Lawrence Journal-World 10-19-2016

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Wednesday • October 19 • 2016


City OKs HERE parking plan



KU communications scholar talks tactics By Sara Shepherd l Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump  has proven a nimble foe for those hoping to tackle him in a debate — they can watch all the game footage they want, but Trump doesn’t always repeat plays. That’s the gist of a Trump trait that has “tripped up” Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton in past debates and may again during the final presidential debate tonight, says Brett Bricker of the University of Kansas, who wrote a chapter in the newly published book, “Debating the Donald.”

By Rochelle Valverde

Though Lawrence city commissioners voiced disappointment in the situation — as well as disdain for what they deemed an inappropriate promotional video — they narrowly passed a parking plan for the HERE CITY apartment COMMISSION complex. The previous City Commission provided the HERE project an 85 percent property tax rebate after the Chicago development group touted the $75 million luxury apartment complex as being a major boon for the city’s rental market. Those incentives were far from forgotten as the parking plan was discussed at the commission’s meeting Tuesday. The incentives had been granted under the Neighborhood Revitalization Act, but Commissioner Matthew Herbert — who voted against the parking plan along with Commissioner Leslie Soden — said that revitalization has not been accomplished. Herbert told those with the project they needed to be a “good neighbor.”

Bricker Inside: Watch party, factchecking planned at KU’s Watson Library. 4A

AP Photos Sylas May/ JournalWorld Photo Illustration


County clerk: No bias in ballot info mailings By Peter Hancock


Douglas County Clerk Jamie Shew said there was no attempt to favor Democratic voters when his office mailed out tens of thousands of advance

ballot applications, but the chairwoman of the Douglas County Republican Party said she’s not so sure. “This office takes very seriously the integrity of election administration and our staff, which con-

sists of members of all parties and unaffiliated, dedicate themselves to providing service in a non-political atmosphere,” Shew said in an email Tuesday. The controversy concerns informational bro-

chures that the County Clerk’s Office mailed out Sept. 16 to more than 36,000 households throughout Douglas County, advising them about the various options


> HERE, 2A

Haskell: Nepotism complaint found to be unsubstantiated By Sara Shepherd

A federal investigation into alleged nepotism at Haskell Indian Nations University found the complaint to be unsubstantiated, though some changes in supervisory duties have been made, Haskell administration announced



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VOL. 158 / NO. 293 / 32 PAGES

Federal agency has not released formal findings in case Tuesday. However, a spokeswoman for the investigating federal agency cited by Haskell said the office has yet to issue formal findings. The complaint accused Haskell President Venida Chenault of improperly

engaging in nepotism by supervising her son, Joshua Arce, while he served as acting dean of students for a period of eight months earlier this year. Arce’s permanent position at Haskell is chief information officer.

Not as warm CLASSIFIED.............6C-10C COMICS..................... 8CRA


High: 68

DEATHS...........................2A EVENTS...........................6A


“The Office of the Inspector General issued findings on an anonymous complaint which alleged nepotism by the President of Haskell Indian Nations University. The complaint was determined to be unsubstantiated and the find-

Low: 47


ings of the investigation are considered resolved,” according to a statement issued Tuesday by the university. “No further action will be taken by the Office of the Inspector General.”


Forecast, 6A

HOROSCOPE....................5B OPINION..........................5A

PUZZLES..........................5B SPORTS.....................1C-5C




Wednesday, October 19, 2016




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MARILYN JUNE PUCKETT NIEDER Memorial services for Marilyn J. Nieder, 71, Baldwin City, will be Thurs. Oct. 20 2016, at The Lodge in Baldwin City from 3:30­6:30 pm. She passed Oct. 15, 2016. rumsey­

“If you’re going to be accepting a neighborhood revitalization tax incentive, you need to do something on your end to demonstrate that you’re a good neighbor,” Herbert said. “And up to this point, I have seen nothing that demonstrates you’re a good neighbor — and quite the opposite. This is getting to a point, you know, where I keep waiting for the next shoe to drop.” Herbert criticized a promotional video for the complex that was sent to the commission by members of the Oread Residents Association. The video includes actual footage from a party at the complex’s pool, in which people in swimsuits are seen drinking alcohol and dancing, with the camera often zooming in on women’s bodies. The video was used promotionally, but has since been removed from the HERE website, according to James Letchinger, president of JDL Development, the group behind HERE. Letchinger told the commission the video “was a mistake that was made early on.” “The whole event was inappropriate; the video was inappropriate,” Letchinger said. Though the video prompted pointed discussion, so did the parking plan itself. The plan calls for demolishing two houses to expand a nearby parking lot to provide an additional 68 spaces for the complex, which was originally to have a robotic valet parking garage. Residents of the Oread neighborhood told commissioners they were concerned that the higherdensity zoning required for the parking lot would open the door for apartments to be built on the lot in the future. Commissioners made sure in their motion to address that concern, calling for specific notation in the city’s comprehensive plan that would indicate the exception being made would only allow for a surface parking lot. “I think the safeguard is there,” Mayor Mike Amyx said. Amyx also addressed the video, and told Letchinger that drinking at the pool party was “an accident waiting to happen.” The apartment complex at 1111 Indiana St. opened to residents in mid-August and consists of 624 bedrooms and 13,500 square feet of commercial space. HERE is currently only allowed to fill about 550 of its bedrooms because EITH ODER the complex’s parking ga57, Leavenworth, died October 17, 2016. rage does not have enough Memorial celebration will be Thursday October spaces to serve all 624 bed20, 2016 4­6 p.m. at Quisenberry Funeral Home, rooms. Tonganoxie. Full obit The majority of the property that will make up the new lot is owned by the KU Endowment AsCounty to consider code amendment sociation, which will lease The Douglas County transitional step between the new lot to HERE. As Commission will consider home businesses, which part of the 50-year lease a text amendment to the are permitted with planagreement, HERE tenants county code at today’s ning staff’s administrative will have to vacate the lot meeting that would allow review, and applications about 10 days per year for small-scale industrial uses in large enough to require KU home football games rural areas with the approval industrial rezoning. and other events. of a conditional use permit. A wide range of possible A local representative The text amendment, light manufacturing, prod- of the Chicago-based dewhich requires a public uct assembly and food pro- velopment group, Brian hearing, comes to the duction activities are listed Sturm, of Landplan Encommission with the as possible candidates gineering, addressed the Lawrence-Douglas County for the permit. Activities question of where tenPlanning Commission’s involving the slaughter of ants would park on those unanimous recommenanimals are excluded. days they have to vacate dation for approval. In a The Douglas County the lot. Sturm said that alreport to commissioners, Commission meets at 4 ternate parking arrangeMary Miller, planner for p.m. at the Douglas County ments would be made for the Lawrence-Douglas Courthouse, 1100 Mastenants in open spaces County Planning Departsachusetts St. To view in the HERE garage, or ment, writes that the text the entire agenda, visit in parking lots owned by amendment is seen as a KU or KU Endowment.


SHARON K. WILLIAMS Services for Sharon Williams, 73, , Lawrence are pending and will be announced at a later date. She died October 14, 2015 at LMH.

Every life is worth celebrating

R. Y

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BIRTHS No births were reported Tuesday.

CORRECTIONS The Journal-World’s policy is to correct all significant errors that are brought to the editors’ attention, usually in this space. If you believe we have made such an error, call 785-832-7154, or email

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Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Kan. regulators: More info needed on utility merger

Business Hall of Fame adds new members

By Peter Hancock

Elvyn Jones/Journal-World Photo

MEMBERS OF THE 2016 KANSAS JUNIOR ACHIEVEMENT LAWRENCE BUSINESS HALL OF FAME PREPARE for their induction ceremonies Tuesday at the University of Kansas’ Kansas Union Ballroom. From left: Mark Buhler, managing partner in Calvin, Eddy and Kappelman Insurance; Sharon Spratt, CEO of Cottonwood Inc.; Terry Edwards, daughter of posthumous inductees Ross and Marianna Beach; and Smitty Belcher, CEO of P1 Group Inc. “It’s a very humbling event,” Belcher said of his induction. “It’s great for Lawrence and the state what Junior Achievement does to educate third-graders through fifth-graders on business and entrepreneurship.” Read more about the inductees at

Man accused of harassment files for diversion By Conrad Swanson

The man accused of sexually harassing a New Zealand blogger online has filed for a diversion for the single charge he faces. Kalim Akeba Lloyd Dowdell, 19, was arrested in August and faces one misdemeanor charge of harassment by telecommunications device. Tuesday afternoon Dowdell ap- Dowdell peared in Douglas County District Court where his attorney, Keith White, said he filed a

diversion application more than a week ago, but had not yet heard back from prosecutors on the filing. If his diversion request is granted and he completes the terms of the agreement, Dowdell will not be convicted of the harassment charge. The diversion will, however, remain on his record unless he later files for an expungement. Dowdell does not have any prior criminal history in Douglas County District Court. He was in court Tuesday to schedule a date for his criminal trial.

Douglas County District Court Judge Kay Huff scheduled Dowdell’s trial for early 2017 to allow prosecutors time to examine his diversion application before then. According to an arrest affidavit filed in district court, Dowdell sent sexual messages to several people using a number of social media accounts. One woman, Rachel Gronback, 31, of New Zealand, says Dowdell sent her unwanted and inappropriate pictures and filed a police report this winter. She also sent police a packet documenting the messages. Since Dowdell’s arrest,

| 3A

Gronback has committed to traveling to the United States if she’s needed to testify in a criminal trial. Dowdell is next scheduled to appear in court at 4 p.m. Jan. 17. If a plea agreement is arranged between defense and prosecuting attorneys, Huff said she wanted the details finalized by then. If Dowdell’s case will go to trial, the case is scheduled to begin at 9 a.m. Jan. 25. If convicted, he could face up to 12 months in jail and/or a fine of up to $2,500. — Public safety reporter Conrad Swanson can be reached at 832-7284. Follow him on Twitter: @Conrad_Swanson

Topeka — Kansas utility regulators said Tuesday that they may be compelled to reject Great Plains Energy’s proposed $12.2 billion buyout of Topeka-based Westar Energy if the two companies don’t provide more detailed information about the purchase price. Officials at Great Plains, however, said they were not troubled by the order and vowed to provide all the information that the Kansas Corporation Commission requires in order to complete the merger on schedule in the spring of 2017. The KCC on Tuesday issued an order that gives staff at the agency and the Citizens Utility Ratepayers Board, an agency that represents consumers and small businesses in utility cases, 15 days in which either one or both could file a motion to reject the merger. At issue is whether Great Plains, the parent company of Kansas City Power and Light, has explained in sufficient detail why it is offering to buy Westar at a price estimated at more than $5 billion above Westar’s book value. The proposed merger was announced in May, and in August the KCC issued an order reiterating the standards by which it would review the case. Those standards were essentially the same standards that KCC set out in an earlier merger proposal in the late 1990s, when KCP&L proposed to buy the

company, which was then called Western Resources. One of those standards was “whether there are operational synergies that justify payment of a premium in excess of book value.” That earlier deal never went through, because the companies withdrew the application. And when they filed the new application this year, Great Plains officials said they modeled the application on the previous standards. But staff at the KCC and CURB objected, saying that in the new application the companies left out the words “in excess of book value” when explaining the negotiated purchase price. Great Plains argued that it was merely paraphrasing the review standards, but KCC staff and CURB suggested that the utilities were trying to lower the standard of review. And in Tuesday’s order, the commission said it agreed. “The Commission disagrees with the (companies’) characterization that they merely paraphrased the merger standards and advises the (companies) that if their joint application and supporting testimony do not conform to the merger standards, the Commission will be compelled to deny the Joint Application,” the order stated. Although the utilities have declined to file an amended application, KCP&L spokesman Chuck Caisley said the companies do not dispute the review standards and will provide any information needed.



OCTOBER 22, 7:30PM

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Wednesday, October 19, 2016


“She both has to refute what Trump is saying while also pointing out that what he’s saying may be a lie or is inconsistent with things he’s said in the past,” Bricker said. “I don’t know how you prepare for a debate like that ... Since he’s willing to say something one minute and say something else the next, he’s able to maneuver and adapt.” Clinton’s preparation strategy has to include not only knowing her own policies, but “digging through” Trump’s policies and knowing how, when and where he’s laid out his positions in the past, Bricker said. Bricker, associate director of the debate program and assistant specialist of communication studies at KU, said polls have proven Trump cannot be dismissed as a reality TV star rather than a serious candidate, and in fact the same traits that make him popular on television no doubt have helped him with some voters. “A lot of presidential debates are accused of being prefectorial, or potentially too boring, or kind of wonky, and he has the advantage of having none of those things,” Bricker said. “Even when he’s speaking in kind of vague platitudes, he has the advantage that it can seem exciting.” Bricker said he’s going to be watching for two things in particular tonight. First, the open seat on the U.S. Supreme Court. That’s a topic that’s been missing from previous Trump-Clinton debates but that will have a much longer-lasting impact than many other issues, Bricker said. Second, a possible shift in attitude. “By most measures, Trump is declining in the





Fact-checking event at KU KU Libraries is planning a watch event with live fact-checking and interactive activities for tonight’s presidential debate. The event is scheduled from 7 to 10 p.m. at Watson Library. Libraries communications coordinator LeAnn Meyer said screens will display the televised debate as well as a live document updating with fact-checking links and resources. Three librarians and three students will work as fact-checkers and share the information online, Meyer said. They’re encouraging KU students to use the hashtag #KUDebateWatch to follow the fact-checkers.

polls, and his attacks have become more vicious,” Bricker said, noting in particular Trump’s accusations that the election process is being rigged. “I’m interested to see how much of that plays into his strategy in the debate.” “Debating the Donald” features authors from many of the nation’s top

debate programs, including several KU graduates, analyzing Trump’s performance, noting lessons learned and preparing readers for the presidential debates, according to an announcement from KU. Bricker’s chapter focuses on Trump’s performance in the eighth GOP debate held in Manchester, N.H., and notes his uncommon willingness to even attack the debate audience. “Trump has been overwhelmingly successful at pulling rabbits out of his hat at different parts of this campaign,” Bricker said. “A bad debate or some type of black swan — those are the types of things that can change the election in the next 20 days.” Bricker said he thinks many viewers initially drawn to Trump’s entertaining reality TV personality have tired of it and tuned out of the debates, leaving only those viewers who are still trying to make decisions based on issues. To them, Bricker says, don’t give up. “It’s not over by any means,” he said. “It is an extremely important moment, and these debates give us small glimpses into what our future might be under a Trump or Clinton presidency.” — KU and higher ed reporter Sara Shepherd can be reached at 832-7187. Follow her on Twitter: @saramarieshep

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OCT 22 7:30 pm

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for voting in the election, including advance voting by mail. It included an application voters could use to have an advance ballot mailed to them. It also comes at the same time Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump has been claiming, without showing any evidence, that this year’s national election is being “rigged” in favor of Democrat Hillary Clinton. On Monday, Douglas County Republican Party Chairwoman Kathleen Ammel wrote to Shew, questioning how the office decided where to send the mailings and suggesting that the list was skewed in favor of Democratic voters over Republicans. “While we are fully

supportive of every effort to increase voter engagement, it appears that advance voting applications have been sent to registered Democrats at a higher rate than registered Republicans,” Ammel wrote. Specifically, she alleged, when comparing the proportions of Democrats and Republicans on the county’s voter registration rolls with those who received the mailings, there was a 1.71 percent “skew” in favor of Democrats. Ammel also said voters in the 2nd Senate District, currently held by Democratic Sen. Marci Francisco, were over-represented in the mailing. Shew, however, said the mailings were not sent to individual voters, but instead to households with at least one registered voter in them. That included households that could have multiple voters with different party affiliations.

“We sorted by households with active voters,” Shew said. “At no point was any consideration made for any other criteria.” Ammel said her concerns were not prompted by Trump’s recent allegations of widespread voterigging in the election. “I was thinking more of the local races than the national races,” she said. But Shew — a Democrat who is running unopposed for re-election this year — said election officials locally and nationwide have expressed concerns about Trump’s recent remarks and the impact they could have on public confidence in the electoral process. “We have some poll workers who are very nervous about a lot of stuff they’re hearing,” he said. “I understand that rhetoric is being used for political purposes, but it has the ability to do damage beyond just politics.”

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Lawrence Journal-World l l Wednesday, October 19, 2016

As election nears, world holds breath


Small 10 The Big 12 Conference’s decision to not add teams highlights power of TV and begs questions about future.


he Big 12 Conference’s decision to remain at 10 teams may have been the right call, but it also feels like confirmation that the league is the weakest of the so-called Power 5 conferences. Big 12 leaders announced Monday that expansion is off the table. The decision came after months of speculation that the conference would add at least two members. The league had spent much of the summer listening to pitches from and vetting potential new schools. In the end, the Big 12 decided to stand pat, and it appears to not have had much choice given what appears to be a lack of expansion enthusiasm from the conference’s television partners. “This was not a decision to not expand,” Big 12 Commissioner Bob Bowlsby said. “This was an endorsement and reinvestment in the 10 that we had.” University of Kansas Chancellor Bernadette Gray-Little supported the decision. “As we have said all along, the priority for the University of Kansas and our athletics program is a strong and competitive Big 12 Conference,” she said. “The board’s unanimous decision … goes a long way toward ensuring the long-term stability and strength of the conference and its member institutions.” What Bowlsby and Gray-Little didn’t say is that the money the Big 12 thought it could get by expanding wasn’t there. Expansion talk had been driven by contractual commitments from TV networks Fox and ESPN that would have meant an extra $50 million in TV revenue per year for adding two schools. There also was the idea of a Big 12 TV Network, like the SEC, Pac-12 and Big 10 have and the ACC will launch in two years. But the TV brass made it known that the market wasn’t there for a Big 12 Network beyond the existing Longhorn Network, a partnership between the University of Texas and ESPN. Fox and ESPN also made it clear they weren’t interested in the schools being interviewed for Big 12 expansion. Conference officials held interviews with Air Force, Colorado State, Central Florida, Cincinnati, Connecticut, Houston, South Florida, SMU, Tulane and Brigham Young. There is speculation that ESPN and Fox offered more money for the Big 12 not to expand. Bowlsby would not discuss the specifics of the TV negotiations. In the short term, it appears the Big 12 didn’t have a choice. TV wasn’t interested in Big 12 expansion, and in college sports these days, TV money dictates decisionmaking. But it does make you wonder what the future holds for a conference that has the fewest members of the Power 5 and the weakest television appeal. That’s enough to make the nine members of the Big 12 not named the University of Texas a little nervous.

Washington — Making predictions three weeks before the U.S. election is risky, but the likeliest bet right now is that the center will hold in American politics and Hillary Clinton will be elected president. That’s important for lots of reasons, the biggest of which is that it could begin to stabilize a very unsettled world. Nate Silver, a leading polling guru, projected Monday night that based on major surveys, the chances of a Clinton victory had increased to 88 percent, up 5 points in a week and 33 points from her low ebb in September before the first debate. Silver estimates that Clinton has a roughly 7-point lead in the polls, about the same margin in the Real Clear Politics average. Anything could happen in three weeks, of course, but these numbers should dampen, at least slightly, what has been a feverish global mood. Traveling on three continents over the past two months, I have heard widespread anxiety about the state of the world. To many analysts, Vladimir Putin’s Russia has seemed on the march while the U.S. and its allies are in retreat. The danger of U.S.-Russian conflict was described by Rolf Mowatt-Larssen, a former senior CIA officer, in a recent article. “As a lifelong observer of Russia, I have never been as concerned as I am now on the state of Russian-American relations,” he wrote. “A

David Ignatius

The next president will inherit a stronger American economy and structure of global alliances than the sound bites suggest.” dangerous zero-sum game pattern has emerged as U.S. and Russia make moves and countermoves that mimic practice during the Cold War.” Aggressive Russian actions in Ukraine, Syria and cyberspace have led some analysts to review Cold War texts such as Herman Kahn’s classic “On Escalation,” which describes a psychology of “escalation dominance” where adversaries take action in the expectation that they will prevail. Some experts argue that Russia is tempted by the perception that the U.S. has lost its superiority in conventional weapons and its will to use them. But there’s more stability in the current U.S.-Russian confrontations than some might think. First, diplomatic conversation between the two countries is nearly continuous. It’s easy to make

fun of Secretary of State John Kerry’s tireless (and seemingly fruitless) negotiations with his Russian counterpart, Sergey Lavrov. But these meetings reduce the possibility of accidental conflict. So do the almost daily contacts between the U.S. and Russian militaries to “deconflict” potential confrontations over Syria. Meanwhile, the Pentagon is working on new high-tech weapons that should eventually restore U.S. “overmatch.” Russia’s seemingly dominant position in these conflicts is also more fragile than it looks. That’s because of the growing weakness of an economy suffering from sanctions and low oil prices. Russia, by most measures, is moving in reverse: The International Monetary Fund projects a decline in GDP this year of 0.8 percent. Monthly wages fell by 9.5 percent in the year ended in August. Russia’s “rainy day” cash reserve has declined by nearly two-thirds since 2014. Military muscle masks Russian economic decline. According to Reuters columnist William Pomeranz, the government’s share of GDP has nearly doubled over the last decade to about 70 percent, heading back toward Soviet levels. This has brought gross corruption and inefficiency. Even in its showcase energy sector, Russia lacks the technology to develop difficult offshore or Arctic reserves. U.S. campaign rhetoric sometimes makes it seem

The Baltimore Sun

It all began with one simple tweet. Writer Kelly Oxford, after listening to interviews about the “locker room” and sexual assault took to Twitter and shared — for the first time — the story of how she was sexually assaulted on a city bus when she was 12 years old. She then asked women to tweet their first assault. Within hours, hundreds and then thousands of women took to Twitter to share their stories using the hashtag #NotOkay. Within three days, over 30 million people had read or contributed to this thread, moving the conversation beyond social media and making a disturbing fact abundantly clear: Sexual assault is as American as baseball and apple pie. Women and girls shared that they had been assaulted when they were 5 or 9 or 19. It happened whether they were single, in a relationship or married. For some, they had multiple stories to share of being fondled or groped, touched or handled; stalked or grabbed. They shared stories of men forcing kisses on them or pinning them against walls, of uncles who made them sit on their laps or teachers who stared at their chests. Some of the tweets read like short stories with pain, guilt, shame and regret poured out 140 characters at a time. Some contributors used their real names; some created fake accounts to remain anonymous. Some stated that they had already shared their stories with their families, but many said that they had never reported them before. Some were related to their abusers:

like the world is falling apart. But the next president will inherit a stronger American economy and structure of global alliances than the sound bites suggest. European allies, for example, are stressed by migration and populist anger. But so far, the fragile center seems to be holding there, too, and it would probably be reinforced by a Clinton victory. In Asia, the next administration will build on enhanced economic and military ties with two close partners, South Korea and Japan, which over the past year (with careful nudging from Washington) have become better friends with each other, too. Paradoxically, perhaps, the biggest threat to the future remains the traditional Cold War problem of nuclear weapons. North Korea is recklessly seeking to become a nuclear state. Iran’s program has been contained, but for how long? And Russian leaders, recognizing their severe lag behind U.S. conventional forces (despite the showy operations in Syria), still seem to see their strategic depth in terms of nuclear weapons. The U.S. election, on current evidence, will probably yield a modest consolidation for global order after a period of stress. The good news is that the bad news seems less likely than a few weeks ago. But as Nov. 8 approaches, the world is holding its breath. — David Ignatius is a columnist for Washington Post Writers Group.


