Healthy. Satisfying. Good for You!

Healthy. Satisfying. Good for You!
A bre ak throu g h enc apsulat ed for mula w ith t ime -rele a se t ec hnolog y, for dr amat ic result s w ithout ir r it at ion.
For a f un holiday craf t t hat doubles as decor (or as a gif t!), tr y a t w ist on a trad itiona l Advent ca lenda r, suggests designer Ginger Cur tis of Urba nolog y Designs To ma ke t h is custom i zable version , s t a mp t he 2 4 d ay s onto cra f t bags a nd fi l l t hem w it h treats a nd personalized notes , then seal them w ith red dot stickers a nd h a ng t hem f rom wooden dowels w it h str ing for a l l to enjoy For complete in st r u ct ion s , s ee p age 1 10
1 9
I n s i d e t h e G H B ea u t y L a b
2 3
9 G e n i u s B ea u t y H a c k s Th at W i l l Ch a n g e Yo u r Life
2 7
D e c k t h e H a l l s
W i t h G re e n e r y
3 2
1 2 D ays of D e co ra t i n g
4 0
W i n te r Wo n d e r l a n d Easy snow f lake craf t s
4 4
I n s i d e t h e G H C l e a n i n g L a b
L I F E + H E A L T H
C a re g i v i n g G u i d e : Fi rst Pe rs o n My wife My muse O ur journey.
5 0
C a re g i v i n g G u i d e
Tips from exper t s and people who have done it
5 4
W h a t Yo u N e e d to K n ow A b o u t L o n g COV I D
5 6
I n s i d e t h e
G H N u t r i t i o n L a b
5 9
G i f t -Wo r t hy B o o k s
Yo u r U l t i m a te B e d ro o m Pl a n n i n g G u i d e
6 8 B e st of t h e Te st M at tres ses
70 S e a l S p ot l i g h t H oliday lifes avers
To p -Te ste d Toy Awa rd s
T h e s e t a r t b e r r i e s s h i n e w h e n p a i re d w it h s we et i n g re d i e nt s , of fe r i n g a s at i s f y i n g co ntra s t . H ere a re o u r Test K itch en ’ s h o lid ay- re a d y ways to en joy th e m :
In blender, puree 1⁄2 cup each fresh or frozen cranberries and apricot preserves, 2 Tbsp each apple cider vinegar and water and 1⁄4 tsp kosher salt until smooth Strain into small saucepan. Add 1⁄2 tsp Aleppo pepper and cook on medium, stirring occasionally, until thickened , 7 to 10 min Meanwhile, cook one 20-oz pkg frozen turkey meatballs per pkg. directions Toss with glaze and serve sprinkled with chopped cilantro
In small saucepan, combine 1 cup fresh or frozen cranberries, 1 tsp orange zest and 1⁄4 cup each orange juice and pure maple syrup Simmer until cranberries have burst and sauce thickens, 12 to 15 min. Smash cranberries using fork or potato masher Let cool Whip 3⁄4 cup heav y cream until medium peaks form Fold in half of cooled cranberry compote, t h e n g e n t l y fo l d i n re m a i n d e r Serve in glasses and top with gingersnap cookies (crushed)
In small saucepan, simmer 1⁄2 cup fresh or frozen cranberries, 1⁄2 cup water, 1⁄4 cup sugar, 2 Tbsp fresh ginger (chopped) and 1 cinnamon stick (smashed) for 10 min ; let cool to room temp, then strain. In shaker, muddle 2 Tbsp fresh or frozen cranberries with 2 Tbsp cranberry-ginger syrup Add 2 oz bourbon, fill with ice and shake until cold . Strain into rocks glass filled with ice; top with orange seltzer (chilled) and serve with slice of orange
76 Pic k Pet - S afe Pl a nt s
C O O K + S A V O R
8 0
M a ke S p i r it s B r i g ht
9 0 T h e Swe et S e a s o n
E a sy We e k n i g ht s
1 0 0 F i ve - I n g red i e n t B r u n c h
1 02 I n s i d e t h e G H K itc h e n L a b
1 1 6
G H S e a l S t a r of t h e M o nt h Pa l m e r ’ s S k i n T h e ra py O il Fa ce
Don’t t r a s h t hose w r appi ng scr aps! These c le ver idea s g ive r ibbon s t yle b e yond t he spool .
C ove r : P h o t o g r a p h e d b y M i ke G a r t e n P r o p s t y l i n g b y L i s E n g e l h a r t F o o d s t y l i n g b y C h r i s t i n e A l b a n o
1. HANG PICTURES. Use ribbon instead of wire as a hanger on the back of a light frame Or make the ribbon visible by looping it around a hook or a nail as the picture hangs below.
2. ADD FL AIR TO A ZIPPER. Tie a piece of ribbon to a zipper pull on your purse or gym bag for a pop of color and to make it easier to open and close
3. DIY A TAPE ME ASURE . To measure a round object, wrap
D EC EM B ER 2 0 2 2 VO L 2 7 3 , N O 1
ribbon around its circumference, mark the length and stretch over a ruler or a yardstick
4. BUNDLE SHEET SETS. Corral matching pillowcases and fitted and flat sheets in the linen closet to save time making beds
5. ORGANIZE YOUR KEYS. Pick a different color of ribbon to use as a key chain for every spare set so you can easily tell which keys go where
T h e H o l i day & C r a f t G u i d e Simplif y your celebration w ith these easy craf t and decor ideas , recipes and more. Join GH+ at good house for details as well as perks like the chance to be a product tester, unlimited access to exclusive recipes developed by the GH Test K itchen and more.
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a n i e l e D a l y ( r i b b o n )
We make your travels to the world’s most magical destinations possible. But it ’s your endless passion for discover y that leads you there
Everyone I have gifted the ChappyWrap Blanket to is absolutely obsessed It always starts with them commenting on how cozy it is when they use it on my couch; not only is it the perfect size and weight and super cozy, but there are so many design options (including maps think wedding location, favorite vacation spots, etc ) that make it feel like a very special gift
$135, chappywrap com
Jessica Teich , deputy editor
I t ’ s n ot a l ways ea sy to fi n d t h e p e r fe c t g i ft you wa n t i t t o b e p e r s o nal ye t p r ac t i cal , c rea t ive bu t no t t o o t ou g h o n t he c re d i t ca rd . A few yea r s ag o, t he G H t ea m s t a r t e d a new s o r t o f Se c re t Sa n t a : We aske d eve r yo ne t o b r i ng a s mal l i t e m t ha t had b e e n a l i fe c ha ng e r o r a l i t tl e s o me t h i ng t hey ’d co me t o d e p e nd o n A nd t he real p re s e n t was n o t o n l y g i f t i ng t h e i t e m s , bu t eac h o f u s sha r i n g h o w w e u s e d t h e m a n d why they had b e co me s o i mp o r t a n t i n ou r l ive s . T h is yea r, I’ ve aske d t he e d i t o r s t o sha re t he i r g o - t o g i f t s a nd s o me o f t ho s e l i t tl e t h i ngs t hey ca n ’t (o r d o n ’t wa n t t o ! ) l ive w i t hou t I have t o t e l l you , w he n I read t h is l is t I was t o t al l y i nsp i re d t o s t a r t my ho l i day sho p p i ng t he re a r e s o m a ny awe s o m e i d ea s ! I h o p e t h is h e lp s make you r g i f t p l a n n i n g easier and more g r a t i f y i ng Hap py ho l i days , f ro m ou r ho me s t o you r s ! J a n e Fr a n c i sc o
Levain Cookies are a gift I’ve been given and one I give to many You receive freshly baked cookies you can heat up and enjoy at home. They also freeze well so your loved one can have the best cookies any time they want Nothing says “I love you ” like a bag of massive, gooey chocolate chip cookies, in my opinion! From $29, levainbakery com
Eva Bleyer, home & kitchen appliances reviews analyst
I recently visited the French Riviera and fell in love with all the fresh truffle salts, oils, vinegars and cheeses I couldn’t bring a lot back to the States, but this bold and flavorful seasoning is a great alternative. Just a little on scrambled eggs or mixed with ketchup instantly transforms a weekday meal into a bistro-quality dish
Sabatino Tartufi Truffle Zest
Seasoning, $13, Amazon
Kayla Keegan , senior editorial business development editor
There’s something for everyone on your list glittery bath bombs, exfoliating body scrubs, fragrant shower gels, sudsy bubble bars and more! The individual items are great stocking stuffers, and Lush always offers holiday-themed items in beautiful gift sets that are already boxed and ready to gift Prices vary (shown: Fairy Christmas, $100),
Amanda Constantine, home & apparel reviews analyst
I have bought Baggu reusable bags for almost everyone in my life, and they have always been a hit! I have even wrapped a gift in the bag, and everyone is more excited about the bag than the gift!
From $14,
Alex Mata , craft stylist
These are my ultimate host gift FinchBerry Soaps, from a womanowned company, are designed and handpoured by artisans in Florida and are almost too pretty to use They look like slices of cake but lather up beautifully I wrap a few in waxed paper with a bow for my holiday host
$10 each,
Zee Krstic, health editor
I have thick hair and feel as if large silk scrunchies never keep it secure Fishers Finery Silk Scrunchies are a life changer They have all the benefits you expect from silk scrunchies without any slippage Skinny Hair Ties, $40 for six,
Grace Wu , textiles product reviews analyst
For $40 or less, this Blackfemale-owned brand offers
a Customizable Eyeshadow
Palette. Choose from more than 80 shades (from neutral to bold) and dozens of packaging designs (florals, stripes and more, or upload your own image) to make a personalized eyeshadow palette. You can even add a name or a message unhiddenbeautyco com
April Franzino, beauty director
I have gifted L.L.Bean Wicked Good Camp Moccasins to my husband, my in-laws and pretty much anyone who appreciates warm, cozy slippers! These are so comfortable, and I live in them in the winter months
$89, llbean com
Fuzzy Friend
Parents spend a lot of time picking out the perfect baby name, and this personalized animal lovey is a great way to honor their choice! Plus, there are lots of animals to choose from, and you can specify the font and the embroidery color to match a baby’s room
Starting at $24, etsy com /shop/isewjo
Marisa LaScala , senior parenting and relationships editor
A nice olive-oil-and-vinegar set gives your recipient the chance to taste something they probably wouldn’t buy for themselves I love the Kosterina Dressing Duo this EVOO is made from Greek olives and infused with lemon and Greek spices, and the fig vinegar is sweet and luscious. $46,
Alyssa Jung, senior editor, Health Newsroom
instant decor Greenery completely changes the feel of a room, and this year I know I can’t go wrong with gifting Tal & Bert Geode Planters They look luxurious, and it feels good to support a Black-owned business
From $22 each, etsy com (search for “talandbert”)
Monique Valeris, senior home editor
These Tiny Ceramic Nut Bowls are perfect for anything from olive pits to rings (for when you take them off to wash your hands) to sea salt or ranch dressing to vitamins on a breakfast tray We have them all over the house. $4 to $5 each,
Stephanie Dolgoff, deputy director, Health Newsroom
The Richro Glass Pitcher is great because it’s so versatile I love using it to make my own iced tea because you can put it directly on the stove I’ve used it to make cocktails and iced coffee and to store juice and water It’s really easy to clean, and I’ve even put both parts in the dishwasher From $22, Amazon
Alyssa Gautieri , associate lifestyle editor
Sweet Spirits
I’m gifting Txurrut Basque
Vermut, a light, bright, sweet vermouth from the Basque region of Spain, to all my friends who imbibe The flavor is wonderfully complex and pleasantly bittersweet with hints of fig, citrus and baking spices to evoke the holidays
Susan Choung, recipe editor
You’ve Got Mail Customized Return Address Stamps are my favorite gift for newlyweds and new homeowners, but equally special for the holidays You can even make holiday-specific ones, which are perfect for yearly holiday-card mailing!
Trish Clasen Marsanico, deputy food editor
Make Memories
Airbnb offers in-person and virtual Airbnb Experiences that are so fun! I gifted one person a cooking class and another friend a virtual tour of a city they’d always wanted to visit When a friend was sad to miss Christmas because she had COVID, we did a virtual escape room it was a great way to stay connected Prices vary,
Emma Seymour, senior textiles analyst
Whether my friends are pros in the kitchen or just learning, the Diaspora Co. Build Your Own Spice Shelf is a great gift A pack of chili, turmeric and peppercorns from an Indian-owned business will elevate any dish, and they’re sourced ethically from farmers in Sri Lanka and India with whom the brand works to provide high-quality products
From $34, diasporaco com
Becca Miller, associate editor
I love words of affirmation, and these Little Words
Project Bracelets are a great reminder of positive messages when you look down at your wrists I love all the options, like “You got this,” “Strength” and “Stay Positive,” and the fact that they come in multiple sizes From $25 each, littlewordsproject com
Danusia Wnek , Beauty Lab chemist
Glide a sparkle-laced shadow in a metallic shade tailored to your skin tone along upper lashes: silver for fair skin, rose gold for medium and bronze for dark. For lips, slick on a gleamy champagne or golden lip gloss alone or on top of your go-to lipcolor to achieve eye-catching shine.
Keep the gleam subtle by incorporating it into your skincare with an iridescent face oil or moisturizer
Gild skin under your chin by smoothing on a goldentinted body balm or lotion.
To amp up any hairstyle, apply a glimmer-infused shine mist or pomade as a finishing touch Or slip a rhinestone bobby pin (or a few!) into your updo or behind your ear when wearing your hair down.
Add twinkle to your mani: Wear a metallic glitter nail polish as a top coat, paint just the tips or apply two layers for maximum impact.
Ivor y Gentle Deodorant is pure, nature-inspired and gentle on skin. Made without Aluminum, Talc, Baking Sod a, Parabens or Phthal ates, Ivor y has been trusted for generations to provide gentle care for your skin.
“Good Housekeeping Institute Lab experts were impressed by Ivory Gentle Deodorant and its pleasant, mild scent including lavender, coconut, and aloe. Clinical studies showed that it controlled odor for up to 24-hours af ter underarm application and it was gentle on skin.”
A : The short answer: probably not You may have seen biotin (another name for vitamin B7) touted on haircare products and in supplements for its hair-growth benefits “Hair loss is a symptom of biotin deficiency, so biotin supplementation may benefit people with hair loss or hair thinning who are biotin deficient,” says Hadley King, M.D., a dermatologist in New York City. But there’s not enough evidence to prove the ingredient’s effectiveness at growing hair in people who aren’t lacking in biotin, she adds Can biotin shampoo boost hair growth? It’s not likely, as shampoos are rinsed off strands and don’t spend an extended amount of time touching the scalp, where growth occurs, GH Beauty Lab experts explain. That said , there is limited evidence that shampoos with biotin may strengthen existing strands and minimize breakage, Dr King notes GH Beauty Lab pick: Hair B iology Full & Vibrant Volumizing Shampoo, $10, Target Reporting by Andrea Jordan
This new beauty product takes traditional glue-on false lashes to the next level True to their name, magnetic lashes adhere to yo u r l a s h l i n e w i th a co m b i n ati o n of magnetized eyeliner and magnetized false lashes or with two magnetized lashes that stick together. Though some can be tricky to apply, they are reusable and less messy than glue-on versions Potential hazards include allergic reaction, irritation, eyelid fatigue, lashes falling out and corneal abrasion, says Andrea Thau, O D ,
a New York City optometrist But overall, magnetic lashes are safer to use than traditional false eyelashes, as they don’t require you to apply glue near the eye, explains Elise Brisco, O D , an optometrist in Los Angeles For best results, follow packaging directions closely, wash your hands before applying and remove before going to sleep GH Beauty Lab pick: Eylure ProMagnetic Volume Magnetic Eyeliner & Lash System, $12, Ulta Reporting by Jacqueline Saguin and Shanon Maglente
The classic multipurpose skincare salve Aq u a p h o r Healing Ointment has gotten a makeover so it’s a r i c h , ea sy- to - a p p l y, no-mess balm A longtime Good Housekeeping Seal Star, the original formula is proven to soothe and repair dry, cracked skin
The next-generation stick also is fragrance-free and contains the same key ingredients: high levels of the skin protect ant petrolatum, softening panthenol (provitamin B5) and glycerin Its solid formula is enriched with nourishing avocado oil and shea butter, and a compact twist-up tube makes it portable and simple to smooth on while on the go
The stick can be glided on to target dry areas like cheeks, lips, elbows and heels or applied in a light layer all over (GH beauty editors with dry skin recommend doing this on the face as a last skincare step before bed to lock in moisture overnight )
Make life easier with genius home solutions, recipes and editor-tested products.
Make your primping routine faster and easier during the busy holiday season with these smart skin and makeup tricks from the pros.
