2 minute read
During a party, my sister-inlaw told a l l the kids to come into the dining room, but my son wanted to keep playing. She said it was time for dessert, to which he replied, “ Wel l, why didn’t you lead with that?”
April Martinez Port Jefferson Station, NY
Ananya, 5
My daughter calmly resolved a dispute with her friends, so I praised her behavior. I asked her if she had any tips for keeping cool. She replied, “It’s easy. I just don’t ta l k too much, like you.”
Deepa Satish Rocky Hill, CT
Nyla, 4
W hi le remodeling our basement, my husband smashed his finger with a hammer. He then soa ked it in a glass jar of ice water to ease the pain. The next evening , my daughter hurt her finger and asked if she cou ld soa k it. W hen I offered her a sma l l plastic cup, she said, “No, I want the glass Daddy used when he got
hammered!” Felisia Rayment; Johnson City, TN
Carmine, 5
My son and a couple of friends were playing ringaround-a-rosy at a playdate. I wondered to another mom how they knew about such an old-fashioned game. Then I heard them sing , “Hashtag , hashtag , we a l l fa l l down!”
Odette Janiak Lockport, IL
Zachary, 5
Our fami ly was ha lfway through a 20-minute wa l k when my son informed us his legs were too tired to keep going. We told him he’d have to do a lot more wa l king when we went to Disney World next month. He looked very disappointed and replied, “Aw, man, I thought we were gonna get to ta ke an airplane.”
Stacy Krygier Tonawanda, NY
Mason, 4
I was running late and ended up behind a super-slow car. I said a loud, “Hurry up, I’m late! Oh, my goodness, I’m a lways late to every thing!” Then my son said from the backseat, “Me, too, because I’m a lways with you!”
Kim Hamilton The Woodlands, TX
C R A C K U S U P & W I N !
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