Law & Engineering Practice ECM 517
Course Outcomes At the end of the course, the students should be able to:a. Recognize all laws and regulations relating to the design and construction of civil engineering works in Malaysia in order to undertake problem identification, formulation and solution. b. Acquire the knowledge of basic elements and legality of contractual laws to enhance the ethnical responsibility and commit to them. c. Understand the basic element in order to select the most economical method of settling construction dispute.
Course Outcomes – con’t d. Understand of the social, culture, global and environmental responsibilities of a professional engineer in order to recognize the rules and regulations of the Local and Federal Authorities. e. Know the regulations related to construction safety and health requirements of CIDB, DOSH and NIOSH.
ASSESSMENT Continuous Assessment:
- Test - Assignment Final Exam
10% 60% 100%
REFERENCE BOOKS IEM – Overview of Law of Contract and
Construction Law (2011). IEM – Alternative Dispute Resolution in
Construction Industry (2011).
Lesson Plan TOPIC 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
SUBJECT Principles of Law The Malaysian Legal System Contract Law Local & Federal Authorities Regulation Test 1 & Assignment 1 Environmental Quality Act & Issues OSHA Act, NIOSH, DOSH & CIDB Employment Act 1955 & Industrial Relation Act 1967
WEEK Week 1 Week 2 Week 3,4 & 5 Week 6,7 & 8 Week 9 & 10 Week 11 & 12 Week 13 & 14