Instead of testing foundation and concealer on your hand , swipe it on your face or neck, as body skin can differ in color
No eyeliner? No problem: An eyeshadow can do the trick “ Wet an eyeliner brush with water or setting spray, dip the wet brush into your eyeshadow, then line your eye as you would with traditional liner,” says Dana Rae Ashburn-McKissock, a makeup artist in New York City “For a softer effect, allow the wet shadow line to dry and lightly run a cotton swab along your lashline ”
When smoothing on face or body moisturizer, warm it up by rubbing your fingers together before applying it directly to skin, recommends GH Freelance Beauty Editor Dori Price “ This helps thin it out a bit so it sinks into your skin better for a more even application,” she says
Rather than dotting concealer under your eyes, apply it in an upside-down triangle shape to fully cover and brighten dark circles, then blend thoroughly
Put an end to smudging and fading by transforming your favorite lipstick shade (or a bolder one) into a lip stain “Apply a cream or liquid lipstick and leave it on for a minimum of 10 minutes,” advises AshburnMcKissock “ Then use a damp cotton round to lift some of the color and follow that with a coat of lip balm for a hydrated , sheer look ”
y e S h a d o w c o n t a i n e r s : b e c k y s t a r s m o r e / A d o b e S t o c k P h o t o C o n c e a l e r s w p e s : D o d o r I n n a / A d o b e S t o c k P h o t o M o i s t u r i z e r s w i p e : J e ff r e y W e s t b r o o k
e t t y I m a g e s
s a n d m a k e u p b r u s h :
Cleanse and exfoliate at the same time by applying your face and body washes using skin brushes (there are specific tools available for both areas). Or opt for 2-in-1 exfoliating cleanser formulas made with either physical exfoliants like jojoba beads or chemical exfoliants such as acids or enzymes
b r o w
l i f t
Blend a thin line of light neutral eyeliner, eyeshadow or highlighter under arches to emphasize their shape
If you ’ re out of eyebrow gel or wax, try this DIY method to keep even the most unruly hairs in place. “Apply a small amount of hair gel or hairspray to a clean spoolie brush or toothbrush and comb your brows into place,” suggests Ashburn-McKissock
No lacquer (or drying time) needed to make nails look polished: Try using a four-sided nail-buffing block. “Start by filing nails with the side that has the roughest surface, then buff them with the other sides, which decrease in roughness as you go, ” says GH Beauty Lab Director Birnur Aral , Ph D “After the last side, the shine buffer, moisturize cuticles with oil and apply hand cream your nails will look so good that they won’t even need nail polish ”
c l e a n s w e e p
To remove stubborn mascara or eyeliner, use a spoolie brush to rub makeup remover between lashes before rinsing, says GH Beauty Lab Senior Chemist
Sabina WizemannWhen you want a lighter-weight or more moisturizing base, no need to ditch your foundation just turn it into tinted moisturizer “Put a penny-size amount of foundation and moisturizer in your palm and mix them,” says Ashburn-McKissock. Apply with your fingers or with a makeup brush as usual
For fullness and length that lasts, don’t press just once with your eyelash curler Instead , pulse a few times up the length of your lashes before applying mascara, then gently curl lashes at the base again once mascara is dry
A c t i v e c o o l i n g a n d w a r m i n g b y z o n e o n e a c h s i d e
hy ad ul t s S L E
A u t o m a t i c a l l y r e s p o n d s t o y o u
Pe r s o n a l i z e d i n s i g h t s f o r b e t t e r s l e e p
I n c l u d e s s m a r t a d j u s t a b l e b a s e f o r l i m i t l e s s a d j u s t a b i l i t y
A d j u s t fi r m n e s s a n d c o m f o r t o n e a c h s i d e R a i s e y o u r p a r t n e r ’ s h e a d t o a l l e v i a t e s n o r i n g ‡
e e p N um b e r s ur vey o f 1,0 0 4 re s p o n d e n t s w h o re p o r t e d t h ey o r t h e ir p a r t n e r s o m e t m e s s l e e p t o o h o t o r t o o c o l d ‡ M ay t e m p o r a r il y re li eve c o mm o n mi d s n o r n g in
0, t h e D o u b l e A r r o w D e s i gn, a n d S E L E C T C O M F O R T a re re gi s t e re d t r ad e m a r k s o f S e e p N um b e r C o r p o r at i o n © 2 0 2 2 S e e p N
Bring cheer to a subdued backsplash with a minimalist macramé hoop adorned with a pair of brass bells and cypress greens “The aesthetic is bright and airy,” says Kate O’Hara, CEO and creative director of Martha O’Hara Interiors perfect for a window
“The end result is timeless decor to last through the holiday and winter months,” says O’Hara of this elegant stairway draped in garland
Bonus: The rust-colored velvet ribbons coordinate with wreaths throughout the home
B a n i s t e r a n d k i t c h e n s i n k : S p a c e c r a f t i n g P h o t o g r a p h y I n t e r i o r d e s i g n a n d p h o t o s t y l i n g : M a r t h a O ’ H a r a I n t e r i o r s B u i l d e r : J o h n K r a e m e r & S o n s A r c h i t e c t : M u r p h y & C o D e s i g n L i v i n g r o o m : L a u r i e K i l g o r e P h o t o g r a p h y D e s i g n e d b y S t e p h a n i e S t r o u d I n t e r i o r s
The large, flat leaves of the magnolia garland bring an upscale look to this elegant room. Be “strategic with your simplicity,” says designer Stephanie Stroud
Cedar and a pinecone lend charm to this crisp white t able setting.
A traditional wreath with citrus fruits and blush ribbon can add dimension to a bookshelf frame in an instant “It’ s welcoming for all who visit over the holidays,” says O’Hara
W r e a t h : T r o y T h e s P h o t o g r a p h y I n t e r i o r d e s i g n a n d p h o t o s t y l i n g : M a r t h a O ’ H a r a I n t e r i o r s B u i d e r : J o h n K r a e m e r & S o n s A r c h i t e c t : M u r p h y & C o D e s g n T a b l e s e t t i n g : J u l i a G r e e n e @ g r e e n e a c r e s f a r m h o u s e
Even when all your garbage is all gross. G lad® wit h Clorox T M bags eliminate food and bacterial odors to keep all your t rash all under cont rol .
C a n d l e
C o u n t d o w n
Use double-stick tape or craft glue to secure white or blue paper around toilet paper tubes Create a dripping effect with gold glitter on glue, then cut flames out of gold paper and glue them onto gold circles. Add a number sticker for each night of Hanukkah (or day leading to Christmas) and fill each candle with treats
Here’s a bright idea for old lightbulbs: Turn them into decorative pears! Cover lightbulbs with colored twine and hot-glue small twigs to the tops for stems To make the leaves, fold squares of gold paper in half and cut into crescent shapes, then unfold and attach to stems with hot glue Use them to decorate your mantel or add ribbon to create ornaments
The “ pears ” are made from old lightbulbs!
Experiment with washi tape in wintry hues, metallics and patterns to make ordinary cards and envelopes stand out Whether you use the crafting staple to spruce up the exteriors of envelopes or to add holiday motifs on the fronts (we’re partial to trees and gifts), your loved ones will be impressed
Assemble a festive tree with homemade ornaments featuring everything from salt dough and acrylic paint to fringe trim and colorful felt.
For complete instructions, see page 108
E i g h t - P o i n t e d S t a r
Bring elegance to your dinner table with this clever star shape All it takes is folding a cloth napkin of your choice!
K n o t t e d a n d N i c e
Give this Japanese wrapping technique, called furoshiki, a try Cut a cloth napkin to size to make this elegant bowknot
After folding a rectangular cloth napkin into the shape of a Christmas tree, top the origami-inspired look with a few miniature ball ornaments.
Turn cookie cutters into napkin holders or, for gift-giving, tie a name tag or ribbon with the recipient’s name onto each.
For video instructions on the napkin-folding variations, go to goodhousekeeping com/holiday-templates
Green nail polish and water create this merry marbled effect. Once dry, add small screw eyes to hang.
Take your holiday decor to the next level with this surprisingly simple project.
C o o l Po i n t s This detailed snow flake will wow friends and family alike
P r e t t y S p e a r s Layered points of different lengths come together to make this unique display
S u p p l i e s :
• 9 white paper lunch bags
• GH snow flake template
• X-Acto knife or scissors
• Hot-glue gun and glue sticks
• Decorative ribbon or string for hanging
1. With the smooth side of a bag facing up, add glue in a “ T ” shape along its bottom edge and up its length. Place the next bag on top Repeat until all nine bags are glued together
2. Cut out the snow flake template and trace its shape on top of the stack of bags
3. Cut the bags along their edges with an X-Acto knife or scissors
S n o w y S u n b u r s t For this design, you’ll dot the inside of the snow flake with per forations that get bigger toward the edges
4. Glue a hanging loop of ribbon or string at the top end of one side of the stack of bags.
5. Finally, add glue on the end of the bag in the same “ T ” shape that you started with to close the circle.
Find templates for five snow flake designs at templates .
A: These new sheets are perforated strips or swatches of compressed detergent that you place in the washer with your load, and we ’ ve seen tremendous growth in the category In a recent GH Cleaning Lab test of 24 laundry sheets, most dissolved well, but there were mixed results when it came to cleaning. Many failed to erase ink, tea and grass stains the stuff quality liquid detergents can tackle easily And most did a poor to fair job of whitening. That said, they boast eco benefits like lighter shipping weight and no plastic bottles If you are eager to try them and don’t mind a higher cost per load than the top liquid and pack detergents, consider the best performers from our test EC-30 Laundry Detergent
Swatches (shown at right; $29 for 30 loads, ec30clean com) and Norwex Eco-Wash Laundry Detergent Strips ($32 for 36 loads, norwex biz)
Bottom Line: Detergent sheets are worth a try for lightly soiled loads
Clean your washer’s filter.
If you have a front-loading machine, look for a trapdoor on the bottom front Open it, and you ’ll see a removable filter designed to keep objects from damaging the pump. Check your machine’ s cleaning recommendations, but a few times a year, remove lint and items like coins and clean the filter Put down a pan or an absorbent towel first to catch any water that drains out
I n s pec t t h e h oses . Every few months, check your washer’ s hot and cold water hoses Be sure the connections are secure and the hoses are free of cracks Replace old or worn rubber hoses, preferably with durable braided-metal ones If possible, make it a habit to turn off the water valves when your washer isn’t in use; this ensures that you ’ll avoid an unexpected leak or flood
Ch eck t h e o u td oo r vent .
Most dryers require outdoor venting to dry clothes quickly and thoroughly Every so often when the dryer is running, go outside and look at the vent Make sure that the flaps are fully open and that warm, moist air is coming out. If you see lint buildup, clear it with a brush or a broom Also remove leaves, nests or debris, especially from dryer exhausts on lower levels
No matter which detergent you use, washing towels, linens and clothing can make them stiff and rough over time That’s because detergent, fabric softener, hard water and even body soil residues can build up in fibers and affect texture Adding vinegar to the rinse cycle helps, but it takes a lot to have an impact, and it can leave items with a vinegary smell plus, you risk damaging your machine
Solution: Downy’s new Rinse & Refresh Fabric Rinse, a clear liquid that works in the rinse cycle and uses low-pH citric acid and other cleaners to strip fabrics of buildup and odors Pour it into your machine’s fabric softener dispenser or add it to the rinse cycle. Unlike fabric softener, it’s safe to use on all fabrics, including kids’ sleepwear and activewear. Test RESULTS GH experts marveled at this product’s effectiveness After just one wash, stiff washcloths emerged softer, fluffier and fresher The bottle’s wide mouth makes pouring easy, and its two scents Cool Cotton and Fresh Lavender are subtle and pleasing
Em i ly ’ s ch ronic illness
a nd t he adjustments t hat have come w it h it have cha l lenged our ma r r iage but a lso brought us closer.
After surviving the clumsiness and yearnings of dating life, I craved security and deep connection, and Emily seemed like a good bet. On t he su r face , we were opposites I ’ m a n a r t s a nd cu lt u re nerd , wh i le she ’ s into science and nature But you know that feeling when you can just be yourself around someone? We had that, and more which proved essential a s we took on some big challenges, such a s Emily’ s chronic illness
When Emily was 22, she developed Crohn’ s disease, an autoimmune illness that attacks the digestive system It came on swiftly and without warning. She was later diagnosed with chronic migraines as well
a s c o n v e r g e n c e i n s u f f i c i e n c y , a neurological spatial management disorder that makes tasks like tracking anything (words on a page, images on a screen, the view through a windshield) debilitating As a farmer’ s daughter, Em had grown up mucking stalls, chopping wood and cleaning the chicken coop; a two-sport athlete in high school, she was always on the go All that came to an end when she got sick, though by the time she turned 30, she had undergone nine surgeries related to Crohn’ s, including one in which her colon was removed and she was fitted with an ileostomy bag.
As we got to know each other, Emily took great pains to introduce me to her reality slowly she didn’t want to scare me away Plus, she didn’t want to be known as “the sick girl,” didn’t want to ma ke people feel uncomfortable or burdened This w a s how she lived with chronic illness
T h e f u n n y t h i n g w a s , y o u w o u l d n e v e r k n o w she was ill by looking at her; as I soon discovered, she spent most of her energy carrying herself as if she wer e completely healthy She rarely left the house without makeup, always dressed nicely and greeted people with a firm handshake, direct eye contact and a smile. She worked as a unit secretary in a hospital ER and exuded poise and professionalism
For me, the world of doctors, hospitals and operations proved intimidating I was fuzzy on the most b a s i c m e d i c a l t e r m s , d i d n ’ t k n o w a c o m o r b i d i t y f r o m a c o l o n o s c o p y a n d h a d n e v e r h e a r d o f , l e t alone seen, an ostomy bag I banked on a willingness to show up My father stopped drinking when I was 12, and early in his sobriety he took my sister, my brother and me to AA meetings with him; being thrust into an adult reality beyond my experience helped condition me for the unknown. So while the prospect of contending with Emily’ s illness scared me because I didn’t know what that would look like or what would be required of me it didn’t stop me from jumping into the deep end of the pool All I had to do was learn how to swim
I t d i d n ’ t t a k e l o n g f o r m e t o d i s c o v e r t h e a l lencompassing nature of Emily’ s illnesses Her condition dictated how much energy she had; where she could go and for how long; and what she could eat It a ffec ted us bot h in ways I had n ’t anticipated I came from an epicurean family, one for which food was joy and pleasure When I was growing up, my Belgian-born mother greeted the day with
a cup of coffee, spreading Marmite or homemade jam on a burned piece of toast at breakfast as she joyously schemed what to make for dinner But for Emily, food was sustenance and health flavor and enjoyment were secondary concerns at best So as much as I loved cooking, I had to learn to approach it in a different way I began using ingredients that w e r e n e w t o m e f l a x s e e d s , q u i n o a , k a l e . S i n c e
E m c o u l d n ’ t d i g e s t r a w v e g e t a b l e s , I p u r e e d vegetables into soup: Something as simple as onion, walnuts, broccoli and soy milk would do the trick
It might not be fancy cooking, but the chef’ s satisfaction of making something simple and good for an appreciative eater remained and she was never less than appreciative.
Choosing a restaurant also became an ordeal
We carefully inspected menus online, crossing contenders off the list, both of us losing our patience
I wasn ’t always easygoing about our food challenges. I took it personally when Em couldn’t digest an ingredient I wanted to use, and I let my disappointment about our dwindling restaurant list get in the way of adjusting on the fly and staying upbeat Emily, in t u r n , felt crappy about upset t i ng me but w a s a lso pissed off it wasn ’t as if she could control what she couldn’t eat. Concer n about being thought of as the problem was an aspect of why she didn’t even like to consider herself sick; to her, sickness meant weakness that dragged dow n ever yone around her Intel lect ua l ly, I u nder stood t hat her lim itations were a matter of plumbing, not taste and that even if t hey had been about taste , it sti l l wou ld n ’t have been persona l But get ting beyond my initia l react ion to ok t i me I b e ca me acc u s tome d to h a ng i ng out w it h f r ie nd s or at te nd i ng f a m i ly g at he r i ng s
alone sometimes because Em was working or resting to prepare to go to work and sometimes because she wasn ’t feeling wel l She a lways encouraged me to go out , soa k up my f r iend s a nd nou r ish my sel f a nd t hen come home a nd sha re what I ’d seen a nd heard . If I missed her being w ith me, I a lso enjoyed being free to come and go as I pleased Some letdowns were more disappointing than others When Em wasn ’t available to be romantic or sexual, I sulked and brooded. Then, to mask the anger, I cleaned our apartment and went out of my way to be extra helpful, as if being good had anything to do with it I felt sorry for myself, as if selfpity would help (Pro tip: Nothing is less sexy than self-pity ) Frustrated, I ate too much and stopped exercising (Pro tip number two: That is almost as attractive as self-pity.)
The bombshell disappointment involved children. I always assumed I’d be a father, but motherh o o d w a s n o t a r e a l i s t i c o p t i o n f o r E m i l y S h e struggled e v e n ju s t to take care of herself how would she have the energy to be a mother? For years, I could not accept this; we went to couples therapy and put off getting married A lot was negotiable, so much of life was shades of gray, but this seemed like a legit deal breaker after all, you couldn’t have half a kid By the time we married, I still privately hoped t h at parenthood was a possibility. If not, wouldn’t I regret missing out on it for t he rest of my life?
B efore long I replaced Em i ly ’ s pa rent s a s her pr im a r y s upp or t Sit t i ng i n do c tor s ’ w a it i ng r o om s toget her, we played Pictionar y on scraps of paper ; s h e b e a m e d w i t h p r i d e a t h e r i n d e c i p h e r a b l e d r aw i ng s , u n able to s uppr e s s a l augh . O n a fe w occa sion s , I caught a look of genu i ne su r pr ise on a nu r s e ’ s f ac e a s t he y r e g a r de d t he t h ic k ne s s of Em i ly ’ s med ica l cha r t I of ten sat i n t he exa m i nation room, poised with notebook , pen and good post u re Even if I d id n ’t u nder s t a nd a lot of what w a s bei ng ta l ked about , I cou ld pretend t hat I d id a nd t a ke sm a r t , d i l igent notes t h at cou ld b e of u s e to Em i ly a f ter t he appoi nt ment
At fi r st I ta l ked too much to t he nu r ses a nd doctors, sm a l l t a l k t h at m ade me feel less anxious in those situations but was not at all helpful to Emily. I quickly ca me to u nder s t a nd t h at the less I said, the better. Occasionally I would remind Emily of a question she’d wanted to ask, but otherwise I kept quiet The days and weeks leading up to an appointment were tense with anticipation and expectation
It became clear to me that each visit whet her to a t r ad it ion a l doctor or to a holistic practitioner came loaded not only with trauma history but a lso w it h almost desperate hope for answers nobody
s e e m e d t o h a v e W h e n a n a p p o i n t m e n t d i d n o t yield t he desired results, the aftermath of defeat lingered for days, someti mes weeks
The most unsettling adjustment came when Em didn’t feel well After eating, she was careful not to move around too much while digesting, as the scar tissue cou ld lead to an obstruction picture your intestine bent like a hose w ith a kink . She’d endured hundreds of partial obstructions The bad ones put her on the bathroom floor, curled up in pain, unable to speak A couple of times we drove to the ER in the middle of the night One came on New Year’ s Eve: I paced outside an exam room as two nurses fumbled to insert a nasogastric tube through Emily ’ s nose I stopped pacing, as if my stillness would help them steady their hands The nurses took breaks, I held my breath and Em kept gagging until they threaded the tube properly
It is a particular kind of challenge watching a loved one suffer There are moments when the “I’ m not sick” pose falls away and Emily is infuriated by her reality, br im ming with anger Sometimes she’ s overwhelmed by sadness And when she’ s in either state, fury or sorrow, it’ s difficult to resist the urge to swoop in and try to fix things As if there w er e anything that could be fixed other than my anxiety about experiencing my wife’ s anger and sadness
Since we ’ ve known each other, Emily has dogg e d l y p u r s u e d k n o w l e d g e a n d w i s d o m w h e n i t comes to feeling better in her own skin. She has been reading the work of wellness pioneers such as Louise Hay and Wayne Dyer since the mid-1990s. She h a s i n c o r p o r a t e d t a p p i n g , g u i d e d m e d i t a t i o n , Reiki, crystal healing, earthing and humming yes, humming one continuous note, ooooohhhmmm
I t i s a p a r t i c u l a r k i n d o f ch a l l e n g e watch i n g a l ove d o n e su ffe r .We hung this portrait at home to remind Emily of the good times when she s feeling down says Alex
into her self-care repertoire
I’ m a skeptic by nature, but my attitude is “Whatever works,” and I ’ v e p i c k e d u p p i e c e s o f w i s d o m here and there, such as the sense of surrender and acceptance Anita Moorjani eloquently describes foll o w i n g a n e a r - d e a t h e x p e r i e n c e in her 2012 book Dying to Be Me
A copy of Eckhart Tolle’ s A New Earth now rests on my night table
E m i l y l i v e s a r i c h i n n e r l i f e She’ s an introvert and enjoys her own company in a way t hat I envy When she’ s down, however, she shuts the world out She has gradually warmed to the idea that she can reach out to one of her trusted friends when she feels bad; she can let them see the “unwell” her One of my favorite sounds is t hat of her talking and laughing on the phone with a friend
Though Emily i s self-sufficient in most ways, she often leans on me for emotional support When the pain and frustration of not feeling well become too much, darkness replaces her usual optimism Unsure what to do with her anger, she points it inward, blaming herself for being sick Sometimes it gets so bad t hat she excuses herself from the room.
