7 minute read
From the Editor
2009 2016
I love the alliums throughout the Ron Holbrook-designed garden on the left (which was photographed in 2009 and ran in 2010). They’re one of my favourite plants and are part of the reason I adore the image on this issue’s cover (right).
sweet memories
June 2009: The sun hasn’t risen yet and there’s a fresh quality to the air. I drive slowly down a residential street in Toronto until I find the address where we a re pla nning to shoot a back ya rd for Canadian Gardening. Set back from the street, the house is da rk – t he homeow ners must st ill be asleep. The photog rapher a nd his assista nt a re already there, waiting for me to open the gate to the yard. Whispering quietly, we carry in the photography equipment and set up for the first shot. As the sun begins to rise, we all catch our breath. The scouting shots of the garden designed by landscape architect Ron Holbrook, though beautiful, didn’t do the space justice. In the early morning light this garden is nothing short of magnificent.
I’ve been in the editor’s chair at Canadian Gardening since the spring of that year, and I’ve never forgot ten that garden, which ran in the Winter 2010 issue. It was the perfect juxtaposition of modern hardscaping and ebullient and lush plantings of ‘Blue Boy’ hosta, wintercreeper, heuchera, alliums and planters of garden catmint. There was also ample room for entertaining and a salt water lap pool that was tucked along the edge of the property. It was the garden of my dreams.
Seven years later, I still take inspiration from that plot. I’ve planted alliums, heucheras and hostas in an efort to immitate the look; as well, I’ve added Eulalia grass and climbing hydrangeas just like Ron Holbrook did there along one of the stone walls. The homage to the expert in my own garden never fails to make me smile.
That longevity of style is what makes Canadian Gardenin g such a terrif ic tool for gardeners. We provide aspiration and inspiration, even years later. The gardens we showcase are always special – and a l l cont a i n element s for re a der s t o emu l at e , whether in a tiny balcony or a big backyard.
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