Not deplorable

Sexual assault is still rampant in our culture By Karsonya Wise Whitehead


It became painfully clear that there really is a ‘locker room,’ and it is within this space that men and boys are led to believe that they can sexually assault a woman or girl without any fear that they will be held accountable.”

their fathers and uncles and brothers. Some went to church and school with them: their priests and teachers and deacons. Some sat in classrooms with them or went on dates with them or lived in the same building with them. Many were just nameless and faceless men and boys in the crowd who found an opportunity and took it. When people started questioning why women did not report their assaults, a subsequent hashtag, #WhyWomenDontReport, was created and in the space of a few hours, thousands of women responded in similar fashion: shame, fear, embarrassment, confusion, humiliation, selfhatred and a lack of trust that the system will work and hold their abusers accountable. It became painfully clear that there really is a “locker room,” and it is within this space that men and boys are led to believe that they can sexually assault a woman or girl without any fear that they will be held accountable. The conversation was not about Donald Trump. It did not start with him. We have been talking about sexual assault, rape and consent for a long time, along with daily forms of micro-sexual ag-

gressions, from inappropriate touching to sexual innuendoes and jokes. We must now face the hard truth that the culture has not changed and that these rapists, these offenders, are our sons, our husbands, our fathers, our colleagues, our elected officials. It is within this environment that this tweet, once introduced, empowered women and girls to tell their stories. And if we do not change now, then we are complicit and we are helping to maintain an environment that encourages and rewards male violence, hypersexuality, and the degradation and silencing of women and girls. And so we must: l Agree to no longer accept violent masculinity and victim blaming as the norm; l Design curriculum that teaches young girls and boys about what it means to ask for and give ongoing ardent consent; l Organize after-school programs and classes to teach young boys and girls how to treat each other as human beings, respecting both their bodies and their space; l Put more counselors in place to support and encourage women and girls to report sexual assaults; l And start a campaign to force the media to change the sexist and sexual nature of advertising. This is how we change our culture. We commit to holding ourselves and our family and friends accountable. We lend our voices, bend our privilege and work together to unravel this thread so that we can do better and be better. — Karsonya Wise Whitehead is an associate professor at Loyola University Maryland and the author of “Letters to My Black Sons: Raising Boys in a Post-Racial America.”

To the editor: Of my 24 years in the Navy, I had top secret clearance for about 10 years. During some two years stationed in the Far East, a portion of top secret messages were State Department related to the Far Eastern countries. During the next 28 years as a professor of aerospace engineering at the University of Kansas, I consulted with Black & Veatch of Kansas City, Mo., with a secret clearance. Most of this work was for the Army. When I left my desk, work went into a security vault — going to the bathroom, lunch or home. Had I mishandled my trust, I would be in jail — not running for president. I must be one of those “deplorables: the racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, Islamophobic, you name it.” As a graduate of the U.S. Naval Academy (1941), Pearl Harbor survivor (USS Maryland), leader of the last flight of 16 fighter bombers over Tokyo (Aug. 15, 1945, from the USS Randolph), graduate student of the U.S. Naval postgraduate school and California Institute of Technology (1946-49; CIT Graduate Degree of Engineer), and graduate student some 20 years later at University of Arizona and Oklahoma State (18 hours), I must be an uneducated deplorable to prefer Donald Trump for president. Vincent U. Muirhead, Lawrence

Letters to the editor l Letters should be 250 words or fewer. l Letters should avoid namecalling. l Letters can be submitted via mail to P.O. Box 888, Lawrence KS 66044 or via email at




Established 1891

Scott Stanford, Publisher Chad Lawhorn, Editor Kim Callahan, Managing Editor Kathleen Johnson, Advertising Manager Joan Insco, Circulation Manager Allie Sebelius, Marketing Director






Wednesday, October 19, 2016



L awrence J ournal -W orld




19 TODAY Not as warm with sun and clouds

A morning shower; sunshine

Mostly sunny

Pleasant with plenty of sunshine

Sunny and beautiful

High 68° Low 47° POP: 40%

High 63° Low 38° POP: 40%

High 68° Low 44° POP: 0%

High 75° Low 51° POP: 0%

High 75° Low 51° POP: 5%

Wind ENE 6-12 mph

Wind N 7-14 mph

Wind S 7-14 mph

Wind ENE 4-8 mph

Wind SW 6-12 mph

POP: Probability of Precipitation

McCook 63/35

Kearney 63/39

Oberlin 62/38

Clarinda 71/45

Lincoln 67/44

Grand Island 62/39

Beatrice 69/46

St. Joseph 72/47 Chillicothe 71/50

Sabetha 70/47

Concordia 70/44

Centerville 69/45

Kansas City Marshall Manhattan 68/50 67/50 Goodland Salina 72/46 Oakley Kansas City Topeka 62/33 72/47 62/38 71/48 Lawrence 69/48 Sedalia 68/47 Emporia Great Bend 68/50 71/46 73/43 Nevada Dodge City Chanute 71/49 73/40 Hutchinson 72/49 Garden City 74/46 70/36 Springfield Wichita Pratt Liberal Coffeyville Joplin 75/54 74/48 71/41 73/38 74/51 75/51 Hays Russell 68/40 70/42

Shown is today’s weather. Temperatures are today’s highs and tonight’s lows.


Through 8 p.m. Tuesday.

Temperature High/low Normal high/low today Record high today Record low today

76°/51° 67°/44° 86° in 1963 23° in 1972

Precipitation in inches 24 hours through 8 p.m. yest. 0.00 Month to date 1.52 Normal month to date 2.08 Year to date 31.31 Normal year to date 34.87


Today Thu. Today Thu. Cities Hi Lo W Hi Lo W Cities Hi Lo W Hi Lo W Holton 71 48 pc 63 40 pc Atchison 71 48 pc 63 37 s Independence 67 49 pc 64 41 s Belton 66 48 r 62 40 s Olathe 67 48 pc 62 40 sh Burlington 69 48 pc 64 41 s Osage Beach 68 53 t 65 38 pc Coffeyville 75 51 t 68 41 s Osage City 70 47 pc 64 40 s Concordia 70 44 pc 63 40 s Ottawa 68 48 pc 64 39 s Dodge City 73 40 pc 66 39 s Wichita 74 48 pc 67 42 s Fort Riley 72 48 pc 63 40 s Weather (W): s-sunny, pc-partly cloudy, c-cloudy, sh-showers, t-thunderstorms, r-rain, sf-snow flurries, sn-snow, i-ice.



Today Thu. 7:35 a.m. 7:36 a.m. 6:36 p.m. 6:35 p.m. 9:51 p.m. 10:48 p.m. 11:26 a.m. 12:29 p.m.





Oct 22

Oct 30

Nov 7

Nov 14


As of 7 a.m. Tuesday Lake

Level (ft)

Clinton Perry Pomona

Discharge (cfs)

877.39 893.87 976.53

7 25 15

Shown are today’s noon positions of weather systems and precipitation. Temperature bands are highs for today.

Fronts Cold

INTERNATIONAL CITIES Cities Acapulco Amsterdam Athens Baghdad Bangkok Beijing Berlin Brussels Buenos Aires Cairo Calgary Dublin Geneva Hong Kong Jerusalem Kabul London Madrid Mexico City Montreal Moscow New Delhi Oslo Paris Rio de Janeiro Rome Seoul Singapore Stockholm Sydney Tokyo Toronto Vancouver Vienna Warsaw Winnipeg

Today Hi Lo W 92 78 t 54 45 r 69 57 pc 96 62 s 91 79 t 73 53 pc 52 41 sh 52 41 r 60 51 r 83 66 s 51 29 s 54 39 sh 55 39 c 85 77 sh 75 58 pc 77 42 s 58 46 pc 71 55 pc 76 50 pc 61 46 s 39 32 c 96 69 s 47 41 sh 58 44 pc 91 77 pc 70 60 pc 73 54 s 89 78 sh 48 41 c 72 58 s 73 65 pc 69 54 pc 56 50 sh 54 43 r 52 44 sh 42 33 pc

Hi 89 56 70 93 90 57 52 55 61 82 52 54 53 88 75 74 58 69 75 59 38 96 44 57 94 71 77 90 45 72 76 58 58 48 51 44

Thu. Lo W 78 t 42 r 58 s 61 s 79 t 49 r 40 c 41 r 50 sh 66 s 32 pc 40 pc 39 sh 78 pc 59 s 40 s 45 pc 52 pc 54 pc 48 r 31 sf 70 s 37 sh 44 sh 75 t 56 pc 56 s 78 c 38 sh 60 sh 60 pc 50 r 45 r 39 r 42 sh 31 c

Warm Stationary Showers T-storms





Today Thu. Today Thu. Cities Hi Lo W Hi Lo W Cities Hi Lo W Hi Lo W Memphis 90 66 pc 75 50 sh Albuquerque 74 44 s 68 43 s 87 74 pc 86 71 pc Anchorage 43 33 pc 42 29 sh Miami 67 49 pc 57 41 pc Atlanta 89 67 s 87 58 pc Milwaukee 60 37 pc 50 35 pc Austin 92 67 pc 82 53 sh Minneapolis 90 68 pc 77 49 t Baltimore 82 61 pc 77 61 pc Nashville Birmingham 90 67 pc 87 53 pc New Orleans 90 74 pc 89 66 pc 82 60 pc 69 63 sh Boise 59 43 s 65 44 pc New York Omaha 67 46 c 59 39 s Boston 79 55 pc 61 55 r Orlando 86 68 pc 85 65 pc Buffalo 68 51 pc 58 47 r Philadelphia 85 61 pc 78 63 c Cheyenne 51 26 c 56 37 s 93 65 s 97 71 s Chicago 69 51 pc 58 41 sh Phoenix Pittsburgh 75 60 pc 73 51 t Cincinnati 77 64 t 70 47 t Portland, ME 75 45 pc 60 49 c Cleveland 71 55 pc 65 49 r Dallas 89 64 pc 75 53 pc Portland, OR 58 53 r 63 49 r Reno 62 35 s 70 40 s Denver 58 30 pc 63 37 s Richmond 87 65 s 83 61 s Des Moines 70 46 pc 58 37 s Sacramento 76 47 s 79 50 s Detroit 71 52 pc 59 45 r St. Louis 72 57 t 64 45 pc El Paso 86 56 s 74 49 s Salt Lake City 57 36 pc 62 43 s Fairbanks 31 13 s 25 12 c 86 63 s 91 64 s Honolulu 86 75 sh 85 74 pc San Diego San Francisco 72 55 s 74 56 s Houston 91 72 pc 85 59 t Seattle 58 51 r 61 48 sh Indianapolis 73 54 t 59 46 r Spokane 54 44 pc 53 43 r Kansas City 69 48 pc 62 39 s Tucson 91 60 s 93 63 s Las Vegas 82 59 s 82 60 s Tulsa 83 55 c 72 46 s Little Rock 88 63 pc 74 48 c Wash., DC 84 68 pc 80 63 pc Los Angeles 94 64 s 99 65 s National extremes yesterday for the 48 contiguous states High: McAllen, TX 100° Low: Big Piney, WY 8°









C ; A )


8 PM


9 PM


62 S.H.I.E.L.D.




4 Lethal Weapon (N)

Presidential Debate (N)



5 Survivor (N) h



19 Nature “My Congo”


9 Pumpkin Toy


Blindspot (N)

D KTWU 11 A Q 12 B ` 13

Nature “My Congo” Pumpkin Toy

Survivor (N) h



10 PM 10:30 11 PM 11:30


Presidential Debate (N) (Live) h


Dish Nat. Friends









Late Show-Colbert

Presidential Debate (N) (Live) h

Globe Trekker

Presidential Debate (N) (Live) h

Presidential Debate (N) (Live) h Presidential Debate (N) (Live) h

Presidential Debate (N) (Live) h Presidential Debate (N) (Live) h Presidential Debate (N) (Live) h


Charlie Rose (N)


Tonight Show


Jimmy Kimmel Live Nightline



Business Charlie Rose (N)


Jimmy Kimmel Live Nightline


Late Show-Colbert



Tonight Show




C I 14 KMCI 15 L KCWE 17


29 Arrow (N) h

Frequency (N)

KMBC 9 News

Mod Fam Mod Fam ET



Law & Order

Law & Order

Law & Order

Law & Order



6 News




6 News

Not Late Tower Cam








41 38

41 Blindspot (N) 38 Jeopardy Million.



The List


Simpson Fam Guy Extra (N)

Law & Order

Cable Channels WOW!6 6 WGN-A

307 239 Cops



USD497 26

›› Machine Gun McCain (1970) John Cassavetes.

36 672

School Board Information

dNBA Preseason Basketball: Warriors vs. Lakers fWomen’s Soccer

Women’s College Volleyball

Big 12 Showcase

NBCSN 38 603 151 kNHL Hockey: Red Wings at Rangers FNC

39 360 205 The O’Reilly Factor Presidential Debate (N) (Live) h

CNBC 40 355 208 Jay Leno’s Garage MSNBC 41 356 209 All In With Chris


City Bulletin Board

School Board Information

ESPN2 34 209 144 Sports Shorts


›››‡ Serpico (1973, Crime Drama) Al Pacino.

City Bulletin Board, Commission Meetings

ESPN 33 206 140 dNBA Basketball FSM

Presidential Debate (N) (Live) Rachel Maddow


SportsCenter (N)

SportCtr Jalen

Big 12


Bull Riding



NHL Overtime (N)


The Kelly File (N) Jay Leno’s Garage

The Last Word


Jay Leno’s Garage

Jay Leno

Hardball Rachel Maddow


44 202 200 Anderson Cooper

Presidential Debate (N) (Live)


45 245 138 Bones



46 242 105 NCIS “Saviors”



Mod Fam Mod Fam Mod Fam Mod Fam


47 265 118 Duck D.

Duck D.

Duck D.

Duck D.

Duck D.

Duck D.

Duck D.

Duck D.

Duck D.

Duck D.










TRUTV 48 246 204 Jokers

CNN Special Program




50 254 130 The Walking Dead


51 247 139 Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Conan

BRAVO 52 237 129 Housewives/OC HIST

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8 PM


October 19, 2016 9 PM


10 PM 10:30 11 PM 11:30

Cable Channels cont’d



But Nancy DiPaolo, director of external affairs for the Department of Interior’s Office of the Inspector General, said Tuesday afternoon that her office’s investigation into Haskell is not complete and that the office has not issued any findings. Multiple federal offices are involved in overseeing Haskell, the only fouryear university operated by the federal Bureau of Indian Education. The Bureau of Indian Education is within the U.S. Department of Interior. The Bureau of Indian Education’s Employee and Labor Relations unit conducted an administrative investigation to examine allegations of misconduct by Chenault, DiPaolo said. She said those allegations generally revolve around Chenault’s treatment of and interactions with her subordinate staff, and

vices and the president to ensure appropriate separation between Chenault and Arce, according to Haskell’s statement. As such, Haskell will move supervision of the vice president for university services under the vice president for academic services to rectify the issue. A former Haskell instructor, Theresa Milk, told the Journal-World in September that she filed the nepotism complaint in the spring, alleging that Arce’s employment was improper and contributed to administrative problems at the school. Arce was removed as acting dean of students as of Sept. 1, and Haskell later named a new acting dean of students, Haskell faculty member Melissa Holder. Both Arce and now Holder held the position as a detail assignment, which according to Haskell “is a temporary assignment in which an employee is tasked with carrying out specific projects to advance the university when a position is vacant or had not been filled.”

Q: When did the last ice age end?

Network Channels



that the Bureau of Indian Education’s report was shared with her office. A Bureau of Indian Education spokeswoman said she was not able to confirm information about the investigation late Tuesday, and a call to the Haskell president’s office was not returned. According to Haskell’s statement, the investigation found that when Chenault became Haskell president in January 2014, supervision of Arce was “properly transferred” to ensure compliance with policy related to supervision of a relative. The investigation found that the change of supervision was sufficient to comply with existing requirements at that time. The investigation found that Arce has been supervised by Haskell’s vice president of university services since 2014. A newly published U.S. Bureau of Indian Education policy, which became effective in August, requires one additional layer of supervision between the vice president of university ser-


On Oct. 19, 1961, heavy, wet snow fell on trees still in leaf in southern West Virginia.




United Methodist Church, 245 N. Fourth St. Steak and Salmon Dinner, 5:30-7:30 p.m., Eagles Lodge, 1803 W. Sixth St. National Alliance on Mental Illness-Douglas County support group, 6-7 p.m., Plymouth Congregational Church, 925 Vermont St. Billy Ebeling and his One-Man Band, 6-9 p.m., Jazz: A Louisiana Kitchen, 1012 Massachusetts St. The Beerbellies, 6:309:30 p.m., Johnny’s Tavern, 401 N. Second St. Conroy’s Trivia, 7:30 p.m., Conroy’s Pub, 3115 W. Sixth St.

-10s -0s 0s 10s 20s 30s 40s 50s 60s 70s 80s 90s 100s 110s National Summary: Record warmth will continue in the East today. Rain and storms will expand across the mid-Mississippi and Ohio valleys. Hot Santa Ana winds will elevate the fire threat in Southern California.

Approximately 10,000 years ago.

Forecasts and graphics provided by AccuWeather, Inc. ©2016



Sunrise Sunset Moonrise Moonset

Karen Eckmeier workshop, 9 a.m.-3:30 p.m., Plymouth Congregational Church, 925 Vermont St. Books & Babies, 9:30-10 a.m. and 10:3011 a.m., Lawrence Public Library Readers’ Theater, 707 Vermont St. Ten Incidents that Inspired: Writer as Activist, noon, Ecumenical Campus Ministries, 1204 Oread Ave. Public Incentives Review Committee meeting, 1:30 p.m., City Commission Room, Lawrence City Hall, 6 E. Sixth St. Teen Zone Expanded

(grades 6-12), 2-5 p.m., Lawrence Public Library Teen Zone, 707 Vermont St. Douglas County Commission meeting, 4 p.m., Douglas County Courthouse, 1100 Massachusetts St. American Legion Bingo, doors open 4:30 p.m., first games 6:45 p.m., snack bar 5-8 p.m., American Legion Post No. 14, 3408 W. Sixth St. Genealogy and local history drop-in, 4-5 p.m., Lawrence Public Library Local History Room, 707 Vermont St. Community Dinner, 5:30-7 p.m., Centenary

54 269 120 American Pickers

The Walking Dead

The Walking Dead

Debate Bones

The Walking Dead

The Walking Dead Broke




Happens Housewives/OC

American Pickers




SYFY 55 244 122 Paranormal Witness Ghost Hunters (N)


Paranormal Witness Ghost Hunters

Conan Below

American Pickers Paranormal Witness

››› World War Z (2013) Brad Pitt.

FX 56 COM 58 E! 59 CMT 60 GAC 61 BET 64 VH1 66 TRV 67 TLC 68 LIFE 69 LMN 70 FOOD 72 HGTV 73 NICK 76 DISNXD 77 DISN 78 TOON 79 DSC 81 FREE 82 NGC 83 HALL 84 ANML 85 TVL 86 TBN 90 EWTN 91 RLTV 93 CSPAN2 95 CSPAN 96 ID 101 AHC 102 OWN 103 WEA 116 TCM 162

248 249 236 327 326 329 335 277 280 252 253 231 229 299 292 290 296 278 311 276 312 282 304 372 370

136 107 114 166 165 124 162 215 183 108 109 110 112 170 174 172 176 182 180 186 185 184 106 260 261

351 350 285 287 279 362 256

211 210 192 195 189 214 132

AmericanHorror AmericanHorror AmericanHorror South Pk South Pk South Pk South Pk South Pk Legends Daily At Mid. South Pk South Pk Total Bellas (N) Catching Kelce (N) Total Bellas E! News (N) Last Man Last Man ››‡ Meet the Fockers (2004) Robert De Niro. Last Man Last Man Last Man Going RV Going RV Going RV Going RV Going RV Going RV Going RV Going RV Going RV Going RV Hus Hus Gary Gary Ink, Paper, Scissors ››‡ Sparkle (2012) Jordin Sparks. ››› Selena (1997) Jennifer Lopez, Edward James Olmos. ››› The Pursuit of Happyness (2006) Expedition Un. Expedition Un. Expedition Un. Expedition Un. Expedition Un. Gypsy Wedding Gypsy Wedding Gypsy Wedding Gypsy Wedding Gypsy Wedding Little Women: LA Little Women: LA Little Women Little Women: LA Little Women: LA The Other Wife (2016) Kimberley Hews. Cruel (2014, Horror) Kierney Nelson. The Other Wife Worst Cooks Worst Cooks To Be Announced Cutthroat Kitchen Worst Cooks Property Brothers Property Brothers Hunters Hunt Intl Property Brothers Property Brothers Thunder All In Full H’se Full H’se Full H’se Full H’se Friends Friends Friends Friends Lab Rats Lab Rats Lab Rats Lab Rats Lab Rats Lab Rats Lab Rats Lab Rats Lab Rats Lab Rats Twitche Walk the Walk the K.C. The Vampire Liv-Mad. Austin Girl Best Fr. Regular Regular King/Hill Cleve American Burgers Fam Guy Fam Guy Chicken Squidbill. Dual Survival Dual Survival Still Alive (N) Dual Survival Still Alive Monsterville ››‡ Hocus Pocus (1993) Bette Midler. The 700 Club Tim Burton Alaska-Trooper Border Wars (N) Cocaine Sub Hunt Border Wars Cocaine Sub Hunt Last Man Last Man Middle Middle Middle Middle Golden Golden Golden Golden Dr. Jeff: RMV Dr. Jeff: RMV Dr. Jeff: RMV Pit Bulls-Parole Pit Bulls-Parole Griffith Raymond Raymond Raymond Younger Impastor King King King King John Turning Prince S. Fur Livg BlessLife John History Zachar Duplantis EWTN Live (N) News Rosary Religious Vaticano Catholic Women Daily Mass - Olam Taste Taste Taste Taste Taste Taste Taste Taste Taste Taste Capitol Hill Presidential Debate (N) (Live) Key Capitol Hill Hearings Capitol Hill Capitol Hill Presidential Debate (N) (Live) Presidential Debate Homicide Hntr Betrayed (N) Homicide Hntr Homicide Hntr Betrayed Stalin: Russia’s Cold War Arm. Cold War Arm. Stalin: Russia’s Cold War Arm. Queen Sugar Queen Sugar Queen Sugar Queen Sugar Queen Sugar Weather Gone Viral Storm Wranglers Storm Wranglers So You Think So You Think ››› Fail-Safe (1964) Henry Fonda. ›››‡ Advise and Consent (1962) Henry Fonda. 7Day

HBO 401 MAX 411 SHOW 421 STZENC 440 STRZ 451

501 515 545 535 527

300 310 318 340 350

››› I Am Legend (2007) Will Smith. Any Westworld Divorce ›››‡ Steve Jobs ›››‡ Presumed Innocent (1990) Quarry ›‡ What Happens in Vegas Mad ››› The Manchurian Candidate (2004) ›››‡ The Usual Suspects (1995) Inside the NFL ››› School Ties (1992) Brendan Fraser. › Sorority Boys (2002) ››‡ 21 (2008) Jim Sturgess. Blunt Blunt Blunt ››› Avengers: Age of Ultron (2015) ›‡ Mallrats (1995)



L awrence J ournal -W orld

Wednesday, October 19, 2016

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Wednesday, October 19, 2016




L awrence J ournal -W orld

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Prices effective Wednesday, October 19th through Saturday, October 22nd, 2016 at your Lawrence, Kansas Hy-Vee stores.