These spells can last hours, sometimes days In the past my approach was to do something, anything, to help her feel better Whether I had the energy or attention to spare or not, I’d listen, cajole, cheerlead I wanted so badly to take away her pain t h a t I d r a i n e d m y s e l f W h e n m y w i f e g o t u p s e t , I d r o p p e d e v e r y t h i n g , n o q u e s t i o n s a s k e d . E m encouraged me not to exhaust myself even though it was my choice to get involved. Normally, once Emily’ s mood lifted and the storm passed, she’d be present and loving aga i n . I didn’t feel grateful, t hough , but bitter: Where’s mine? What about me?
I f o u n d a h u g e m e a s u r e o f r e l i e f i n t h e r a p y Having time set aside for talk therapy would have been crucial even if for the validation alone I also attended a weekly men ’ s group run by the same therapist Both gave me a place to share and connect and feel less alone. The group, usually a half d o z e n m e n r a n g i n g f r o m t h e i r 2 0 s t o t h e i r 7 0 s , listened to my dilemma and my stories. They also c h a l l e n g e d m e I t w a s e a s y t o b l a m e t h i n g s n o t going my way on Emily and her illness, but what had been my part in creating my own suffering? The focus always came back to that
“ Here is a woman who loves you, ” they reminded me “ She champions you, says you ’ re hot stuff, lets you be yourself and doesn’t want to control you.
She’ s independent, and so while you do most of the shopping and all the cooking, she holds her own and then some de a l i ng w it h the family finances, handling the laundry, scrubbing the bathroom She just can ’t be available for you all the time the way you would like That doesn’t give you an excuse to go to pieces or stop taking care of yourself You chose to get involved with someone who deals with a lot what did you expect?”
At the same time, they pointed out how critical I was of myself, that I refused to cut myself a break How do you face taking care of yourself when you ’ ve a l w a y s p u s h e d t h e r e s p o n s i b i l i t y o f f o n o t h e r s ? My concept of love was transactional: I gave, but I expected a lot in return The group encouraged me to find love in the giving What if I could let go of controlling and evaluating what ca me back to me trusting, given that I had an empathetic and supportive partner, that what I needed wou ld come back to me? “ Nobody can make you happy or make you whole,” t he g r oup told me week in a nd week out, year after year “ That’ s your work ”
“You can have anything you want,” the therapist said “You just can ’t have everything you want ”
L a s t Ja nua r y, Em and I celebrated the 20 t h anniversary of our first date Our life isn’t tidy, but since when is an authentically lived life tidy?
We still get into arguments despite being more self-aware Emily’ s health remains unpredictable in ways that are challenging and sometimes scary, yet her resolve is deep and abiding She left her job in the ER after 21 years, at the start of the pandemic, and now works as a l ife c oach and Reiki m aster specializing in relief from anxiety.
L i ke m a ny w omen , E m i ly s topp e d d y ei ng her ha i r du r i ng t he pa ndem ic , a nd she is now a si lverh a i r e d go dd e s s , mor e r ad i a nt t h a n e v e r, pr oud , accomplished a nd i ncrementa l ly sof ten i ng w it h i n he r s e l f My ad m i r at ion for he r i s u nd i m i n i s he d O ur lives don’t look a ny t hing li ke I once imagined t h e y w o u ld B u t a f u n n y t h i n g h ap p e n e d s i x or seven years into our mar r iage: A f ter a ll our fr iends a nd sibli ngs had ch i ld ren a nd t hose k id s got a litt le older, I rea l i z e d , Wow, it ’ s OK n ot bein g a d a d I h ad n ’t e x p e c t e d t h at ; I ’d fig u r e d I ’d r e g r e t not bei ng a fat her But i n s tead of se ei ng a void i n my l i fe I s aw s p ac e , a nd I fi l le d t h at s p ac e w it h nu rt u r i ng r e l at ion s h ips , a pro duc t iv e a nd s at i sf y i ng creat ive l i fe a nd a n i nt i m ate con ne c t ion w it h my w ife In ot her words , just what I ’d a lways wanted
Alex and Emily’s audiobook about their relat ion ship, Here I A re : A natomy of a Ma r r iage , i s available at .
Ta k i n g o n t h e c a re of a l ove d o n e c a n b e i n c re d i b l y rewa rd i n g — i t c a n a l s o b e st re s sf u l , l o g i st i c a l l y d a u n t i n g a n d e m ot i o n a l l y f ra u g h t .
While there is some support, our society isn’t set up to make it easy on anyone, even though 21 3% of U S adults (or 53 million people) served as caregivers at some point in the past 12 months, according to Caregiving in the U S 2020, a report from the National Alliance for Caregiving and AARP. And the number is only growing, up over 20% since 2015 Even experts in providing support struggle. “I’ ve worked in this field for 35 years, but when my own parents began to deteriorate, I was at a complete loss,” admits Greg Link, director of the Office of Supportive and Caregiver Services at the Administration for Community Living “One of the most important things we can do for families and caregivers is provide education, counseling services and support groups to help them understand what they need to do, how to cope with what they’ re doing
But aside from these broad strokes, most of us are left figuring things out for ourselves because each caregiving situation is unique and can be unpredictable That’ s why AARP caregiving expert Amy Goyer recommends talking with loved ones about their wants and needs early and often to anticipate and prepare for as many elements as possible For example, Helen Tansey, 56, recently set up an appointment to give herself power of attorney for her mom “It is so important to know your parents’ needs so they get to leave this world with their wishes being respected,” she says
With the understanding that there’ s no one-size-fits-all advice, we asked people to share what they wish they’d known or done before embarking on their caregiver journeys maybe their experiences will make your own road a little smoother
Here’s what some of the 53 million Americans who are tending to a loved one wish they ’d known going in.
“One of the things I wish I could go back and tell myself is that even in those bad moments where you are impatient from the stress, you should cherish your parent and be thankful There were many instances with my mother when I was so exhausted and stressed out that I couldn’t enjoy the time I was spending with her. These moments are incredibly sad and stressful, but underneath that, there are moments of love and care and, most important, time together ”
Emily Ziegler, 22, who cared for her late mother, Chicago
“There is so much to keep track of and our system is so siloed that you will do better if you keep things organized and can refer back to what someone told you. Keep a big notebook with different categories for, say, your loved one ’ s doctors, therapists and other needs, like assistive devices and home renovations for aging in place ”
Jane Conrad, who cared for her husband before he died from Parkinson’s disease, Maine
“Set up remote access to your parent’ s computer or email This can help if something pops up on their screen and they don’t know what to do, especially if they live in another city or state. Remote access also allows you to clean things out of their inbox or manage their computer updates every day And if they ask you about an email, you can easily look at it ”
Kim and Mike Barnes, founders of parenting agingparents com“One of the most important tips we give to caregiving families is to keep spaces clean, uncluttered and well lit Place needed items within easy reach and remove from the home dangerous items like matches, chemicals, guns and even throw rugs, which can slip and cause falls Chairs with arms are easier to get into and out of than deep,
cushy couches. Beds should be low enough that the senior can place their feet firmly on the floor when preparing to rise ”
Diener,cofounder of Always Best Care of Greater Lexington, Lexington, KY
“Prepare legally. From a health care proxy to power of attorney to a will, it’ s important to make sure you are prepared to help those you ’ re caring for not just where their medical well-being is concerned, but legally as well Missing documentation could cost you thousands in legal fees or prevent you from making easy decisions for them without courts getting involved ”
Julie Fry, 49, who cared for her father, who had Alzheimer’s, Quincy, MA
“I found that making time for myself was very important, because if I wasn ’t functioning well, nothing else with my mom or my family would either. I found time for myself by exercising, watching anything that was funny on streaming platforms and hiring a helper for four hours a week who could take my mother to her hair appointments and food shopping when she could no longer drive It’ s important not to feel guilty about ‘ me time ’ It is not selfish; it’ s self-preservation ”
Elizabeth Ward, former caregiver for her mom, Reading, MA
“Establish boundaries with your elderly parents Understand that as a caregiver, you need to separate yourself from your role as their child Parents unintentionally expect you to accept all their requests because, well, they’ re your elders Consider setting boundaries early on for your caregiving schedule and the personal space virtually every person needs to maintain a cool head and good mental health ”
Nancy Mitchell, director of care in geriatric wards in Atlanta for 37 years
“One of the biggest tips I would give a new caregiver is to accept help Caregiving is stressful and challenging When I got the
Barbara Rubel, an expert on compassion fatigue and caregiver for her mother, came up with this F.A.B.U.L.O.U.S. framework of essential reminders:
Flexibility: You will have to adapt to a constantly changing situation; focusing on your strengths will build your resilience as a caregiver
Attitude: Try to approach your role with a sense of gratitude that you ’ re able to help, that you get to spend time with the person
Boundaries: Respect your limits as a caregiver to ensure your own well-being.
Understanding job
satisfaction: There is positive meaning to what you ’ re doing the more you are in touch with that meaning, the better you’ll feel
Laughter: Find the humor, especially when caregiving stresses you out.
Optimism: Your caregiving continues to make a difference in the person ’ s life, and that’s a positive.
United: Stay connected with those you love, to your faith and to your community. These things will help keep you nourished
Self-compassion: Be kind to yourself, especially when you wish you’d done something differently you are not alone in feeling doubt
Because conversations about caregiving are emotional, it’s less stressful for all involved if you have them well before someone needs care Here’s how to get started
Talk finances (theirs and yours)
Ask if they have a long-term financial plan to pay for their care; if not, enlist a pro to work out a plan
Who can help: Find a certified financial planner at letsmake
Plan ahead for living arrangements
Discuss preferences for when your loved one needs care
Who can help: The Community Resource Finder at community
Find local expertise
Learn what support exists in your area by contacting the area agency on aging nearest you.
Who can help: The U S Administration for Community Living Eldercare Locator at eldercare acl gov or 800-677-1116
Assemble your team
Think beyond your family circle to other helpers in your area
Who can help: The National Council on Aging at
Focus on safety at home
Look at what accommodations can be made now and in the future
Who can help: The AARP HomeFit Guide at AARP org /homefit
Look into respite programs
These community efforts exist to give caregivers a break, even if just for an hour or two
Who can help: The ARCH National Respite Network at archrespite org
call that my husband, Captain Ben Harrow, was injured, I rushed to be by his side, leaving my young son in the care of my parents
It is essential to be honest with yourself and utilize resources when they are offered ”
Gina Harrow, executive director at the Yellow Ribbon Fund and caregiver for her husband, a disabled veteran, Bethesda, MD
“If you are caring for someone who has difficulty or pain getting dressed or undressed, look into clothing options designed specifically for adults with limitations brought on by arthritis, tremors in the hands, incontinence or other changes Find clothes with magnetic buttons and zippers, which enable someone to get dressed independently or with minimal help from a caregiver Adaptive apparel can help ensure someone ’ s dignity, joy and ease in dressing.”
Taylor Thoen, 27, registered senior living nurse and customer success manager for Joe & Bella, Des Moines, IA
“I took care of my grandfather when I was between the ages of 11 and 13, and I was the one who found that he had passed away Years later, I can still feel the coolness of his skin It was at a time when trauma in children wasn ’t recognized, and there wasn ’t anyone who understood what I was going through
That’ s why we believe support is so essential it’ s still hard, but it feels a little better.”
Connie Siskowski, R N , Ph D , 76, founder and president of the American Association of Caregiving Youth, Boca Raton, FL
“I really encourage caregivers not to look at it as ‘I have to do this because nobody else will; I don’t have a choice’ because everything we do is a choice, and many people do walk away So give yourself credit You’ll make mistakes we all do and there are things you ’ll wish you had done, but you ’ re doing your best, and accompanying them on this journey. They’ re not alone, and that’ s what matters the most ”
Amy Goyer, 62, AARP national family and caregiving expert, Alexandria, VA
“It’ s OK to be overwhelmed Many people will tell you that you are a superhero, or a supermom or a superdad, and you are But you are also human. As caretakers, we get tired, we get hungry, we need a break It’ s OK to have needs even as you take care of others ”
Elizabeth Emmett, 40, caregiver for her son, 12, who has epilepsy, Chesapeake, VA
W i t h m o r e s i z e s a n d a b e t t e r f i t , D e p e n d S i l h o u e t t e ® k e e p s y o u f r e s h a n d c o m f o r t a b l e .
If you have lingering symptoms or are worried about the aftereffects of an infection, here’ s the latest info from doctors and researchers.
by G I N N Y G R AV E SMore than 80% of Americans have had COVID-19, and while we are better equipped to treat the virus today than we were in 2020, many of us are now coping with a secondary issue: long COVID
Soon after the virus showed up, patients who had been infected began reporting lingering symptoms as wide-ranging as crushing fatigue, a racing heart, brain fog, shortness of breath, joint or muscle pain, GI issues and depression for weeks or months afterward It is now believed that about 10% to 30% (or more) of people have new, returning or ongoing health problems four or more weeks after COVID, which is the
CDC’ s definition of post-COVID conditions
But while scientists are still pinpointing exactly what long COVID is and whether it actually encompasses more than one syndrome, “it’ s a hopeful moment,” says Akiko Iwasaki, Ph D , Sterling Professor of Immunobiology and Molecular, Cellular, and Developmental Biology at Yale University
“We’ re starting to gain more understanding of what’ s driving long COVID and who is most at risk, and the more we understand, the more it will help us get a grip on similar chronic illnesses. People are suffering. Answers can ’t come soon enough ” Here are a few avenues being researched.
1 2 3 4 5
“Acute respiratory infections can induce autoimmune conditions, in which the immune system attacks the body ’ s own healthy tissue, ” says Iwasaki Additionally, some long COVID patients have autoantibodies, the hallmark of autoimmunity, which means they might respond to treatments that are used for common autoimmune illnesses, such as steroids, or to an approach that targets B cells, white blood cells that play a role in autoimmunity
More than 90% of us harbor latent EBV, a type of herpes virus that can cause mononucleosis, in our bodies Though usually harmless, it has been associated with autoimmunity and cancer, and researchers suspect that it plays a role in another post- viral syndrome, ME/CFS (also called chronic fatigue syndrome) If EBV is also triggering some cases of long COVID, doctors could try prescribing antivirals in combination with other medications that are being studied to treat people with EBV-associated ME/CFS
To be clear, long COVID is not contagious, but some sufferers may have remnants of the virus in their bodies “We’ ve found viral RNA or protein in biopsies and autopsies of some long COVID patients,” says Iwasaki If researchers can discern which of patients’ symptoms are caused by a lurking viral reservoir, they could offer targeted treatments such as antivirals, vaccines or monoclonal antibodies man-made proteins that mimic the immune system’ s ability to fight off pathogens, she adds.
It’ s almost certain that inflammation plays a role in long COVID and that it contributes to the cognitive issues that at least half of people with the condition experience A team of researchers at the University of California San Francisco found elevated levels of protein in the cerebrospinal fluid of people who had cognitive changes associated with long COVID, suggesting brain inflammation. “Many doctors don’t know that viral infections can be associated with cognitive disorders, so they often dismiss these patients,” says Joanna Hellmuth, M.D., a neurologist at UCSF “But the cognitive issues some long COVID patients are experiencing are a true neurological disorder ”
One place the virus hides out in is the gut, where it can disrupt the trillions of microorganisms in the large intestine “We know that gut bacteria affect the immune system and have an effect on overall health,” says Iwasaki In March, Chinese researchers reported that gut bacteria associated with healthy immunity were depleted in long COVID patients, while problematic types of bacteria were flourishing and were correlated with symptoms like respiratory problems, cognitive issues and fatigue. The researchers suggested that future studies should investigate whether shifting the balance of the microbiome (which might be accomplished with a high-fiber diet or fecal transplantation) helps long COVID patients get better
Treating long COVID can be challenging, and most patients have multiple symptoms In fact, in an online survey of 3,762 people with long COVID conducted by the Patient-Led Research Collaborative (a group of long COVID patients who are also researchers), participants reported an average of 56 symptoms, from difficulty breathing to bulging veins to vibrating sensations In those who had felt ill for at least six months, the most common symptoms were fatigue, cognitive dysfunction and postexertional malaise (a triad that besets many people with ME/CFS), according to the study Some researchers are looking at how treatments for dysregulation of the autonomic nervous system (responsible for involuntary functions like blood pressure, heart rate, breathing and digestion) can be applied to some long COVID symptoms.
