The JoyAR Interactive Book
An Interactive 3D-Book
Grundtvig Project No. 2012-1-CZ1-GRU06-10127
Edited by Amza, Catalin - University Politehnica of Bucharest Borg, Jonathan – MECB Ltd. Farrugia, Lawrence – MECB Ltd.
The JoyAR Interactive Book
Contents 1.
Introduction …………………………………………………. 2
JoyAR Partners …………………………………………….. 6
Science / Technology AR Demos ……………….. 16
Archeology AR Demos …………………………………. 41
Acknowledgements …………………………………….. 63
The JoyAR Interactive Book
The JoyAR Interactive Book
Introduction This handbook is the outcome of the Grundtvig Learning partnership project JoyAR that involved 9 partner organizations from 6 EU Member States. JoyAR is aimed at promoting ‘enjoyment in learning’ through the use of Augmented Reality (AR). You can learn more about this project by visiting the project web site at
The JoyAR Interactive Book
How to use this handbook? The aim of this interactive demo book is to allow adult training providers to get an insight into how ‘Augmented Reality (AR)’ can be used for education and training purposes. This work is the outcome of the Grundtvig Learning Partnership project JoyAR, No. 2012-1-CZ1-GRU06-10127 . JoyAR involved 9 partners from 6 European Member States details of which can be found in this interactive handbook.
The JoyAR Interactive Book
Example If you have installed Aurasma, after having subscribed to the JoyAR library try pinpointing your mobile device to the JoyAR logo below to see it come to life.
The JoyAR Interactive Book
P1: Palacký University The JoyAR Interactive Book
Palacký University, the second oldest university in the Czech republic constituted in 1573, is a public university with eight faculties: •Sts. Cyril and Methodius Faculty of Theology •Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry •Faculty of Health Sciences •Philosophical Faculty •Faculty of Science •Faculty of Education •Faculty of Physical Culture •Faculty of Law The University has about 24.000 students and over 1800 teaching staff. The Faculty of Natural sciences was established in 1953. It has about 4 000 students in bachelor, master programs for select students in master’s programs. Doctoral program are available in various departments like mathematics, informatics, physics, chemistry, biology, geography, geology, ecology and teacher’s training of Science for secondary schools.
Watch interactive interview with official representative of this partner organisation.
P2: Dublin & Dún Laoghaire ETB The JoyAR Interactive Book
One of the largest providers of education in Ireland, Dublin and Dún Laoghaire Education and Training Board (DDLETB) was established on 1st July 2013, as an amalgamation of County Dublin Vocational Education Committee (the initial Irish partner organisation in the project) and Dún Laoghaire VEC. The services provided include Primary level education, Second level education, Further Education, Training courses and Adult Education in addition to other community based education programmes and services. DDLETBs target clients are: ◦ Students and/or their parents/guardians ◦ Adult learners ◦ Communities throughout the County ◦ Young people and volunteers ◦ Voluntary and Sporting Organisations
Watch interactive interview with official representative of this partner organisation.
P3: MECB Ltd The JoyAR Interactive Book
MECB Ltd is a Maltabased Excellence Consulting Bureau , dedicated to driving excellence & innovation support through the provision of relevant, multidisciplinary, high-quality: > technical consulting services > research and training services > EU project partnering services. MECB’s expertise covers a wide range of technical, engineering and scientific fields through a number of highly qualified, experienced and creative professionals.
Watch interactive interview with official representative of this partner organisation.
P4 - S.C. Arborist S.R.L. The JoyAR Interactive Book
With more than 15 years’ experience in Arboriculture for our staff and more than 10 years’ experience in teaching kids we have the expertise to transfer technics from practice to learning process. Our staff has participated at many workshops and courses all over the Europe and we add experience of organizing events at national end European level. Actually one of the most important issues in education is to adapt curricula to competences useful in labour market. Experience of Arborist Serv S.R.L. and it’s stuff in the field of tree care and also in education is a strong point that offer the project idea itself. Safety is in the centre of all our activities, being the most important aspect in our company. Our role in the JoyAR project is to acquire knowledge of how Augmented Reality can be effectively used for training adults.