USA TODAY — L awrence J ournal -W orld



VW settlement nears approval

Lady Gaga is a little bit country on new album



VOTING OFFICIALS INSIST NO FRAUD Trump backers echo conspiracy claims, but clerks defend system Trevor Hughes @trevorhughes USA TODAY

qi troops made “excellent progress.” He said some units reached their objectives ahead of schedule after encountering “light to moderate” resistance. The forces hadn’t entered the city. Kurdish forces, called pesh-

COLORADO SPRINGS Donald Trump’s repeated attacks on what he calls a “rigged” election emboldened some of his supporters to ratchet up their own rhetoric, offending and angering elections officials across the country. Elections in the USA are run largely by county clerks and overseen by elected secretaries of State, many of whom are Republicans themselves, and they’re frustrated at Trump’s willingness to cast aspersions with no evidence. Trump supporters insist the media and government officials conspire against the Republican presidential nominee. “I think it’s absolutely a certainty,” said Trump volunteer Linda Caudill of Delhi Township in suburban Cincinnati. “You’re going to have more voter fraud going on.” The USA TODAY Network spoke to multiple elections officials across the country — many of them Republicans — and all insist adequate safeguards exist. Among those pushing back at Trump’s claims: Republican offi- “The cials in Colorado, poliOhio, Iowa, New ticians Jersey, Florida and Arizona. One that are notable exception in power is Maine Republi- are ... can Gov. Paul Le- scared to Page, who said death Tuesday he’s “not for their confident” the state’s election will posibe “clean,” WVOM tions.” radio reported. Ralph Darnell, “This is an elec- of Muscatine, tion about truth, Iowa and you’re not going to get it from the dishonest media,” Trump said at a campaign rally here Tuesday, barely 24 hours before the final presidential debate. “The press has created a rigged system and poisoned the minds of so many of our voters.” Trump’s repeated attacks on the media prompted many of his supporters at the rally to turn around and scream, “Tell the truth” at reporters penned at the room’s rear. Many of those supporters said the people accused of rigging the system would obviously insist it’s fair. “I think the politicians that are in power are afraid that there’s going to be some big changes, and they’re scared to death for their positions,” said Ralph Darnell, 56, a crane operator from Muscatine, Iowa. “They’re going to do every-




‘Tell the truth,’ crowd hollers at media covering Trump event Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump enters a rally Tuesday in Colorado Springs. The final presidential debate between Trump and Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton is Wednesday at the University of Nevada-Las Vegas from 9 to 10:30 p.m. ET. It will be moderated by Fox News anchor Chris Wallace. IN NEWS

This is an edition of USA TODAY provided for your local newspaper. An expanded version of USA TODAY is available at newsstands or by subscription, and at

Formidable challenges await Iraqi forces on Mosul mission

For the latest national sports coverage, go to

Islamic State fighters are dug in and deadly Jim Michaels @jimmichaels USA TODAY


Scary candidates

32% vs. 16%



Percentage of people who would wear masks to mock presidential candidates. SOURCE Spirit Halloween survey of 2,047 adults MICHAEL B. SMITH AND VERONICA BRAVO, USA TODAY

WASHINGTON Iraq’s massive military operation to liberate Mosul has met its limited objectives in its first two days, but the most difficult fighting lies ahead. When soldiers enter the city, they’ll encounter layers of deadly booby traps and Islamic State militants willing to fight to the death. The offensive is an unprecedented challenge for Iraq’s reconstituted army — the largest, most complex operation launched since Islamic State militants swept into Iraq two years ago and routed a national military that quickly collapsed. Tuesday, the Iraqi army


Smoke rises as people flee their homes during clashes between Iraqi security forces and members of the Islamic State group. pressed ahead, while Kurdish allies paused after capturing villages east of the city. Those victories came after fighting that involved airstrikes, heavy artillery and Islamic State car bombs. Col. John Dorrian, a spokesman for the U.S.-led coalition supporting the offensive, said Ira-

Social Security offers meager $5 cost-of-living bump Meanwhile, Medicare premiums will soar Robert Powell

Special for USA TODAY

Uncle Sam giveth and Uncle Sam taketh away. The nation’s 65 million Social Security beneficiaries will receive a paltry 0.3% cost-of-living adjustment to their monthly checks in 2017, the government announced Tuesday. In dollars and cents, it means the average retired beneficiary’s check will rise about $5 to $1,360

per month in 2017. The even more bitter pill: Many current Medicare beneficiaries won’t be able to spend any of that extra money. Instead, they’ll likely have to send their COLA straight back to Uncle Sam to cover higher Medicare Part B premiums. Almost a third of Medicare’s 56 million beneficiaries could see their premiums jump 22% next year, according to the Medicare Trustees Report, putting the cost at an estimated $149 per month. Those unlucky 30% of beneficiaries include people enrolling in Part B for the first time in 2017, people who are on Medicare but

who aren’t currently taking Social Security benefits and current enrollees who pay an income-related higher premium. The remaining 70% of Medicare beneficiaries — now paying $104.90 per month — could see a “small increase” in Part B premiums, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services projects. Part B deductibles are also expected to rise to $204 in 2017, up from $166 this year. The CMS is expected to disclose Part B premiums later this or next month. The unequal sharing of higher Medicare costs has to do with how Social Security law is structured, capping premium in-

The nation’s 65 million Social Security beneficiaries will receive a paltry 0.3% cost-of-living adjustment to their monthly checks in 2017.

creases for 70% of current recipients based on the COLA amount and leaving the remaining 30% of people to cover pick up the tab. It’s a system that has its critics. “The people who get treated badly are new retirees and high-

income retirees, who don’t get protected by the hold harmless provision,” says Andrew Biggs, a resident scholar at the American Enterprise Institute. “It makes no sense.” Katy Votava, president of, predicts two things will happen in the wake of Social Security’s COLA announcement: “First, increased confusion and anxiety about what it means for beneficiaries’ pocketbooks. Second, an outcry for a congressional intervention to bring costs down.” Robert Powell is editor of Retirement Weekly


L awrence J ournal -W orld - USA TODAY WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 19, 2016

Debate trilogy may have fiery finale Third bouts have reputation as anticlimactic, but this year’s race has been non-stop raucous David Jackson @djusatoday USA TODAY

Third presidential debates tend to be the least exciting, but Wednesday’s final clash between Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton figures to be an exception. Trump comes roaring into the prime-time faceoff at the University of Nevada-Las Vegas, claiming that the Clinton campaign, the media and the political establishment are conspiring to rig the election against him, using false stories from women who have accused him of sexual aggression. “The media is trying to rig the election by giving credence, and this is so true, by giving credence to false stories that have no validity and making the front page,” Trump said Monday in Green Bay, Wis. Will the candidate echo his conspiracy claims in Vegas? “Trump’s participation ensures there shouldn’t be many dull moments on Wednesday night,” said Aaron Kall, director of debate at the University of Michigan. The Democratic presidential nominee has been more low-key WASHINGTON

heading into the Las Vegas debate, preparing from her home base in New York as her staff deals with a steady stream of embarrassing disclosures from the group WikiLeaks, which has been releasing hacked emails from Clinton campaign officials. With Trump expected to attack Clinton, and vice versa, this confrontation figures to be a contrast to third debates of the past. Four years ago, President Obama and Republican challenger Mitt Romney largely held their fire in their last debate. So did Obama and GOP nominee John McCain four years before that. Presidential nominees are often more cautious the third time around, unwilling to risk an election-changing gaffe or mistake. Most of the campaign issues have been thrashed out by the time third debates roll around, and television ratings tend to drop. “Generally, it’s a bit of an anticlimax,” said Alan Schroeder, author of Presidential Debates: Risky Business on the Campaign Trail. Things seem a lot livelier this time around. Since the second debate on Oct. 9 — one in which Trump denied ever grabbing women in the


Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton will face off for the third time Wednesday at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas. manner discussed in a 2005 recording — more than a dozen women accused the New York businessman of unwanted sexual advances. Since then, in rally after rally, Trump has responded to the accusations with election rigging allegations of his own, and more. He has described accusers as liars and criticized their looks. He proposed a drug test before the Las Vegas debate, saying Clinton appeared too “pumped up” during the St. Louis event. Trump maintained his attacks on Clinton (and the media) while

campaigning in Colorado Springs on Tuesday. “Hillary Clinton is the most corrupt person ever to run for the presidency,” the GOP nominee told supporters. He later added, “The press has created a rigged system and poisoned the mind of so many of our voters.” Schroeder said Trump “just seems to be giving in to impulse at this point,” and may well continue his attacks in this debate. When he hits the stage at UNLV, Trump probably shouldn’t engage in his manic behavior of late, said Jo-Renee Formicola, a

Trump hints at ‘horrendous’ things v CONTINUED FROM 1B

thing they can do to keep the status quo. I do believe that.” Trump has fanned the flames for days, offering a near-constant stream of complaints via Twitter, in addition to his rallies. “Of course there is large scale voter fraud happening on and before Election Day. Why do Republican leaders deny what is going on? So naive!” Trump tweeted Monday without offering evidence or specifics. He said a day earlier, “The election is absolutely being rigged by the dishonest and distorted media pushing Crooked Hillary — but also at many polling places — SAD.” President Obama bluntly addressed Trump’s claims Tuesday. “I’d advise Mr. Trump to stop whining and try to go make his case to get votes,” Obama said at a White House news conference. “If, whenever things are going badly for you, you start blaming somebody else, then you don’t have what it takes to be in this job.” Tuesday, Trump singled out Philadelphia, Chicago and St. Louis as cities with voting problems. He didn’t offer specifics but said, “Things happened that were horrendous,” and he suggested that it’s politically incorrect to talk about about it. Jacksonville public relations Corrections & Clarifications USA TODAY is committed to accuracy. To reach us, contact Standards Editor Brent Jones at 800-8727073 or e-mail Please indicate whether you’re responding to content online or in the newspaper.


John Zidich



Kevin Gentzel

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political science professor at Seton Hall University in New Jersey. Instead, the GOP nominee should act more presidential and “absolutely needs discipline in this debate,” she said. Chris Wallace of Fox News will moderate the debate that starts at 9 p.m. ET. Among the scheduled topics: debt and entitlements, immigration, economy, Supreme Court, “foreign hot spots” and “fitness to be president.” Clinton, meanwhile, is fighting off allegations associated with emails released by Wikileaks, including dealings between the campaign and Clinton Foundation donors. Trump and allies say the media are ignoring evidence of “pay-to-play” arrangements within Clinton’s State Department and the Democratic nominee’s tendency to say one thing in public and another in private. Headed into this final debate, Kall noted that the second event last week was town-hall-style and included questions from voters that affected the style and rhetoric of the candidates. “Trump still faced some venue and audience constraints during the St. Louis debate,” Kall said. “The public and Clinton campaign are waiting with bated breath to see what an unchained Trump can accomplish during 90 minutes on the debate stage.”

Mosul likely to be more difficult v CONTINUED FROM 1B


Three women snap photos as Donald Trump speaks at a rally in Colorado Springs on Tuesday. Trump urged the crowd to turn to the journalists behind them and yell, “Tell the truth.” consultant Robbie Foster, president of the Florida Young Republicans Club, said the integrity of the election Nov. 8 could be jeopardized by cities such as Chicago, which are led by Democrats. “That’s where you see ballots are being cast by dead people,” Foster said. “But I certainly trust the electoral process in Florida.” Gerald Miller, a GOP precinct leader in Colorado Springs, said he’s seen enough evidence of deliberate efforts to suppress Trump voters during the state’s Republican Convention to worry the same patterns could play out on a national scale. “It’s one of those things — you have a hunch, but you can’t prove it,” Miller said. “You just have a suspicion.” Elections officials said people criticizing the process fail to understand how elections in this country actually work. State conventions are run by the parties and have no oversight from the government. A spokeswoman for Colorado Secretary of State Wayne Williams said it’s “insane” to think county clerks would throw an election, especially when many clerks are Republicans like Trump. “Clerks don’t pray for winners and losers but short lines and large margins of victories, so there are no recounts,” Lynn Bartels said. Colorado’s voting machines aren’t connected to the Internet, and most people vote by mail. In New Jersey, Assembly Minority Leader Jon Bramnick said he disagreed with Trump “100%” even though he did not dispute there could be precincts around the state where illegal votes were cast. “It’s a very dangerous path to go down,” Bramnick said. “The most important thing is our belief in our institutions. We may disagree with each other on policy, but we don’t believe the institutions themselves are corrupt or rigged. That’s not to mean there’s no bias in the media, but I think it’s very dangerous to say somehow the vote count is rigged.”

Iowa Secretary of State Paul Pate, a Republican, reassured voters. Like many other elections officials, Pate said, he remains in close contact with federal Homeland Security investigators to monitor hacking attempts. “My pledge to every Iowan is that you will be able to cast your vote, and your vote will count,” Pate said. Arizona Secretary of State Michele Reagan said an attempted hack into the voter registration system over the summer eroded voter confidence, but she called that a misplaced suspicion. Arizona’s system for tallying votes is not online but runs through a network of thousands of voting machines. To rig an election, someone would have to get into a number of machines to tinker with the results.

“Clerks don’t pray for winners and losers but short lines and large margins of victories, so there are no recounts.” Lynn Bartels, spokeswoman for Colorado’s secretary of State

Ohio Secretary of State Jon Husted’s review of the 2012 presidential election found 135 cases of potential fraud, most of which turned out to be mistakes or misunderstandings. Those ballots represented .003% of the 5.6 million cast in Ohio that year. “I can assure him, as a fellow Republican, that it is not rigged,” said Husted, Ohio’s chief election officer. “I hope Donald Trump will focus on issues people really care about and not on issues that are not based on fact and undermine confidence in our democracy.” Trump supporters say that even if the specific voting process is properly run, Hillary Clinton constantly benefits from a friendly media that minimize her

crimes while dogging Trump over every little thing he says. Joseph Salmons of Colorado Springs said he’s confident his vote will be counted accurately. The problem, he said, is that other people might have been misled about whether Clinton is fit to be president. “What he’s really saying is that the entire process is rigged,” Salmons, 39, said. “What Trump is talking about is the entire process in general.” Cathy Vandehey, who owns an electrolysis business and runs an airport ticket counter in Appleton, Wis., said Trump brings a legitimate concern to the forefront. She took particular aim at billionaire Clinton donor George Soros, repeating a claim found on a smattering of right-wing websites that Soros has a financial interest in a company that tabulates votes. No mainstream media websites have verified or debunked the claim. “It’s very upsetting. The voter fraud is so disturbing,” said Vandehey, 42. “I know that George Soros personally owns 16 of the polls himself, and not only that, he controls almost all of the media.” After Trump’s rally Monday in Green Bay, Wis., geologist and Trump supporter Michael Carney said he’s unconvinced by those on both sides of the election fraud argument. “I don’t know enough to know if there is fraud,” said Carney, 58, who lives in Denmark, Wis., about 20 miles southeast of Green Bay. “You hear people saying there’s no fraud, but some of the things he brought up (Monday) were things that indicate there is indeed fraud. I don’t know the answer to it, but I think it’s certainly worth bringing it up.” Contributing: Jason Noble and William Petroski, The Des Moines Register; Dan Horn, The Cincinnati Enquirer; Mary Jo Pitzl, The Arizona Republic; Jacob Carpenter, Milwaukee Journal Sentinel; Arek Sarkissian, Tallahassee Democrat; and Herb Jackson and Nicholas Pugliese, The (Bergen County, N.J.) Record

merga, advanced to within about 20 miles of the eastern edge of Mosul. Iraq’s commanders direct a dizzying array of forces. At the core of the offensive are 12 U.S.trained Iraqi and Kurdish brigades, numbering about 30,000 troops. The conventional forces are part of a larger, more diverse force, including Shiite militias, Sunni tribal and self-defense units, police commandos and elite counterterrorism units. “I’m not sure they’ve shown the capability to command something this complex,” said Michael Barbero, a retired Army lieutenant general who served three tours in Iraq. “We’ll see.” The tactics Iraqi units used in recent successful battles against the Islamic State were fairly straightforward. Conventional forces seized the perimeter of a city, allowing elite counterterrorism troops and police commandos to enter and engage in close fighting to clear the militants from the center. Those forces experienced in urban fighting played a prominent role this year in driving militants from Fallujah and Ramadi. Getting commandos into the heart of Mosul will be tougher than in Ramadi and Fallujah. Mosul is a much larger city, and the Islamic State has prepared more extensive defenses. Breaching them will be difficult, especially as Iraqi forces will probably come under fire as they attempt to clear lanes through minefields. The United States assists with advisers, who have been placed at unit headquarters, generally away from direct combat, and with airstrikes that have weakened Islamic State fighters inside the city. In the past month, the U.S.led coalition has conducted about 70 airstrikes around the city. U.S. forces have trained Iraqis in skills needed to breach minefields and clear improvised explosives and to command such a disparate force. As the Iraqis enter Mosul and the fighting intensifies, Iraqi junior commanders will make the key decisions with little American assistance. Airstrikes become more difficult as the Iraqis close in on the militants in a city packed with a civilian population of more than 1 million. After the fighting ends, Iraq’s government said, Shiite militias and Kurdish forces participating in the offensive will remain outside the city to avoid igniting sectarian tensions inside Mosul, a predominantly Sunni city. “The military challenge is going to be huge, but the humanitarian and political challenges will be just as formidable,” Barbero said.




awrence ournal -W orld


How we’re performing



Corporate defaults surprising

Facts about America’s investors who use SigFig tracking services:

USA’s portfolio allocation by trade activity Here’s how America’s individual investors are performing based on data from SigFig online investment tracking service:

Q: Why do defaults keep soaring? Matt Krantz

@mattkrantz USA TODAY

A: Corporate defaults are at levels not seen since 2009, which was during the throes of the financial crisis. That’s surprising because companies with debt have gotten a gift this year: Interest rates remain low. So far this year, 132 companies across the globe have defaulted on their debt, which is 55% more than the same period a year ago, says Standard & Poor’s. More companies have defaulted this year through early October than during all of 2015.

The number of defaults hasn’t hit these levels since 233 companies defaulted in 2009. Seeing the spike in defaults is somewhat counterintuitive because the Federal Reserve hasn’t touched short-term interest rates, as many expected going into the year. Low rates give borrowers breathing room. Low rates have likely helped stop defaults from getting worse than they have. The biggest driver in defaults has been the stubbornly low price of oil. More than half, 55%, of the defaults reported this year have been by companies in the energy and natural resources industries. The strain is likely to continue. The default rate is seen jumping to 5.6% by June 2017, up from 4.3% in June 2016 and 2% in June 2015.

Apple (AAPL) was the most-bought stock among the most aggressive SigFig investors in late September.





CHANGE: +.4% YTD: +736.91 YTD % CHG: +4.2%


+44.02 CHANGE: +.8% YTD: +236.42 YTD % CHG: +4.7%

CLOSE: 18,161.94 PREV. CLOSE: 18,086.40 RANGE: 18,129.45-18,223.80




CLOSE: 5,243.84 PREV. CLOSE: 5,199.82 RANGE: 5,239.44-5,264.27

CLOSE: 2,139.60 PREV. CLOSE: 2,126.50 RANGE: 2,135.49-2,144.38




CHANGE: +.6% YTD: +81.41 YTD % CHG: +7.2%

CLOSE: 1,217.30 PREV. CLOSE: 1,210.14 RANGE: 1,211.29-1,222.20


Company (ticker symbol)

$ Chg

YTD % Chg % Chg

Netflix (NFLX) 118.79 +18.99 Jumps on better-than-expected subscriber additions.



Harley-Davidson (HOG) Rises on decent earnings and reorganization.





UnitedHealth Group (UNH) Raises 2016 forecast again.

54.19 +4.49 +9.26 +.73



Frontier Communications (FTR) Fund manager buys, rating upgrades.




4.08 123.65


+4.2 +4.1


Comerica (CMA) Profit rises after restructuring.





CF Industries (CF) Shrugs off credit rating downgrade and climbs.





Newmont Mining (NEM) Stock rating upgrades at Barclays.



+3.3 +101.1

W.W. Grainger (GWW) Narrows earnings and sales growth views.

AGGRESSIVE 100%-plus turnover

5-day avg.: 6-month avg.: Largest holding: Most bought: Most sold:

5-day avg.: 6-month avg.: Largest holding: Most bought: Most sold:

-0.63 6.37 AAPL MO AAPL

-0.87 3.97 AAPL AA AAPL





$ Chg

YTD % Chg % Chg



-4.3 +46.2




Delphi Automotive (DLPH) 64.11 Fund manager decreases stake, reverses early gain.




Expeditors International (EXPD) Dips on higher sea-freight rates.





IBM (IBM) 150.72 Beats earnings, investors concerned about quality of it.




Johnson & Johnson (JNJ) 115.41 Concerned about cheaper version of main treatment.







Omnicom Group (OMC) Tough comparisons weigh, dips after results.


Kansas City Southern (KSU) Third-quarter earnings miss estimates.



-2.2 +24.0

Genuine Parts (GPC) Shares fall in weak industry.





BorgWarner (BWA) Ford plans to idle four factories, index weak.






Sept. 20

Oct. 18


$14.24 Oct. 18



The financial services company’s $100 CEO has decided to resign, effective Dec. 1. The resigning CEO said he needs to be closer to family on $80 the East Coast. Sept. 20

Price: $81.58 Chg: -$0.57 % chg: -0.7% Day’s high/low: $82.37/$81.35 Fund, ranked by size Vanguard 500Adml Vanguard TotStIAdm Vanguard InstIdxI Vanguard TotStIdx Vanguard InstPlus Vanguard TotIntl Fidelity Contra American Funds GrthAmA m American Funds IncAmerA m Vanguard TotStIIns

$81.58 Oct. 18


NAV 197.73 53.41 195.64 53.39 195.66 14.98 101.13 43.69 21.25 53.42

Chg. +1.21 +0.32 +1.19 +0.32 +1.20 +0.18 +0.98 +0.53 +0.10 +0.33

4wk 1 +0.1% +0.1% +0.1% +0.1% +0.1% +1.6% +0.3% +1.1% +0.2% +0.1%

YTD 1 +6.5% +6.6% +6.5% +6.5% +6.5% +5.5% +3.0% +5.8% +7.6% +6.6%





















Consumer staples 0.3%


Consumer discret. 0.7%


Health care







ETF, ranked by volume SPDR S&P500 ETF Tr VanE Vect Gld Miners iShs Emerg Mkts SPDR Financial US Oil Fund LP Dir Dly Gold Bull3x Dirx Jr GoldMin Bull ProShs Ultra VIX ST Barc iPath Vix ST iShares Brazil


Close 213.71 24.20 37.49 19.49 11.45 13.67 12.36 16.02 33.50 37.36

Chg. +1.33 +0.86 +0.65 +0.16 +0.08 +1.34 +1.57 -1.39 -1.39 +0.89

% Chg %YTD +0.6% +4.8% +3.7% +76.4% +1.8% +16.5% +0.8% +0.7% +0.7% +4.1% +10.9% unch. +14.6% unch. -8.0% unch. -4.0% unch. +2.4% +80.7%



Type Prime lending Federal funds 3 mo. T-bill 5 yr. T-note 10 yr. T-note

Type 30 yr. fixed 15 yr. fixed 1 yr. ARM 5/1 ARM

Close 6 mo ago 3.50% 3.50% 0.41% 0.37% 0.33% 0.20% 1.24% 1.23% 1.74% 1.77%

Close 6 mo ago 3.47% 3.63% 2.71% 2.74% 2.83% 2.71% 3.00% 2.99%

CBOE VOLATILITY INDEX Measures expected market volatility based on S&P 500 index options pricing:




The gaming and online gambling company gapped down early after $20 Price: $14.24 it announced that it was no longer Chg: -$1.25 pursuing a merger with William % chg: -8.1% Hill. An insider-trading investiga- $10 Day’s high/low: tion is still going on as well. Sept. 20 $14.56/$13.91


Urban Outfitters (URBN) Reaches month’s low in weak industry.

-0.64 5.65 AAPL MO AAPL

VERY ACTIVE 51%-100% turnover

The pizza restaurant chain delivered strong third-quarter profit. It $200 overcame intense competition, and sales at units open at least one year were up 13%. $150

Price: $159.45 Chg: $7.44 % chg: 4.9% Day’s high/low: $163.73/$157.55


Anthem (ANTM) Rises along with peers in leading sector.

Company (ticker symbol)

5-day avg.: 6-month avg.: Largest holding: Most bought: Most sold:

-0.40 6.42 AAPL MO AAPL


NRG Energy (NRG) 11.70 Up after Morgan Stanley raised potential for buyout.

Cigna (CI) Fund manager buys in leading sector.



5-day avg.: 6-month avg.: Largest holding: Most bought: Most sold:

STORY STOCKS Domino’s Pizza


CHANGE: +.6% YTD: +95.66 YTD % CHG: +4.7%

ACTIVE 11%-50% turnover

More than half a million investors nationwide with total assets of $200 billion manage their investment portfolios online with SigFig investment tracking service. Data on this page are based on SigFig analysis.