The best way to guard against long COVID is to avoid getting COVID in the first place It’ s important to know that there can be long- term consequences from even a mild COVID-19 infection, and the risk goes up the more times you ’ re infected Research shows that getting vaccinated and boosted and possibly even maintaining a healthy gut microbiome can lower your risk of developing long COVID if you do become infected with the virus
If you contract COVID, be careful not to overdo it “We know from chronic fatigue syndrome patients that if you push too hard, you experience a setback,” says Greg Vanichkachorn, M.D., of the Mayo Clinic. “Recovery is slower than most people would like ” If your symptoms linger for more than four weeks, visit survivorcorps com/pccc to locate a post-COVID care center or wearebodypolitic com to gather more information and support
GH ’ s ow n reg is tered d iet it ia n a nd p er sona l t ra i ner empower s you to ma ke sma r t de cision s for a nut r it ious d iet a nd a hea lt hy l i fes t yle
Sipping tea is just one way to embrace the cozy
Comforting herbal tea is popular worldwide, and for good reason: Not only is it subtly flavorful , but also it contains natural antioxidant substances called polyphenols Here, a few new ways to incorporate these little sachets of joy:
Liven up your morning oatmeal by swapping in chamomile or applecinnamon herbal tea for water You’ll get fantastic flavor and natural sweetness without adding sugar
A: It’s easy to get swept up in the festivities and eat in a way that’s not exactly the healthiest. Of course, certain once-a-year treats are musts, and mindful indulgence in these is totally worth it you shouldn’t deprive yourself! At the same time, listening to your body is key: When you overeat, your stomach expands and can push against other organs, leading to discomfort and fatigue. Overeating also forces your organs to work harder and secrete extra hormones and enzymes to break down the food , and that can result in heartburn, gas and more So please enjoy yourself, but tune in to what your body is trying to tell you and make less-rich choices when you can. Below are a few simple swaps for holiday parties you won’t feel as if you ’ re missing out.
Sub in chai tea for the water or milk your pumpkin bread or other winter loaf calls for. Another favorite of mine is using peppermint tea in lieu of water or milk in brownies (a little bit goes a long way).
Use a cooled tart tea (like hibiscus) along with some fruit bits (kiwi or berries) for perfect natural , noadded-sugar frozen pops
Rather than pigs in a blanket and mozzarella sticks, serve an antipasto platter Include high-quality cheese, but swap out cured meat for little turkey meatballs on skewers and let color ful veggies be the stars of the show
Don’t be fooled by the word “spinach”: This traditional dip is laden with saturated fat and salt Make it with nonfat Greek yogurt or sour cream, or serve hummus instead
Shrimp is a lean protein, has heart-healthy omega-3 fatty acids and is low in saturated fat (as opposed to anything fried) Just don’t overdo it with the cocktail sauce
One cup of nog is packed with saturated fat and nearly a whole day’s worth of added sugar plus, store-bought versions are full of artificial flavors Mix together half club soda and half apple cider for a festive, bubbly sip with a fraction of the calories and fat
The spices in gingerbread are not just nostalgically yummy: Allspice, cinnamon, nutmeg and cloves have anti-inflammatory properties that make it an antioxidant-rich alternative to some other holiday desserts
For mor e i n for m at ion ab out ou r fe at u r e d pr o duc t s , s w e ep s t a ke s , e v ent s a nd e x t r a s , v i sit go o d h o u s e ke e pi n t ion s
H o l id ay Kisses
Rin g in the holiday season with H e rsh ey. Enjoy d elicio us H ERSH E Y ’ S KI S SES
M ilk Ch o colates in re d , g re e n , and silver foils The iconic shape, decorative foils , a n d d elicio us t aste m a ke H ERSH E Y ’ S KI S SES
M ilk Ch o colates a festive treat for c andy dishes or baking something special for the holidays
Alice Ch oi , of Hip Fo o d ie M o m , m a kes it a holiday tradition to bake with her family Visit her blog post at h i pfo o d i e m o m . co m to s e e Alice’s unique t wist on a clas sic holiday re cip e Cinnamon Peanut B ut ter B los soms with H ERSH E Y ’ S KI S SES c a n dies
Then h e a d to h e rs h ey l a n d . co m for a dditional recipes and treat s
S avo r t h e m a g ic a l m o m e nt s , tog et h er.
Treat joy fully with a va riet y of delicious and nutritious options from B LU E These festive rewa rds m a ke the p e r fe c t stocking stu ffers for your fo u r - l e g g e d family m e m b e r. B rowse treat s at B LU ETre at s . co m
Pla n n
i n g a
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Create a relaxing haven for sleeping or lounging with GH’s pro advice for choosing the best bedding, lighting, window treatments, new tech and more!
Use our cheat sheet to demystify the options and help match your height, room size and sleeping arrangements with the perfect mattress
Tw i n v s . Tw i n X L
These are the same width, but a twin XL mattress is five inches longer If you ’ re buying a bed for a young child , opt for the twin: We typically see more kid-friendly sheets available for this mattress size Twin XL mattresses are better suited for older single sleepers, especially in college dorms 2
F u l l v s Q u e e n
A full a.k.a. a double is the same length as a twin, but more than 40% wider It’s ideal for solo sleepers who prefer a bigger bed or couples who are tight on room space. A queen, with its greater length and width, is more comfortable for two people, and it’s the most popular size on the market 3
K i n g v s . C a l i f o r n i a K i n g Though it takes up more space, a king mattress provides bed sharers with the most expansive sleeping area (It is as wide as two twin mattresses ) For taller people, a California king offers an extra four inches of length, though it’s four inches narrower
Our pro answers your most common questions.
I g e t s o h o t w h e n I s l e e p . C a n c o o l i n g s h e e t s r e a l l y h e l p?
Yes, though not all sheets that claim to be cooling actually are Your best bet is a sheet set from a brand like Outlast or 37.5 that offers temperature-regulating technology to let it store and release body heat Other good options include crisp, breathable fabrics (like percale and linen) as well as synthetic moisturewicking styles that work like activewear to manage sweat
W h a t t y p e o f p i l l o w i s b e s t f o r a s i d e s l e e p e r ?
Side sleepers should opt for a pillow tall and firm enough to support the head with no tilt. When your pillow’s height and firmness level match your sleeping position, that helps keep your head and your neck aligned
M y c o m f o r t e r g e t s c o l d s p o t s . H o w c a n I f i n d o n e t h a t ’ l l s t a y c o z y?
Look for a comforter with bafflebox construction this means there are vertical walls of fabric between sections to prevent the fill from shifting When the fill stays evenly distributed , there are fewer cold spots. Other comforters use box stitching, like a quilt This may be enough, but it could allow the fill to shift.
Turn your side table into the ultimate sleep aid with these picks.
The depth of your mattress affects everything from sheet fit and ease of making the bed to overall comfort and whether you have the option to add a topper.
U n d e r 1 0 "
Shorter mattresses are ideal for Murphy beds, trundle beds, bunk beds and RVs
They’re good for kids because they’re lower to the ground , and they’re a smart choice for adults who prefer a mattress that is easier to lift while making the bed Add a mattress topper for extra inches.
1 0 " t o 1 4 "
Most models fall into this range. Foam mattress-in-a-box styles are often 10" to 11" tall (still on the shorter side), while hybrids and ones with more layers are typically 12" or 14" These midrange mattresses leave room for you to add a topper to enhance their comfort.
O v e r 1 4 "
A taller mattress often has more layers inside, so it’ll feel luxurious The height may make it easier to get out of bed in the morning too The downside is that it’s heavier to lift when making the bed , and you’ll need to be sure your sheets are deep enough to fit it.
S o u n d M a c h i n e Mask your partner’s snoring or a noisy neighbor’s rumblings with this Lab-tested white noise machine The easy-to-use Dohm is a solid investment; one tester praised its “unique, soothing wind sound ”
R e a d i n g L i g h t
This stylish GH Seal–backed reading lamp can help alleviate eyestrain any time you ’ re working and reading It includes wireless and USB charging
C i r c a d i a n L i g h t
This light brightens gradually, simulating the rising sun, to coax you awake You can choose from five sounds, such as birds chirping. The sunset feature helps you wind down
Dark, quiet nights and bright mornings can help you create healthy sleep habits Our experts share the best ways to maximize these conditions
If you ’ re installing new windows in a bedroom, look for units with glass specially designed to reduce noise transmission, particularly if the room faces a busy street or a construction zone. Check the Sound Transmission Class (STC) rating, which measures how much sound is blocked by a window
A traditional single-pane window has a rating between 18 and 20, while noise-reducing units will have a rating between 28 and 40. Our experts like the 6000 series vinyl windows from Window World , a Good Housekeeping Seal holder They reduce noise and are available in various colors and finishes
D e s i g n Yo u r B e d r o o m f o r S l e e p
Promote peaceful rest with the right lighting and natural elements
Automated blinds can be programmed to open in the morning, nudging you awake, and to close with the setting of the sun, providing privacy They also are safer for small kids because they don’t have cords that can create choking hazards Our experts say to look for models with the option of blackout fabric, which will plunge a room into deeper darkness We like Smart Roller Shades by Serena, which can be customized to fit the exact dimensions of your window They also are compatible with Alexa, Siri and Google Assistant so you can control them with simple voice commands
H o w c a n a s m a r t t h e r m o s t a t h e l p m e g e t b e t t e r s l e e p?
A smart thermostat will let you maintain the perfect temperature for sleeping studies have found that 60°F to 67°F is best for uninterrupted zzz ’ s. Our experts recommend models with remote occupancy sensors like the Ecobee SmartThermostat Premium, as they let you regulate the temperature in specific areas like the bedroom Smart thermostats also reduce energy costs by lowering the temperature automatically when you ’ re away from home.
W h a t a r e s o m e w a y s t o b r i n g n a t u r e i n t o t h e b e d r o o m?
Don’t stay in the dark about these useful drapes
D o e s t h e c o l o r o f m y b l a c k o u t c u r t a i n s m a t t e r ?
Nope! Blackout curtains work based on their lining rather than the color of the room-facing fabric Some are made with heavy, tightly woven material to keep light from seeping through, while other types include an added layer (like foam) for opacity It’s important to make sure they cover windows properly so light can’t sneak in around the edges Though it’s common to find blackout curtains in dark hues, there are plenty of color ful and patterned options even white ones that per form just as well
W h a t ’ s t h e d i f f e r e n c e b e t w e e n “ b l a c k o u t ” a n d “ r o o m - d a r k e n i n g ” ?
The main difference is how much light they keep out: True blackout curt ains block 100% of light to create total darkness, while room-darkening options block 95% to 99% of light so the room isn’t pitch-black. Beyond that, blackout curtains can also reduce noise and insulate a room, keeping out cold or hot air depending on the season Room-darkening drapes typically are not as thick, but still offer impressive light-filtering capabilities. In fact, some room-darkening curtains were just as opaque as blackout ones in our tests
Maybe you ’ ve heard of biophilic design, or the creation of living spaces that connect us to nature, providing measurable benefits for mental and physical well-being It’s why I love keeping live plants in the bedroom The calming visuals, along with the scent of their blooms and soil , make for a soothing sensory experience Even textured wallpaper, textiles printed with foliage and natural materials like jute deliver the benefits
P i c k P l u s h Ru g s
While high- traffic areas like the living room and the dining room need resilient and easy - to-clean floor coverings, the bedroom is the place to prioritize comfort. Look for plush, high-pile rugs, which also add warmth and provide some noise reduction, especially on upper floors of the home.
C H E X P E R T ’ S
Millions of Americans have issues getting to sleep. Here are some steps you can take to help you doze
G e t a h u m i d i f i e r.
In cooler and dryer weather (read : winter), a humidifier can help your bedroom reach optimal humidity levels (30% to 50%) by adding moisture to the air We like cool mist ones for the bedside so there’s no burn risk from warm mist
Tr y a s l e e p a p p .
There are a variety of apps designed to help you optimize your sleep. Our experts like Headspace ($70 per year for full offering), which features calming meditation experiences and breathing exercises designed to reduce stress whether you want to fall asleep or fall back to sleep
U s e s l e e p s e t t i n g s .
Place your phone in focused sleep mode or, better yet, schedule settings in advance to streamline your nighttime routine. That way notifications and phone calls will be filtered out, reducing distractions and the urge to check your phone
With quality innerspring construction and an easy online-shopping platform, Saatva makes a mattress filled with durable steel coils and a layer of foam, with an attached pillow top for a comfy surface Choose between two heights (11 5-inch, 14 5-inch) and three firmness levels (Plush Soft, Luxury Firm, Firm) A delivery service sets it up for you and can even haul away your old mattress, and there’s a yearlong return period
$ 1 ,7 9 5 Q u e e n
• Supportive and breathable
• Doesn’t sag around the edges
• Multiple heights and firmness levels available
• Some users found it too firm
• $99 pickup fee if you return it
• Its cost has increased multiple times in recent years
Over 100 Saatva owners on our panel gave it high marks for comfort and support; several even called it “the best mattress I’ve ever owned ” They also highlighted its edge support and the brand’s customer service The coils made it feel firmer than foam models, but they provided more breathability, which a textiles analyst noted led to improved sleep quality.
GH bedding ex per ts have spent years eva luating mat tresses t hrough at-home sleep testing and ana lysis of panelist ratings to get a comprehensive v iew of each model
h ow we teste d
Our fiber scientists and at-home testers reviewed each mattress to get firsthand feedback
We also surveyed more than 10,000 bed owners for longterm data Each mattress was scored on aspects including ease of ordering, comfort, support, effect on sleep quality and more
You won’t easily find a standout mattress under $1,000, but Allswell delivers with its 12-inch model , which layers memory foam over coils It has medium firmness and ships with fast and free delivery, compressed in a box for you to set up at your convenience There’s a 100-day trial period , and while in general mattress costs have skyrocketed because of supply chain factors, this Walmart-owned brand has kept its prices fairly consistent
A popular brand that was the first to make online bed shopping more convenient, Casper is practically synonymous with the term “mattress in a box ” Its 11-inch allfoam model has three zones that feel softer under shoulders and firmer at the lower back for spine alignment Plus, the top layer has perforations to add breathability The mattress ships in a box for DIY setup, has a medium-firm feel and includes a 100-day trial
Made of sustainably sourced and resilient materials, this Avocado mattress uses organic cotton, wool and latex over recycled steel coils It’s 11 inches tall with a firm feel , but you can opt to add a soft pillow top Choose free boxed delivery or full-service setup for $249 There’s a yearlong trial period , and because it’s certified organic, you can trust that the entire production process meets strict environmental standards
• Testers said it felt plush and indulgent
• Quick delivery after ordering
• Outperforms pricier models
• Less edge support; it may sink when you sit on the side
• Not ideal for those who prefer full-service delivery and setup
Despite its low cost, testers raved that it felt like a “fancy hotel bed . ” Users described it as having a plush yet not too soft feel , and though several noted that it didn’t provide as much support around the edges as others, they told us it was well worth the price In fact, some even noted lessened back pain thanks to its combination of memory foam on top with supportive springs on the bottom.
• Ergonomic layout to promote proper alignment
• Perforations in the foam for airflow
• Users highlighted its motion isolation
• Not for those who prefer a tall mattress
• Memory foam can trap heat; less suited for hot sleepers
Casper users emphasized the cradling comfort that conformed to their bodies and praised it for maintaining its shape over time One described it as “the right mix of cushy and supportive ” Beyond that, testers didn’t feel their sleeping partners move around , thanks to the foam’s ability to prevent motion transfer Our panelists also liked its lower height for easier bed-making and a better fit for their sheets.
• Certified organic by GOTS and GOLS
• Zoned layout distributes weight
• Good edge support
• Pillow top and in-home setup both cost extra
• Latex provides less pressure relief than memory foam
Our panelists appreciated that it was comfortable and made with organic materials and that it stood up well to years of use One noted , “For the price, I am just blown away ” Sleep testers also raved about its support, saying it kept their body weight evenly distributed Its craftsmanship, with hand-tufted binding to avoid the use of synthetic glues, impressed GH textiles pros.
S t a y c o z y a n d c o m fo r t a b l e o v e r t h e h o l i d a y s w i t h t h e s e s e a s o n a l s a v i o r s a l l t e s t e d a n d ap p r o v e d b y G H s c i e n t i s t s
Real talk? With holiday entertaining, bathrooms can become high-traffic areas that need a little help. The Poo-Pourri “before-you-go ” bathroom air freshener works by creating a barrier on the toilet water ’ s surface that can trap odors and keep them from reaching the air Just spritz three to five times onto the water in the bowl before you go Poo-Pourri comes in a variety of scents with clever names for the holidays (looking at you, Oh, Spritzmas Tree), and the small bottle is pretty enough to leave out for guests
L A B R E S U LTS Our experts were impressed by how well Poo-Pourri kept bathroom smells from becoming airborne, and they noted the pleasant scent it left behind They also liked that this spray is made with natural essential oils and claims to contain no alcohol or formaldehyde
T O U G H P A P E R T O W E L S Reliable paper towels can be a game changer for holiday prep Whether used for wiping up cooking messes, partnering with your favorite household cleaner or simply serving as ad hoc napkins for family and friends, they’re a real cleaning powerhouse Topco ’ s Simply Done Ultra Strong and Absorbent Paper Towels are thick, soft and, most important, absorbent
L A B R E S U LTS The fiber scientists in the Good Housekeeping Institute Textiles Lab evaluated Topco’s paper towels for softness and absorbency and used them in real-world settings to assess overall quality. Analysts were impressed with the paper towels’ substantial feel and per formance, noting that they soaked up spills easily.
