LawCrossing General Counsel Consulting Career Feature
Working For the Government Why should an attorney go for a government job? Government jobs have always been great avenues for lawyer careers, whether for their networking advantages, greater opportunities of gathering experience, or for the attractions of a career given in working for the public. In a tight job market, despite continuous federal budget cuts, the truth remains that at least 60% of federal employees are eligible for retirement within the next decade, and vacancies need to be manned.
Where in the government are there jobs for
counseling and advising include departments like the
Office of Legal Counsel and the Federal Bureau of Prisons.
All three branches of the federal government including the executive, legislative and judicial, hire
However, both litigating and non-litigating offices are
attorneys, as do independent agencies like the Federal
coordinated from within the DOJ and DOJ attorneys
Communications Commission, the National Labor
initiate lawsuits, handle depositions, and submit oral
Relations Board, or the FBI, to name a few. However,
arguments, while attorneys working with agencies draft
the highest numbers of attorneys are employed by the
documents and petitions and submissions and offer
executive branch of the government and independent
their expertise on subject matters.
agencies. Comparatively, the number of attorney jobs in the legislative and judiciary are fewer than that in
the executive. Regulations and compliance enforcement are very Common practice areas for attorneys in
big areas of law practice within the government.
government jobs:
Regulatory lawyers help in policy implementation and in the enforcement of rules through agencies like the FDA,
Litigation: For those attorneys who love litigation,
EPA, OSHA and others that have the authority to form
there are huge opportunities in the government sector,
and execute rules. Attorneys working in these areas
especially within the DOJ or the Department of Justice.
prepare the pleadings, and also provide their opinion
The U.S. Attorney’s office has its headquarters in
on proposed regulations.
Washington D.C. and 93 offices across the country. Advisory: Government offices that have independent litigating authority include the Department of Labor, Office of
A lot of attorney work within the government comes
the Solicitor and the Securities Exchange Commission,
within the role of an “attorney advisor” or “counselor.”
Division of Enforcement, among others.
Regulatory and other agencies have distinct groups of lawyers for litigation and counseling work. Counselors
Government offices where attorneys with knowledge
primarily aid congressional inquiries, FOIA requests,
in litigation also carry out non-litigation functions like
citizen petitions and rulemaking.
continued on back
LawCrossing General Counsel Consulting Career Feature
Public policy work – beyond the role of a simple
attorneys, government jobs can be special for many
reasons, not the least of which is that balances of federal student loans can be waived after ten years
Top notch attorneys and learned lawyers revel in work
of qualifying service. Add to this the advantages of
related to public policy formation which is considered
greater job security and the prospects of federal
above the positions of ordinary attorneys. Lawyers who
retirement benefits, and you’d know why many smart
want to work in public policy formation and moderation
law graduates just love working for the public. Also,
find work with agencies such as the Department of
when you gather experience in dealing with cases of a
State, the Congressional Research Service and the
certain government sector for a long time, private law
Department of Commerce, among others.
firms vie with each other to hire you. So, knowing your law and gathering material experience is of utmost
It cannot be denied that for law students and
importance while on government law jobs.