S&P 500


BUY AND HOLD Less than 10% turnover





Commodities Close Prev. Cattle (lb.) .98 .97 Corn (bushel) 3.54 3.54 Gold (troy oz.) 1,260.80 1,254.40 Hogs, lean (lb.) .41 .42 Natural Gas (Btu.) 3.26 3.24 Oil, heating (gal.) 1.57 1.56 Oil, lt. swt. crude (bar.) 50.29 49.94 Silver (troy oz.) 17.59 17.43 Soybeans (bushel) 9.73 9.78 Wheat (bushel) 4.20 4.24

Chg. +0.01 unch. +6.40 -0.01 +0.02 +0.01 +0.35 +0.16 -0.05 -0.04

% Chg. +0.5% unch. +0.5% -1.2% +0.6% +0.8% +0.7% +1.0% -0.6% -0.9%

% YTD -28.0% -1.4% +18.9% -31.2% +39.6% +42.5% +35.8% +27.7% +11.6% -10.6%


Close .8132 1.3117 6.7318 .9110 103.89 18.6198

Prev. .8202 1.3125 6.7377 .9093 103.85 18.8749

0 6 mo. ago .7006 1.2810 6.4754 .8838 108.82 17.4454

Yr. ago .6470 1.2910 6.3541 .8790 119.37 16.3701

Close 10,631.55 23,394.39 16,963.61 7,000.06 48,106.12

Prev. Change 10,503.57 +127.98 23,037.54 +356.85 16,900.12 +63.49 6,947.55 +52.51 47,657.33 +448.79

15 7.5

%Chg. YTD % +1.2% -1.0% +1.6% +6.8% +0.4% -10.9% +0.8% +12.1% +0.9% +11.9%



-0.95 (-5.9%)


S&P 500 P/E RATIO The price-to-earnings ratio, based on trailing 12-month “operating” earnings:

FOREIGN MARKETS Country Frankfurt Hong Kong Japan (Nikkei) London Mexico City



FOREIGN CURRENCIES Currency per dollar British pound Canadian dollar Chinese yuan Euro Japanese yen Mexican peso


21.79 22.5



+0.13 (+0.6%)

Gasoline prices nudge annual inflation to a 2-year high Paul Davidson @Pdavidsonusat USA TODAY

Rising prices at the gas pump pushed annual inflation to a nearly two-year high in September, while core inflation rose modestly. The consumer price index increased 0.3%, the most in five months, the Labor Department said Tuesday, matching economists’ estimates. The index was up 1.5% the past year, the largest annual rise since October 2014. Excluding volatile food and en-

ergy items, what’s known as core inflation climbed 0.1%, below the 0.2% bump economists had forecast. The reading was up 2.2% the past 12 months following 2.3% annual increase in August. Last month, gasoline prices rose 5.8%. Regular unleaded averaged $2.24 a gallon, up from $2.19 a month ago, according to AAA. Food prices were unchanged, but Americans’ average grocery bill dipped 0.1%, the fifth straight decline. Prices increased 0.3% for rent, and 0.4% for both airline fares and car insurance. But those were offset by declines of 0.7% for

“The stabilization in core inflation supports the Fed’s cautious approach to normalizing interest rates.” Economist Paul Ashworth


Since 2014, inflation was tempered by cheap oil and gas.

clothing, 0.1% for new vehicles and 0.3% for used cars and trucks. And medical care costs were flat. Some Federal Reserve officials have said they’d like to see a pickup in stubbornly low inflation before raising interest rates again. Fed policymakers have signaled

they intend to boost the central bank’s benchmark rate by yearend for the first time in 2016, assuming economic reports in coming months back the move. “The stabilization in core inflation supports the Fed’s cautious approach to normalizing interest rates,” economist Paul Ashworth of Capital Economics wrote in a note to clients. Since 2014, inflation has been tempered by cheap oil and gasoline, and a strong dollar that makes imports less expensive for U.S. shoppers. This year, crude prices have crept higher while the dollar has weakened.






L awrence J ournal -W orld - USA TODAY WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 19, 2016


HOW WAS YOUR DAY? GOOD DAY ‘GILMORE GIRLS’ FANS Netflix revealed posters for every season celebrated in ‘A Year in the Life,’ its sequel to the motherdaughter TV dramedy starring Lauren Graham and Alexis Bledel. The limited series premieres Nov. 25.


BAD DAY HOLLYWOOD ROMANTICS ‘Spider-Man’ star Tobey Maguire and wife Jennifer Meyer announced Tuesday that they are splitting after nine years of marriage and two children.

Revamped sound could win her new fans, but the pressure for a hit is on Patrick Ryan USA TODAY


THEY SAID WHAT? THE STARS’ BEST QUOTES “Obviously, anytime two characters in ‘Star Wars’ go out on an incredibly thin bridge 10 miles above the ground with no railings, it’s not going to end well with one of them.” — Director J.J. Abrams, discussing the fateful ‘Force Awakens’ encounter between Han Solo (Harrison Ford) and son Ben, aka Kylo Ren (Adam Driver), in the exclusive commentary for the 3-D edition (out Nov. 15)


MAKING WAVES Actress Amanda Seyfried, who has obsessivecompulsive disorder, is speaking out on behalf of people with mental illness in ‘Allure.’ FILMMAGIC “It should be taken as seriously as anything else,” she says. “You don’t see the mental illness — it’s not a mass; it’s not a cyst. But it’s there. Why do you need to prove it? If you can treat it, you treat it.” IT’S YOUR BIRTHDAY WHO’S CELEBRATING TODAY?

Lady Gaga’s latest gimmick: just being herself. The metamorphic pop star (born Stefani Germanotta) has forged a career out of infectious dance anthems, eccentric characters and attention-seeking stunts, from her notorious meat dress at the 2010 MTV Video Music Awards to her lavish “egg-mobile” at the 2011 Grammys. But by the time she trotted out a flying dress and vomiting painter to promote her 2013 album, Artpop, the public had grown weary of her antics. The critically derided effort sold 1.4 million copies, according to Nielsen Music, making it her worst-selling solo album to date. (By comparison, next-lowest seller Born This Way moved 3.8 million.) Which may be why with fifth album Joanne (out Friday), Gaga, 30, has doubled down on authenticity: naming it for her late “She’s an artist aunt, donning who’s in slightly more modest ensemtransformation bles and showand really looking casing her newly countrito explore other fied sound at things. ... She’s intimate divebar shows. always pushing “She’s an artthe edge of ist who’s in transformation creativity.” and really lookDavid Bakula of Nielsen Entertainment ing to explore other things,” says David Bakula, Nielsen Entertainment’s senior vice president of analytics. “Look at the outfits she wears; look at the different personas that she’s had. She’s always pushing the edge of creativity.” With Artpop, “she had gotten so drunk off her own Kool-Aid,” says Billboard senior editor Jem Aswad. “It seemed like she was believing a lot of her own hype and there was pressure to top herself. She is still a megastar, but bringing her down a peg and a


little closer to earth are positive things for her longterm career.” Her reinvention started back in 2014 with Cheek to Cheek, a jazz duets album with Tony Bennett, and continued into 2015 with a showstopping The Sound of Music medley at the Academy Awards. She has since won a Golden Globe for her work on FX’s American Horror Story: Hotel, earned a best-original-song Oscar nomination, honored David Bowie at the Grammys and sung the national anthem at the Super Bowl. She’ll headline this season’s halftime show Feb. 5. “If she hadn’t done Cheek to Cheek (or) American Horror Story, she’d be in a much worse position,” Aswad says. “There’s a lot riding on (Joanne), and if it’s even just good and not great, she can look at it as launching the next phase of her career. How that next phase starts depends on this.” Which is where Gaga could stumble. Despite admirable, if not rapturous, reviews, snarling first single Perfect Illusion made its debut at No. 15 on the Billboard Hot 100 chart last month and has since plummeted to No. 95. Million Reasons, released earlier this month, started at No. 76 and has sold a mere 15,000 downloads.

Both songs are a vast departure from the imaginative pop she honed on 2008’s The Fame and 2009’s The Fame Monster. Illusion is a disco/alt-rock hybrid cowritten with Mark Ronson and Tame Impala’s Kevin Parker, while Reasons is a country-tinged ballad written with Nashville songwriter Hillary Lindsey. “It’s challenging when an artist changes the sound,” Bakula says. “You have a longstanding fan base that is going to come and get it very early. But once you get past the first week of album sales, that’s when you’re really developing the new fans. Is she now speaking to fans she wasn’t speaking to before?” Joanne features other collaborators such as Beck, Florence Welch and Queens of the Stone Age’s Josh Homme, casting a wide net that could catch fans of other genres. But the music’s quality ultimately will determine success. “If this album’s good, she’s relaunched,” Aswad says. Illusion isn’t “as strong as some of her other songs, but it points in the right direction. I don’t think she’s going to alienate any fans with this that she didn’t already with Artpop. Even her more casual fans want to welcome her back.”

Lady Gaga has toned down her look of late, as when she attended the Brandon Maxwell show during New York Fashion Week. Gaga’s new album, Joanne, out Friday, also is a departure from her more “out there” past.

America needs Tupac in the Rock Hall GETTY IMAGES

Gillian Jacobs is 34. Trey Parker is 47. Michael Gambon is 76. Compiled by Jayme Deerwester



The nation’s best sellers Top five best sellers, shown in proportion of sales. Example: For every 10 copies of The Girl on the Train sold, Order to Kill sold 6.7 copies. The Girl on the Train Paula Hawkins


Order to Kill Vince Flynn, Kyle Mills


Small Great Things Jodi Picoult


Killing the Rising Sun Bill O’Reilly, Martin Dugard


Two by Two Nicholas Sparks



His nomination reflects a new generation of rap

The Rock and Roll Hall of Fame celebrates a uniquely American genre, one that’s taken many forms over the NEWS & decades — in Chuck VIEWS Berry’s soul, Bob MAEVE MCDERMOTT Marley’s reggae protest songs, Prince’s flamboyant pop, and as the Rock Hall acknowledged this week, Tupac’s rhymes. The rapper, who earned a nomination for the Rock Hall Tuesday, is a uniquely American figure. Raised in poverty by two former Black Panthers, Tupac pioneered hip-hop’s celebration of rags-toriches success, its poetic lyricism and its political undercurrents, selling more than 75 million albums worldwide in the process. Twenty years after his death following a drive-by shooting, his influence is nearly as great as it was in life. Hundreds of posthumous recordings have been released, and he has shaped a generation of rappers who came after him. The rapper is joined by an accomplished group of fellow nominees, such as Pearl Jam, the group responsible for grunge’s post-Nirvana longevity, and hardcore legends Bad Brains, who gave punk a more diverse

Rock the vote

Visit us at life.usatoday .com for a full list of Rock Hall nominees and to cast your vote for the 2017 inductees.


Tupac Shakur died at the height of his career on Sept. 13, 1996. face. For many of the nominees, their inclusion feels historically accurate — due diligence to the genres they’ve helped shape. For Tupac, a Rock Hall nomination is essential. Tupac isn’t the first rapper to be nominated for the Rock Hall, but his name on the list feels like a first. Rock Hall inductees Public Enemy, the Beastie Boys and N.W.A were among rap’s founding fathers, with Dr. Dre’s Death Row Records giving rise to Pac’s revolutionary career. Tupac is the first member of a new generation of rappers to get a Rock Hall nod, the first to become famous in the ’90s, the key figure in the decade’s East

Coast/West Coast rivalry. He belongs to a more modern era of hip-hop, a time marked by excess and contradictions in which young artists rose from nothing to become superstars, making music with stunning lyricism and socio-political messages while embracing all the cash, furs and trappings of fame that American capitalism offered them. (Couldn’t that describe any number of eras of rock ’n’ roll?) If social media grumblings are any indication, some rock listeners are confused as to how Tupac fits into the genre’s narrative. Which it’s why it’s even more revolutionary for the Rock Hall to induct the rapper — and irre-

sponsible not to. There’s a reason we pay attention to the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. A nomination is an acknowledgment of mainstream success, an indication that an artist’s name is important enough for rock’s history books. And when critics try to turn away rappers at the door for not sounding “rock” enough, they’re taking part in rock’s long history of white artists appropriating black culture and erasing its creators while profiting off their sound. Tupac’s name deserves to be in the Rock Hall, and it deserves to happen this cycle, in a year where the Black Lives Matter movement is marching against the police brutality he often rhymed about, as presidential candidates paint a dystopian picture of the “inner cities” that he illustrated in humanizing color in his music. His nomination suggests what his fans have known for decades — Pac is a prophet, a uniquely American kind of poet laureate and, if nothing else, a rock star.

L awrence J ournal -W orld

Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Dear Annie: My brother and I are close in age, and from the time I was born, he has bullied, teased and ignored me. After years of therapy, he finally confessed that he had been jealous of me because our mother was overwhelmed and he felt abandoned. A few years ago, I was diagnosed with a rare form of cancer with a low survival rate, but against all odds, I am in remission. Several months ago, I asked my mother for a financial gift to pay for an experimental treatment that was not covered by insurance. She has a sizable estate and is in her 90s, and she readily agreed. It most likely saved my life. My brother was furious with her and with me and wrote a cold email to the other sib-

Dear Annie

Annie Lane

lings, saying that “everyone has problems” and asking why I was being given special treatment. Last week, he sent out another email to the family, masked in sincere language about how he was concerned for our mother. He wanted to make us all promise not to ask her for any more gifts, saying she is anxious about her finances. The whole family knows that she is quite comfortably off and that

Hugh Laurie plays doctor in ‘Chance’ Hugh Laurie (“House”) returns to medical practice in “Chance,” a new thriller streaming today on Hulu. Laurie plays Dr. Eldon Chance, a San Francisco-based neuropsychiatrist. The doctor and his patients are introduced as Chance dictates notes about them into a tape recorder, giving the series a slow, voice-over beginning. The narration gradually subsides, but the pace hardly picks up. We soon learn of C h a n c e ’s divorce from polished wife Christina (D i a n e Farr) and the financial burdens of paying for two households and their daughter’s private education. His need for money takes him to an antiques appraiser whose hulking assistant, D (Ethan Suplee, “My Name Is Earl”), acts as bodyguard and metal forger. He’s an imposing figure, first seen forging a tomahawk in a blacksmith’s fire, something he’s making for a fellow veteran, presumably as damaged as D. What does seem certain is that “Chance” unfolds at far too languid a pace, as if to pad out its multiple-episode arc. It seems like a mystery that might work better as a tidy 90-minute movie. This show is strictly for fans of Laurie, whose performances in “House” and “The Night Manager” were so compelling. The opportunity to stream new series like Hulu’s “Chance” demonstrates the abundance of TV at our command. Starting today, the Turner Company launches the FilmStruck subscription service. It will offer a deep catalog of 500 classic films and arthouse favorites developed by the folks at Turner Classic Movies. Tonight’s other highlights O An assignment in Bulgaria on “Blindspot” (7 p.m., NBC, TV-14). O Murtaugh shows understanding for a Navy SEAL with a criminal record on “Lethal Weapon” (7 p.m., Fox, TV-14). O A wildlife cameraman discovers a lush Eden in the “Nature” documentary “My Congo” (7 p.m., PBS, TV-PG, check local listings). O Linus professes unorthodox beliefs in the 1966 special “It’s the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown” (7 p.m., ABC, TV-G). O The gang searches for a missing pal in the 2013 special “Toy Story of Terror!” (7:30 p.m., ABC, TV-G). O Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump meet in their third and final presidential debate (8 p.m., ABC, CBS, NBC, Fox, PBS, Univision, Bloomberg, CNBC, CNN, Fox News, MSNBC). O The shocks continue on “American Horror Story: Roanoke” (10 p.m., FX, TV-MA). Copyright 2016 United Feature Syndicate, distributed by Universal Uclick.

her fears are most likely a result of early dementia. I have no intention of asking my mother for any more money, but these exchanges have left me in tears. My husband says I should not open any emails from my brother and I should cut off contact, but now my brother has contacted all of us with a plan for a sibling reunion — to take place during a time I’d planned to visit my mother. I don’t feel safe with him, but I’m not sure how to get out of this reunion without causing a family rift. I just want to focus on living each day and loving my young children. — Living Life Without My Brother Dear Living: Your brother is a deeply unhappy person, and he’s bent on bringing others down. He is toxic, and


For Wednesday, Oct. 19: This year you push hard to clear up misunderstandings. If you are single, you could become involved with someone who is very exotic. If you are attached, the two of you spend more time together dreaming up fantasy scenarios. The stars show the kind of day you’ll have: 5-Dynamic; 4-Positive; 3-Average; 2-So-so; 1-Difficult Aries (March 21-April 19) ++++ You have a lot to share, but so does a key individual in your life. Schedule enough time to catch up on this person’s news. Tonight: Spontaneity works. Taurus (April 20-May 20) ++++ Be aware of your spending. You could go overboard when out buying your usual weekly goods. Tonight: Pay bills first. Gemini (May 21-June 20) +++++ Some people think you are just lucky, but the truth is that you simply have an excellent sense of timing. Tonight: Happy at home. Cancer (June 21-July 22) +++ Take some personal time. Fatigue or boredom could interfere with your routine. Tonight: A loved one does the unexpected. Be surprised yet delighted. Leo (July 23-Aug. 22) ++++ A haze might surround a joint financial matter. Your words have an effect on others. Tonight: Be more upbeat.

cutting off communication is the healthy choice for now. Like a classic bully, he’s reacting to your withdrawal by desperately trying even harder to provoke you, stirring the pot with this “sibling reunion.” You absolutely do not have to go to this reunion. Visit your mother instead (assuming the reunion isn’t taking place at her house). If your brother seeks help to become a happier person and less emotionally manipulative toward you, you can reconnect. Until then, insulate yourself from his attacks, and focus on yourself and your recovery. Congratulations on your cancer’s being in remission. — Send your questions for Annie Lane to dearannie@

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) ++++ You can adjust to change. Your finances will become even stronger than in the recent past. Tonight: Dinner for two. Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22) ++++ You’ll see a difficult situation through new eyes after a conversation with a close friend. Tonight: Decide on a trip in the near future. Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21) +++++ Follow your instincts, especially with someone you meet soon; this person might not be who he or she claims to be. Tonight: Out late. Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21) ++++ You might hear some information about a family member that you know is wrong. Tonight: Listen to what a friend suggests. Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19) +++ You have a lot of ground to cover. You might opt to change direction. Tonight: Know when to call it a night. Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18) +++++ Emphasize those you care about, especially someone whom you have put on a pedestal. Tonight: Embrace impulsiveness. Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) +++ Tension seems to surround a personal matter. A partner might offer some feedback. Tonight: Cocoon at home. — The astrological forecast should be read for entertainment only.

UNIVERSAL CROSSWORD Universal Crossword Edited by Timothy Parker October 19, 2016

ACROSS 1 Disorderly outbursts 6 Hairpieces, in slang 10 Ominous sign 14 “___ you coming?” 15 Non-cutting sword 16 Make angry (with “up”) 17 Three boys 20 Back end? 21 Indian bread 22 Learned teacher 23 Slip cover? 25 Doofus 26 “Comin’ ___ the Rye” 28 Similar stuff 32 Certain comedic tribute 34 Maitre d’s offering 35 Cataract locale 38 Three more boys 42 ___-Wee Herman 43 Egg on 44 Cat’s eyes, at times 45 Experienced one 48 Mine entrance 49 C-section reminder 51 Bible unit 53 Typeface with slanted letters 10/19

55 Italian farewell 56 Biochemistry abbr. 59 Three more boys 62 Emerald ___ (Ireland’s nickname) 63 100 dinars 64 Gullible 65 Open carriage 66 Scrawny 67 Prescribed amounts DOWN 1 Item on a to-do list 2 Killer whale 3 Remove water from 4 Whom Lennon married 5 Blarney ___ 6 Cover old ground 7 “Once ___ a time ...” 8 Diamond or emerald 9 Spring purchase 10 Delphic predictor 11 Beginning for “graph” 12 African antelope 13 Avian home 18 Bringing up the rear 19 Some models 24 Santa ___, Calif.

26 It may be sprung 27 Bad thing to have in one’s pocket 29 Fire remnant 30 Hawaiian giveaway 31 Traveler’s rest 33 It’s attached to the sternum 35 Outer layer of the skin 36 Abominable mountain creature 37 At one time, at one time 39 Old-style computer monitor 40 “Act your ___!” 41 “Poor me!” 45 Napa or San Fernando

46 With great enthusiasm 47 Approach 49 Squirrel away 50 Lily type 52 Like a circle 53 Certain wading bird 54 Dieter’s no-no, briefly 55 Blue hue 57 “Scream” star Campbell 58 Mythical god of war 60 “Who’s Who” entry 61 Longtime Chinese chairman



© 2016 Universal Uclick

BOYS WILL BE BOYS By Timothy E. Parker


by David L. Hoyt and Jeff Knurek

Unscramble these four Jumbles, one letter to each square, to form four ordinary words.

DUEGN ©2016 Tribune Content Agency, LLC All Rights Reserved.


MUURQO Ans. here: Yesterday’s

Check out the new, free JUST JUMBLE app

Don’t visit with toxic brother; see mom instead

| 5B

Now arrange the circled letters to form the surprise answer, as suggested by the above cartoon.

(Answers tomorrow) Jumbles: TANGY EXERT MUMBLE COUSIN Answer: The twins bought identical wristwatches at the — SAME TIME






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Lawrence Journal-World l l Wednesday, October 19, 2016

LHS soccer routs SMN


By Chris Duderstadt

By Matt Tait

Lawrence High senior Cain Scott recorded a hat trick and put his name in the LHS record book in the Lions’ 6-1 win over Shawnee Mission North Tuesday. Although Scott — who netted his 14th, 15th and 16th goals to tie an LHS singleseason re— was It’s really cord humbled to important notch the for all of us, hat trick, most of his because excitement this is the was about time of the the Lions’ season where victory. ersoneverything ally“ Pit’s nice, matters. but I focus We’re trying more on the team and to get fullhow we do speed going collectiveinto the ly,” Scott said. “But it playoffs.” is nice as an individual to — Cain Scott get that.” S c o t t scored twice in the first 10 minutes to jump-start the Lions. The LHS senior scored his first goal on a free kick from 20 yards out, and found the back of the net again less than two minutes later on a counter attack. “It’s really important for all of us, because this is the time of the season where everything matters,” Scott said. “We’re trying to get full-speed going into the playoffs.” The floodgates opened later in the second half, as the Lions added three more goals to take a 5-0 lead going into the break. Senior Ebrahim Diagne got a soft touch on the ball to flick it over SM North’s keeper to push LHS’ lead to 3-0, and was the closest in the vicinity on an own goal just two minutes later. Senior Jakob Busch made it 5-0 with 5:04 to play in the half to give the Lions another insurance goal. “I was really pleased with how we attacked,” LHS coach Mike Murphy said. “We’re an aggressive team, and we play the ball downfield and we try to go score goals. I think that the first half and getting the five goals, we can kind of settle in in the second half.” The sizable halftime lead allowed Murphy to play his bench players for a majority of the final 40 minutes, which he was glad to do prior to the Lions’ final match of the season Thursday against Shawnee Heights for senior night. “It was nice to get a couple of the seniors who don’t get as much playing time some playing time tonight so they’ll be ready to go for Thursday. Thursday is a big game for us,” Murphy said. > SOCCER, 5C

Jayhawks loaded; pieces still have to ‘fit’


Firebirds take City Showdown in 4 sets By Bobby Nightengale


John Young/Journal-World Photos

FREE STATE HIGH PLAYERS JUMP UP AND CELEBRATE (top photo) a point during their city showdown volleyball match against Lawrence High on Tuesday evening at FSHS. The Firebirds won their senior night match, beating the Lions in four sets. In the above photo, Lawrence High junior Olivia Morgan (22) sends the ball past Free State High blocker Natalie Clarke (6).

anked fourth in the state, Free State High volleyball players passed their final test before heading into the postseason. The Firebirds weren’t thrilled with how they played Tuesday on Senior Night, but they couldn’t complain about the result. In the City Showdown, there’s no style points. It’s all about finding a way to win, and Free State secured a four-set victory over Lawrence High at FSHS, 25-20, 24-26, 25-18, 25-23. Something about the rivalry game brings out the best in Free State senior middle blocker Naomi Hickman and that was a good sign for the Firebirds, who weren’t at their best defensively. The 6-foot-4 Creighton commit drilled a match-high 17 kills and recorded seven blocks. “I’m always really motivated against them,” Hickman said, “just because they are our rivals and it’s


One of the biggest and most important challenges basketball coaches face each season is finding a way to blend lineups together, from cohesion among the starting five to which players work best off the bench and on down the line. Throughout his time at Kansas, head coach Bill Self has done this as well as anyone, not always starting the most talented players but almost always finding the chemistry that maximizes the production of each particular team. Injuries, attitudes, emergences and other unexpected Carlton Bragg Jr. factors ensure that the challenge is ongoing and different each season, but Self’s reliance on philosophical staples such as Josh Jackson strong defense, sound fundamentals and maximum effort have helped the Jayhawks become one of the most consistent teams in college basketball and led to 12 consecutive Big 12 titles. Even though things appear to be as clear as ever in terms of team chemistry and KU’s rotation, Self pointed out recently that plugging Carlton Bragg Jr. and Josh Jackson into the starting spots vacated by Perry Ellis and Wayne Selden will not automatically put the Jayhawks on cruise control. “We’re going to miss Perry,” said Self at last week’s media day of KU’s leading scorer the past two seasons. “There’s no question


KU quarterbacks not progressing like David Beaty hoped


By Benton Smith

David Beaty possesses no “magic little answer.” If the head coach could “sprinkle some dust” on a quarterback and fix the Kansas football team’s offensive tribulations, he would. At the midway mark of his second season in charge and first as offensive coordinator and quarterbacks coach, Beaty said Tuesday at his weekly press conference the



Jayhawks’ passers have not made the progress he envisioned. And how could he argue otherwise? As the man in charge

per game), ninth in total ofI take a fense (327.7 yards a game), eighth in passing offense lot of the (244 yards per game) and blame. I ninth in passing efficiency need to (100.9). “The trajectory and how get my we are training them and eyes in the how they are progressing right place. in practice needs to carry over to the football field,” When I do, Cozart Beaty said 15 days after we can referenced, “the produc- naming sophomore Ryan be pretty tion’s not there.” Willis KU’s new starting lethal.” In conference games, quarterback. “And, hey, at Kansas (1-5 overall, 0-3 Big — Ryan Willis > BEATY, 3C 12) ranks last in points (16.3



Sports 2



Memo outlines Big 12 talking points SOUTH


nd so it begins. It took less than 24 hours for the Big 12 Conference to be exposed for not being completely truthful during Monday’s press conference that revealed the conference’s decision not to expand. And, if we’re being honest here, almost no one who has been paying any sort of attention to the latest edition of drama in the Big 12 was in the least bit surprised.