A ll GH Seal products are rigorously assessed by the GH Labs We stand behind them with our exclusive refund-or-replacement limited warranty *
When outside temperatures start to drop, the whole house can get chilly and uncomfortable, especially if you don’t have a reliable heating solution Instead of shivering under blankets, consider switching to the York TM8E 80% AFUE
Single Stage Furnace Compact and 33 inches high, it fits into tight spaces to maintain consistent heat, and its single-stage heating cycle keeps maintenance easy and affordable L A B R E S U LTS The GH Home Improvement Lab pros love that the Electronic Hot Sur face Ignition helps save money on fuel while increasing dependability and reliability York systems per form well in testing, operating relatively quietly with consistent heating
• Follow the three-foot rule: Keep any flammable items, including drapes and bedding, at least three feet from heating equipment such as space heaters, wood-burning stoves and furnaces
• Check smoke and carbon monoxide alarms: Install at least one detector on each level of the home, including the basement; test the batteries monthly
• Schedule a safety check: Have your home’s heating equipment cleaned and inspected by a qualified professional once a year at minimum.
• Use fireplaces cautiously: Never burn wrapping paper or treated wood; it can release toxic fumes Store cooled ashes outside in a well-sealed metal container 10 or more feet from the home
* A p p l i c a b l e i f p r o d u c t p r o v e s d e f e c t i v e w i t h i n t w o y e a r s o f p u r c h a s e R e p l a c e m e n t a t G H ’s d s c r e t i o n ; c a s h r e f u n d l i m t e d t o l e s s e r o f t h e a m o u n t o f t h e p u r c h a s e p r i c e o r $ 2 0 0 0 C e r t a i n o t h e r l i m i t a t i o n s a p p l y G o t o g h s e a l c o m f o r d e t a i l s
O n c e A ga i n C h o s e n a s t h e B est Ove ra l l B at h T i s s u e o f 2 0 2 2
T I S S U E 2 0 2 2
T h e G o o d H o u s e k e e p i n g I n st i t u t e h a s g ra n t e d t h e i r
Good Housekeeping Seal to BJ’s Ultra Soft Bath Tissue
a n d n a m e d i t T h e B e st B a t h T i s s u e o f 2 0 2 2 . A n d o u r
U l t ra S t ro n g B a t h T i s s u e h a s o n ce a g a i n e a r n e d t h e cove t e d G o o d H o u s e k e e p i n g S e a l .
B e r k ley J e n s e n Pa p e r i te m s exc l u s i ve ly a va i l a b le a t BJ s
w w w . b j s . co m
1 S A F E T Y C H E C K
Our engineers and analysts start by ensuring that each toy meets all safety standards They also assess pinch points and make sure toys won t shatter into small pieces to pose a potential choking hazard
2 E A S E O F U S E
Next, we carefully evaluate how simple each toy is to assemble and also how well it’s constructed and how durable it is during play
Final decisions are made by more than 450 children, ages 1 to 15, who assess the fun factor!
Babies are treated to a feast for the senses each time they pull something out of this soft tissue box It’s loaded with 15 different scarves, which come in a range of colors with various textures to feel and sounds to explore. Plus, grabbing and pulling the scarves helps babies practice their fine-motor coordination
L AB results “All the different materials are great!” one tester raved “Everything is soft, but some are crinkly or velvety ” Others mentioned that their babies liked the colors of the scarves and the sounds they made C rea t i ve Ki d s S e n s e & G row S e n s o r y Ma g i c Ti s s u e B ox , $2 5
The Fresh Dolls and their male counterparts, The Fresh Squad , are fashion dolls with plenty of personality and amazing clothes. The line is known for its dolls’ range of skin tones and washable hair in various textures
This unmistakable John Deere toy comes with a battery-powered drill toddlers can use to put together or take apart the tractor Once assembled , the vehicle has free-rolling wheels and is per fect for push-along play. The 16 chunky pieces are easy for little ones to hold and assemble, which allows kids to get working on their STEAM skills at an early age
L AB results Kid testers felt accomplished when they could “build” the tractor by themselves
To my Jo h n De e re B u i l d - a - Jo h n ny Tra c to r Toy, $2 5
Crack open the eggs to reveal three surprise dinosaurs lodged in lava slime along with other surprises, like a game that pits dinosaurs against each other in battle It’s per fect for any kid obsessed with the Jura ssic Worl d series
L AB results Kids adored digging through the slime to unearth the dinosaurs The Zoom Rider car was also a big hit. And while the game is included , many chose just to use the dinosaurs for open-ended play
Toy Mo n ste r J u ra s s i c Wo r l d : C a pt i v z Do m i n i o n Me g a Eg g , $2 0
L AB results Kids appreciated the cool outfits and especially loved the dolls’ hair
E P I Th e Fre s h Do l l s , $1 2
This portable unit is actually a fairy-finding device, and it lights up when baby fairies are near Kids can then catch them, care for them, play games with them and search fo r m o re, ra re r fa i r i e s Th i s i s a l s o compatible with other WowWee
Got2Glow fairy finders.
L AB results Testers couldn’t catch enough fairies and enjoyed learning about each one ’ s powers and abilities
Wow We e G ot 2 G l ow
B a by Fa i r y Fi n d e r, $2 5
6+ S E N S O RY A R T
Fidget toys are as popular as ever, and this light-up pad gives kids something to do with their hands even after dark Beads are suspended in a squishy gel, and kids can push them around to decorate printed backgrounds
L AB results The beads are irresistible!
S k y C a st l e Do o d l e Ja m z B r i g h t B o a rd , $2 5
Just when you thought you knew everything there was to know about the Rubik’s Cube, this ups the ante: Colors are obscured until the heat of a hand makes them appear, and players have to twist and make their moves before the colors disappear again
L AB results Testers were wowed by the color-revealing magic!
S p i n Ma ste r Ru b i k ’ s P h a n to m , $1 5
This pair of race cars is totally kid-powered kids stomp on the launchers and see which car can make it first to the finish line!
L AB results One mom noted that her kids were able to set this up in five minutes. “ They had so much fun competing against each other,” she said Sto m p Ro c ket Sto m p Ra ce rs , $30
This game tests kids’ criticalthinking skills by challenging players to put together complex marble runs with a limited number of pieces There are 30 challenges to work through
L AB results Kids found that it presented the right level of difficulty
Rave n s b u rg e r G rav i Tra x :
Th e G a m e I m p a c t , $30
These 25 recycled-plastic blocks are certainly eye-catching, but they also hold a hidden secret: magnets! Toddlers can build more secure structures knowing that magnetism will help hold the blocks together
L AB results The large pieces are perfect for toddlers’
Gamer parents will be tickled by this high-tech tot-size chair It comes with a tablet that explores letters, numbers, music and more through 26 letter buttons and 10 piano keys, but parents can remove the tablet and use the chair for story time or snack time too
L AB results “ This gaming chair is very engaging,” one tester reported . “My son absolutely loves playing with it.”
This fun drum set helps kids learn about keeping time and staying on rhythm, then lets them add sound effects and loops. It’s easy to take on the go, comes with two drumsticks and (thankfully) has an adjustable volume. L AB results Our testers found this set easy to carry around with them and Fi rst Ac t Ro l l Up D r u m Pa d , $ 4 5
3+ C H O S E N FA M I LY
This doll comes with many role-playing items to get kids’ imaginations fired up, including a certificate of adoption, a hospital bracelet, a disposable diaper, a crib and a supersoft swaddling blanket
After the success of Sonic the Hedgehog 2 this year, kids are fans of the Sega hero all over again (and maybe their parents are too) This is Sonic in a 15" squeezable form and yes, you can also collect Tails or Knuckles
L AB results Testers found it soft and loved that they could use it as a toy or as a pillow
At more than four feet wide and two feet high, this monster-size toy is fit for any monster truck enthusiast The garage has an elevator for loading up trucks and lots of ramps to send them down so they can do tricks
L AB results Kids loved the different ramps, chutes and sounds
S p i n M a s t e r M o n s t e r J a m G a r a g e
P l a y S e t , $ 5 0
This game comes with color ful light-up gems that are hidden, and players race to find them and connect them to their cloud base It can be played indoors or outdoors, during the day or at night, and there are game variations for older kids
L AB results Kids liked that it could also be used as a night-light.
St a r l u x G a m e s Prote c to rs of t h e Ra i n b ow, $ 50
L AB results Parents said kids loved the details that make this doll more realistic, such as eyes that open and shut when you pick her up or put her down.
Ch a r i s m a B ra n d s Ad o ra Ad o pt i o n B a by Do l l , $ 6 0
Inspired by Aaron “ Wheelz” Fotheringham, Paralympian and wheelchair motocross world champion, this remote-control vehicle does spins and tricks and has a “wheelie boost” function that makes it super speedy L AB results “It was faster than my dog!” one tester mused Kids also found it easy to control . Ma t te l Hot Wh e e l s RC A a ro n “ Wh e e l z ” Wh e e l i e Ch a i r, $ 50
Sewing is easy with this set, which uses cartridges (no threading necessary) and sensors that automatically start and stop it when they sense fabric It comes with enough fabric to make six projects.
L AB results Even the experts in the Good Housekeeping Institute Textiles Lab were impressed with how easy it was!
S p i n Ma ste r Co o l Ma ke r Sti tc h ’ N St y l e Fa s h i o n St u d i o, $3 5
Kids can spend time with their CoComelon pals without staring at a screen This school bus comes with letter tokens, and when kids drop a token into the bus, they’ll hear words or phrases that use the letter Buttons on the outside help kids practice numbers In addition, there are lights, sounds, songs and colors to keep them engaged. L AB results Parents reported that even without the lights and sounds, their kids enjoyed using the bus as a push toy J u st P l ay Co Co m e l o n U l t i m a te Lea r n i n g B u s , $ 62
Any kid who dreams of swimming with Baby Shark will love riding around on this four-wheeler. It can hold up to 40 lbs, and it has a max speed of 2 mph, so it’s quick without being too fast. And yes, it does play the “Baby Shark” song. L AB results “He loves to drive this around our house while dancing to the ‘Baby Shark’ song, ” one parent said
D y n a c ra ft B a by S h a
This American Girl baby doll play set comes with so many accessories, you can’t imagine a real infant needing anything else Kids can feed and dress this doll and put her to sleep with the included PJ’s, blanket, diaper, bib, bottle, teether and wipe case there’s even diaper ointment!
L AB results Testers loved how realistic it all looked too M
te l A m e r i c a n G i r l B i t t y B a by C a re & P l ay S et , $9 9
This play set has lots of ways to get kids’ imaginations cooking The kitchen comes with play food that kids can use in the traditional way But there are also accessories they can use to pretend their dolls (sold separately) are filming their own food vlog with a camcorder and a tripod
L AB results Kids were wowed by how many items (52!) came with the set
B a t t a t G l i t te r G i r l s G G
B a k i n g Vl o g S et , $ 65
3+ O U
Not only does this spaceship have lights and sounds, but it also rocks back and forth so kids really feel as if they’re exploring the cosmos There’s a science lab area with test tubes too
L AB results Testers were utterly amazed by the projector that puts a light-up galaxy map on the ceiling Ki d Kraft U l t i m a te S p a ce s h i p, $3 30
3+ A B L A N K S L AT E
An interactive book included with this easel offers guided drawing activities, and traceable magnets help kids learn to write dots, lines, shapes and letters The easel helps kids practice letter sounds too
L AB results Kids liked learning how to draw from the book’s prompts Lea p Fro g I n te ra c t i ve Lea r n i n g E a s e l , $70
3+ B U I L D M E
The 120 pieces included in this magnetic tile set should be enough to help little ones build whatever they can imagine, all in cool , translucent pastel colors
L AB results “I can build towers as tall as I am!” one tiny tester raved
Co n n et i x 1 2 0 - Pi e ce Pa ste l
C rea t i ve Pa c k , $1 49
As kids drive Mummy Pig’s car around the track, they can stop at various destinations including school and home and hear various sounds related to each location
L AB results Testers liked how sounds at each stop prompted them to go to the next destination
Ha s b ro Pe p p a Pi g Al l A ro u n d
Pe p p a ’ s Tow n P l ay S et , $ 67
You might say this Barbie vehicle comes fully loaded you can unhitch the front; set Barbie up in a living room, kitchen, bathroom with pop-up shower or firepit; or flip up the roof to let everyone sleep alfresco.
L AB results “Even my brothers like it,” one tester shared Ma t te l B a r b i e D rea m C a m p e r, $9 9
Kids can have a sensory experience pampering their LOL dolls in a spa that has a working water fall and a hair-washing station They can also unbox spa tools like towels and face masks for a total of 65 surprises.
L AB results Kids loved all the different play areas in the spa LO L S u r p r i s e S h i n e O n S
n a n d S p a , $1 0 0
Poi son- cont rol e x p er t s e x pl a i n wh ic h hou sepl a nt s p ose d a nger s for you r f u r r y f r iend s a nd wh at to do i f t hey eat somet h i ng tox ic
b y L I Z Z S C H U M E R
If your cat or dog loves to nibble on greener y, a lit t le adva nce education goes a long way towa rd preventing potentia l poisoning Before br inging a pla nt home , k now wh ich v a r iet ies ca n be da ngerous for your pet . “ Pla nt tox icit y ca n be mi ld to severe depend ing on t he a mount , which pa r t of t he flower or pla nt a nd what t y pe of pla nt t hey ingest , ” ex plains Tina Wismer, D V M , senior d irector of t he ASPC A A nima l Poison Control Center Because in nocuous pla nts ca n have com mon na mes simi la r to t hose of t he most poisonous ones , it ’ s impor tant to fi nd out t he scienti fic na me (genus a nd species) of a pla nt to get t he most accurate infor mation . When in doubt , ask employees at a ga rden c enter or nu r s er y for g u id a nc e . Th es e are some of the plants most toxic to pets (for help ident if ying them , see page 77):
• Most t y pes of lilies. These include A siatic li lies , roseli lies , Or ienta l li lies , tiger li lies , Easter
li lies a nd dayli lies , which ca n cause rena l fai lure in cats Peace li lies a nd ca l la li lies contain cr ysta ls t hat ir r itate t he mout h a nd stomach , ex plains Renee Sch mid , D V M , senior veter ina r y tox icologist at t he Pet Poison Helpline
• Philodendron , pothos, dumb cane and elephant ’s ear ca n cause mout h a nd gastrointestina l ir r itation
• Sago pa lm ca n cause severe gastrointestina l d istress , liver fai lure a nd neurologica l problems
• Pregnant onion ca n cause vomiting a nd ca rd iac a r rest in severe cases
• Dur ing t he holidays , you may have poinset tias a round too Whi le your pet shou ld n ’t eat t hese, t hey ’l l cause on ly mild gastrointestina l distress if nibbled .
Ke e p a l l p l a nt s away fro m yo u r p et . Even i f you r id you r home of tox ic pla nt s , p et s m ay g n aw on ot her pl a nt s . “A n i m a l s w i l l c he w on t hem out of c u r iosit y a nd cont i nue eat i ng a p l a nt i f t h e y e nj o y t h e t a s t e , ” S c h m id s a y s
“ It c a n b e d i ffic u lt to ke ep p e t s aw ay f r om pl a nt s , s o avoid i ng h av i ng a ny p otent i a l ly p oi s onou s pl a nt i n a nd a r ou nd t he home i s ide a l ” Ev en i f a pl a nt i sn ’t te c h n ic a l ly p oi s onou s , ke ep it w e l l out of r e ac h on a h igh s he l f or i n a not her a r e a you r p e t c a n ’t ac c e s s i f t he y i nge s t a ny non fo o d item , it c a n c au s e t u m my up s e t Spr ay s a nd ot her de ter r ent s a r en ’t c on si s tent ly e ffe c t iv e , W i smer c aut ion s .
