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Cover star Nicole Kidman and Keith Urban


Far left: Forget lofty New Year’s resolutions – there’s a better way to prosper (page 122). Left: Camille GoldstoneHenry shone at our Women of the Future luncheon, sponsored by La Trobe Financial (page 14). Below: The fabulous Silver Salties pioneering wellbeing and fitness programs for the over-65s (page 38).

The same thing happens to me every year. As it nears the end of December I become obsessed with ‘reaching the finish line’, as if a reset button will automatically be hit when the calendar ticks over to January 1. In reality, of course, there is no line, and certainly no magic button. I don’t suddenly find more balance, eat less and sleep more. Or become a better friend, mother, wife and colleague just because the number at the end of the year has changed, no matter what wild proclamations I make on New Year’s Eve. So I found myself drawn to the story by our Lifestyle Director, Brooke, about how we can give ourselves a better chance of effecting real personal change this new year (page 122). In a nutshell, it’s time to dump the resolutions, which as Brooke points out very rarely become reality. Instead, she suggests, we should set intentions for the new year about how we want to live our life then make lots of small steps along the path to achieving our goals. Besides, if the past two years have taught us anything it’s that we need to be kind to ourselves as well as others, because even with the best intentions we cannot know what life is going to throw our way.

Which is also why I found a simple comfort in the parting message of my 2022 horoscope prediction (page 97). A sentiment that can apply to all, not just my fellow Geminis.

“There is something healing in the assurance that dawn comes after the night and spring after the winter.” And that after New Year’s Day comes the joy, the struggles and the unpredictability of another year!

Wishing you and yours a safe and happy 2022.

NICOLE BYERS EDITOR IN CHIE Email me at awweditor@aremedia.com.au

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