Inside Legal Blogs

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Inside Legal Blogs [By Jeff] This week’s legal blog roundup comes to you from the former-Soviet state of Blogovenia, a sovereign nation that exists solely online. Based on my expertise in matters both legal and online, I have been invited by the nation’s Council of Elders to assist in drafting a Constitution/Terms of Service Agreement. In the meantime, chew on this assortment of news from the law blogosphere.

In an update on a blogworthy news story from

a convincing argument in support of corporate

Elefant of MyShingle points out that this is not

a few weeks ago, the judge in the Google case

blogging on Between Lawyers. She argues that

the first time Lerner has run afoul with the

is forcing the company to hand over search-

corporate blogophobia is virtually baseless.

State Bar of Nevada. He previously got into

query records to the U.S. government, but the

While bosses fear a public airing of grievances

trouble over a TV ad where a novelty oversized

government has announced a compromise,

on blogs and the legal risks associated with

telephone falls on a person. The Bar feared

requesting less data from Google. Rick

confidential information being dispersed on the

that this could create anxiety relating to novelty

Georges at Futurelawyer asks if giving up a

Internet, Howell asserts that interoffice gossip

oversized telephones. Lerner claims to be

little privacy is like being a little pregnant.

is the greater danger. Bloggers are aware

challenging the Bar’s recent ruling. Another

that their forum is public and tailor their posts

interesting development in the story involves a

Last week’s developments in the blogtastic

accordingly. If bosses establish the necessary

seemingly unrelated ad for a Kentucky attorney

Zacarias Moussaoui case gave law bloggers

blogging protocol, there is little to fear. In

who not only calls himself “the Heavy Hitter,”

a lot to ponder. The prosecution botched

private, however, employees feel freer to bash

but uses the exact same logo as Lerner.

its death-penalty case against alleged 9/11

the company or give out corporate secrets.

Kentuckian Cowgill raises several interesting

co-conspirator Moussaoui by inappropriately

Ten or fifteen years ago, the use of corporate

questions about this conundrum here.

coaching witnesses, including emailing a

email was limited compared to today. Now, it

witness transcripts of the opening statements

is recognized as an indispensable business

Another ridiculous item from last week comes

and other witnesses’ testimonies. This caused

tool. Though there are always risks that go

to us from an unlikely source: bankruptcy

the government to basically forfeit the death

with enabling easy and free communication,

court. San Antonio bankruptcy judge Leif Clark

penalty for Moussaoui and may result in jail

Howell puts corporate blogging low on the list

saw fit to cite the classic Adam Sandler film

time for a TSA attorney. My favorite analysis

of threats to the corporate world.

Billy Madison in response to a defendant’s motion. The Bankruptcy Litigation Blog posted

of this prickly issue came from David Zarang at Concurring Opinions. Zarang has sympathy

Speaking of harmless activities, a few weeks

for the TSA attorney, saying she was just

ago, a news item about Nevada attorney Glen

for the case Dean Wormer v. Animal House.

trying to keep her witnesses informed. Other

Lerner was passed around the blogosphere.

Reproduced below is the relevant text.

bloggers disagreed, but few could muster

Poor Glen’s law practice was dealt a blow by

much sympathy for Moussaoui himself, who

the State Bar of Nevada when it ruled that

“Before the court is a motion entitled

has turned his trial into a circus by repeatedly,

his ads were false and misleading. While

‘Defendant’s Motion to Discharge Response

and loudly, declaring his loyalty to Osama bin

monitoring attorneys for inappropriate

to Plaintiff’s Response to Defendant’s

Laden in the courtroom.

advertising is an important function of state

Response Opposing Objection to Discharge.’

bars, this case seems a little extreme. Ben

As background, this adversary was

In the past few years, corporations have begun

Cowgill’s blog, Ben Cowgill on Legal Ethics,

commenced on December 14, 2005, with the

to exploit blogs for their potential as marketing

offered a thorough editorial analysis of the

filing of the plaintiff’s complaint objecting to

tools. Given their low cost of maintenance,

matter. Lerner’s Las Vegas-based TV ads

the debtor’s discharge. Defendant answered

blogs would seem to be ideal for the business

boasted that he was “the Heavy Hitter.” The

the complaint on January 12, 2006. Plaintiff

world. Many companies, however, have shied

Nevada Bar decided that this was misleading

responded to the Defendant’s answer on

away from the blogosphere, fearing the

because Lerner is not the only Heavy Hitter in

January 26, 2006. On February 3, 2006,

uncensored diatribes of bloggers. According

Nevada. Presumably, Lerner would be allowed

Defendant filed the above entitled motion.

to Socialtext, only 24 Fortune 500 companies

to advertise himself as “a Heavy Hitter” or “one

The court cannot determine the substance,

are currently blogging. Denise Howell penned

of many Heavy Hitters in the area.” Carolyn

if any, of the Defendant’s legal argument,


the judge’s text, which seems better suited

continued on back

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nor can the court even ascertain the relief

“Mr. Madison, what you’ve just said is one

It defies plausibility, but it does show that

that the Defendant is requesting. The

of the most insanely idiotic things I’ve

bankruptcy judges have a better sense of

Defendant’s motion is accordingly denied for

ever heard. At no point in your rambling,

humor than we all imagined. Next week, the

being incomprehensible.”

incoherent response was there anything that

judge in the Enron case will reveal his favorite

could even be considered a rational thought.

quotes from Police Academy 5: Assignment

Or, in the words of the competition judge

Everyone in this room is now dumber for

Miami Beach. Be there!

to Adam Sandler’s character of the same

having listened to it. I award you no points,

name in the movie Billy Madison, after

and may God have mercy on your soul.”

Billy Madison had responded to a question with an answer that sounded superficially reasonable, but lacked any substance:


Deciphering motions like the one presented here wastes valuable chamber staff time and invites this sort of footnote.

Jeff is a writer from Los Angeles, CA. Currently, he is the moderator of the message boards at, the largest insider source of law firm information.

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