K n ow t h e s i g n s of p o i s o n i n g . The s y mptom s of i nge s t i ng tox ic pl a nt s c a n dep end on wh ic h pl a nt a nd wh at pa r t of it h a s b e e n i n g e s t e d Th e e a r l i e s t s ig n i s of ten vom it i ng (w it h or w it hout c hewed-up pl a nt m at ter pr e s ent) a nd e xc e s sive d ro ol i ng , S c h m id s ay s You m ay a l s o not ic e l ac k of app e t ite a nd le t h a r g y. O t he r c om mon i nd ic ation s i nclude d ia r rhea , depression a nd sei z u res I n s e v e r e c a s e s , i nge s t ion of p oi s onou s pl a nt s c a n le ad to l iv e r f a i lu r e , k id ne y f a i lu r e a nd c a r d io v a s c u l a r pr oble m s , W i s me r note s
The Gain scent you love is available in your favorite kitty litter,
This scented low-dust clumping cat litter is designed to help your
Specially formulated for the busiest litter boxes, it helps keep your litter box smelling fresh, giving you
I l l u s t r a t i o n s : B r o w n B i r d D e s i g n H a r l e m G l o b e t r o t t e r s C o u r t e s y o f T h e H a r l e m G l o b e t r o t t e r s
Av oid d e c or at i ng w it h t he s e v a r ie t ie s or put t he m out of p e t s ’ r e ac h
Can cause vomiting, mouth swelling and difficulty swallowing
Can cause mouth irritation, vomiting and difficulty swallowing
A new t a ke on t he c l a s sic Ha rlem Glob et rot ter s b y M A R I S A L A S C A L A
Peace lily or Calla Lily
Can cause mouth and stomach irritation
Elephant Ear
Can cause vomiting, mouth irritation and difficulty swallowing
Sago Palm
Can cause vomiting, liver and neurological problems or death
Ac t q u ic k l y w h e n yo u n ot i ce s o m et h i n g w ro n g . I f y ou s e e y ou r p e t ac t i ng s t r a nge , a lw ay s c a l l y ou r v e te r i n a r i a n or a p oi s on- c ont r ol c e nte r l i k e t he Pe t Poi s on He lpl i ne or t he A SP C A Poi s on Cont r ol Ce nte r r ight aw ay, a s t i me i s of t he e s s e nc e w he n it c ome s to p oi s on i ng I n s ome c a s e s , e a rly i nte r v e nt ion c a n pr e v e nt y ou r p e t ’ s s y mptom s f r om pr o g r e s s i ng or k e ep mor e s e r iou s d a m age f r om o c c u r r i ng . A r m you r s e l f w it h a s muc h i n for m at ion a s y ou c a n : B e for e y ou c a l l , ge t r e ad y to te l l t he v e t wh at p a r t of t he pl a nt y ou r p e t ate , ho w muc h , ho w long ago a nd w h at s y mptom s t he a n i m a l i s d i s pl ay i ng . “ I f a p e t o w ne r i s not s u r e w h at t y p e of pl a nt w a s i nge s te d , I r e c om me nd c ont ac t i ng t he g r e e n hou s e , g a r d e n c e nte r or flor i s t w he r e t he pl a nt w a s pu r c h a s e d i f p o s s ible to ge t a n ac c u r ate
Dumb Cane
Can cause mouth irritation and burning as well as vomiting
id e nt i fic at ion of t he pl a nt , ” S c h m id s ugge s t s “ Pla nt-identi fication apps ca n be i nconsistent a n d a r e o f t e n l e s s t h a n i d e a l f o r i d e n t i f y i n g pl a nt s i n a p ote nt i a l p oi s on i ng s it u at ion . ”
C a l l y o u r o w n v e t f i r s t . The fi r s t l i ne of defen s e s hou ld a lw ay s b e you r o w n v e te r i n a r i a n , a s t he y k no w y ou r p e t b e s t a nd w i l l h ave a l l t hei r me d ica l r e cord s on h a nd B ut du r i ng off -hou r s or hol id ay s , or i f you r v e t c a n ’t b e r e ac he d , t r y t he s e e x p er t s or he ad to a v e te r i n a r y e me r ge nc y r o om
A S P C A A n i m a l Po i s o n Co nt r ol Ce nt e r : 8 8 8 - 4 2 6 - 4 4 3 5 , or v i s it a s p c a or g for a l i s t of p oi s onou s pl a nt s a nd none me r ge nc y i n for m at ion
Pe t Po i s o n H e lpl i n e : 8 5 5 -7 6 4 -7 6 61 , or v i s it p e t p oi s on he lpl i ne c om for none me r ge nc y i n for m at ion
W hen r e l at iv e s a nd f r iend s s t a r t to s t r e a m i n , it ’ s g r e at to fi nd enter t a i nment t h at work s for e v er yone E nter t he H a rlem Glob e t r ot ter s , t he fl a s hy, f u n b a s ke tb a l l t r oup e t h at h a s de l ighte d fa n s old a nd you ng si nc e 1 9 2 6 Now t he g roup sta r s i n a new telev ision show, Harlem Glob et rot ters: Play It For ward , ho s te d by Th e O ffi c e ’ s Cr a ig R obi n s on W h i le offer i ng plent y of t he t r ic k s hot s a nd d r ibbl i ng do oz ie s t h at h av e long m ade t he te a m b e lov e d , t he s how a l s o delves i nto t he l ives of t he player s off t he c ou r t , s howc a si ng t hei r i nter e s t i n s p a c e e x plor at ion , u r b a n f a r m i ng a nd ot her topics for wh ich t hey ser ve a s a mb a s s ador s of go o d w i l l . T U N E I N: Ha rl em Gl ob et rot ter s : Pl ay It For wa rd debute d i n O c tob er a nd a i r s on N BC on S at u rd ay s at 1 1 a . m . E T (t i me m ay v a r y c he c k lo c a l l i s t i ng s) ; you c a n s t r e a m t he s how a ny t i me on nb c c om a nd N BC VOD Th i s mont h , t he tea m s e t s off on a world tou r S e e h a rlemglob e t r ot ter s c om for t ic ke t i n for m at ion
I T ’S G O N N A
B E G R E AT ™
Nobody makes it better than Mom, except you Scan the code for a Brown Gravy recipe that’ll impress the whole family.
Get the party started!
Manchego + Spanish chorizo + scallion
Top potato soup with an ingredient you likely already have in the pantry potato chips! Nearly any plain variety will do. They add a nice salty note and offer crunchy contrast to each silky spoonful
We popped more than 25 bottles of bubbly to find the best ones to take to holiday get- togethers. Cheers!
Light with a hint of citrus peel, this crowd-pleasing sparkler has a clean and crisp finish It’ s delightful on its own and priced right for topping off mimosas and spritzes
$14, massanois com
Made similarly to the way champagne is, this crémant is a great value Find aromas of spiced tropical fruit with a rich, dry finish $25, tedwardwines com
Notes of toasty brioche and lemon peel combine with fine, persistent bubbles in this well-priced champagne Lively acidity makes it a great match for food $35, wine com
Montefresco Prosecco NV Domaine Fichet Crémant de Bourgogne Brut Tradition Paul Laurent Champagne Brut Cuvée du FondateurThese varieties will take salads and sides to the next level
Resembling a head of cabbage, chioggia is the variety most commonly found at the grocery store and has the most assertive bitterness of the bunch
That’ s not a giant red endive; it’ s Treviso, which has a similar delicate taste The sturdy leaves are great for scooping up dip
Treviso Tardivo is basically Treviso 2 0 with more intense flavor and a firmer texture, so it’ s good for cooking
Castelfranco has redspeckled cream-colored leaves and a mildly bitter flavor that’ s wonderful in salads.
What is it?
This brothy dish of peas, pork and rice, often eaten on New Year ’ s Day, is said to have originated in the 1800s in the Low Country of South Carolina, though some historians speculate that it has roots in West Africa
What does it symbolize?
It’ s all about good fortune for the New Year
The ingredients in hoppin’ John hold specific meanings: Black-eyed peas represent coins, collard greens symbolize paper money and cornbread is for gold, while pork is meant to bring advancement.
What are the customs?
It’ s all about luck, so be sure to fill up!
The idea is that the more you eat, the more good fortune will come your way Some also add a (clean) dime to the pot before serving in the belief that the one who gets a helping with the coin in it will have the luckiest year.
Baker ’ s Best
For a cake that’s simple yet spectacular as in, no layers or frosting to fuss with enlist the help of this Bundt pan Its fluted nonstick sides will give your creation beautiful flair, and it’s easy to grease with a brush so whatever you make will release effortlessly.
Cast Aluminum Fluted Pan, check website for pricing, qvc co/GH
D r e s s u p d e l i c i o u s
g i f t s ( h o m e m a d e o r
s t o r e - b o u g h t ) w i t h
s t u n n i n g a n d s u s -
t a i n a b l e w r a p p i n g
He r e ’ s h o w :
Start with a linen napkin or a dish towel in a diamond shape with a corner facing you
Lay the bottle on the left side of the linen, leaving about 5" of linen at the top
Lift the bottom corner of linen over the bottom of the bottle, folding snugly over it Roll the bottle and linen to the right until the bottle is covered Tuck in the loose ends and tie a ribbon around the neck of the bottle to secure
Coquito is a Puerto Rican holiday drink, similar to eggnog, made with coconut milk and sweetened condensed milk (no eggs!) as well as rum and spices.
Add a sprig of greenery (or fresh rosemary) for an
extra-elegant touch!
Try this trick with bottles of wine, olive oil or coquito (at right)!
It wouldn’t be the holidays without some delightfully festive cookies. Whether you ’ re a traditionalist or yo u l i ke a few t w i s t s , t h e s e recipes will jingle your bells. Grab t h e fl o u r a n d g e t b a k i n g .
While fresh cherries are a summer staple, jarred ones a re g e m s fo r t h e w i n t e r. Pick the sour variety, which has less added sugar than the maraschino kind
This cookie press is your secret to fancy (yet easy!) bakeshop treats, thanks to 13 different disks that create perfectly uniform shapes Simply fill the chamber with dough, then squeeze the trigger to release onto your baking sheet Bonus: It doubles as a frosting t
1. In medium bowl , combine 1 tsp lemon zest, 1 clove garlic (grated), 1 Tbsp olive oil and 1⁄2 tsp kosher salt. Add 1 lb large shrimp (peeled and deveined) and toss to coat; let marinate.
2 . Mea nw h i l e, i n l a rg e s k i l l e t , h e a t 2 Tbs p o l i ve o i l , 1⁄2 tsp red pepper flakes and 1 clove garlic (grated) on medium until sizzling Stir in 1⁄2 cup d r y w h i te w i n e and simmer 1 min Stir in 1 cup orzo to coat, then one
2 8 - oz c a n w h o l e p e e l e d to m a to e s a n d t h e i r
j u i c e s , c r u s h i n g w i t h h a n d s , a n d 1⁄2 c u p wa te r
S i m m e r, c ove re d , s t i r r i n g o c c a s i o n a l l y, u n t i l
orzo is just barely tender, 8 to 10 min Add shrimp and cook, covered , until opaque throughout, 3 to 5 min Sprinkle with 1⁄2 cup flat-leaf parsley (chopped) and 2 oz fet a (crumbled)
1. Heat oven to 425°F. On large rimmed baking sheet, toss one 17 5-oz pkg shelf-st able pot ato gnocchi with 11⁄2 Tbsp olive oil and 1⁄2 tsp p e p p e r ; arrange in even layer. Break 8 oz It alian sausage (casings removed) into pieces and add to pan Roast 10 min
2 . In medium bowl , toss 8 oz green beans (trimmed) and 4 cloves garlic (thinly sliced) with 1 Tbsp olive oil , 1⁄2 tsp red pepper flakes and 1⁄4 tsp kosher salt
Switch It Up Swap out the green beans for broccoli, cauliflower or a combination. Cut into small florets and toss with the sausage-gnocchi mixture, adding 1 Tbsp more oil , then roast all together
Toss gnocchi and sausage on baking sheet, scatter green bean mixture on top and roast until everything is golden brown and tender, 8 to 10 min more 3. Scatter one 5-oz pkg. baby kale over pan and roast until wilted , 2 min Toss with 1 tsp lemon zest Serve over dollops of ricott a or fresh mozzarella (torn) and sprinkle with grated Parmesan if desired .
1. Heat oven to 500°F (if you can’t heat the oven this high without broiling, heat to 475°F)
2 . On lightly floured sur face, shape 1 lb pizza dough (thawed if frozen and at room temp 30 min ) into 14-in.-long oval . Place on baking sheet dusted with cornmeal or lined with parchment. Arrange 6 thin slices provolone on top.
3. In large bowl , combine 1 small delicat a squash
Dust the bottom of your pie with cornmeal to add that unmistakable pizza-parlor crunch to the crust.
(halved lengthwise, seeded and sliced 1⁄4 in thick), 1 onion (sliced) and 1 large Fresno chile (thinly sliced); toss with 2 Tbsp olive oil, 1⁄2 tsp kosher salt and 1⁄4 tsp pepper; fold in 1⁄2 cup flat-leaf parsley leaves
4. Scatter over dough and sprinkle with 11⁄2 oz blue cheese (crumbled). Bake until crust is golden brown and squash is just tender, 10 to 12 min
A c t i v e 1 5 m i n To t a l 1 h r 1 0 m i n
G r a p e To m ato e s
Hea t ove n t o 40 0° F O n s m a l l rimmed baking sheet, toss two 1 2- oz p kg s . g ra p e t o m a t o e s w i t h 2 Tbsp olive oil , 1⁄2 tsp kosher salt and 1⁄4 tsp pepper Roast until beginning to reduce, 25 to 30 min
E v e ry t h i n g Bag e l s
Arrange 3 medium-size everything bagels (split and cut into 11⁄2-in pieces) on large rimmed baking sheet and toast in oven with t o m a t o e s u n t i l l i g h t l y g o l d e n brown, 8 to 10 min
E g g s a n d M i l k
Meanwhile, oil shallow 21⁄2- to 3 - q t b a k i n g d i s h I n l a rg e b ow l , w h i s k t o g e t h e r 6 l a rg e e g g s , 1 1⁄2 c u p s w h o l e m i l k a n d 1⁄2 t s p
t ra n s fe r t o p re p a re d d i s h a n d d o t w i t h 1⁄2 c u p s c a l l i o n c re a m c h e e s e. B a ke u n t i l s e t a n d k n i fe i n s e r t e d i n t o c e n te r c o m e s o u t c l e a n , 40 to 4 5 m i n S c a t t e r s l i c e d s c a l l i o n s o n t o p i f d e s i re d
S E RV E S 6 TO 8
A b o u t 3 9 8 c a l
1 8 5 g f a t ( 7 g sa t ) ,
1 6 g p r o , 9 67 m g s o d i u m , 4 2 g c a r b 3 g f i b e r
M i k e G a r t e n F o o d s t y l n g C h r i s t i n e A l b a n o P r o p s t y l i n g : L i s E n g e l h a r t T o m a t o e s , b a g e l , e g g s a n d m i l k G e t t y I m a g e s
W h a t s h o u l d
I l o o k f o r w h e n
b u y i n g n e w
s h e e t p a n s?
David TA: Great question! Sheet pans are one of my go-tos, and I can’t resist singing their praises first Both the GH Kitchen Appliances Lab and the Test Kitchen use sheet pans nearly every day for keeping ingredients organized, roasting at high temps, baking and reheating leftovers At home, their large surface area makes them great for pulling together full meals (like the breakfast fajitas above) or cooking protein and vegetables simultaneously Their short sides allow air to circulate more than in a baking dish and help food brown nicely; and by adding a rack, you can produce healthier results by allowing fat to drip away from your ingredients Plus, sheet pans make cleanup a snap, especially if you line them with foil or parchment. I told you I love them! Here’s what to consider when trying to find the best ones for you
Half sheet pans (about 18 in by 13 in ) are among the most common They fit into the majority of home ovens, while full sheet pans (26 in by 18 in ) are primarily used in commercial kitchens. Quarter sheet pans (13 in by 9 in ) are no problem to clean because they easily fit into a sink Micro sheet pans (10 in. by 6 in.), like the GH Set of 3 ($31, qvc co/GH), can fit into most toaster ovens
Most sheet pans are made of aluminum, aluminized steel or stainless steel, which contributes to how well they heat and to their heft (Aluminum is typically lighter and quicker to heat, while stainless steel is heavier and allows for better heat retention.) In addition, some sheet pans have a nonstick coating that makes cleanup easier but can wear and get scratched over time
Some sheet pans have handles that help with moving them into and out of the oven but that can make storage tricky Others come with lids, which we like for keeping food warm, storing leftovers and protecting food from bugs outside by the grill. Many come in sets of two or in varying sizes, which is helpful for large batches or for different uses from breakfast to dinner
b e s t ov e r a l l
This uncoated aluminum pan is relatively lightweight yet sturdy, and it cooked evenly.
