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This New York City paper goods goddess and artist loves feminine fl ourishes— hence her company Made by Girl.
STYLE IS “The expression of things that make you happy— brought together in your rooms or what you wear.” I’M INSPIRED BY “Photography, museums, nature, coff ee table books, and colors.” FAVORITE TREND “Gold. There’s something sexy about warm tones like brass.” EVERY ROOM NEEDS “Fresh fl owers. They’re colorful, fragrant, and make everyone smile.” DECORATING PET PEEVE “Wrong art. The art you pick needs to move you—and be able to do so for a long time—not just fi ll a space.” TREASURED ITEM “A key (left) from The Giving Keys, a company that helps the homeless. It says ‘nuevo’—new in Spanish—and represented a new chapter in my life. It was strange because it was given to me a month before we adopted our son.” SECRET PASSION “Singing and music.” DESIGN TRICK “Books are a great way to fi ll spaces. Just vary the direction they face.” GOLDEN TOUCH “I mostly love it because it’s edgy,” Jen says of this skulltopped brass candleholder.
LITTLE BLACK BAG Mini Quilted Aff air, $195; rebeccaminkoff .com LIP GLOSS Juicy Tubes, $18; lancome-usa.com PEONIES Jen’s fave glass doubles as a bud vase. Iittala Ultima Thule Footed Highball, $64.99 for two; fi nnstyle.com ART Pink Swan is one of Jen’s original paintings. $135; madebygirl.com