Lawrence Journal-World 08-09-14

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2014 Ford Focus

Over 175 vehicles to choose from in Cars, Section B



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Budget shortfall by 2016 Latest projections from nonpartisan research staff put gap at $238 million By John Hanna Associated Press

Topeka — Kansas will face a budget shortfall of $238 million by the end of July 2016, the Legislature’s nonpartisan research staff said Friday in a new forecast predicting that the gap will emerge a year sooner than it had anticipated.

The Legislative million compared Research Departwith nearly $435 ment’s new budget million. The deforecast also showed partment made its a lower figure for routine adjustment the state’s cash reof the cash figserves on June 30 ure to account for than the cash-on- LEGISLATURE bills pending but hand figure reportnot paid as of that ed last month by Republi- date, the end of the 2014 can Gov. Sam Brownback’s budget year. administration — $380 The department provid-

ed the figures to The Associated Press after releasing them to legislators. The projections are likely to become part of a contentious public debate about whether personal income tax cuts engineered by Brownback are wrecking the state’s finances.


Ready to fly Quarterback Montell Cozart and the rest of the Jayhawks had their first football practice of the season Friday at Memorial Stadium.

Please see BUDGET, page 2A


State plans to appeal overturned death cases Attorney general will ask U.S. Supreme Court to review Carr, Gleason judgments By Peter Hancock Twitter: @LJWpqhancock

Mike Yoder/Journal-World Photo

TRAFFIC TRAILS ALONG THE RECENTLY OPENED SECTION OF HASKELL AVENUE between 23rd and 31st streets Friday. This view looks south toward 31st Street. A new curve in Haskell, seen at center left, eventually will allow traffic to connect with 31st to the east and then feed into the South Lawrence Trafficway interchange.

Topeka man faces murder charge in March homicide By Caitlin Doornbos Twitter: @CaitlinDoornbos

A 29-year-old Topeka man was booked Thursday into the Douglas County Jail on suspicion of first-degree murder and aggravated burglary in connection with a March homicide in Lawrence. Archie Lamont Robinson was transferred from the Robinson Lansing Correctional Facility to face charges in Douglas County District Court in connection with the shooting death Please see HOMICIDE, page 2A l Marci Cully, of Lawrence, was

sentenced to five years in prison Friday in a Christmas stabbing death. 3A

l Lawrence police are seeking the

public’s help in the investigation of a recent death on New York Street. 3A


If we vote for an increase, then what?



Thunderstorms Business Classified Comics Deaths

High: 88

Low: 67

Today’s forecast, page 10A

Town Talk

f you already would last for nine have begun years or until the your studypolice headquarters ing on a likely is paid for, whichever sales tax ballot comes first. City staff question in Novemalso notes that a 0.25 ber, hopefully you percent sales tax rate have an eraser on would likely pay for that pencil. As you the project in eight know, a sales tax years. But based on increase likely will Chad Lawhorn what I’ve heard from be put to voters in city November to fund ers, they like the 0.2 a police headquarters building. percent and nine-year option. But the details on the proThey like the idea of being able posed increase are changing just to present a lower rate to vota bit. At their Tuesday evening ers. Indeed, that does work out meeting, commissioners will mathematically to be a better consider placing a 0.2 percent deal for consumers. For example, sales tax increase on the Novem- assume the average fellow makes ber ballot. Previously, commis$20,000 a year in taxable pursioners had been considering chases in Lawrence. (That figure a 0.25 percent sales tax on the Please see TAX, page 2A ballot. The 0.2 percent increase

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Topeka — Kansas Attorney General Derek Schmidt said Friday he will appeal last month’s Kansas Supreme Court decision vacating the death sentences of convicted murderers Jonathan and Reginald Carr, along with another capital punishment case overturned by the state’s high court. Schmidt said he will ask the U.S. Supreme Court to review all three cases, saying he believes the Kansas court misapplied federal constitutional requirements. “We are not convinced that the Kansas court’s application of federal constitutional requirements is J. Carr correct, so we are requesting review of all three cases by the U.S. Supreme Court,” Schmidt said. “In each case, we doubt the U.S. Constitution compelled the Kansas court to set aside the death sentences that were recommended by juries of the defendants’ peers.” R. Carr The Carr brothers had been convicted of multiple murders stemming from a crime spree in December 2000 when they broke into a home, abducted five people, robbed them and subjected them to sexual assaults, then stripped them naked and shot them executionstyle, leaving them for dead Gleason on a frozen field on the outskirts of Wichita. One of the victims survived the attack. In a 6-1 ruling July 25, the court vacated their death sentences, saying in part that Please see APPEAL, page 2A

Student wellness As Lawrence schools look to enhance the effectiveness of counseling and mental health services for students, a Monday report will help set the goalposts. Page 3A

Vol.156/No.221 28 pages





Saturday, August 9, 2014

DEATHS Journal-World obituary policy: For information about running obituaries, call 832-7151. Obituaries run as submitted by funeral homes or the families of the deceased.

L awrence J ournal -W orld

LAWRENCE CITY COMMISSION Agenda highlights • 6:35 p.m. Tuesday • City Hall, Sixth and Massachusetts streets • WOW! Channel 25 • Meeting documents online at

Audit report due for Rock Chalk Park BOTTOM LINE

Ralph Gauna Funeral services for Ralph Gauna will be held 10 a.m. Wed., Aug 13th at Warren-McElwain Mortuary in Law. VISO from 7-9 p.m. with Rosary at 8 p.m. 8/12/14.

DaviD Takeo ozaki 44, Lawrence, Services will be 1 p.m., Sat. at the LDS Church, 3655 W. 10th St. Lawrence. David died Aug. 6, 2014 at his home. More info. at


is just for illustrative purposes.) That’s $160,000 in purchases over 8 years. At a 0.25 percent rate that is an extra $400 in taxes over the total eight-year period. Use the same $20,000 per year estimate, but change the rate to 0.2 percent for nine years, and the total tax increase falls to $360. As for how Lawrence’s sales tax rate will stack up with other communities if a 0.2 percent rate increase is approved, the city’s general sales tax rate would rise to 8.9 percent. In the two places where special taxing districts exist — The Oread hotel and the retail area at the northeast corner of Sixth and Wakarusa — the sales tax would be 9.9 percent. Here’s a look at how Lawrence’s general sales tax rate would compare to


the penalty phase of their trials should have been separated. Former Justice Nancy Moritz, who has since taken a seat on the 10th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals, dissented in that case. A week earlier, on July 18, the same court ruled 5-2 to overturn the death sentence of Sidney Gleason, who’d been convicted of killing two people in Great Bend in 2004. The court said in that case that the jury was given improper instructions on how to weigh mitigating circumstances. Moritz and Justice Dan Biles dissented in that opinion, saying the death sentence should have been upheld. In the 20 years since Kansas reinstated the death penalty, the state Supreme Court has overturned every death sentence appealed to it. Schmidt, who is running for re-election, said he will work with Sedgwick Coun-


of Patrick Roberts, 39, at a Lawrence apartment on March 9. Robinson was in prison on unrelated drug convictions. Assistant Douglas County District Attorney Kathleen Britton charged Robinson with one count of first-degree murder and one count of aggravated battery at Robinson’s first appearance in court Friday. On the morning of March 9, Lawrence police were dispatched to the scene of a shooting at 3:10 a.m. in the 2400 block of Cedarwood Avenue. At least two people were thought to have participated in a disturbance, which included multiple shots fired, one of which

several other cities in the state. (Note: This assumes these other cities also don’t raise their sales tax rates, too.) l Baldwin City: 8.4 percent l Unincorporated Douglas County: 7.15 percent l Eudora: 8.15 percent l Kansas City: 8.775 percent l Kansas City Legends shopping area: 9.375 percent l Leawood: 8.5 percent l Lenexa: 8.75 percent l Manhattan: 8.4 percent l Olathe: 8.875 percent l Ottawa: 8.75 percent l Overland Park: 8.5 percent l Overland Park Oak Park Mall district: 9 percent l City of Shawnee: 8.625 percent l Tonganoxie: 8.9 percent l Topeka: 8.8 percent — This is an excerpt from Chad Lawhorn’s Town Talk column, which appears each weekday at

We are not convinced that the Kansas court’s application of federal constitutional requirements is correct, so we are requesting review of all three cases by the U.S. Supreme Court.” —Kansas Attorney General Derek Schmidt ty District Attorney Marc Bennett on the appeal of the two Carr decisions. “On behalf of the victims and their families, I believe it is incumbent on the state to seek review of these decisions to ensure every effort has been made to preserve the jury’s verdict and uphold justice for the citizens of Kansas,” Bennett said. “With Attorney General Schmidt, I look forward to the opportunity to bring these cases to this nation’s highest court.” — Peter Hancock can be reached at 785-354-4222. Email him at

fatally struck Roberts in the chest, Lawrence Police Department spokesman Trent McKinley said. Police arrested Dustin D. Walker, 29, the following day. Walker is in the Douglas County Jail on a $1 million bond awaiting an Oct. 27 trial. Douglas County District Judge James T. George set Robinson’s bond at $1 million, as well. When asked by Britton whether there were any conditions of the bond, George said no, claiming he had previously represented Robinson, so he “didn’t want to go too far into this today.” Robinson will make his next appearance in court on Aug. 14. – Reporter Caitlin Doornbos can be reached at 813-7146 or

Commissioners will receive an audit report on how city officials are monitoring the more than $12 million worth of infrastructure being constructed at Rock Chalk Park in northwest Lawrence.

BACKGROUND The city is paying for the bulk of the infrastructure, although a good portion of it is serving a privately-owned sports facility that will be leased to Kansas University. A company led by Lawrence businessman Thomas Fritzel was awarded a no-bid contract to construct the infrastructure. The audit report found the city generally was following through on property monitoring techniques, but cited some concerns. They included: Development agreements that do not include specific details on the future level of maintenance for the infrastructure; undocumented changes made to the design of some infrastructure; and questions about the level of review for a $1.4 million economic development grant awarded to the project. City commissioners originally were scheduled to review the audit findings last month, but they delayed the discussion due to a particularly long meeting that evening.

OTHER BUSINESS Consent agenda • Approve City Commission Meeting minutes from 01/07/14, 04/01/14, 04/08/14, 04/15/14, and 04/22/14. • Receive minutes from various boards and commissions: • Approve all claims. The list of approved claims will be posted to the agenda the day after the City Commission meeting. • Approve licenses as recommended by the City Clerk’s Office. • Approve appointments as recommended by the Mayor. • Bid and purchase items: a) Approve purchase of miscellaneous office furniture from Staples Advantage, for a total of $62,816, funded from the $18 million library renovation debt issuance. b) Authorize the renewal of the City’s annual agreement for Microsoft software maintenance for the period of July 1, 2014 – June 30, 2015 to Software House International for $89,264. • Adopt on second and final reading the following ordinances: a) Ordinance No. 9024, allowing the sale, possession and consumption of alcohol on Delaware Street, from 8th Street to 9th Street, and the parking lot south of the Poehler Lofts, 619 E 8th Street, from 4:00 p.m. to 11:00 p.m. on Saturday September 13, 2014, associated with the 2014 SeedCo Harvest Event. b) Ordinance No. 9030, approving and appropriating the 2015 City of Lawrence Operating and Capital Improvement Budget.


The governor and his aides contend the cuts are stimulating growth and creating jobs, so that tax revenues generated from new economic activity will offset the reductions, sustaining the budget. Some fellow Republicans also argue that the department’s forecasts can’t properly estimate how tax cuts ripple through the economy as people have more money to spend. “It’s hard to project the out years,” said Shawn Sullivan, the governor’s budget director. The projected shortfall is the gap between anticipated revenues and current spending commitments. The state has an official forecast of about $6 billion in revenues for the budget year that began July 1, and the department made assumptions about revenue growth for future years that will be revised over time. The department predicted in early May, after legislators wrapped up their work on the current budget, that the state would face a budget shortfall by July 2017. But tax collections fell short of expectations by a total of $334 million for April,

c) Ordinance No. 9031, attesting to the increase in property taxes levied for 2015, and authorize publication of the notice of vote. d) Ordinance No. 9004, establishing solid waste service rates, effective November 15. e) Ordinance No. 9025, designating K-10 within the city limits as a main Trafficway. f) Ordinance No. 9032, removing Pennsylvania Street from 8th Street to 9th Street, from the Schedule of Truck Delivery Routes. • Adopt Resolution No. 7085, declaring 1246 Prairie Avenue environmentally blighted and ordering the property owner to abate the violations within 20 days of the passage of said resolution. Failure of the property owner to comply will result in the City contracting to have the blight removed with expenses being assessed against the property. • Authorize the City Manager to execute the performance agreement with HERE Kansas, LLC regarding the Neighborhood Revitalization Act project at 1101 and 1115 Indiana Street. • Authorize the City Manager to execute a License Agreement permitting USD 497 to use a portion of the Vermont Street Right of Way for the installation of 24 angled parking spaces for use by Cordley Elementary School in accordance with the terms of that Agreement. • Receive letter from the Bicycle Advisory Committee to support the creation of a taskforce to recommend implementation pri-

orities for the multimodal studies. • Approve temporary parking on the north side of East 15th Street, east of Haskell Avenue adjacent to East Heights Elementary school site during drop-off periods. The parking would be allowed temporarily in the bicycle lanes, only during drop off periods and only while East Heights is used during school construction projects. • Receive city manager’s report.

The projected shortfall is the gap between anticipated revenues and current spending commitments. The state has an official forecast of about $6 billion in revenues for the budget year that began July 1, and the department made assumptions about revenue growth for future years that will be revised over time.

graded the state’s credit rating, citing its “structurally unbalanced budget.” Moody’s Investors Service did the same in May. The forecast predicts ongoing shortfalls totaling $245 million for the three years after June 2016. “Sam Brownback’s tax policies are going to bankrupt the state,” said Senate Minority Leader Anthony Hensley, a Topeka Democrat. Brownback has noted repeatedly that when he took office, the state faced a projected budget shortfall — $550 million. “We are paying our bills on time and in full,” Brownback spokeswoman Eileen Hawley said. “We are funding education, protecting core functions, prioritizing programs.” The department predicted that the reported cash reserves of $380 million on June 30 will drop to $29 million at the end of June 2015. Chris Pumpelly, spokesman for Democrat Paul Davis, who is challenging Brownback’s re-election, called the administration’s higher figure of nearly $435 million “fuzzy math.” But Sullivan said it’s simply a different measurement — a snapshot of the state’s main bank account, close of business June 30.

May and June, eating into the cash reserves. Brownback’s administration said investors skittish about the possibility of higher federal taxes on capital gains in 2013 claimed their gains early in 2012, resulting in lower tax payments to the state when their 2013 taxes came due earlier this year. But the Legislative Research Department said in a June memo that the effects of the state’s tax cuts also appeared to have been “understated,” though it could not say by how much. The department’s latest forecast came two days after the Standard & Poor’s bond-rating agency down-

Regular agenda • Consider adopting Resolution No. 7083-A, authorizing and calling a special question election submitting to the voters the proposition of levying a special one-quarter of one percent city retailers sales tax to pay the cost of constructing and equipping a police facility and directing notice of special question election to be published, or Resolution No. 7083-B, authorizing and calling a special question election submitting to the voters the proposition of levying a special two-tenths of one percent city retailers sales tax to pay the cost of constructing and equipping a police facility and directing notice of special question election to be published. • Consider authorizing the Mayor to execute the amendment to the 20122015 Memorandum of Understanding with the Lawrence Professional Firefighters IAFF Local 1596 concerning the 2015 general wage adjustment. • City auditor report: Performance Audit on Rock Chalk Park Infrastructure Improvement monitoring. 645 New Hampshire St. (News Center) Lawrence, KS 66044 (785) 843-1000 • (800) 578-8748

EDITORS Julie Wright, managing editor 832-6361, Tom Keegan, sports editor 832-7147, Ann Gardner, editorial page editor 832-7153,

OTHER CONTACTS Mike Countryman, director of circulation 832-7137, Classified advertising: 832-2222 or

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Friday’s markets Dow Industrials +185.66, 16,553.93 Nasdaq +35.93, 4,370.90 S&P 500 +22.02, 1,931.59 30-Year Treasury +.01, 3.23% Corn (Chicago) -7 cents, $3.63 Soybeans (Chicago) +6 cents, $10.84 Wheat (K.C./Chicago) -17 cents, $6.29 Oil (New York) +31 cents, $97.65 Gold -$1.90, $1,308.90 Silver -4 cents, $19.90 Platinum -$3.20, $1,478.30


Lawrence Journal-World l l Saturday, August 9, 2014 l 3A

Cully, 27, sentenced to five years for manslaughter Branson changed the charge from seconddegree murder. Branson said last month he switched the charge because the nature of the crime better fit that voluntary manslaughter. “For voluntary manslaughter, you have to prove death occured during a fight or argument, and that’s exactly what happened,” Branson said in June. During the early hours of Dec. 25, Lawrence police officers responded to a reported stabbing in

By Caitlin Doornbos Twitter: @CaitlinDoornbos

A 27-year-old Lawrence woman who pleaded no contest to voluntary manslaughter in June for the Christmas Day stabbing of her boyfriend was sentenced to 59 months — or about five years — in prison Friday. Marci Deshayna Cully pleaded no contest June 20 to the lesser charge of voluntary manslaughter after District Attorney Charles

an apartment in the 4300 block of West 24th Place. Upon arrival at about 3:30 a.m., officers discovered Cully in the apartment with 33-year-old Lawrence man Wayne Cully Francisco lying on the living room floor with stab wounds, Branson said in a news release Friday. Francisco was quickly given medical assistance but died at the scene. Officers then interviewed

Cully about the stabbing and learned she and Francisco had been arguing and that the domestic dispute turned violent, with Cully stabbing Francisco twice, Branson said. Franscisco suffered wounds in the shoulder and the chest, the latter ultimately determined by the coroner to be the fatal wound, Branson said. According to testimony at a hearing in Febru-

ary, Cully told investigators Francisco had been drinking throughout the night — the coroner testified that he had a blood-alcohol level of .341 — and that the two called each other names before the dispute became physical. Cully told them that she stabbed Francisco after he threw a chair at her and attempted to swing it at her again. Cully has served 226 days in the Douglas County Jail since her arrest following her inter-

view on Christmas Day. The 226 days will count toward her total time served. In addition to her 59-month prison sentence, Cully will also have to pay $3,483.29 to Francisco’s family to pay for his burial expenses. Cully must also register as a violent offender for 15 years after she is released from prison. — Reporter Caitlin Doornbos can be reached at 813-7146 or cvdoornbos@

Police seek public’s help in apparent homicide investigation

Musical medley

By Caitlin Doornbos Twitter: @CaitlinDoornbos

Lawrence police are asking for help in their investigation of the apparent homicide of Christine Kaplan, whose body was discovered July 26 at her home in the 1100 block of New York Street. Investigators are looking for anyone who may have spoken with or given a ride to Angelica Marie Kulp, a suspect in the case, over the past several weeks, said Sgt. Trent McKinley, police department spokesman. Kulp is in the Shawnee County Jail on an unrelated charge. Police say Kulp will Please see POLICE, page 4A Mike Yoder/Journal-World Photo

School board to hear feedback on student Woman denies leaking information about Wolf wellness status “ ELLA MCCULLOUGH, LEFT, AND SYDNEY BARNETT, BOTH 7, paint their bucket drums on the final day of the Kid’s Summer Music Camp Friday. The weeklong camp is sponsored by Americana Music Academy and features activities in singing, dance, art and instrument performance.

By Peter Hancock

Twitter: @LJWpqhancock

Topeka — A member of the Kansas Board of Healing Arts released a statement late Thursday denying that she was the source of news reports that helped doom tea party-backed candidate Milton Wolf’s campaign for the U.S. Senate. In a three-page statement entitled “An Open Letter to Kansas Citizens,” board member Ann Hodgdon, of Lenexa, also denied that she initiated any investigation into possible ethics violations by Wolf.

I did not provide photos of Dr. Wolf’s Facebook posts of X-rays and commentary to the media; nor to the Board of Healing Arts.”

By Scott Rothschild

Twitter: @ljwrothschild

— Ann Hodgdon, Kansas Board of Healing Arts member

“I did not initiate, launch, or make any suggestions to the Board of Healing Arts or its staff to conduct an investigation of Dr. Milton Wolf,” Hodgdon said in the letter. “I did not provide photos of Dr. Wolf’s Facebook posts of X-rays and commentary to the media; nor to the Board of Healing Arts,” she said.

Wolf is a radiologist from Johnson County who ran unsuccessfully for the GOP nomination for U.S. Senate. He lost in a close race to incumbent Sen. Pat Roberts, 41-48 percent. Wolf’s campaign suffered a serious blow in February when the Topeka CapitalJournal reported that a few years earlier, Wolf had posted X-ray images of gunshot

victims on a Facebook page, along with dark-humor comments about them. The posts had been removed from Facebook before the story was published. The newspaper did not republish the images or identify how it obtained them. The day after the story

One of the goals of the Lawrence school board is to enhance “student wellness” with counseling and mental health services across the district. On Monday, the board will hear a report from district staff on how that effort is going. The board also is scheduled to consider a budget that would provide an avSCHOOLS erage 2 percent pay raise for teachers and other district employees

Please see WOLF, page 4A

Please see BOARD, page 4A

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AUGUST 18-24

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Saturday, August 9, 2014


be brought to Douglas County to face charges of first-degree murder after her Shawnee County case is resolved. McKinley said Kulp, who was without a vehicle of her own, often asked people for rides. Police released photographs of a car, saying that detectives think the driver of the car gave Kulp a ride to Dillons on Massachusetts Street on July 22. “While Kulp made purchases Kulp inside the store, the driver waited in the parking lot and later gave her a ride to another location,” McKinley said. “Detectives believe it is very important to speak with the driver of this vehicle, who is not considered a suspect in this investigation.” Police are asking for help identifying the driver and vehicle. Lawrence resident Hilda



Enoch said it was common for Kulp to need assistance with transportation. Enoch said she gave Kulp a ride home from services at the Lawrence Jewish Community Center on July 25, just one day before Kaplan’s body was found. “She used to stay with me a little while,” Enoch said. “She was fine. She just needs someone around.” In an earlier press release, McKinley said Kulp may have been staying with Kaplan before the murder occurred. Manager of Henry’s Coffee Shop Ryan Shelton said she had last seen Kulp about a week and a half before Kaplan’s death. Shelton said Kulp used to hang out in the outside patio area of the Henry’s but was acting up recently. “I asked her to take a break from the shop,” Shelton said. “She was making customers uncomfortable.” Anyone with information is asked to call the police department at 8327509.

Man charged with 7 drug-related crimes George said each of the distribution charges carry a sentence of up to A 25-year-old Law- 83 months in prison, the rence man was charged communication facility with seven drug-related charges carry sentences crimes Friday, including of up to 23 months, and intent to distribute illegal the possession of drugs substances, possession and paraphernalia charges and using a communica- carry sentences of up to 42 tion facility to months in prison. facilitate a drug Johnson is out deal. of jail on an ownKristopher recognizance Ryan Johnson bond, meaning appeared before he was released Douglas County without paying District Court any money as COURTS Judge James T. long as he follows George on Friday after- through on the promise noon and was charged to show up for any court with three counts of in- appearances and not entent to distribute marijua- gage in illegal activity. na, two counts of using a Johnson will make his communication facility next appearance in court to facilitate a drug trans- on Aug. 13. action, one count of pos— Reporter Caitlin Doornbos can be sessing drug parapherreached at 813-7146 or cvdoornbos@ nalia and once count of possessing cocaine. By Caitlin Doornbos

Twitter: @CaitlinDoornbos


On the issue of student wellness, School Board President Shannon Kimball said there was concern that budget constraints from CONTINUED FROM PAGE 3A previous years had limited the availability of school counselors and mental health services and decrease the school property tax rate by 1.591 for students. mills. The budget proposal was laid out for board consideration last month. At 7 p.m. Monday, school board members will conduct a public hearing at the district’s headquarters, 110 McDonald Drive, and then vote on whether to approve the spending plan. On the issue of student wellness, School Board President Shannon Kimball said there was concern that budget constraints from previous years had limited the availability of school


appeared, however, Hodgdon notified the Board of Healing Arts that she would recuse herself from any disciplinary proceedings that might involve Wolf. Both Hodgdon and her husband were financial contributors to Roberts’ campaign. According to the Capital-Journal, Wolf apologized and admitted that he posted the material. But the Roberts campaign used those news reports in negative ads questioning Wolf’s ethics and fitness for holding public office. Five months later —

and special education for the district. On the budget proposal, the plan would drop the levy from 57.788 mills to 56.197 mills, which would mean the owner of a $200,000 home would pay $1,292 in school property tax — $37 less than this year’s rate. The cut comes after both the city of Lawrence and Douglas County increased their mill levies — 1.47 mills and 3.914 mills respectively. Much of a school district’s budget and tax rates are driven by formulas set out in state law that deal with student enrollment, poverty rates and the wealth of the district. On the pay raise, the average salary increase for teachers will be $935

L awrence J ournal -W orld

BRIEFLY Roberts launching statewide tour

New scam hits northeast Kansas

Topeka — U.S. Sen. Pat Roberts is launching what he calls a statewide listening tour next week with events in three northeast Kansas communities. The Republican senator’s office says the first town hall meeting will take place Monday morning at Elizabeth’s restaurant in Atchison. He also plans town halls at community centers in Troy and Hiawatha in the afternoon. Roberts has said he plans to have meetings in each of the state’s 105 counties. Roberts is seeking his fourth, six-year term in the Senate in the November general election. His Democratic opponent is Shawnee County District Attorney Chad Taylor, and Olathe businessman Greg Orman is running as an independent candidate. Wichita manufacturing plant inspector Randall Batson will be on the ballot as a Libertarian candidate.

Hiawatha — A new kind of telephone scam is hitting northeast Kansas, this one perpetrated by people pretending to be federal agents. Brown County Sheriff John Merchant tells KNZA-FM that a caller with a heavy foreign accent leaves messages on home answering machines claiming the recipient is a suspect in a federal investigation. The caller says the recipient must return the call or face legal consequences. But the sheriff says the return call will result in hefty telephone charges that the scammer will pocket. A second scam involves calls to cellphones saying a federal warrant has been issued for the recipient. The caller says the recipient must make a payment through personal financial information to avoid being arrested at work. Merchant says anyone receiving such calls should notify law enforcement.

per year, according to the school district. The Lawrence Education Association, the local bargaining unit for teachers, had agreed to the salary increase in June. The increase includes a $350 pay raise for all teachers and step increases based on teachers attaining more college credit and for each year of experience in the district. In other business, the board will: l Consider an extension to the contract of Supt. Rick Doll through June 30, 2016. Doll’s salary for the 2014-15 school year is $169,545. l Accept the resignation of Board member Adina Morse, who has been selected as the new executive director of the

Lawrence Schools Foundation, which provides funding to benefit students and teachers. Applications to replace her on the board will be accepted through Aug. 29. The board will fill the vacancy at its Sept. 8 meeting. A Kansas Supreme Court ruling from 2000 says that a school district employee cannot serve on the school board of that district. The Lawrence school district employs the Lawrence Schools Foundation executive director, although the foundation reimburses the district for the employee’s salary and benefits.

counselors and mental health services for students. “I have gotten feedback from parents that they felt we needed more robust support in that area,” Kimball said. A survey of counselors and building administrators found that they think they are able to focus on the appropriate social and emotional needs and skills of students that are needed for

effective learning. The counselors did say it would be ideal if classroom teachers could be more involved in students’ personal and social development, but acknowledged that the teachers’ primary responsibilities are the academic needs of the student. “We feel that students’ social and emotional needs are being met,” said Kevin Harrell, director of student services

and just two weeks before the primary — the Capital-Journal reported it had received a letter from attorneys at the board requesting copies of the images as part of an investigation. Wolf then issued a statement accusing Hodgdon of official misconduct for being the source of anonymous leaks to the newspaper. “This instance is a new low for Healing Arts Board Member Anne Hodgdon that rises to the level of official misconduct,” Wolf said in a statement July 23. The Journal-World attempted to contact Hodgdon at that time for a response to Wolf’s statement, but Hodgdon did not return phone

don’s husband, who co- that information to the owns a company that newspaper. “I did not ‘leak’ the inhas a federal firearms license. And the story formation about Milton quoted Ann Hodgdon Wolf’s black gun puras saying she was of- chase to (reporter) Tim Hodgdon fended by the tone of Carpenter,” — Ann Hodgdon, Kansas Board of Healing Arts member his remarks. The story said. “I volunteered it to identified Hodgdon as him. It was not confiden“a prominent Kansas tial information.” Republican.” — Peter Hancock can be reached at messages requesting an Wolf also accused In her statement interview. Hodgdon of being the Thursday, though, Hodg- 785-354-4222. Email him at phancock@ In her statement Thurs- source of another story in don admitted providing day, however, Hodgdon the Capital-Journal about denied any connection to Wolf’s campaign rhetoric the story about the X-ray about second amendment images on Facebook. gun rights. “In fact, I had never “My firearm of choice seen pictures or posts of is the Ruger SR-556,” the the particular X-rays pur- newspaper quoted Wolf ported to have been on as saying. “I have hatred Milton Wolf’s Facebook towards no man — only page,” she said. “The first towards bad government For 133 years, Marks Jewelers has meant I knew of them or saw im- that destroys our freequality, service and dependability. ages of them was when I dom.” read the article in the ToWolf had purchased peka Capital Journal.” that gun from Hodg-

—Reporter Scott Rothschild can be reached at 785-423-0668 or

I did not ‘leak’ the information about Milton Wolf’s black gun purchase to (reporter) Tim Carpenter. I volunteered it to him. It was not confidential information.”

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L awrence J ournal -W orld


Saturday, August 9, 2014

| 5A

SCHOOL TOUR | By Richard Gwin


street By Joanna Hlavacek Read more responses and add your thoughts at

Parents, how are you spending your last weekend before Lawrence Public Schools resume classes? Asked at Dillons on Massachusetts Street

See story, 1A

Bobby Richardson, stay-at-home dad, Lawrence “Swim and go to the park — what we’ve been doing all summer.”

FROM LEFT, NEW STUDENT CIAN O’LEAR, 11, gives a thumbs up to West Middle School teacher Tom Hegeman, as West Warhawk guides Mohamed Ibrahim,12, left, and Christian Haulkner, 14, watch from the doorway while they were giving O’Lear a tour of the school.


Melissa Snell, medical assistant, Lawrence “Preparing them to get ready for school.”

Kate Buckeridge, research biologist, Lawrence “By helping a friend move.”

Jane Patrick, USD 497 employee, Lawrence “We’re going to spend the weekend sleeping in.”

Vinland Fair, Vinland Fairgrounds, 1736 North 700 Road • 9 a.m., Horseshoe pitching • 10 a.m., Registration for Pet Parade and Box Turtle Race (open to children 12 and under) • 11 a.m., Box Turtle Race and Pet Parade • 1 p.m., Livestock Judging begins • 2 p.m., Pedal Tractor Pull Weigh-In • 2:30 p.m., Pedal Tractor Pull • 3 p.m., Watermelon Seed Spitting Contest Registration • 3 p.m., Renegade Pullers Lawnmower Pull • 3:30 p.m., Watermelon Seed Spitting Contest for Children and Adults • 3:30-4:30 p.m., All exhibit entries released. • 7 p.m., Home Made Ice Cream Making Competition (Ice cream served following judging) • 7:30 p.m., Blue Stem Band Red Dog’s Dog Days workout, 7:30 p.m., parking lot behind Kizer Cummings, 800 block Vermont Street. Lawrence Farmers’ Market, 7-11 a.m., 824 New Hampshire St. Huge Three-Church Rummage Sale, 8 a.m.-4 p.m., First United Methodist Church, 946 Vermont St.; Plymouth Congregational Church, 925 Vermont St.; and Trinity Episcopal, 1011 Vermont St. St. John Catholic Church Rummage Sale, 8:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m., 1246 Kentucky St. ConfabuLarryum: Lawrence Festival of Creativity, 9 a.m.-3 p.m., Southwest Middle School,

2511 Inverness Drive. Kansas Authors Club District 2 meeting, 9:30 a.m.-noon, Lackman Library, 15345 W. 87th St., Lenexa. Yard Waste Drop-Off and Compost/Woodchip Sale, 10 a.m.-4 p.m., Wood Recovery and Compost Facility, 1420 E. 11th St. Film screening: “Breastmilk,” 11 a.m.12:30 p.m., Lawrence Arts Center, 940 New Hampshire St. Lawrence Opera Theatre: Master Class with soprano Amy Pfrimmer, 1-2:30 p.m., Central United Methodist Church, 1501 Massachusetts St. (free and open to public). Guitar Pickup Test Drive Clinic, 1-3 p.m., Mass Street Music, 1347 Massachusetts St. The Tree Who Walked Through Time: A book signing and tree exploration event, 1-3 p.m., KU Natural History Museum, 1345 Jayhawk Blvd. Book Signing: Amber Brejcha Fraley, “From Kansas, Not Dorothy,” 1-3 p.m., Hastings Entertainment, 1900 W. 23rd St. Kansas Appleknocker Classic Ragtime Duo, 2-4 p.m., Watkins Community Museum, 1047 Massachusetts St. Americana Music Academy Saturday Jam, 3 p.m., Americana Music Academy, 1419 Massachusetts St. Angie’s famous Indian tacos, 4 p.m., Eagles Lodge, 1803 W. Sixth St. TEDxKC Watch Party: “Changing the Narrative,” 5:30-9 p.m., Lawrence Arts Center, 940 New Hampshire St. Headpin Challenge, 6-9 p.m., Royal Crest Lanes, 933 Iowa St.

HOSPITAL Births Heather and Ryan Thornton, Lawrence, a girl, Thursday. Zeashicia Neal, Lawrence, a boy, Friday. Jiewen Zhao and Fei Wang, Lawrence, a girl, Friday. Chris and Amber Rea, Lawrence, a girl, Friday. Jessie and David Porter, Lawrence, a girl, Friday. Angela and James Smith, Tonganoxie, a girl, Friday.

