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A FRIEND WAS on a bus travelling through Cuba towards Havana, at what would have been around 9pm in the UK. Her 10-year-old rang to ask where the back door key was, as she wanted to lock up before bed. Panicking, my friend asked her daughter where Dad was. ‘He’s already gone to bed,’ she replied. ‘And I didn’t want to disturb him.’


None of my female peers has a 1950s-style marriage, and yet – like our woman in Havana – many are the ‘default’ parent. Lockdown threw this fact into harsh relief. Often women assumed the dual burden of homeschooling while earning a living – and many of their husbands settled for just being present but as much help as a hallucination. Other women bristled at their previously office-bound men

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It’s called being the ‘default parent’ – the giver of comfort and keeper of all things from clean football kit to party invitations. While many women relish the role, Anna Maxted believes caring and sharing works better for families

acting the hausfrau and piping up with parenting opinions at the breakfast table.

While the pandemic exaggerated the situation, but being the default parent is not a role many women have shaken off – before or since. Many, of course, contentedly embrace it, but personally I feel that the whole family benefits when both parents are equally capable of stepping up.

My husband Phil worked from home until recently – he’s been around and engaged for most of our three sons’ lives (they’re now 15, 17 and 19). Phil is a sensitive, competent adult, and more pragmatic than I am. I may be a more consistent listener, but his opinions –on emotional and practical matters – are always sound. Several tasks are definitely Dad’s – from admin such as transferring money to their school accounts to chats on personal matters (teenage boys, I find, don’t want to have certain conversations with their mum).

But apart from that stuff, I’m usually their go-to parent. Why this touching faith in a mother’s omniscience and readiness to serve? My 19-year-old son has noticed that many fathers he knows seem to believe ‘their contribution to the family begins and ends with work’.

This may still be true – though in fairness, men don’t always arrive at this view alone. When our first son was born, anxiety under-

pinned my parenting – about being a good mother, and being seen as such. So in the early days, I tried to be perfect. I was the default parent because I was determined to be. I growlingly guarded my position. Mainly, I needed to prove to myself that I was competent, and consequently Phil was forced to assume a more minor role. Never mind that I was half dead from exhaustion.

Even now there are expectations and assumptions around women’s roles, says consultant clinical psychologist Dr Elizabeth Kilbey. In those days, I happened to be the main earner. Even in the 21st century, says Dr Kilbey, ‘Mothering is not associated with breadwinning. The mothering role is about the nurture – the stereotypical female caregiving, hands-on, time spent. Absence is synonymous with neglectful mothering.’ It means that for us allegedly liberated, working women, there’s tension. Give up waiting at the school gates, she says, and we’re ‘giving up being perceived by society as a handson proper mother. Those aren’t the sort of narratives I hear men talk about. They don’t say, “I feel less of a dad by going out to work and being the breadwinner.”’

I still remember being shamed by another mother for having part-time childcare. We met at a children’s party, and she said, with narrowed eyes, ‘How funny. We all know your son from seeing him with his nanny at the park – but you don’t even know who we are!’

No surprise if we overcompensate to manage our guilt. ‘We still live in a world where there’s a picture-perfect version of mothering – where you have the nursery made up well in advance and everything colour-coordinated, signing your child up for Baby Einstein at three weeks old,’ says Dr Kilbey. ‘There’s not a father stereotype in the same way.’

Sometimes, we rightly complain about men not pulling their parenting weight –other times, we don’t let them. One friend wasn’t allowed to read his daughters a bedtime story, or indeed, have any say in their upbringing – his wife insisted on doing and controlling everything. It was agonising for him, and they eventually separated. She was extreme but I too have felt that my husband couldn’t possibly meet my standards, and I’d have struggled if our young children had sought him out for comfort over me.

‘It feels like women want to invest more heavily in the emotional space component,’ says Dr Kilbey. ‘They say, “I’m less bothered about the dishwasher, but I want it to be that when the children fall over and scrape their knee, I’m the one they run to.” Women more often want the emotional currency.’