In a 714-word league memo obtained by on Tuesday, the conference outlined a number of “dos” and “don’ts” for commissioner Bob

Chiefs ship RB Knile Davis to Packers for draft pick By Dave Skretta AP Sports Writer

Kansas City, Mo. (Ap) — The Kansas City Chiefs have traded backup running back Knile Davis to the Green Bay Packers, who desperately need to add depth to their injury-riddled backfield. The Packers gave up a conditional draft pick Tuesday for Davis, who has already started practicing with his new team. The Packers needed help at running back with Eddie Lacy nursing a bothersome ankle and James Starks undergoing knee surgery. Lacy was their only active running back against Dallas on Sunday, when he rushed for 65 yards on 17 carries in a 30-16 loss. Starks will be out a couple of weeks. Lacy was being held out of practice Wednesday because the ankle was “very sore,” coach Mike McCarthy said. That means the Packers will have to get Davis up to speed on the playbook quickly if he’s going to be ready when the Chicago Bears visit Lambeau

Field on Thursday night. “It’s obviously a big challenge when you’re on a short week, but he’s definitely a talented young player,” McCarthy said. “So just looking forward to getting him into the mix and get going.” Top cornerback Sam Shields, who has been out since the season opener with a concussion, was placed on injured reserve to make room for Davis on the active roster. The Packers have been struggling in the passing Davis game, and the injuries to Lacy and Starks have added to their issues on offense. McCarty got a look at Davis in Green Bay’s last preseason game, when he ran for 58 yards and a touchdown on 14 carries in the Chiefs’ 17-7 win on Sept. 1. Davis had been passed over by Spencer Ware and Charcandrick West on the Chiefs’ depth

chart, and the return of Jamaal Charles from his knee injury made him expendable. The Kansas City Star first reported the trade. Davis, the former Arkansas standout, was the Chiefs’ thirdround pick in 2013. He was expected to team with Charles in a power-and-lightning backfield. But issues with fumbles that plagued him in college continued in the NFL, and he gradually lost playing time to other running backs. His best season was 2014, when he ran for 463 yards and six touchdowns. But he’s only carried 29 times for 70 yards and a touchdown the past two seasons combined. Davis was a longshot to make the Kansas City roster out of training camp, but his special teams ability may have made the difference. He’s averaged 27.2 yards on kickoff returns during his four-year career, and returned three kicks for touchdowns. The fact that the Chiefs and Packers were trade partners is hardly surprising. Chiefs

general manager John Dorsey played for the Packers in the 1980s, spent most of his career in their front office and rose to director of football operations before joining the Chiefs prior to the 2013 season. Davis was the third player he drafted in Kansas City.

Chiefs Moves The Davis deal was the start of a slew of roster moves on Tuesday for Kansas City. The Chiefs signed free agent defensive lineman Kendall Reyes, who was with Washington for two games this season. He previously played four years in San Diego. Kansas City added cornerback Terrance Mitchell, defensive lineman Rakeem NunezRoches and linebacker Ramik Wilson from its practice squad. Defensive end Allen Bailey and linebacker Justin MarchLillard were placed on injured reserve. Defensive lineman Nick Williams was waived. — AP Sports Writer Genaro C. Armas in Green Bay contributed to this story.


Derrick Rose defense says rape accuser lied, faked tears Lawyers for NBA star Derrick Rose and two friends say the woman accusing them of rape is a liar trying to trick jurors with her tears. The attorneys said in closing arguments in the civil trial Tuesday that Rose’s ex-girlfriend faked the allegations to extort money from him. The defense says the woman was angry Rose dumped her after she willingly engaged in sex with him and his childhood friends in August 2013. Rose Attorney Michael Monico says the woman had no evidence of rape, so she lied that she was too drunk to remember anything and tried to sway jurors with tears instead of evidence. The woman’s lawyer says the defense was “slut shaming” her by lying about her behavior that night.


about how well the new rule worked.

NFL’s ‘Medical Timeout’ used 5 times last season Independent medical observers stopped NFL games five times in 2015, the first season in which the “Medical Timeout” was employed as a method to identify players who had suffered major injuries or possible concussions. In its 2016 Health and Safety Report, released Tuesday, the NFL said an average of 29 health care providers attend games, many of whom can rule a player out due to a concussion. Last season, the NFL stationed athletic trainers in spots high above the field and allowed them to watch replays and to call timeout if they saw injuries that otherwise went unnoticed. Rams quarterback Case Keenum stayed on the field after his head slammed to the turf near the end of a game last season, spurring questions

Baylor officials address Big 12 board of directors Baylor officials addressed the Big 12 board of directors Monday as the school works to move forward and implement changes in the aftermath of claims it mishandled sexual assault cases for several years. Big 12 Commissioner Bob Bowlsby said Baylor interim president David Garland, along with the schools’ general counsel and new athletic director, took part in the half-hour presentation. Bowlsby wouldn’t get into details about what was said in the private session. But he said the Baylor trio responded to questions, and “it was good.” The session came less than two weeks after Patty Crawford resigned as Baylor’s Title IX coordinator, claiming that top campus leaders undermined her efforts to investigate sexual assault claims.



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Net Cable 51, 251 150, 227 Net Cable

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FS2 153 FSPLUS 148

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Rutgers at Michigan St. 5 p.m. BTN 147, 170, 171, 237 Baylor at Iowa St. 6 p.m. ESPNU 35, 235 TCU at Texas 7 p.m. FSN 36, 172, 236 Ohio St. at Penn St. 7 p.m. BTN 147, 170, 171 LSU at Missouri 7 p.m. SECN 157 Auburn at Mississippi 8 p.m. ESPNU 35, 235

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Time Net Cable 7:25 p.m. CBS 5, 13, 205, 213


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College Football


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6 p.m. ESPN 33, 233 6:30 p.m. ESPNU 35, 235 9:15 p.m. ESPN 33, 233

Net Cable

Women’s Basketball Time

Net Cable

Los Angeles at Minnesota 7 p.m.

ESPN2 34, 234

Women’s Volleyball Time

Net Cable

West Virginia at Kansas











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MLB AL LOGOS 032712: 2012 American League team logos; stand-alone; various sizes; staff; ETA 4 p.m.

THURSDAY • Volleyball vs. West Virginia, 6:30 p.m.

Bowlsby and board of direcunited conference it once was behavior and soundbites that • Boys soccer vs. Shawnee SOUTH WEST tors chairman David Boren to and not the weak, vulnerable surfaced across the conference AL EAST Heights, 7 p.m. use during their briefing with and wandering collection of and likely left no one believing the media following the nearly schools that many perceive it the Big 12 was, in fact, stronger AL EAST SEABURY ACADEMY six-hour meeting in Dallas to be today. than ever. THURSDAY that ended with the Big 12 anThe most damning partALof It’s possible that the Big 12 CENTRAL • Boys soccer vs. Immaculata, nouncing plans to stick with its McMurphy’s report is the line could get to that point again, 10-member lineup instead of that says, “Despite a number but there appears to be a long 4 p.m. AL CENTRAL adding schools such as Housof schools favoring expansion, road ahead and reports like ton, Cincinnati, BYU or others. Bowlsby and Boren said the McMurphy’s about Monday’s AL WEST As Boren and Bowlsby sat decision not to expand was memo and Tuesday’s comLATEST LINE at the table and discussed the unanimous.” ments from Iowa State athletic NFL reasons for passing on expanGive the Big 12 credit for director Jamie Pollard, who AL WEST Favorite.............. Points (O/U)........... Underdog sion, they uttered phrases this: When dealing with such pointed the finger directly at Thursday that included language like a touchy topic, it pays to be Boren for putting the Big 12 Week 7 “stronger than ever,” “unified organized. And it never hurts in this mess in the first place, GREEN BAY.................... 7 1/2 (46).........................Chicago Sunday group,” and AFC other yea-team toHelmet be onand theteam same page. only figure tostand-alone; make things TEAM LOGOS 081312: logos for the AFC teams; various sizes; staff; ETA 5 p.m. x-NY Giants.....................3 (43.5)..................Los Angeles type comments. They also However, as Twitter so more difficult. Minnesota...................... 2 1/2 (40)............PHILADELPHIA made sure to point out that eloquently illustrated, nearly Many hoped that Tuesday KANSAS CITY........ 6 1/2 (50)........New Orleans choosing not to expand AFC wasTEAM a everyone who watched or would mark the beginning of DETROIT.staff; ..........................1 (49)..................Washington LOGOS 081312: Helmet and team logos for the AFC teams; various sizes; stand-alone; ETA 51/2 p.m. unanimous decision. covered Monday’s event did so the road to recovery for the CINCINNATI.....................10 (45.5)......................Cleveland As it turns out, that was with one hand typing away and Big 12 as it heads into this new Buffalo................................3 (44).................................MIAMI JACKSONVILLE................. 1 (49)............................ Oakland one of the directives issued in the other covering the laughter era of college athletics. TENNESSEE.................... 2 1/2 (49)................Indianapolis the memo. coming from their mouths. In Who knows if the recovery NY JETS.............................1 (41.5)........................Baltimore Tuesday’s report from short, nobody was buying what aspect of that will actually ATLANTA.......................6 1/2 (53.5).................. San Diego’s Brett McMurphy they were hearing. come to fruition? Sadly, it Tampa Bay........................2 (47).............SAN FRANCISCO New England....................7 (46)....................PITTSBURGH included all of the “dos” and The talking points that appears that we may be just “don’ts” outlined in the memo, Boren and Bowlsby leaned getting started with something ARIZONA...........................2 (43.5)............................ Seattle Monday which clearly was drafted in on during the post-meeting much less appealing for a DENVER............................7 1/2 (41).........................Houston an attempt to make the Big 12 press conference contradicted conference that simply cannot x-at Twickenham Stadium-London, England. appear to be the strong and the past several months of afford to take any more hits. Bye Week: Carolina, Dallas. MLB AL LOGOS 032712: 2012 American League team logos; stand-alone; various sizes; staff; ETA 4 p.m.LOS ANGELES ANGELS

Matt Tait



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College Football Favorite.............. Points (O/U)........... Underdog Thursday VIRGINIA TECH................. 6 (51).................Miami-Florida Troy................................. 9 1/2 (49)...... SOUTH ALABAMA BOISE ST...........................7 (57.5)...................................Byu Friday South Florida . .................... 7................................ TEMPLE CALIFORNIA........................... 3................................. Oregon SAN DIEGO ST...................23 1/2.....................San Jose St Saturday ARMY .....................................18...................... North Texas WESTERN MICHIGAN.......22 1/2..........Eastern Michigan BOSTON COLLEGE............5 1/2...........................Syracuse a-MINNESOTA.................... OFF............................. Rutgers CINCINNATI............................ 2......................East Carolina WEST VIRGINIA......... 4 1/2.......................... Tcu NORTHWESTERN................1 1/2...............................Indiana NEBRASKA.........................23 1/2..............................Purdue Oklahoma St .............. 24.....................KANSAS Wisconsin . ........................... 3..................................... IOWA North Carolina ................... 8 .............................VIRGINIA LOUISVILLE .........................20.............North Carolina St TOLEDO .................................10 . ...........Central Michigan BALL ST.................................. 2................................... Akron Louisiana Tech ..................15 ....................FLORIDA INTL AIR FORCE............................. 16................................. Hawaii UL-Lafayette ....................... 7 . ...........................TEXAS ST APPALACHIAN ST............ 21 1/2................................. Idaho SOUTH CAROLINA............20 1/2...............Massachusetts MARSHALL ...........................14 ............................Charlotte NEW MEXICO . ......................17 .........................UL-Monroe NORTHERN ILLINOIS....... 21 1/2..............................Buffalo Central Florida.................3 1/2..................CONNECTICUT Ohio . ...................................... 3 . .............................KENT ST Washington St..................... 7........................ ARIZONA ST Oklahoma . ..................14.............. TEXAS TECH b-MICHIGAN........................ OFF .............................. Illinois Houston.............................20 1/2....................................SMU Memphis . ............................. 3 . ...................................NAVY Wyoming .............................. 4 .............................. NEVADA TULSA...................................11 1/2................................Tulane WASHINGTON....................35 1/2........................ Oregon St BOWLING GREEN...............4 1/2.......................Miami-Ohio Mississippi St....................... 3.......................... KENTUCKY UTSA ...................................... 9 .....................................Utep WESTERN KENTUCKY . ......13 ....................Old Dominion KANSAS ST ................. 3 .........................Texas STANFORD..........................2 1/2........................... Colorado c-MARYLAND.......................OFF.......................Michigan St MISSOURI............................6 1/2................Middle Tenn St Georgia Southern........... 13 1/2............. NEW MEXICO ST d-UCLA ................................OFF ...................................Utah LSU ......................................... 6 .........................Mississippi AUBURN...............................9 1/2...........................Arkansas Ohio St ..................................19 ..............................PENN ST ALABAMA........................... 16 1/2.......................Texas A&M UNLV.....................................2 1/2......................Colorado St UTAH ST................................ 16 .......................... Fresno St a-Minnesota QB M. Leidner is questionable. b-Illinois QB W. Lunt is questionable. c-Maryland QB P. Hills is questionable. d-UCLA QB J. Rosen is questionable. CFL Favorite.............. Points (O/U)........... Underdog Friday Week 18 OTTAWA............................4 (52.5)........................ Hamilton CALGARY........................16 1/2 (52)....................... Toronto Saturday SASKATCHEWAN............7 (49.5).........................Montreal B.C. LIONS..........................2 (58)........................Edmonton MLB Playoffs Favorite............... Odds (O/U)............ Underdog National League Championship Series Best of Seven Series Game Four Chicago Cubs..............No Line (X)..............LA DODGERS American League Championship Series Best of Seven Series Game Five TORONTO......................No Line (X)...................Cleveland NHL Favorite............... Goals (O/U)........... Underdog NY RANGERS................. 1/2-1 (5.5)..........................Detroit WINNIPEG...................Even-1/2 (5.5).................... Toronto Home Team in CAPS (c) TRIBUNE CONTENT AGENCY, LLC

TODAY IN SPORTS 1986 — Lloyd Burruss of Kansas City intercepts three passes and returns two for touchdowns to lead the Chiefs to a 42-21 victory over the San Diego Chargers. 2002 — Avon Cobourne becomes the fifth Division I-A rusher with four 1,000-yard seasons as West Virginia beats Syracuse 34-7. Cobourne has 108 yards in the game for 1,002 yards this season. 2014 — Peyton Manning breaks Brett Favre’s NFL record of 508 touchdown career passes and he throws four TD passes in Denver’s 42-17 victory over the San Francisco 49ers.

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L awrence J ournal -W orld

Wednesday, October 19, 2016

| 3C

Starks running scout team for now and running it well By Tom Keegan

Kansas second-year football coach David Beaty did not name his quarterback for Saturday’s Oklahoma State game, but it won’t be the possible quarterback of the future. Tyriek Starks, a red-shirting freshman from New Orleans, will not play this sea- Starks son, “unless we have something crazy happen,” Beaty said. No surprise there.

Starks runs the scout team in practice and will compete for the starting quarterback job in the spring. “He’s the first guy that we recruited in the offense for the offense and he’s a talented guy,” Beaty said. “He’s got great feet. He can move. He will add another dimension to our offense, which will be good, but he can throw it. He can sling it.” Beaty wants Starks to smooth out his rough edges before putting him in games. Plus, with half the season gone, why burn the red-shirt on a squad not competing for a bowl berth? “He’s got some fundamental flaws that we’re trying to work out, but

he’s gotten a lot better from the first day he got here,” Beaty said. “So we are excited about him.” A 6-foot-1, 185-pound native of New Orleans, Starks was recruited to Kansas before Tony Hull, his head coach at Warren East High, was hired to replace Reggie Mitchell as KU’s running backs coach. “I love his development and his attitude of wanting to perfect his technique, but also his command of the offense,” Hull said. “I can’t wait to see how he turns out within the next year.” Defensive coordinator Clint Bowen said he has been impressed with Starks. “He’s doing a nice job,”

Bowen said. “He’s a kid who has some natural personality to him, energy. He’s a football guy, likes football. For a scoutteam QB, you like guys to bring a little character.” Bowen gave Starks equal grades as a runner and thrower. Defensive tackle Daniel Wise called Starks, “a great young quarterback, great mind for the game, nice arm on him. We challenge him week after week to get him right for the next year or whenever he’s going to play, next game, who knows? He’s a nice young quarterback. He moves well and throws well.” Beaty made it clear from the moment he became KU’s coach that he

wants a dual-threat quarterback. Faster than he is quick, Montell Cozart has not been sacked yet this season. Ryan Willis has been sacked 16 times. But neither quarterback has shown a skill for gaining yards as a runner. Starks, according to Hull, is a legitimate dualthreat QB. “He has the ability to get out of bad situations with his athletic ability, which I think is crucial,” Hull said. “He definitely knows how to use his speed. He’s not a straightline speed type of guy. He’s quick and he’s agile. He’s able to make people miss in space. That’s another tool he can use to become successful as a

Injured KU linebacker Joe Dineen out again By Benton Smith

Just more than a month ago, Kansas junior Joe Dineen injured his right hamstring in the Jayhawks’ loss at Memphis. Days later, both the junior linebacker and KU’s coaches thought he’d return to the lineup in no time, particularly with the team headed into its bye week. However, Dineen has missed every snap for Kansas since walking off the field in the first quarter Sept. 17. Head coach David Beaty said the would-be starting linebacker isn’t expected to play for the fourth consecutive game Saturday, against Oklahoma State (4-2 overall, 2-1 Big 12), and it’s nearly reached a point where the staff isn’t sure if the team captain will make another appearance this season. “I’m hoping that we can get

him back pretty quick here, but he’s not progressing like we’d like him to, and that’s a blow for us defensively,” Beaty said of playing sans Dineen, who had 16 total tackles, three tackles for loss, a pass breakup and a quarterback hurry in just more than two games. “It’s giving someDineen body else an opportunity, but you’re talking about one of your captains and one of the leading tacklers in the conference from last year (86 total) that we’re missing.” When KU returned from Memphis, Dineen relied on crutches for a couple days. Defensive coordinator Clint Bowen said the consensus at the

time was a long rehab awaited one of the team’s leaders. “And then three days later he’s jogging and running around. So it did, it gave the appearance that, ‘All right, this ain’t as bad as we think. It actually looks pretty good.’ But it just kind of paused from there,” Bowen said. “It’s unfortunate, because Joe’s such a hard-working kid and put so much into getting ready for this season. To have an injury take you out of it is unfortunate.” The quick signs of improvement made Lawrence native Dineen and his coaches think maybe he’d miss one game. Instead, all involved are taking a patient approach. Said Beaty: “You know how those hamstrings are, man. They’re not done being healed until they’re healed. You feel like they’re about to pull the

entire time and all the sudden you’re fine and you don’t feel it anymore, and he’s just not to that point yet.” As much as Dineen would rather play than sit, Bowen said the local linebacker hasn’t tried to make an overly aggressive return. “I think he understands that if you go out there and you’re not ready, you’re really probably just gonna hurt the team,” Bowen said. “He’s not that guy.” As Dineen’s rehab continues, Kansas gets closer to a scenario in which the 6-foot-2, 225-pound junior could apply for a medical redshirt. “If things don’t work out, I think it certainly would be,” Beaty replied when asked about that possibility. “But hopefully we can get him back. I don’t know if it’s gonna work out or not, though. We’ll see. It’s giving him a lot of problems.”

quarterback.” Fifth-year senior Tevin Shaw has competed against several scoutteam quarterbacks at Kansas. “His strength is in both running and passing,” Shaw said. “He’s a good runner, instinctual, but he doesn’t always look for the run. He’ll scramble to throw as well as scramble to run.” Georgia Southern, New Mexico State and Tulane were among the schools recruiting Starks. None of that matters now. “We just have to see how he develops the rest of the season, and it’s going to show in the spring when that competition truly opens up,” Hull said.

BRIEFLY Firebirds drop regular season finale, 8-1, at SM South After trailing by a goal at halftime, Free State High’s boys soccer team was routed by Shawnee Mission South in its regular-season finale, 8-1, at SM South Stadium. FSHS junior Charlie Newsome scored the team’s lone goal in the second half. The Firebirds (7-7-2) will learn of their regional schedule Saturday.



Wednesday, October 19, 2016



L awrence J ournal -W orld


Dodgers beat Cubs for NLCS lead consecutive postseason shutouts for the first time. Julio Urias starts Game 4 for the Dodgers today and at 20 years, 68 days will become the youngest starting pitcher in postseason history. John Lackey starts for the Cubs.

Blue Jays 5, Indians 1 Toronto — Josh Donaldson homered to give Toronto a long-awaited lead, and the team finally

broke through with the bats, beating Cleveland to avert a sweep in the AL Championship Series. The Indians still lead the matchup 3-1, but Donaldson and a poised Aaron Sanchez handed them their first loss of this postseason. Edwin Encarnacion later hit a two-run single, a welcome sight for a raucous Rogers Centre crowd that had fallen silent watching its team reach the brink of elimination because of a slumbering offense. Donaldson’s solo shot to left-center field off Corey Kluber in the third put the Blue Jays ahead for the first time all series. Two innings after that, the star third baseman made an outstanding diving stop to preserve a one-run edge. Sanchez, the American League ERA champion, allowed a run and two hits in six innings, and the bullpen finished with three perfect innings. Cleveland will try again Wednesday to win to earn its first World Series trip since 1997, but the big concern for the Indians coming into the series

and Caylee Irving — but had some trouble turning their defense into offense. Free State CONTINUED FROM 1C coach Amy Hoffsommer said the team’s weakreally fun to play them nesses were exposed with the crowds.” on defense and serve During the fourth set, receive. the Firebirds stormed “I think just everyback from a 21-17 defione was kind of high on cit with big swings by emotions,” Dickson said. seniors Hickman and “Everyone was not quite Payton Gannaway, and as confident as they usuan ace from junior libero ally are. I think once we Erin Cushing. With the get that, we’re going to score tied at 23-all, Hick- keep rolling.” man delivered a kill and In the second set, the the Firebirds sealed the Lions watched their match on an LHS attack- six-point lead disappear, ing error. but fought back from “Tonight wasn’t our a set point with a kill best night, I think that and back-to-back aces was kind of clear,” Hick- from sophomore Baylee man said. “We still just Unruh. It was the third came through.” time the schools have The Firebirds (31-6) faced each other this played all eight of their season and the first time seniors throughout the the Lions have won a match — Hickman, Gan- set. naway, Jenalee Dickson, “I’m very pleased with Natalie Clarke, Larissa the way played,” LHS Gaumer, Emma Barcoach Stephanie Magnuberena, Abbie Stewart son said. “They earned

every point, for sure.” The Lions (12-25) had a more disciplined block than their previous two matchups against their city rival and were much more aggressive with their serves. Unruh led a balanced offensive attack with 13 kills after the Lions spent extra time in practice on hitting around a big block. Senior Abby Percich, senior Alexia Anglin and junior Olivia Morgan added five kills each on passes from setters junior Laurel Bird and sophomore Laura Willoughby. Percich made the most of her final City Showdown, recording a game-high eight blocks — including four in the second set. “Obviously they have some really good hitters, but I thought we were just on the top of our game,” Percich said. “We were communicating. We weren’t getting upset

Florida the year before, he puts us on his back and wins that game for us. There’s been a lot of games where Wayne was by far the best player in the game, and we’re going to miss that without question.” Missing that, at Kansas at least, becomes a relative problem. If most schools were to lose players of that caliber, they almost certainly would take a major step

back the following season. All Kansas has done in the days since Ellis graduated and Selden left school a year early for the NBA is sign the nation’s No. 1 recruit in Jackson, become a fixture in the Top 5 of almost every preseason poll and be picked as the unanimous favorite to win a 13th consecutive Big 12 title. The reason for that is simple.