Watch interactive interview with official representative of this partner organisation.
P5: St Theresa College The JoyAR Interactive Book
Saint Theresa College network state schools found within the Northern Harbour District, enrolling students from the age of 3 (Kindergarten) up to the age of compulsory schooling aged 16 (Secondary). The College incorporates four primary schools, three secondary schools and a Boys’ Learning Support Centre. Each school within the College is an important element, in terms of: (a) Link between the College and the teachers (b) Educational link between pupils and teachers (c) The place where learning takes place Continuous professional training is one major element for our schools. The college promotes initiatives and projects to encourage teachers to keep abreast with modern pedagogical methods. This is the precise objective why the College participated actively in the JoyAR project.
Watch interactive interview with official representative of this partner organisation.
P6: University Politehnica of Bucharest CAMIS center
The JoyAR Interactive Book
One of the University Politehnica of Bucharest research and development centres, UPBCAMIS, has a vast experience and expertise in CAD/CAM technologies for innovation and creativity in Engineering, these concepts being taught to students for several years. CAD/CAM technologies constituted an integral part in the training process of a technical engineer. The academic and technical staff of CAMIS centre has experience in CAD/CAMD and ICT technologies concepts. Among other fields, our expertise lies also with e-learning technologies, customization and design of such platforms/environments, augmented reality technologies for educational purposes, the design and implementation of Ecotechnologies and enjoyable adult learning. Watch interactive interview with official representative of this partner organisation.
P7: VET Centre Apopsi SA The JoyAR Interactive Book
Vocational Training Centre Apopsi SA is located in Piraeus, Greece and specialises in providing: > certified VET courses > technology enhanced VET courses > technological services > Consulting in training issues > Elearning services. VET Apopsi is leading in providing vocational training courses integrated with e-learning tools, to the Greek public and enterprises. VET Apopsi employs people with a wide range of expertise. Watch interactive interview with official representative of this partner organisation.
P8: Joanna Pinewood Education Ltd.
The JoyAR Interactive Book Joanna Pinewood Education Ltd (JPE), is a dynamic team of people working and tutoring at 83 Thurleigh Road, SW12, 8TY, London. It is involved in > lifelong learning, > educational research, > vocational education training, > sustainable development, > corporate sustainability reporting. JPE recognises that every Learner can develop a good strategy for learning and training if he or she works within an environment that is favourable or develops strengths of character that enable them to work in a harsh environment. JPE has an Erasmus plus KA1 structured course tutoring Augmented Reality to non-IT people. Watch interactive interview with official representative of this partner organisation.
P9: South West Learning and Skills
The JoyAR Interactive Book
South West Learning and Skills Limited (SWLS) Ltd The organisation brings together Local Government and Third Sector providers of adult learning across the South West of England. The purpose is to: Secure additional resources to support disadvantaged learners and communities Improve the effective delivery of learning through joint projects and shared services Improve the quality of teaching, learning and assessment for all learners across the region. Watch interactive interview with official representative of this partner organisation.
The JoyAR Interactive Book
The JoyAR Interactive Book
Orion constellation Demo: SC-1
The JoyAR Interactive Book
Demo Suitable for:
Adult trainers teaching the subject of astronomy constellations to physics students.
Demo: SC-1
What is the Configuration of Orion ?
Problem /Background Orion constellation named after a hunter in Greek mythology is one of the most conspicuous and recognizable constellations. What we see in the night is a projection of the stars onto a celestial sphere. We can show it in our model.
The JoyAR Interactive Book
Orion Constellation You can explore, how the constellation looks like from different sides!
Download JoyAR Model SC-1 to see here how the stars are located in space!
The JoyAR Interactive Book
How Do Radio Waves Travel? Demo: SC-2
The JoyAR Interactive Book
Demo Suitable for:
Adult trainers teaching the subject of ‘radio waves’ to physics students.
Demo: SC-2
How Do Radio Waves Travel?
Problem /Background In principle radio waves travel through the air in straight lines, just the way light waves do. They cannot go round objects but they can pass through some objects like trees or buildings. So how can waves be transmitted round the globe?
