But the Judges Have Changed'

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‘But the Judges Have Changed’ [By James Kilpatrick] Seventeen years have passed since Jeffrey Landrigan murdered Chester Dean Dyer, but the story won’t go away. Now the record is resting in the U.S. Supreme Court on Arizona’s appeal from a regrettable decision in the 9th Circuit. It’s time to mark this case closed.

The sordid facts are of little interest in

and his family history of violence.” Landrigan

a high point with two convictions for murder.

themselves, but the developing law on

was entitled to the testimony of a medical

Justice John Paul Stevens spoke for five

capital punishment — especially in view of

expert who would assist “in establishing

justices in ruling that Williams’ counsel had

the changed membership on the high court

mitigating evidence regarding the effects of

failed to develop evidence in mitigation, e.g.,

— merits your attention. The times, they

drug and alcohol use on a developing fetus.”

that Williams had been neglected as a child.

are a-changing.

The defendant’s trial counsel had failed

In the case at hand, the record begins

to develop evidence regarding “criminal

In the case of Kevin Wiggins, convicted in

psychobiology and congenital determinants.”

Maryland of drowning an old woman in

in the late 1970s, when Landrigan was

her bathtub, Justice Sandra Day O’Connor

working and thieving in Oklahoma. In

Moreover, defense counsel could have

spoke for a 7-2 court in vacating his death

1982 he murdered Greg Brown, whom

informed the sentencing judge of Landrigan’s

sentence: Defense counsel had failed to offer

he called his “best friend,” and began

“tortured family history.” His birth parents

evidence of the lad’s “limited intellectual

a 40-year sentence in prison. While in

were “troubled individuals who abused

capacity and childlike emotional state.”

prison he nearly killed another inmate: “I

drugs and alcohol.” His birth mother had

stabbed him 14 times.” On Nov. 10, 1989,

abandoned him. His adoptive mother was an

In the case of Ronald Rompilla, convicted

he escaped and fled to Phoenix. Three days

alcoholic who at times consumed a fifth of

of murder in Allentown, Pa., in 1988,

later he fell in with Chester Dyer. Hard luck

vodka or more a day until she passed out.

Justice David Souter spoke for a 5-4 court

for Dyer. Landrigan strangled him, stabbed

She once hit the boy with a frying pan. And so

in remanding the case. The defendant had

him repeatedly, and left his mutilated body

on. Landrigan had alleged facts that, if true,

a “troubled childhood” that should have

on the bed they had occupied.

presented a colorable claim of ineffective

been explored.

assistance of counsel. Landrigan was soon caught. A state jury

Since the Rompilla case in June 2005,

convicted him of first degree murder. After

I read the record quite differently. I would

John Roberts has become chief justice,

Arizona courts affirmed the conviction and

have ruled that defense counsel did all that

and Samuel Alito has succeeded Justice

sentence, Landrigan went into federal court

reasonably could have been done on behalf

O’Connor. As Justice Hugo Black once

on habeas corpus. He lost before District

of an impossibly recalcitrant client. It was a

presciently remarked, in the context of the

Judge Roslyn O. Silver but won a split decision

bum rap on lawyer Farrell.

high court’s decisions on school segregation,

on appeal to the 9th Circuit. There Judge

“No, Mr. Sevareid, the law hadn’t changed,

Michael Hawkins spoke for the majority in

But ne’m mind. The Supreme Court has

but the judges had changed.” And yes,

concluding that the defendant’s counsel,

decided three relevant cases over the past

ma’am, when the judges are changed, it do

Dennis Farrell, had failed to defend him

six years. These were Williams in 2000,

make a difference.

adequately. The defendant therefore deserved

Wiggins in 2003 and Rompilla in 2005. All

a fresh hearing on unheard evidence that

three of them turned significantly on a

(Letters to Mr. Kilpatrick should be sent by

might have led to a lesser sentence.

murderer’s plea that his lawyers had done

e-mail to kilpatjj@aol.com.)

him wrong. If only they had developed his Specifically, Judge Hawkins ruled that

history of a Dickensian childhood.

Farrell should have dwelled upon such factors as these: “his biological mother’s use

In the case of Terry Williams, the high court

of drugs and alcohol during gestation, his

split 5-4 in ordering a new hearing for a man

adoptive mother’s alcoholism and its adverse

sentenced to death in Virginia for a criminal

effect on Landrigan’s upbringing, and

career that began with violent assault, moved

information regarding his biological father

on to burglary and armed robbery, and reached


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