The Associated Press

National League Dodgers 6, Cubs 0 Los Angeles — Fourteen months removed from independent ball on Long Island, Rich Hill pitched Los Angeles into a 2-1 NL Championship Series lead. Hill allowed two hits in six innings to beat Cy Young Award winner Jake Arrieta, Yasmani Grandal hit a two-run homer in the fourth inning and the Dodgers defeated the Chicago Cubs 6-0 Tuesday night. After winning a big league high 103 games during the regular season and sparking belief they could win the World Series for the first time since 1908, the Cubs have been shut out in consecutive games for the first time this year, managing just six hits — five of them singles. Hill, who pitched for the Atlantic League’s Long Island Ducks in August 2015, struck out six and walked two. Joe Blanton, Grant Dayton and Kenley Jansen finished, giving the Dodgers

Chicago Los Angeles ab r h bi ab r h bi Fowler cf 4 0 1 0 Utley 2b 4 0 0 0 Bryant 3b 4 0 2 0 Jansen p 0 0 0 0 Zobrist lf-2b 4 0 0 0 C.Sager ss 4 0 3 1 Rizzo 1b 3 0 1 0 Ju.Trnr 3b 4 1 1 1 J.Baez 2b-ss 4 0 0 0 Ad.Gnzl 1b 4 0 0 0 Soler rf 1 0 0 0 Reddick rf 2 1 1 0 Coghlan ph-lf 2 0 0 0 Puig ph-rf 2 1 2 0 Russell ss 2 0 0 0 Pderson cf 4 1 1 1 Heyward ph-rf 1 0 0 0 Grandal c 3 1 1 3 M.Mntro c 2 0 0 0 Toles lf 2 1 1 0 Cntrras ph-c 1 0 0 0 Kndrick ph-lf-2b 2 0 0 0 Arrieta p 2 0 0 0 R.Hill p 2 0 0 0 T.Wood p 0 0 0 0 Blanton p 0 0 0 0 Grimm p 0 0 0 0 Ethier ph 1 0 0 0 Almora ph 1 0 0 0 Dayton p 0 0 0 0 Mntgmry p 0 0 0 0 E.Hrnnd lf 0 0 0 0 Totals 31 0 4 0 Totals 34 6 10 6 Chicago 000 000 000—0 Los Angeles 001 201 02x—6 LOB-Chicago 6, Los Angeles 5. 2B-Fowler (2), Pederson (2). HR-Ju.Turner (2), Grandal (1). SB-Rizzo (1), Reddick 2 (2), Pederson (2). IP H R ER BB SO Chicago Arrieta L,0-1 5 6 4 4 0 5 Wood 2/3 1 0 0 1 1 Grimm 1 1/3 1 0 0 0 1 Montgomery 1 2 2 2 0 1 Los Angeles Hill W,1-1 6 2 0 0 2 6 Blanton 1 0 0 0 0 1 Dayton 2/3 1 0 0 0 1 Jansen 1 1/3 1 0 0 0 2 Arrieta pitched to 1 batter in the 6th PB-Grandal. T-3:18. A-54,269 (56,000).

American League



that. Perry was Mr. Consistency. But if you go back and look, there’s a lot of games we’re down six with five minutes left and Wayne makes plays. You look at the Kentucky game last year, and he made some big plays in Oklahoma.

SCOREBOARD Middle School

Tuesday at South Middle School SOUTH 20, WEST 14

— an injury-riddled rota- South scoring: Jeremy Jacobsen 18 run (run failed); Karson Green 16 run tion — still lingers. run); Jacobsen 27 run (run Kluber was starting on (Green failed). three days’ rest for the South highlights: Marcelino Chavez Drew Meyer big receptions; first time in his career, and Green fumble recovery; Jacobsen two forced fumbles. and in Game 5 Cleveland will send lightly used South final record: 5-2. rookie Ryan Merritt to the mound against Marco Estrada. 2016 Postseason The Blue Jays added Baseball Glance Series two more runs in the Division (Best-of-5; x-if necessary) seventh after a throwing American League 3, Texas 0 error by reliever Bryan Toronto Thursday, Oct. 6: Toronto 10, Texas 1 Shaw. Encarnacion came Friday, Oct. 7: Toronto 5, Texas 3 Oct. 9: Toronto 7, Texas 6, up with the bases loaded 10Sunday, innings and the crowd chanting Cleveland 3, Boston 0 Thursday, Oct. 6: Cleveland 5, “Eddie” — and his hard Boston 4 grounder skipped off the Friday, Oct. 7: Cleveland 6, Boston 0 Sunday, mound and into center ppd., rain Oct. 9: Cleveland at Boston, field to make it 4-1. Monday, Oct. 10: Cleveland 4, Cleveland Toronto ab r h bi ab r h bi C.Sntna dh 4 0 0 0 Butista rf 5 1 0 0 Kipnis 2b 4 0 0 0 M.Upton lf 0 0 0 0 Lindor ss 4 0 0 0 Dnldson 3b 3 1 1 1 Napoli 1b 3 0 0 0 Encrncn 1b 4 0 2 2 Jose.Rm 3b 3 0 0 0 Tlwtzki ss 3 1 1 0 Chsnhll rf 2 0 0 0 Ru.Mrtn c 3 0 0 0 Ra.Dvis ph-cf 1 0 0 0 Sunders dh 4 0 2 0 Crisp lf 2 1 0 0 Carrera lf-rf 4 1 2 1 Naquin cf-rf 2 0 1 0 Pillar cf 3 0 0 1 Guyer ph-rf 1 0 0 0 Goins 2b 3 1 1 0 R.Perez c 2 0 1 1 Totals 28 1 2 1 Totals 32 5 9 5 Cleveland 000 010 000—1 Toronto 001 100 21x—5 E-B.Shaw (1). LOB-Cleveland 3, Toronto 8. 2B-Naquin (2), R.Perez (1). 3B-Carrera (2). HR-Donaldson (1). SF-Pillar (1). S-R.Perez (1). IP H R ER BB SO Cleveland Kluber L,2-1 5 4 2 2 2 7 Otero 1 2 0 0 0 0 Shaw 1/3 2 2 1 1 0 Clevinger 1 2/3 1 1 1 1 1 Toronto Sanchez W,1-0 6 2 1 1 2 5 Cecil H,1 1 0 0 0 0 2 Grilli H,2 1 0 0 0 0 0 Osuna 1 0 0 0 0 2 WP-Sanchez, Clevinger. T-3:01. A-49,142 (49,282).

Boston 3 National League Chicago 3, San Francisco 1 Friday, Oct. 7: Chicago 1, San Francisco 0 Saturday, Oct. 8: Chicago 5, San Francisco 2 Monday, Oct. 10: San Francisco 6, Chicago 5, 13 innings Tuesday, Oct. 11: Chicago 6, San Francisco 5 Los Angeles 3, Washington 2 Friday, Oct. 7: Los Angeles 4,


Washington 3 Saturday, Oct. 8: Los Angeles at Washington, ppd., rain Sunday, Oct. 9: Washington 5, Los Angeles 2 Monday, Oct. 10: Washington 8, at Los Angeles 3 Tuesday, Oct. 11: Los Angeles 6, Washington 5 Thursday, Oct. 13: Los Angeles 4, Washington 3 League Championship Series (Best-of-7; x-if necessary) American League All Games on TBS Cleveland 3, Toronto 1 Friday, Oct. 14: Cleveland 2, Toronto 0 Saturday, Oct. 15: Cleveland 2, Toronto 1 Monday, Oct. 17: Cleveland 4, Toronto 2 Tuesday, Oct. 18: Toronto 5, Cleveland 1 Wednesday, Oct. 19: Cleveland (Merritt 1-0) at Toronto (Estrada 9-9), 3:08 p.m. x-Friday, Oct. 21: Toronto at Cleveland, 7:08 p.m. x-Saturday, Oct. 22: Toronto at Cleveland, TBA National League Los Angeles 2, Chicago 1 Saturday, Oct. 15: Chicago 8, Los Angeles 4 Sunday, Oct. 16: Los Angeles 1, Chicago 0 Tuesday, Oct. 18: Los Angeles 6, Chicago 0 Wednesday, Oct. 19: Chicago (Lackey 11-8) at Los Angeles (Urias 5-2), (FS1), 7:08 p.m. Thursday, Oct. 20: Chicago (Lester 19-5) at Los Angeles (Maeda 16-11), (FS1), 7:08 p.m. x-Saturday, Oct. 22: Los Angeles at Chicago (Fox or FS1), TBA x-Sunday, Oct. 23: Los Angeles at Chicago (Fox or FS1), TBA

the end of the day, that’s my job as a coach to be able to make that things carry over to the field. So I’ve got to continue to do the things that I’ve got when something went to do to make sure that wrong or they got a good it’s working for them as kill. We really stayed they pass it onto the field. positive and just kept be- Sometimes that’s just moing aggressive.” tivating guys in different The Firebirds led by as ways to really pay attenmany eight points in the tion to details.” first set and six points in Willis has thrown six the second set. interceptions and been Free State sophomore sacked 10 times in two Rachel Hickman had starts, while completing eight kills for the Fire41 of his 64 throws (64.1 birds, on passes from percent) for 437 yards (6.8 Dickson and freshman yards an attempt). The Mya Gleason, while sophomore could only Gannaway and Clarke give the struggling offense added six kills each. 89 passing yards on SaturJunior Cameryn Thomas day in a 49-7 loss at Baylor. had five kills and three “I take a lot of the blocks. blame,” Willis said. “I “Tonight we had a need to get my eyes in the target on our back, and right place. When I do, we here’s what you’ve got can be pretty lethal. And to do,” Hoffsommer said. when I don’t, I’m gonna “Every team is gunning make mistakes. And I for you. They are going to give you their best and need to bounce back on it, you have to show up and not dwell on it. I’m gonna move forward.” take care of business. It Beaty said Willis’ issues was good for us to expecome down to basic misrience that.” takes. The coach said his Both teams will learn current No. 1 QB needs to of their sub-state schedread the defense in front ules today. of him, get his cue quickly

and determine the correct target on passing downs, instead of fixing in on a route before surveying. “So that’s been frustrating for me and for them as well,” Beaty said of the quarterbacking problems, which began with Montell Cozart and Willis rotating at the position the first four games. “But those are things that we can fix and I’m gonna expect them to get fixed. In a hurry.” Willis’ turnovers — two lost fumbles, seven interceptions, contributing to KU’s nation-worst 22 giveaways — are the more obvious examples of what Beaty considers insufficient progress. As far as moving past a forgettable outing, Willis said he tries to operate with a “24-hour memory.” It will be on him to rebound and improve quickly for the offense, and really the whole team, to have a better showing Saturday versus Oklahoma State (4-2, 2-1) at Memorial Stadium (11 a.m. kickoff, FOX Sports 1). “It’s gonna take perseverance. We’ve battled through this,” Willis said. “We had a rough season last year. We just need to be able to bounce back and have a good week of practice, and get ready for Oklahoma State for our homecoming game.”

“I do think the pieces have potential to fit,” Self said. “Last year the pieces fit as well as they could fit in my opinion, and we still came up short. This year, if the pieces fit as well, then I think you may have a little bit more talented group that may give you a chance maybe to play better when it counts the most. But certainly it remains to be seen if the pieces can get there yet.”

let coach down, because then you’re thinking too much. Coach doesn’t want you thinking like that. He just wants you to play and be aggressive and just play your game within the offense.” This group of Jayhawks will find out just how skilled they are at doing just that in two weeks, when they open the exhibition season against Washburn on Nov. 1 at Allen Fieldhouse.


According to the handful of Jayhawks on this team who have experience playing for Self, that last part is a foregone conclusion and it’s merely a matter of time before it comes to light. “Coach makes it fit,” junior guard Devonte’ Graham said. “He’s not going to let anyone force a shot or take bad shots or anything like that ... I wouldn’t say it’s don’t

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L awrence J ournal -W orld

Wednesday, October 19, 2016



Veritas splits Senior Night matches In its final home matches of the season, Veritas Christian’s volleyball team posted a 1-1 record Tuesday at the East Lawrence Recreation Center. After honoring their seniors, the Eagles beat Center Place (25-11, 25-19) and lost to Metro Mavs (23-25, 25-18, 25-23). Senior Brienne Billings had 10 kills and three blocks and senior Alyssa Krestan added six kills. Veritas junior led the offense with 29 kills and three aces, while setter Emma Wilson recorded 35 assists and seven kills. The Eagles (28-10) will begin play in the KCAA state tournament on Oct. 28.


Chris Duderstadt/Journal-World Photo

LAWRENCE HIGH SENIOR CAIN SCOTT CHASES DOWN the ball against Shawnee Mission North defender Jeremy Sanchez in the first half of the Lions’ 6-1 win over the Indians Tuesday at LHS. Scott scored twice in the first 10 minutes, and recorded a third goal in the second half to complete the hat trick.

“Not only is it senior night, but if we win, it could give us a chance to host a playoff game. We’ve talked about that all season as a goal of ours, is to be able to play a home playoff game. We’ve got to come Thursday ready to take care of business.� The Indians did strike quickly coming out of the break when junior Oscar Aguilar sent a free kick into the upper 90 to put the Indians on the board less than a minute into the second half. The Lions had an answer, though, as Scott scored for the third time to complete the hat trick in the 48th minute and tie the Lions’ modern-day record for goals in one season. “That’s the most we’ve

| 5C

had since Robert Lyan back in 2012 when he had 16. With one game remaining, maybe we can see Cain set that,� Murphy said. Scott will be one of 12 seniors recognized in his final home match, as the Lions will take on Shawnee Heights at 7 p.m. Thursday. While Murphy has been pleased lately with how the Lions have been pushing the pace offensively, he said there are still a few things that his team can work on in preparation for postseason play. They’re going to start marking him (Scott). That’s the thing we’ve got to start talking about,� Murphy said. “When they start putting two guys on you, you’ve got to find the open guy. Those will be things we can work on in practice (today) and Friday as we get ready for the playoffs.�




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Mail and Copy Center Temporary

The Golf Course Superintendents Association of America is seeking a highly detailed, customer focused individual to join our team on a temporary basis. This position will be full-time and will begin the end of November and last through mid-February. The primary duties include receiving, sorting and delivering mail items, preparing all outgoing deliveries and assisting with GCSAA print and copy orders. The position will also assist with phone coverage as needed. Qualified candidates must be able to stand for long periods of time, quickly learn the operation of the mail and copy center equipment and possess general computer and phone customer service skills. Hourly rate is $12.00 and a bonus will be paid upon completion of assignment. Applicants should apply online and attach a resume by October 31st at and select “Work for GCSAA.� GCSAA is proud to be an equal opportunity employer. EOE/M/F/Vet/Disabled Connex Intl is a leading telecommunications provider of customizable web and audio conferencing and collaboration solutions serving professionals and organizations of all sizes around the world.

P/T & F/T positions available in Lawrence, KS! We have multiple openings for outgoing and experienced employees that can provide professional & positive customer service to our clients! These positions would handle IN-BOUND conference calls from our clients across the US. Your positive personality is in need at Connex! We are a growing company and hiring for several positions for both P/T and F/T shifts between 5am-10pm.

• Conference Call Coordinators • Customer Service Supervisors • Senior Conference Call Leaders • Bilingual Conference Call Coordinators Experience in Customer Service/Call Center environments is a plus. Bring your positive energy, computer skills and top notch telephone skills to Connex and join our growing team! Send resumes to or visit us at Benefits: Health Insurance, Competitive Pay, Paid time off for vacation/sick days. Growth Opportunities!! EEO/AAE/M/F/V/D

KU is an EO/AAE, full policy All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, religion, sex (including pregnancy), age, national origin, disability, genetic information or protected Veteran status.

MAGAZINE EDITOR Sunflower Publishing, a division of Ogden Publications, is hiring a Magazine Editor to manage the editorial content and flow of a series of city/regional titles. If you love magazines that are the heart and soul of a community, this opportunity is unmatched. Established in 2004 Sunflower Publishing, based in Lawrence, Kansas, is a leading publisher for city/regional magazines,trade publications and directories. Premier publications include KANSAS! magazine, Lawrence Magazine, Topeka Magazine,Manhattan Magazine,Best of Lawrence magazine,Kansas Weddings Magazine and more. For more information, visit Ideal candidates should have two-plus years of writing/editing experience within a magazine, journal or publication. A bachelor’s degree in journalism, English or a related field is preferred. We are looking for an editor with a commitment to conceptualizing content, photography and design of print publications. They must have strong verbal and written communication skills, as well as leadership qualities. Strong organizational skills and ability to multitask to ensure deadlines are met. This is an ideal, long-term position for a starting or seasoned editor. Apply via email or by mail with resume, cover letter, and portfolio (if applicable). Attn: General Manager Sunflower Publishing 645 New Hampshire Lawrence, KS 66044 Sunflower Publishing and Ogden Publications, Inc., offer training, a benefits package including health, dental and vision insurance, 401k, paid time off and more. EOE




Wednesday, October 19, 2016



L awrence J ournal -W orld



step up to a new full-time job in edgerton

we’re making on-the-spot

job offers join us at:

Crowne Plaza Kansas City Overland Park 12601 W 95th St - Lenexa, KS

Saturday, October 22 9am to 4pm Grow with us, in a full-time position that includes benefits starting on day one and opportunities to support your future career development.

Join Amazon today and be prepared to make history. apply online: Amazon is an Equal Opportunity-Affirmative Action Employer Minority / Female / Disability / Veteran / Gender Identity / Sexual Orientation

L awrence J ournal -W orld

Wednesday, October 19, 2016




TO PLACE AN AD: Antique/Estate Liquidation

785.832.2222 Concrete

Guttering Services

Craig Construction Co Family Owned & Operated 20 Yrs

NOW HIRING Job Opportunities On Multiple Shifts!

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5 10.2


General Plant Labor, Packagers, Mixers, Rollers, Sanitation, Machine Operators, Utility, Warehouse & Distribution Associates, Industrial Maintenance Techs, Electrician, Sanitation Supervisor, Production Supervisor & QA Techs!

Apply at or in person today! 3167 SE 10th St, Topeka, KS 66607 (785) 817-0251

Driveways - stamped • Patios • Sidewalks • Parking Lots • Building Footings & Floors • All Concrete Repairs Free Estimates Downsizing - Moving? We’ve got a Custom Solution for You! Estate Tag Sales and Cleanup Services Armstrong Family Estate Services, LLC 785-383-0820 Needing to place an ad? 785-832-2222

Mike - 785-766-6760

Decks & Fences Pro Deck & Design

Specializing in the complete and expert installation of decks and porches. Over 30 yrs exp, licensed & insured. 913-209-4055

ESTATE SERVICES • Estate sales • Organizing • Interior Stylist Debbie King


Maintenance Supervisors ARE YOU LOOKING FOR A STABLE WORK ENVIRONMENT? Lansing Correctional Facility is hiring in our Maintenance Department.

Deliver Newspapers! Choose a route in:

Perry Lawrence It’s Fun! Part-time work

Early schedules keep your daytime free! Be an independent contractor, Deliver every day, between 2-6 a.m. Reliable vehicle, driver’s license, insurance in your own name, and a phone required.

Come in & Apply! 645 New Hampshire 816-805-6780

HIRING IMMEDIATELY! Drive for Lawrence Transit System, KU on Wheels & Saferide/ Safebus! Day & Night shifts. Flexible full & part-time schedules, 80% company paid employee health insurance for full-time. Career opportunities. $11.50/hr after paid training. Age 21+ w. gooddriving record. Apply online: employment Or come to: MV Transportation, Inc. 1260 Timberedge Road Lawrence, KS

Benefits include: Paid holidays, Paid vacation & sick leave, State supplemented health insurance, life insurance, and retirement plan. Starting Annual Salary is $38,513.00 which includes 10% pay differential and $0.30 per hour of trades differential. Lansing Correctional Facility, an adult male correctional facility, is hiring Facility Maintenance Supervisors who will supervise and train inmate workers in the care, maintenance and repair needs within a 125 acre physical plant. Also assigns tasks and inspects progress for timely completion of projects. Facilities Maintenance Supervisors needed in PLUMBING, ELECTRICAL, and GENERAL CONSTRUCTION Required: Five years experience in the mechanical or building trades. Education may be substituted for experience as determined relevant by the agency. Work hours: Monday - Friday 7:00 a.m.-3:00 p.m. Submit application and tax clearance on-line at prior to close date. Contact: Carmen Maguire, LCF Recruiter 913-727-3235, Ext: 57022 P.O. Box 2, Lansing, KS 66043 EOE/VPE

Stacked Deck THE RESALE LADY Estate Sale Services In home & Off site options to suit your tag sale needs. 785.260.5458

The City of Eudora, KS seeks applicants for a full time Police Officer. Candidate must pass drug & physical screening, background check & psychological test. Valid DL & HS degree or GED req. Law Enforcement Certificate preferred. Salary $18.50/hr certified or $17.50/hr if not. Submit app or resume to City of Eudora, Attn: Pam, PO Box 650, Eudora, KS 66025, email to Pam Schmeck at or

More people don’t get hired because they

We are an equal opportunity employer and all qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, religion, sex, national origin, disability status, protected veteran status, or any other characteristic protected by law.

FAIL TO APPLY ...than for any other reason. Decisions Determine Destiny

Decks • Gazebos Siding • Fences • Additions Remodel • Weatherproofing Insured • 25 yrs exp. 785-550-5592

Lawn, Garden & Nursery

Golden Rule Lawncare Mowing & lawn cleanup Snow Removal Family owned & operated Call for Free Est. Insured. Eugene Yoder 785-224-9436


Home Improvements

Painting AAA Home Improvements Int/Ext Repairs, Painting, Tree work & more- we do it all! 20 Yrs. Exp., Ins. & local Ref. Will beat all estimates! Call 785-917-9168

Deck Drywall Siding Replacement Gutters Privacy Fencing Doors & Trim Commercial Build-out Build-to-suit services Fully Insured 22 yrs. experience


Serving KC over 40 years

Trade Skills


Higgins Handyman Interior/exterior painting, roofing, roof repairs, fence work, deck work, lawn care, siding, windows & doors. For 11+ years serving Douglas County & surrounding areas. Insured.


785-832-2222 Advertising that works for you!

Foundation Repair

LPNs Join our 5 star team! Full & Part-time. Rewarding team environment within long term care. Shift and weekend differentials and up to $1,000 sign-on bonus. Apply online or in-person at: www.lawrencepresbyteri 1429 Kasold Dr. Lawrence, KS 66049


Commercial Electricians Oliver Electric is accepting applications for experienced Journeyman & Apprentice, for work in the Lawrence & surrounding area. Top wages/benefits. EOE. For details please call:

(785) 748-0777

Interview TIP #5

Look Neat Clean clothes No holes Modest Cover tats Remove piercings

Front Desk & Night Auditor Experience is a must. Apply in person at 740 Iowa St.

Smell Clean Brush Teeth Shower w soap Clean clothes Deodorant Decisions Determine Destiny

New York Housekeeping Accepting clients for weekly, bi-weekly, seasonal or special occasion cleaning. Excellent References. Beth - 785-766-6762

Quality Office Cleaning We are here to serve you, No job too big or small. Major CC excepted Info. & Appointments M-F, 9-5 Call 785-330-3869

Concrete Concrete Driveways, Parking lots, Pavement repair, Sidewalks, Garage Floors Foundation walls, Remove & Replacement Specialists Call 843-2700 or Text 393-9924 Stamped & Reg. Concrete, Patios, Walks, Driveways, Acid Staining & Overlays, Tear-Out & Replacement Jayhawk Concrete Inc. 785-979-5261

A.B. PAINTING & REPAIR Int/ext. Drywall, Siding, 30 plus yrs. Locally owned & operated.