BRIEFLY Window-restoration how to remove wooden sashes for repair, workshop to be held window safely trip old paint and

The Kansas Historical Society, with funding from the Douglas County Heritage Conservation Council, will host a window-restoration boot camp next month in Lecompton. From 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. CORRECTIONS Sept. 15 through 19, resThe Journal-World’s toration expert Bob Yapp policy is to correct all will guide participants significant errors that are in the weatherization brought to the editors’ and restoration of nine attention, usually in this complete, double-hung space. If you believe we windows in Lecompton’s have made such an error, Constitution Hall, 319 call 785-832-7154, or email Elmore St. Attendees can learn

glazing putty, and repair wooden elements of historic windows. Registration is $75 per person and provides materials, equipment and lunches. Contractors and traditional carpenters are encouraged to sign up, though the event’s registration is limited to 18 participants. To register, contact the Cultural Resources division of the Kansas Historical Society at 2728681, extension 240, or cultural_resources@kshs. org.

Sandbar’s 25th Birthday Block Party, 6 p.m.-midnight, outdoors on Eighth St. between Massachusetts and New Hampshire streets. Heartland Block Party, 7-9 p.m., Heartland parking lot, Seventh and New York streets. Lawrence Opera Theatre: “A L.O.T. of Summer Serenade,” 7:30 p.m., Central United Methodist Church, 1501 Massachusetts St.


Summer Sunday Afternoon Ragtime Party featuring the Kansas Appleknocker Classic Ragtime Duo, 2-4 p.m., Watkins Museum of History, 1047 Massachusetts St. Lawrence Coalition for Peace & Justice, 3:30-5 p.m., Education Room, Community Mercantile, 901 S. Iowa St. Kansas Rebels 10U Baseball tryouts, 4-6 p.m., YSC Field #3, 4700 W. 27th St. Irish Traditional Music Session, 5:30-8 p.m., upstairs Henry’s Coffee Shop, 11 E. Eighth St. Taize Service, 6 p.m., Trinity Episcopal Church, 1011 Vermont St. O.U.R.S. (Oldsters United for Responsible Service) dance, 6-9 p.m., Columbus Hall, 2206 E. 23rd St Smackdown! trivia, 7 p.m., The Bottleneck, 737 New Hampshire St.


Lawrence Bike Club Summer Fun Ride, 6:15 p.m. mechanical tips, 6:30 p.m. ride, starts at Cycle Works, 2121 Kasold Drive.

Lawrence Board of Education meeting, 7 p.m., school district headquarters, 110 McDonald Drive. Eudora City Commission meeting, 7 p.m., Eudora City Hall, 4 E. Seventh St. FIlm screening: “This is Spinal Tap,” 7:30 p.m., Liberty Hall, 644 Massachusetts St. FIlm screening: “This is Spinal Tap,” 9:45 p.m., Liberty Hall, 644 Massachusetts St.


Red Dog’s Dog Days workout, 6 a.m., west side of South Park, 12th and Massachusetts streets. KU Endowment Blood Drive, 8:30-11 a.m., Room 114, KU Endowment Building, 1891 Constant Ave. Coalition for Homeless Concerns, 3-4 p.m., Lawrence Community Shelter, 3655 E. 25th St. Coalition on Homeless Concerns monthly meeting, 3-5 p.m., Lawrence Community Shelter, 3655 E. 25th St. Lawrence Farmers’ Market, 4-6 p.m., parking lot at 824 New Hampshire St. Orscheln’s Farmers’ Market, 5-7 p.m., west side of parking lot, Orscheln Farm and Home, 1541 E. 23rd St. Big Brothers Big Sisters of Douglas County volunteer information, 5:15 p.m., 2518 Ridge Court. Red Dog’s Dog Days workout, 6 p.m., west side of South Park, 12th and Massachusetts streets. Lonnie Ray’s open jam session, 6-10 p.m., Slow Ride Roadhouse,

1350 N. Third St., no cover. Lawrence City Commission meeting, 6:35 p.m., City Hall, 6 E. Sixth St. Herbs study group, 7 p.m., Unitarian Fellowship, 1263 North 1100 Road. Free English as a Second Language class, 7-8 p.m., Plymouth Congregational Church, 925 Vermont St. Affordable community Spanish class, 7-8 p.m., Plymouth Congregational Church, 925 Vermont St. Gamer Night, 8 p.m., Burger Stand at the Casbah, 803 Massachusetts St., free.


Lawrence Arts Center: Jan Gaumnitz. Horse Sense, July 5-Aug. 16; Tall Grass. Deep Water, through Aug. 23; Betsy Timmer: Hitting Home, through Aug. 23; John Sebelius: Do You Know Who My Father Is? through Sept. 13; open daily 9 a.m.-9 p.m., 940 New Hampshire St. Cider Gallery: LACES: An exhibition of work by Lawrence Arts Center Education Staff, through August 27; Reception 5-9 p.m., July 25; INSIGHT Art Talk 7 p.m., Aug. 21; 810 Pennsylvania St. Theatre Lawrence: Paintings by Kelsey Yankey, thorugh Sept. 7; available for viewing during box office hours (11:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m.) and on performance nights; 4660 Bauer Farm Drive. Douglas County Law Library: Paintings by P Jenny, August 1 through Sept. 30; Mon. and Wed. noon-3 p.m., Tues. and Thurs. 10 a.m.-1 p.m.; , 111 E. 11th St., #5.



Saturday, August 9, 2014


L awrence J ournal -W orld

adopt-a-pet Can’t Adopt? Then Please Donate! Call, E-mail or Come Visit! Help us help them!

1805 East 19th Street | Lawrence, Kansas 66046 | 785-843-6835 | Like us on Facebook, too!



Kelly is another of the Guinea Pigs that came in together. She is a young adult and has a medium length tricolor coat. She is a beauty. She also loves her bananas. She will sing the song of her people for a piece of banana. You will need a carrier to take home any of the hand held animals that are available for adoption. Please come and meet all of these sweet little Guinea Pigs.

Dorothy is a lovely Domestic Short Hair mix. She is 13 years old and she qualifies for the Thursday Purrsday special we are having until the end of this month. She is a brown orange torbie and weighs about 8 lbs. She would be happy to have a permanent home to live out her twilight years, and a big window to sun in, or a nice soft chair to sleep away the day. Full Medical Service and 24 Hour Emergency Care

(785) 841-1919

Morningstar’s New York Pizza will donate 15% of their sales to the Lawrence Humane Society for each Monday in August.

SW Corner of 6th & Kasold



Raja is a little over 1 year old and is a Miniature Pinscher mix. She has a bounce in her step and curiosity to match any cat. She has a shiny black and tan coat and only weighs about 11 lbs. She would be a good family dog, or even a good apartment dog. She should do well with children and another dog. With energy to burn, she won’t have any trouble keeping up.

Bisco is a low maintenance dog. He’s independent and doesn’t mind being by himself. He is a 6 year old chocolate Labrador Retriever and weighs about 73 lbs. He would be fine in an active family and would welcome another dog. Living on a farm might be a good fit for him. If he looks like he might be what you’ve been looking for, then come and ask our staff to take him out for you.

Need a good mouser? Adopt a barn cat! 1805 East 19th Street 785-843-6835 Visit us on Facebook at

Some lovable felines never learned the proper social skills to reside inside a house. But in a cozy country barn, these low-cost pets can become skilled hunters! “Hire” yours today:

Did You Know?

• There is never a limit on how long an animal may stay at the Lawrence Humane Society. 1805 East 19th Street • We care for over 3500 lost and 785-843-6835 homeless animals a year. • We are a local nonprofit organization Visit us on Facebook at that relies on community support.

Purrsday Every Thursday,

all cats 6 months and older are $10. Must have a carrier and collar to go home

Now HiriNg!!

Go to and click on “Get Involved” to see current job openings.

Adoption Hours: Tues.-Fri. 11:30am - 6:00pm, until 7:00pm Thurs., Sat.-Mon. 11:30am - 4:00pm 1805 East 19th Street | Lawrence, Kansas 66046 785-843-6835 |




What is black and white, sweet and loves to make “biscuits”? Jenner is his name. He is a 3 year old Domestic Short Hair and weighs close to 10 lbs. He is a sweet cat and loves attention. He is laid back and may do okay with another cat in the home. Be sure to bring a collar and a carrier and you can take this good boy home with you. See you soon.

Slater is a juvenile aged little Guinea Pig and he has a medium length brown and white coat. As you can tell from the names of these little guys, someone was a Saved by the Bell fan. This little guy would do better by himself. He was one of the ones left here by the front door in a box and was not getting along with the other males. They love their veggies, so stock up.

Lisa is a sweet young adult Guinea Pig. She has a medium length tricolor coat. She and her companions were left on the stoop here at the shelter one morning, so we don’t have any history on them. We do know that she would do well with another female, so if you are thinking of adding to your small animal family, come in and take a look. We also know that she loves bananas.

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Atwood is a Siberian Husky mix with one blue eye and one brown. He is a little over 1 year old and weighs about 56 lbs. He has a cream and red medium length coat and will need frequent brushing. He is a little slow to warm up, but enjoys being with you once he feels comfortable. He has the look and personality of a Husky, so if you are partial to this breed, he is ready to meet you.

Alejandro is a 1 year old Terrier mix looking for a long-term commitment from a loving family or individual. He has a white black and rust colored coat and weighs in at about 13 lbs. He has adorable black “eyebrows” and a pink smudge on his little nose. How cute is he? He isn’t picky about other dogs or children, so if you like his looks, come meet the guy himself. See you soon.

Bentley came here from a rescue, so he could broaden his field of search for a new home. He is a sweet Boxer mix and is about 3 years old. He has a beautiful fawn colored coat with a white blaze on his chest. He is a happy guy and would love to be in a home with children and maybe another dog. He loves to play, so he would love a big back yard.

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Sampson may be big and mighty looking, but he is about as sweet as you are going to find. He is a very handsome Pit Bull Terrier mix with a tan and white coat. He is short and compact at almost 64 lbs. If you are looking for a lovable lap dog and don’t want the smaller breeds, then he should be high on your list to look at. Children and other dogs are welcome.

Moses is a Wirehaired Fox Terrier with a white and tan coat. He is 1 year old and weighs about 32 lbs. As with most Terrier breeds, he has plenty of energy and would do well in a busy home. He seems to do well with other dogs and may do well with children too. He can be a little shy at first, so give him a little time to warm up.

Fun and full of bounce and affection, little Stasha is as cute as can be. She is a Rough Collie mix and has a long tricolor coat. She is 8 years old and only weighs about 44 lbs. She would love to be in a home with another dog and maybe some children to spend her days with. She is ready and waiting to meet you and your family. Bring a leash and collar to take her home.

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L awrence J ournal -W orld

Saturday, August 9, 2014

| 7A

KU grad, 67, was longtime Kansas newspaper publisher Independence (ap) — Herbert A. “Hub� Meyer III, editor and publisher of the Independence Daily Reporter for over 43 years, has died at the age of 67. The newspaper reported Meyer died Thursday afternoon at his home after suffering from prostate cancer. Meyer became publisher of The Reporter in June of 1971, taking over after his father’s death. His grandfather, Herbert A. Meyer Sr., bought the newspaper in 1940 and later was elected to Congress, representing Kansas’ 3rd District. Herbert Meyer III graduated from Kansas University in 1969 with a degree in business and worked for the Lawrence JournalWorld covering local news and sports before returning to Independence.

“Hub was a key member of an energetic Journal-World reporting staff in the late 1960s — early in what would be long careers in journalism for many of us like Chuck Woodling, me and others,� said Ralph Gage, a former reporting colleague of Meyer and now retired executive of the Journal-World and the World Company. “Those days were a lot of fun, as well as hard work. They produced good journalism and warm memories. It was a shock to learn of Hub’s passing, and it’s difficult to accept. His family and friends certainly are in our thoughts and prayers.� Meyer also was active in the Kansas Press Association and was a past chairman of the KansasMissouri Associated



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Press Publishers and Editors group. “Hub will be missed. He was a great sounding board and I could always count on him to step into leadership roles,� said Kia Breaux, Associated Press bureau chief for Kansas, Missouri and Iowa. “He had a gregarious personality and quick wit about him, but he was serious and very passionate about journalism. He kept us on our toes.� Meyer is survived by his wife, Kristin; three children, Herbert “Chip� Meyer IV, of St. Louis, Mo., Scott Meyer, of Lee’s Summit, Mo., and Brittany Meyer, of Des Moines, Iowa; a sister, Mary Meyerquinonez, of Yakima, Wash.; and five grandchildren. Funeral services were pending.

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COPY DESK CHIEF: Jason Kendall

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SPORTS COPY EDITOR: Chris Duderstadt

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Lawrence Journal-World



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AROUND AND ABOUT Phi Beta Kappa, the nation’s oldest academic honor society, has inducted new members at Kansas State University, including Kaitlyn Mosher, junior in psychology, Lawrence; and Kayla Harwood, May 2014 bachelor’s graduate in anthropology, McLouth. l

Ohmart 50th Anniversary grandchildren. Family and friends are invited to their 50th Anniversary reception on August 17, at Maceli;s, 1031 New Hampshire Street, Lawrence, KS from 2:00 6:00 p.m. They request no gifts and please come and go as your are able.

Chavez 30th Anniversary

beautiful angel Alicia, who is looking down from above. They have been blessed with 4 grandchildren. They couple will celebrate with a private party for family and friends.

BIRTHS Plank-95th Birthday Celebration The family of Fred Plank will host a 95th birthday reception and card shower for him on Sunday, August 17, 2014, from 2-4 pm at The Lodge, 502 Ames, in Baldwin City. The family requests no gifts.

august 23, 2014


How do I share my faith to new friends in college without forcing my beliefs on them? Visibly live your faith and your values The Rev. Jill Jarvis, minister, Unitarian Fellowship of Lawrence, 1263 N. 1100 Road: I entered college at the height of the war in Vietnam. As we rode the dorm elevator together that second day, my new friends talked excitedly about the anti-war demonstrations happening on campus. One young woman from Oklahoma knew way more about this war than the rest of us. Her church, she explained, had organized an anti-war exhibit in its lobby, and invited community groups to visit and learn. I felt confused. An activist church? In the Bible Belt? Then and for a couple of decades afterwards, I wasn’t interested in religion or church. But finding myself raising children in

a materialistic, violent culture, I eventually sought a progressive “village” to help Jarvis counter those influences. I wanted a place where I was free to explore my own spirituality — or not. Remembering that conversation in the elevator, I checked out the Unitarian Universalists. It felt like a homecoming. Clearly, these were my people. My college friend from Oklahoma never knew the life-changing impact her words had on me. When I looked her up 40 years later (“I’m a UU minister because of you!”) she didn’t even

remember the conversation. She simply lived her faith and openly talked about it. She didn’t question anyone’s beliefs, try to “convert” them, or imply that her religion had The One Great Truth. If you’ve found a religious home that nurtures your spirit, helps you live into your best self and inspires you to build a better world — why keep that a secret? Tell others about it! Invite them if they’re interested. Visibly live your faith and your values. And if you don’t want to seem like you’re forcing your beliefs on others, then just don’t. Accept that there are many ways to lead a good life. Respect the fact that not everyone is interested in yours, and that’s OK. — Send email to Jill Jarvis at


Vic and Dianne Sisk celebrate their 50th wedding anniversary. Married August 11, 1964, Hutchinson, Kansas. Celebrating with them a daughter, Lesley of Houston, Texas, and a son, Darrin, wife, Nikki, and five grandchildren of Belvidere, Illinois.


Missouri University of Science and Technology in Rolla has announced its Honor List for the spring semester. Those on the list had GPA of 3.2 or above, including Hannah Katherine Jokisch, of Bonner Springs; Garrett Edward Gabel, of Lawrence; John Alexander Hoffmann, of Lawrence; Lindsey Nicole Moore, of Lawrence; and Kenneth Andrew Domann, of Winchester. Sarah Gaskin, of Lawrence, has been named to the President’s List at Southwest Baptist University in Bolivar, Mo.

Sisk 50th Wedding Anniversary

Gabriel and Amy Chavez are celebrating their 30th year of marriage and love for one another. They were married Aug. 10th 1984 in Lawrence after being high school sweethearts and best friends since they attended St. John’s Catholic School. They raised their 4 children- Carlos(Molly); Chris; Alex, and their


L a w r e n c e ’s S u p p l i e r o f We d d i n g A t t i r e !


Harold Ohmart and Carol Ann Paul were married August 30, 1964 at the First Christian Church in Scott City, Kansas. They will celebrate their 50 years of marriage Sunday, August 17, 2014. Harold and Carol have two children Tracy (Deidra) and Todd (Natalie) and have been blessed with four

Saturday, August 9, 2014

10 AM - 2 PM

fashion shows at 11, 1

Send your questions about faith and spiritual issues for our religion columnists to

Wellsville resident Marissa Edwards has made the spring 2014 Dean’s List at Pratt Institute in Brooklyn, N.Y. Charlotte Burch, of Lawrence, and James Kittel, of Lawrence, made the Dean’s List at Pratt. l

The following area students received a degree from Emory University in Atlanta, Ga.: Catherine Homan, of Lawrence, received a Doctor of Philosophy from the Laney Graduate School; Grace Schroer, of Baldwin City, received a Master of Public Health from the Rollins School of Public Health; and Benjamin Wells, of Lawrence, received a Master of Business Administration from the Goizueta Business School. l

Madison Frehe, of De Soto, has been named to the Dean’s List at Central College in Pella, Iowa. The honor is awarded to students who achieve a 3.5 GPA or higher. l

It can be as simple as sharing your story Justin Jenkins, lead pastor, Velocity Church, meets at Lawrence Arts Center, 940 New Hampshire St.: We never need to be intimidated about sharing our faith with friends. Of course, nobody likes having something forced on them— even if it’s a potentially good thing. The Gospel is the same way. In fact, the Gospel literally means “Good News.” When something good has happened in your life, you want to share it. It can be as simple as sharing your story with someone. Tell someone how God has helped you through a rough time. Tell some-

one how a scripture encouraged you or brought clarity to an area you were confused Jenkins about. Tell someone how the experience you had at church, recharged you for the week. Even better, if the Gospel is good news, it ought to show up on your face. It’s a lot easier to communicate the gospel when the passion that you feel, matches the excitement that you display. Apart from that, an easy

way to share your faith with a friend is to invite them to come to church with you. At Velocity, our church has grown because of this simple idea — You bring your friends who are far from God and we will make sure they feel welcome and honored as we present the Gospel in a clear, fresh and exciting way. We’re not the only church that does this, and the way we do it might not work for everyone. But I believe the best way to share your faith with someone is to invite them to be a part of your life. And this is a simple way to do that. — Send email to Justin Jenkins at

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Kendra Verhage, of Lawrence, has made the High Honor List at Minnesota State Mankato by achieving a 4.0 GPA.

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ABE & JAKE’S LANDING � east �th street, lawrence, kansas





Lawrence Journal-World l l Saturday, August 9, 2014 Lawrence City Commission Mike Amyx, mayor 2312 Free State Lane 66047 843-3089 (H) 842-9425 (W) Jeremy Farmer, vice mayor 1135 Randall Road, 66049 691-9100 Michael Dever, 1124 Oak Tree Drive 66049 550-4909 Dr. Terry Riordan, 1613 Tennessee St., 66044, 842-1900 Bob Schumm 1729 St. Andrews Dr. 66047 842-6729 (H), 842-7337(W)

Douglas County Commission Jim Flory, 540 N. 711 Road, Lawrence 66047; 842-0054 Mike Gaughan, 304 Stetson Circle, 66049; 856-1662; Nancy Thellman, 1547 N. 2000 Road 66046; 832-0031

Lawrence School Board Shannon Kimball, president 840-7722 257 Earhart Circle 66049 Vanessa Sanburn, vice-president 856-1233 765 Ash St., 66044

Executive immigration order is bad idea Washington — President Obama is impatient. Congress won’t act on immigration, he says, and therefore he will. The White House is coy as to exactly what the president will do. But the leaks point to an executive order essentially legalizing an enormous new class of illegal immigrants, perhaps up to 5 million people. One doesn’t usually respond to rumors. But this is an idea so bad and so persistently peddled by the White House that it has already been pre-emptively criticized by such unusual suspects as (liberal) constitutional law professor Jonathan Turley, concerned about yet another usurpation of legislative power by the “uber presidency,” and The Washington Post editorial page, which warned that such a move would “tear up the Constitution.” If this is just a trial balloon, the time to shoot it down is now. The administration claims such an executive order would simply be a corrective to GOP inaction on the current immigration crisis — 57,000 unaccompanied minors, plus tens of thousands of families, crashing through and overwhelming the southern border. This rationale is a fraud. First, the charge that Republicans have done nothing is plainly false. Last week, the House of Representatives passed legislation that deals reasonably with this immigrant wave. It changes a 2008 sex-trafficking law never intended for (and inadvertently inviting) mass migration — a change the president himself endorsed before caving to his left

Charles Krauthammer

Apart from the money, impeachment talk energizes Democrats and deflects attention from the real-life issues that are dragging them down — the economy, Obamacare, the failures of Obama’s foreign policy.” and flip-flopping. It also provides funds for emergency processing and assistance to the kids who are here. Second, it’s a total non sequitur. Suspending deportation for millions of long-resident illegal immigrants has nothing to do with the current wave of newly arrived minors. If anything, it would aggravate the problem by sending the message that if you manage to get here illegally, eventually you’ll be legalized. Third, and most fatal, it is deeply unconstitutional. Don’t believe me. Listen to Obama. He’s repeatedly made the case for years. As in: “I swore an oath to uphold the laws on the books. ... Now, I know some people want me

to bypass Congress and change the (immigration) laws on my own. ... That’s not how our Constitution is written” (July 25, 2011). “This notion that somehow I can just change the laws unilaterally is just not true. ... There are laws on the books that I have to enforce” (Sep. 28, 2011). “If, in fact, I could solve all these problems without passing laws in Congress, then I would do so. But we’re also a nation of laws” (Nov. 25, 2013). Laws created by Congress, not by executive fiat. That’s what distinguishes a constitutional republic from the banana kind. Moreover, Obama had control of both houses of Congress during his first two years in office — and did nothing about immigration. So why now? Because he’s facing a disastrous midterm election. An executive order so sweeping and egregiously lawless would be impeachment bait. It would undoubtedly provoke a constitutional crisis and stir impeachment talk — and perhaps even the beginning of proceedings — thus scrambling the electoral deck. As in 1998, it would likely backfire against the GOP and save Democrats from an otherwise certain sixth-year midterm shellacking. Such a calculation — amnesty-by-fiat to deliberately court impeachment — is breathtakingly cynical. But clever. After all, there is no danger of impeachment succeeding. There will never be 67 votes in the Senate to convict. But talk-


Randy Masten, 760-5196 934 W. 21st St. 66046 Bob Byers, 842-8345 1707 E. 21st Ter. 66046 Adina Morse, 856-0843 1549 Alvamar Court, 66047

Area legislators Rep. Barbara Ballard (D-44th District) Room 451-S, State Capitol, Topeka 66612 Lawrence: 841-0063; Topeka: (785) 296-7697

Rep. John Wilson (D-10th District) 54-S, State Capitol, Topeka 66612 Topeka: (785) 296-7652; Rep. Ken Corbet (R-54th District) 179-N, State Capitol, Topeka 66612 Topeka: (785) 296-7679; Sen. Marci Francisco (D-2nd District) Room 134-E, State Capitol, Topeka 66612 Lawrence: 842-6402; Topeka: (785) 296-7364 Sen. Tom Holland (D-3rd District) Room 134-E, State Capitol, Topeka 66612 Lawrence: 865-2786; Topeka: 296-7372 Sen. Anthony Hensley (D-10th District) Room 318-E, State Capitol, Topeka 66612 Topeka: (785) 296-3245 Anthony.Hensley@senate.

— Charles Krauthammer is a columnist for Washington Post Writers Group.

From the Lawrence Daily Journal-World for Aug. 9, 1914: “A new supply of water was suggested to the city commission this mornyears ing by men who have been living ago around Lawrence for a number of IN 1914 years. Some of the old settlers say that there is a series of springs southeast of town about three miles and they never go dry and the supply of water is never failing. The water is soft as rain water and is of the best quality that could be wished. The springs are between Lawrence and the County Home and they keep the broad valley south of town in a constant state of moisture. So much so that it is impossible for the farmers who own the land to raise a crop on it. ... These springs are very similar to the Baldwin water supply which has proven so satisfactory and which is considered as the best water in any town in Kansas. Their present system has been in use for almost two years and the Baldwin people would not sell their present system for twice what it cost them.”

Rick Ingram 864-9819 1510 Crescent Rd. 66044

Rep. Paul Davis (D-46th District) Room 359-W, State Capitol, Topeka 66612 Lawrence: 749-1942; Topeka: (785) 296-7630

ing it up is a political bonanza for Democrats, stirring up an otherwise listless and dispirited base. Last Monday alone the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee raised more than $1 million from antiimpeachment direct mail. Apart from the money, impeachment talk energizes Democrats and deflects attention from the real-life issues that are dragging them down — the economy, Obamacare, the failures of Obama’s foreign policy. Everything, in other words, that has sunk Obama to 40 percent approval, the lowest ebb of his presidency. There’s an awful irony here. Barack Obama entered our national consciousness with an electrifying 2004 speech calling for healing the nation’s divisions and transcending narrow identities of race, region, religion, politics and ideology. Four years later, that promise made him president. Yet today he is prepared to inflict on the nation a destructive, divisive, calculated violation of the constitutional order and national comity — for the narrowest partisan advantage. For this president in particular, who offered a politics of transcendence, this would constitute a betrayal of the highest order. According to White House leaks, the executive order will be promulgated by summer’s end. Time enough to reconsider. Don’t do it, Mr. President.


Kristie Adair, 840-7989 4924 Stoneback Place, 66047

Rep. Tom Sloan (R-45th District) Room 149-S, State Capitol, Topeka 66612 Lawrence: 841-1526; Topeka: (785) 296-7654


— Compiled by Sarah St. John

Read more Old Home Town at news/lawrence/history/old_home_town.


Take responsibility To the editor: As a Kansan, a recent college graduate, and a frustrated millennial, I am appalled by our governor’s constant, worn-out argument of blaming our nation’s president for the struggles of our state. Growing up, my parents instilled in my brother and me a drive and work ethic to strive for success. We were taught that taking initiative requires also accepting the consequences of our actions. I am displeased not only by Gov. Brownback’s incessant blame game of linking every Kansas underperformance to the White House, but also by his lack of responsibility for the direction that he alone is leading our state. As I would hope our governor is competent enough to acknowledge, he has both cham-

bers of the Kansas Legislature at his disposal. This means that the current state Kansas is in, is a direct result of his policy, guidance and advice. As a Kansan who believes in hard work, serving others and taking ownership of my actions in ventures that I work toward, I urge Brownback to stop blaming the president for this mess. He and his extremist cronies are the ones to blame. This one is on him. His party’s dissent makes it very apparent that Kansans are unhappy with the direction he is leading our state, not the way our nation is being run. I ask that our governor quits the blame game, and gets to work. Unless things change drastically, he’ll have to deal with being the sole person responsible for his retirement party in November. Brandon Woodard, Lawrence

Journal-World Established 1891

W.C. Simons (1871-1952); Publisher, 1891-1944 Dolph Simons Sr. (1904-1989) Publisher, 1944-1962; Editor, 1950-1979

Dolph C. Simons Jr., Editor Julie Wright, Managing Editor Mike Countryman, Director of Circulation

Ed Ciambrone, Production Manager Ann Gardner, Editorial Page Editor

To the editor: This is in response to a letter from Don Collins, with his critique of Craig Tucker’s letter concerning the recent Carr brothers story. I feel that Mr. Collins may have missed the main point of Mr. Tucker’s letter, that being that these two men committed horrendous crimes, without any doubt of their guilt. It seems that there really isn’t any point in discussing whether a conscience or lack thereof caused this to happen. It did happen, and they did deserve the penalty they received from the court and the jury that convicted them. I have read the research that does say that people growing up in bad situations can have a higher percentage of committing crimes, mental issues, etc. However, there are also many

What the Lawrence Journal-World stands for



Missed the point

l Accurate and fair news reporting.

No mixing of editorial opinion with reporting of the news. l Safeguarding the rights of all citizens regardless of race, creed or economic stature. l Sympathy and understanding for all who are disadvantaged or oppressed. l Exposure of any dishonesty in public affairs. l Support of projects that make our community a better place to live. l

stories of other people that grew up in similar circumstances who went on to become good citizens and caring members of society. And, just as notable are those that grew up with all of the advantages, with loving and caring parents, who for some reason, went “bad.” Having a conscience, not having a conscience, or just not paying attention to it seems of little consequence when you consider the lives lost and the surviving families continuing sorrow. Judy Northway, Lawrence

Letters Policy

Letters to the Public Forum should be 250 words or less, be of public interest and should avoid namecalling and libelous language. The Journal-World reserves the right to edit letters. By submitting letters, you grant the Journal-World a nonexclusive license to publish, copy and distribute your work, while acknowledging that you are the author of the work. Letters must bear the name, address and telephone number of the writer. Letters may be submitted by mail to Box 888, Lawrence Ks. 66044 or by email to:


Dolph C. Simons Jr., Chairman Dolph C. Simons III, President, Newspapers Division

Dan C. Simons, President, Digital Division

Suzanne Schlicht, Chief Operating Officer

Scott Stanford, General Manager





Saturday, August 9, 2014






Some sun with a t-storm in spots

Some sun, a couple of t-storms

Some sun, a stray t-storm; humid

Mostly sunny

Mostly sunny and beautiful

High 88° Low 67° POP: 40%

High 86° Low 65° POP: 65%

High 86° Low 63° POP: 40%

High 84° Low 59° POP: 25%

High 85° Low 63° POP: 10%

Wind E 4-8 mph

Wind ESE 4-8 mph

Wind NW 7-14 mph

Wind N 6-12 mph

Wind E 4-8 mph

POP: Probability of Precipitation

Kearney 85/66

McCook 88/63

Lincoln 85/68

Grand Island 84/67

Oberlin 91/65

Clarinda 80/66

Beatrice 83/66

Centerville 77/63

Kansas City Marshall Manhattan 85/69 83/66 Salina 92/68 Oakley Kansas City Topeka 93/69 91/65 90/69 Lawrence 83/67 Sedalia 88/67 Emporia Great Bend 83/65 89/67 91/68 Nevada Dodge City Chanute 90/69 92/65 Hutchinson 90/68 Garden City 93/69 92/65 Springfield Wichita Pratt Liberal Coffeyville Joplin 89/69 89/68 92/71 94/66 91/69 93/70 Shown is today’s weather. Temperatures are today’s highs and tonight’s lows.


Through 8 p.m. Friday.

Temperature High/low 85°/68° Normal high/low today 89°/68° Record high today 111° in 1934 Record low today 54° in 1922

Precipitation in inches 24 hours through 8 p.m. yest. 0.00 Month to date 3.31 Normal month to date 1.02 Year to date 22.44 Normal year to date 25.51


Today Sun. Today Sun. Cities Hi Lo W Hi Lo W Cities Hi Lo W Hi Lo W Independence 92 70 pc 93 70 t Atchison 85 68 pc 84 66 t Fort Riley 92 69 pc 87 66 t Belton 84 68 pc 84 69 t Olathe 85 68 pc 84 67 t Burlington 90 69 t 89 68 t Osage Beach 85 65 t 88 68 pc Coffeyville 93 70 pc 92 69 t Osage City 89 69 pc 87 68 t Concordia 89 68 pc 85 64 t 88 69 pc 86 68 t Dodge City 92 65 pc 90 65 pc Ottawa Wichita 92 71 pc 90 69 t Holton 88 70 pc 86 68 t Weather (W): s-sunny, pc-partly cloudy, c-cloudy, sh-showers, t-thunderstorms, r-rain, sf-snow flurries, sn-snow, i-ice.


SUN & MOON Today 6:29 a.m. 8:24 p.m. 7:25 p.m. 5:09 a.m.



Aug 10 Aug 17 Aug 25 As of 7 a.m. Friday Clinton Perry Pomona

Level (ft)

875.33 894.00 974.03

Discharge (cfs)

21 25 15

Forecasts and graphics provided by AccuWeather, Inc. ©2014



Sun. Hi Lo W 89 78 t 74 58 r 93 74 s 108 77 s 91 79 c 91 71 t 81 66 t 74 55 r 65 41 pc 93 75 s 75 50 s 61 50 r 82 62 t 91 84 t 81 64 s 97 61 s 68 55 r 93 65 s 74 56 t 84 62 pc 83 61 sh 90 80 t 70 54 c 76 58 c 79 65 pc 86 66 s 84 68 t 85 76 t 75 58 c 68 44 pc 85 80 r 80 61 s 78 61 pc 85 66 pc 83 65 pc 75 52 s


Warm Stationary Showers T-storms







-10s -0s 0s 10s 20s 30s 40s 50s 60s 70s 80s 90s 100s 110s National Summary: Drenching showers and storms will stretch from the central Plains to the southern Atlantic coast today. Storms will dot the Florida Peninsula and the interior West. Most other areas will be dry. Today Sun. Today Sun. Cities Hi Lo W Hi Lo W Cities Hi Lo W Hi Lo W 88 75 t 92 76 t Albuquerque 89 64 pc 87 64 pc Memphis 90 79 t 91 78 t Anchorage 67 56 sh 69 56 sh Miami Milwaukee 77 61 pc 79 63 pc Atlanta 86 72 t 86 71 t Minneapolis 83 67 pc 83 66 t Austin 100 72 s 99 73 s Nashville 86 72 t 89 70 t Baltimore 85 64 pc 83 64 c New Orleans 91 77 pc 90 77 t Birmingham 89 74 t 91 74 t 85 69 pc 85 68 s Boise 93 66 pc 96 67 pc New York Omaha 82 68 pc 80 65 t Boston 80 65 pc 81 65 s Orlando 91 74 t 92 75 t Buffalo 81 60 s 84 65 s 85 68 pc 86 66 pc Cheyenne 80 54 pc 76 54 pc Philadelphia 106 84 t 106 85 pc Chicago 81 62 pc 82 65 pc Phoenix Pittsburgh 84 64 pc 82 65 pc Cincinnati 81 67 t 81 67 t Cleveland 81 65 pc 83 67 pc Portland, ME 79 59 pc 80 60 pc Dallas 100 79 s 100 79 pc Portland, OR 84 60 s 94 64 s 90 64 pc 88 61 pc Denver 84 57 t 80 56 pc Reno 79 67 r 79 68 r Des Moines 80 66 pc 79 66 pc Richmond 90 59 s 90 60 pc Detroit 82 63 pc 85 66 pc Sacramento St. Louis 82 69 pc 86 71 pc El Paso 90 70 t 90 70 s Salt Lake City 89 63 pc 91 65 s Fairbanks 76 55 pc 78 57 s 75 68 pc 77 68 pc Honolulu 88 77 c 90 75 pc San Diego San Francisco 71 59 pc 72 60 pc Houston 94 76 pc 94 77 s Seattle 80 56 s 84 60 s Indianapolis 81 66 c 80 66 c Spokane 88 60 s 92 63 s Kansas City 83 67 pc 83 67 t Tucson 96 74 t 97 75 pc Las Vegas 101 77 s 101 77 s Tulsa 92 73 pc 95 72 t Little Rock 90 75 t 94 76 t Wash., DC 86 69 pc 85 68 c Los Angeles 81 65 pc 82 64 s National extremes yesterday for the 48 contiguous states High: Death Valley, CA 115° Low: Leadville, CO 34°



is the sunniest place in the world? Q: What

On Aug. 9, 1979, flash floods at Mason City, Iowa, sent the Winnebago River 2 feet above the flood stage.