How Do Radio Waves Travel? The JoyAR Interactive Book
The transmission of waves around the globe as shown below is not possible as waves travel in straight lines.
Download JoyAR Model SC-2 to see here to see how waves travel round the globe in straight lines.
The JoyAR Interactive Book
Learning About Trees Demo: SC-3
The JoyAR Interactive Book
Demo Suitable for:
Adult trainers teaching the subject of trees to srboriculture students.
Demo: SC-3
Learning about trees
Problem /Background A forest is an ecosystem or ecological community whose most important organisms are trees. Forests occur any place where the climate provides a sufficiently long growing season, adequate air and soil temperature, and suitable amount of moisture. Read more: -Ga/Forests.html#ixzz32e120zKJ
Learning about trees The JoyAR Interactive Book
Using an AR model of the trees allows students to explore 3D models of trees and learn trees physiognomy .
Download JoyAR Model SC-3 to see trees in 3D.
The JoyAR Interactive Book
The Chemistry of Water Demo: SC-4
The JoyAR Interactive Book
Demo Suitable for:
Adult trainers teaching the subject of bonding between atoms in water to science students
Demo: SC-4
The Chemistry of Water
Problem /Background A chemical bond is an attraction between atoms. In water, each hydrogen nucleus is bound to the central oxygen atom by a pair of electrons that are shared between them; chemists call this shared electron pair a covalent chemical bond.
The JoyAR Interactive Book
The Chemistry of Water In H2O, two of the six outer-shell electrons of oxygen are bound to hydrogen. The oxygen electrons which are not bonded arrange themselves in a tetrahedral geometry
Download JoyAR Model SC-4 to see the arrangement of molecules in water.
The JoyAR Interactive Book
Learning About Cutting and Milling Processes Demo: SC-5
The JoyAR Interactive Book
Demo Suitable for:
University lecturers teaching 1st year undergraduate students (Engineering BSc. Studies)
Learning About Cutting and Milling Processes
Problem /Background When using various machines in the manufacturing laboratories, large number of consumable are used. Costs employed by these consumable are extremely high. Among these consumables, a high proportion are the cutting tools used in various machines (such as manual and numerical controlled machines, industrial robots, etc.). The rate of replacement of the cutting tools is higher than the one advised by the producers of the machines. This is due to the fact that students are not choosing the right tool for the right job, hence putting various stress and strains on a cutting tools that was designed for other operation and thus ruining it. Using AR students can visualize the cutting tools and can choose the proper one before hand.
Learning About Cutting and Milling Processes The JoyAR Interactive Book
Visualize and choose the correct cutting tools before processing materials.
Download JoyAR Model SC-5 to see the Cutting tools
The JoyAR Interactive Book
The Chemistry of Biofuel Demo: SC-6
The JoyAR Interactive Book
Demo Suitable for:
Molecule modelling in Sketchup, viewing in Augmented Reality aids memory retention of chemicals e.g., biofuels like Dimethyl Furan in Advanced level chemistry
Demo: SC-6
The Chemistry of Biofuel
Problem /Background Dimethyl Furan – DMF: a biofuel synthesised by Professor James Dumesic’s team using a metal catalyst. The molecule is made from converted fructose found in algae and other plants. Currently old motor-engine technology is not compatible as combustion is not complete. Exhaust waste is carcinogenic. An additive would be necessary and that adds to the cost of fuel. 2014
Dimethyl furan augmented in Google Earth by Leonardo assistant Vincenzo Caimano.
The JoyAR Interactive Book
The Chemistry of Biofuel
Video of DMF SkMz7t-lk
Download JoyAR Model SC-6 and rotate a molecule of Dimethyl Furan
The JoyAR Interactive Book
The Chemistry of Hydrogen Demo: SC-7
The JoyAR Interactive Book
Demo Suitable for: Adult trainers teaching the chemical structure of the
The Chemistry of Hydrogen Hydrogen bond.
