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You may be surprised to learn that, here at Style at Home magazine, Christmas starts in the middle of July. For all of us in the industry, this is par for the course – because of our long-lead print deadlines, our November issues go to press at the beginning of each September, so we can get them to you before the holidays. But rest assured that the magic of Christmas does not escape us.
If you drop by our offices in early summer, it is a veritable Santa’s workshop: The desks in the design department are covered with ribbons, gift wrap and craft supplies that pro DIYer Ann Marie Favot, our home & style director, uses to create everything from beautiful greeting cards to bespoke wreaths. Meanwhile, associate design editor Morgan Lindsay edits through the hundreds of products she’s collected to devise the ultimate gift list for our readers (see “25+ Holiday Gifts We Love,” page 58). In editorial, the dulcet sounds of festive songs spill out from executive editor Suzanne Moutis’s desk area while she edits and writes holiday stories alongside her team.
But not everything to do with the November and December issues happens in the summertime. The beautiful homes you see on the pages of this issue were photographed in winter (there’s something special about a house decorated during the holidays that you just can’t emulate in summer), so the design team and I spend the fall months engrossed in plans for festive shoots. Then, come spring, Morgan is back at it, scouring our favourite retailers for gift guide-worthy products to begin the cycle once more in July.
So while conjuring the holiday spirit at the height of summer may seem challenging, it’s easy in a place that’s touched by Christmas all year long.
Erin McLaughlin erin@styleathome.com
@erinmclaughlin1 instagram.com/styleathomeeditor
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Vice-President and Group Publisher Lucie Dumas Group Publisher, Toronto Sandra E. Martin Editor-in-Chief Erin McLaughlin Executive Editor Suzanne Moutis Art Director Karen Paddon Executive Assistant and Office Coordinator Linda Gill
DESIGN & STYLE Home & Style Director Ann Marie Favot Associate Design Editor Morgan Lindsay Contributing Design Editor Christine Hanlon
EDITORIAL Features Editor Sara Cation Associate Editor Amanda Etty (on leave) Research Editor Mary Levitski Food Specialists Jennifer Bartoli, Irene Fong Contributing Editors Lisa Fielding, Fina Scroppo Researchers Rhiannon Russell, Teresa Sousa
ART Deputy Art Director Florence Kwok Contributing Graphic Designer Emilie Simpson Contributing Production Specialist Jan Coles
STYLEATHOME.COM Senior Digital Editor Elaine Song Digital Editor Samantha Battistone Assistant Digital Editor Brittany Devenyi
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Style at Home is published 12 times a year (except for occasional combined, expanded or premium issues) by TVA Publications Inc., 25 Sheppard Ave. W., Toronto, ON M2N 6S7; 416-733-7600; groupetva.ca. In the U.S.: TVA Group c/o Media Corps, Attn.: Michelle Gross/Chris Purcell, 2706 Gateway Rd., Carlsbad, CA 92009.
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