9 PM













62 ››› No Way Out (1987) Kevin Costner.




4 Brooklyn Brooklyn Gang Related

FOX 4 at 9 PM (N)


5 Unforgettable

Person of Interest



19 Jimmy Van Heusen

60s Girl Grooves (My Music)

) 9 D KTWU 11 A Q 12 B ` 13 A


20/20 h


20/20 h


Person of Interest Leverage h

29 50

Law Order: CI

Law Order: CI


Sanctuary h



Animation Dom




20/20 h


Pianoguys: Live


20/20 h

41 Dateline NBC h 38 Leverage h 29 Da Vinci’s Inquest

41 38

Raymond Cash

48 Hours h

News News

Comedy Burn Not.

CSI: Miami h

Muddy Waters & Rolling

Law & Order: SVU

Doc Martin (2001) Martin Clunes.

I 14 KMCI 15


9 S.H.I.E.L.D.


48 Hours h


Dateline NBC h


Saturday Night Live h

Two Men Castle h

Magic Moments: Best of 50s

Castle h

Burn Notice h

Closer CSI

Law & Order: SVU


Saturday Night Live h






Mod Fam Two Men Big Bang Big Bang Office

Law Order: CI

Futurama Futurama

Law Order: CI

Law Order: CI

Bones h


Cable Channels WOW!6 6 WGN-A CITY

Tower Cam/Weather Information

307 239 Funny Home Videos Funny Home Videos Bones h

THIS TV 19 25

USD497 26

››‡ Masquerade

›› The Crossing Guard (1995)

City Bulletin Board

School Board Information

School Board Information

aLittle League Baseball

ESPN2 34 209 144 EATP Tennis FSM

36 672

aMLB Baseball: Giants at Royals

NBCSN 38 603 151 sBoxing Vyacheslav Glazkov vs. TBA. (N) FNC

39 360 205 Huckabee (N)

CNBC 40 355 208 Amer. Greed

Justice Judge


››› Indian Runner (1991) David Morse.

City Bulletin Board, Commission Meetings

ESPN 33 206 140 aLittle League

SportsCenter (N)

SportsCenter (N)

Baseball Tonight

E:60 h

Baseball Tonight




Red Eye h

Justice Judge


World Series of Fighting 12 (N) (Live) h Geraldo at Large


Suze Orman Show

Amer. Greed

Amer. Greed

Suze Orman Show




45 245 138 ››‡ Pirates of the Caribbean: At World’s End (2007)

The Sixties h

Lockup The Sixties “1968” The Time Machine


46 242 105 How to Lose

›› Failure to Launch (2006) (DVS)

The Last Ship

Mod Fam Mod Fam Law & Order: SVU


47 265 118 Criminal Minds

Criminal Minds

Criminal Minds

Criminal Minds

Criminal Minds





MSNBC 41 356 209 Caught on Camera CNN TNT

44 202 200 The Sixties h

TRUTV 48 246 204 Pawn


The Sixties “1968”


The Sixties h




50 254 130 Outlaw Josey


51 247 139 Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Sullivan

Funniest Wins


54 269 120 Pawn


Hell on Wheels (N)

BRAVO 52 237 129 ››‡ American Pie 2 (2001, Comedy) Pawn

SYFY 55 244 122 ››‡ The 6th Day




Jerusalem — A threeday truce collapsed Friday in a new round of violence after Gaza militants resumed rocket attacks on Israel, drawing a wave of retaliatory airstrikes that killed at least five Palestinians, including three children. The eruption of fighting shattered a brief calm in the monthlong war and dealt a blow to Egyptianled efforts to secure a longterm cease-fire between the bitter enemies. A delegation of Palestinian negotiators remained in Cairo in hopes of salvaging the talks. But participants said the negotiations were not going well, and Israel said it would not negotiate under fire. The Palestinian delegation met again late Friday with Egyptian mediators. The indirect talks are meant to bring an end to the deadliest round of fighting between Israel and Hamas since the Islamic militant group seized control of Gaza in 2007. In four weeks of violence,

more than 1,900 Gazans have been killed, roughly three-quarters of them civilians, according to Palestinian and U.N. officials. Sixty-seven people were killed on the Israeli side, including three civilians.

P.M. favorite in vote for Turkey president Istanbul — For the first time in its history, Turkey is directly electing its president on Sunday in a contest considered a turning point for the country of 76 million people — with its prime minister the strong favorite for a job he has pledged to transform from a symbolic role into one of real power. Recep Tayyip Erdogan, Turkey’s dominant politician over the last decade, is seen by many as aiming to solidify his grip on power after serving three consecutive terms as prime minister at the head of his Islamic-rooted Justice and Development Party. An absolute majority is needed to avoid a runoff on Aug. 24.


8 PM


August 9, 2014 9 PM


10 PM 10:30 11 PM 11:30

Cable Channels cont’d



Washington — This week’s death of former White House press secretary James Brady, who survived a gunshot wound to the head in a 1981 assassination attempt on President Ronald Reagan, has been ruled a homicide, District of Columbia police said Friday. Federal prosecutors said only that they are reviewing the ruling. But a law professor and an attorney for John Hinckley Jr., who was found not guilty by reason of insanity in the shooting, said bringing new charges against the 59-year-old in Brady’s death seemed unlikely. “I think it (the medical examiner’s ruling) will mean nothing,” long-time Hinckley attorney Barry Levine told The Associated Press. An autopsy revealed the cause of death to be a gunshot wound and its health consequences, and the manner of death was ruled a homicide, according to a news release Friday from District police spokeswoman Gwendolyn Crump.

10 PM 10:30 11 PM 11:30

Network Channels M

of genocide,” said U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry. “For anyone who needed a wake-up call, this is it.” Underscoring the sense of alarm, a spokesman for Iraq’s human rights ministry said hundreds of Yazidi women had been seized by the militants. Kamil Amin, citing reports from the victims’ families, said some of the women were being held in schools in Iraq’s second-largest city, Mosul. “We think that the terrorists by now consider them slaves and they have vicious plans for them,” Amin told The Associated Press. “We think that these women are going to be used in demeaning ways by those terrorists to satisfy their animalistic urges in a way that contradicts all the human and

Reagan aide’s death Israel-Hamas truce ruled homicide collapses in violence

Shown are today’s noon positions of weather systems and precipitation. Temperature bands are highs for today.


Today Cities Hi Lo W Acapulco 89 78 t Amsterdam 72 60 pc Athens 91 73 s Baghdad 108 78 s Bangkok 91 78 r Beijing 86 67 s Berlin 81 59 t Brussels 74 57 pc Buenos Aires 65 47 s Cairo 92 75 s Calgary 70 47 pc Dublin 66 52 sh Geneva 77 61 c Hong Kong 90 83 t Jerusalem 79 63 s Kabul 95 61 s London 74 59 pc Madrid 92 65 pc Mexico City 74 57 t Montreal 82 62 pc Moscow 81 61 s New Delhi 92 80 t Oslo 72 54 r Paris 74 62 pc Rio de Janeiro 73 66 sh Rome 84 66 pc Seoul 85 73 pc Singapore 87 79 t Stockholm 78 62 c Sydney 69 45 pc Tokyo 84 78 r Toronto 80 59 s Vancouver 74 56 pc Vienna 87 66 c Warsaw 80 64 s Winnipeg 84 61 t

— U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry

Islamic values.” For the U.S. military, which withdrew its forces from Iraq in late 2011 after more than eight years of war, the re-engagement began when two F/A-18 jets dropped 500-pound bombs on a piece of artillery and the truck towing it. The Pentagon said the militants were using the artillery to shell Kurdish forces defending Irbil, the capital of Iraq’s autonomous Kurdish region, and home to a U.S. consulate and about three dozen U.S. military trainers. Later Friday, the U.S. launched a second round of airstrikes near Irbil, U.S. officials said. The officials, speaking on condition of anonymity because they weren’t authorized to discuss the strikes publicly, said unmanned aircraft hit a mortar and four Navy F/A-18 fighter jets destroyed a seven-vehicle convoy. The U.S. State Department warned U.S. citizens against all but essential travel to Iraq and said those in the country were at high risk for kidnapping and terrorist violence.


Sep 2



Irbil, Iraq — The U.S. unleashed its first airstrikes in northern Iraq against militants of the Islamic State group Friday amid a worsening humanitarian crisis. The extremists took captive hundreds of women from a religious minority, according to an Iraqi official, while thousands of other civilians fled in fear. Many of America’s allies backed the U.S. intervention, pledging urgent steps to assist the legions of refugees and displaced people. Those in jeopardy included thousands of members of the Yazidi religious minority whose plight — trapped on a mountaintop by the militants — prompted the U.S. to airdrop crates of food and water to them. The extremists’ “campaign of terror against the innocent, including the Yazidi and Christian minorities, and its grotesque and targeted acts of violence bear all the warning signs and hallmarks


The eastern Sahara is sunny 97% of the time.


Sun. 6:29 a.m. 8:22 p.m. 8:10 p.m. 6:22 a.m.


Sunrise Sunset Moonrise Moonset

For anyone who needed a wake-up call, this is it.”

Associated Press

Hays Russell 90/65 90/67

Goodland 88/61

U.S. bombs militants in Iraq as crisis worsens By Diaa Hadid and Bram Janssen

St. Joseph 82/66 Chillicothe 81/64

Sabetha 84/68

Concordia 89/68

L awrence J ournal -W orld

TURN: Washington

Hell on Wheels

››‡ American Pie 2 (2001, Comedy)




›‡ The Darkest Hour (2011)




Outlaw Josey Hulk Pawn

›› Predator 2 (1990) Danny Glover.

FX 56 COM 58 E! 59 CMT 60 GAC 61 BET 64 VH1 66 TRV 67 TLC 68 LIFE 69 LMN 70 FOOD 72 HGTV 73 NICK 76 DISNXD 77 DISN 78 TOON 79 DSC 81 FAM 82 NGC 83 HALL 84 ANML 85 TVL 86 TBN 90 EWTN 91 RLTV 93 CSPAN2 95 CSPAN 96 ID 101 AHC 102 OWN 103 WEA 116 TCM 162 HBO MAX SHOW ENC STRZ

401 411 421 440 451

248 249 236 327 326 329 335 277 280 252 253 231 229 299 292 290 296 278 311 276 312 282 304 372 370

136 107 114 166 165 124 162 215 183 108 109 110 112 170 174 172 176 182 180 186 185 184 106 260 261

351 350 285 287 279 362 256

211 210 192 195 189 214 132

501 515 545 535 527

300 310 318 340 350

›‡ The Sitter (2011) h Jonah Hill.

The Strain “Night Zero” The Strain h The South Park: Shart Week - The Big One The epic conclusion of Shart Week. (N) Katt Williams ››‡ Shutter Island (2010) Leonardo DiCaprio, Mark Ruffalo. True Hollywood Kardashian ›› Speed (1936) Dog and Beth My Dysfunctional Steve Austin’s Bro Cops Cops Country Hunks Luke Bryan Backstory “Blake Shelton” David Country Hunks ›› Meet the Browns (2008) h Tyler Perry. › Daddy Day Camp (2007) Deliver Special Special Special Special ›‡ Taxi (2004) h Queen Latifah. Premiere. Candidly Ghost Adventures Ghost Adventures The Dead Files (N) The Dead Files Ghost Adventures Stories of the ER Stories of the ER Untold Stories of Stories of the ER Untold Stories of ›› The Time Traveler’s Wife (2009) Movie Time Traveler Ghost Inside My Haunted House The Haunting Of... The Haunting Of... Ghost Inside Chopped h Chopped h Chopped h Chopped h Chopped h Property Brothers Property Brothers House Hunters Hunters Hunt Intl Property Brothers Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs Instant See Dad Friends Friends Friends Wander Gravity Ninja Camp Phineas Phineas Phineas Phineas Ultimate Avengers Isabelle Dances Jessie Jessie Lab Rats h Dog I Didn’t Good ANT King/Hill King/Hill American Fam Guy Boon Dynamite Boon Attack Bleach Space Redwood Kings Redwood Kings (N) American Muscle Redwood Kings American Muscle ›‡ New Year’s Eve (2011) Halle Berry. ›› A Walk to Remember (2002) Shane West. Drugs, Inc. h Drugs, Inc. h Doomsday Drugs, Inc. h Die Trying h Cedar Cove (N) Stranded in Paradise (2014) Cedar Cove h Golden Golden Bad Dog! (N) The Supervet (N) The Supervet Bad Dog! h The Supervet The Cosby Show King King King King Raymond Raymond Love-Raymond In Touch Hour of Power Graham Classic ››› Love Takes Wing (2009) Love Saint Peter (Part 1 of 2) Living Right Vianney Speaks Daily Mass Taste Taste Second Second Stanley Stanley Taste Taste Second Second Book TV Book TV After Words Book TV Washington This Washington This Week Washington This Week Murder in Paradise 20/20 on ID (N) Murder in Paradise Murder in Paradise 20/20 on ID h Gunslingers Mafia’s Hits Mafia’s Hits Gunslingers Mafia’s Hits Sweetie Pie’s Sweetie Pie’s La Toya La Toya Sweetie Pie’s Sweetie Pie’s Cold Water Cold Water Cold Water Catching Hell Catching Hell ›››› The Thin Man (1934) ››› After the Thin Man (1936) ›› Crossroads (1942)

›‡ Baggage Claim (2013) Paula Patton. True Blood The Leftovers ››‡ Red 2 (2013) The Knick ››› Rush (2013) Chris Hemsworth. ›› Deep Impact sBoxing Danny Garcia vs. Rod Salka. (N) (Live) h ››› Executive Decision (1996) ››‡ Final Destination (2000) American Hustle

Outlander (N)

Outlander “Sassenach”

Hard Knocks The Knick Donovan ››‡ The Enforcer Outlander Am Hus

Saturday, August 9, 2014




Focus: Excellent value, dynamics By

BY THE NUMBERS BASE PRICE: $16,310 WHEELBASE: 104.3 in. LENGTH: 178.5 in. WIDTH: 71.8 in. HEIGHT: 57.7 in. ENGINE: 2.0-liter Ti-VCT FFV I-4, 160 hp, 146 lb.-ft. torque TRANSMISSION: PowerShift six-speed automatic

The Ford Focus four-door sedan and hatchback models share Ford’s acclaimed kinetic styling, which emphasizes the car’s athletic stance. The interior design highlights outstanding craftsmanship that creates a premium-class experience, while the stiff body structure keeps noise, vibration and harshness to a minimum. In response to customer demand, new for 2014 is a Sport Appearance Package for Focus SE.

paid significant attention to detail in ensuring the ratio of sixth gear was perfectly in tune with Focus ST, giving the driver optimum performance while remaining long enough to help maintain excellent fuel economy.

city and 32 mpg highway, with 252 horsepower and 270 lb.-ft. of torque. Focus ST’s lightweight, allaluminum EcoBoost engine provides the power of a larger engine in a fuel-efficient smaller displacement, leveraging three key technologies. High-pressure direct injection, low-inertia turbo-charging and twin independent variable camshaft timing create an advanced combustion system that brings high levels of performance and fuel efficiency. Mated to the 2.0-liter EcoBoost is a six-speed manual transmission, which has specially revised gearing to produce the maximum punch from each throw of the gearshift. The Global Performance Vehicles group

FOCUS ST Focus ST is powered by a 2.0-liter EcoBoost engine, which offers an uncompromising mix of performance and efficiency. The 154-mph performance car achieves an outstanding EPAestimated rating of 23 mpg

DRIVING DYNAMICS Sound engineers ensured Focus ST’s four-cylinder EcoBoost engine delights drivers with a robust tone. A significant part of this process is the famed sound symposer, first found on the previous Focus ST and subsequently employed on the European Focus RS and RS500 models. Driving dynamics are at the heart of Focus ST. Innovation and technology combine to create a chassis capable of

exceeding the expectations of the most demanding driving enthusiast, while giving even novice motorists an unforgettable drive. From the driver’s seat, customers will experience the Ford sport steering system. This variable-ratio steering rack is designed to increase the agility of Focus ST on winding roads, yet still inspire the same highspeed confidence. The unique system makes steering less sensitive when driving in a straight line, but increases the feel during cornering. Drivers can keep their hands firmly gripped on the steering wheel through tight hairpins, maximizing their control over the car. It also has benefits in slow-speed situations such as tight parking maneuvers.

EPA MILEAGE: 26 city, 36 hwy.

Video: FOCUS

Available at:

Mike Brady

Nick Bray








FINANCING OFF 10,0 000 0 OF $ OFF UP 10,5 500 0 OF $ OFF TO 11,3 300 0 OF


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*Top MSRP $47,920, price after all factory rebates including Ford Motor Credit Rebate and Trade Assist Rebate, plus tax and $249 administrative fee.





*2014 Fiesta, Focus gas/electric, C-MAX hybrid/plug-in, Fusion gas/hybrid/plug-in, Mustang, Taurus, Escape, Edge, Flex, Explorer, Expedition. Not Available on Shelby® GT500 or Boss® 302, F-Series, E-Series, Transit Connect. Not all buyers will qualify for Ford Credit financing. 72 months at $13.89 per month per $1,000 financed, regardless of down payment. Take new retail delivery from dealer stock by 9/2/14. See dealer for qualifications and details.











PLUS $1,000

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Jerry Hall



Matt Bigelow


*All prices after all factory rebates, plus tax and $249 administration fee.




Josh Hoke

15,972* $14,964* $20,983*


* All prices after all factory rebates, plus tax and $249 administration fee.

*Price after all factory rebates including Ford Motor Credit Rebate, plus tax and $249 administration fee.

* All prices after all factory rebates including Ford Motor Credit Rebate and Trade Assist Rebate, plus tax and $249 administration fee.

Dan Schmidt

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23rd & Alabama • 843-3500

Always Open

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Saturday, August 9, 2014




10 LINES & PHOTO 7 DAYS $19.95 28 DAYS $49.95




Chevrolet Cars

785.832.2222 Chevrolet SUVs

Ford Cars Ford SUVs


2012 Acura TL This Acura has it all! 3.5L V6, Moonroof, Power front seats, Front wheel drive and under 40k miles. Stk#A3732 $24,987 LAIRD NOLLER HYUNDAI 2829 Iowa St. Lawrence 785-838-2327

23rd & Alabama Lawrence 785-843-3500

One Of A Kind, 6.2L V8!!, Great Performance, Good Looking, Awesome Condition. Stk# E359B

23rd & Alabama Lawrence 785-843-3500

2011 Ford Escape P1465 23rd & Alabama Lawrence 785-843-3500

Only $15,948 Call Marc at

Call Thomas at


Chrysler Cars

23rd & Alabama Lawrence 785-843-3500

2012 Hyundai Elantra 14B323A

4X4, Leather heated front seats, sunroof, DVD and 3rd row seating. Great for a family. Stock #13T1407C $17,987

2011 Ford Escape XLT SUV

6 speed automatic, 32970m Low Miles, Front wheel Drive Stk#A3729 $17,991


LAIRD NOLLER HYUNDAI 2829 Iowa St. Lawrence 785-838-2327

Dodge Trucks 2008 Chevrolet HHR LT P1518A

2010 GMC Acadia SLT-2


V6, Automatic, AWD, Leather upholstery & Pwr front seats. Stk#A3725 $26,991

2012 Ford Focus SEL Hatchback 37 hwy MPG, 2.0L 4 cyl, Front wheel Drive, 6 speed automatic with shift-select. Stk#A3704 Only $13,991 LAIRD NOLLER HYUNDAI 2829 Iowa St. Lawrence 785-838-2327

23rd & Alabama Lawrence 785-843-3500

Hyundai SUVs

Honda Trucks


LAIRD NOLLER HYUNDAI 2829 Iowa St. Lawrence 785-838-2327

2008 Chrysler Sebring LX 14C666A 23rd & Alabama Lawrence 785-843-3500

23rd & Alabama Lawrence 785-843-3500

Chevrolet Crossovers

Need to sell your car? Place your ad at or email

2013 Buick Encore

2013 Ford Focus SE Hatch P1516 23rd & Alabama Lawrence 785-843-3500

2008 Honda Pilot EX-L

2112 W. 29th Terrace Lawrence, KS 66047

2012 Chevrolet Malibu LS 13T1437C

Hyundai Cars


2112 W. 29th Terrace Lawrence, KS 66047

Buick 2008 Enclave CXL one owner, leather heated memory seats, remote start, alloy wheels, Bose sound, navigation, DVD, room for 7 stk#481251 only $16,415.00 Dale Willey 785-843-5200

3rd Row Vehicle, Well Maintained, Four Wheel Drive, Clean Carfax. Stk# E419A

Only $7,995

Buick SUVs

Honda SUVs


2012 Ford Fiesta SES Hatch 14X589B

2006 Chevrolet Cobalt LS P1494A

GMC Crossovers

2012 Ford Escape XLT SUV 35112 Miles, 2.5 Liter 4 cyl, AutoPacific 2010 Vehicle Satisfaction Award Winner Stk#A3711 Only $16,991

LAIRD NOLLER HYUNDAI 2829 Iowa St. Lawrence 785-838-2327

Honda Cars

Hyundai 2010 Santa Fe GLS, fwd, traction control, alloy wheels, steering wheel controls, power equipment, stk#13263 only $15,714.00 Dale Willey 785-843-5200

Certified Pre-Owned Honda, Local One Owner!! 7 Year/100,000 Mile Warranty, 150-pt. Mechanical Inspection. Stk# E412A

Only $28,997 Call Matt at

888-631-6458 2112 W. 29th Terrace Lawrence, KS 66047

Hyundai Cars

LAIRD NOLLER HYUNDAI 2829 Iowa St. Lawrence 785-838-2327

2008 Hyundai Santa Fe SE Extremely clean local trade. Only 38k miles and very well taken care of. Stock#14H715 $14,987 LAIRD NOLLER HYUNDAI 2829 Iowa St. Lawrence 785-838-2327

This Turbo Charged Buick is loaded! All wheel drive, Navigation and a sunroof! Stk#14H685A $24,991 LAIRD NOLLER HYUNDAI 2829 Iowa St. Lawrence 785-838-2327


4x4!!! Great Tires, Clean Carfax, V8, Local Owner, Well Maintained, One of a Kind. Stk# E373A

Chevrolet Cars

Motor Trends 2010 car of the year! 66 thousand miles. Front wheel drive sedan with leather and a sunroof! Stk#A3707 $13,691

2012 Ford Explorer P1464

2112 W. 29th Terrace Lawrence, KS 66047

LAIRD NOLLER HYUNDAI 2829 Iowa St. Lawrence 785-838-2327

Dodge Vans

Ford SUVs

Only $14,888 Call Thomas at 3rd Row Vehicle, Fully Loaded, Well Maintained, Local Owner. Stk# E382B Chevrolet 2008 Cobalt leather heated seats, sunroof, spoiler, alloy wheels, premium sound system, On Star, stk#56432A1 only $9,855.00 Dale Willey 785-843-5200

2012 Ford Fusion SE


2008 Hyundai Azera with less than 100K miles. Fully loaded with navigation. V6 motor with automatic transmission. Only asking $11,895. Call Mike at 785-550-1299. LAIRD NOLLER HYUNDAI 2829 Iowa St. Lawrence

2013 Hyundai Santa Fe Sport AWD, Frost white pear exterior with grey interior. Clean Carfax 1-Owner. Stock#A3736 $23,987 LAIRD NOLLER HYUNDAI 2829 Iowa St. Lawrence 785-838-2327

Only $11,995

Call Matt at

Kia Cars


888-631-6458 2112 W. 29th Terrace Lawrence, KS 66047

2008 Ford Escape XLS 13X511

Chevrolet 2011 Traverse LT one owner, GM Certified with 2yrs of scheduled maintenance included, 20” alloy wheels, Bose sound, DVD, On Star, stk#11131 only $20,777.00 Dale Willey 785-843-5200

Fully Loaded, Low Miles, New Tires, Great Condition, Locally Owned. Stk# E368A

Only $7,897 Call Thomas at


2013 Hyundai Elantra Limited

2013 Ford Flex Limited SUV


Chevrolet SUVs

Chevrolet 2013 Impala LT fwd, V6, great gas mileage and plenty of room for the family! All are GM Certified with 2yrs of scheduled maintenance included. 1 of 9 to choose from, great financing available! Starting at $15,786.00 stk#13515, hurry for best selection! Dale Willey 785-843-5200

23rd & Alabama Lawrence 785-843-3500

Honda 2007 Accord EXL, one owner, sunroof, leather heated seats, power equipment, alloy wheels, spoiler, very dependable! Stk#345631 only $9,186.00 Dale Willey 785-843-5200

23rd & Alabama Lawrence 785-843-3500

3.5 Liter with a V-6, All-wheel drive, Charcoal black interior. Stk#A3699 Marked down to $28,991 LAIRD NOLLER HYUNDAI 2829 Iowa St. Lawrence 785-838-2327

Ford Trucks

Thicker line? Bolder heading? Color background?

2112 W. 29th Terrace Lawrence, KS 66047

Ask how to get these features in your ad TODAY!!

Call: 785-832-2222

Awesome Deal!!! Certified Pre-Owned Honda, One Owner!!, 7 year/100,000 mile warranty, 150 pt. Mechanical Inspection. Stk# L9793

Fully loaded luxury sedan! 38,997 nice low miles 1-Owner on Carfax, Factory Warranty still active! Stk#14H882A $17,991 LAIRD NOLLER HYUNDAI 2829 Iowa St. Lawrence 785-838-2327

Low Miles, Fuel Efficient, Great Car for High School, Well Maintained. Stk# E375B

Only $7,995 Call Thomas at


Only $16,488

2112 W. 29th Terrace Lawrence, KS 66047

Call Marc at


2112 W. 29th Terrace Lawrence, KS 66047

Lincoln Cars 2013 Hyundai Genesis Coupe 2.0T

2006 Ford F-150 Supercrew Lariat P1513 23rd & Alabama Lawrence 785-843-3500

785-843-0550 2112 W. 29th Terrace Lawrence, KS 66047

Only 4K miles it looks and drives like new. Local trade with clean Carfax. Stock#13H1496A $21,991 LAIRD NOLLER HYUNDAI 2829 Iowa St. Lawrence 785-838-2327



2010 Lincoln MKS 14C162A 23rd & Alabama Lawrence 785-843-3500

The Best Lawrence Selection. The Best Lawrence Dealers.

2013 Hyundai Genesis R 2011 Honda Civic

Hard to find! 70,933m, low miles with a smooth ride! 1-Owner & well maintained. 4.0 with V-6 Power! Stk#14H404A $16,987

This manual transmission civic is a fuel sipper! Only 35k Miles. Civics are known for their reliability and fuel efficiency. Stk#A3714 $12,991

Spec Sedan, Fully loaded, under 9 thousand miles! Powerful 5.0L V8 matted to an 8 speed automatic transmission. Ultimate Luxury without the luxury price. 13L1486A $35,891

LAIRD NOLLER HYUNDAI 2829 Iowa St. Lawrence 785-838-2327

LAIRD NOLLER HYUNDAI 2829 Iowa St. Lawrence 785-838-2327

LAIRD NOLLER HYUNDAI 2829 Iowa St. Lawrence 785-838-2327

23rd & Alabama Lawrence 785-843-3500

2008 Ford Ranger 4x4

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2013 Lincoln MKZ P1447

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Saturday, August 9, 2014


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2011 MAZDA 3 I 14B469A................................................ $12,986 2012 NISSAN VERSA 1.6 SV 14C179B............................ $12,995 2012 FORD FUSION SE A3707 ......................................... $13,691 2011 MITSUBISHI LANCER GTS 14H554A ...................... $13,991 2013 HYUNDAI ELANTRA GLS A3674 ............................. $13,991 2014 NISSAN VERSA 14K648A........................................ $13,994 2013 FORD FIESTA SE HATCH P1543.............................. $13,995 2013 FORD FOCUS SE HATCH P1601.............................. $13,995 2011 NISSAN ALTIMA 2.5 S P1405A............................... $13,995 2012 FORD FOCUS SE P1410A ........................................ $13,998 2012 VOLKSWAGEN JETTA P1532 .................................. $14,495 2013 FORD FIESTA TITANIUM HATCH P1460 ................. $14,499 2013 NISSAN SENTRA SV A3687 .................................... $14,591 2013 FORD FOCUS SE HATCH P1565.............................. $14,767 2013 TOYOTA COROLLA A3716 ....................................... $14,791 2012 NISSAN ALTIMA 2.5 S A3702 ................................. $14,891 2010 TOYOTA PRIUS III HATCH 14H944A........................ $14,987 2011 CHEVY MALIBU LS A3740 ...................................... $14,987 2013 TOYOTA COROLLA P1592 ....................................... $14,995 2011 FORD FUSION S P1538 ........................................... $14,995 2008 SATURN SKY CONVERTIBLE 15M004A.................. $14,995 2013 VOLKSWAGEN JETTA 2.5L P1576.......................... $14,995 2014 FORD FOCUS SE HATCH P1591.............................. $15,487 2012 FORD FUSION SEL 14M504A.................................. $15,495 2010 MAZDA CX-7 I SPORT P1469 ................................. $15,495 2013 MAZDA 3 I HATCH P1606 ....................................... $15,495 2011 CHEVROLET CRUZE 2 LT P1582 ............................. $15,896 2010 TOYOTA PRIUS HATCH P1445A .............................. $15,986 2013 HYUNDAI SONATA GLS A3697................................ $15,991 2012 HYUNDAI VELOSTER 14C865A ............................... $15,994 2013 FORD FOCUS SE HATCH P1588.............................. $15,995 2007 BMW 335I COUPE 14C963A ................................... $15,995 2011 TOYOTA CAMRY LE A3730...................................... $16,591 2012 HONDA ACCORD LX A3722..................................... $16,991 2012 HONDA CIVIC EX P1540A........................................ $16,995 2013 TOYOTA CAMRY LE P1595...................................... $16,995 2013 MAZDA3 I HATCH P1577 ........................................ $16,995 2011 NISSAN ALTIMA 2.5 SL A3700............................... $17,491 2011 INFINITI G25X A3715 .............................................. $18,991 2013 FORD FUSION SE P1552 ......................................... $18,997 2013 FORD TAURUS SEL P1568 ...................................... $19,494 2012 LINCOLN MKZ P1541.............................................. $19,987 2011 HYUNDAI SONATA HYBRID LTD P1541 .................. $19,987 2012 ACURA TL A3732..................................................... $24,987 2013 LINCOLN MKS P1571.............................................. $27,252 2013 LINCOLN MKZ P1447.............................................. $27,995 2013 AUDI S4 3.0T PRESTIGE 14B452A ......................... $41,995

2008 CHEVROLET HHR LT P1518A .................................. $10,499 2008 DODGE GRAND CARAVAN SXT P1603................... $10,499 2006 MAZDA TRIBUTE S P1597 ...................................... $10,854 2010 FORD ESCAPE XLS 14T925B.................................. $11,687 2008 HYUNDAI SANTA FE GLS A3705C........................... $11,987 2008 CHEVY TRAILBLAZER LS 13T1365B...................... $11,989 2009 VOLKSWAGEN ROUTAN SEL P1599 ....................... $12,995 2010 CHRYSLER TOWN & COUNTRY TOURING 14J897A$13,987 2008 FORD EXPLORER EDDIE BAUER P1567A............... $14,495 2012 FORD ESCAPE XLT A3712....................................... $14,591 2007 TOYOTA FJ CRUISER P1558B ................................. $15,953 2012 FORD FLEX SE A3713 ............................................. $15,991 2007 FORD EXPEDITION EDDIE BAUER 14T858B .......... $15,995 2012 FORD ESCAPE XLT A3711....................................... $16,591 2011 FORD ESCAPE XLT A3729....................................... $17,591 2011 TOYOTA RAV4 A3717A............................................ $17,591 2008 HONDA PILOT EX-L 13T1407C ............................... $17,987 2011 HYUNDAI TUCSON LIMITED 13H1449A ................. $17,991 2013 NISSAN ROGUE S P1554......................................... $17,995 2013 KIA SPORTAGE 15B085A ........................................ $17,995 2011 MAZDA CX-7 I SPORT 15M028A............................ $18,995 2010 FORD EDGE LIMITED 14C885B............................... $19,524 2013 MITSUBISHI OUTLANDER SE P1550...................... $19,900 2011 FORD E-250 COMMERCIAL VAN P1553................. $19,995 2013 HYUNDAI SANTA FE SPORT A3676 ........................ $20,991 2013 FORD ESCAPE SEL P1564....................................... $21,871 2012 NISSAN ROGUE SL A3731....................................... $21,987 2011 CHEVY TRAVERSE LT A3738 .................................. $21,987 2011 FORD EDGE LIMITED P1523................................... $22,998 2009 CHEVY TAHOE LT 14C750A..................................... $22,999 2013 FORD EXPLORER P1585 ......................................... $24,962 2009 JEEP WRANGLER RUBICON A3706A...................... $24,987 2013 BUICK ENCORE 14H685A....................................... $24,991 2011 FORD EXPLORER XLT P1607.................................. $25,360 2010 JEEP WRANGLER UNLIMITED SAHARA 14C952A. $25,495 2012 TOYOTA RAV4 LIMITED A3723.............................. $25,591 2011 JEEP GRAND CHEROKEE LAREDO A3739.............. $25,987 2010 GMC ACADIA SLT-2 A3725..................................... $26,991 2014 BMW XDRIVE 28I P1524A ...................................... $29,995 2013 JEEP WRANGLER UNLIMITED SPT 14T736A......... $31,995


1.9% UP TO

36 MOS.*


2006 MITSUBISHI RAIDER DURO CROSS P1513A.......... $10,995 2009 FORD F-250 SUPER CAB P1600............................. $14,995 2008 FORD RANGER SPORT SUPER CAB 14H404A ....... $15,991 2002 FORD F-250 LARIAT CREW CAB 14T845A............. $15,995 2005 FORD F-350 XLT CREW CAB 14T892A................... $16,680 2010 CHEVY SILVERADO 2500 HD 15T049B................... $16,899 2011 RAM 1500 SLT QUAD CAB 14H418A...................... $17,991 2010 TOYOTA TUNDRA REGULAR CAB 14T868A............ $17,995 2010 CHEVY SILVERADO 1500 LT CREW CAB 14M359A $19,495 2010 TOYOTA TACOMA PRERUNNER DOUBLE CAB 14T943A.... $23,879 2011 FORD F-150 XLT SUPER CAB 14T765A.................. $25,944 2010 FORD F-150 PLATINUM SUPERCREW P1609........ $27,924 2012 FORD F-150 XLT SUPER CAB 14T258A.................. $27,998 2009 FORD F-150 PLATINUM SUPERCREW 14C775A.... $28,995 2010 TOYOTA TACOMA DOUBLE CAB A3737.................. $29,987 2013 TOYOTA TACOMA TRD DOUBLE CAB 13X657A ..... $31,995 2010 FORD F-450 LARIAT CREW CAB P1596................. $32,656 2012 FORD F-150 SVT RAPTOR SUPER CAB 14T953A.. $32,995 2012 GMC SIERRA 1500 SLT CREW CAB 14X336A........ $34,994 2014 CHEVY SILVERADO 2500 HD LTZ CREW CAB 14T701B ........ $40,995 2013 FORD F150 KING RANCH SUPERCREW 14T842A.. $42,995 2012 CHEVY SILVERADO 3500HD LTZ CREW CAB 15T081A.... $46,743

*On All Ford Certified Pre-Owned models, see dealer for details. **On 2008 Toyota Yaris, stk# 15M004B, $7329 with $1000 down, for 72 months @ 3.9% APR; plus administration fee and taxes.,***On all Ford Certified Pre-Owned models, see dealer for details.