Call Al 785-331-6994

Family Tradition Interior & Exterior Painting Carpentry/Wood Rot Senior Citizen Discount Ask for Ray 785-330-3459 Interior/Exterior Painting Call Lyndsey 913-422-7002


913-962-0798 Fast Service

The Wood Doctor - Wood rot repair, fences, decks, doors & windows - built, repaired, or replaced & more! Bath/kitchen remodeled. Basement finished. 785-542-3633 • 816-591-6234

YARDBIRDS LANDSCAPING Tractor and Mowing Services. Yard to fields. Rototilling Call 785-766-1280

Quality Work Over 30 yrs. exp.

Rich Black Top Soil No Chemicals Machine Pulverized Pickup or Delivery


Seamless aluminum guttering.


Many colors to choose from. Install, repair, screen, clean-out. Locally owned. Insured. Free estimates.


Cleaning Healthcare


Full Remodels & Odd Jobs, Interior/Exterior Painting, Installation & Repair of:

A Culture of Food, Family, Fun, Giving and Growing! Come join our family today!


| 7C

Foundation & Masonry

Specialist Water Prevention Systems for Basements, Sump Pumps, Foundation Supports & Repair & more. Call 785-221-3568 Foundation Repair Limestone wall bracing, floor straitening, sinking or bulging issues foundation water-proofing, repair and replacement Call 843-2700 or text 393-9924

HOME BUILDERS Repair & Remodel. When you want it done right the first time. Home repairs, deck repairs, painting & more. 785-766-9883 Retired Carpenter, Deck Repairs, Home Repairs, Interior Wall Repair & House Painting, Doors, Wood Rot, Power wash and Tree Services. 785-766-5285


Professional Organizing

Attic, Basement, Garage, Any Space ORGANIZED! Items sorted, boxed, donated/recycled + Downsizing help. Call TILLAR 913-375-9115

Roofing BHI Roofing Company Up to $1500.00 off full roofs UP to 40% off roof repairs 15 Yr labor warranty Licensed & Insured. Free Est. 913-548-7585

Tree/Stump Removal Fredy’s Tree Service

Providing top quality service and solutions for all your insurance needs. Medicare Home Auto Business

Call Today 785-841-9538

RETIRED MASTER PLUMBER & Handyman needs small work. Bill Morgan 816-523-5703

cutdown • trimmed • topped • stump removal Licensed & Insured. 20 yrs experience. 913-441-8641 913-244-7718

FOUNDATION REPAIR Mudjacking, Waterproofing. We specialize in Basement Repair & Pressure Grouting. Level & Straighten Walls & Bracing on wall. BBB. Free Estimates Since 1962 Wagner’s 785-749-1696


Trimming, removal, & stump grinding by Lawrence locals Certified by Kansas Arborists Assoc. since 1997 “We specialize in preservation & restoration” Ins. & Lic. visit online 785-843-TREE (8733)

PUBLIC NOTICES 785.832.2222

(First published in the Under and by virtue of an Lawrence Daily Journal- Order of Sale issued by the World, October 19, 2016) Clerk of the District Court in and for the said County Douglas County Senior of Douglas, State of KanServices is submitting an sas, in a certain cause in application for U.S.C. said Court Numbered 49-5310 federal capital 15CV281, wherein the pargrant funds and operating ties above named were reassistance to be provided spectively plaintiff and dethrough the Kansas De- fendant, and to me, the unpartment of Transporta- dersigned Sheriff of said tion. Persons wishing to County, directed, I will ofmake comments on the fer for sale at public aucapplication are requested tion and sell to the highest to do so in writing no later bidder for cash in hand at than 4:30 p.m. on Nov. 4, 10:00 AM, on 11/10/2016, 2016. Comments can be the Jury Assembly Room mailed to: Dr. Marvel Wil- of the District Court loliamson, Executive Direc- cated in the lower level of tor, DCSS, 745 Vermont, the Judicial and Law Enforcement Center buildLawrence, KS 66044. ing, 111 E. 11th St., Law________ rence, Kansas Douglas (First published in the County Courthouse, the Lawrence Daily Journal- following described real World October 19, 2016) estate located in the County of Douglas, State of IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF Kansas, to wit: DOUGLAS COUNTY, KANSAS LOT 11, IN BLOCK 2, IN DE THE BANK OF NEW YORK MELLON FKA THE BANK OF NEW YORK AS SUCCESSOR INDENTURE TRUSTEE TO JPMORGAN CHASE BANK, N.A., AS INDENTURE TRUSTEE FOR THE CWABS REVOLVING HOME EQUITY LOAN TRUST, SERIES 2004-K Plaintiff, vs. Craig J. Heath, Vickie L. Heath , et al., Defendants. Case No. 15CV281 Division 0 K.S.A. 60 Mortgage Foreclosure (Title to Real Estate Involved) NOTICE OF SHERIFF’S SALE

VEL ADDITION NO. 3, A SUBDIVISION IN THE CITY OF LAWRENCE, AS SHOWN BY THE RECORDED PLAT THEREOF, IN DOUGLAS COUNTY, KANSAS SHERIFF OF DOUGLAS COUNTY, KANSAS Respectfully Submitted, By: Shawn Scharenborg, KS # 24542 Michael Rupard, KS # 26954 Dustin Stiles, KS # 25152 Kozeny & McCubbin, L.C. (St. Louis Office) 12400 Olive Blvd., Suite 555 St. Louis, MO 63141 Phone: (314) 991-0255 Fax: (314) 567-8006 Email: Attorney for Plaintiff ________

(First published in the R.D. Johnson Lawrence Daily Journal- 1705 N 1399 Rd, Lawrence, KS World, September 18, 2016) Due to long term 785-842-9100 ________ non-payment, ACE SELF STORAGE OF LAWRENCE, KS will for-close the fol- (First published in the lowing units: MARY Lawrence Daily JournalSLEDGE, SCOTT WHITE- World October 19, 2016) BREAD, REBECCA TODD, Auction Notice TEDDI JAMES, DELL JOHNSTON, SUSAN KLINDT, If payment is not received, PS ORANGECO, INC will MILVINA YAZZIE. sell the entire contents of rental spaces at the folPayments must be received by October 21th in lowing locations to the highest bidder on Wednesorder to stop foreclosure. day, October 26, 2016 at 9:30AM. The undersigned ACE Self Storage will sell personal property 2400 Franklin Road including furniture, clothLawrence, KS 66046 ing, tools, vehicles and/or ________ other household items. (First published in the Lawrence Daily Journal2223 Haskell Avenue, World October 19, 2016) Lawrence, KS: G0A17 Pryor, DEMOLITION PERMIT G0A21 Aguilera-Martinez, APPLICATION G0E8 Williams, G0F28 Hess, Date: September 29, 2016 G0G14 Starks, Site Address: G0G29 Jackson, 320 Maiden Lane G0G5 French Lawrence, KS Legal Description: 811 East 23rd Street, North Lawrence Frazier’s Lawrence, KS Sub of Lots 6-15 incl ADD (Mailing Address: 2223 #4 Lots 19 & 20 Haskell Avenue, Applicant Signature: Lawrence, KS): /s/ Kathy Perkins G0339 Burton, September 29, 2016 G0418 Gaspard, Property Owner G0419 Stamper Signature: _______ /s/Kathy Perkins K& S Enterprises LLC (First published in the Corporation responsible Lawrence Daily Journalfor the building: World October 19, 2016) Same as applicant Brief Description of IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF Structure: DOUGLAS COUNTY, Wood frame one car car KANSAS garage, small wood frame pool house and one 20’x40’ CIVIL DEPARTMENT in-ground swimming pool Contractor Company JPMorgan Chase Bank, Name: National Association R.D. Johnson Excavating Plaintiff,

vs. Cherry Bolden, et al. Defendants. Case No. 15CV88 Court Number: Pursuant to K.S.A. Chapter 60 NOTICE OF SALE Under and by virtue of an Order of Sale issued to me by the Clerk of the District Court of Douglas County, Kansas, the undersigned Sheriff of Douglas County, Kansas, will offer for sale at public auction and sell to the highest bidder for cash in hand, at the Lower Level of the Judicial and Law Enforcement Center of the Courthouse at Lawrence, Douglas County, Kansas, on November 10, 2016, at 10:00 AM, the following real estate:

13160 Foster, Suite 100 Overland Park, KS 66213-2660 (913) 663-7600 (913) 663-7899 (Fax) Attorneys for Plaintiff (178771) ________

plat thereof, commonly known as 1805 Hampton, Lawrence, KS 66046 (the “Property”)

to satisfy the judgment in the above-entitled case. The sale is to be made without appraisement and (First published in the subject to the redemption Lawrence Daily Journal- period as provided by law, World October 19, 2016) and further subject to the approval of the Court. For IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF more information, visit DOUGLAS COUNTY, KANSAS Kenneth M McGovern, CIVIL DEPARTMENT Sheriff Douglas County, Kansas Carrington Mortgage Services, LLC Plaintiff, vs. Cheston R. Eisenhour and Kimberly Eisenhour, et al. Defendants. Case No. 16CV147 Court Number: Pursuant to K.S.A. Chapter 60

Prepared By: SouthLaw, P.C. Kristen G. Stroehmann (KS #10551) 13160 Foster, Suite 100 Overland Park, KS 66213-2660 (913) 663-7600 (913) 663-7899 (Fax) Attorneys for Plaintiff (115286) ________

Chapter 59. Case No. 2016 PR 000179 Division 1 NOTICE OF HEARING THE STATE OF KANSAS TO ALL PERSONS CONCERNED: You are hereby notified that on October 3, 2016, a Petition was filed in this Court by Greg Patterson, an heir of Raymond Edward Patterson, deceased, requesting Informal Administration. You are required to file your written defenses thereto on or before November 3, 2016 at 10:00 o’clock a.m. in this Court, in the City of Lawrence, in Douglas County, Kansas, at which time and place the cause will be heard. Should you fail therein, judgment and decree will be entered in due course upon the Petition.

Lot Eleven (11), in Pioneer Ridge West No. 3, a Subdivision in the City of Law(First published in the NOTICE OF SALE rence, Douglas County, Lawrence Daily Journal- Greg Patterson Kansas., commonly known World October 12, 2016) STEVENS & BRAND, L.L.P. as 1008 Wildwood Drive, Under and by virtue of an 900 Massachusetts, Ste. Lawrence, KS 66049 (the Order of Sale issued to me IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF 500-P.O. Box 189 by the Clerk of the District DOUGLAS COUNTY, “Property”) Lawrence, KS 66044-0189 Court of Douglas County, KANSAS Phone: (785) 843-0811 Fax: to satisfy the judgment in Kansas, the undersigned In the Matter of the Estate (785) 843-0341 the above-entitled case. Sheriff of Douglas County, of Raymond Edward The sale is to be made Kansas, will offer for sale Attorneys for Petitioners Patterson, Deceased without appraisement and at public auction and sell ________ Petition Pursuant to K.S.A. subject to the redemption to the highest bidder for period as provided by law, cash in hand, at the Lower (First published in the Lawrence Daily Journal-World and further subject to the Level of the Judicial and October 19, 2016) approval of the Court. For Law Enforcement Center of more information, visit the Courthouse at LawOFFICE OF THE DOUGLAS COUNTY TREASURER rence, Douglas County, LAWRENCE, KANSAS Kansas, on November 10, October 19, 2016 2016, at 10:00 AM, the folKenneth M McGovern, UNPAID PERSONAL PROPERTY TAXES FOR THE YEAR lowing real estate: Sheriff 2015 PURSUANT TO K.S.A 19-547, PUBLICATION OF Douglas County, Kansas DELINQUENT 72, in CIMARRON Lot PERSONAL PROPERTY TAX STATEMENT; COSTS, HILLS NO. 5, an addition Prepared By: PAYMENT AND COLLECTION. FOLLOWING IS A LIST OF to the City of Lawrence, in SouthLaw, P.C. Douglas County, Kansas, Courtney George PUBLIC NOTICE CONTINUED ON PAGE 9C according to the recorded (KS #26186)



Wednesday, October 19, 2016


L awrence J ournal -W orld




Chevrolet Cars

leather power seats, alloy wheels, On Star, steering wheel controls, all of the luxury that you expect from Buick and only $7,250.00 stk#149301

Ford SUVs

Mercury Cars

Nissan SUVs

Pontiac Cars




High performance package, RS Package, 2SS. 12k miles. Perfect condition. 450HP. Yellow with Black Stripes. Full warranty for 6 years / 100,000 miles. $39,000. 785-218-0685

2840 Iowa Street (785) 843-5200

Chevrolet Trucks

Buick 2007 Lucerne CXL




Nissan 2009 Murano SL, one owner, power equipment, power seat, Bose premium sound, alloy wheels, all-wheel drive Stk#316801

Only $7,877

Only $9,855

Dale Willey 785-843-5200

Dale Willey 785-843-5200

Need to sell your car? Place your ad at

Pontiac Cars

Mercury 2008 Grand Marquis GS power equipment, great room, very comfortable and affordable.

Ford 2004 Explorer XLT

2000 Chevrolet Silverado 1500

4wd, running boards, tow package, alloy wheels, power equipment, stk#122401 only $7,855.00

Truck has always been well maintained. $2745.

Dale Willey 785-843-5200

(913) 297-1383

Dale Willey 785-843-5200


Honda SUVs

Ford Cars

2009 PONTIAC G8 BASE One owner locally owned car! Leather heated seats, alloy wheels, Blaupunkt stereo, very sharp and well taken care of, all service work performed here!! Stk#373891

Only $13,855 Dale Willey 785-843-5200

Toyota Cars

$4,200. Volkswagen engine. Four on the floor with back bench seating, comes with helmet and some leathers.

Call 785-842-5859

NOTICES Special Notices

Nissan Cars

Chevrolet Cars


Ford 2002 Thunderbird Convertible

V6, fwd, power equipment, cruise control alloy wheels, very affordable at $4250.00!

leather, alloy wheels, power equipment, and lots of fun!! Stk#351433

Nissan 2011 Sentra SR Fwd, power equipment, alloy wheels, spoiler, low miles

Honda 2011 CRV SE 4wd, power equipment, alloy wheels, steering wheel controls, low miles, stk#300922



Only $12,877.00

Only $16,415.00

Only $10,455

Dale Willey 785-843-5200

Dale Willey 785-843-5200

Dale Willey 785-843-5200

Dale Willey 785-843-5200

Pontiac 2009 Vibe

Toyota 2007 Avalon Limited

one owner, fwd, automatic, power equipment, cruise control, fantastic commuter car with great gas mileage! Stk#389951 Only $8,949.00

heated & cooled leather seats, sunroof, power equipment, JBL sound system, navigation, alloy wheels and more! Stk#537861 Only $11,415.00

Dale Willey 785-843-5200

Dale Willey 785-843-5200

Saturday, October 22 Vinland United Methodist Church 1724 N 692 RD Baldwin City, KS 66006 Serving 5pm to 7:30 pm or when it’s all gone. Please join us for good food and fellowship. Homemade pies! Free will donation.



KINGSVILLE LIVESTOCK AUCTION Kingsville, MO (Located 45 mi SE of Kansas City, MO on 58 highway Modern Kingsville Auction Center)

Special Cow/Cow-Calf & Bull Consignment Auction SATURDAY, OCTOBER 22nd 11 AM - BULLS Sell at 11 AM Early Consignments Include: Bulls: Bulls Include: Pleasantview Cattle Co.: 2 1/2yr Reg. PB Red Gelv Bull, From SeedStock + Stock, Trich & Semen, Ready to go. Arnold Farms: “7” 18 mo old Blk Gelv Bulls, Judd Ranch Breeding, Trich & Semen Tested ready to go, Whiteside Farms: Blk Angus 2yr old Bull, Snyder Farms: “2” Blk Circle A Angus 4yr old Bulls Sherrie Snyder: Blk Circle A Angus 4yr old & Blk Angus 3yr old Bulls, Kramer Farms: “10” Pure- bred Blk Angus 3yr old Cows, 2nd P. bred Reg. Angus, coming 2nd Calf, Start Calving Feb. 1, Nice set of Big-Gentle Cows. JA Farms: “15” Blk Angus 2yr old 1000wt. Hfr’s, 2nd P. bred LBW Seedstock + Balancer Bulls; Bulls in April 7th for 90 days; Start calving Jan 7th, All Hfr’s worked by Metzner Vet consisting of Pelvic Measured, wormed, poured, scour guard, all shots, Gentle, broke to feed truck; (They will make a nice set of cows) Snyder Farms: “52” Blk-Bwf 5-SS Spring Calving Cows, 2nd P. bred Circle A Reg. Angus, start calving Feb 20th, Good set of calf raiser’s, Sherrie Snyder: “45” Blk-Bwf 5-SS Spring Calving Cows, 2nd P.bred Circle A Angus or Purebred Angus Bulls, start calving Feb. 20th Phillips Farms: “25” Red Angus 3-6yr old Cows, 2nd-3rd P. Bred Blk Balancer Wood Farms: “50” Blk-Bwf 3-4yr old Cows, 2nd -3rd P. (All coming 2nd Calf) “60” Blk-Bwf 5-6yr old Cows, 2nd-3rd P. (All Cows bred Blk Balancer & Blk Angus) D-D Cattle Co.: “80” Blk-Bwf 3-6yr old Cows, 2nd-3rd P. bred Angus & Sim-Angus (Nice set of Cows) Lone Elm Farms: “30” Blk 3-6yr old Cows w/200wt Calves, (Calves sired by SeedStock + Balancer) S-S Farms: “45” Red/Red Brockle Face 3-6yr old Cows w/250wt Calves, “4” Char-X 3-6yr old Cows w/250wt calves; (All Cows sell open) Conner Farms: “10” Red Angus-X 3-6yr old Cows 2nd-3rd P., bred Sim-Angus; B-N Farms: “10” Blk 5-SS Cows w/200wt Angus Calves, (Sell Open) Nuelle Farms: “5” Fancy Blk Angus 2yr old Hfr Pairs w/Fall Calves, “5” Fancy Bwf 2yr old Hfr’s w/Fall Angus Calves; (All Hfr’s been thru Show-Me-Select Program, Hfr’s sell Open, All eartagged to match, Calves are AI sired by Summitt Austin Farms: “55” Blk Angus & “16” Red Angus 4-5yr old Cows, Calve Mar. 1st, “4” Blk Angus Pairs, Bred Angus “Focus” Gehman Farms: “10” Blk Balancer 1000wt Hfr’s RFI Tagged, 2nd P. “8” Blk Balancer 1000wt Hfr’s , 2nd P. (Bulls in May 1st, out July 9th, 70day cycle, Start calving Feb. 1st, bred SeedStock + Show-Me- Select qualified Low BW Reg. Balancer Homo Polled Homo Black calving ease. Hfr’s are very gentle, make a nice set of cows; Yancy Farms: “9” Blk BM Cows w/250wt Calves, Big Stout set of Pairs

Protect Yourselves-Market Your Cattle The Auction Way Call (816) 597-3331 or Visit Our Website Thank You - Rick, Jeremy & Jared Anstine

All Consignments Welcome

KINGSVILLE LIVESTOCK AUCTION For Info Call Rick, Jeremy or Jared Anstine 816.597.3331 •

AUCTIONS Auction Calendar FARM AUCTION Sat, October 22 9:00 AM 325 East 1250 Rd Baldwin City Seller: C.T. Taul Auctioneers: Mark Elston & Jason Flory Elston Auctions (785-594-0505) (785-218-7851) “Serving Your Auction Needs Since 1994” Please visit us online at elston & www.FloryAndAssociates .com for pictures!!



REAL ESTATE AUCTION 120 Oak Street Downtown Bonner Springs, KS October 21, 11 A.M. 21,000 Sq Ft Mall!

JD 640 side delivery rake; JD 24T square baler(shedded); Gehl 1600 round baler; 6 bale self-unloading bale trailer; Grain-A-Vator #30; JD RM 6-30 cultivator; 16” hay wagon w/ M. Wards running gear; 3 pt. carryall; Continental pull type sprayer; Peerless 10-11 pto hammer mill; JD 2 row mounted cultivator; JD ground driven manure spreader(steel floor); IH 2 bottom plow; 3 pt. tree shear; JD 3 pt. 12’spring tooth; JD rotary hoe; Clipper 560H fertilizer buggy; 10 EZ flow style seeder; Hay & Grain elevator; 6’ disc; livestock loading chute on wheels; JD pancake style front wt. brackets; JD #7 & 8 sickle mowers; 1973 Chief 16’ bumper hitch stock trailer; 1994 Chevrolet Silverado 1500 Truck Ex. Cab; 1962 Chevrolet C-60 Grain Truck w/15’ bed & hoist; 1955 Chevrolet Grain Truck w/hoist; 1988 Chevrolet S10 Truck; 1992 Buick Lesabre 4 door; 1949 Chevrolet 3/4 ton Truck; 1952 Chevrolet 2 ton Truck; 1956 Chevrolet 1 ton Truck; EZ GO/Caddy Car & Yamaha Golf Carts; (Most All Vehicles Will Sell Not Running!); Salvage/Parts: Gehl 1500 baler, Hesston PT, Mix Mill, other items of salvage/metal; misc. cattle bunks/feeders; hog panels; Millermatic 180 Mig welder; welding table; tires/wheels; misc. tools; fuel barrels; dimensional native lumber & vintage barn wood; Dozer/Tractor: Consigned by neighbor 1976 Late Model Cat D6C Dozer rops, brush sweeps, 10’ tilt blade, 24” pads, good grousers, sprockets (nearly new), 3306 w/3 spd. power shift; John Deere 3010 Tractor, gas, wide-front, syncro range, single remote, 3 pt., near new rubber w/JD 48 Loader(will sell as one unit!); 3 pt. Rhino

Two Commercial Acres! Easily divisible building with multiple possible uses, widely known high profile location! VIEWING: Friday October 14, 11 AM to 1 PM, one hour prior to auction or by appointment. TERMS: $10,000 down, close in 30 days. Seller guarantees clear title. Photos and due diligence online.

