briefly against her head. Then,

of In Defense of Animals, attempted to display

according to her deposition, the unidentified

a large banner in protest of vivisection. The

gunman kneed her in the small of her back

MPs hauled him off. He sued Officer Donald

and handcuffed her. The gunman was Potter.

Saucier and others for police brutality and

To shorten the story: The deputies seized

won on a procedural motion.


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