Gene Abernathy

Jake Andreason

John Colamarino

Greg Cooper

Sean Isaacs

Dwight Kolumber

Tony Sanders

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classiďŹ Nissan Cars

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Lincoln SUVs

2008 Saturn Sky Convertible 15M004A

Mazda Cars

23rd & Alabama Lawrence 785-843-3500

Low Miles, Well Maintained, Great Condition, Fully Inspected, Clean Carfax. Stk# E243A

Only $14,888

? 68 zĂ&#x;ÄŁqĂ?Ă?˜

Toyota Cars

Toyota SUVs

Toyota 2013 Camry XLE, one owner, leather heated seats, navigation, alloy wheels, parking assist, stk#363371 only $23,877.00 Dale Willey 785-843-5200

2011 Toyota 4Runner SR5


? 68 zĂ&#x;Ä—qģ‚¥ ZŒĒ›áÄ‘TÄœĂ‘Ĺ?Ă‘ %Ä’Äź |ĉ |ŽŽêŒêĒĉ|Ăš Žêń›ĒĹ&#x;ĉŒŠ `ŸŚĹ’ `eĆƒĹŒ Ĺ’Ä’ Ĺ?ĹŒĂ”ÄœĂ”

Saturn Cars

Call Matt at

888-631-6458 2112 W. 29th Terrace Lawrence, KS 66047

LAIRD NOLLER HYUNDAI 2829 Iowa St. Lawrence 785-838-2327

Toyota Cars

2007 Toyota Avalon Limited One owner, heated and AC leather, alloy wheels, full 2006 Toyota Corolla, great sized spare. 168K commuter cond., 2 owners, clean timiles. Well maintained. Car- tle & Car Fax, power winfax report available. $9,250. dows & locks, cruise, auto, 6-disc CD changer, 785-749-1088 AC, 134K miles, $7000. Call 785-760-6297

2010 Toyota Tacoma

26,839 low miles, 1-Owner on Carfax, Simple, reliable sedan. Stk# A3730 $16,987

2012 Nissan Versa 1.6 SV 14C179B

23rd & Alabama Lawrence 785-843-3500

23rd & Alabama Lawrence 785-843-3500

23rd & Alabama Lawrence 785-843-3500

Mazda Cars

Mercedes-Benz Cars

2011 Mercury Mariner P1453

2013 Toyota Corolla LE

4x4 , Nice smaller truck! 19,081m hardly any miles!! 4.0 with V-6 Power! Stk# A3737 $29,987 LAIRD NOLLER HYUNDAI 2829 Iowa St. Lawrence 785-838-2327

Beautiful sedan, 37,415 Excellent low mileage 1.8 L 4cyl Great Gas Saver! 1-Owner on carfax! Stk#A3716 $14,995

Volkswagon Cars

LAIRD NOLLER HYUNDAI 2829 Iowa St. Lawrence 785-838-2327

Pontiac Cars

Toyota SUVs

23rd & Alabama Lawrence 785-843-3500

Dale Willey Automotive 2840 Iowa Street (785) 843-5200

Nissan Cars 2007 Toyota Camry LE 14M739A

Lincoln Crossovers

2006 Pontiac Solstice 14T222B

2007 Mazda 3 i P1529 23rd & Alabama Lawrence 785-843-3500

Mercedes Benz 2006 E-350 AWD, leather heated seats, sunroof, alloy wheels, navigation and more! Stk#115441 only $12,855.00 Dale Willey 785-843-5200

2013 Lincoln MKX 14L537A


23rd & Alabama Lawrence 785-843-3500

under $100

for merchandise

23rd & Alabama Lawrence 785-843-3500

23rd & Alabama Lawrence 785-843-3500

23rd & Alabama Lawrence 785-843-3500

2011 Nissan Altima P1405A 23rd & Alabama Lawrence 785-843-3500

Mercury Cars

We Buy all Domestic cars, trucks, and suvs. Call Scott 785-843-3500

Need to sell your car? 1999 Mercury Grand Marquis, white, 4 door, 54k miles, exc. cond., $3850 firm. Call 785-550-5287 or 785-856-3439

2012 Volkswagen Jetta P1532


23rd & Alabama Lawrence 785-843-3500

LAIRD NOLLER HYUNDAI 2829 Iowa St. Lawrence 785-838-2327

Place your ad at or email

23rd & Alabama - 2829 Iowa

3rd Row Vehicle, Well Maintained, Four Wheel Drive, Clean Carfax. Stk# E380B Toyota 2007 Camry XLE fwd, V6, sunroof, leather heated seats, alloy wheels, power equipment, navigation, home link, stk#419213 only $12,855.00 Dale Willey 785-843-5200

Only $8,983 Call Thomas at

888-631-6458 2112 W. 29th Terrace Lawrence, KS 66047

Volkswagen 2009 Jetta 2.5, power windows, locks, cruise control, heated seats, 5 speed manual, stk#12683A1 only $11,814.00 Dale Willey 785-843-5200

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2002 Lincoln Town Car Signature P1274A

2011 Mazda3 i Touring P1485

Toyota Trucks

Mercury Crossovers 2011 Toyota Camry LE

2011 Lincoln Navigator L P1363

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Lawrence Journal-World l l Saturday, August 9, 2014


Tom Keegan

Avery latest RB sold on Kansas Dating back to high school basketball recruit Baron Davis, who chose UCLA over Kansas University, hat tricks don’t play real well around here, I’ve noticed. And then Corey Avery, the latest (Dallas) Carter High legend, left Texas and Nebraska ball caps on the table because he preferred the fit of the one with the Jayhawk on it. Listed at 5-foot-10 and 170 pounds, Avery has a thick build and knows how to make much thicker guys miss. He’s a running back and a passcatching threat, and he looked right at home among the veterans Friday, the first day of KU football Avery practice. “What people don’t know is he committed to Ohio State early on and then his parents wouldn’t let him do that,” said Reggie Mitchell, running backs coach/recruiting coordinator. Recruits must limit their official (the school picks up the bill) college visits to five. “We were fortunate that we happened to be his last visit,” Mitchell said. It wasn’t supposed to be that way. Avery postponed his first scheduled visit to see another school. Mitchell needed to gauge the sincerity of Avery’s interest, so he called his father. Constance Avery assured Mitchell his son would visit, asked him to choose the date, and delivered on his promise. KU coaches for years have said landing commitments after visits is not the difficult part; it’s getting them to visit. The seeds for Avery’s were planted in Austin. “He told me, ‘Coach, I’ll be at your Texas game (in Austin),’” Mitchell said. “From there, it kind of took off. He said, ‘Hey, I’m going to visit.’ I’m like, ‘What? You’re going to do what?’ He said, ‘Yeah, I’m going to visit.’” Avery liked what he saw and didn’t let KU’s depth at running back scare him. Mitchell’s approach with recruits on that issue makes a lot of sense. “Running back is like a tire,” Mitchell said. “When your tread is worn out, you’re done. You only have so many hits in you. Where would you rather have your hits, at KU or in the NFL? They all say the NFL. Running backs hit a point and they just drop off. By age 26, 27, done.” Running back by committee can extend careers. As recently as 2003, 13 NFL backs averaged at least 20 carries per game. Last season, Tampa Bay’s Doug Martin (21.2 per game) was the only one. Mitchell can’t sell a winning tradition, but does have one boast unique among conference schools. No other Big 12 school can say it has multiple running backs enshrined in the Pro Football Hall of Fame. Thanks go to Gale Sayers and John Riggins for that distinction.

Smooth operators

Mike Yoder/Journal-World Photos

KANSAS UNIVERSITY QUARTERBACK MONTELL COZART (2) RUNS SIDE SPRINTS with teammates during the Jayhawks’ first practice of the season, Friday on the fields outside Memorial Stadium. Also pictured are, from left, linebackers Jake Love (57) and Ben Heeney (31), safety Cassius Sendish (33) and wide receiver Nick Harwell (8).

Jayhawks open camp expecting efficiency By Matt Tait


Friday’s first practice of the 2014 Kansas University football season began a new era for third-year KU coach Charlie Weis. “I’m really looking forward to being a head coach,” said Weis, who fired himself as the team’s offensive coordinator during the offseason. New OC John Reagan was brought in last winter to allow Weis to focus on all aspects of the team rather than just searching for a way to kick-start the offense. Since his arrival, Reagan has been given control of KU’s offensive depth chart and playbook, installing a faster and more versatile spread offense. “It’s been exactly what I was told it was gonna be, exactly what I was hoping it was gonna be, and it’s been very smooth,” Reagan said. That’s not to say Reagan and Weis have not talked offense. Far from it, in fact. After all, Weis is still the man with the final say on all things concerning this team, and, as Reagan put it, “When you’ve got a guy who’s won four Super Bowl rings, you want to learn something.”

n For video, audio and more

observations from Kansas football’s first fall practice, go to

KANSAS FOOTBALL COACH CHARLIE WEIS WATCHES DRILLS Friday on the practice fields outside Memorial Stadium. But Weis has been freed up to keep an eye on the other areas of the team that need attention. “I’m going to spend some time sitting in the offensive room, I’ll spend some time sitting in the defensive room, but really I’m going to spend much more time on special teams,” Weis said. There’s a reason for Weis’

emphasis on the third phase of the game and it goes beyond field goals and kick returns. “Special teams are one of the best ways to have your finger on the pulse of the entire team,” he said, “because you’re using both offensive and defensive guys.” The Jayhawks, who finished 3-9 last season and have not won more than

KU touches up fieldhouse floor By Gary Bedore

Allen Fieldhouse will have a shiny, new basketball floor for its 60th anniversary season. Workers started the process of sanding, sealing, painting and buffing KU’s playing surface on July 29 with the court to be available for men’s and women’s practices around Labor Day (Sept. 1). “It’s almost the exact same except the Big 12 logo will be placed in the lane and it’ll have the new (logo) design,” said Brad

Nachtigal, KU’s associate athletic director for facilities, operations and capital projects. The league’s new logo will be placed underneath the foul lines as mandated by the Big 12 Conference. The old logo was inside the three-point line on the northwest and southeast portions of the court. “Every Big 12 school has the same placement of the logo on the basketball court, football field, volleyball soccer, everything,” Nachtigal said. As far as progress regarding the project, the court

three games since 2009, hit the practice fields with a heavy dose of enthusiasm on Friday. With a senior-heavy group leading the charge, this camp figures to be more productive and efficient than in recent years. “We’re way ahead of where we’ve been,” cornerbacks coach Dave Campo said Friday. “I’m excited, as coach Weis is I’m sure, to see the progress we’ve made.” Generally speaking, it’s the athletes who are evaluated on their progress. But this offseason, the coaching staff progressed a great deal, as well. “When you’re part of a program and part of a team, all those personal egos and all that stuff goes out the window,” defensive coordinator Clint Bowen said. “You just do what’s best for the kids and for the program and what’s best to win, and that’s what everyone’s on board doing.” Please see FOOTBALL, page 3C

5 FOR 5

currently is ready for artwork to be added. “It’s been at least three years since they sanded it all down. We sanded the entire court back down to bare wood,” Nachtigal said. “This weekend they will come and start with the artwork. It’ll take about a week to do the painting. They’ll put coats of finish over the top and it’ll have to dry for about 14 days after that.” l Ed Zurga/AP Photo Recruiting: Miles Bridges, a 6-foot-6 junior small for- ROYALS’ BILLY BUTLER CELEBRATES his ward from Huntington Prep home run against San Francisco, Friday in Kansas City, Missouri. KC won its Please see KU HOOPS, page 3C fifth straight, 4-2. Story on page 3C.


Sports 2





• The latest on Kansas University athletics • A report on the Kansas City Royals vs. San Francisco SOUTH AL CENTRAL







TODAY • vs. San Francisco, 6:10 p.m. SUNDAY • vs. San Francisco, 1:10 p.m.




McIlroy rolls; Woods, Woodland out BOSTON RED SOX





Louisville, Ky. (ap) — Rory McIlroy is making this PGA Championship feel like 2000 all over again at Valhalla. Back then, it was Tiger Woods who was making the game look easy as he started to pile up majors. Now it’s McIlroy, the 25-year-old from Northern Ireland who produced superior shots with his long game and made all the right putts Friday for a 4-under 67 that gave him a one-shot lead over Jason Day and Jim Furyk. “When I’m playing like this, it’s obviously very enjoyable,” McIlroy said. “I can’t wait to get back out on the course again tomorrow and do the same thing all over again.” For Woods, such feelings are becoming distant memories. He missed two short putts early — one for birdie, one for bogey — and looked as if he should never have tried to play the final major of the year with a sore back. Two birdies on his last three holes only kept it from being worse. Woods shot another 74 and missed the cut in a major for the fourth time. “I tried as hard as I could,” Woods said. “That’s about all I got.” Former Kansas University golfer Gary Woodland shot a

NFL PRESEASON The Associated Press

Falcons 16, Dolphins 10 Atlanta — Miami’s Ryan Tannehill and Atlanta’s Matt Ryan produced touchdowns on their only possessions, Sean Renfree led two fieldgoal drives in the second half and the Falcons held off the Dolphins on Friday night in the preseason opener for both teams. Bills 20, Panthers 18 Charlotte, N.C. — Anthony Dixon ran for a touchdown, Dan Carpenter had a pair of field goals, and Buffalo defeated Carolina. EJ Manuel completed 9 of 13 passes for 96 yards but the Bills struggled to cash in on scoring opportunities for the second straight game. Buffalo’s firstteam offense reached Carolina territory on its first three possessions but managed just three points. Jaguars 16, Buccaneers 10 Jacksonville, Fla. — Blake Bortles was solid in his preseason debut, throwing for 117 yards and leading a second-half drive for a field goal to help Jacksonville beat Tampa Bay. Vikings 10, Raiders 6 Minneapolis — Matt Cassel led a crisp touchdown drive with Minnesota’s first-team offense, and the Vikings broke in their temporary new home stadium by beating Oakland. Saints 26, Rams 24 St. Louis — Mark Ingram had eight carries for 83 yards and a 22-yard touchdown in the first half, and New Orleans won its preseason opener without Drew Brees. Sam Bradford didn’t play either, held out by the Rams as a precaution coming off knee surgery. Bears 34, Eagles 28 Chicago — Whether Jay Cutler was in the game or Jordan Palmer or Jimmy Clausen were behind center, Chicago had no trouble finding the end zone. Cutler, Palmer and Clausen threw touchdown passes to help Chicago beat Philadelphia. The Bears rattled Nick Foles in the early going, intercepting two passes, even though they were missing Jared Allen. The five-time Pro Bowl defensive end and prized free-agent acquisition missed practices this week with his wife giving birth to a girl.














to protect a four-shot lead • at Vancouver, 7 p.m. and wound up shooting 80. AL WEST AFC TEAM LOGOS 081312: Helmet and team logos for the AFC teams; various sizes; stand-alone; ETA 5 p.m. He bounced back forstaff; an eightshot win at the U.S. Open, SPORTS ON TV won the PGA Championship by a record eight shots a year TODAY later and only last month went Pro Football Time Net Cable wire-to-wire to win the third leg of the career Grand Slam Cleveland v. Detroit 6:30p.m. NFL 154,230 AFC TEAM LOGOS 081312: Helmet and team logos for the AFC teams; various sizes; stand-alone; staff; ETA 5 p.m. at the British Open. “My mindset has stayed the Baseball Time Net Cable same since that day at Augus- Cleveland v. Yankees noon FS1 150,227 ta,” McIlroy said. “If I’m two St. Louis v. Baltimore 3 p.m. FS1 150,227 ahead going into the weekend 6 p.m. FSN 36, 236 here, I’m going to try to get San Fran. v. K.C. three ahead. And if I’m three David J. Phillip/AP Photo Time Net Cable ahead, I’m going to try to get Golf RORY MCILROY WATCHES HIS TEE SHOT on the 12th hole durfour ahead. ... I’m just going PGA Championship 10a.m. TNT 45, 245 ing the second round of the PGA Championship on Friday at to try to keep the pedal down PGA Championship 1 p.m. CBS 5, 13, Valhalla Golf Club in Louisville, Kentucky. and get as many ahead as pos- 205,213 sible.” U.S. Women’s Amateur 2 p.m. Golf 156,289 second straight 1-over 72 and up last year at the PGA, got He didn’t take his first lead Meijer LPGA Classic 4 p.m. Golf 156,289 missed the cut by one stroke. up-and-down from behind the until the par-5 18th hole, the Oddly enough, McIlroy green on the par-5 18th for bird- midway point of his round. Auto Racing Time Net Cable opened with the exact same ie and a 68. Moments earlier, McIlroy blasted his driver scores (66-67) as Woods did Day capped off the best round and couldn’t quite see where it Nationwide qualifying 8:30a.m. ESPN2 34, 234 Sprint Cup qualifying 10:30a.m. ESPN2 34, 234 14 years ago at Valhalla, when of a soggy day with a birdie on went against a cloudy sky. he barely outlasted Bob May in the 18th for a 65. Day has three “Is it good?” he asked caddie. N’wide, Watkins Glen 1:15p.m. ABC 9, 209 a playoff for his third straight runner-up finishes in the ma“Beautiful,” was all J.P. Basketball Time Net Cab major of the season on his way jors. Fitzgerald said. to an unprecedented sweep of Right behind were Ryan McIlroy hit 4-iron to the U-17 U.S. v. Angola 7:30a.m. ESPNU 35, 235 golf’s biggest events. Palmer (70) and Rickie Fowler front of the green, and his McIlroy, who was at 9-under (66), a runner-up in the last eagle putt rammed into the Softball Time Net Cable 133, isn’t nearly at that stage. two majors. back of the cup as if it had noSenior League W.S. 11 a.m. ESPN 33, 233 And his competition going into Even so, McIlroy is dan- where else to go. It was a moBig League W.S. 4 p.m. ESPN2 34, 234 the weekend is a little more ex- gerous when he gets in the ment where the No. 1 player in perienced. lead, especially at a major. He the world looked as if he had Time Net Cable Furyk, a former U.S. Open learned his lesson at Augusta just seized control of the PGA Women’s Soccer champion who was runner- National in 2011 when he tried Championship. U-20 England v. Mexico 11:45a.m. ESPNU 35, 235 CHICAGO WHITE SOX






MLB AL LOGOS 032712: 2012 American League team logos; stand-alone; various sizes; staff; ETA 4 p.m.

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MLB AL LOGOS 032712: 2012 American League team logos; stand-alone; various sizes; staff; ETA 4 p.m.

Judge rules against NCAA in O’Bannon case • •


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A federal judge ruled Friday that the NCAA can’t stop college football and basketball players from selling the rights to their names and likenesses, opening the way to athletes getting payouts once their college careers are over. In a landmark decision, U.S. District Judge Claudia Wilken ruled in favor of former UCLA basketball standout Ed O’Bannon and 19 others in a lawsuit that challenged the NCAA’s regulation of college athletics on antitrust grounds. She issued an injunction prohibiting the NCAA from enforcing its rules on money given to athletes when it comes to their names, images and likenesses. In a partial victory for the NCAA, though, Wilken said the body that governs college athletics could set a cap on the money paid to athletes, as long as it allows at least $5,000 per athlete per year of competition for players at big football and basketball schools. “The NCAA’s witnesses stated that their concerns about student-athlete compensation would be minimized or negated if compensation was capped at a few thousand dollars per year,” Wilken wrote. The NCAA said in a statement it disagreed with the decision, but was still reviewing it. But Sonny Vaccaro, the former athletic shoe representative who recruited O’Bannon to launch the suit, said it was a huge win for college athletes yet to come. “The kids who are going to benefit from this are kids who don’t even know what we did today,” Vaccaro said. “It may only be $5,000 but it’s $5,000 more than they get now. The future generation will be the benefactor of all this. There are now new ground rules in college sports.” The ruling comes after a five-year battle by O’Bannon and others on behalf of college athletes to receive a share of the billions of dollars generated by college athletics by huge television contracts. O’Bannon, who was MVP of the 1995 UCLA national championship basketball team, said he signed on as lead plaintiff after seeing his image in a video game authorized by the NCAA that he was not paid for. Any payments to athletes would not be immediate. The ruling said regulations on pay will not take effect until the start of the next FBS football and Division I basketball recruiting cycle. Wilken said they will not affect any prospective recruits before July 1, 2016. The NCAA could also appeal. Lawyers for O’Bannon and the others had sought to have millions of dollars put in trust funds for the athletes, but Wilken included a cap on payments. Former athletes will not be paid, because they gave up their right to damages in a pre-trial move so the case would be heard by a judge, not a jury. Wilken was not asked to rule on the fairness of a system that pays almost everyone but the athletes themselves. Instead, the case was centered on federal antitrust law and whether the prohibition against paying players promotes the game of college football and does not restrain competition in the marketplace. During a three-week trial in June, plaintiffs argued that athletes had a right to money generated by their skills and images. Attorneys for the NCAA, though, said moving away from the concept of amateurism where players participated for the love of the game





Rogers Cup Rogers Cup

noon ESPN2 34, 234 7 p.m. ESPN2 34, 234

Net Cable

Little League Baseball Time

Net Cable

Great Lakes Regional Northwest Regional New England Regional West Regional

1 p.m. 3 p.m. 6 p.m. 8 p.m.




Net Cable

Glazkov v. Rossy

7 p.m. NBCSP 38, 238

33, 233 33, 233 33, 233 33, 233

SUNDAY Baseball


Net Cable

San Fran. v. K.C. 1 p.m. FSN 36, 236 Dodgers v. Milwaukee 1 p.m. TBS 51, 251 Washington v. Atlanta 7 p.m. ESPN 33, 233 Isaac Brekken/AP File Photo

FORMER UCLA BASKETBALL player Ed O’Bannon sits in his office in Henderson, Nevada, in this 2010 file photo. would drive spectators away from college sports and would upset the competitive balance among schools and conferences. Several players testified during the trial that they viewed playing sports as their main occupation in college, saying the many hours they had to devote to the sport made it difficult — if not impossible — to function like regular students.


Williams sisters to meet Montreal — Serena and Venus set up an all-Williams semifinal in the Rogers Cup. The sisters advanced to their 26th career meeting Friday, both rallying to win their quarterfinal matches in the hard-court event. Serena beat Caroline Wozniacki, 4-6, 7-5, 7-5, and Venus topped Carla Suarez Navarro, 4-6, 6-2, 6-3.


CSU athletic director fired Fort Collins, Colo. — Colorado State University president Tony Frank has fired athletic director Jack Graham, saying Friday the two had irreconcilable differences of opinion over the direction of the department.


Fields not going to SFA Nacogdoches, Texas — Devonte Fields won’t play at Stephen F. Austin after all. A day after saying the standout defensive end would be joining the Lumberjacks, the school said Friday that Fields decided not to enroll at SFA because of a suspension from TCU that would also make him ineligible to play this season at the FCS school. Fields was suspended by TCU last month after he surrendered to authorities on a misdemeanor assault warrant.


Phelps second in 100 fly Irvine, Calif. — Tom Shields upset threetime Olympic champion Michael Phelps by one one-hundredth of a second to win the 100-meter butterfly at the U.S. national championships.



Net Cable

PGA Championship 10a.m. TNT PGA Championship 1 p.m. CBS U.S. Women’s Amateur 2 p.m. Golf Meijer LPGA Classic 4 p.m. Golf Auto Racing


45, 245 5, 13, 205,213 156,289 156,289

Net Cable

Sprint Cup, Watkins Glen noon

ESPN 33, 233


Net Cable


Liverpool v. B. Dortmund 6 a.m. NBCSP 38, 238 Arsenal v. Man. City 9 a.m. FS1 150,227 Vancouver v. K.C. 7 p.m. KMCI 15, 215 Seattle v. Houston 9:30p.m. ESPN2 34, 234 Basketball


Net Cable

Kentucky v. Puerto Rico noon

ESPNU 35, 235



Net Cable

Rogers Cup


ESPN2 34, 234

Horse Racing


Net Cable

Adirondack, Saratoga 4 p.m. FS1 Little League Baseball Time


Net Cable

Mid-Atlantic Regional 5 p.m. ESPN2 34, 234 Arena Football


Conference final

7 p.m. ESPN2 34, 234



LATEST LINE NFL Favorite ............. Points (O/U).......... Underdog Preseason Week One DETROIT ............................1 (40)........................ Cleveland NY GIANTS ....................2 1/2 (37).................. Pittsburgh TENNESSEE ......................2 (38)....................... Green Bay ARIZONA ...........................2 (38).......................... Houston MLB Favorite ................... Odds................ Underdog National League PITTSBURGH ................7 1/2-8 1/2.................. San Diego PHILADELPHIA .................. 7-8............................. NY Mets CINCINNATI ..................5 1/2-6 1/2.......................... Miami Washington ....................Even-6........................ ATLANTA LA Dodgers . ...................... 6-7...................... MILWAUKEE ARIZONA ..........................Even-6........................ Colorado American League NY YANKEES ...................Even-6....................... Cleveland Detroit . ............................Even-6....................... TORONTO Texas .............................6 1/2-7 1/2................... HOUSTON OAKLAND ............................11-12....................... Minnesota LA ANGELS .........................9-10.............................. Boston SEATTLE . ............................ 7-8.................. Chi White Sox Interleague Tampa Bay ..................5 1/2-6 1/2......... CHICAGO CUBS BALTIMORE .....................Even-6......................... St. Louis KANSAS CITY ..........Even-6........ San Francisco Home Team in CAPS (c) TRIBUNE CONTENT AGENCY, LLC



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L awrence J ournal -W orld

BRIEFLY KU volleyball 2nd in first Big 12 poll

Kansas soccer moves exhibition Kansas University soccer has moved its scheduled exhibition match against South Dakota State on Aug. 15 from Rock Chalk Park to the Jayhawk Soccer Complex.



in West Virginia, tells he is planning visits to KU, Oregon and Kentucky. Bridges, who is ranked No. 19 in the Class of 2016 by Rivals. com, also is considering Michigan, Michigan State, Missouri, Iowa State, Iowa, Ohio State, Indiana, UNLV, Providence, North Carolina State, Pittsburgh and West Virginia. He’s originally from Flint, Michigan. “I’m just trying to win really. Just trying to win a national championship and make the team better,” Bridges said, referring to his upcoming college career. l Mickelson scores 15 in finale: KU junior forward Hunter Mickelson scored 15 points, grabbed 10 rebounds and dished two assists while playing 26 minutes in USA East Coast’s 90-72 loss to the Helsinki (Finland) Seagulls on Thursday in Finland. The 6-foot-10 Mickelson averaged 8.3 points and 6.3 rebounds for USA East Coast, which went 2-2 on its overseas trip. l Lucas watches Svi: KU sophomore forward Landen Lucas, who is overseas with an Athletes in Action all-star team, tweeted that he watched the Ukrainian national team practice on Friday in Lithuania. “Just got back from watching the new member of the KU ‘fams’ team play out here (No idea how to spell or say his name),” Lucas wrote, referring to Sviatoslav Mykhailiuk.

| 3C

Butler, Royals win fifth straight

The Kansas University volleyball team was voted second in the Big 12 preseason poll, released Friday. The Jayhawks, who finished second in the conference last season, received 53 points and one first-place vote, behind Texas’ 64 (8).

Admire leaves program Weis announced through a press release Friday that junior Dylan Admire would forgo his final two years of eligibility to concentrate on academics. “I fully support Dylan’s decision,” Weis said in the release. “He has been a model student-athlete and we wish him all the best.” Admire, a 6-foot-3, 230-pound former center who moved to tight end last year and played in 16 games the past two seasons, is set to graduate in December and plans to immediately pursue a Admire career in strength and conditioning. “I am very proud of my time with the Kansas football program,” Admire said. “I am thankful for the opportunity I have had to be a part of the team and of the friendships I have gained. I look forward to supporting my teammates in Memorial Stadium this fall. Once a Jayhawk, always a Jayhawk.”

Saturday, August 9, 2014

Ed Zurga/AP Photo

KANSAS CITY ROYALS’ BILLY BUTLER HITS A TWORUN HOME RUN in the first inning against the San Francisco Giants, Friday in Kansas City, Missouri. The Royals won, 4-2.

Kansas City, Mo. (ap) — Billy Butler homered and drove in three runs and right fielder Nori Aoki threw out two runners in the same innings as the Kansas City Royals beat the San Francisco Giants 4-2 Friday night for their fifth straight victory. The Royals, who have not been in the playoffs since winning the 1985 World Series, hold a halfgame lead for the second AL wild card. Butler, who is hitting .423 in the past seven games, homered with two out in the first off Madison Burgarner (13-9). Butler singled home the go-ahead run in the two-run sixth, which was aided by throwing errors on Giants infielders Michael Morse and Matt Duffy. Alex Gordon had an RBI single. The Giants scored twice in the third on Joaquin Arias’ double and Matt Duffy’s single. Aoki prevented a bigger inning, throwing out Hunter Pence at third and Arias at home. The Giants out hit the Royals 12-7, but self-destructed with three errors

and base running blun- BOX SCORE ders. Bumgarner went the Royals 4, Giants 2 San Francisco AB R H BI BB distance, allowing four Pagan cf 5 0 1 0 0 rf 4 0 1 0 0 runs on seven hits, while Pence Posey c 4 0 1 0 0 walking none and striking Sandoval dh 4 1 2 0 0 1b 4 1 2 0 0 out five. His road score- Morse 1-Ishikawa pr-1b 0 0 0 0 0 less streak was snapped Arias 3b 3 0 2 1 0 a-Panik ph-2b 1 0 0 0 0 at 17 innings. M.Duffy 2b-3b 4 0 2 1 0 Jason Frasor (3-1), J.Perez lf 3 0 1 0 0 ph 1 0 0 0 0 the second of five Roy- b-G.Blanco B.Crawford ss 4 0 0 0 0 als pitchers, threw a Totals 37 2 12 2 0 City AB R H BI BB spotless sixth, strik- Kansas Aoki rf 2 0 0 0 0 ing out two. Greg Hol- J.Dyson cf 1 0 0 0 0 2b 4 2 2 0 0 land pitched a flawless Infante S.Perez c 4 1 0 0 0 ninth for his American B.Butler 1b 3 1 2 3 0 lf 3 0 1 1 0 League-leading 33rd save A.Gordon L.Cain cf-rf 3 0 0 0 0 3 0 1 0 0 in 35 opportunities. It Kratz dh 3b 3 0 1 0 0 was Holland’s 100th ca- Moustakas A.Escobar ss 3 0 0 0 0 Totals 29 4 7 4 0 reer save.

Training room Royals: Left-hander Jason Vargas made his second start after a July 9 appendectomy, giving up nine hits and two runs in five innings. On deck Giants: Tim Hudson will be making his 11th career start against the Royals, but his first since 2004 when he was with Oakland. Royals: James Shields, who has a 1.99 ERA in his past six starts, has a 26-12 career record with a 3.15 ERA in August.

SO Avg. 2 .307 1 .291 0 .287 1 .285 0 .276 0 .205 1 .197 1 .258 1 .214 1 .175 0 .238 3 .229 11 SO Avg. 0 .262 0 .271 0 .266 1 .270 0 .279 1 .274 1 .302 1 .205 0 .201 1 .278 5 San Francisco 002 000 000—2 12 3 Kansas City 200 002 00x—4 7 1 a-struck out for Arias in the 8th. b-grounded out for J.Perez in the 9th. 1-ran for Morse in the 8th. E-Morse (4), B.Crawford (17), M.Duffy (1), Infante (6). LOB-San Francisco 8, Kansas City 2. 2B-Arias 2 (4), Infante (15). HR-B.Butler (7), off Bumgarner. RBIs-Arias (9), M.Duffy (2), B.Butler 3 (47), A.Gordon (50). CS-A.Gordon (3). Runners left in scoring position-San Francisco 4 (Morse, Pagan, Posey, M.Duffy); Kansas City 1 (L.Cain). RISP-San Francisco 3 for 10; Kansas City 3 for 5. Runners moved up-Pence. GIDP-M.Duffy, Infante, Moustakas. DP-San Francisco 2 (M.Duffy, B.Crawford, Morse), (Arias, B.Crawford, Morse); Kansas City 1 (Infante, A.Escobar, B.Butler). San Francisco IP H R ER BB SO NP ERA Bumgarner L, 13-9 8 7 4 3 0 5 123 3.22 Kansas City IP H R ER BB SO NP ERA J.Vargas 5 9 2 2 0 5 101 3.68 Frasor W, 3-1 1 0 0 0 0 2 10 2.80 K.Herrera H, 12 1 1 0 0 0 1 14 1.65 W.Davis H, 23 1 2 0 0 0 1 18 0.91 G.Holland S, 33-35 1 0 0 0 0 2 11 1.81 HBP-by Bumgarner (Aoki). Umpires-Home, Kerwin Danley; First, Mark Ripperger; Second, Lance Barksdale; Third, Gary Cederstrom. T-2:59. A-28,307 (37,903).

