4drr bulletin oct 07

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D9200 Newsletter A Bulletin of the Rotaract District

would like to start off by thanking the R.I Rotaract Institute organising Committee for a job well done in the recently concluded Seminar. The planning was definitely strenuous but the fruits of it were the happy faces of more than 150 Rotaractors and Interactors who came. I was impressed that the various Interactors who came in for the Seminar were eager to learn about the workings of Interact, Rotaract and Rotary. This was evident in their coming early and the questions they asked. I must thank the Rotaractors present for making them feel comfortable enough as the sessions were progressing. My take on this is that there is hope in our working with the Interactors… When R.I President Wilf came to talk to us, he reminded us that there are more Interact Clubs than there are Rotaract Clubs in the world. The interactive session was well received and I saw many participants attentive and some with challenging questions and remarks… It was an honour to be with you all at the Seminar. October is Vocation Month. This is the time when we engage our Professionals at club level to seek an understanding of each one’s vocation. There are various ways to effectively serve during this month. For example your Club is encouraged to hold a forum on ethics and the application of The Four-Way Test in Professional life. You could invite a speaker or hold debates on given grey areas of the 4-Way test in practise. You can also present a copy of the 4-Way Test to all new members. For institution

based Rotaract Clubs, you can approach Rotarians to take you to their place of work/business and spend a day with them to learn about their profession. There are many other ways of celebrating Vocational service month and I leave these to your creativity. The World Interact Week 28th October-3rd November is also an opportunity for you to strengthen your bonds with the Interact Club that your Mother Club is mentoring. Plan a fun event with them, visit them in their schools and offer talks on your vocations but most importantly seek to befriend them. Having gone through the 1st Quarter, I would request your Club to evaluate the goals you set out to achieve as per your Work plan and how effective your approaches to accomplishing them have been. The Rotaract District Secretary will be receiving the 1st Quarter reports from your ADRRs and Club Presidents and these will be ranked so that we can start identifying the Best performing Clubs for emulation. These rankings will also identify weaknesses in Club reporting and Recognise worthy efforts with a view to empower you and your club with possible solutions and alternatives to apply in the coming Quarter. I conclude with an anecdotal illustration just to jog your minds as you take on the Vocational service month… I will hand a bar of chocolate to the first person who gets the answer to this… You just need to find me-in the most creative way possible- and give your answer….. Who was the most famous Deaf prophet in the Bible..? - Lawi Sultan

(above) RI President Wilfrid WIlkinson holds hands with PDG Yusuf Kodwavala and Institute Chair Mutiga Wanjau as they sing a traditional Rotary song. 1

Habari .. Amawulire .. Zena Tues 2nd:

Rotaract Kampala City 2nd Club Assembly

Fri 5th:

Rotaract Muthaiga - “DRR Vision 07-08” (Speaker- DRR Lawi Sultan) Rotaract USIU Community service; at Jacaranda Primary

Sat 6th:

Rotaract Victoria Kisumu City Fellowship at the Rotary Youth Training Centre at 2pm. Contact: Jeff Ochieng brakefluid@gmail.com

Thurs 11th:

Rotaract Victoria Kisumu City Board meeting at Kisumu Hotel, 6pm. Contact Steve (0724726461) Rotaract Muthaiga Professional Service and Club Service Committee meeting. Contact: Eve Githehu and Javier Munzala.

Fri 12th:

Rotaract Muthaiga - “Online Forex Business” (Speaker- Jackie Mbala) Rotaract USIU Club meeting

Sat 13th:

Rotaract Victoria Kisumu City Members fellowship and team building with Interactors and picnic at Kisumu Beach Resort, 12pm. Cost: Rotaractors Kshs 200; Interactors free. Contact: Dickens Omondi (0721602697). Rotaract Muthaiga Community Service Project. Visit to New life Home. Contact: Helen Njenga and Helen Odour

Sun 14th:

Rotaract Victoria Kisumu City Tree planting with Interactors. Contact: Ken Samwels (0726797800)

Tues 16th:

Rotaract Kampala City Vocational Service Award

Wed 17th:

Rotaract Muthaiga Community and International Service Committee meetings. Contact: Helen and Betty

Thurs 18th:

Rotaract Victoria Kisumu City Board meeting at Kisumu Hotel, 6pm. Contact: Steve (0724726461)

Fri 19th:

Rotaract Victoria Kisumu City Visit to new Generations Children’s Home. Contact IPP Maureen Amunga (0729717372) Rotaract Muthaiga - “HIV the corporate imperative” (Speaker- Obath) Rotaract Muthaiga International and Club service outing to Lake Naivasha Trip. Rotaract USIU Visit to Kwa Watoto Project

Sat 20th:

Western Kenya President’s retreat at Kiboko Bay, 2pm. Contact President Barrack Osewe (0721608316). All Presidents welcome.

Tues 23rd:

Rotaract Kampala City - “My experience in Uganda” (Talk by 07/08 Ambassadorial Scholar, Jenny)

Thurs 25th:

Rotaract Victoria Kisumu City Board meeting at Kisumu Hotel, 6pm. Contact Steve (0724726461) Rotaract Victoria Kisumu City Board Meeting. Review Oct 2007 and plan for Nov 2007.

