Jonathan C. "Jay" Augustine: A Litigator at Heart Who Believes Community

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Jonathan C. “Jay” Augustine: A Litigator at Heart Who Believes Community Involvement Is as Important as Winning Cases [By Kenneth Davis] Successful labor and employment litigator Jay Augustine said that two key factors contributed to his decision to enter the legal profession. One was the social exposure he received from his mother, who was a social studies teacher, and the other was his environment.

“I grew up in the South,” he said. “I’m a

“My childhood dreams were fulfilled,” he

who brought a claim against the state of

native of New Orleans, and I’m an African


Louisiana. As special counsel, Augustine worked with a team of lawyers and won a

American. I saw an obvious need for civil

favorable verdict for his client in 2005.

rights, an obvious need for those who cared

At Montgomery Barnett, Augustine’s

and cared enough to take up the cause

practice focuses on labor and employment

of civil rights to be involved in the legal

law, commercial litigation, and civil

“It was a huge, huge case,” he said. “And we

process, and that’s obviously where rights

service compliance. He has successfully

prevailed at trial on this matter; it’s a matter

are protected. So my childhood heroes were

represented private, public, and individual

in which I take immense pride.”

attorneys-Thurgood Marshall, moving on to

clients in trial and appellate court matters. Last year, he represented some members

become a justice of the Supreme Court and a gentleman named Ernest Morial, who was a

He recently defended the City of Baker, a

of the state legislature who brought a

phenomenal civil rights attorney who went on

municipality in East Baton Rouge Parish, in

claim against the former secretary of state

to become the first African American mayor

a Fair Labor Standards Act case brought by

of Louisiana under the Louisiana Public

of New Orleans.”

a class of 30 firefighters. Augustine, who

Records Law requesting the release of

was lead defense counsel in the case, won

the list of voters who were displaced by

However, becoming an attorney was not

a summary judgment on the city’s behalf in

Hurricane Katrina in anticipation of the 2006

Augustine’s only professional goal. He also


New Orleans municipal elections.

aspired to become an Army officer as a result of watching the TV show F Troop as a

Augustine discussed one of the strategies

“We weren’t seeking any private

child, he said.

that helped him win the case:

information…no social security numbers,

And Augustine has achieved both of these

“One of the things that I do […] is serve on

received,” Augustine said. “We merely were

goals in stellar fashion. He served on

the faculty of the National Institute for Trial

seeking their whereabouts and means to

active duty in the U.S. Army for four years,

Advocacy, where I teach deposition skills,

correspond with them.”

earning decorations as an infantry officer

and that’s very important,” he said. “So from

and leaving service as a first lieutenant.

following those same techniques that I teach

He said he was ultimately unsuccessful in

He’s currently a partner in the Baton Rouge

other lawyers, I was able to ask the right

the case but that taking it was the right thing

office of prominent New Orleans-based law

questions in discovery and during, obviously,

to do because it brought about the right

firm Montgomery, Barnett, Brown, Read,

a lot of depositions that I had to take. So

amount of public involvement regarding the

Hammond & Mintz, where he has a thriving

that’s something I’m very, very proud of.”

displacement of individuals-and the lack of

not how much FEMA assistance anyone

continuity and lack of ability to communicate

labor and employment law litigation practice. In addition to maintaining his primary

In another notable case, Augustine was

with those individuals-in the wake of

practice at Montgomery Barnett, Augustine

appointed by the Louisiana Department of

Hurricane Katrina.

serves as General Counsel to the City of

Justice to defend the state’s interest in a

Baton Rouge/Parish of East Baton Rouge

multimillion-dollar damages case. The

Augustine discussed what he enjoys most

Personnel Board.

case involved a California-based insurer

about his job:


continued on back


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“I enjoy going to court more than anything

gave me a realistic perspective from the

client relationships I have as well as foster

else,” he said. “I’m a litigator at heart. I’m

bench’s view-a realistic view of what

new relationships.”

a very good writer, so I’m very proud of the

judges or justices are looking for in terms

productive time I spend at the desk. But I’m

of written briefs, oral arguments, or cases

“And part of that is being very civically

not a desk lawyer by any shape or form. I

that can go either way. It gives you a great

involved,” he said. “I’m very, very involved

enjoy the discovery process; I enjoy taking

idea from the inside; it gives you inside

in the community. And that’s something I’m

depositions because I enjoy interacting with

perspective that I think can only help your

very proud of.”

people. If it has to do with litigation, I’m

practice. Also, I might add, from a writer’s


perspective, as a law clerk, I saw some

Augustine also makes time for academic

of the absolute best briefs, and I saw the

pursuits and has published four law review

Augustine received a fully funded U.S.

absolute worst; and I tried to take that

articles and two bar journal articles.