Chiefs uneven in preseason opener Kansas City, Mo. (ap) — Depending on which part of the Chiefs’ preseason opener Andy Reid chose to watch, he could have come away thrilled about the prospects for the season or deeply depressed. On defense, there were the interceptions that Sean Smith and Malcolm Bronson returned for touchdowns, and the impressive sack made by newcomer Joe Mays. But there was also blown coverage by cornerback Ron Parker, a slew of penalties and several breakdowns on the defensive front. On offense, there was the 69-yard touchdown catch by tight end Travis Kelce and a couple of dazzling runs by second-year back Knile Davis. But there was also a three-and-out and a stripsack of quarterback Alex Smith on the first two series the starters were in the game. “There are a lot of good things and there are some things we need some work on. But we’ll get those corrected,” Reid said. “That’s why we’re doing the preseason here.” Even the special teams were a bit uneven in the Chiefs’ 41-39 victory Thursday night. Rookie playmaker De’Anthony Thomas set Twitter ablaze by catching a punt, spinning off a tackle and racing 80-yards for a touchdown — instant Vine material. But there were also several times that returners brought kicks out of the end zone that resulted in poor field position.

Ed Zurga/AP Photo

KANSAS CITY QUARTERBACK ALEX SMITH (11) LOSES A FUMBLE as he is tackled by Cincinnati defensive end Robert Geathers during a preseason football game, Thursday in Kansas City, Missouri. “This is certainly a teaching tool for everybody, no matter where you are on the depth chart,” Alex Smith said. “You have to be able to execute there.” The Chiefs played most of their starters for about a quarter, though the first-team defense remained on the field for a bit longer. The game offered opportunities to digest some of the more intriguing story lines: n Chase Daniel threw an interception that was returned for a touchdown, but he played well after that as he tries to solidify his backup job. Tyler Bray lost a fumble and Aaron Murray was generally ineffective in the few plays that he got near the end of the game.

2014 City of Lawrence Golf Championship Saturday & Sunday August 16 & 17 36-hole stroke play, 18-holes played each day Divisions for age and gender Regular and Championship flights Entrants must have a USGA handicap established at Eagle Bend, Alvamar Golf Course or Lawrence Country Club to be eligible to participate

Deadline to enter Wednesday, August 13

n Parker’s grasp on the starting cornerback job opposite Marcus Cooper is tenuous. He was beaten by A.J. Green for a long reception in the first quarter, beaten again on a touchdown catch later in the first half and was also whistled for illegal contact. Meanwhile, Sean Smith’s pick return for a touchdown is certain to help his chances for regaining the job. n The performance of the offensive line was sketchy. Former No. 1 overall pick Eric Fisher, moving from right tackle

to left, was beaten on the strip-sack in the first quarter. The second and third teams fared marginally better against the Bengals’ backups, and rookie guard Zach Fulton may have surpassed expectations in his debut after being chosen in the sixth round. n Tight end may become one of the Chiefs’ strengths. Kelce missed his rookie season with a knee injury but proved he was healthy on his streaking touchdown grab. Fellow backup Demetrius Harris, who

played basketball rather than football in college, also hauled in a 30-yard catch later in the game. Anthony Fasano remains entrenched as the starter. “It was fun,” Kelce said, “but at the same time, this is still a practice. I’m itching to get out there for the regular season to show what I got.” n Deeper on the depth chart, several rookies showed some promise. Undrafted wide receiver Albert Wilson helped his cause with a long kickoff return, proving he can help on special teams. First-round pick Dee Ford showed a quick first step in rushing the quarterback, and third-round pick Phillip Gaines broke up a couple of passes in man-to-man coverage. “It’s football,” Ford said. “I was blessed enough to play on a very big stage at Auburn. This is like a college town in itself, it’s just the NFL.” n The Chiefs rested several regulars because of nagging injuries, including Pro Bowl safety Eric Berry (heel), defensive tackle Mike DeVito (broken finger) and wide receivers A.J. Jenkins and Junior Hemingway (hamstrings). It’s unclear whether they’ll be ready when the Chiefs head to Carolina for their second preseason game on Aug. 17.

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Saturday, August 9, 2014



L awrence J ournal -W orld

SCOREBOARD Baseball Tigers rally past Jays MAJOR-LEAGUE ROUNDUP

The Associated Press

American League Tigers 5, Blue Jays 4 Toronto — Nick Castellanos tied the game with a two-run homer in the ninth inning, and Eugenio Suarez followed with a go-ahead shot as Detroit rallied to beat Toronto on Friday night. Detroit Toronto ab r h bi ab r h bi RDavis cf-lf 5 1 2 0 Reyes ss 5 1 1 0 Kinsler 2b 5 0 3 2 MeCarr lf 5 0 1 1 MiCarr 1b 5 0 0 0 Gose lf 0 0 0 0 VMrtnz dh 3 0 0 0 Bautist rf 4 1 2 1 TrHntr rf 4 0 1 0 DNavrr dh 5 0 3 0 JMrtnz lf 4 1 1 0 Valenci 1b 5 0 2 1 Carrer cf 0 0 0 0 ClRsms cf 4 0 1 0 Avila c 3 0 0 0 Kawsk 3b 2 1 2 0 Cstllns 3b 3 1 1 2 StTllsn ph-3b 1 0 0 0 D.Kelly 3b 0 0 0 0 JFrncs ph 0 0 0 0 Suarez ss 3 2 1 1 Thole c 4 0 0 0 Goins 2b 4 1 1 1 Totals 35 5 9 5 Totals 39 4 13 4 Detroit 002 000 003—5 000 000—4 Toronto 130 E-J.Martinez (2), Castellanos (9), Thole (1). DP-Toronto 1. LOB-Detroit 7, Toronto 13. 2B-R.Davis 2 (20), Kinsler (31), J.Martinez (19), Kawasaki (5). HR-Castellanos (8), Suarez (4). SB-J.Martinez (4). S-Kawasaki, Thole. IP H R ER BB SO Detroit An.Sanchez 4 2/3 10 4 4 1 3 B.Hardy 1 2/3 2 0 0 0 1 Alburquerque W,3-1 1 2/3 0 0 0 0 2 Nathan S,24-29 1 1 0 0 2 1 Toronto Dickey 6 5 2 2 4 6 McGowan H,9 1 0 0 0 0 0 Cecil H,18 1 0 0 0 0 1 Janssen L,3-1 BS,3-21 2/3 4 3 3 0 0 Loup 1/3 0 0 0 0 1 Balk-Alburquerque. T-3:19. A-36,237 (49,282).

STANDINGS American League

East Division W L Pct GB Baltimore 66 49 .574 — New York 61 54 .530 5 Toronto 61 56 .521 6 Tampa Bay 56 59 .487 10 Boston 50 64 .439 15½ Central Division W L Pct GB Detroit 63 50 .558 — Kansas City 61 53 .535 2½ Cleveland 57 59 .491 7½ Chicago 55 62 .470 10 Minnesota 51 63 .414 12½ West Division W L Pct GB Oakland 71 44 .617 — Los Angeles 67 47 .588 3½ Seattle 61 54 .530 10 Houston 48 68 .414 23½ Texas 45 70 .391 26 Friday’s Games Kansas City 4, San Francisco 2 Tampa Bay 4, Chicago Cubs 3, 10 innings N.Y. Yankees 10, Cleveland 6 Baltimore 12, St. Louis 2 Detroit 5, Toronto 4 Houston 4, Texas 3 Seattle 4, Chicago White Sox 1 Oakland 6, Minnesota 5 Boston at L.A. Angels, (n) Today’s Games Cleveland (Kluber 12-6) at N.Y. Yankees (McCarthy 4-0), 12:05 p.m. Detroit (Scherzer 13-4) at Toronto (Stroman 7-3), 12:07 p.m. St. Louis (Lackey 1-0) at Baltimore (U.Jimenez 3-8), 3:05 p.m. Tampa Bay (Odorizzi 7-9) at Chicago Cubs (E.Jackson 6-11), 3:05 p.m. San Francisco (Hudson 8-8) at Kansas City (Shields 10-6), 6:10 p.m. Texas (Darvish 10-6) at Houston (Feldman 5-8), 6:10 p.m. Boston (Buchholz 5-7) at L.A. Angels (Richards 12-4), 8:05 p.m. Minnesota (Undecided) at Oakland (Samardzija 2-1), 8:05 p.m. Chicago White Sox (Noesi 6-8) at Seattle (Paxton 2-0), 8:10 p.m.

Yankees 10, Indians 6 New York — Carlos Beltran hit a grand slam and drove in five runs as Athletics 6, Twins 5 New York broke out to Oakland, Calif. — support improbable fillScott Kazmir faced the in starter Esmil Rogers. minimum through six innings. Cleveland New York

ab r h bi ab r h bi Kipnis 2b 4 2 2 0 Gardnr lf 4 1 1 0 Aviles 3b 5 1 1 0 Jeter ss 4 1 1 0 Brantly dh 3 2 1 1 Ellsury cf 2 2 0 0 CSantn 1b 5 0 3 3 Beltran dh 5 2 2 5 DvMrp lf 4 0 2 2 McCnn c 2 1 1 0 Swisher rf 5 0 1 0 Cervelli ph-c 2 1 2 0 ChDckr cf 4 0 0 0 Headly 1b 3 1 0 1 JRmrz ss 3 0 0 0 Drew 2b 5 0 1 1 RPerez c 4 1 2 0 Prado 3b 3 0 1 1 ISuzuki rf 3 1 1 0 Totals 37 6 12 6 Totals 33 10 10 8 Cleveland 100 001 400— 6 New York 500 005 00x—10 E-Kipnis (6), J.Ramirez (2). DP-New York 1. LOBCleveland 9, New York 9. 2B-Kipnis (18), Brantley (31), C.Santana (17), Gardner (17), Cervelli 2 (10). HR-Beltran (14). SB-I.Suzuki 2 (9). S-Jeter. SF-Dav. Murphy. IP H R ER BB SO Cleveland Bauer L,4-7 3 1/3 6 5 5 4 3 Hagadone 1 1/3 0 0 0 0 1 Axford 2/3 1 4 4 3 0 Rzepczynski 1/3 1 1 0 0 0 Shaw 1/3 0 0 0 0 0 Tomlin 1 1/3 2 0 0 0 1 Allen 2/3 0 0 0 0 0 New York Rogers W,2-0 5 4 1 1 1 3 Huff 2/3 3 1 1 0 2 Kelley H,8 1/3 2 4 4 2 0 Warren 1 1/3 1 0 0 1 2 R.Hill 2/3 0 0 0 0 0 Betances 1 2 0 0 0 2 Kelley pitched to 4 batters in the 7th. HBP-by Rzepczynski (Headley), by Bauer (Prado). T-3:53. A-43,972 (49,642).

Minnesota Oakland ab r h bi ab r h bi DaSntn cf 4 1 1 0 Crisp dh 3 1 1 3 Dozier 2b 3 1 0 0 Jaso c 4 0 0 0 Plouffe 3b 4 1 1 1 DNorrs c 0 0 0 0 KVargs dh 4 0 2 0 Dnldsn 3b 2 0 1 0 EEscor pr 0 0 0 0 Moss lf-1b 4 0 0 0 Arcia rf 4 1 1 1 Lowrie ss 4 0 1 0 KSuzuk c 4 0 0 0 Reddck rf 3 1 0 0 Parmel 1b 3 1 1 2 Vogt 1b 2 2 1 0 Wlngh ph 1 0 0 0 JGoms ph-lf 1 0 0 0 Nunez ss 3 0 1 1 Fuld cf 4 1 1 0 JSchafr lf 3 0 0 0 Sogard 2b 3 1 1 2 Totals 33 5 7 5 Totals 30 6 6 5 Minnesota 000 000 500—5 042 00x—6 Oakland 000 E-Parmelee (2), Moss (4). DP-Oakland 1. LOBMinnesota 2, Oakland 6. 2B-Parmelee (8), Nunez (4), Donaldson (19), Sogard (8). 3B-Crisp (2), Lowrie (2). SB-Donaldson (7). IP H R ER BB SO Minnesota Gibson L,10-9 5 5 6 5 5 3 Swarzak 1 1 0 0 1 1 Burton 2/3 0 0 0 0 1 Thielbar 1/3 0 0 0 0 0 Fien 1 0 0 0 0 2 Oakland Kazmir W,13-4 6 2/3 5 5 5 1 4 Cook H,5 1/3 1 0 0 0 1 Gregerson H,18 1 0 0 0 0 0 Doolittle S,18-21 1 1 0 0 0 2 Gibson pitched to 2 batters in the 6th. Swarzak pitched to 1 batter in the 7th. PB-K.Suzuki. T-2:51. A-20,196 (35,067).

National League

Astros 4, Rangers 3 Houston — Robbie Pirates 2, Padres 1 Grossman’s two-run Pittsburgh — Pittshomer put Houston ahead burgh’s Gregory Polanco in the eighth inning. and Josh Harrison had three hits each.

Texas Houston ab r h bi ab r h bi Choo rf 4 1 1 0 Altuve 2b 3 0 0 0 Adduci rf 0 0 0 0 G.Petit 2b 2 0 1 1 Andrus ss 3 0 0 0 JCastro c 4 0 0 0 Arencii dh 4 1 1 2 Carter dh 4 1 1 1 ABeltre 3b 4 0 1 0 Krauss lf 4 0 1 0 Rosales 1b 4 1 2 0 Hoes lf 0 0 0 0 LMartn cf 4 0 1 0 Singltn 1b 4 1 1 0 G.Soto c 3 0 0 0 MDmn 3b 4 0 1 0 Carp ph 1 0 1 1 Grssmn rf 3 1 3 2 Odor 2b 3 0 1 0 Mrsnck cf 3 1 2 0 DnRrts lf 4 0 1 0 MGnzlz ss 3 0 0 0 Totals 34 3 9 3 Totals 34 4 10 4 Texas 200 000 001—3 010 03x—4 Houston 000 E-M.Dominguez (9). DP-Houston 1. LOB-Texas 6, Houston 10. 2B-Rosales (2), G.Petit (1), Krauss (5), Grossman (6). HR-Arencibia (8), Carter (25), Grossman (5). CS-Odor (5). S-Andrus. IP H R ER BB SO Texas Mikolas 5 4 1 1 3 4 Sh.Tolleson H,5 1 2 0 0 0 2 Mendez H,3 1 0 0 0 0 2 Cotts L,2-6 BS,6-6 1 4 3 3 0 2 Houston Oberholtzer 7 6 2 2 1 4 Veras W,2-0 1 0 0 0 0 2 Qualls S,13-16 1 3 1 1 0 0 HBP-by Mikolas (Ma.Gonzalez). WP-Cotts, Oberholtzer. T-3:24. A-24,256 (42,060).

Mariners 4, White Sox 1 Seattle — Mike Zunino hit a three-run homer, Hisashi Iwakuma pitched seven innings, and Seattle beat Chicago for its fourth straight victory. Chicago Seattle ab r h bi ab r h bi Eaton cf 1 0 0 0 AJcksn cf 4 0 2 0 LeGarc cf 3 0 1 0 Ackley lf 3 0 0 0 AlRmrz ss 4 0 0 0 Cano 2b 3 0 1 0 JAreu 1b 4 0 1 0 KMorls dh 3 0 0 1 A.Dunn dh 4 0 0 0 Seager 3b 4 0 0 0 Viciedo rf-lf 4 1 1 1 Denorfi rf 3 1 0 0 Gillaspi 3b 3 0 1 0 Morrsn 1b 4 1 2 0 GBckh 2b 3 0 0 0 Zunino c 4 1 1 3 De Aza lf 2 0 0 0 Taylor ss 4 1 3 0 Sierra ph-rf 1 0 0 0 Nieto c 3 0 2 0 Totals 32 1 6 1 Totals 32 4 9 4 Chicago 000 100 000—1 040 00x—4 Seattle 000 E-Gillaspie (11). DP-Seattle 1. LOB-Chicago 4, Seattle 8. HR-Viciedo (16), Zunino (18). SB-Cano (9). CS-Nieto (1). S-Ackley. SF-K.Morales. IP H R ER BB SO Chicago Quintana L,6-8 5 2/3 7 4 2 2 4 Belisario 1 1/3 2 0 0 0 2 Putnam 1 0 0 0 0 0 Seattle Iwakuma W,10-6 7 5 1 1 0 3 Furbush H,15 2/3 1 0 0 0 2 Medina H,18 1/3 0 0 0 0 1 Rodney S,32-35 1 0 0 0 0 0 T-2:43. A-23,223 (47,476).

San Diego Pittsburgh ab r h bi ab r h bi ECarer ss 4 1 2 0 JHrrsn 3b 3 1 3 0 Solarte 3b 3 0 2 0 GPolnc rf 4 1 3 1 S.Smith rf 2 0 0 1 RMartn c 3 0 1 0 Gyorko 2b 4 0 0 0 I.Davis 1b 3 0 0 1 Alonso 1b 4 0 1 0 SMarte cf 3 0 0 0 Venale cf 2 0 0 0 Snider lf 4 0 1 0 Rivera c 3 0 0 0 Mercer ss 3 0 0 0 Amarst lf 3 0 0 0 Nix 2b 3 0 0 0 Kenndy p 2 0 0 0 Worley p 2 0 0 0 Thayer p 0 0 0 0 PAlvrz ph 1 0 0 0 Medica ph 1 0 0 0 Watson p 0 0 0 0 Boyer p 0 0 0 0 Melncn p 0 0 0 0 Totals 28 1 5 1 Totals 29 2 8 2 San Diego 100 000 000—1 Pittsburgh 200 000 00x—2 E-Rivera (8). DP-San Diego 1, Pittsburgh 2. LOB-San Diego 4, Pittsburgh 7. 2B-E.Cabrera (13), G.Polanco (7). 3B-J.Harrison (6). SB-G.Polanco (10). CS-J.Harrison (4). S-Solarte. SF-S.Smith, I.Davis. IP H R ER BB SO San Diego Kennedy L,8-10 6 7 2 1 3 5 Thayer 1 1 0 0 0 0 Boyer 1 0 0 0 0 1 Pittsburgh Worley W,5-1 7 5 1 1 1 7 Watson H,26 1 0 0 0 0 1 Melancon S,21-24 1 0 0 0 0 3 HBP-by Worley (Venable). T-2:41. A-38,088 (38,362).

Mets 5, Phillies 4 Philadelphia — Bartolo Colon pitched eight innings for his 200th career victory. New York Philadelphia ab r h bi ab r h bi Grndrs rf 4 0 2 1 Revere cf 4 0 2 0 DnMrp 2b 4 0 2 1 Rollins ss 4 0 0 0 DWrght 3b 5 0 2 0 Utley 2b 4 1 3 0 Duda 1b 4 0 0 0 Howard 1b 3 1 0 0 dArnad c 4 2 2 1 Byrd rf 4 2 3 1 Niwnhs lf 4 1 1 0 GSizmr lf 4 0 1 2 Lagars cf 4 1 1 1 Ruiz c 4 0 0 0 Flores ss 4 1 2 1 Asche 3b 4 0 0 1 B.Colon p 4 0 0 0 ABrntt p 2 0 0 0 Evelnd p 0 0 0 0 Bastrd p 0 0 0 0 DBrwn ph 1 0 0 0 Brignc ph 1 0 0 0 Totals 37 5 12 5 Totals 35 4 9 4 New York 000 410 000—5 Philadelphia 000 000 103—4 DP-New York 1, Philadelphia 1. LOB-New York 7, Philadelphia 5. 2B-Granderson (20), Lagares (18), Utley (27), G.Sizemore (7). HR-d’Arnaud (8), Byrd (22). CS-D.Wright (5). IP H R ER BB SO New York B.Colon W,11-9 8 6 1 1 0 6 Eveland 0 1 2 2 1 0 Mejia S,17-19 1 2 1 1 0 1 Philadelphia A.Burnett L,6-12 6 11 5 5 2 8 Bastardo 1 0 0 0 0 1 De Fratus 1 0 0 0 0 1 C.Jimenez 1 1 0 0 0 0 Eveland pitched to 2 batters in the 9th. T-2:51. A-32,307 (43,651).

National League

East Division W L Pct GB Washington 62 52 .544 — Atlanta 59 56 .513 3½ Miami 56 59 .487 6½ New York 55 61 .474 8 Philadelphia 52 64 .448 11 Central Division W L Pct GB Milwaukee 64 52 .552 — Pittsburgh 62 53 .539 1½ St. Louis 61 53 .535 2 Cincinnati 59 57 .509 5 Chicago 49 65 .430 14 West Division W L Pct GB Los Angeles 66 51 .564 — San Francisco 62 54 .534 3½ San Diego 52 62 .456 12½ Arizona 50 66 .431 15½ Colorado 45 70 .391 20 Friday’s Games Kansas City 4, San Francisco 2 Tampa Bay 4, Chicago Cubs 3, 10 innings N.Y. Mets 5, Philadelphia 4 Pittsburgh 2, San Diego 1 Baltimore 12, St. Louis 2 Miami 2, Cincinnati 1 Atlanta 7, Washington 6 Milwaukee 9, L.A. Dodgers 3 Arizona 5, Colorado 3 Today’s Games St. Louis (Lackey 1-0) at Baltimore (U.Jimenez 3-8), 3:05 p.m. Tampa Bay (Odorizzi 7-9) at Chicago Cubs (E.Jackson 6-11), 3:05 p.m. N.Y. Mets (Gee 4-4) at Philadelphia (Hamels 6-6), 6:05 p.m. San Diego (Stults 4-13) at Pittsburgh (Liriano 3-7), 6:05 p.m. L.A. Dodgers (Greinke 12-7) at Milwaukee (Fiers 0-1), 6:10 p.m. Miami (Penny 0-0) at Cincinnati (Simon 12-7), 6:10 p.m. San Francisco (Hudson 8-8) at Kansas City (Shields 10-6), 6:10 p.m. Washington (Roark 11-7) at Atlanta (Harang 9-6), 6:10 p.m. Colorado (J.De La Rosa 11-7) at Arizona (Cahill 1-8), 7:10 p.m.

Marlins 2, Reds 1 Cincinnati — Nathan Eovaldi gave his second straight shutdown performance, holding Cincinnati to five hits over eight shutout innings, and Giancarlo Stanton hit his NL-leading 28th homer. Miami Cincinnati ab r h bi ab r h bi Yelich lf 5 0 0 0 BHmltn cf 3 0 0 0 Vldspn 2b 5 0 1 0 Bruce rf 4 0 1 0 Stanton rf 4 1 1 1 Frazier 3b-1b 4 1 3 0 McGeh 3b 4 1 2 0 Mesorc c 4 0 1 1 GJones 1b 3 0 0 0 B.Pena 1b 1 0 1 0 Ozuna cf 3 0 2 0 RSantg 3b 2 0 0 0 Sltlmch c 2 0 0 1 Schmkr lf 4 0 1 0 Hchvrr ss 3 0 0 0 Negron 2b 3 0 0 0 Eovaldi p 3 0 0 0 Cozart ss 4 0 0 0 Solano ph 1 0 1 0 Leake p 2 0 0 0 Cishek p 0 0 0 0 LeCure p 0 0 0 0 Hannhn ph 1 0 0 0 Hoover p 0 0 0 0 Totals 33 2 7 2 Totals 32 1 7 1 Miami 000 001 100—2 000 001—1 Cincinnati 000 LOB-Miami 10, Cincinnati 7. 2B-McGehee 2 (24), Frazier (19), Mesoraco (18). HR-Stanton (28). CS-B. Hamilton (18). S-R.Santiago. SF-Saltalamacchia. IP H R ER BB SO Miami Eovaldi W,6-6 8 5 0 0 1 6 Cishek S,28-31 1 2 1 1 1 1 Cincinnati Leake L,9-10 7 5 2 2 4 7 LeCure 1 1 0 0 0 1 Hoover 1 1 0 0 0 3 HBP-by Leake (Ozuna). T-2:40. A-31,193 (42,319).

Brewers 9, Dodgers 3 Milwaukee — Rickie Weeks hit a three-run homer, and Gerardo Parra had two hits and two RBIs to lead Milwaukee. Weeks hit a 2-2 pitch from Carlos Frias for his homer in the eighth inning that made it 9-3. Los Angeles Milwaukee ab r h bi ab r h bi DGordn 2b 5 1 1 0 CGomz cf 4 0 0 0 Puig cf 4 1 0 0 GParra lf 4 1 2 2 AdGnzl 1b 3 1 3 2 Braun rf 3 2 1 0 HRmrz ss 0 0 0 0 ArRmr 3b 4 1 2 1 Rojas ss 2 0 0 0 Gennett 2b 1 0 0 1 Ethier ph 1 0 1 1 RWeks ph-2b 1 2 1 3 JWrght p 0 0 0 0 Overay 1b 2 0 0 0 Howell p 0 0 0 0 MrRynl ph-1b 2 1 1 0 League p 0 0 0 0 Maldnd c 3 1 0 1 Frias p 0 0 0 0 EHerrr ss 4 0 0 0 Kemp rf 4 0 1 0 Lohse p 2 0 0 0 Crwfrd lf 4 0 1 0 Wooten p 0 0 0 0 Uribe 3b 3 0 0 0 Duke p 0 0 0 0 Butera c 4 0 0 0 Jeffrss p 0 0 0 0 RHrndz p 2 0 1 0 KDavis ph 1 1 0 0 JuTrnr ph-ss 2 0 1 0 WSmith p 0 0 0 0 Kintzlr p 0 0 0 0 Totals 34 3 9 3 Totals 31 9 7 8 Los Angeles 000 001 200—3 Milwaukee 200 000 43x—9 E-Ju.Turner 2 (7). DP-Milwaukee 2. LOB-Los Angeles 8, Milwaukee 2. 2B-Ad.Gonzalez (29), Kemp (23), Braun (26). HR-Ad.Gonzalez (16), R.Weeks (4). S-Maldonado. SF-Gennett. IP H R ER BB SO Los Angeles R.Hernandez 6 3 2 2 0 5 J.Wright H,3 1/3 0 0 0 0 0 Howell 0 0 1 1 1 0 League L,2-3 BS,1-1 2/3 2 3 0 0 0 Frias 1 2 3 3 1 0 Milwaukee Lohse 6 6 1 1 2 2 Wooten 0 1 1 1 0 0 Duke BS,4-4 1/3 1 1 1 1 0 Jeffress W,1-1 2/3 1 0 0 0 0 W.Smith H,27 1 0 0 0 0 1 Kintzler 1 0 0 0 0 0 Wooten pitched to 1 batter in the 7th. Howell pitched to 1 batter in the 7th. HBP-by Lohse (Uribe). WP-Duke. T-3:05. A-37,434 (41,900).

Interleague Rays 4, Cubs 3, 10 innings Chicago — Kevin Kiermaier, who entered the game in the eighth inning, drove in the game-winning run with a single in the 10th to send Tampa Bay past Chicago. Desmond Jennings went 2 for 5 with a homer and Ben Zobrist went 3 for 5 for Tampa Bay.

PGA Championship

Tampa Bay Chicago ab r h bi ab r h bi DJnngs cf 5 2 2 1 Coghln lf 5 0 1 0 Zobrist rf-lf 5 1 3 0 J.Baez 2b 5 1 1 0 Guyer lf 2 0 0 0 Rizzo 1b 5 0 1 0 Kiermr ph-rf 2 0 1 1 SCastro ss 4 0 1 1 Longori 3b 5 0 0 0 Valuen 3b 3 0 0 0 SRdrgz 1b 3 1 1 0 Grimm p 0 0 0 0 JoPerlt p 0 0 0 0 Strop p 0 0 0 0 Joyce ph 1 0 1 1 Villanv p 0 0 0 0 McGee p 0 0 0 0 Ruggin ph-rf 1 1 1 0 Boxrgr p 1 0 0 0 Alcantr cf 2 1 1 0 YEscor ss 4 0 1 0 Sweeny rf 4 0 1 1 Casali c 4 0 0 1 Lake pr 0 0 0 0 Archer p 2 0 0 0 HRndn p 0 0 0 0 Loney ph-1b 2 0 0 0 JoBakr c 4 0 1 1 Forsyth 2b 4 0 0 0 Wada p 2 0 0 0 Schlittr p 0 0 0 0 Wrght p 0 0 0 0 Valaika 3b 2 0 0 0 Totals 40 4 9 4 Totals 37 3 8 3 Tampa Bay 001 000 110 1—4 Chicago 100 100 001 0—3 E-Longoria (7), Archer (3), Kiermaier (5). LOBTampa Bay 7, Chicago 6. 2B-Zobrist (25), Rizzo (18). 3B-S.Rodriguez (3). HR-De.Jennings (10). CS-Joyce (3), Alcantara (2). S-Alcantara. IP H R ER BB SO Tampa Bay Archer 6 5 2 1 1 6 Jo.Peralta 1 0 0 0 0 1 McGee H,13 1 1 0 0 0 2 Boxberger W,3-1 2 2 1 1 0 3 Chicago Wada 6 4 2 2 1 6 Schlitter BS,4-4 1/3 0 0 0 0 0 W.Wright 1/3 0 0 0 0 0 Grimm 1/3 0 0 0 0 0 Strop 1 2 1 1 0 3 Villanueva 1 0 0 0 0 1 H.Rondon L,3-4 1 3 1 1 0 0 Wada pitched to 1 batter in the 7th. WP-Grimm, Strop. T-3:30. A-34,937 (41,072).

Orioles 12, Cardinals 2 Baltimore — J.J. Hardy hit two of Baltimore’s season-high six home runs, and the Orioles cruised past St. Louis to move a season-high 17 games over .500. St. Louis Baltimore ab r h bi ab r h bi MCrpnt 3b 2 0 0 0 Markks rf 4 1 1 0 Descals ph-ss 2 0 0 0 DYong lf 1 0 0 0 Wong 2b 4 0 0 0 Machd 3b 4 1 2 3 Hollidy dh 4 0 1 0 A.Jones cf 3 2 2 1 MAdms 1b 2 0 1 0 Schoop pr-2b 0 0 0 0 M.Ellis 1b 2 0 0 0 N.Cruz dh 4 0 1 0 JhPerlt ss 2 0 0 0 C.Davis 1b 5 2 1 1 T.Cruz 3b 1 1 0 0 JHardy ss 3 3 2 4 Tavers rf 3 0 0 0 Pearce rf 1 0 0 0 Przyns c 3 1 1 2 Flahrty 2b-ss 4 2 2 2 Jay lf 2 0 0 0 Lough lf-cf 3 0 1 0 SRonsn ph-lf 1 0 0 0 Hundly c 5 1 3 1 Bourjos cf 3 0 1 0 Totals 31 2 4 2 Totals 37 12 15 12 St. Louis 000 000 200— 2 Baltimore 041 313 00x—12 E-Descalso (3). DP-St. Louis 2. LOB-St. Louis 3, Baltimore 10. 2B-Ma.Adams (26), Lough (5). HR-Pierzynski (1), Machado (12), A.Jones (22), C.Davis (20), J.Hardy 2 (6), Flaherty (5). S-Lough. IP H R ER BB SO St. Louis Masterson L,1-1 2 7 5 5 3 2 Greenwood 3 4 4 4 1 1 S.Freeman 1 4 3 3 1 1 Choate 1 0 0 0 0 2 Maness 1 0 0 0 0 0 Baltimore Tillman W,9-5 6 2/3 4 2 2 1 7 Matusz 1 1/3 0 0 0 0 1 Brach 1 0 0 0 0 0 Masterson pitched to 4 batters in the 3rd. HBP-by Masterson (Machado, Flaherty), by S.Freeman (A.Jones). WP-Masterson, Tillman. T-2:57. A-43,743 (45,971).

Braves 7, Nationals 6 Atlanta — Justin Upton and Freddie Freeman hit two of Atlanta’s four homers off Stephen Strasburg, and Atlanta snapped an eight-game losing streak. Washington Atlanta ab r h bi ab r h bi Span cf 4 1 3 0 BUpton cf 4 1 1 2 ACarer 2b 2 1 1 2 LaStell 2b 4 2 2 1 Rendon 3b 4 1 1 3 FFrmn 1b 3 2 1 2 LaRoch 1b 4 0 0 0 J.Upton lf 3 1 1 2 Dsmnd ss 4 0 0 0 Heywrd rf 3 0 1 0 Harper lf-rf 3 0 0 0 Gattis c 4 0 0 0 WRams c 4 1 1 1 Kimrel p 0 0 0 0 SouzJr rf 1 0 0 0 CJhnsn 3b 4 0 0 0 Frndsn lf 3 1 0 0 R.Pena ss 4 0 2 0 Strasrg p 1 0 0 0 ESantn p 2 1 0 0 Hairstn ph 0 1 0 0 Gosseln ph 1 0 1 0 Detwilr p 1 0 0 0 Varvar p 0 0 0 0 Clipprd p 0 0 0 0 JWaldn p 0 0 0 0 Espinos ph 1 0 0 0 Laird ph-c 1 0 0 0 Totals 32 6 6 6 Totals 33 7 9 7 Washington 000 004 200—6 010 00x—7 Atlanta 240 E-Strasburg (3), R.Pena (5), J.Upton (6). DP-Atlanta 1. LOB-Washington 3, Atlanta 5. 2B-Heyward (19). HR-Rendon (15), W.Ramos (5), B.Upton (8), La Stella (1), F.Freeman (16), J.Upton (20). SF-A.Cabrera. IP H R ER BB SO Washington Strasburg L,8-10 5 7 7 7 2 9 Detwiler 2 1 0 0 1 1 Clippard 1 1 0 0 0 2 Atlanta E.Santana W,11-6 6 4 4 4 2 4 Varvaro H,11 2-3 2 2 1 0 1 J.Walden H,15 1 1-3 0 0 0 0 1 Kimbrel S,33-37 1 0 0 0 0 2 HBP-by E.Santana (Hairston). T-2:47 (Rain delay: 1:11). A-32,707 (49,586).