b e s t va l u e
These light nonstick pans with handles browned cookies and crisped broccoli nicely
b e s t n o n s t i c k
This colorful ceramic-coated pan made some of the crispiest broccoli and offers more heft than most
r e a k f a s t f a j i t a s : M k e G a r t e n P r o p s t y l i n g : L i s E n g e l h a r t F o o d s t y l i n g : C h r s t i n e A l b a n o
1 P ubl ic at ion Tit le : G o o d Hou s e ke epi ng
2 P ubl ic at ion Nu mb er : 05 3 0 -2 70 0
3 Fi l i ng D ate : O c tob er 1 , 202 2
4 I s s ue Fr e q uenc y : Mont h ly e xc ep t Ja nu a r y/ Fe br u a r y, Ju ly/Aug u s t 5 Nu mb er of I s s ue s P ubl i s he d A n nu a l ly : 10
6 A n nu a l Sub s c r ip t ion P r ic e : $ 1 5 0 0
7 Comple te M a i l i ng A dd r e s s of K no w n O ffic e of
P ubl ic at ion : 3 0 0 We s t 5 7t h St r e e t , Ne w York , N Y 10 01 9
8 Comple te M a i l i ng A dd r e s s of He adq u a r ter s or G ener a l B u s i ne s s O ffic e of P ubl i s her :
3 0 0 We s t 5 7t h St r e e t , Ne w York , N Y 10 01 9 9 Fu l l Na me s a nd Comple te M a i l i ng A dd r e s s e s of P ubl i s her, E d itor a nd M a n ag i ng E d itor : P ubl i s her, Pat r ic i a H ae ge le , 3 0 0 We s t 5 7t h St r e e t , Ne w York , N Y 10 01 9 E d itor, Ja ne Fr a nc i s c o , 3 0 0 We s t 5 7t h St r e e t , Ne w York , N Y 10 01 9 M a n ag i ng E d itor, K i m C hene y,
3 0 0 We s t 5 7t h St r e e t , Ne w York , N Y 10 01 9 10 O w ner : He a r s t M aga z i ne Me d i a , I nc
R e g i s ter e d o ffic e : 3 0 0 We s t 5 7t h St r e e t , Ne w York , N Y 10 01 9 Sto c k holder s of He a r s t Com mu n ic at ion s , I nc : He a r s t M aga z i ne Me d i a , I nc , 3 0 0 We s t 5 7t h St r e e t , Ne w York , N Y 10 01 9 1 1 K no w n B ond holder s , Mor tgage e s a nd O t her S e c u r it y Holder s O w n i ng or Hold i ng 1 Pe r c e nt or Mor e of Tot a l A mou nt of B ond s , Mor tgage s or O t her S e c u r it ie s : None
1 2 Ta x St at u s : Not Appl ic able
1 3 P ubl ic at ion Tit le : G o o d Hou s e ke epi ng 14 I s s ue D ate for C i r c u l at ion D at a B e lo w : S ep temb er 202 2
1 5 E x tent a nd Nat u r e of C i r c u l at ion : I c er t i f y t h at 5 0 % of a l l my d i s t r ibute d c opie s ( E le c t r on ic a nd P r i nt) a r e p a id ab o v e a nom i n a l pr ic e a Tot a l Nu mb er of Copie s ( Ne t P r e s s R u n) b (
1) Ma i led O utside - Cou nt y
Pa id Subscr iption s
Stated on PS For m 35 41 (2) Ma i led I n- Cou nt y Pa id Subs c r ip t ion s St ate d on P S For m 3 5 4 1 (3) Pa id D i s t r ibut ion
O ut s ide t he M a i l s I nc lud i ng S a le s Th r ough D e a ler s a nd C a r r ier s , St r e e t Vendor s , Cou nter S a le s a nd
O t her Pa id Dist r ibution
O utside USPS
(4) Pa id D i s t r ibut ion b y O t her C l a s s e s of M a i l Th r ough t he US P S c Tot a l Pa id D i s t r ibut ion [Su m of 1 5 b ( 1), (2), (3) a nd (4)] d ( 1) Fr e e or Nom i n a l R ate O ut s ide - Cou nt y Copie s
Included on PS For m 35 41
(2) Fr e e or Nom i n a l R ate I n- Cou nt y Copie s Included on PS For m 35 41
(3) Fr e e or Nom i n a l R ate Copie s M a i le d at O t her Cla sses Th rough t he USPS
(4) Fr e e or Nom i n a l R ate D i s t r ibut ion
O ut s ide t he M a i l e Tot a l Fr e e or Nom i n a l R ate Distr ibution [Su m of 1 5 d ( 1), (2), (3) a nd (4)] f Tot a l D i s t r ibut ion (Su m of 1 5 c a nd 1 5 e) g Copie s Not D i s t r ibute d h Tota l (Su m of 1 5f a nd 1 5 g) i Pe r c e nt Pa id ( 1 5 c/ 1 5f x 10 0)
16 a Pa id E le c t r on ic Copie s b Tota l Pa id P r i nt Copies ( Li ne 1 5 c) a nd Pa id Electron ic Copies c Tot a l P r i nt D i s t r ibut ion
) a nd Pa id
le c t r on ic C
1⁄4 cup fennel seeds
2 Tbsp coriander seeds
12 cloves garlic, finely chopped, plus 2 whole heads garlic
1⁄4 cup fresh rosemary, chopped
5 Tbsp olive oil, divided
1 bone-in center-cut pork rib roast (8 ribs), chine bone removed
Kosher salt and coarsely ground black pepper
4 shallots
2 small bulbs fennel
1 small acorn squash (1 lb)
1. Heat oven to 400°F Place fennel seeds and coriander in heavy-duty resealable plastic bag and crush with bottom of heavy pan Transfer to small bowl and add chopped garlic, rosemary and 2 Tbsp oil
. Season pork with 11⁄2 tsp salt and
3⁄4 tsp pepper Transfer to center of
large roasting pan and rub all over with spiced oil Roast 40 min
3. Meanwhile, halve shallots and garlic heads and place in large bowl
Cut fennel and squash into 3⁄4-in -thick wedges, add to bowl with shallots and garlic and toss with remaining
3 Tbsp oil and 1⁄2 tsp each salt and pepper to combine
4 Scatter garlic and shallots around pork in roasting pan; arrange fennel and squash on large rimmed baking sheet Roast until vegetables are golden brown and tender and internal temperature of pork reaches 140°F, 40 to 50 min more
5. Transfer roast to cutting board and let rest at least 15 min. before slicing Add squash to roasting pan with shallots and garlic, toss together, then transfer to platter Slice pork into chops and serve with vegetables
2 Tbsp olive oil, plus more for serving
1 lb onions, chopped
4 stalks celery, chopped
1⁄2 lb small parsnips, peeled and cut into 1⁄4-in. pieces
Kosher salt and pepper
4 cloves garlic, chopped
2 Tbsp all-purpose flour
11⁄2 lbs Yukon gold potatoes, peeled and cut into 1-in. pieces
8 sprigs fresh thyme, plus thyme leaves for serving
1⁄4 cup sour cream
Potato chips, for serving
1. Heat oil in Dutch oven on medium
Add onions, celery, parsnips, 1⁄2 tsp salt and 1⁄4 tsp pepper and cook, covered , stirring occasionally, until very tender, 10 to 12 min
2 . Stir in garlic and cook 2 min
Sprinkle flour over vegetables and cook, stirring, 3 min
3. Stir in potatoes, thyme sprigs and 4 cups water and bring to a boil . Reduce heat and simmer until potatoes are tender, 12 to 18 min
4 Discard thyme sprigs Using immersion blender (or standard blender, working in batches), puree soup Stir in sour cream
5. Sprinkle with thyme leaves, drizzle with olive oil and top with potato chips if desired
3 Tbsp lemon juice
1 tsp honey
Kosher salt and pepper
2 tsp Dijon mustard
1⁄2 medium red onion, finely chopped
1⁄4 cup olive oil
1 15-oz can white beans, drained and rinsed
2 small heads radicchio, torn
2 heads endive, sliced
2 cups flat-leaf parsley leaves
2 oz Parmesan cheese, shaved, divided
1. In large bowl , whisk together lemon juice, honey and 3⁄4 tsp salt until incorporated Whisk in Dijon, then stir in onion and let sit 5 min
2 Whisk in oil and 1⁄2 tsp pepper and gently toss with beans
3. Add radicchio, endive, parsley and half of cheese and toss to combine Serve topped with remaining cheese
2 large eggs
Kosher salt and pepper
1 lb carrots, peeled
1 lb medium russet potatoes, peeled
2 medium onions
3⁄4 cup to 1 cup matzo meal
1⁄4 cup olive oil
2 Tbsp lemon juice
2 Tbsp sour cream
1 bulb fennel, thinly sliced on mandoline, plus fronds for garnish
1⁄2 tsp coriander seeds, crushed
1⁄4 cup Castelvetrano olives, pitted, cracked and roughly chopped
1⁄4 cup parsley, roughly chopped
1 scallion, thinly sliced
1. Place 8 small (6-in ) cast-iron skillets on rimmed baking sheets, place in oven and heat oven to 450°F.
2 In large bowl , whisk together eggs,
1 tsp salt and 1⁄4 tsp pepper
3. In food processor fitted with large grating disk (or on large holes of box grater), grate carrots, potatoes and
onions Add to egg mixture and toss to combine Add matzo meal and mix to combine
4. Carefully add 1⁄2 Tbsp oil to each skillet, then divide latke mixture among skillets. Roast until golden brown and crisp on bottom, 15 min , then flip latkes and roast 5 min more
5. Meanwhile, in second large bowl , whisk together lemon juice, sour cream and 1⁄2 tsp each salt and pepper Add fennel and toss to coat; toss with coriander
6. When ready to serve, toss fennel slaw with olives, parsley and scallion; sprinkle with fennel fronds if desired and serve with carrot latkes
1⁄4 cup sugar
1⁄4 cup water
1⁄4 tsp kosher salt
4 strips Cara Cara orange zest plus 11⁄2 cups orange juice
4 strips clementine zest plus 1⁄2 cup clementine juice
2 sprigs fresh rosemary, plus more for serving
11⁄4 cups Aperol
1 750-ml bottle sparkling wine, chilled Orange and clementine slices, for serving
1. In small saucepan, combine sugar, water and salt and bring to a boil Reduce heat and simmer (do not stir) until sugar dissolves, 2 to 3 min.
2 Remove from heat, add zest and rosemary and let cool 40 min Strain into large measuring cup or pitcher
3. Stir in orange and clementine juices and Aperol , then transfer to 8-insquare metal baking pan Cover and freeze until set, about 6 hr
4. When ready to serve, using fork, scrape surface of ice to create large flakes and transfer to glasses. Top with sparkling wine and garnish with additional rosemary and citrus slices if desired
2 onions, divided
6 cloves garlic, divided
6 sprigs fresh thyme
2 bay leaves
2 smoked ham hocks
1 stalk celery, halved
1 small jalapeño, halved
2 Tbsp olive oil
11⁄4 cups dried black-eyed peas
Steamed white rice, for serving Sliced scallions, for serving
1. Quarter 1 onion and smash 3 cloves garlic and add to pressure cooker. Add thyme, bay leaves, ham hocks, celery, jalapeño and 3 1⁄2 cups water Cover, lock lid and cook on high pressure 30 min
2 Meanwhile, chop remaining
1 onion and 3 cloves garlic
3. Release pressure Transfer ham hocks to bowl , then strain liquid into measuring cup; discard solids When cool enough to handle, shred meat, discarding skin, bone and fat
4. Wipe out pot, return to pressure cooker, press Sauté and heat oil . Add chopped onion and cook, stirring occasionally, 5 min Stir in chopped garlic and cook 1 min
5. Stir in peas, shredded meat and
3 1⁄2 cups strained liquid; cover and lock lid Cook on high pressure 8 min Let release naturally 15 min , then release any remaining pressure
6. Serve peas (and broth) over rice and sprinkle with scallions if desired .
3⁄4 cup whole milk
1 1⁄4-oz pkg. active dry yeast (21⁄4 tsp)
1⁄4 cup granulated sugar, plus more for coating
2 large eggs
2 Tbsp unsalted butter, at room temp, cut into small pieces
1 tsp kosher salt
1 tsp lemon zest
3 cups all-purpose flour, plus more for dusting
2 qts canola oil, plus more for greasing
2 cups seedless red jam
1 In small bowl , microwave milk until 100°F to 110°F (warm to the touch)
Stir in yeast and sugar Set aside until frothy, about 5 min Transfer to large bowl of stand mixer Add eggs; beat gently by hand to combine Add butter and salt, mixing to combine (don’t worry if some lumps of butter remain)
2 . Add lemon zest and half of flour, stirring to form dough. Gradually add remaining flour; then, using stand mixer fitted with dough hook, knead on low 5 min (dough will be sticky)
3. Lightly oil large bowl; transfer dough to bowl Cover with damp
towel and set aside to rise at room temp until doubled in size, 1 to 11⁄2 hr or overnight in refrigerator (can freeze overnight at this point)
4. Lightly oil large baking sheet Lightly flour work surface, turn dough out and lightly dust top with flour; press or roll until 1⁄2 in thick With floured 21⁄2- to 3-in round cutters, cut out dough and transfer to prepared baking sheet Gather scraps into ball Repeat rolling and cutting out rounds Cover rounds loosely with damp towel; let rise until puffed , 30 min
5. Meanwhile, set wire rack inside another baking sheet and add sugar to large bowl Heat oil in large, deep saucepan to 350°F to 360°F on deep-fry thermometer Working with 3 or 4 donuts at a time, carefully lower into hot oil and cook until golden brown, about 1 min per side Use large slotted spoon to transfer donuts to prepared wire rack; let cool Transfer to bowl with sugar and toss to coat, adding more sugar as necessary
6. Fill large piping bag fitted with 1⁄2-in round tip with jam Cut narrow slit in side of each donut, push in tip and gently squeeze in jam until it just barely comes out of hole
For cake
Melted unsalted butter, for greasing
11⁄2 cups granulated sugar, plus more for coating pan
3 cups all-purpose flour
1 tsp baking soda
1 tsp ground ginger
1 tsp ground cinnamon
1⁄2 tsp ground allspice
1⁄2 tsp freshly grated nutmeg
1⁄2 tsp kosher salt
1⁄4 tsp freshly ground black pepper
1⁄4 tsp ground cloves
3⁄4 cup unsalted butter (11⁄2 sticks), at room temp
1 tsp freshly grated ginger
2 large eggs, at room temp
1 tsp pure vanilla extract
1 cup molasses
For glaze
21⁄4 cups confectioners’ sugar plus more if needed, sifted
1⁄4 cup sour cream
1 Tbsp plus 2 tsp heavy cream, plus more if needed
1⁄4 tsp pure vanilla extract
Pinch of salt
Pomegranate arils, for topping
Freshly cracked black pepper
1. Make cake: Heat oven to 350°F Grease 91⁄2-in (10-cup) Bundt pan with melted butter, then sprinkle with
granulated sugar, tapping to coat, making sure to get into all ridges
2 In medium bowl, whisk together flour, baking soda and spices
3 In stand mixer, beat butter, granulated sugar and grated ginger on medium-high until light and fluffy, 3 to 4 min Beat in eggs 1 at a time, scraping bowl after each addition
Beat in vanilla
4 In 4-cup measuring cup or medium bowl , stir molasses into 1 cup hot water With mixer on low, add flour mixture to butter mixture in 3 increments, alternating with molasses mixture, until just combined
5. Pour batter into prepared pan and smooth top Bake until toothpick inserted into center comes out clean, 45 to 55 min Let cool in pan on wire rack 20 min Using small offset spatula, gently loosen edges and invert onto rack Let cool completely
6. Meanwhile, make glaze: In medium bowl , whisk together confectioners’ sugar, sour cream, heavy cream, vanilla and salt, adding more confectioners’ sugar or heavy cream if needed , until thick and pourable
7. Pour glaze over cake and garnish with pomegranate arils and freshly cracked black pepper. Let set 15 min. before serving
1 15-oz can coconut milk
1 14-oz can condensed milk
1 12-oz can evaporated milk
1 tsp pure vanilla extract
3⁄4 tsp ground cinnamon
1⁄4 tsp ground nutmeg
11⁄2 cups light rum
1. In blender, puree coconut milk, condensed milk, evaporated milk, vanilla, cinnamon and nutmeg to combine
2 . Stir in rum, transfer to bottles or pitcher and refrigerate overnight or up
51⁄2 cups
11⁄4 cups all-purpose flour
1⁄4 tsp baking powder
1⁄4 tsp kosher salt
1⁄2 cup (1 stick) unsalted butter, at room temp
1⁄2 cup confectioners’ sugar
1 large egg yolk, at room temp
1⁄4 tsp pure vanilla extract
1⁄4 cup freeze-dried strawberries (1⁄8 oz)
1⁄2 tsp granulated sugar Red food coloring (optional)
1 oz dark chocolate, melted and cooled to room temp
1. In medium bowl , whisk together flour, baking powder and salt In stand mixer, beat butter and confectioners’ sugar on medium until creamy and smooth, 1 to 2 min Scrape down bowl , then beat in yolk and vanilla
2 . Reduce mixer to low and gradually add flour mixture, mixing until just incorporated Transfer two-thirds of dough to second bowl and set aside.
3. In mini food processor, pulse strawberries with granulated sugar until finely ground (sift out any large
pieces for 1 heaping Tbsp strawberry powder) Add to dough in stand mixer along with 2 drops red food coloring (if using) and mix on low until evenly colored Transfer to work surface
4. Transfer half of remaining dough to stand mixer and mix in melted chocolate until evenly colored .
5 On 3 separate sheets of plastic wrap, shape each piece of dough into 2- by 7-in rectangle about 1⁄2 in thick (if dough gets too soft, refrigerate a few minutes before proceeding), pressing a bench scraper along each side to straighten Stack vanilla dough on strawberry, followed by chocolate, and press into 1 long block with straight sides all around . Wrap tightly in plastic and refrigerate, striped side down, until very firm, 1 to 2 hr
6. Heat oven to 350°F Line baking sheet with parchment paper Using sharp knife, slice block crosswise into 1⁄2-in -thick cookies and place on prepared sheet, spacing 1 in apart Bake, rotating pan halfway through, until cookies are set around edges and look dry and matte on surface, 12 to 14 min Let cool on sheet 5 min , then transfer to wire rack to cool completely
1 cup all-purpose flour
1⁄2 cup pecan halves, toasted
1⁄8 tsp kosher salt
3 tsp matcha powder, divided 1⁄2 cup (1 stick) unsalted butter, at room temp
1 cup confectioners’ sugar, divided
1⁄2 tsp pure vanilla extract
1. In food processor, pulse flour, pecans, salt and 1 tsp matcha until finely ground
2 . In stand mixer, beat butter and 1⁄2 cup confectioners’ sugar on medium until creamy and smooth, 1 min Scrape down bowl , then beat in vanilla. Reduce mixer speed to low and add flour mixture in 2 batches, beating until just incorporated Cover bowl and refrigerate 30 min
3. Heat oven to 375°F Line 2 baking sheets with parchment paper Roll dough into 11⁄4-in balls (each about 11⁄2 Tbsp) and divide between prepared baking sheets, spacing
2 in apart Refrigerate 30 min
4. Bake, rotating pans halfway through, until cookies are set and just barely turning golden brown around edges, 9 to 11 min Transfer to wire rack to cool completely
5. In small bowl , whisk together remaining 1⁄2 cup confectioners’ sugar and 2 tsp matcha Sift matchasugar mixture on top before serving
C r a f t S t i c k Wr e a t h
p 3 8
1. Paint 40 to 50 small and 20 to 30 large wooden craft sticks with 3 shades of green and let dry completely. (Depending on the size of your wreath form, you may need more sticks )
2 . Use hot glue to cover most of a wreath form with the large sticks, overlapping the sticks while mixing up the colors
3. Hot-glue the small sticks on top of the large ones, mixing colors to create a nicely textured wreath B r u s h -
1 Remove the cap of a glass or plastic ornament Spray-paint or hand-paint it with acrylic paint in the color of your choice Once dry, reattach the cap
2 Paint the ornament with a variety of colors and simple brushstrokes to create an abstract pattern Once dry, add a decorative ribbon topper Tip: Place drying ornaments in cut rings of toilet paper tubes to prevent them from rolling.
S h a k e n P a i n t
r n a m e n t
p 3 6
1. Remove the cap of a clear ornament Squirt about 1 Tbsp of acrylic paint into the ornament. Cover the ornament hole with a paper towel and shake until the inside of the ornament is covered Add more paint if needed
2 . For a marble swirl look, use 2 to 3 different colors before shaking Place ornament in an egg crate with hole facing upward and allow to dry before moving Put cap back on ornament and add a loop of ribbon for hanging
F r i n g e O r n a m e n t
p . 3 6
1. Starting at the bottom of an ornament, measure and cut a small circle of tinsel fringe ribbon to fit Hot-glue it to the ornament. Continue to glue rings of ribbon about 1⁄2" above the previous ring so each ribbon overlaps the one below a little Continue until you get to the top of the ornament
2 . Trim the ends of the tinsel fringe to per fect your desired shape. Get creative by using tapered ornaments in various shapes as well as different colors and textures of fringe ribbon
F a n F e l t
p 3 6
1. Go to good housekeeping com/holidaytemplates, print the template and cut a rectangle out of felt Mark and accordion-fold the felt every
1⁄2" Use an iron to press the folds as you go to help hold the shape
2 . Once the felt is folded , mark the center and tie a knot with a decorative string Be sure to leave enough length to create the hanging loop Take the bottom edges of the accordion folds and match them together to create a fan Then hot-glue the bottom edges together to hold the fan in place The more pleats you make, the more your fan will resemble a circle.
l t
1. Follow the recipe at goodhousekeeping com/saltdough to make salt dough clay (or use air-dry clay).
2 . Sprinkle cornstarch onto a sheet of waxed paper Roll out clay to about 1⁄4" thickness Lightly sprinkle clay with more cornstarch
3 Carefully press or roll sections of patterned glass or found objects (such as vintage cut-crystal glassware, leaves, pine needles or doilies) onto the clay to make an impression Cut out ornament shapes with cookie cutters and poke holes in the tops with a straw
4 Transfer to a parchment-lined baking sheet and bake according to salt dough instructions, if using Set on a wire rack until cool enough to touch
3 D F e l t
1 Go to good housekeeping com/holidaytemplate, print the ornament template sheet and cut out the shapes Place the pattern shapes on top of a piece of felt Trace and cut out 8 pattern pieces
2 Fold each cut piece in half and crease to mark the centerline Cut an 8" length of decorative string and fold in half This will be the hanging loop for the ornament
3 Unfold each piece of felt and apply a small line of hot glue along the center crease line Place the string in the glue, leaving a 3" loop at the top Place the next piece of felt on top, lining up the centerlines Flip the 2 pieces over and apply the third piece in the same way on the other side
4. Next, fold the piece you just glued in half so you see the glued seam of the previous pieces Apply a line of hot glue along the seam, then place the folded crease of the fourth piece on top of the glue line Continue to flatten out the ornament so the glue seam faces up and continue gluing the rest of the felt pieces in the same way
5. Once all the pieces are glued , separate the outer parts of the ornament and fluff it up If a few pieces don’t match up, trim and reshape the edges.