It’s a concept known as maternal gatekeeping and we can be prone to it, says Dr Kilbey, because having a child reminds us of how we were parented. So we might naturally re-enact aspects of what we know, or indeed, consciously try to parent differently. ‘Being a parent brings new skeletons out of the closet. You can become very over-protective, guarding the space, because what you’re trying to do is repair what was painful for you.’ She adds, ‘It puts you in touch with ulate your expectations. Do you want your partner to take on more of the emotional or the practical load? Some mothers buckle under the emotional labour of having to remember everything – Stripy Tights Day, birthday parties. Others feel that’s their area, but unloading the dishwasher, ordering the groceries and putting the car in for an MOT is too much. Yet Dr Kilbey points out that few couples have practical conversations about how all the jobs are divided up.

Be honest, not defensive. ‘A lot of people tread the well-rehearsed arguments that they know don’t have a solution, rather than dealing with proper change,’ she says. It’s pointless complaining that he never comes

some really powerful feelings. You suddenly can’t compromise.’

You may be at peace with your childhood, unbothered about third-party opinions, and expect your husband to be present and engaged in the minutiae of his kids’ lives – yet you’re still the default parent, as one acquaintance noted, ‘because you spend more time with them and do more for them’. And if that works, that’s great. No one needs to defend wanting to nurture their own children. For many of us, being the default parent works just fine.

But even women who are the main earners can find they’ve been assigned the role of default parent. And while some women are

In the early days, I tried to be perfect. I was the default parent because I was determined to be. Never mind that I was half dead from exhaustion

Left Anna with husband Phil and two of their three boys

happy with that, others aren’t. Occasionally a supposedly modern man will emerge as hostage to his gendered conditioning – and have a tantrum because he thinks he’s doing the ‘lady’s’ job.

A friend who worked full-time would return home when her children were small, and her husband would declare, ‘I’m off to the pub!’ No washing or tidying was done, or dinner cooked. ‘I’d do a day’s work and come home to a day’s work.’ Over time, happily, ‘We came to a much better understanding that these were “our” children, not “my” children, even though it took some tremendous rows.’

If you’re not happy, the first step is to artic-

How to change your ‘default’ settings

By Dr Elizabeth Kilbey 1. Objectively reflect on ‘what does being a mother mean to me?’ 2. Ask yourself, what are my assumptions, what am I trying to achieve, am I trying to be perfect? 3. Make time to discuss your parenting blueprint –and your partner’s –do they fit? 4. Have an awareness of your part in this – if they offer to do something, do you take over, or criticise? 5. If you’re overwhelmed, be clear about what’s not working and what the problem actually is. 6. Be clear about what you need from your partner, what you want them to do more of. 7. Unrealistic demands, such as ‘always be home by six’, create stress. Is there a compromise? 8. Discuss what’s rigid and where there’s space for change. Be pragmatic. home from work early when you know he can’t. Better to say, ‘I feel our relationship is unequal, can we talk about addressing that?’

If gatekeeping is an issue, it’s helpful to reflect on why you struggle to relinquish control. Is it that you don’t trust him – if so, a tactful conversation is due – or are you unduly anxious? Often the worry is ‘will he remember to feed them, put on their pyjamas, does he know where the Calpol is?’ says Dr Kilbey. But more anxiety-provoking is the question, ‘Will he nurture them, take care of their feelings?’ And some women secretly fear that if he’s marvellously competent, they’ll feel redundant.

Tough as it might be to accept, your child’s relationship with their other parent is independent of you, says Dr Kilbey. ‘You want that child to have a good relationship with the other parent because it’s in their best interest.’

This swiftly became apparent for us – partly through necessity. When our kids were six, four and two, my husband was the one who took them on day trips to castles and seasides, while I worked – feeling envious, a little insecure, but happy for them. Currently, he’s office-based, and I’m the parent at close range – ordering hair gel, chatting about girlfriends, making them tidy up.

Now I see there’s fluidity, and enough love that one doesn’t have to hoard it. You work out which parent is good at what, and by the time your darlings reach college age, your dual parenting isn’t flawless but it’s better choreographed. And your relationship with your children is all the feedback you need.

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