Diamondbacks 5, Rockies 3 Phoenix — David Peralta had two extra-base hits and stole home, Miguel Montero hit a three-run homer, and Arizona beat Colorado. Colorado Arizona ab r h bi ab r h bi Blckmn cf-rf 5 0 0 0 Inciart cf 5 1 2 0 Rutledg ss 3 0 0 0 Pnngtn ss-2b 4 1 0 0 Mornea 1b 4 0 2 0 DPerlt rf 3 2 2 1 Arenad 3b 4 0 0 0 Trumo 1b 3 0 1 0 CGnzlz rf 3 0 0 0 MMntr c 1 1 1 3 Brothrs p 0 0 0 0 Pachec 2b 4 0 0 0 Ottavin p 0 0 0 0 A.Reed p 0 0 0 0 Barnes ph 1 1 1 0 Lamb 3b 4 0 0 0 CDckrs lf 4 1 2 1 AlMart lf 4 0 1 0 McKnr c 4 1 2 1 CAndrs p 1 0 0 0 LeMahi 2b 4 0 1 1 Paul ph 1 0 0 0 Matzek p 2 0 0 0 OPerez p 0 0 0 0 Stubbs ph-cf 2 0 1 0 Ziegler p 0 0 0 0 Gregrs ph-ss 1 0 1 0 Totals 36 3 9 3 Totals 31 5 8 4 Colorado 000 010 002—3 000 20x—5 Arizona 300 E-McKenry (5), Co.Dickerson (3), M.Montero (12). DP-Colorado 1. LOB-Colorado 7, Arizona 9. 2B-Morneau (24), D.Peralta (11). 3B-Barnes (3), D.Peralta (5), Al.Marte (1). HR-McKenry (4), M.Montero (12). SB-D.Peralta (4). IP H R ER BB SO Colorado Matzek L,2-7 5 4 3 3 5 2 Masset 1 0 0 0 0 0 Brothers 1 2 2 2 1 2 Ottavino 1 2 0 0 0 1 Arizona C.Anderson W,7-4 6 4 1 1 1 6 O.Perez H,11 2/3 1 0 0 0 2 E.Marshall H,16 1/3 0 0 0 0 1 Ziegler 1 0 0 0 0 1 A.Reed 1 4 2 2 0 1 T-3:05. A-21,782 (48,633).

Friday At Valhalla Golf Club Louisville, Ky. Purse: $10 million Yardage: 7,458; Par: 71 Second Round Rory McIlroy Jason Day Jim Furyk Ryan Palmer Rickie Fowler Mikko Ilonen Phil Mickelson Bernd Wiesberger Graham DeLaet Steve Stricker Henrik Stenson Joost Luiten Victor Dubuisson Lee Westwood Louis Oosthuizen Nick Watney Bill Haas Vijay Singh Matt Jones Richard Sterne Chris Wood Billy Horschel Kevin Chappell Jamie Donaldson Edoardo Molinari Alexander Levy Cameron Tringale J.B. Holmes Geoff Ogilvy Robert Karlsson Ernie Els Brendon de Jonge Adam Scott Jimmy Walker Brian Harman Charl Schwartzel Rafael Cabrera-Bello Scott Brown Jonas Blixt Fabrizio Zanotti Danny Willett Gonzalo Fdez-Castano Kenny Perry Ryan Moore Hunter Mahan Jerry Kelly Patrick Reed Freddie Jacobson Ian Poulter Brandt Snedeker Kevin Stadler Brendan Steele Shane Lowry Sergio Garcia Bubba Watson Thorbjorn Olesen Luke Donald Francesco Molinari Zach Johnson Daniel Summerhays Jason Bohn Koumei Oda Colin Montgomerie Brooks Koepka Justin Rose Marc Leishman Marc Warren Pat Perez Shawn Stefani Branden Grace Chris Stroud Hideki Matsuyama Brendon Todd Graeme McDowell Failed to make the cut Charley Hoffman Erik Compton Gary Woodland Scott Piercy Martin Kaymer Tommy Fleetwood Tim Clark Padraig Harrington Ryan Helminen Russell Henley Anirban Lahiri Tom Watson Davis Love III Seung-Yul Noh Johan Kok Ben Martin Russell Knox Brian Stuard Matt Every Kevin Streelman Ryo Ishikawa Rory Sabbatini Stuart Deane David Hearn Y.E. Yang Keegan Bradley Chris Kirk Hideto Tanihara Paul Casey Kevin Na Steven Bowditch Roberto Castro Jamie Broce Ross Fisher Harris English Eric Williamson Webb Simpson Chesson Hadley Charles Howell III George Coetzee Stewart Cink Stephen Gallacher Darren Clarke Pablo Larrazabal Jordan Spieth John Daly Tiger Woods Hyung-Sung Kim George McNeill Scott Stallings John Senden Rod Perry Miguel Angel Jimenez Bob Sowards Will MacKenzie Steve Schneiter Thongchai Jaidee Thomas Bjorn Shaun Micheel Michael Block K.J. Choi John Huh Jason Kokrak Brian Norman Rich Beem Rob Corcoran Matteo Manassero Jim McGovern Mark Brooks David McNabb Dave Tentis David Hronek Jerry Smith Frank Esposito Aaron Krueger Dustin Volk Matt Pesta Kiradech Aphibarnrat Ben Crane Boo Weekley Angel Cabrera

66-67—133 69-65—134 66-68—134 65-70—135 69-66—135 67-68—135 69-67—136 68-68—136 69-68—137 69-68—137 66-71—137 68-69—137 69-68—137 65-72—137 70-67—137 69-69—138 71-68—139 71-68—139 68-71—139 70-69—139 66-73—139 71-68—139 65-74—139 69-70—139 66-73—139 69-71—140 69-71—140 68-72—140 69-71—140 71-69—140 70-70—140 70-70—140 71-69—140 69-71—140 71-69—140 72-68—140 69-71—140 71-70—141 71-70—141 71-70—141 68-73—141 71-70—141 72-69—141 73-68—141 70-71—141 67-74—141 70-71—141 72-69—141 68-73—141 73-68—141 71-70—141 71-70—141 68-74—142 70-72—142 70-72—142 71-71—142 70-72—142 71-71—142 70-72—142 70-72—142 71-71—142 74-68—142 70-72—142 71-71—142 70-72—142 71-71—142 71-71—142 71-71—142 68-75—143 73-70—143 70-73—143 71-72—143 70-73—143 73-70—143 70-74—144 71-73—144 72-72—144 73-71—144 70-74—144 73-71—144 70-74—144 73-71—144 73-71—144 69-75—144 72-73—145 72-73—145 72-73—145 68-77—145 78-67—145 74-71—145 75-70—145 71-74—145 73-72—145 69-76—145 72-74—146 75-71—146 75-71—146 74-72—146 75-71—146 74-72—146 74-72—146 74-72—146 74-72—146 74-72—146 74-72—146 73-73—146 74-72—146 73-73—146 74-72—146 74-73—147 73-74—147 74-73—147 73-74—147 73-74—147 72-75—147 70-77—147 79-69—148 79-69—148 71-77—148 76-72—148 74-74—148 73-75—148 73-75—148 71-78—149 75-74—149 74-75—149 72-77—149 75-75—150 76-74—150 72-78—150 71-79—150 75-75—150 72-79—151 77-74—151 72-79—151 78-73—151 78-73—151 78-74—152 74-79—153 76-77—153 80-77—157 83-74—157 78-79—157 77-80—157 79-79—158 81-77—158 80-78—158 83-78—161 84-77—161 81-82—163 79-89—168 72—WD 74—WD 80—WD 82—WD

LPGA Meijer Classic

Friday At Blythefield Country Club Belmont, Michigan Purse: $1.5 million Yardage: 6,414; Par: 71 Second Round a-denotes amateur Inbee Park 66-66—132 Suzann Pettersen 69-64—133 Mirim Lee 70-64—134 Amy Yang 68-67—135 Haru Nomura 70-67—137 Lydia Ko 69-68—137 Line Vedel 68-69—137 Katherine Kirk 67-70—137 Sandra Gal 65-72—137 Giulia Molinaro 71-67—138 Shanshan Feng 69-69—138 Azahara Munoz 68-70—138 Gerina Piller 68-70—138 Katie M. Burnett 71-68—139 Laura Davies 71-68—139 Alejandra Llaneza 70-69—139 Beatriz Recari 70-69—139 Kris Tamulis 70-69—139 Paula Creamer 69-70—139

Sydnee Michaels Ayako Uehara Tiffany Joh Lee-Anne Pace Brianna Do Chie Arimura Jimin Kang Xi Yu Lin Jane Park Karrie Webb Rebecca Lee-Bentham Hee Young Park Jaye Marie Green Katy Harris Ilhee Lee Paula A Hurtado Nicole Jeray Kristy McPherson Brooke Pancake Stacy Lewis Catriona Matthew Belen Mozo Alena Sharp Jodi Ewart Shadoff Karine Icher

69-70—139 72-68—140 70-70—140 70-70—140 69-71—140 72-69—141 71-70—141 71-70—141 71-70—141 71-70—141 70-71—141 70-71—141 69-72—141 68-73—141 68-73—141 74-68—142 72-70—142 72-70—142 72-70—142 70-72—142 70-72—142 70-72—142 70-72—142 69-73—142 69-73—142


Thursday’s Games N.Y. Jets 13, Indianapolis 10 Washington 23, New England 6 Baltimore 23, San Francisco 3 Kansas City 41, Cincinnati 39 Denver 21, Seattle 16 San Diego 27, Dallas 7 Friday’s Games Atlanta 16, Miami 10 Buffalo 20, Carolina 18 Jacksonville 16, Tampa Bay 10 Chicago 34, Philadelphia 28 Minnesota 10, Oakland 6 New Orleans 26, St. Louis 24 Today’s Games Cleveland at Detroit, 6:30 p.m. Pittsburgh at N.Y. Giants, 6:30 p.m. Green Bay at Tennessee, 7 p.m. Houston at Arizona, 7:30 p.m.


Friday’s Games Washington 74, Indiana 61 New York 71, Connecticut 66 Tulsa 79, San Antonio 62 Los Angeles 80, Atlanta 77, OT Today’s Game Minnesota at Phoenix, 9 p.m.


Friday’s Games Los Angeles 2, San Jose 2, tie Today’s Games Montreal at Philadelphia, 6 p.m. Toronto FC at Columbus, 6:30 p.m. Colorado at FC Dallas, 8 p.m. D.C. United at Real Salt Lake, 9 p.m. Chivas USA at Portland, 9:30 p.m.

WTA Coupe Rogers

A U.S. Open Series event Friday At Uniprix Stadium Montreal Purse: $2.44 million (Premier) Surface: Hard-Outdoor Singles Quarterfinals Serena Williams (1), United States, def. Caroline Wozniacki (11), Denmark, 4-6, 7-5, 7-5. Venus Williams, United States, def. Carla Suarez Navarro (14), Spain, 4-6, 6-2, 6-3. Ekaterina Makarova, Russia, def. Coco Vandeweghe, United States, 6-1, 4-6, 6-1. Agnieszka Radwanska (3), Poland, def. Victoria Azarenka (8), Belarus, 6-2, 6-2.

Rogers Cup

A U.S. Open Series event Friday At Rexall Centre Toronto Purse: $3.147 million (Masters 1000) Surface: Hard-Outdoor Singles Quarterfinals Jo-Wilfried Tsonga (13), France, def. Andy Murray (8), Britain, 7-6 (5), 4-6, 6-4. Grigor Dimitrov (7), Bulgaria, def. Kevin Anderson, South Africa, 5-7, 7-5, 7-6 (6). Feliciano Lopez, Spain, def. Milos Raonic (6), Canada, 6-4, 6-7 (5), 6-3. Roger Federer (2), Switzerland, def. David Ferrer (5), Spain, 6-3, 4-6, 6-3.

BASEBALL American League NEW YORK YANKEES — Designated RHP Matt Daley for assignment. Recalled RHP Bryan Mitchell from Scranton/Wilkes-Barre (IL). TEXAS RANGERS — Activated C Geovany Soto from the 15-day DL. Designated RHP Jerome Williams for assignment. National League ARIZONA DIAMONDBACKS — Selected the contracts of LHP Andrew Chafin and OF Xavier Paul from Reno (CL). Optioned INF Nick Ahmed and OF Roger Kieschnick to Reno. CHICAGO CUBS — Acquired RHP Jacob Turner from Miami for RHP Jose Arias and RHP Tyler Bremer. Designated OF Ryan Kalish for assignment. MIAMI MARLINS — Recalled INF Ed Lucas, RHP Anthony DeSclafani and LHP Edgar Olmos from New Orleans (PCL). Optioned LHP Brian Flynn and INF Kike Hernandez to New Orleans. PITTSBURGH PIRATES — Reinstated 3B Pedro Alvarez from the bereavement list. Designated RHP Ernesto Frieri for assignment. SAN FRANCISCO GIANTS — Placed 1B Brandon Belt on the seven-day concussion list. Recalled INF Matt Duffy from Fresno (PCL). ST. LOUIS CARDINALS — Placed RHP Jason Motte on the 15-day DL, retroactive to Aug. 1. Recalled LHP Nick Greenwood from Memphis (PCL). BASKETBALL National Basketball Association PHOENIX SUNS — Signed F T.J. Warren and G Tyler Ennis. WASHINGTON WIZARDS — Named Roy Rogers assistant coach. FOOTBALL National Football League NFL — Suspended New York Giants OL Eric Herman and Miami S Reshad Jones for the first four regular-season games for violating the NFL policy on performance-enhancing substances. CINCINNATI BENGALS — Waived DT Zach Minter, WR Conner Vernon and WR Jeremy Johnson. COLLEGE CARTHAGE — Named Phill Wiltshire men’s and women’s assistant track and field coach. COLORADO STATE — Fired athletic director Jack Graham. Named John Morris interim athletic director. GEORGE MASON — Named Jessica Morgan women’s lacrosse coach. INDIANA — Announced sophomore DE David Kenney has left the football team. NEBRASKA — Suspended sophomore DB LeRoy Alexander from competition for the 2014 football season.

L awrence J ournal -W orld

Saturday, August 9, 2014

Religious Directory


St Luke African Methodist Episcopal 900 New York Street 785-841-0847 Rev. Verdell Taylor, Jr. Sun. 11:00am, Sun. School 10:00am Bible Study Wed. 12:30pm


Calvary Temple Assembly of God 606 W. 29th Terrace 785-832-2817 Pastor Don Goatlay Sunday Service 10:30 am & 6:30 pm Wed Service 6:30 pm

Eudora Assembly Of God 827 Elm Street 785-542-2182 Pastor Glenn Weld Sunday Worship 10:30 am Sunday Evening 7:00 pm

Lawrence Assembly of God 3200 Clinton Pkwy 785-843-7189 Pastor Rick Burwick Sunday 10:00am

New Life Assembly Of God Church 5th & Baker Baldwin City (785) 594-3045 Mark L. Halford Sun. 11:00am 6pm Wed. Family Night 6pm

Williamstown Assembly of God 1225 Oak St. 785-597-5228 Pastor Rick Burcham Sunday Worship 10:30 a.m.


First Regular Missionary Baptist Church 1646 Vermont St • 843-5811 Pastor Arsenial Runion Sunday School 9:30 am Wednesday 7:00 pm Prayer Service and Bible Study

Fellowship Baptist Church 710 Locust Street 785-331-2299 Sunday School 9:45 am Worship 11:00am & 6:30pm Wednesday Prayer 7:00pm

Lawrence Baptist Temple 3201 W 31st Street Rev. Gary L. Myers Pastor Sun. School & Worship 10:00am Sun. Evening Worship 6:00pm Wed. Evening 7:30pm

Lighthouse Baptist Church 700 Chapel Street 785-594-4101 Pastor Richard Austin Sunday Worship 10:30am

Ninth Street Missionary Baptist Church 901 Tennessee St (785) 843-6472 Pastor Delmar A. White Sun. School 9:30am * Worship 10:45am


First American Baptist Church 1330 Kasold Dr. * 785-843-0020 Rev. Matthew Sturtevant Rev. Meredith Holladay Assoc. Pastor. Sunday Worship 10:30 a.m. Sunday School at 9:30 a.m.

BAPTIST - INDEPENDENT Heritage Baptist Church


Community Bible Church


Lawrence Bible Chapel

1470 N 1000 Rd 785-843-3940 Bob Giffin, Senior Pastor Celebration & Praise Service 10:15am

906 N 1464 Rd Pastor Shaun LePage Worship 10:30am

505 Monterey Way 785-841-2607 John Scollon 785-841-5271 Lord’s Supper Sunday 9am Sun. School 10:10am Bible Hour 11:00am Supper: 6:15 PM; Prayer meeting 7pm


Kansas Zen Center

1423 New York St. Guiding Teacher Judy Roitman Sunday 9:30 - 11:30am Orientation for beginners 9am

Corpus Christi Catholic Church 6001 Bob Billings Pkwy (785) 843-6286 Fr. Michael Mulvany Sat. 4:00pm * Sun. 8:30 & 10:00am

Holy Family Catholic Church 311 E 9th Street, Eudora 785-542-2788 Fr. Pat Riley Service Sat. 5:00pm Sun. 9:30am

St. John Evangelist Catholic Church 1229 Vermont ST 785.843.0109 Weekend Mass: Sat 4:30pm Sun. 7am, 8:30am, 10:30am, 5pm


Lawrence Heights Christian Church 2321 Peterson Road 785-843-1729 Pastor Steve Koberlein Sunday Worship 8:45 & 10:30am

Morning Star Christian Church 998 N 1771 Rd 785-749-0023 Pastor John McDermott Worship 9:00am & 11:00am

North Lawrence Christian Church 7th and Elm Rod Hinkle, Minister Bible School 10:00am Worship 10:55 am

CHURCH OF THE BRETHREN Lone Star Church of the Brethren 883 E 800 Rd. Lawrence Jane Flora-Swick, Pastor Adult Bible Study 9:30am Worship 10:30am * Sun. School 10:45am

CHRISTIAN CHURCH DISCIPLES OF CHRIST First Christian Church 1000 Kentucky Street 785-843-0679 Pastor David Rivers Sunday 9:00am &11:00am

First Southern Baptist Church 4300 W. 6th Street (785) 843-8167 Pastor Joe Stiles Worship Service 8:30 & 11:00am

1900 University Drive 785-843-8427 Pastor Nancy Zahniser Sunday Worship 10:00 am Sunday Classtime 9:00 am


201 N. Michigan St. 785-838-9795 Elders Tom Griffin & Calvin Spencer Sunday 10am & 6pm, Wed. 7 pm

Southside Church of Christ

Bridgepointe Community Church 601 W 29th Terrace Lawrence (785) 843-9565 Pastor Dennis Carnahan Sunday 10:45 am

CHURCH OF GOD IN CHRIST Calvary Church Of God In Christ

646 Alabama Street * 749-0951 Rev. William A Dulin Sun. School 10:30am Worship 12:15pm Tue. 7:00pm Prayer & Bible Study Thur. 7:00pm Worship & Pastoral Teaching

Praise Temple Church of God in Christ 315 E. 7th St. * 749-0985 Pastor Paul Winn Jr. SS 10:00 am * Worship 11:15 am Wed. & Fri. Bible Teaching 7:00 pm call early for ride to church

Victory Bible Church


1942 Massachusetts St (785) 841-3437 Pastor Leo Barbee Sunday Worship 10:30 a.m.

1629 West 19th Street Vern Schindler Sundays 11:00a.m. Visitors Welcome Ages 18-30 Students & Non Students

Lawrence University Congregation

950 E. 21st Street 785 832 9200 Pastor Jami Moss Sun School 10am *Worship 11am Thurs Bible Study 7pm


Big Springs United Methodist Church 96 Highway 40 * 785-887-6823 Myunghoon Han Pastor Traditional Sun. 10:15am Contemporary call for information

Centenary United Methodist Church 245 North Elm Street 785-843-1756 Pastor Daniel Norwood Sunday Worship 11:00

Central United Methodist Church

St. Margaret’s Episcopal Church

1501 Massachusetts St 785-843-7066 Pastor Jay B. Henderson Sun. School 9:30am * Worship 10:45am

Clearfield United Methodist Church

Trinity Episcopal Church

1011 Vermont St (785) 843-6166 The Reverend Rob Baldwin, Rector 8am; 10:30am; 6:00pm Solemn High Mass


297 E. 2200 Rd. Eudora 785-883-2130 Rev. Lane Bailey Worship 9:00am

Eudora United Methodist Church 2084 N 1300th Rd 785-542-3200 * Rev. Lyle Seger Sunday School 9:30am Worship 8:30am & 10:30 am

First United Methodist Church

704 8th Street; Baldwin Rev. Paul Badcock Sunday School each Sunday 9:30am Traditional Worship 8:30am Contemporary Worship 10:45am Combined Worship 10:45 last Sunday month

1100 Kasold Drive 785-842-7600 Jeff Barclay Pastor Sun. Worship 9:30 & 10:30 am


First United Methodist Church

Islamic Center Of Lawrence 1917 Naismith Drive (785) 749-1638 Najabat Abbasi Director Friday 1:30 pm

JEHOVAH’S WITNESSES Southern Hills Congregation

1802 E 19th St * 843-8765 Sun. 1:30pm Public Talk & Watchtower Study Thur. 7:30pm, TMS, & Service Meeting

River Heights Congregation

1802 E 19th St * 843-8765 Sun. 10:00am Public Talk & Watchtower Study Tues. 7:30, TMS, & Service Mtg


Chabad Center for Jewish Life 1203 West 19th St. Lawrence 785-832-TORA (8672) “Your Source for Anything Jewish!”

Downtown 946 Vermont St. Rev. Dr. Tom Brady Pastor Traditional 10:30am Contemporary 9:30am West Campus 867 Highway 40 Contemporary 9:00 & 11:00 am

Ives Chapel United Methodist 1018 Miami St Baldwin City (785) 594-6555 Rev. Kate Carpenter Sunday Worship 11:00am Church School 9:45am

Lecompton United Methodist Church 402 Elmore Street, Lecompton 785-887-6327 Pastor Hyun-Jin Cho Sunday 8:30 & 10:45am

Stull United Methodist Church

Lawrence Jewish Community Congregation 917- Highland Drive 785-841-7636 Rabbi Moti Rieber Worship Friday 7:00pm Religious School Sunday 9:30am

1596 E 250 Rd. Lecompton (785) 887-6521 Pastor Wayne Castle Worship 11:00am

Vinland United Methodist Church 1724 North 692 Rood 785-594-3256 Pastor Shirley Edgerton Sunday School 9:30 am Sunday Worship 10:30 am

K U Hillel House

722 New Hampshire Street (785) 749-5397 Rabbi”s Neal Schuster

Worden United Methodist Church



525 W 20th Street 785-542-2734 Pastor Jeff Ingle Sun. School 9:00am * Worship 10:15am

University Community Of Christ

5700 W. 6th St. 785-865-5777 Father Matt Zimmermann 8am & 10am Holy Eucharist


Eudora Baptist Church

711 W. 23rd in the Malls Shopping Center 785-843-7535 Pastor Marilyn Myers Sunday Worship 10:00 am


1781 E 800th Rd (785) 887-2200 Dr. Scott Hanks Sunday Worship 10:30am

802 West 22nd Terrace (785) 843-0442 Pastor Gary O’Flannagan Sun. School 9:30am * Worship 10:45am

Lawrence Community of Christ

740 N 6th Street Baldwin City (785) 594-3700 Fr. Brandon Farrar Sunday 10:30am & 6:00pm

Annunciation Catholic Church

Corner of 25th & Missouri 785-843-0770 Chris Newton, Minister Sun. Bible School 9:15 a.m. Sun. Worship 10:20 a.m. & 5:00 p.m. Wed. Bible Study 7:00 p.m.

Cornerstone Southern Baptist Church



Contact: or 1-800-293-4709

Lawrence Indian Methodist Church Lawren

Lawrence First Church of the Nazarene

Good Shepherd Lutheran Church 2211 Inverness Dr. 785-843-3014 Pastor Ted Mosher Worship 10:30am

294 East 900th Rd. Baldwin City 785-594-7598 Pastor Changsu Kim Worship 8:15 & 10:30


Lawrence Life Fellowship

West Side Presbyterian Church

Morning Star Church

1024 Kasold Drive (785) 843-1504 Rev. Bill Woodard Worship 9:55 am * Sun. School 10:15

911 Massachusetts Basement below Kinkos 785-838-9093 Gabriel Alvarado Worship 10:30 a.m. AWANA, Wednesday, 6:00 998 N 1771 Rd 785-749-0023 Pastor John McDermott Worship 9:00am & 11:00am

Immanuel Lutheran Church

2104 Bob Billings Pkwy (785) 843-0620 Pastor Randy Weinkauf Wors. with Holy Communion 8:30 & 11:00am Sun. School & Christian Ed 9:45am Nursery Available & Wheelchair Accessible Ministry to Blind Outreach 3 Thur. 5:30pm

Redeemer Lutheran Church 2700 Lawrence Ave 785-843-8181 * Sunday School 9:00am Sunday Worship 10:00am Wed. Evening Worship 7:00pm

2355 N 1100th Rd 2 Mi. South. 11/2 Mi. East Eudora Rev. Darin Kearns Pastor Sunday School 9:30 am Sunday Worship 10:30 am

New Hope Fellowship

1146 Oregon Street Loring Henderson, Clerk 785-764-2095 Meeting for worship, 10:00am Sunday

1449 Kasold Dr. Lawrence 785-331-HOPE (4673) Darrell Brazell Pastor 10:15 am Sundays

615 Lincoln St 785-841-8614 Pastor Joanna Harader Service 10:30 am

946 New Hampshire St. 785-843-4188 Lts. Matt & Marisa McCluer Sun. School 9:30am, Worship 10:45am

United Light Church

3001 Lawrence Ave 785-842-2343 Pastor Bill Bump Blended 9:00 * Contemporary 10:35am

P.O. Box 1051

1263 N 1100 Rd (785) 842-3339 Rev. Jill Jarvis 9:30 Program & RE; 11:00 Service

1515 West Main Street Lawrence, KS 66044 785-393-3539


Velocity Church

fresh. modern. relevant. 940 New Hampshire, Lawrence, KS Meeting at Lawrence Arts Center Sundays @ 9:30 am & 11:00 am

925 Vermont Street 785-843-3220 Rev. Dr. Peter Luckey Sun. Worship 9:30 & 11:00am


St John’s United Church-Christ

Plymouth Congregational Church, UCC

Saint Nicholas Orthodox Church 1204 Oread Avenue ( 2nd floor) 785-218-7663 Rev. Dr. Joshua Lollar Sunday Divine Liturgy 9:30am


Christ Covenant Church

2312 Harvard Road; Lawrence (785) 766-7796 John McFarland Sun. Worship 10:45; Classes at 9:30


Christ Covenant Church 2312 Harvard Road; Lawrence (785) 766-7796 John McFarland Sun. Worship 10:45; Classes at 9:30

Clinton Presbyterian Church 588 N 1200 Rd Pastor Patrick Yancey Worship Sunday 11:00am

396 E 900th Rd. Baldwin City (785) 594-3478 Rev. Lew Hinshaw Sunday School 10:00am Worship 11:00am St Paul United Church-Christ 738 Church St. Eudora 785-542-2785 Rev. Shannah McAleer Sunday Worship 10:00am


Unity Church of Lawrence 900 Madeline Lane 785-841-1447 Sunday Meditation Service 9:30am Sunday Worship 11:00am Sunday Child/Nursery Care Available Wednesday Meditation 7:00pm Moment of Inspiration 785-843-8832


Lawrence Wesleyan Church

First Presbyterian Church

3705 Clinton Parkway 785-841-5446 Pastor Nate Rovenstine Worship 9:00, 10:00 & 11:15 am

2415 Clinton Parkway 785-843-4171 Rev. Kent Winters-Hazelton Sun. Worship 10:00 am


3200 Haskell St. Lawrence, KS 66046 785-393-6791 Sundays at 10:00 am

Photo Credit


hat does God’s House mean to you? Yes, you go there each week to worship, but that special place has individual meaning to each worshipper. It’s a place for peace and reflection, a place to gain strength and patience, a place for fellowship, a place for praise and joy through music and song. Most of all, it is a place for hope. In Exodus 25.8, God said, “Let them make me a sanctuary; that I may dwell among them.” Whatever your need, God is there. Won’t you meet Him this week?

Lawrence Christian Center

416 Lincoln Street 785-842-4926 Pastor Dan Nicholson Sun. Worship 10:00am * Wed. 7:00pm

Ephesians 4.17-32

Ephesians 5.1-20

Weekly Scripture Reading Ephesians Philippians Philippians Philippians Philippians 6.10-24 1.1-30 2.1-30 3.1-21 4.1-23 Scriptures Selected by the American Bible Society

©2014, Keister-Williams Newspaper Services, P.O. Box 8187, Charlottesville, VA 22906,

Crown Automotive

Action Plumbing PLUMBING, APPLIANCE HEATING & AIR Lawrence: 843-9559

Unitarian Fellowship of Lawrence

Eagle Rock Church

409 East 12th Street Lawrence 785-856-4936 Worship 10:30 am Wed. Bible Study 7:00 pm Come as you are all welcome.

Lawrence Free Methodist Church


The Salvation Army

878 Locust St Lawrence 913-205-8304 Pastor, John Hart Sun. School 9am, Fellowship 10am, Worship 10:30am

Judaha Worship Center Church


Oread Friends Meeting

Country Community Church

1601 New Hampshire Ron Channell Worship 10:30 am Sunday School 9:15 am

Peace Mennonite Church

Hesper Friends Church

Meeting Sundays at Arterra Event Gallery 2161 Quail Creek Drive (Behind HyVee at Kasold and Clinton Parkway) Celebration of Grace 10:30 a.m. Adult and Children Sunday School 9:30 a.m. Pastor Paul Gray 785.766.3624

1103 Main St. Eudora KS 66025 785-312-4263 Sunday 10:30 a.m. Wednesdays 6:30 p.m.

Family Church Of Lawrence



New Life In Christ Church

Christ International Church


Grace Evangelical Presbyterian Church 3312 Calvin Drive 785-843-2005 Pastor William D. Vogler Worship 8:15am & 10:45am

700 Wakarusa Drive 785-841-5685 Wed. Youth Service 7:00pm Sun. Morning Service 10:00am

P.O. Box 550 Lawrence KS 66044 785-749-2100

1245 New Hampshire St. 785-843-4150 Rev. Dr. Mark Rich, Interim Pastor Sun. 8:30 & 11:00am; Wed. 6:30pm


Mustard Seed Church

Called to Greatness Ministries

Trinity Lutheran Church

| 5C

- 843-5670

740 Iowa St


3400 S. Iowa | 843-7700

930 E. 27th St.


Dale & Ron’s Auto Service GRACE HOSPICE

630 Connecticut


Great Harvest Bread Co.

India Palace Authentic Indian Cuisine 129 E. 10th, Lawrence

807 Vermont Downtown Lawrence



Marks Jewelers. 817 Mass. 843-4266

15% OFF

711 Main, Eudora 542-2000

Community Mercantile 901 Iowa


when you bring us your bulletin! OPEN 24 hours

open daily

609 Massachusetts (785) 843-8593

Kastl Plumbing Inc. 841-2112


1115 Massachusetts

1420 Wakarusa Suite 202 Lawrence, KS 66049. • 785-841-5310

King Buffet

Longhorn Steakhouse

W. 23rd St.

Absolutely The Best Steak In Lawrence


3050 South Iowa



Communications Inc.

Carpet Cleaning

Connect Now, Operators Standing By.


Wempe Bros. Construction Co.


(785) 843-5111


Call about

our current specials

Westside 66 & Car Wash 2815 West 6th




Saturday, August 9, 2014









ChrIs CAssAtt & GArY BrOOKINs








hAGAr thE hOrrIBLE






stEPhAN PAstIs







Off thE MArK






L awrence J ournal -W orld





Saturday, August 9, 2014






demeanor. I think it’s because I’ve seen about every real estate issue there is. From experience, I can tell you most times a level-head and a calming demeanor are just what’s needed in a real estate transaction. 3) I Listen. What is important to you? What is it you’re looking for? What is your motivation to do this now? What do you want versus what do you need? Then I formulate a plan, act intentional and purposeful, and meet your goal to get you to your next home.

Carl Cline


Office: 785-856-2530 Cell: 785-218-1340


here did you grow up? Out west in Victoria is where I spent my formative years. Then we moved to the “big city” of Russell where I went to high school. What area do you live in now? What do you like most about it? We live just west of KU at the end of a lazy, dead-end, cul-de-sac. Simply love the lack of traffic and you couldn’t ask for better neighbors or a better neighborhood. What do you enjoy doing when you’re not working? My wife would say, what is this “not working” you speak of? I try to spend as much time as I can with our grandkids, our family and throw in some occasional hunting and fishing. How long have you worked in Real Estate? About 14 years. What did you do before that? I took early retirement from a large corporation then entered into the private business sector. What is your specialty? Residential real estate for buyers, sellers and investors. I’ve also got quite a bit of experience with employer transfers and corporate relocation services. What designations do you have and what does that mean for the people you work with? I have my CRS designation - Certified Residential Specialist. In addition, I have my Kansas Real Estate Broker License. Currently, I’m the Managing Broker for our Lawrence Keller Williams Diamond Partners office. What that means is I have taken additional

What is one tip you have for someone looking to buy or sell a home? Definitely engage a Realtor© to work for you through the transaction.

training, education, and licensing so I may be a better informed and experienced agent for my client.

What do you see in the future for real estate sales/prices? Lawrence is a fertile real estate community. I believe sales will continue to outpace previous years with modest gains. I don’t expect phenomenal growth but steady paced growth. Prices will continue to rise moderately as well. Real estate is still one of the best investments you can make – especially in Lawrence, KS.

What is the most challenging/gratifying aspect of what you do? The most challenging aspect of this career is balancing family and work life. I work when the client doesn’t. So in addition to days, there are a lot of evenings and/or weekends. Technology now has us virtually tethered to our phones 24/7. I’m expecting a microchip implant any day now. By far, the most gratifying aspect of this career, are the countless relationships and friendships made along the way.

Why should someone choose you as their real estate agent? Buying or selling a home is one of the most important financial decisions you will ever make. This is not a responsibility I take lightly; it is a responsibility I cherish. Your transaction should be handled with utmost care, professionalism and diligence. It is my pleasure to handle your transaction with the highest degree of integrity to insure your interests are respected, protected, and represented fairly, honestly, and professionally. This is not a responsibility I take lightly; it is a responsibility I cherish. I look forward to working with you.