Fri 26th:

Rotaract Victoria Kisumu City Joint Dinner meeting for Rotaract Clubs of Kisumu and VKC with DRR at 8.00pm. Details to be confirmed. Contact: Barrack Osewe (0721608316) and Steven Ogutu (0724726461). Rotaract Victoria Kisumu City Motivational DVD. Contact: Maina Rotaract USIU Conference: “Role of youth in community development in USIU”

Sat 27th:

Rotaract Kisumu Training and DRR meeting with Western Kenya Rotaract Clubs. Details to be confirmed. All clubs invited.

Tues 30th:

Rotaract Kampala City - How to make fruitful decisions for your life” (Rtn James Sebugenyi)


Country Feature: Tanzania

The flag of Tanzania was officially adopted on June 30, 1964. The green and black, representing the land and people of Tanzania, were taken from the original Tanganyikan flag. The blue, symbolizing the sea, was borrowed from the Zanzibar flag.

Official Name: United Republic of Tanzania Capital City: Dar es Salaam Currency: Tanzanian Shilling Languages: Swahili (official), English (official), and numerous local languages Religions: Muslim, Christian, locals beliefs Background: Shortly after achieving independence from Britain in the early 1960s, Tanganyika and Zanzibar merged to form the nation of Tanzania in 1964. One-party rule came to an end in 1995 with the first democratic elections held in the country since the 1970s. Zanzibar’s semi-autonomous status and popular opposition have led to two contentious elections since 1995, which the ruling party won despite international observers’ claims of voting irregularities. Border countries: Burundi (451 km), Democratic Republic of the Congo (459 km), Kenya (769 km), Malawi (475 km), Mozambique (756 km), Rwanda (217 km), Uganda (396 km), Zambia (338 km) Natural resources: hydropower, tin, phosphates, iron ore, coal, diamonds, gemstones, gold, natural gas, nickel

Did you know? 1. That Dodoma will soon be the new capital of Tanzania. 2. That Mt Kilimanjaro (19,340 ft/ 5,895 m) is the highest point in Africa. 3. That Tanzania is bordered by three of the largest lakes on the continent: Lake Victoria (the world’s secondlargest freshwater lake) in the north, Lake Tanganyika (the world’s second deepest) in the west, and Lake Nyasa in the southwest. 4. That although the language of Kiswahili, the mother tongue of the Bantu people in Zanzibar and nearby coastal Tanzania, is Bantu in structure and origin, its vocabulary draws on a variety of sources including Arabic and English. 5. That in Tanzania, military service is compulsory at 18 years of age upon graduation from secondary school, for a period of two years. 6. That Tanzania hosts more refugees than any other African country. 3

Vocational Service Month Vocational Service focuses on: • Adherence to, and promotion of, the highest ethical standards in all occupations, including fair treatment of employers, employees, associates, competitors, and the public.

• The recognition of the worthiness of all useful occupations, not just your own or those that are pursued by Rotarians.

• The contribution of your vocational talents to solving the problems of society and meeting the needs of the community. Discussions among clubs and districts on Vocational Service can lead to projects that not only develop the ethical consciousness and vocational skills of Rotarians but also the talents within their communities. Vocational Service month is an opportunity to begin year-long Vocational Service activities, ranging from Rotary discussions to awards to community projects.

• Devote the first meeting in October to examining the second Avenue of Service, including The 4-Way Test and The Declaration of Rotarians in Business and the Professions. After expanding members’ awareness, solicit their input in planning projects for the remainder of the year.

• Introduce a “mini-classifications talk” series in which each member gives a five-minute talk on his or her vocation. • Schedule one speaker for the beginning of each meeting until everyone has made a presentation. The purpose: promote vocational awareness among Rotarians and help them recognize the worthiness of all useful occupations.

• Present a vocational award to someone in the community who has exemplified outstanding professional achievement while maintaining very high ethical standards.

• Promote the presentation within the community, and consider making it an annual October event. • Invite experts to give a presentation on the vocational needs of the community and develop a project in response to those needs. Possible projects could focus on developing character, providing career information to youth, mentoring small businesses, or organizing workshops that provide employees with new skills.

A little old lady was running up and down the halls in a nursing home. As she walked, she would flip up the hem of her nightgown and say “Supersex.” She walked up to an elderly man in a wheelchair. Flipping her gown at him, she said, “Supersex.” He sat silently for a moment or two and finally answered, “I’ll take the soup.”


Two elderly women were out driving in a large car - both could barely see over the dashboard. As they were cruising along, they came to an intersection. The stoplight was red, but they just went on through. The woman in the passenger seat thought to herself “I must be losing it. I could have sworn we just went through a red light.” After a few more minutes, they came to another intersection and the light was red again. Again, they went right through. The woman in the passenger seat was almost sure that the light had been red but was really concerned that she was losing it. She was getting nervous. At the next intersection, sure enough, the light was red and they went on through. So, she turned to the other woman and said, “Mildred, did you know that we just ran through three red lights in a row? You could have killed us both!” Mildred turned to her and said, “Oh, crap, am I driving ?” 4

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