Inside Legal Blogs - law blogs gossip

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Inside Legal Blogs [By Jeff] Quit your job and sell your house. The blogosphere will provide all you need. It is time, once again, to pore over a week’s worth of scintillating news and gossip from our favorite law blogs.

The law is just like show business. To get

getting fired for it. For your edification, we’ve

Rule No. 8: He who puts up the most degrees

ahead, one must pander shamelessly to

consolidated Disassociate’s rules and re-

on his wall and deal toys in his office is the

their audience. That may not be the exact

produced them here.

least interesting.

message attorney Mark Bese of Leadership

for Lawyers is trying to get across, but he

Rule No. 1: If anyone at the firm asks how

Rule No. 9: Pay very close attention when a

does offer an analysis of how to cater to a jury.

you’re doing, simply reply “busy, really busy.”

colleague is giving you an assignment. Look

Generation X, those grungy 20-something

Then wipe your brow, yawn and walk away

into his eyes and nod your head furiously. Then

slackers, are now in their 30s. They’ve grown

quickly (as if in a terrible hurry).

just start laughing uncontrollably - if you can force tears, even better. No more assignments

up, and they want concise data presented with

from that guy!

a focus on traditional values. The blog also

Rule No. 2: On Fridays, don’t dress casually. A

mentions that Gen Xers, the former extreme

suit makes you look like a serious player and

sports enthusiasts, will generally side with

the chances of getting caught for leaving early

Rule No. 10: Mimic the mannerisms and

people who take risks, even ethical ones. The

are much slimmer.

demeanor of other lawyers at your firm. Doing

Generation Y crew, who I guess are the kids

so makes it much harder for people to tell that

of Gen Xers (shouldn’t they be too young to

Rule No. 3: Always keep your door closed and

be on juries?) are too techno-savvy to care

work with your light off. That way, no one will

about anything they can’t put on their i-Pods.

know when you are working from home for the

In a recent blog entry from Human Law, Justin

They crave hi-tech data. They also are more

day (or week).

Patten wonders if blogs could be utilized by

trusting of their government. That makes

you have no idea what you are doing.

law firms not just as a marketing tool or a

sense, they grew up under the omnipresent

Rule No. 4: Don’t smile too much on Fridays;

way of adding extra content to their website

glower of the Bush administration, so they

it screams, “I can handle more work.” Instead,

but as a way of making their operations more

trust their government more. Carolyn Elefant

look frustrated, loosen your tie and mess your

transparent to the public and keeping up with

of Inside Legal Opinions wonders where the

hair. 9 out of 10 weekend assignments will go

the latest business trends. Patten mentions

Baby Boomers fit in all this. Boomers are

to your neighbor, Smiley.

Microsoft’s decision to publicly test their version of Apple’s i-Pod on a weblog, as well

turning 60 and retiring at a rapid rate, freeing up more of them for jury duty. So how do they

Rule No. 5: Travel time is not billable, but if you

as the success of author Chris Anderson, who

fit into the puzzle? Bese doesn’t get that far. It

have to sit with someone from the office, that

published his novel chapter by chapter on

is interesting to note that as the kids get more

awkward conversation counts as ‘work’.

his blog and solicited feedback from readers on the Internet. Many notable law firms

savvy, so too do the attorneys who seek to steer their opinions.

Rule No. 6: Hazing the summer associates is

are already using blogs to increase public


awareness and to reach out to clients. Patten suggests taking it one step further.

Over the past few months, our friend at

Disassociate has been putting together a set of rules for newbie attorneys. The rules don’t just apply to first-years though. Anybody having trouble fitting in at a firm would be wise to heed Disassociate’s rules. These rules will also be useful to the overworked attorney who needs to lighten his or her workload without


Rule No. 7: Carry a briefcase, the one with the loud snapping locks, but keep it empty. Open

“For example, could you see lawyers using

it as often as possible when people are around

blogs to help them create new terms

and close it quickly. Mumble sentences with

and conditions and billing policies? The

the words “hearing,” “judge” and “motion” as

lawyers would put them online and then the

you snap it shut. Leave early.

blogosphere could assess and scrutinize them.”

continued on back

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Were this to happen, firms might get even

you think about it. But many law bloggers

more competitive with their blogs, which

have cried foul and said that paying to build

brings us to our next controversy that has been

a network of visitors to your blog is cheating.

brewing on the blogosphere. It started with

Matthew Ingram of The Devil and Daniel

PayPerPost, a marketing website catering to bloggers. They promise to generate traffic to your blog and develop a cross-referral network for your site, all for a small fee. PayPerPost will pay other bloggers to write about your blog and link to you. Web surfers will never know the links to your blog were really subtle ads. It’s not much different than FoxNews when

Blogger says that PayPerPost isn’t the end of blogging as we know it, but it’s a dumb idea that could damage a blogger’s credibility. Techmeme takes it a step further and says that PayPerPost is polluting the blogosphere and is out to buy the soul of hapless bloggers. Rob Hyndman is more laid back about it. Hyndman doesn’t buy into the righteous indignation over


PayPerPost. He admits that the idea sounds kind of crappy, but he says it’s not much different from the rest of the media, which was bought and sold a long time ago by advertisers. So next time you’re surfing the blogosphere, beware. The opinions you’re reading might be advertisements in disguise. In conclusion, new Coke Zero has all the great taste of Classic Coke with half the calories. Mmmmm... refreshing!

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