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Baker University Dual Credit Classes

Eudora Schools Virtual Learning (ESVL) and Cardinal Academy Program students have the opportunity to take dual credit courses through Baker University. Classes are 100% online and taught in conjunction with a Baker University professor. Students are given the opportunity to receive tutoring through Baker University students for additional assistance. These classes give students the ability to experience the rigor of a college-level course while also having



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Study Areas the support of Eudora staff if needed. Courses are the same amount of time as a traditional course and are self-paced for students to work through. Baker University allows any ESVL or approved Eudora student who has at least a 3.0 GPA to sign up for courses.

Baker University offers a discounted cost of only $113 per credit hour, with most courses being three (3) credit hours. Students may take up to two (2) courses per semester, which would allow them to earn up to

12 credit hours per year! Students who complete at least one course in high school and then choose to attend Baker University for their post-secondary education are eligible for up to $50,000 in scholarships over the course of four years.

The 2022-23 school year marked the first year that ESVL partnered with Baker University to offer dual credit options. During the fall, three students completed courses. Currently, in the spring, six students are taking courses through Baker University. Students are taking Introduction to Information Technology, English Comp I, and Principles of Economics: Microeconomics.

Spring 2023 Courses

• BI151 Molecular and Cellular Biology and Lab (4 hours)

• BK106 College Readiness (1 hour)

• BS141 Introduction to Business (3 hours)

• CH137 Chemistry I and Lab (4 hours)

• CO115 Introduction to Communication Studies (3 hours)

• CS106 Introduction to Information Technology (3 hours)

• EC242 Principles of Economics: Microeconomics (3 hours)

• EN105 Language and Composition (English Comp I) (3 hours)

• EN152 Writing and Research (English Comp II) (3 hours)

• EN120 Introduction to Literature (3 hours)

• HI127 US History to 1877 (3 hours)

• HI128 US History since 1877 (3 hours)

• HI140 World Civilizations I (3 hours)

• MA106 Quantitative Analysis (3 hours)

• MA145 College Algebra (3 hours)

• MU120 Understanding Music (3 hours)

• PH115 Introduction to Philosophy (3 hours)

• PS115 Introduction to American Politics (US Government) (3 hours)

• PY111 General Psychology (3 hours)

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