Army ROTC scholarship to attend Howard

experience and learn from it. Obviously

University in Washington, DC, where he

you learn from the absolute best, as you

He had the following advice for law students

studied economics as an undergrad. After

obviously learn from the absolute worst.”

and young lawyers:

received a commission as an active duty

Following his clerkship, Augustine joined

“I would advise any lawyer, especially young

infantry officer. Augustine served on active

a firm in Baton Rouge, where he practiced

lawyers attempting to make a name for

duty from 1994 to 1998 and left the service

employment law and commercial litigation as

themselves, to spend the extra time to be

as a first lieutenant when his scholarship

an associate. He left the firm in 2005 to open

civically involved, to be politically involved

service was complete. He said his former

his own practice, The Augustine Firm, APLC.

in the community, because it tends to pay

unit, 1-22 Infantry, is the unit that captured

Augustine served as Managing Director

dividends, I find, in the amount of clients you

Saddam Hussein.

of the firm, where he said he “did some of

can represent. And for law students, I would

everything,” but the practice was primarily

really suggest pushing yourselves, exhausting

“When I was there, however, I was a

employment law and commercial litigation.

yourselves as best you can to develop as many

platoon leader in X4XXI, or the U.S. Army’s

Augustine also did human resource

talents as you can while in school.”

Experimental Force for the 21st Century,” he

consulting work at the firm. He said that

said. “I field-tested all the then-new digital

although the practice was very successful,

Augustine was born and raised in New

equipment being used in Iraq and other

he decided to join Montgomery Barnett as a

Orleans. He said his mother, Jeanne C.

anti-terrorism hot spots. The bulk of my

partner in 2006.

Augustine, had a very positive influence on

earning his economics degree in 1994, he

daily duties, therefore, focused on field-

him when he was growing up.

training soldiers and testing the equipment

“Montgomery Barnett was a wonderful

the U.S. Military currently uses in combat

opportunity for me, so I seized it,” he said.

“She taught high school social studies for


“I was blessed with success and had a very

37 years,” he said. “I proudly credit her

positive book of business, and I was able

with my broad social exposure at an early

After completing his service, Augustine

to bring something tangible to the table at

age. “My mother sacrificed on a public

entered Tulane Law School. During his

Montgomery Barnett, which is why the offer

school teacher’s salary-in a state that has

third year at Tulane, he successfully argued

was extended to me to join as a partner.”

not historically prioritized education-to

before the Louisiana Supreme Court and won the Tulane Moot Court Competition.

send myself and my older sister, Deborah, In addition to maintaining his practice

to Catholic schools in New Orleans. She

and tending to his general counsel duties,

wanted us to have the best educational

Augustine earned his law degree from

Augustine is an adjunct professor of law at

opportunities […]. As a result of my mother,

Tulane in 2001 and then clerked for a year

Southern University Law Center in Baton

my older sister (a corporate officer with the

for Justice Bernette Joshua Johnson at

Rouge. He said he teaches consumer

GE Corporation) and I both love traveling

the Louisiana Supreme Court. He said the

transactions and legal writing at the school.

abroad with our children and exposing them

clerkship was very instrumental in helping him develop as an attorney.

to all the world has to offer. That’s the Augustine said he also spends a certain

power of a book and an educator.”

amount of time each week doing client“It was the best experience I could have

development activities, “meaning

Augustine is the single parent of a two-year-

had,” Augustine said. “Number one, it

development to keep and sustain the current

old daughter named Jillian.




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“She is without question the most important

“To leave a legacy is the first thing,” he

thing in my life and the motivating factor that

said. “I’m confident that my practice will

gets me up every morning,” he said.

go well in terms of the dollars and cents of

Montgomery, Barnett, Brown, Read,

it…but to leave a legacy of not just being an

Hammond & Mintz

He said he has a great love for literacy and

in-the-office or in-the-courtroom lawyer

tries to instill that love in his daughter. He

but to be a lawyer who’s been very involved

is also a big fan of foreign languages and is

with the bench and bar and involved in the

National Institute for Trial Advocacy

studying Spanish and Italian.

community…so to use the talents that I’ve

been given or the skill sets I’ve acquired to Augustine discussed some of the

do good for others is the most important

Tulane Law School

professional goals he’d like to accomplish in

thing for me.”

the future:


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