What is the most unusual thing you’ve encountered while working in Real Estate? We lived in Scottsdale, AZ which is where I started selling real estate. I went to show a home and found it infested with scorpions. Not just one or two, I’m talking hundreds. Needless to say we did not leave our shoes at the front door and that was the fastest showing I’ve ever had. What is the most unique property you’ve listed or sold? I listed a section of farm ground with a mile of river running through it. It had timber along the river’s edge, a couple of nice home site and was just overrun with a hearty variety of wildlife. I’d say it was a hunter’s dream. Best thing is I still get to hunt that ground. What are the top 3 things that separate you from your competition? 1) Dedicated, full-time Realtor©. This is all I do day in day out, everyday. I am a professional Realtor©, and as such, I keep current on the market, real estate trends, and related issues that have an effect on my business. 2) Gray hair. Believe me I’ve earned every one. I’ve been in this business a long time and have quite a bit of experience and knowledge to put to work for you. As a result, I’ve been told I have a level-head and calming Office: 785-843-8566 Toll free: 1-800-684-6227

Sat & Sun 2:00 - 4:00 pm

Meadowlark Estates, Luxury Apartments for Mature Adults is featuring two dazzling 2BR 1st floor apartments w/ patios. Ask about our Open House Move-In Special!

Stop by to see one of two luxury 2BR, 1st floor apartmemts. Units feature direct exterior access, patios & an abundance of windows. Don’t forget to ask about our Open House Move-in Special!

A caring community awaits you. Call 785.842.2400 for more info!

A caring community awaits you. Call 785.842.2400 for more info!

Open House

Open House

FIRST TIME OPEN! Enjoy the charm and character of this vintage home with modern kitchen & master BR/BA suite. Located near downtown. Stop by Sunday or call Mark @ 979-4663 to view!

1045 E. 23rd St., Lawrence, KS 66046 Custom Built Home for Sale! $550,000

OPEN SAT 1:003:00

OPEN SAT 11:0012:30


Shown By Appointment 3, 456 Sq. Ft. 4Bd/3Ba on 5 acres 2 miles south of Lawrence. Sets on Shepherds Hill overlooking KU, Lawrence & the Wakarusa Valley.

Classic Charmer!!!! First time open! Very Don Schmidt well maintained! A real family home. 766-6268 Large home on beautiful fenced lot with large mature trees. Formal living room, cozy family room with fireplace, W 28th Ct dining room, spacious kitchen, W 29th Ct screened porch. Cul-de-sac location. $199,900

Beautiful Ranch in super location. 3 Don Schmidt bedroom, 2 bath, 3 car garage, Easy I-70 766-6268 commute. 3 car garage, sprinkler system, Open floor plan, upgrades throughout, VERY vaulted ceilings, snazzy new hardwoods, fenced backyard MLS# 134489 Peterson Rd. $192,000

Ramzi Zoughaib 785-331-5963 4918 Stoneback Pl Very well kept 3 bedroom, 2 bath, ramzi0415@ main level master. Nice sized family room w/fireplace, sky lights, large dining area right off the kitchen. Great patio for entertaining & Clinton Pkwy Stoneba backs up to open green space. MLS# 134440 Stoneback Dr $134,900




Jennifer Courtney 785-691-9783 2532 Moundview Dr jenniferClassic well maintained 3 bedroom ranch home on courtney@ wonderful corner lot. Convenient one level living with additional living space provided in family room with wood floors. Enjoy the outdoors in the enclosed W 6th St 40 breezeway that connects the home to the 1 car garage. 59 Moundview Dr Walk in pantry leads to basement/storm shelter. W 9th St MLS# 132840 $85,000

Denise Breason 331-5502 115 Linden Circle PRICE REDUCED $16,000 - Large kitchen & living twoneice@ room in this 4 BR, 2 BA Cape Cod style home on quiet street in Perry. Family room in basement. Large backyard for kids/pets to play. Great schools. Easy commute to Lawrence or Topeka. Short sale, subject to final bank approval. MLS# 129693 $139,000 Front St

1211 W 29th Ct

532 Arrowhead Dr

l ck P

Call 785-856-1748

Cheryl Baldwin 423-1881

Missiouri St

You don’t want to miss out on this home!

Cheryl Baldwin 423-1881

Wakarusa Dr

Sat & Sun 2:00 - 4:00 pm

825 Illinois St. Open House Sunday 1:30 PM - 3:00 PM $282,900

Brentwood Dr.

4430 Bauer Drive

Arrowhead Dr

4430 Bauer Farm Dr.

Linden Circle Willow Ln

Cedar St

150 Acres, Washington Rd

Price Reduced $15,000 - Beautiful 150 acre tract w/ 3 ponds, 2 creeks, lush pastures, timber full of deer & turkey, 2 oil wells, plus income producing crop ground. Perimeter fenced and cross fenced. Water meter available immediately. MLS# 134204 $435,000

Denise Breason 331-5502 twoneice@ 134th St Washington Rd

Rockledge Rd

Poplar St

for more information!

126th St

Connect With Home-Buyers & Increase Revenue! 4430 Bauer Farm Dr.

4430 Bauer Drive

Sat & Sun 2:00 - 4:00 pm

Sat & Sun 2:00 - 4:00 pm

Meadowlark Estates, Luxury Apartments for Mature Adults is featuring two dazzling 2BR 1st floor apartments w/ patios. Ask about our Open House Move-In Special!

Stop by to see one of two luxury 2BR, 1st floor apartmemts. Units feature direct exterior access, patios & an abundance of windows. Don’t forget to ask about our Open House Move-in Special!

A caring community awaits you. Call 785.842.2400 for more info!

A caring community awaits you. Call 785.842.2400 for more info!

Open House

Open House

Whether you are looking for buyers or sellers, the Lawrence Custom Built has the audience you need! We have many options Journal-World Home for Sale! to$550,000 market your listing in an affordable and effective manner.

825 Illinois St. Open House Sunday 1:30 PM - 3:00 PM $282,900

FIRST TIME OPEN! Enjoy the charm and character of this vintage home with modern kitchen & master BR/BA suite. Located near downtown. Stop by Sunday or call Mark @ 979-4663 to view!

Shown By Appointment

Call Real Estate Advertising Specialist Jade Sparks to advertise 3, 456 Sq. Ft. 4Bd/3Ba on 5 acres 2 miles south of Lawrence. Setsyour on Shep- home today! (785) 832-7113 | herds Hill overlooking KU, Lawrence & the Wakarusa Valley.

HOMETOWNLAWRENCE.COM You don’t want to miss out on this home!

Call 785-856-1748 for more information!



Saturday, August 9, 2014



L awrence J ournal -W orld




A HELPING HAND............................ 20

ENGINEERED AIR............................ 33

MISCELLANEOUS............................ *61

BOSTON FINANCIAL (DST)................ 30

ENTREMATIC (AMARR)..................... 50

THE RESULTS COMPANY................. 100

CITY OF LAWRENCE........................ 39

EXPRESS EMPLOYMENT.................... 47

UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS................. 340

CITY OF TOPEKA............................ 11

FOCUS WORK FORCES.................... 175



GENERAL DYNAMICS (GDIT)............ 400

WENDY’S RESTAURANTS.................. 10

CROWD SYSTEMS ....................... *100

MANPOWER................................... 65

WESTAFF (LAWRENCE JOBS)............. 25

DILLON’S...................................... 50

MEDICALODGES EUDORA................... 7

THE WORLD COMPANY....................... 5

DOUGLAS COUNTY.......................... 11

L E A R N M O R E AT J O B S . L AW R E N C E . C O M


Email your number of job openings to Peter at *Approximate number of job openings at the time of this printing.

Amarr Entrematic in Lawrence is currently seeking:




1st shift - 7:00 to 3:30

To work in our Engineering Department.

Industrial Maintenance Technician


Able to handle physical work, may include heavy lifting of at least 50 pounds

32050 W. 83rd Street., DeSoto, Kansas 66018

At 83rd and Kill Creek Rd. 913-583-3181

Sat & Sun 6:30 am – 5 pm. Must be able to lift 50 lbs & have steel toe shoes

CAD Designer

Overtime possible. Hourly Wages • Health Benefits Medical, Dental, Vision.

Apply in person

Weekend Warriors - Manufacturing

Troubleshoot and repair electrical, hydraulic, pneumatic and mechanical components. Provide support in fabrication, assembly, welding, burning, cutting, pipefitting, and machining. Requires experience in a production environment, knowledge of manufacturing processes, experience with pneumatic machinery a plus, mechanical skills. High school graduate or equivalent with additional training in mechanical or electrical technology. Company benefits include 401K, Medical, Paid Time Off, Paid Holidays.

To apply please visit:

EOE • Se habla Español



Jobs start in August so Come In or Call Today!

1015 W. 23RD, LAWRENCE, KS 66046 Join our team with great benefits like medical/dental/vision insurance, 401K, employee discounts, paid vacations, and more! PLEASE APPLY ONLINE AT:


L awrence J ournal -W orld

Saturday, August 9, 2014



| 3D


Now Hiring: Temporary Customer Service Representatives No Sales, collections, or telemarketing

Travel Agents

General Dynamics offers company-paid benefits and pays an extra 10 percent for night shifts!

Long-established full service travel agency seeking enthusiastic, sales-oriented, travel professionals. Position may present travel opportunities after training.

Wednesday, August 13 1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. Lawrence Open Job Fair 2540 Iowa St., Lawrence, KS 66046

Individual, Corporate and Vacation Travel Excellent knowledge of travel technologies; ability to multi-task; excellent sales and customer service skills, and oral, written, and verbal communications skills important. Ideal candidate should have at least 1-2 years domestic and international travel industry experience. Career-Minded Trainee for Group Travel Department Excellent customer service, written and verbal communications skills. Numerate and detail oriented, strong time management, multi-tasking and organizational skills, experienced in Microsoft Word & Excel. Travel Industry experience a plus, however we are willing to train the right person. Pleasant, professional, non-smoking office environment. Starting compensation commensurate with skills and experience. Please e-mail resume and cover letter with salary requirements to Dave Bonnel at No personal visits or telephone calls, please. 4104 West 6th Street, Suite A, Lawrence, KS 66049

BiotechnologyPharmacy Pharmacist Needed Professional Pharmacy needs Pharmacist immediately. Please call Marvin at 843-4160 for an interview.

Building Maintenance Maintenance Worker I Turnover Lawrence-Douglas County Housing Authority Semi-skilled work in general maintenance & upkeep of the properties of the LDCHA. Requires a variety of mechanical abilities & aptitudes, attention to detail over a long period of time in a variety of environments, indoors & outdoors in different weather conditions. Travel around the city of Lawrence required. Must possess & maintain an applicable Kansas Drivers License & a driving record acceptable to the LDCHA’s insurance carrier. Job description at & 1600 Haskell, Lawrence. Applications due to 1600 Haskell by 4 pm Aug 15th. EOE

Lead Network Technician (Full-time) Central National Bank is seeking an experienced Network Technician in Junction City, KS. This individual will support the Network Services Manager & System Manager in configuring, installing and troubleshooting computer hardware and software on both the Bank’s Wide and Local Area Networks (WAN & LAN) while providing ongoing technical support to end-users. Qualified candidates should demonstrate either a bachelors or associates degree in computer networking and two to five years work-related experience which should include: a background and/or certification in configuring network products such as firewall, routers and switches; a working knowledge of LAN/WAN protocol & traffic flow; a good knowledge base in Windows-based operating systems & IP telephone systems (both in administering and troubleshooting). Good communication, problem solving and analytical skills along with an ability to listen, determine needs and reply both timely and in an understandable manner are essential. Qualified applicants should anticipate some occasional after-hours schedules/assignments (evenings, weekends and overtime). If you are seeking a new challenge submit your resume and cover letter to referencing code (NT3) or to: Central National Bank, HR Dept. (NT3), 1426 Browning Place, Ste 101, Manhattan, KS 66502. EOE M/F/D/V

Join our great team!

Lawrence Workforce Center August 11th & 13th 8:00 am to 12:00 Noon • • • • •

Manufacturing/Production 1st Shift (De Soto KS)

Production Assembly Sheet Metal Fabricator CNC Operator Welders Electrical Harness Assembly

1st, 2nd 3rd shifts (Lecompton & Lawrence) Production Line Operators Machine Operators Great pay/ benefits Background/Drug Screens req’d Don’t Delay sign up with us today! 785-273-3939

1st shift - 7:00 to 3:30. Overtime possible. Hourly Wages. Health Benefits Medical, Dental, Vision. Able to handle physical work, may include heavy lifting of at least 50 pounds

A fun place to work!


Crossland Heavy Contractors - Hiring! Crossland Heavy Contractors are looking for skilled laborers and skilled carpenters for the Hedge Lane Pump Station Project that is located in Olathe, KS. This project consists of vertical concrete tall walls so one must be comfortable with heights. Gang formwork and e-clamp concrete (meva imperials) experience is a plus however not mandatory. Drug screen, physical and criminal background check required. Crossland Offers: -Highly Competitive Pay -Medical / Dental - Paid Time Off -401K with company match -Holiday Pay -Education Opportunities -WE WORK YEAR ROUND!!!! Apply in person at: 3252 Roanoke Road Kansas City, MO 64111 Apply online at:

General Dynamics Information Technology is an equal opportunity/affirmative action employer, supporting employment of qualified minorities, females, disabled individuals, and protected veterans.

If so we have a job for you! Westaff will be hosting 2 Career Fairs at:

Stepping Stones is now hiring Teacher’s Aides for the infant, toddler and preschool rooms. Most shifts are 8-1, 1-6 or 3-6 M,W,F or T,Th. Fill out an application at 1100 Wakarusa Dr. Lawrence.


Create a candidate profile and complete the online application form at Please use Job ID # 225485

Do you have a T-Shirt, Shorts, and a Car?


Now hiring a Lead Teacher for our preschool program starting mid-August. Approx. 35 hours/week. Good pay and great benefits. ECE or Elem. Education degree preferred. Experience teaching required. Must meet KDHE regs. Mail or bring in resume & cover letter to: 1100 Wakarusa, Lawrence, KS 66049. EOE

We seek candidates who possess the following: • A high school diploma or GED (or above) • Ability to speak and read English proficiently • Ability to type a minimum of 20 WPM • Computer Literacy • Six months customer service experience • Previous call center experience preferred • Ability to successfully pass a background check • Drug Free


Customer Service

Looking For Work? Focus is currently seeking to interview candidates for positions in a Distribution Center in Ottawa, KS!! We are looking for motivated individuals that possess the desire to work and are driven for a new challenge! All Shifts Available; Must be able to work 12 hour days. Pay = up to $10/hr. Apply at or 1529 N. Davis Rd. Ottawa, KS 66067, or call 785-832-7000 to schedule a time to come in.

Customer Service

Immediate Full Time Openings! 40 Hours a Week, Guaranteed! Weekly Pay! $9/hour 785-841-0755

Education & Training Retention Specialist Haskell Indian Nations University(HINU) Assists with recruitment and selection of 1st generation/Low-income students. Provides comprehensive educational advising and academic early warning intervention strategies. Responsible for tracking student progress and implements retention strategies for TRiO SSS participants. BA in Education or related field: counseling, social work, psychology; a Master’s degree preferred. EOE Apply at trio/employment Submit apps to Marisa Mendoza, Director TRiO SSS Closing date: 08/14/2014 Need to sell your car? Place your ad at or email

Education & Training Now Hiring - F/T and P/T Lead Qualified (LQ) assistants for classes aged 1-6. We are looking for responsible and caring individuals with prior teaching experience in a licensed center. Always looking for LQ subs! Resume & work references required. ECE preferred. Call 785-856-6002 or email

Apply in person. 32050 W. 83rd Street. DeSoto, Kansas 66018 At 83rd and Kill Creek Rd. EOE Se habla Espanol

Apply Today!! Jobs Start in August

75 Customer Service Agents 75 Full time permanent positions with a Fortune 500 healthcare company. Provide education of new members and re-education of existing members regarding health plan procedures and benefits in a fun, professional environment with opportunities for advancement.

25 Inbound Sales Agents Do you enjoy the opportunity to earn sales commissions on top of your base? We are looking for 25 people who like to have fun to take inbound calls assisting customers with their service. We listen to music, play games and earn prizes. Come join us! Jobs start soon so apply today! Walk in candidates are welcome at One Riverfront Plaza, Suite 101, Lawrence, KS or call us at 785-727-4609

Environmental Housekeeping & Laundry NOW HIRING! Part Time & Full Time Positions in Laundry & Housekeeping @ Hillside Village of De Soto 33600 W. 85th Street DeSoto, KS 66018 We are looking for hard working applicants with strong work ethics and positive attitudes. Please apply in person between the hours of 8 a.m. and 3 p.m. Monday through Friday. Ask for the Housekeeping Manager Do not call the facility to inquire about these positions!

Apply Today!! Jobs Start in August

75 Customer Service Agents 75 Full time permanent positions with a Fortune 500 healthcare company. Provide education of new members and re-education of existing members regarding health plan procedures and benefits in a fun, professional environment with opportunities for advancement.

25 Inbound Sales Agents


Do you enjoy the opportunity to earn sales commissions on top of your base? We are looking for 25 people who like to have fun to take inbound calls assisting customers with their service. We listen to music, play games and earn prizes. Come join us!

Front Desk/ Receptionist Full or Part-time for busy pediatrics office. Spanish language skills preferred. 346 Maine St.

Jobs start soon so apply today!

Please email resume to: .

Walk in candidates are welcome at One Riverfront Plaza, Suite 101, Lawrence, KS or call us at 785-727-4609

NEWSPAPER DELIVERY ROUTE DRIVERS • Excellent Pay • Part-Time Work Routes Available in

Lawrence Must deliver 7 days per week, before 6 a.m. Valid driver’s license, proof of current auto insurance, and a phone are required.

To be considered, please call or email Dan and mention your name and phone number. 785-832-7171 or




Saturday, August 9, 2014

L awrence J ournal -W orld




785.832.2222 Healthcare

Medicalodges of Eudora Now Hiring:

Part-Time opportunity!



Caregivers & CNAs!!

Full-Time, Night Shift

RN/LPN - PRN Shifts

Apply in person at 1401 W 23rd Street Lawrence, KS 66046 785-832-2679

Laundry Aid Part-Time

Maintenance Assistant

PUT YOUR EMPLOYMENT AD IN TODAY!! Email or call 785-832-2222.


Floor Tech Apply in pereson at 1415 Maple, Eudora or call 785-542-2176

We are looking for caring individuals to join our Home Care Team! Positions available in Lawrence and surrounding communities!

Call today & apply! 785-856-0937

Legal - Paralegal

Part-Time (Part-Time) Responsible for office support to the Branch. Stanion Wholesale Electric is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action employer. All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, religion, sex, national origin, disability, or protected Veteran status. Apply online at

Trade Skills



AUCTIONS Auction Calendar PUBLIC AUCTION Sat., Aug. 9th, 9:30 am 920 Missouri St. Lawrence, KS 66044 Seller: Donna Schlaman D & L Auctions Lawrence, Kansas 785-766-5630


Follow Us On Twitter!


NOTICES 785.832.2222

LOST & FOUND Found Pet/Animal Found in the vicinity of 3rd and locust, in the rainstorm 8/3/14 morning, small fluffy neutered male dog with spiked collar, maybe papillon mix.

Lost Item Lost: At 9th & Kentucky, black & blue waterproof backpack with car keys & baby items inside. Please call 785-979-4040 if found!

Citizens’ Utility Ratepayer Board Attorney Applicants must be a member of the Kansas Bar and have litigation experience. For position detail, please view the job posting on the agency website: or the State of Kansas website at EOE

Plumber Lawrence Public Schools is looking for a highly motivated, energetic full-time Plumber. Our organization has great benefits and a great work environment. License required. Please apply online at: EOE

/ " - /" $"22 Ă•0 < 0 $9


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SAMSUNG DESKTOP MONITOR - 21.5� LED HD . Model: S22C300H. FLAWLESS with cables/original box. Almost unused $85 cash. 785-843-7205

Household Misc.

For Sale: Brown lift chair, like new, call for more information, 785-258-3132

tion. $50. Call 785-830-8304

Glass-top coffee table and 2 end tables, $50; floor lamp and matching table Pets John Deere Rider mower, lamp, $5 ea. 785-979-3625. LA120 automatic, 42�, Oak Chair, Vintage, Tablet 21HP, 188 hours, $800 Must adopt out the style. $85. Excellent con- cash. Call 785-856-4070 finches. One is blue, one dition. Photos white, one gray. All with 785-865-4215 brown back. (Not to be Miscellaneous confused with the governor) Contact John at For Sale: 60 gallon acrylic 785-691-8106. fish tank & wooden stand, $25/offer. 785-841-5708 Hanging mirror, 2’X2’8�, $2, metal tool box, 6’ long, 1’ high, 16� deep, $35, 3 flower pots, 16� across, 15� deep, $3/ea, Black & Decker coffee pot, $8, long handled shovel, $1, baby car seat, $2.50, 2 crock pots, 13� high, $3/ea. Call 785-764-4289


Ĺ— ÚêĉŸń ĂŠ ¡ÄœĂ‘ ĤŸğ ÂŽ|Ĺş |›ä |ŽŽêŒêĒĉ|Ăš ÚêĉŸ ĂŠ ¡Ĺ?ÄŞĂ‘Ćƒ ÂŽÂŽ | Â?Ä’ğŽŸğÊ¡Ă‘

Search: Dealer, Make, Model, & More!

All Choices Include: A Free Garage Sale Kit! (Must pick up at 645 New Hampshire, Lawrence)


SERVICES Auctioneers




785.832.2222 Decks & Fences



1 Month $118.95 | 6 Months $91.95/mo. 12 Months $64.95/mo. + FREE LOGO!

classiďŹ Home Improvements

Home Improvements

Full Remodels & Odd Jobs, Interior/Exterior Painting, Installation & Repair of: Professional Remodeling

Over 25 yrs. exp. Licensed & Insured. Decks, deck covers, pergolas, screened porches, & all types of repairs. Call 913-209-4055 for Free estimates or go to

Deck Drywall Siding Replacement Gutters Privacy Fencing Doors & Trim Commercial Build-out Build-to-suit services


Sugar Creek Construction

Fully Insured 22 yrs. experience

Rich Black Top Soil No Chemicals Machine Pulverized Pickup or Delivery

The Wood Doctor - Wood rot repair, fences, decks, doors & windows - built, repaired, or replaced & more! Bath/kitchen remodeled. Basement finished. 785-542-3633 • 816-591-6234

Concrete Craig Construction Co Family Owned & Operated 20 Yrs

Driveways - stamped • Patios • Sidewalks • Parking Lots • Building Footings & Floors • All Concrete Repairs Free Estimates

Serving KC over 40 years

913-962-0798 Fast Service

Grading - Demo - Hauling Concrete Removal Stone Retaining Walls Septic Tanks - Sewer & Water Lines

Dwayne • 913-203-7707

Decks & Fences

Higgins Exteriors

Garage Doors

Temporary or Contract Staffing Evaluation Hire, Direct Hire Professional Search Onsite Services (785) 749-7550 1000 S Iowa, Lawrence KS

Garage Doors • Openers • Service • Installation Call 785-842-5203

Exp. handyman services for 10+ years. Specializing in: roofing, painting, fence work, lawn mowing & landscaping. FREE estimates. All of your outdoor needs handled with just one call. Servicing all of Do Co & surrounding areas. Insured.


No Job Too Big or Small

Decorative & Regular Drives, Walks & Patios Custom Jayhawk Engraving Jayhawk Concrete 785-979-5261

TOKIC CONSTRUCTION Drives, Patios, Walks. FREE Estimates Serving JO, WY & LV 913-488-9976

913-488-7320 Double D Furniture Repair Cane, Wicker & Rush seating. Buy. Sell. Credit cards accepted.785-418-9868 or doubledfurniturerepair

Mike - 785-766-6760

Driveways, Parking Lots, Paving Repair, Sidewalks, Garage Floors, Foundation Repair 785-843-2700 Owen 24/7 Sr. & Veteran Discounts

Employment Services

Foundation Repair

Guttering Services


Stacked Deck Decks • Gazebos Siding • Fences • Additions Remodel • Weatherproofing Insured • 25 yrs exp. 785-550-5592

Mudjacking, Waterproofing. We specialize in Basement Repair & Pressure Grouting. Level & Straighten Walls & Bracing on wall. BBB. Free Estimates Since 1962 Wagner’s 785-749-1696



A. B. Painting & Repair


Remodeling Specialist Handyman Services • 30 Yrs Exp Residential & Commercial 785.608.8159

Farm Equipment

The Biggest Selection of Lawrence Cars from the Best Lawrence Dealers.




For Sale: Big Bale Mover, Very well-made wood desk & holds 6 bales, self unloadhutch from Aspen Furniture. Music-Stereo ing, goose neck hitch. 58� wide, 2’ deep, 5’5� tall 785-691-6764 or w/hutch attached. Drawers dovetail construction, large Pianos: Schaffer console, 785-843-5986 drawer includes hanging-file $550, Kimball Spinet, $500, Need to sell your car? bars. Original price $1000, Gulbranson Spinet $450. Place your ad at asking $220. Lawrence. Prices include tuning & livery. 785-832-9906 913-708-1334


CALL 785-832-2222


Lawn, Garden & Nursery


All this for $24.95!!


5 shelf bookcase from Pier Framed wall mirror FOR SALE: 24 INCH color One, near black wood, ex- 28�x22�. Perfect condi- TV Excellent cond. $15. cellent condition, 72�H by tion. $49. 785-865-4215 Please call anytime at 785-865-0191 26 3/4�W by 14�D, $70. Stanley Aladdin Vintage 785-842-3960 Thermos . Perfect condi- For Sale: Color TV Excel6 shelf bookcase from Ne- tion. 24 oz. Wide-mouth. lent cond. 24�, asking braska Furniture, excel- $20. 785-865-4215 $25.00. Good buy for lent condition, 72�H by Wilton Armetale: 9� x 13� someone wanting a TV! 30.5�W by 12�D, medium polished any time at serving tray, call tone brown wood, $70. French Country pattern 785-865-0191. 785-842-3960 (retired), excellent condi-

2 cemetery plots in Memorial Park Cemetery in Lawrence. Section Acacia A, lot 50, graves 4 and 5. worth $850 a piece. want $1500 for both 785-766-5924



Int. & Ext. Remodeling All Home Repairs Mark Koontz

JAYHAWK GUTTERING Seamless aluminum guttering. Many colors to choose from. Install, repair, screen, clean-out. Locally owned. Insured. Free estimates.


Bus. 913-269-0284

Retired Carpenter, Deck Repairs, Home Repairs, Interior Wall Repair & House Painting, Doors, Wood Rot, Power wash 785-766-5285

•custom baths and kitchens •interior upgrades • windows • doors •siding •decks •porches • sunrooms •handicapped improvements

Int/ext. Drywall, Siding, Wood rot, & Decks 30 plus yrs. Call Al 785-331-6994

Licensed & Insured-Since 1974 785-856-2440 - Lawrence Call a Specialist!

Lawn, Garden & Nursery

We are the area exclusive exterior only painters. Insured. Free est. call for $300 discount

785-865-0600 Complete Roofing Services Professional Staff Quality Workmanship /lawrenceroofing STARTING or BUILDING a Business? 785-832-2222

785-841-3689 anytime

Golden Rule Lawncare Lawn cleanup & mowing Snow Removal Family owned & operated Call for Free Est. Insured. Eugene Yoder 785-224-9436 Grass Roots Lawn Care Mowing, fertilizing, seeding, leaf mulching, snow removal. 785-806-2608 Clockwork! Honest & Dependable Mow~Trim~Sweep~Hedges Steve 785-393-9152 Lawrence Only Turf Guys LLC Giving You the “Home Turf� Advantage Mowing, irrigation, clean up, walls, patios, snow removal. Free Estimates. Insured. 785-424-8060.

Moving-Hauling Haul Free: Salvageable items. Minimum charge: other moving/hauling jobs. Also Maintenance/Cleaning for home/business, inside/out plumbing/ electrical & more. 785-841-6254

Interior/Exterior Painting Quality Work Over 30 yrs. exp.

Call Lyndsey 913-422-7002

Tree/Stump Removal

BUDGET TREE SERVICE, LLC. Supplying all your Painting needs. Serving Lawrence and surrounding areas for over 25 years. Locally owned & operated.

Free estimates/Insured.

Plumbing RETIRED MASTER PLUMBER & Handyman needs small work. Bill Morgan 816-523-5703 STARTING or BUILDING a Business?

913-593-7386 Trimmed, Shaped, Removed Shrubs, Fenceline Cleaned

No Job Too Small Free Est. Lic. & Ins. 913-268-3120

Chris Tree Service 20yrs. exp. Trees trimmed, cut down, hauled off. Free Est. Ins. & Lic. 913-631-7722, 913-301-3659

Fredy’s Tree Service cutdown• trimmed •topped • stump removal Licensed & Insured. 20 yrs experience. 913-441-8641 913-244-7718


Trimming, removal, & stump grinding by Lawrence locals Certified by Kansas Arborists Assoc. since 1997 “We specialize in preservation and restoration� Ins. & Lic. visit online 785-843-TREE (8733)

L awrence J ournal -W orld

Saturday, August 9, 2014




Up to 3 Days Only $24.95 FREE GARAGE SALE KIT!

Lawrence 01

Large assortment of items including furniture, electronics, books, tools, housewares, movies, sports equipment, lots of clothing, shoes, dishes. Way too much stuff to list! Come check it out! Free bottle of water to the 1st 20 customers! Best stuff goes early and FAST!

Peterson Rd

Folks Rd








W 6th St

Huge Multi-Family Garage Sale

19th St

13 15th St / N 1400 Rd

14 E 23rd St


Community Garage Sale Larissa & Lili Drives Friday & Saturday 8 a.m. to 1 p.m.

Rain Cancels

items! 03

Multi Family Garage Sale Great for Students! 3613 Parkview Ct Lawrence Sat, Aug 9. 7:30-1:00

Garage Sale One Day Only! Saturday, August 9 8 am - Noon 3821 W. 6th

Variety of items, furniture, dishes, clothing & baby stuff. 03


805 EASY ST. Fri. 7 to 4 Sat. 7 til it’s all gone! From Wakarusa go east on Harvard, left on Goldfield take the first left on Easy St. Sofa/ matching love seat, lounge chair, coffee table, king bed, queen bed, dining room table/ 6chairs, beautiful large entertainment center, tables, rockers, captain chair, roll top desk, patio table/4 chairs, sofa table, lamps, decor pictures, Dyson DC41 animal vacuum, 2 Hoovers, 3 very nice rugs, down comforter quilts and linens, fan, dehumidifier, Pots, pans, dishes, bowls, canisters, casseroles,vases, set of Christmas dishes, 2 sets silver plate flatware Antiques: small wooden ice box, school teacher’s desk, rocker, mirror, chairs, table, collectibles & PRIMITIVES Large collection of Longaberger baskets. Ladies Clothing Size 12/14 Tricycle, small bike, 2 razors, collectible cars, puzzles, large selection of children’s toys, tools, garden items,vases, shelving, ladders, Lots of misc. Whirlpool washer, TONS OF GE dryer. CHRISTMAS & OTHER HOLIDAY décor! A must see! Neat and clean! A Big 2 Day Sale! Don’t miss this one! By Jane 785-856-3150 04

Moving/Garage Sale 1612 Cog Hill Ct Friday & Saturday 7:00 am - 2:00 pm

Two Garage Sales Aug 9th, 8:00am - ?? 5907 Longleaf Drive 5912 Longleaf Circle Cash Only Please

Bow Flex treadclimber TC-1000, Bow Flex Power Pro weight machine with no early callers please leg extension, wood com***5907 Longleaf Drive*** puter desk, glass com- Furniture - couch, twin puter desk, office chairs, bed, oak end tables, nice 2 bar stools & freestanding rocking chair, scrubs, small curio cabinet, bar, Thomas Kinkade tapFolding wicker computer accesories: Ap- lamps, etc. All types of estries, Yard ple & Dell, TVs, trampo- bedding, blankets, pil- screen, line, small dressers, foot- lows, sheets, All kinds of blower/vacuum with gas ball & baseball sports kitchen ware, sets of container, King sized duck equipment, vacuum glasses and dishes, small feather/duck down (95% / cleaners (one is a Kirby), kitchen appliances, home 5%) comforter, King sized suitcase & duffel bags, decor, pictures, frames, duvet (green plaid), 2 Crotoys & strollers, old set of clocks, nice clothing, cheted throws, Framed golf clubs, coffee table, shoes, purses, jewelry, Norman Rockwell Pictures household items, folding books, CD’s, DVD’s, bas- (10), Men’s jackets, SuitLittle Dipper chairs, clothes, ab ma- kets, including cases, chine, and many more Longaberger, some Crockpot, Arris Modem, treasures! Something for children’s items, Lots of D-Link N150 Router, Bread machine, Electric ice Everyone! misc. Come See!


16 N 1250 Rd

Lawrence cream maker, Mr Coffee Ice Tea Maker, George Foreman Grill, Games/puzzles/cards, Books/DVDs, Nascar items, Stuffed animals, Mugs/thermos/pitchers, Bissell Spot Lifter, Purses, Shoes/boots, N.E.O.S Traveler overshoes (large, new), Cross country skis/poles, Bicycles (3), Fry Daddy, Ice buckets, Pictures/wall deco, Stained Glass Deco, Office supplies, Laser pointer, Shelving, Exercise AB roller, Planters/plant hangers, Golf clubs (irons), Golf towels, Yard flags, Rugs, Other misc items ***5912 Longleaf Circle*** Ethan Allen crib, Glass TV stand, 19 inch computer monitor and keyboard, Desk chair, Shelving units, Tennis rackets, Slalom ski, Fishing lights and gear, Lawn sprinklers, Stone axe, Splitting maul, Leaf blower, Hedge shears, 2 spoon racks, Under cabinet light, 14 inch diamond dry cut masonry blade, Footlocker/dorm trunk, Other misc items 07

HUGE YARD SALE SOMETHING FOR EVERYONE 4808 W 26th Street Lawrence Fri, Aug 8 & Sat, Aug 9 9 am - 3 pm Nascar collection, Doll collection hundreds of belt buckles, toys, tools hand made wooden baby cradle, clothes, glassware, Disney Cars TV, cable ready NEW! and a whole bunch more. Guys I have a bunch of screws, bolts that could start a hardware store whole cans for .25 cents per can. DONT MISS THIS ONE! Prices starting at .25 cents! Come make offers, buy it all, I don’t want to repack it!!