. 3 6 1. Wipe any dirt or dust from a glass ornament Cover your workspace with kraft paper or newspaper for easier cleanup.
2 . With a Gold Leaf Kit (we used the Speedball Mona Lisa kit, $18, Amazon), use a craft brush to lightly paint the ornament with adhesive You can cover the item entirely, create a simple pattern or paint organic brushstrokes. For a clean style, use masking tape to make lines or stripes before painting with the adhesive Wash your paintbrush in water immediately after using Allow the adhesive to dry and become tacky to the touch, about 20 to 30 minutes The adhesive will turn from milky white to clear
3 Holding the tissue lining paper, remove a sheet of gold leaf from the kit and place it over the painted area Lightly smooth with your hands Use a soft-bristle brush to sweep the area in circular motions, removing additional leaf and smoothing your design Repeat with additional sheets to cover the entire design.
4. Allow the leaf to set for a few hours, then brush again with the soft-bristle brush or a clean cloth to remove any extra bits of leaf To prevent the gold from tarnishing, paint a thin, smooth layer of sealer on top and allow to dry
For video instructions on the napkin-folding variations, go to /holiday- templates.
2 cups all-purpose flour, plus more for dusting
1⁄2 cup yellow cornmeal
1 tsp ground ginger
1⁄2 tsp baking powder
1⁄2 tsp kosher salt
1 cup sugar
1⁄4 cup canola oil
2 large eggs, at room temp
11⁄2 tsp pure vanilla extract
1 tsp finely grated orange zest
1⁄2 cup shelled pistachios
1⁄2 cup dried cranberries
Melted dark chocolate, for dipping
Melted white chocolate, for drizzling
1. Heat oven to 350ºF Line baking sheet with parchment paper In medium bowl , whisk together flour, cornmeal , ginger, baking powder and salt
2 . In large bowl of stand mixer, beat sugar, oil , eggs, vanilla and zest on medium until smooth and fully emulsified , about 2 min
3 Reduce speed to low and gradually add flour mixture, beating until just fully incorporated (dough will be stiff ) Mix in pistachios and cranberries
4. On prepared baking sheet, with floured hands, shape dough into 3⁄4-in -thick log about 12- by 4-in Flatten top Bake, rotating pan halfway through, until light golden brown and top begins to crack, 32 to 38 min. Let log cool 15 min
5. Using serrated knife, slice log on slight diagonal 1⁄2 in thick Arrange slices, cut sides down, on same baking sheet in single layer Bake, flipping biscotti halfway through, until golden brown, 6 to 8 min per side Transfer to wire rack to cool
6. Dip 1 end of each biscotto in melted dark chocolate, then drizzle white chocolate (with spoon or piping bag) on dark chocolate
For chocolate-peppermint ganache
1⁄2 cup heavy cream
4 oz semisweet chocolate, finely chopped
1⁄4 tsp peppermint extract
For cookies
1 cup all-purpose flour
1⁄4 cup unsweetened cocoa powder
1⁄4 tsp espresso powder
1⁄4 tsp kosher salt
1⁄2 cup (1 stick) unsalted butter, at room temp
1⁄3 cup granulated sugar
1 large egg yolk, at room temp
1⁄2 tsp pure vanilla extract
1. Make ganache: In small saucepan, heat cream on medium, whisking constantly, until just bubbling at edges, 4 to 5 min Pour over chocolate in heatproof bowl and let sit 5 min Add peppermint extract; gently whisk until melted and smooth Refrigerate until set, 30 min
2. Meanwhile, make cookies: Heat oven to 350°F In bowl, whisk together flour, cocoa powder, espresso powder and salt
3 In stand mixer, beat butter and sugar on medium until light and fluffy, 3 min Scrape bowl; beat in yolk and vanilla
On low, gradually add flour mixture and mix until dough just comes together
4. Transfer dough to cookie press per manufacturer’s instructions (in batches if necessary) Using 2 ungreased baking sheets and holding cookie press so it touches sheet, squeeze and lift away, spacing cookies 1 in apart
5. Bake, rotating sheets halfway through, until edges and tops of cookies are set and surface is dry, 13 to 15 min Let cool on sheets 1 min , then transfer to wire racks to cool completely, about 15 min Repeat with any remaining dough (rinse sheets with cold water to help cool , then dry).
6 Transfer ganache to piping bag and pipe on flat side of half of cookies
Top with remaining cookies
To ensure that spritz cookies adhere to the pan when pressed and maintain their shape, use a standard (not nonstick) cookie or baking sheet that is unlined and ungreased
Our chief food director, Kate Merker, recommends these
C a l e n d a r
I n s t r u c t i o n s
1. Purchase two 1⁄4" dowel rods at a hardware store; using a handsaw, cut each rod to a 25" width (the store can also handle this)
2 . With a hot-glue gun, attach eight 28” strings to hang vertically between the two dowels
3. Tie one piece of twine on each end of the top dowel , then knot together to create a triangle shape for hanging
4. Punch a hole at the top of each of 24 craft bags Loop a short ribbon through each hole
5. Stamp the numbers
1 to 24 on the bags (Try the Large 10 Numbers
Vintage Wooden Rubber Stamp by StampWorlds, $55, etsy com )
6. Fill bags with treats and personalized notes; seal with red dot stickers
7. Tie bags to vertical strings with ribbons at various heights; secure with hot glue and mini clothespins
8. Hang your new creation!
For cookies
1 cup all-purpose flour
1⁄3 cup unsweetened cocoa powder
1⁄2 tsp baking soda
1⁄4 tsp kosher salt
1⁄2 cup (1 stick) unsalted butter, cut into tablespoons
2 oz dark chocolate, finely chopped (82%)
1⁄2 cup packed dark brown sugar
1⁄4 cup granulated sugar
1 large egg, at room temp
1 tsp pure vanilla extract
For toppings
1⁄2 cup brandy, plus splash for whipped cream
2 Tbsp granulated sugar
1 tsp cornstarch
1 cup jarred sour cherries, drained
1 cup cold heavy cream
4 tsp confectioners’ sugar
1⁄2 tsp pure vanilla extract
Shaved dark chocolate, for sprinkling
1. Make dough: In medium bowl , whisk together flour, cocoa powder, baking soda and salt
2 . In medium saucepan, bring 2 in water to a simmer In heatproof bowl , combine butter and chocolate, place over (but not in) simmering water
and gently melt butter and chocolate together Remove from heat and whisk in brown and granulated sugars until smooth. Beat in egg, then vanilla. Fold in flour mixture until just incorporated Cover bowl and refrigerate until firm, about 30 min
3. Meanwhile, make brandied cherries: In small saucepan, combine brandy, granulated sugar and cornstarch Simmer until thickened to consistency of honey, about 3 min Fold in cherries and let mixture cool completely.
4 Make whipped cream: In large bowl , using electric mixer with whisk attachment, beat cream, confectioners ’ sugar, vanilla and splash of brandy on medium-high until stiff peaks form Cover bowl and refrigerate until ready to assemble cookies
5. Bake cookies: Heat oven to 350°F Line 2 baking sheets with parchment paper. Roll dough into 16 balls (2 Tbsp each) and divide between prepared baking sheets, spacing 3 in apart
6 Bake, rotating and swapping positions of pans halfway through, until cookies are just set around edges and cracks appear on surface, 8 to 10 min Let cookies cool on pans 5 min then transfer to wire rack to cool completely
7. Just before serving, if desired , transfer whipped cream to piping bag fitted with large star tip and pipe onto cookies; top each with brandied cherry and sprinkle with shaved chocolate
kitchen tools you can use it to flip sandwiches, fish, eggs, even burgers. Everyone should have one!
$38, lamsonproducts com
This 4-oz beauty is perfect for bitters (I love Fee Brothers Orange B itters). Pair with some fancy sugar cubes and a bottle of bourbon for your favorite Old Fashioned lover. $13, cb2 .com
Silicone spatulas are everywhere, but this set is special: sturdy enough to stir thick batters, and bendy enough to scrape every edge clean $31, gir co
Invite loved ones over for some crafting and baking for a good cause. These organizations help those in need in the holiday season.
What started as a 96,000cookie bake-a-thon has since led to a movement of more than 15,000 bake sales across all 50 states and 24 countries, raising $18 million for pediatric cancer research and funding dozens of new treatments in the process Host your own fundraiser the charity has lots of resources on its site to help raise even more money. Plan a bake sale or throw a charitable cookie swap where each guest brings a few batches of baked goods and a monetary donation
Find out more about how you can register your event at cookiesforkidscancer org
Volunteer to send holiday cards to people who need a little extra cheer this year
This organization shares a list of names and addresses with everyone who signs up, so all you have to do is fill out a card and an envelope, add a stamp and send . But you can host a card-crafting party instead!
Set out card stock, envelopes, extra magazines and catalogs, scissors, stickers and tape so friends can create their own handmade cards to mail out
To learn more and register, go to theangelcardproject com
1 cup all-purpose flour, plus more for dusting
1⁄4 tsp kosher salt
1⁄2 cup (1 stick) cold unsalted butter, cubed
4 oz cold cream cheese, cut into chunks
1⁄4 cup sugar
1⁄2 tsp ground cinnamon
Pinch of ground cloves
1⁄2 cup apricot or raspberry jam, divided
1⁄2 cup toasted, finely chopped walnuts, divided
1 large egg
1. In food processor, pulse flour and salt to combine. Add butter and cream cheese and pulse until crumbly dough forms that holds together when squeezed
2 Transfer dough to work surface, gently knead to form cohesive mass, then shape into 5- by 4-in rectangle
Halve crosswise, wrap each in plastic and refrigerate until firm, 11⁄2 to 2 hr
3. Meanwhile, in small bowl , combine sugar, cinnamon and cloves; transfer
1 Tbsp to small bowl and reserve Line baking sheet with parchment paper
4. Working with 1 dough rectangle
(keep other chilled) on lightly floured surface, roll out to 12- by 9-in rectangle, sprinkling top with flour to
prevent sticking Spread with 1⁄4 cup jam, then sprinkle with 1⁄4 cup walnuts and half of remaining spiced sugar Starting from 1 longer side, gently roll up dough into a tight log and transfer to prepared baking sheet Freeze until completely firm, at least 30 min Repeat with remaining dough, jam, walnuts and spiced sugar
5. Heat oven to 350°F Line second baking sheet with parchment paper In second small bowl , whisk together egg and 1 tsp water Transfer chilled log to cutting board and trim edges. Using serrated knife, cut each log into 1-in pieces (for a total of 22 rugelach) Transfer rugelach, dough side up, to prepared baking sheet, spacing 11⁄2 in apart Freeze 15 min
6. Lightly brush frozen rugelach with egg mixture and sprinkle with reserved Tbsp spiced sugar Bake until golden brown and jam starts to bubble around edges, 25 to 30 min Using tongs, immediately transfer rugelach to wire rack to cool
This rich and delicate dough can get soft easily to keep it from clinging to your work area, chill the dough when not using it and keep your surface generously dusted with flour.
3⁄4 cup pecans
11⁄2 cups all-purpose flour, divided
1⁄2 tsp ground cinnamon
1⁄4 tsp kosher salt
Pinch of ground cloves
Pinch of ground allspice
1⁄2 cup (1 stick) unsalted butter, at room temp
1⁄2 cup granulated sugar
1 large egg, at room temp
1 12-oz jar seedless red jam
Confectioners’ sugar, for dusting
1. In food processor, pulse pecans and 2 Tbsp flour until mixture resembles fine crumbs Add cinnamon, salt, cloves, allspice and remaining flour and pulse to combine
2 . In large bowl , using electric mixer, beat butter and sugar until light and fluffy, about 3 min. Beat in egg. Add pecan-flour mixture; mix on low to combine.
3 Divide dough in half Roll each half between 2 sheets of waxed or parchment paper to 1⁄8 in thick, then freeze until firm, about 30 min
4. Heat oven to 350°F Line 2 baking sheets with parchment paper Working with 1 sheet of dough at a time, use 2-in -star cookie cutter to cut out cookies; divide between prepared baking sheets Reroll, chill and cut scraps
5. With 1 sheet of cookies, use 1⁄2-in star cookie cutter to stamp out shapes Bake until edges begin to brown, 11 to 15 min Let cool completely on baking sheets
6. Spoon about 1 tsp jam onto each whole cookie; dust stamped-out cookies with confectioners’ sugar, then place 1 on each jam cookie
A c t i v e 1 0 m i n | To t a l 3 0 m i n
1 small sweet potato (about 8 oz), peeled and cut into 1⁄4-in.-thick half-moons
2 Tbsp olive oil
2 peppers (one red, one yellow), quartered and sliced crosswise
1 red onion, cut into 1⁄4-in -thick wedges
1⁄2 tsp ground cumin
Kosher salt and pepper
8 large eggs (cold from fridge)
2 oz extra-sharp white Cheddar, coarsely grated (about 1⁄2 cup)
1⁄2 lime, plus wedges, for serving
Chopped cilantro, sliced jalapeño and diced avocado, for serving
8 medium flour tortillas, warmed
1. Heat oven to 425°F On large rimmed baking sheet, toss potato with oil , then toss with peppers, onion, cumin and
1⁄2 tsp each salt and pepper. Roast 15 min.
2 Toss vegetables, then move aside to make 8 empty spaces; crack
1 egg into each and season with a pinch each of salt and pepper
3. Sprinkle cheese over vegetables and roast until whites are firm and yolks are desired doneness, 5 to 6 min for slightly runny yolks
4. Squeeze juice of half lime over veggies, then sprinkle everything with cilantro and jalapeño if desired Spoon eggs and veggies into tortillas, top with avocado and serve with lime wedges if desired
B e t s y F a r r e l l , M i g u e l R i v e r a ART DIRECTORS A l e x M a t a CRAFT STYLIST L a u r a F o r m i s a n o DEPUTY ART DIRECTOR
D a n i e l l e C a r s o n ASSISTANT DESIGNER C a r l o s P a r e d e s DIGITAL IMAGING SPECIALIST
FOO D K a t e M e r k e r CHIEF FOOD DIRECTOR Tr i s h C l a s e n M a r s a n i c o DEPUTY FOOD EDITOR S u s a n C h o u n g RECIPE EDITOR
T i n a M a r t i n e z FOOD PRODUCER B e c c a M i l l e r ASSOCIATE EDITOR J o y C h o ASSISTANT FOOD EDITOR S a m a n t h a M a c Av o y EDITORIAL ASSISTANT
H O M E M o n i q u e Va l e r i s SENIOR EDITOR • A l y s s a G a u t i e r i ASSOCIATE LIFEST YLE EDITOR • M a r i a h T h o m a s ASSISTANT EDITOR
B E AUT Y A p r i l F r a n z i n o BEAUT Y DIRECTOR • C a t h a r i n e M a l z a h n BEAUTY ASSISTANT
R E S E A RC H & CO PY J a n i e M a t t h e w s RESEARCH DIRECTOR • C l a
C h r i s t i n e R a n n a z z i s i G e r s t e i n VICE PRESIDENT, MARKETING
D a v i d R o c k e f e l l e r GROUP FINANCE DIRECTOR
LE S N EW YO R K P a u l a S a r a p i n S a r a h S m i t h , K a r e n S u l l i v a n , C h r i s t i n a M a r u s i c Vu k i c EXECUTIVE SALES DIRECTORS
A l l i s o n G i a n n o n e SALES MANAGER • J u l i a C o n s i g l i o SALES ASSISTANT
M I DW E ST D i a n e B u r k e , M a r i s a Wa r r e n EXECUTIVE SALES DIRECTORS
D I R EC T M E D IA C h r i s t i n e L . H a l l VICE PRESIDENT A n g e l a H r o n o p o u l o s SENIOR SALES MANAGER
H E A R ST H E A LTH M E D IA K a r e n D e u t s c h VICE PRESIDENT, SALES • S a r i K l e i n m a n , K a s s i e M e a n s , Ta r a O u t l y EXECUTIVE SALES DIRECTORS N i c o l e G u b a SALES DIRECTOR A m a n d a L e PJ L e p p e r S e r e n a Vo h r a SALES PLANNERS V i c t o r i a L i b r i z z i SALES ASSISTANT R a c h e l S c h l a n g e r
TR AV E L N i c k R o m a n o NORTHEAST Erin McDonnell SOUTHEAST T i m D e r r MIDWEST/NORTH CENTRAL
G H S E A L Ta m a r a S m i t h SEAL PROJECT MANAGER
M A R K ETI N G J e n i f e r Wa l t o n EXECUTIVE MARKETING DIRECTOR K a y l a K o m m e r, K a i l i n V i l l a m a r SENIOR MARKETING MANAGER S C R E ATIV E S E RVI C E S L i z M . C h a n CREATIVE DIRECTOR A m b e r K e
The way you care for your family isn t ordinar y. So why give them ordinar y eggs?
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Our chemists found that this affordable drugstore facial oil delivered results similar to those of high-priced products
This skin therapy oil for the face performed well in our Lab tests and was rated highly by our home testers.
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