Problem /Background A hydrogen bond is the electromagnetic attractive interaction between polar molecules, in which hydrogen (H) is bound to a highly electronegative atom, such as nitrogen (N), oxygen (O) or fluorine (F). The name hydrogen bond is something of a misnomer, as it is not a true bond but a particularly strong dipoledipole attraction, and should not be confused with a covalent bond. Molecules of H2 gas modelled in Sketchup, viewed with AR-media, Augmented Reality teaches about shape, angles.
The Chemistry of Hydrogen The JoyAR Interactive Book
Hydrogen is the lightest, simplest and most commonly found chemical element in the Universe.
Download JoyAR Model SC-7 hydrogen and rotate the molecules of H2.
The JoyAR Interactive Book
Using AR to Create Active Learning Experiences Demo: SC-8
The JoyAR Interactive Book
Demo Suitable for: Tutors employed to teach adult learners
Demo: SC-8
Using AR to Create Active Learning Experiences
Problem /Background It is well understood by teachers that adapting classroom delivery methods to best fit individual learning styles produces better attainment and better outcomes. The ‘3D Body’ AR marker with embedded gems is designed to actively engage tutors through the process of ‘hands-on’ experiential learning; linking each gem with a particular set of behaviours associated with a learning style.
How Does ‘Neuroscience’ Affect The Way We Learn’ ? The JoyAR Interactive Book
Dr. Tom Robson of ‘Tredu’ has a website where you can find out more about the science behind ‘The Gem Project’.
Download JoyAR Model SC-8 to see here how this can be achieved
The JoyAR Interactive Book
The JoyAR Interactive Book
Residence Of Bishop Zdik Demo: AR-1
The JoyAR Interactive Book
Demo Suitable for:
Adult trainers teaching the subject of ‘medieval epoch in Moravia’ to history students.
Demo: AR-1
Residence Of The Archbishop Zdik
Problem /Background The residence of the bishop Jindřich (=Henry) Zdík (1083–1150) was a outstanding example of a Romanesque style building from the first half of the 12th century. It is also an important place in the Czech history, as Wenceslaus III of Bohemia was killed the on 4/8/1306. Unfortunately, because of the later reconstructions, only a small fraction of it can be seen now, namely the set of original windows. We can support your imagination and show you a model of the palace based on the archaeology findings.
Residence Of The Archbishop Zdik The JoyAR Interactive Book
The AR model enables students to explore a 3D model of the original palace, thus rendering the learning experience more enticing.
Download JoyAR Model AR-1 to see the model of the palace
The JoyAR Interactive Book
Explore Ireland’s Newgrange Demo: AR-2
The JoyAR Interactive Book
Demo Suitable for:
Adult trainers teaching the subject of ‘Prehistoric Monuments’ to history/archaeology
Demo: AR-2
Explore Ireland’s Newgrange
Problem /Background Newgrange is a prehistoric monument in County Meath, Ireland. It was built during the Neolithic period (3,200BC), which makes it older than Stonehenge and the Egyptian pyramids. The large mound is approximately 80m in diameter and is surrounded at its base by a kerb of 97 stones. The most impressive of these stones is the highly decorated Entrance Stone. Using an AR model of the monument allows students to explore Newgrange in 3D.
The JoyAR Interactive Book
Explore Ireland’s Newgrange Monument in 3D ?
Download JoyAR Model AR-2 to see Ireland’s Newgrange Monument from different views
The JoyAR Interactive Book
How is Rome’s Coliseum ? Demo: AR-3
The JoyAR Interactive Book
Demo Suitable for:
Adult trainers teaching the subject of ‘Roman Ruins’ to history students
Demo: AR-3
How is Rome’s Coliseum ?
Problem /Background The Colosseum, or the Coliseum, originally the Flavian Amphitheatre (Latin: Amphitheatrum Flavium, Italian Anfiteatro Flavio or Colosseo), is an elliptical amphitheatre in the centre of the city of Rome, Italy, the largest ever built in the Roman Empire, built of concrete and stone. It is considered one of the greatest works of Roman architecture and Roman engineering. However with such static images in books, history students cannot see inside the Colosseum.
The JoyAR Interactive Book
How is Rome’s Coliseum from the Inside ?
