1a drre speech may 07

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DRRE’s Speech Rotaract District 9200 Conference, May 2007 Kampala, Uganda Allow me to start by recognizing the Host club, the Rotaract club of LukuliNanganda for a Great Party last night at Tickles & Giggles. On the dance floor alone, I saw memorable instances of the 4-Way Test in practice. I saw Eric (International Service Director of Rct Club of Millimani) holding Emma (Rct Club of Nairobi Central) on one hand — CHESTTO BACK doing the shuffle. And a Beer bottle in the other hand. It reminded me of Building Goodwill and Better Friendships and, at the same time, of Multitasking. I saw all Rotaractors present jigs to the tunes of the Popular Benga beat like it was a Rotaract Anthem. I saw Rotaractors assist a Lady push a vehicle caught up on a kerb!! I finally retired at 2.30 a.m but the party was still going on. Thank you once again to the Rotaract Committee involved in the planning. My short assignment today is to present to you the Work plan for the Rotary Year 2007-2008. Allow me to start with the District Finances.


A lot has been said about the need to ensure proper accountability of District monies spent and it is my submission today that we are on the right track. The In coming Treasurer has sent out structures to ensure this and I can also add that the DG himself yesterday pointed out some key recommendations for us to consider during deliberations on Resolutions. I take this opportunity to remind you that District dues are Receivable on or before July, 1st 2007.

District Bulletin

There is an elaborate plan to publish success stories in the D9200 Rotaract Newsletter and I take this opportunity to call on all Incoming Presidents to send in articles on their club projects to the Incoming Bulletin Officer every month. Details will be circulated on mail.


The need for Training cannot be over emphasized and thus the Incoming Rotaract committee has proposed 2 ROTS seminars; 1 in the month of July, 07 and the other to follow at the beginning of the 2nd half of RY 07/08.


Our Publicity/ PR Plan is centered on Applications for the Rotary P.R Grants through the respective Mother-Clubs, in an effort to showcase to the public what Rotaract in D9200 is about. I refer to the Club Presidents 2007/08: you are going to be the driving force behind successful achievements of the Rotaract Objectives and I call upon you to embody the Concept of working Smart as opposed to Working Hard You will agree with me that the work becomes much easier when you work Smart.


The ADRRs my dear Presidents will be your key contact persons and in the absence of the ADRRs, there are the various Country Co-Coordinators. Your targets for the Year 07/08 include Net increase of 1 member every Half Year. The ADRRs will work with you to achieve various Rotary/Rotaract opportunities available e.g. GSE Applications and Deadlines, Scholarships and much more information from Rotary International and the District. It is therefore my request that all Incoming Presidents furnish the Incoming District Secretary and their respective ADRRs with their email addresses. As the club leaders, I urge you to constantly keep in touch with the ADRRs and Country Coordinators through the Quarterly reports I also encourage friendly smses and friendly kisses sent via all available means. I also take this opportunity to invite you to the Rotaract Conference in Dar-es-Salaam Bahari Beach Hotel May 14th to 18th, 2008. The white sandy beach with the signature coastal wood, light clothing and dancing on the beach is just too good a treat to miss. Plans are underway to seek subsidies on the costs and details will be relayed.

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