Weedeater, leaf blower, lawn mower, assorted household items, dorm fridge, books for all readers, fishing poles, girls toys, girls bike, girls electric scooter, basketball 07 pop-a-shot, men’s & girl’s Multi-Family Sale clothing, and tons of misc. 2701 Lawrence Ave. 04




Lawrence 03



Haskell Ave



Garage Sale 2452 Brookside Dr Saturday, 8a-1p


Louisiana St


4523 Larissa Dr - two vintage lamps, area rug, Paula Deen enameled cast iron Dutch oven, deep fat fryer/boiler/cooker, an original artisan, tall ceramic dry food storage canister (with lid), Christmas lights and decorations. 4555 Larissa Dr - Set of golf clubs, baby clothes and toys, misc items. 4567 Larissa Dr - Antique baby bed, power wheel chair, 18” flat screen TV, 2 Oreck vacuum cleaners, new ceiling fan, recliner, several area rugs, matching throw pillows, automobile luggage carrier, 02 several large pictures, Home Day Care Sale wind machine exercise Friday & Saturday bike, tools, plants, KU 8 am - 1 pm clothing, glassware, Pyrex 2712 Stratford Road casserole dishes, Bodum coffee maker, Furniture, beds, baby bistro items, craft supplies, high linens, new queen size mattress pad, women’s chairs and tons of toys. and men’s clothing, jeans, 02 jewelry, purses, books, NAME YOUR PRICE cookbooks, knick knacks, camping stools and much GARAGE SALE more. 1316 Jonathan Drive 4537 Lili Dr - Day Care Lawrence Closing Sale. Too much to Sat, Aug 9. list. 8am till 12:00pm 4520 Lili Dr - Women’s clothing and shoes, home Play Station 2 game condecor and children’s toys. sole, games, 2 guitar hero guitars, Trek tan- 03 Garage Sale dem bicycle, Holiday decorations, lots of 1119 Kasold Drive Christmas items, small Lawrence Christmas trees, canSat, Aug 9. dles and holders, fabric8 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. yardage and remnants, yarn, black quilt batting, Huge collector of all things wonderful needing to Pottery Barn dishes, downsize. Clothes, shoes, Sorrento dishes, wine purses, jewelry, 2 black rack, bar stools, houseleather coats,(size L) garhold items, coffee den items, (many things maker, toaster, cookbrand new) wind chimes, books, New large rolling pictures, scrapbooking suitcase, magnetic supplies, craft supplies, boards, photo frames, rubber stamps, lamps, photo sleeves, Vintage rugs, homespun type maportacrib with mattress terial, books, P.A. Equipand bumper pads, ment including 19 inch bedpreads and shams, rack mount road cases. all linens, DonJoy knee great prices! be sure to brace, lamps, and so check this one out! much more. Even free 03



s Riv er

W Clinton Pkwy

Garage Sale 3037 W. 8th St Friday, 8/8, 8a-6p Saturday, 8/9, 8a-2p

File cabinets, hoses, reels, trash cans, ice cream freezer, canning jars, collectibles, ladies shoes 6-7, linens, Xmas items, desks, storage cabinets, bedding, golf clubs, chairs, tables, militaria: WWII cot, back pack, Ike jacket, knife. Clocks business, wall, Budweiser, crocks, VHS tapes, TV, frames, train set, tools, pictures, night stands, cedar wardrobe, lawn chairs, wicker table, microwave, bicycle, small Weber grill, 2 1950’s amps - tube type, jewelry, exercise bike, record cabinet, TV stand, mid-century coffee table, vacuum cleaners, books - Danielle Steele plus more, Stauffer office gym, futon, moving! Much more!

Bob Billings

02 Iowa St



03 Kasold Dr

Storage organizers, end table w/lamp, twin pillow top featherbed, full & twin bedding, Longaberger baskets & pottery, Taste of Home magazines & cookbooks, Tupperware, kitchen and other household items, vintage Nintendo NES-001 console with 11 games & controllers, lots of CDs & DVDs, books, vintage postcards, Beanie Babies, collectibles, holiday items, lots of jewelry including belly button rings, cosmetics, clothing and accessories, purses, womens shoes and many more items to be found at this clean, organized, and smoke-free sale.

Wakarusa Dr


Kans a

Massachusetts St

3209 Trail Rd. Fri. Aug. 8, 8AM-4PM Sat. Aug. 9, 8AM-4PM (Rain or Shine)




**Back to School Garage Sale** 544 Brentwood Dr Saturday only 7:00 am - Noon

| 5D

Lawrence Sat, Aug 9. 8am-2pm

Lawrence 08

Garage sale 2821 Pebble Ln Lawrence Sat, Aug 9. 7am - noon

2 Singer sewing machines, grapevine reindeer & sleigh, other seasonal, steel case bookshelf, framed wall art, 2 amps, electric keyboard, paintball equip, beanie babies, kitchen items & more. 08

Living Estate Sale 3232 W. 26th St

(1 Blk E. of 26th & Kasold)

Saturday, Aug 9 7:00 am - 2:00 pm

Old handmade wood desk, Old player piano and rolls of music, Juice extractor, Kitchenware, 6 Currier and Ives 6” plates, Antique Moshen China bowl, Oil lamps, Assorted chairs, Sad iron base, Beautiful old lamp w/ glass base, Vintage print flour sack material, Embroidered napkins, linens, hankies, Patio table and 4 chairs, Shower bench, Suitcases, Several beautiful unframed pictures of Christ, Wooden craft items, Frames, Games, toys, Christmas décor, Many books, World Book Encyclopedia set, Antique “Mica Axel Grease” box, Wet/Dry shop vacuum, Antique kerosene heater, Nice tool box w/ tools, Garage items, And much more! 10

***MOVING SALE*** 900 Missouri Street Lawrence Sat, Aug 9. 8am-3pm Architecture supplies, rug, sinks, dehumidifier, lighting fixtures, fridge, filing cab., hedge trimmers, garage items, golf clubs & clothes. Rain or shine, sale inside! 10

Epic Garage Sale 1510 Crescent Rd Lawrence Sat, Aug 9. 7AM -12PM Electronics, Housewares, and Clothing. Oh My! Toys, sports equipment, and some furniture.

One day sale only! Lots of quality household items! Kitchen table & chairs, 10 end table, pots & pans, Huge 3 Church dishes towels and comGarage Sale forters. Nik naks galore! Ladies clothing size large, 1st United Mens XL shirts, Boys Methodist Church, clothes size 14-16 to small 946 Vermont in mens, Teen girls clothPlymouth ing size small/med., Congregational, shoes and purses. Acces925 Vermont sories & jewelry. Toys, games, boys football helTrinity Episcopal, met (used one season), 1011 Vermont baseball gloves and bowlThurs, Aug. 7, 1p-6p ing bags. Something for Fri, Aug. 8, 8a-5p everyone. Cash only. Need an apartment? Place your ad at

Lawrence 10 First United Methodist Church

Rummage Sale 946 Vermont Street

Thurs. Aug 7 • 1 pm - 6 pm Fri. Aug 8 • 8 am - 5 pm Saturday, August 9 8 am to Noon - Half Price Noon to 2pm - $5 Brown Bag Special



Folks Have Decided To Finally Relax Moving Sale



1638 Rhode Island St. Lawrence, KS 66044 Fri., Aug. 8, Noon - 6 PM Sat., Aug. 9, 8AM - Noon Queen Anne dropleaf table & chairs, unique old dressers, cabinets, shelves, etc., used to store tools. Lots of tools some very old; pipe threader, electric welder, acetylene torch welder, ladders, file cabinets; exercise equipment: pulldown machine, leg extender/leg curl machine, weight lifting equipment, etc. Misc. dishes, pots, pans, bakeware, silverware; pitcher collection, knicknacks; lots of miscellaneous.

CASH ONLY - NO REFUNDS Furnishing for bed, bath, kitchen, pictures, candles, baskets, health/beauty, office supplies, pictures, crafts, sewing fabrics, electronics, jewelry, collectibles, curtains, holiday decor, books/cds/movies, toys, gardening, sports equipment, small furniture, clothing for adults and children. Large assortment of vintage items including linens, doilys, 18 crochet, 1930’s Cattail MULTI-FAMILY SALE dishes and other 408 Trail Ct dishes/collectibles from a Lawrence dealer. Sat, Aug 9. 8am-3pm Silent Auction of new/like new, high quality items, No early callers please! Thurs, August 7 - 1 to 6pm, Antique oak buffet with mirror, working 1946 Fri, August 8 - 8am-4pm. Ad Sponsors: Mike and Mi- Singer sewing machine chelle Parmley; Anything with cabinet, china hutch, Aquatic; Paul Kincaid, 2 antique chairs, gently DDS; Mary and Steve used Nordic Track, book Jones; Realtors, McGrew shelves, NIB crock pots, Real Estate; Rumsey-Yost many nice vacuums, lots Funeral Home and Cre- of terra cotta pots, copier, matory; John Tacha; Bu- coolers, wine rack, table lots of DVDs, reau of Leatures and Con- lamp, kitchen items, storage cert Artists. containers, meat slicer 10 and many other treasures Huge Indoor Garage that could be yours!

Sale & Bake Sale 1011 Vermont Street Lawrence Saturday, August 9 8 am to 2 pm

Trinity Episcopal Church is having our annual garage sale on Saturday August 9th from 8 am to 2 pm. Items for sale will include children’s clothing, housewares, books, electronics, and much, much more! Beat the heat and enjoy the sale in our air conditioned parish hall! Garage sale proceeds help pay for the new organ. Bake sale proceeds benefit Trinity Interfaith Food Pantry. 10

Yard Sale! 1001 Avalon Rd Saturday Only 9:00 am - 2:00 pm Priced to sell!

Smaller sized women’s clothing, furniture, books, and miscellaneous items! Don’t miss this one! 14

Multi-Family Garage Sale 2130 Vermont St Fri & Sat 8:00 am - Noon

Furniture, recreational and Sat, Aug. 9, 8a-12p exercise equipment, Brown Bag Sale 1p-4p water softener, and many Times may vary slightly useful household and among churches. decorative items.

ESTATE SALE 1701 Illinois St. Lawrence, Kansas Sat., Aug 9, 8:00-6:00 Extensive collection of 19th cent. Imari and Rose Medallion, antique beaded purses, pharmacy bottles, set of Wedgwood Queensware, set of Limoges “Francois”, ornate candlesticks, French marble top curio cab., small curio cab., burled French 2 door-2 drawer buffet, antique cloisonné vases, French chair, pr. tufted love seats and tufted sofa, bamboo game table/4 chairs/cocktail table, sterling silver pcs., silver hollowware, collection of cut glass, 4 fold silk screen, 9x12 Chinese rug, books, jewelry, linens, fur coats, library table, lamps, coll. of framed feather fans, glass cocktail table, small burled tamboured desk, 2 pr. brass single beds, fridge, stove, portable dishwasher, Maytag washer, small cabinets, lots of misc.

Sale by Elvira Need to sell your car? Place your ad at or email

ONE LOCATION: TWO OWNERS LIVING ESTATE OF CHARLES MESTAGH LIVING ESTATE OF AL & WINNIE GALLUP AUG. 8TH, 9:00-5:00 AUG 9TH, 9:00-3:00 Doesn’t get any better than this, great selection of modern and antiquities. Sofas, easy chairs, chest of drawers, decoratives, art work, camera equipment, sofa back table, kitchen ware, mirrors, glass ware, 8’dining room table w/8 chairs, patio furniture, linen, Royal vacuum, good selection of women’s 6’s and 7’s shoes, king size bed, dresser, w/matching side tables, lamps, cedar chest, computer, desk, master and dog chairs, coffee table, refrigerator, toy excavating equipment, game table w/4 chairs, 60” Sony TV, old cash register, stereo equipment, shelving, hunting clothing, Jayhawk memorabilia, Naval compass, childrens toys—(sewing machine, piano,cabinents, chairs, rocker), Indian; (tools, arrow heads, blanket), crystal, antique dolls, brass from India, old jewelry, quilts, anitque tools, unusual old art work, feather weight Singer sewing machine, old trunks, crystal and much misc.

Shown by John I. Hughes Certified Appraiser 785-979-1941


Back to School Sale 1586 E. 550 Rd. Lawrence-Rural Sat, Aug 9 7:30 am-1:00 pm Lots of teacher items including Reading Radius and Story Reader, literature sets, kids chapter books, teacher resource books, wall curio cabinet, household/kitchen items, knitting supplies, pug collectibles, floor lamps, suitcases, cleaning tools, bath and bed linens, vacuum cleaners, standing jewelry box, make-up, health and beauty items, jewelry, fabric, cross stitch materials, record player, desk, women’s shoes, women’s clothing, swivel chairs, shelves and much more! 1 1/2 miles off Hwy 40 on Stull Rd.



Saturday, August 9, 2014


L awrence J ournal -W orld



Apartments Unfurnished

Apartments Unfurnished

3BR, 2.5 bath, 2 car. Unique tri-level floor plan. 3411 W. 24th St. Avail. Aug 1! $950/mo. 785-331-7319

FREE TV OR CASH! Leasing 1, 2 & 3 BRs

Parkway Commons 3601 Clinton PKWY



Spacious 2 & 3 BR Large yards & att. garage 3601 Clinton PKWY



AVAILABLE NOW Brand New 1 BR OPEN HOUSE Mon - Fri • 10 am - 6 pm Saturday • 10 am - 2 pm

APARTMENT ON SIXTH 5100 W. Sixth (Just West of Walmart) • Full Size W/D Included • Starting at $595 • Small Pet Friendly • Garages Available

SUNRISE VILLAGE & PLACE $200-$400 Off 1st Month’s Rent! 2, 3 & 4BR Apartments & Townhomes 837 Mich. & 660 Gateway Ct. Spacious Floorplans, Pools, KU bus route, W/D, Garages, Patios & Decks, Pet Friendly


Now Renting for Summer/Fall!

Cedarwood Apts


2 Bedroom House


Available Aug, good location, no pets, $700/mo + utilities.

Call 785-843-5190 3 BR 2 Full BA - 2 car garage w/ openers, updated kitchen and baths, large master, jetted tub, W/D hookups, fenced yard w/ patio, 1 blk to Sunflower School. No Smokers. Available now! $1400./ mo. 4812 W 25th St. 785-766-1017 3BR - 3400 Green Meadows Ct. Newer. Very clean, 2½ bath, 2 car, DR. $1,350 /mo. Call 785-766-6444 or 785-550 3427.


2411 Cedarwood Ave. Beautiful & Spacious 1 & 2BRs start at $400/mo. * Near campus, bus stop * Laundries on site * Near stores, restaurants * Water & trash paid ————————————————— Get Coupon* for $25 OFF


*Sign lease by July 31, 2014 AND College Students




All Electric 1, 2 & 3 BR units Some with W/D, Water & Trash Paid, Small Pet, Income, Restrictions Apply Call for current rent specials! 785-838-9559 EOH


Get a FREE TV or Bonus Cash On Our 1 & 2 Bedrooms 2BR, 2 bath, fireplace, CA, W/D hookups, 2 car with opener. Easy access to I-70. Includes paid cable. Pet under 20 lbs. allowed Call 785-842-2575

841-3339 “Live Where Everything Matters�


2 DAYS $50 7 DAYS $80 28 DAYS $280 + FREE PHOTO!

ZHB `.B Z .C <.% q + Z.` ` ÄŞ

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Chase Court Apts



CALL 832-2222 or email





3 Bedroom, 2 1/2 Bath Loft space (makes great office), 2 car garage w/openers, W/D hookups, fenced yard, patio, fireplace. No Smokers. Available Sept 1. $975/ month. 2722 Harrison Pl.

————————————————— CALL TODAY (Mon. - Fri.)



Adorable, quiet, 1 bedroom 1 bath, W/D hookups, good closet space, private patio opens to vast green space, 1 assigned parking space. No Smokers. Avail Sept 1. $550/month.


Office Space

GPM 4 & 5 Bedrooms Available Now! $1800-$2100 785-842-2475

Downtown Office Space Single offices, elevator & conference room, $500-$675. Call Donna or Lisa, 785-841-6565

B|ğáŸĹ’Ĺ„ |🠛ä|ĉÖêĉÖŠ |ĉŽ êĉŒŸğŸĹ„Ĺ’ Äź|ŒŸń |ğŸ Ĺ„Ĺ’êÚÚ ĂšÄ’šĪ Connect With Local Renters and Increase Revenue! is a user-friendly, searchable website that makes it easier than ever to find a place to live in Lawrence. Make sure renters find your property! Post photos, amenities, maps, floorplans, and much more.

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Call Rental Advertising Specialist Allison Wilson to list your inventory today!


ĂłnĂ?Ăś žAĂ?—nĂ?ĂŒĂ“ eÂ?||nĂ?nÂŁĂ?b [A˜˜ A / 2$/Ă‘ Ă?¨eAĂśb AÂŁe ĂłÂ?Ă“Â?Ă? AĂ´Ă?nÂŁ[n/nA˜Ă?¨Ă?½[¨Âž

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785.832.2222 Lawrence

(Published in the Lawrence may file a written re- BURR, beneficiaries of DONDaily Journal-World Au- sponse to the pleading ALD RALPH CUMPTON, degust 2, 2014) with the clerk of court. ceased, praying that: the foreign will of DONALD IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF Kerri Lonard of Kansas Le- RALPH CUMPTON, DOUGLAS COUNTY, gal Services, an attorney in deceased, dated November KANSAS Lawrence, Kansas, has 6, 1991, be admitted DIVISION SIX been appointed as guard- to probate and record in ian ad litem for the child. this Court; the will be IN THE INTEREST OF: Jody Meyer, an attorney in construed, and the BREANNA E WRAY Lawrence, Kansas, has following Kansas real DOB 2/24/1999, a female been appointed as attor- estate owned by the ney for the mother. Tracy decedent, situated in Fredley, an attorney in Douglas County, Kansas: Case No. 2014-JC-000029 Lawrence, Kansas, has Real property located at (K.S.A. Chapter 38) been appointed as attor- 2723-2725 Larkspur Court, ney for the father. Lawrence, KS 66047: NOTICE OF HEARING All parties are hereby no- WAKARUSA VIEW ESTATES TO: Glacier Hodges tified that, pursuant to NO 3 REPLAT OF LOT 21 BLK K.S.A. 60-255, a default 4 WAKARUSA VIEW ESTATES You are hereby notified judgment will be taken NO 2 AND AN ADJACENT that a petition pertaining against any parent who TRACT OF LAND IN SE 1/4 to the parental rights to fails to appear in person 9-13-19 BLK 1 LT 7B DESC the child whose name ap- or by counsel at the hear- AS:BEG AT NORTHERNMOST pears above has been filed ing. COR LT 7 TH ELYALONG N in this Court requesting LINE SD LT 7 ON 50 FOOT the Court to find the child Deborah Moody, #22679 RADIUS CURVE TO LEFT is a child in need of care. Assistant District Attorney WITH 28.37 FOOT CHORD If a child is adjudged to be Petitioner BEARING S43DEG26’02�E a child in need of care and ________ ARC LENGTH 28.76 FT TH the Court finds a parent to S19DEG57’19�W 110.57 FT be unfit, the Court may (First published in the Law- TO S LINE SD LT 7 TH permanently terminate rence Daily Journal-World, N68DEG06’21�W ALONG SD S that parent’s parental August 2, 2014) LINE 136.44 FT TO SWCOR rights. The Court may also SD LT 7 TH N63DEG02’42�E make other orders includ- IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF ALONG W LINE SD LT 162.49 DOUGLAS COUNTY, ing, but not limited to, reFT TOPT BEG 0.223A (PLAT KANSAS quiring a parent to pay OF SURVEY FILED 03/21/2001 child support. P 17/268)(DIV2001 In the Matter of the Estate U19013-100F) (Taken from of On the 4th day of August, the Douglas County on-line 2014, at 1:30 p.m., each DONALD RALPH CUMPTON, records.) Deceased parent and any other person claiming legal custody Subject to restrictions, (Petition Pursuant to K.S.A. reservations of the minor child is reand easeChapter 59) quired to appear for an ments of record, if any be Adjudication and Disposiassigned in accordance NOTICE OF HEARING tion Hearing, in Division 6 with the terms of the Will. at the Douglas County Law THE STATE OF KANSAS TO Enforcement and Judicial You are required to file your Center, 111 E 11th Street., ALL PERSONS CONCERNED: written defenses thereto on Lawrence, Kansas. Prior to You are hereby notified that or before August 28, 2014, at the proceeding, a parent, a Petition has been filed in 10:00 a.m. in the District grandparent or any other this Court by LUANA MARIA Court, in the City of Kansas party to the proceeding PAULSEN and MISTY DAWN City, Douglas County,

Lawrence Kansas, at which time and place the cause will be heard. Should you fail therein, judgment and decree will be entered in due course upon the Petition. LUANA MARIA PAULSEN and MISTY DAWN BURR, Petitioners WITHERS, BRANT, IGOE & MULLENNIX, P.C. Travis A. Wymore, KS Bar #23034 2 S. Main Street, Liberty, MO 64068 (816) 781-4788 Attorneys for Petitioner ________ (First published in the Lawrence Daily JournalWorld, August 9, 2014) DOUGLAS COUNTY, KANSAS PROJECT NO. 2014-16 BID #14-F-0022 NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS Notice is hereby given that sealed proposals for the performance of the contract above noted will be received in the Office of the Douglas County Clerk until 3:00 P.M., Wednesday, September 3, 2014, and then publicly opened in the Courthouse, 1100 Massachusetts Street, Lawrence, Kansas. Douglas County Project 2014-16 consists of milling (1� nominal) the existing surface, HMA-Patching, HMA- Surfacing (2�), AS-1 Aggregate Shouldering, Monument Box, and Traffic Control.

classiďŹ Lawrence


mile south of the Lawrence be made payable to the Memorial Airport. Board of County Commissioners, Douglas County, Route 9 shall be opened to Kansas. unrestricted traffic each evening, No detour of traf- Contracts will be awarded fic will be permitted. Flag- only to such bidders as are gers and/or pilot vehicles on the list of Pre-Qualified shall be used to carry one Contractors for the Kansas lane traffic through con- Department of Transportastruction. tion on the date established for receiving and All bids must be submitted opening of bids. on forms obtainable at the Office of the Director of The Board of County ComPublic Works/County Engi- missioners of Douglas neer, 1242 Massachusetts County, Kansas reserve Street, Lawrence, Kansas the right to reject any or or Demand Star @ all bids and to waive, nicalities, and to award and are open for public in- the contract to the bidder spection. Proposals shall that the Commission be submitted in sealed en- deems best suited to acvelopes, addressed to the complish the work. Office of the County Clerk, Courthouse, 1100 Massa- DOUGLAS COUNTY PUBLIC chusetts, Lawrence, Kan- WORKS sas 66044, upon which is clearly written or printed Keith A. Browning, P.E. “Proposal for Douglas Director of Public Works County Project No. Date: 8/7/14 2014-16�, and the name ________ and address of the bidder. Any bids received after the (First published in the closing time will be re- Lawrence Daily JournalWorld, July 31, 2014) turned unopened. Copies of the Contract Documents and Specifications are available from the Office of the Director of Public Works and County Engineer of Douglas County, Kansas.

All bids must be accompanied by a CERTIFIED CHECK, CASHIER’S CHECK or a BID BOND for not less than Five Percent (5%) of the base bid as a guarantee that if awarded the Contract, the bidder will enter into a Contract and Rte 9 is located approxi- give bond as required. mately ½ mile west and ½ Said check or bond shall

DOUGLAS COUNTY, KANSAS PROJECT NO. 2013-18 BID # 14-F-0019 NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS Notice is hereby given that sealed proposals for the performance of the contract above noted will be received in the Office of the Douglas County Clerk until 3:00 P.M., Friday, August 22, 2014, and then publicly opened in the Courthouse, 1100 Massachusetts Street, Lawrence, Kansas.



Douglas County Project 2013-18 consists of the bridge deck removal and replacement, removal and replacement of structural steel, concrete approach slabs, grading, bituminous patching, base, and surfacing, seeding, guardrail installation and traffic control.

tract documents, specifications, and plans become the property of the prospective bidder and are not returnable. Copies of the contract documents, specifications, and plans are on file and open for public inspection at the Office of the County Engineer.

This bridge is located over the Washington Creek in Lone Star, KS on Douglas County Route 1039.

All bids must be accompanied by a CERTIFIED CHECK, CASHIER’S CHECK or a BID BOND for not less than Five Percent (5%) of the base bid as a guarantee that if awarded the Contract, the bidder will enter into a Contract and give bond as required. Said check or bond shall be made payable to the Board of County Commissioners, Douglas County, Kansas.

All bids must be submitted on forms obtainable at the Office of the Director of Public Works/County Engineer, 1242 Massachusetts Street, Lawrence, Kansas or Demand Star @, and are open for public inspection. Proposals shall be submitted in sealed envelopes, addressed to the Office of the County Clerk, Courthouse, 1100 Massachusetts, Lawrence, Kansas 66044, upon which is clearly written or printed “Proposal for Douglas County Project No. “2013-18�, and the name and address of the bidder. Any bids received after the closing time will be returned unopened. Copies of the Contract Documents and Specifications are available from the Office of the Director of Public Works and County Engineer of Douglas County, Kansas. A Fifty Dollar ($50.00) non-refundable deposit is required per set, which includes one “11 x 17� set of plans and a copy of the contract documents and specifications. The con-

Contracts will be awarded only to such bidders as are on the list of Pre-Qualified Contractors for the Kansas Department of Transportation on the date established for receiving and opening of bids. The Board of County Commissioners of Douglas County, Kansas reserve the right to reject any or all bids and to waive technicalities, and to award the contract to the bidder that the Commission deems best suited to accomplish the work. DOUGLAS COUNTY PUBLIC WORKS Keith A. Browning, P.E. Director of Public Works Date: 07/31/14 ________

L awrence J ournal -W orld

Saturday, August 9, 2014

Dear Annie: I have one surviving parent nearing 90 years old, who until five years ago was able to live completely independently. A serious injury greatly reduced Dad’s mobility and caused chronic pain and hearing impairment. But he is mentally competent and able to live at home with some help. I live a couple of hours away, but I talk to Dad daily, supply nutritionally correct homemade frozen meals and make regular trips to help with house and yard work, minor repairs, appointments, errands and so forth. I also have a job and provide limited care for an in-law, as well, and my husband has serious chronic health issues that also require significant care. I am spread thin, and I am tired.

Annie’s Mailbox

Marcy Sugar and Kathy Mitchell

The problem is my sister, who is single, retired, has no children and lives walking distance from Dad. She likes to play the martyr, insisting that Dad’s condition is far worse than it really is and that he’s had dementia for 20 years. She claims to be his 24-hour caregiver. None of this is true. In fact, Dad tells me that my sister rarely calls him, and when she does, she is verbally abusive.

Is ‘Outlander’ the new ‘Game of Thrones’? How is “Outlander” (8 p.m. Starz) like “Game of Thrones”? Like the popular HBO series, “Outlander” is based on a popular series of novels. Blending historical fiction, fantasy and time-travel science fiction, the “Outlander” books, by Diana Gabaldon, have sold more than 25 million copies worldwide, reaching readers in 24 languages. That’s a big built-in audience. “Outlander” stars Caitriona Balfe as heroine Claire Randall. She’s first seen in a flashback, staring at a vase in a shop window, wondering if she’ll ever settle down long enough to own the pretty vase that has caught her fancy. Flashing even further back in time, we learn that she was a combat nurse during World War II, where she learned to treat the sick and mutilated under rough conditions. Shortly after the war’s end, she and her husband travel to the remote Scottish highlands, where her love of botany and her husband’s dabbling in history and genealogy bring them to a field of ancient druid stones, not unlike Stonehenge. And it’s there that “Outlander” takes its curious twist, where 20th-century Claire is transported to 18th-century Scotland, a nation of outlaws battling English occupation, and where, or rather when, one of her husband’s distant ancestors is the embodiment of colonial cruelty. Claire’s hardy nature, natural curiosity and nursing skills put her in good stead with the highland rebels who claim her as one of their own. Claire is smart enough to keep her wits about her in a situation that simply defies logic. She’s both vulnerable and plucky — and surrounded by, and attracted to, handsome men from at least two centuries. Best-selling books are made of such stuff. And so are hit TV series. To use an oldfashioned Hollywood expression, “Outlander” is very much a “woman’s picture.” Tonight’s other highlights

Moscow youth battle aliens in the 2011 thriller “The Darkest Hour” (8 p.m., Syfy), starring Emile Hirsch.

Cullen takes on the Swede on “Hell on Wheels” (8 p.m., AMC).

Edward Norton hosts “Saturday Night Live” (10:30 p.m., NBC), featuring musical guest Janelle Monae.

BIRTHDAYS Basketball Hall of Famer Bob Cousy is 86. Actress Cynthia Harris is 80. Tennis Hall of Famer Rod Laver is 76. Jazz musician Jack DeJohnette is 72. Comedian-director David Steinberg is 72. Actor Sam Elliott is 70.

Sis tells these lies to the extended family and friends, saying that I’m unwilling to help with Dad’s care. I am not allowed to be a part of the family discussions about Dad’s needs. I am not allowed to be at family gatherings, as my presence would be “too upsetting” to my poor, long-suffering sister. She also tells the relatives not to call Dad because he’s too incapacitated to know what’s going on. It breaks Dad’s heart not to hear from anyone else. Dad won’t correct this misinformation, because he doesn’t want to embarrass my sister or have her yell at him. I have tried to hold my head up, ignore gossip and calmly give facts when confronted, but I am tired


For Saturday, Aug. 9, 2014: This year you move into a new phase of life. Sometimes you might feel dragged down by a personal or domestic matter, but not for long. If you are single, you are in a perfect period to meet Mr. or Ms. Right. If you are attached, the two of you often disagree, but the underlying issue for both of you is the same. The stars show the kind of day you’ll have: 5-Dynamic; 4-Positive; 3-Average; 2-So-so; 1-Difficult Aries (March 21-April 19) You might consider taking a look at what you really want to do. Tonight: The party goes on and on. Taurus (April 20-May 20) A call could be provocative enough to force a change of plans. Take charge of a get-together. Tonight: Accept an offer. Gemini (May 21-June 20) Reach out to someone at a distance. This person is very important to your well-being. Tonight: Go to a movie, concert or play. Be entertained. Cancer (June 21-July 22) Someone will make it clear that he or she has something to share. Tonight: Make it your treat. Leo (July 23-Aug. 22) You could be delighted by the sudden flurry of energy that surrounds you this morning. . Don’t take someone’s comment personally. Tonight: Accept a spe-

of being the villain. Above all, I am worried about Dad. How do I dig us both out of this mess? — Vilified Sibling Dear Vilified: If your sister is verbally abusive, report it to your local Administration on Aging ( We also recommend you phone or email the relatives and ask them to call Dad because he is lonely and would appreciate hearing from them regardless of his condition. Then please contact the Family Caregiver Alliance ( and ask about respite care for yourself. You have your hands full.

— Send questions to, or Annie’s Mailbox, P.O. Box 118190 Chicago, IL 60611.

cial invitation. Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) You’ll feel your creativity wane. You might be more tired than you realize and need some personal time. Tonight: Do not create a problem where there is none. Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22) You are full of energy with a loved one. Tonight: Let your hair down. Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21) You could feel as if you have too much to handle with an unexpected change involving your domestic life. Tonight: Order in. Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21) Return calls and bring friends together. Tonight: Catch up on some interesting news. Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19) You might not be able to see where to cut back on spending, especially if someone else is involved. Tonight: Maintain your budget. Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18) You’ll smile, and others will find you irresistible. Knowing that you have this power, you’ll want to go out and pursue your personal goals. Tonight: The world is your oyster. Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) Don’t venture out of your immediate boundaries too quickly. Tonight: You will be happiest being somewhat of a homebody.

UNIVERSAL CROSSWORD Universal Crossword Edited by Timothy E. Parker August 9, 2014 ACROSS 1 Dutch artist Hieronymous 6 Big name in country music 10 D.C. office shape 14 2009 Grammywinning vocalist 15 Oneconsonant instrument 16 Purpose 17 Wing of a bird and arm of a man, e.g. 19 Pandora’s box contents 20 Neptune’s largest moon 21 “___ You Experienced?” (Hendrix hit) 22 Gals’ beaus 23 Shock kin 25 Stationer’s 500 27 Runneradvancing fly ball 30 Addition figure 31 It helps you go the extra mile 34 Surprised sound 35 Shoe-shiner’s application 37 Trattoria quaffs 38 “Funeral in Berlin” novelist Deighton 39 Obstacle on a car-racing track 41 Exclamation of amazement

42 1980 DeLuise flick 44 Decorate again 45 Customary practice 46 Containing animal fat 48 “___ Gotta Be Me” 50 One of a D.C. 100 51 One who dresses in black 52 Chinese weight units 54 Share a border 56 General, to a Turk 58 Baby’s bottle top 62 Large stringed instrument 63 Deceitful 65 Case for small scissors 66 Backsplash component 67 Computer mini-pictures 68 Conclude one’s case 69 Eye irritation 70 Primitive abode DOWN 1 Coin in Bangkok 2 What a nose picks up 3 Weigh station stopper 4 Coagulates 5 Spartan serfs 6 Slow running pace 7 German sea scourge 8 On the gloomy side

9 Leave one’s post 10 Art provided in folders? 11 Large in number or quantity 12 Comrade in arms 13 Not as much of 18 Headlong assault 24 Strike caller 26 Roof’s overhang 27 Musical syllable singing system 28 In first place 29 Adjacent 31 Pro football venues 32 Hangman’s prop 33 Beyond the pale? 36 Wintry buildup 39 Curmudgeon

40 Series of repeated Catholic prayers 43 Singled out on stage 47 Spear handles 49 Call forth 52 Running score 53 Aromatic seasoning 54 Say with conviction 55 Tug on the fishing line 57 Gallop or canter 59 Certain ship deck 60 Anything shaped like a half moon 61 “___ Quam Videri” (N.C. motto) 64 Golf great Trevino



© 2014 Universal Uclick

I-OUS By Clyde Dobey



by David L. Hoyt and Jeff Knurek

Unscramble these four Jumbles, one letter to each square, to form four ordinary words.

— The astrological forecast should be read for entertainment only.

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Sister’s lies about dad’s caregiving anger sibling

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(Answers Monday) Jumbles: ABYSS PLANK UNCORK FROZEN Answer: When Sinatra gave the young singer advice, he — SPOKE FRANKLY



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