Download JoyAR Model AR-3 to see the Coliseum in Rome from different views
The JoyAR Interactive Book
What is Malta’s Domus Romana ? Demo: AR-4
The JoyAR Interactive Book
Demo Suitable for:
Adult trainers teaching the subject of ‘Roman Ruins’ in Malta to history students.
Problem /Background The small museum of the Domvs Romana found in the town of Rabat in Malta, is built around the remains of a rich, aristocratic roman town house (domvs) which was accidentally discovered in 1881. Although very little remains from the house itself, the intricate mosaics which survived for centuries as well as the artefacts found within the remains are testimony enough of the original richness and story of this fantastic abode.
Demo: AR-4
What is Malta’s Domus Romana?
What is Malta’s Domus Romana The JoyAR Interactive Book
Interact with a model of the Domus Romana found in Malta.
Download JoyAR Model AR-4 to see the Domus Romana façade
The JoyAR Interactive Book
Learning About the Clock Museum Demo: AR-5
The JoyAR Interactive Book
Demo Suitable for:
Adult trainers teaching the subject of The Clock Museum to students.
Demo: AR-5
Learning About the Clock Museum
Problem /Background The Clock Museum unique among the museums from Romania, opened its gates in the year 1963, in a hall belonging to Palatul Culturii (The Palace of Culture) from Ploiesti, by the care of professor Nicolae Simache, manager of History Museum between 1954-1971. Using an AR model of the trees allows students to explore The Clock Museum in 3D.
Learning About the Clock Museum The JoyAR Interactive Book
Use augmented reality to interact with a model of the Clock Museum.
Download JoyAR Model AR-5 to Learning about The Clock Museum from different view
The JoyAR Interactive Book
Dingli Chapel
Demo: AR-6
The JoyAR Interactive Book
Demo Suitable for:
Adult trainers teaching the subject of Chapels in Malta to history students
Demo: AR-6
Dingli Chapel
Problem /Background St. Mary Magdalene Chapel was rebuilt on Dingli’s cliff edge in 1646 and has one altar. On July 22nd, a Mass is said to commemorate the feast of the Saint. It was a tradition to visit the Chapel on Passion Sunday. The small marble plaque at the side that reads non gode l’immunità ecclesiastica, was put up in 1777, and indicates that the church offered no sanctuary to trouble makers. The church has been recently restored. A number of cart ruts may be seen close to the chapel.
The JoyAR Interactive Book
What Makes a Typical Maltese Chapel ? In Malta, chapels are scattered all over the island. Built during medieval and early modern eras, they are a simple architectural feature, very different from churches. Identify 2 prominent features of a simple medieval chapel.
Download JoyAR Model AR-6 to see the Chapel in Dingli.
The JoyAR Interactive Book
Palace of the Grand Master of the Knights of Rhodes Demo: AR-7
The JoyAR Interactive Book
Demo Suitable for:
Adult trainers teaching the subject of ‘Castles’ to history students.
Demo: AR-7
Palace of the Grand Master of the Knights of Rhodes
Problem /Background It is a medieval castle in the city of Rhodes, on the island of Rhodes in Greece. It is one of the few examples of Gothic architecture in Greece. The site was previously a citadel of the Knights Hospitaller that functioned as a palace, headquarters and fortress. The palace was build in the early 14th century.
Palace of the Grand Master of the Knights of Rhodes The JoyAR Interactive Book
Use the AR Model in order to interact with a model of the main entrance to the Palace of the Grand Master of the Knights of Rhodes.
Download JoyAR Model AR-7 to see the Palace of the Grand Master, main entrance
The JoyAR Interactive Book
The JoyAR Interactive Book
This handbook is the outcome of the Grundtvig Learning partnership project JoyAR. The 9 partner organisations involved in JoyAR would like to thank their Grundtvig National Agencies for the award of their grant allowing them to take part in this project. This project has been funded on behalf of the European Commission (EC) by the National Agencies of the 9 partners involved in JoyAR. The content in interactive demonstration book is the responsibility of the JoyAR and not of the EC or the respective National Agencies.
64 The JoyAR Interactive Book
The JoyAR Interactive Book