PUBLIC AUCTION SATURDAY, OCT. 22 10 AM 3.4m N of Globe, KS, on E 550 Rd. (643 E 550 Rd. Lawrence, KS. OR 8.5m E of Overbrook, KS. OR 7m W of Hwy Jct. 56 & 59 then North on E550.) JOHN, EVELYN & CHERYL MUSICK ESTATE EDGECOMB AUCTIONS785-594-3507 Les’s cell 785-766-6074 Edgecomb

REAL ESTATE AUCTION 120 Oak Street Downtown Bonner Springs, KS October 21, 11 A.M. 21,000 Sq Ft Mall! BILL FAIR & COMPANY 800-887-6929 FREE 2 Week AUCTION CALENDAR LISTING when you place your Auction or Estate Sale ad with us! Call our Classified Advertising Department for details! 785.832.2222


FARM AUCTION Sat, October 22 9:00 AM 325 East 1250 Rd Baldwin City (Directions:From Lawrence South 10 Miles on Hwy. 59 to Baldwin Junction Hwy. 56/59 or North from Ottawa 10 Miles to Hwy. 56/59 Turn West to Old 59(1250 Rd.) to Auction!) Watch For Signs!! C.T. has retired from farming after 70 years & will sell the following! Combine/Equipment/Vehic les: JD 6600D Combine, chopper w/15’ platform head; JD 7000 6-30 Planter, finger pick-up, insecticide; Great Plains 13’ Solid Stand Grain Drill w/markers & grass seeder; JD 8300 13’ Grain Drill (yellow top); JD 1000 18’ Field Cultivator; JD 12’ pull type disc; JD #100 pull type chisel; 16’ pull type plow disc; IH 16’ field cultivator; Hesston 1091 swather;


PUBLIC AUCTION • SATURDAY, OCT. 22, 10 AM 3.4m N of Globe, KS, on E 550 Rd. (643 E 550 Rd. Lawrence, KS. OR 8.5m E of Overbrook, KS. OR 7m W of Hwy Jct. 56 & 59 then North on E 550.) VEHICLES, MOWER & MISC: 1992 F150 XLT w/topper, good tires, 5.0 L eng, ext cab, & power windows; 1984 F 250, 6.9 L diesel, good tires, turn over ball hitch; JD Z 425 48” zero turn mower. 110 gal L shaped fuel tank w/12 v pump; PU cross tool box. VEHICLES WILL SELL AT APPROX. 1:00 PM ANTIQUES & FURNITURE: Wooden Hercules powder & dynamite boxes; Thermaster metal cooler; foot lockers; hand stomper washing mach; coffee, Prince Albert & other tins; 100’s of 30’s & up license plates; many fruit jars inc green & glass lids; green glass bricks; wooden puzzles; wash bds; medicine & other bottles; metal cigar box & lunch bucket; lard cans; 10 gal milk cans; granite cookers & pans; picnic & other baskets; metal childs ironing bd & metal doll stove; crocks; wooden boxes & crates; white feed sacks; sev paper wts; tube radios; Shaw Lumber in Lawrence towel holder; Griswold, Wagner & other cast skillets; few cameras; Floradora porcelain & leather doll; China doll & clothes; 100’s of 33 1/3 old country, swing & Elvis records; accordion; CI, brass & Breyer horses; copper, alum teakettle & pans; thimble coll; 35+ pcs green uranium dep glassware; CI door stop & piggy bank; many 80’s & 90’s & Remington roll up calendars; many die cast cars & trucks in boxes; Elvis books & posters; old Bibles, Book of Mormon, local history, Civil War & Native American; Old West book set; Burpee wood seed box; pitcher & well pumps; Lawrence Sanitary & Meyer Dairy milk boxes; scythe; lg amt of costume & other jewelry; gal Dazey churn; kerosene lamps; wicker & peach baskets. Oak 3 dr chest; porcelain top cab; Oak rocking chair; wood kit cab; roll top desk; dining table w/2 leaves & chairs; Husqvarna Viking 940 sewing mach; Walnut hutch; sm rnd walnut table; lg display cab; walnut sideboard; 1880’s? walnut chest w/hanky boxes; 4 dr corner cab; 6 dr chest; 3 pc bed set; Lane chest; knee hole desk; 3 pc walnut bed set;



cedar chest; oak kit cab; nice oak commode; end tables; oak side chair; sofa & chair. HOUSEHOLD & GLASSWARE: 2 Filter Queen Defender Air Cleaners; Federal air tight wood stove w/blower; Dehydrator; el ice cream makers; 2 Convection ovens; 2globes; sm appliances; triple ply el skillet; pressure cookers; 2 chest freezers; Amana refrig; Hardwick gas range; induction cooker; Health Master blender; el pressure cooker; many appliances are new. Bose stereo radio; many pictures; Several Fiesta pcs, Carnival glass, hobnail, Vision ware, baking dishes; many pcs Imperial Candlewick; Symphany China set; other glassware; Wm Rogers & other flatware; Jayhawk items; many McDonalds toys; Avon; sewing supplies; bedding & linens; fabric & craft items; new shoes; leather & other ladies coats; vintage hats; MISC: 200 amp bat chgr; el chain saw; wheel barrow; fishing gear; recip saw; IH pulley wheel; 4’ florescent lights; bench grinder & vise; sm 2 whl trailer; hand & garden tools; Mall cir saw w/case; deep well sockets; air impact wrench; 7 gal Rotella oil; wide folding wheel chairs; CD’s & cassettes; mounted rabbit & pheasant; chicken & pig feeders & drinkers; rubber & metal tubs; PTO seeder; 6x12 dog kennel; goat stantion; many cattle & hog panels; steel posts; concrete figurines; 6” jointer; 10” table saw; Sears band saw w/stand; belt & disk sanders; B&D radial arm saw; 3 pt log splitter; Coleman 2 burner camp stove; JD #5 sickle mower; Quick benches; lg alum storage box; 12’x16’ bldg on skids; buzz saw & sm horse drawn spring tooth; poly water tanks; rabbit cages; lumber. Many totes & boxes yet to be opened. Many items not listed and some will be collectible. TERMS: CASH, GOOD CHECK W/PHOTO ID, CREDITS CARDS. LUNCH AVAILABLE. NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ACCIDENTS, LOST OR STOLEN ITEMS. JOHN, EVELYN & CHERYL MUSICK ESTATE EDGECOMB AUCTIONS- 785-594-3507 Les’s cell 785-766-6074


RIBBON REALTY Baseball Topps Cards Mark Elston & Jason Flory post hole digger; Elston Auctions SEE PICTURES ON WEB Firearms/Knives Will Most All in Hard Cases: STRICKERSAUCTION.COM 56 #135 & 61 #300 (785-594-0505) Follow Coins/Cards RON 913 963 3800 Mantle’s, 58 (785-218-7851) Winchester Model 1892 Mickey JERRY 913 707 1046 “Serving Your Auction Lever Action .38-40 WCF #238 KC Athletics Team, Needs Since 1994” Oct. Barrel, Winchester 2-54 #37 Whitey Ford’s, Please visit us online at Model 1894 Lever Action 2- #50 Yogi Berra’s, 54 Oct. Barrel .32 Special, #10 Jackie Robison, 54 elston & Ted Williams, 56 Winchester Model 1894 #1 www.FloryAnd Lever Action .30 WCF #349 Hoyt Wilhelm, 57 Saddle Ring Carbine, #302 & 61 #344 Sandy for pictures!! Winchester Lever Action Koufax’s, 60 #10 & 62 Model 94 Carbine .32 #25 Ernie Bank’s, 62 #1 BURIK PUBLIC AUCTION Maris, Many Special, Colt Lightning Roger Love Auctions? Name Players Slide Action .22, Win- other Sat, October 22nd Check out the Sunday / chester Auto Model 74 from the 50’s & early Wednesday editions of 10:00 AM Large Collectors .22, Iver Johnson Single 60’s; Lawrence Journal-World 2353 Old Hwy 50 Shot Champion 410, Card Album of the KC Classified section for the Ottawa, KS Ruger Single Six .22 Royals BIGGEST SALES! Mag. New Model w/2 Collectibles/Household/Mis CAMPER, MOWERS -’05 Small claw foot Coachman cylinders WMR, Ruger c.: Clipper china cabinet; 1285ST pop-up, sleeps 8, Single Six Convertible vintage dressing mirror nice; 60” Gravely Rapid Revolver(Colorado Cen- oak Spartan 3/4 XZ tennial) WMR, Ruger cabinet; ZT; 60” Swisher Sewing Machine 12.5hp PT finish mower; Speed Six 357 Revolver Size Stainless DA, Colt Fron- (Like A Featherweight); Dixon ZTR 4421; 30” Model T ; Honda tier Scout Single Action Arcade Harmony 1011; stake truck; 46” .22 Pistol w/Original cast-iron Ranch King Pro; Box!; Quality & Condi- 1950’s IH Pedal Tractor TroyBilt 21”. GUNS, tion Outstanding!! (All (Always Stored Inside!); KNIVES, Antiques RELATED ATF Rules KS Residents 1960’s JD 520 & 620 Browning 20, Sweet 16, scale tractors; 2-12ga shotguns; WeathOnly!); Compound Bow; 1/16th 1800’s Welsh Cupboard Vintage erby Vanguard 7mm rifle; Knives: Uncle Henry Caterpillar Dark Tiger Oak cast-iron Aire- more; 100+ knives. TOOLS, Schrade LB5 Smokey & Dozer; (Used as a media cabinet) LB7 w/leather cases; dale Dog; US Calvary MORE- Amana Grandfather $ 500.00 Benchmade Bone Col- horse bit; Elgin Pocket CLOCK - reserve. Old Large Iron Sideboard 1899 Model lector; Old Timer Bar- watches Otto, auctioneer Branden with stone top Model 7/1906 low; Buck Knight 505; 6/1912 913-710-7111 $ 400.00 Model 2 side wind; IlliImperials Call 785-979-8050 Coins/Currency & Vin- nois pocket watch; Vintage Sport Cards Will tage hard back WestSTRIKERS AUCTION ern Books:1936 The start at 9:00 A.M. REAL ESTATE AND Gold Coins Graded!: Lone Ranger by Gaylord Appliances PERSONAL PROPERTY Dubois, 1938 The Lone 1882/1893/1894/1899/1900/ SATURDAY OCTOBER 22 set by Fran 1901-S $10 Eagle Co- Ranger 10 AM 3 burner Gas BBQ Grill + ins, 1882/1893/1900 $5 Striker, Kit Carson, Gen157 WEST MAIN ST Side Burner One year old ~ Custer, Daniel Half Eagle Coins, eral GARDNER, KANSAS plus heavy cover ~ ( rea1876-S/1900/1929 $2.50 Boone; Dempster pump son, moving) $35 Quarter Eagle Coins; jack; milk cans; porce785-550-4142 NICE OLD VICTORIAN dolls & others; 1834/1856/1857 Half lain HOUSE, W/ BASEMENT, Cents, 1857 Large Cent, Aladdin Lamps w/glass Washer & Dryer (electric), ON SHADED CORNER LOT Longaberger 1857 Flying Eagle Cent, shades; Kenmore & Roper, good Little Big 1905 Indian Head Cent, baskets; condition. $100. 1800’s grandfathers 1909 Lincoln VDB Cent, Books (Joe Louis) glass785-764-4804 Victorian hall kitchen de´cor; clock, 1853/1857/1858 Seated ware; Liberty Half Dimes, 1883 box lot items; numerous tree, unusual oak flip Liberty Nickel No Cent, items too many to men- top dinning w/ chairs Bicycles-Mopeds and buffet, walnut ta1886 Liberty Nickel, tion! bles, brass lamp table, 1930’s Buffalo Nickels, Pet Mate Dog Crate oak ice box, walnut Seller: C.T. Taul Jefferson War Time 28” Long, 20” Wide. dresser, chest of drawNickels, Barber Dimes, Cream color, Never used Mercury Dimes, Franklin Auction Note: The Fire- ers, oak and cast iron $ 25.00 table, old kitchen Halves, Kennedy halves, arms / Coins / Baseball Call 785-842-0214 Peace & Eisenhower Cards Are Rare & Hard clocks, oak commode, Dollars, Six 2 Coin Mint To Find Do Not Miss This lots of nice old quilts, Proof American Buffalo Opportunity! Please go pocket knife collection, Building Materials Sets, Sacagawea Native to the Internet for More lots of tools and dishes, American Dollars, US Detailed Listings!! Con- see web site for terms, Loader Trac- pictures ,and more com- ENTERTAINMENT CENTER Marshals Mint Proof cessions. plete listing. Sets, Baseball Hall of tor Day of Auction Only! OAK 53’’ HEIGHT 58’’ LONG Fame Mint Proof & UNC EXCELLENT COND $95.00. KG MOLL BROKER BLUE Auctioneers: Sets; 1950’s & Early 60’s CALL (785) 856-0858.


Clothing Antique Lamp Original Kerosene but now electric. China with painted shade $ 50.00 Linwood Area816-377-8928

Food & Produce AMERICAN CHESTNUTS FOR SALE No spray, GMO free, $5 per lb. Pick up at downtown KC Farmers Market Saturdays, or at our farm. www.mychestnutsroasting 816-596-3936

Furniture Desk, 47” wide X 24” deep X 52” high. Roll out shelf for keyboard, raised shelf for screen, attached hutch w/book cases & storage space. Great condition. In Lawrence. $20 785-691-6667 Old Fashion Butcher Block Old Fashion Butcher Block ~ Heavy & Sturdy , on rollers w/ bottom shelf ~ Was $ 300 ~ asking $ 45 ( reason, downsizing ) $$ 45 785 550 4142 Patio Table & 4 Chairs Very beautiful, sturdy, comfortable ~ ( reason is downsizing ) Was $ 350 ~ asking $ 60 ~ ( It was used 4 years ) Must see ~ $60 785-550-4142 Rolling Butcher Block / Service Cart Service Cart W/ bottom shelf ~ has many possible uses ~ was $150 ~ asking $ 40 ~ ( reason downsizing ) $$ 40 785-550-4142

Household Misc. For Sale: Computer Desk Metal 5’ X 30” Good Condition $5 Call 785-542-1147


L awrence J ournal -W orld

Wednesday, October 19, 2016

| 9C





MERCHANDISE CONTINUED FROM 8C Miscellaneous For Sale: Canning Jars 3-Pints & 2-Quarts $4.00 per dozen Call 785-542-1147




Searching For Treasure?


Check out the Sunday / Wednesday editions of Lawrence Journal-World Classified section for the


• H.L. Phillips upright $650 • Cable Nelson Spinet $500 • Gulbranson Spinet - $450

Need to sell your car? Call 785-832-2222 or email

Have some treasure you need to advertise? Call


16 ft Above the Ground Swimming pool One year old ~ perfect condition ~ all equip. plus some ~ (reason, moving) $100 785-550-4142


2 Bedroom, 2 Bathroom Townhomes

Maltese ACA Puppies 9 weeks old. These sweet little girls are waiting to meet you. Parents on premises. Vaccinated & wormed. 2 Females. $575 each Call or text 785-448-8440

Now Available!

• Fireplace • Easy access to I-70 • Central Air • Includes paid • Washer/Dryer cable. Hookups • 2 Car Garage with • Pet under 20 lbs. allowed Opener



PUBLIC NOTICE CONTINUED FROM PAGE 7C EACH FULL OR PARTIALLY DELINQUENT TAXPAYER, LISTED ALPHABETICALLY WITH THE LAST KNOWN ADDRESS: ___________________________________________ PAULA GILCHRIST DOUGLAS COUNTY TREASURER 1002443, ABBOTT LARRY, 2200 HARPER ST LOT D28, LAWRENCE KS 66046 $292.70 1006402, ACCURATE IMPROVEMENTS & MOD LLC, 1301 RANDALL RD, LAWRENCE KS 66049 $111.30 1007038, ACCURATE IMPROVEMENTS & MOD LLC, 1301 RANDALL RD, LAWRENCE KS 66049 $92.20 1020293, AFFUL PHILLIP, 1606 E 22ND ST, LAWRENCE KS 66046 $119.98 1021228, AKERS ERIC LEE, 5205 HARVARD RD, LAWRENCE KS 66046 $98.80 1001508, AKINS STEVE, 1701 E 3RD AVE, HUTCHINSON KS 67501 $681.18 1019341, ALEXANDER DERICK RAY, 2521 OUSDAHL RD, LAWRENCE KS 66046 $222.70 1021219, ALLBERT ALAN H, 5100 W 6TH ST APT B6, LAWRENCE KS 66049 $264.99 1021219, ALLBERT NINA, 5100 W 6TH ST APT B6, LAWRENCE KS 66049 $264.99 1016517, ALLENBRAND BENNY J, 443 E 2400 RD, EDGERTON KS 66021-4011 $74.24 1016517, ALLENBRAND SMITHY, 443 E 2400 RD, EDGERTON KS 66021 $74.24 1018971, ALVA TIFFANY ROSE, 1517 WILLOW CV, LAWRENCE KS 66046 $119.98 1021130, AMERICAN EQUIPMENT SALES INC, 1723 E 1500 RD, LAWRENCE KS 66044-9305 $1,349.87 1015712, ANDERSON GARY, 636 W CLARK ST, DAVIS CITY IA 50065 $389.02 1015712, ANDERSON SHONDA, 636 W CLARK ST, DAVIS CITY IA 50065 $389.02 1001661, ANDERSON JULIE, 1908 E 19TH ST LOT W109, LAWRENCE KS 66046 $369.46 1001661, CHAUDHRY SOHAIL, 8619 BLUE RIDGE BLVD, KANSAS CITY MO 64138 $369.46 1007398, ARNOLD CHARLES D, 420 NORTH ST LOT 24, LAWRENCE KS 66044 $221.85 1019367, ATWELL RODNEY J, 4109 73RD ST, URBANDALE IA 50322 $67.40 1020664, AUSTIN STEPHEN CHASE, 1360 E 2076TH RD, EUDORA KS 66025 $151.76 1005327, AUTOMOTIVE MACHINE & PERFORMANCE, 715 E 22ND, LAWRENCE KS 66046 $818.32 1005327, FORSYTH PAT, 1870 W PARK CT, OLATHE KS 66061 $818.32 1018932, BAILEY RYAN, PO BOX 1442, LAWRENCE KS 66044-8442 $123.34 1019830, BAILON JAVIER, 2200 HARPER ST LOT B5, LAWRENCE KS 66046 $264.62 1008076, BALDWIN ATHLETIC CLUB LTD, 926 AMES ST, BALDWIN KS 66006 $2,101.12 1004734, BANK OF AMERICA NA, 7105 CORPORATE DR, PLANO TX 75093 $409.12 1006870, BARNES KEVIN, 1441 N 600 RD, BALDWIN CITY KS 66006 $718.82 1021217, BARNES KEVIN, 1908 E 19TH ST LOT#E36, LAWRENCE KS 66046 $222.02 1002128, BARNES TAMMY K, 1900 W 31ST ST LOT 021, LAWRENCE KS 66046 $204.94 1002128, PLACE WANOLA E, 1900 W 31ST ST LOT 021, LAWRENCE KS 66046 $204.94 1019219, BAROFFIO ABIGAIL HOPE, 3100 OUSDAHL RD APT 311, LAWRENCE KS 66046 $109.98 1007318, BARRETT DAVID R, 441 ILLINOIS ST, LAWRENCE KS 66044 $144.16 1007318, BARRETT JOHN P, 441 ILLINOIS ST, LAWRENCE KS 66044 $144.16 1007928, BEACH CHERYL L, 921 MELVIN ST, MARION KS 66861 $81.40 1014336, BEARD TONYA, 2200 HARPER ST D-19, LAWRENCE KS 66046 $436.52 1006099, BELL DOUGLAS L III, 1134 SE HIGHLAND AVE, TOPEKA KS 66607 $443.90 1003855, BELL NORMAN, 1908 E 19TH ST LOT E34, LAWRENCE KS 66046 $166.37 1003855, MURPHY CANDICE, 1908 E 19TH ST LOT E34, LAWRENCE KS 66046 $166.37 1019168, BENDER AARON M, 3486 E 143RD AVE, THORNTON CO 80602 $119.98 1013743, BERENDSEN TIMOTHY ROBERT, 2015 E 773RD RD, LECOMPTON KS 66050 $111.56 1000682, BERNARD TIMOTHY, 3323 IOWA ST LOT 157, LAWRENCE KS 66046 $538.62 1000682, CLARK JENNIFER J, 134A SANTA FE DR, BALDWIN CITY KS 66006 $538.62 1000682, CLARK JOHN J, 134A SANTA FE DR, BALDWIN CITY KS 66006 $538.62 1010472, BERNHARDT HAROLD, 1903 E 300TH RD, LECOMPTON KS 66050-4030 $64.90 1010472, BOGNER JAMES D, 1903 E 300 RD, LECOMPTON KS 66050-4030 $64.90 1008693, BESSER JIMMY A, 920 PINE, EUDORA KS 66025 $67.40 1020595, BOLINE JANICE, 420 NORTH ST LOT #51, LAWRENCE KS 66044 $245.02 1013764, BOYLE CHRISTOPHER, 1616 W 2ND TER, LAWRENCE KS 66044 $95.22 1013411, BRANDON ANGELA, 110 LANE O, DE SOTO KS 66018 $208.64 1013411, MENDOZA ANTHONY, 501 E 10TH ST LOT D60, EUDORA KS 66025 $208.64 1003978, BREWTON JAMES L, 1220 W 21ST ST APT A, LAWRENCE KS 66046-2800 $114.58 1004029, BRISTOL PARTNERS III, 4800 COLLEGE BLVD SUITE 2, OVERLAND PARK KS 66211 $105.76 1020575, BRITT BRIAN E, 217 WASHINGTON APT 5, BALDWIN CITY KS 66006 $84.08 1016453, BROCK BRANDY, 501 E 10TH ST LOT E90, EUDORA KS 66025 $253.78 1016453, BROCK BRYC LEVI, 501 E 10TH ST LOT E90, EUDORA KS 66025 $253.78 1016453, BROCK DARREN, 501 E 10TH ST LOT E90, EUDORA KS 66025 $253.78 1008493, BROSS NICHOLAS L, 15012 W 123RD TER, OLATHE KS 66062 $142.20 1008493, BROSS TERRY, 15012 W 123RD TER, OLATHE KS 66062 $142.20 1015781, BROWN CHRISTINA, 619 WHITFIELD LOT 5A, LECOMPTON KS 66050 $502.14 1015781, GOODRICK CHRISTINA, 619 WHITFIELD LOT 5A, LECOMPTON KS 66050 $502.14 1021215, BROWN DIANA K, 709 BIRCH ST, EUDORA KS 66025 $714.46 1016315, BRUMM JENNA LOUISE, 1788 N 300 RD, BALDWIN CITY KS 66006 $668.14 1015710, BRYANT CHERIE, 1908 E 19TH ST LOT E27, LAWRENCE KS 66046 $318.24 1015710, BRYANT JERRY D, 1908 E 19TH ST LOT E27, LAWRENCE KS 66046 $318.24 1014241, BRYANT MELANIE, 110 N MICHIGAN ST LOT 115, LAWRENCE KS 66044 $229.26 1014241, MIZBACH WILLIAM, 110 N MICHIGAN LOT #115, LAWRENCE KS 66044 $229.26 1005476, BUCHMANN MATTHEW A, 4500 COLLEGE BLVD STE 2, OVERLAND PARK KS 66211 $176.80

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Nora Roberts Readers 30 Books $ 7 Call 785-542-1147 Sponge Bob Halloween costume New Sponge Bob Square Pants toddler size 2-4 costume, retail $40. and Sponge Bob trick-or-treat bag, retail $8. $25 for all 785-615-9587

Call 785-842-2575

1005476, TOWER PLAZA, 4500 COLLEGE BLVD STE 2, OVERLAND PARK KS 66211-1849 $176.80 1005559, BUM STEER, 1910 HASKELL AVE SUITE 7, LAWRENCE KS 66046-3296 $235.96 1005559, LEMMON CHRIS, 2040 W 31ST ST # G182, LAWRENCE KS 66046 $235.96 1021332, BURGESS JOHN, 11000 W 126TH ST, OVERLAND PARK KS 66213 $84.63 1021385, BURNETT BRENT E, 2519 CRESTLINE CT, LAWRENCE KS 66047 $18.50 1010795, BYERS DWIGHT L, 1670 N 1100 RD, LAWRENCE KS 66046 $331.50 1010795, WEAVER KAELA D, 1670 N 1100 RD, LAWRENCE KS 66046 $331.50 1018955, BYERS DWIGHT L, 1670 N 1100 RD, LAWRENCE KS 66046 $79.80 1019213, CANTU-INES NINFA, 2531 REDBUD LN APT 29, LAWRENCE KS 66046 $731.16 1019213, RENAFORT JUAN CARLOS ALTAMIRANO, 2531 REDBUD LN APT 29, LAWRENCE KS 66046 $731.16 1013507, CARPENTER JON, 501 E 10TH ST LOT A8, EUDORA KS 66025 $393.60 1016292, CASSITY ALLISON, 168B SUNNYSIDE RD, SWEETWATER TN 37874 $186.98 1005151, CENTRO CIGARS, 19714 K16 HWY, MC LOUTH KS 66054 $368.52 1005151, KIMMEL JAMES, 19714 K16 HWY, MC LOUTH KS 66054 $368.52 1014611, CHARAY CHRISTOPHER A, 1228 LOCUST ST, EUDORA KS 66025 $371.44 1019274, CHAVEZ MICHAEL HUMBERTO, 1908 E 19TH ST LOT#E118, LAWRENCE KS 66046 $249.39 1010132, CHRISTIAN RAYMOND, 492 E 400 RD, OVERBROOK KS 66524 $83.30 1021422, CIAMBRONE EDWARD R, 987 N 640 RD, BALDWIN CITY KS 66006-7388 $12.00 1017384, CLOUSE JESSICA, 3323 IOWA ST LOT 357, LAWRENCE KS 66046 $256.08 1020935, COLE JERRY L Jr, 802 N CHERRY ST, DELAWARE OK 74027 $274.96 1013500, COLEMAN JESSICA, 501 E 10TH ST LOT#B19, EUDORA KS 66025 $223.00 1013500, MCDOWELL JAMES, 501 E 10TH ST LOT B22, EUDORA KS 66025 $223.00 1016802, COLEMAN ROGER, 2500 W 6TH ST APT 303, LAWRENCE KS 66049 $67.40 1018156, COLLINS DAVID, 2200 HARPER ST LOT C11, LAWRENCE KS 66046 $299.42 1015898, COLLINS JAMES, 2200 HARPER ST LOT D41, LAWRENCE KS 66046 $203.56 1018470, COMMERCIAL INVESTMENT & LEASING INC, PO BOX 535, BALDWIN CITY KS 66006 $535.52 1016096, CONRAD BENJAMIN, 945 MASSACHUSETTS ST APT A3, LAWRENCE KS 66044 $143.14 1016096, CONRAD ROBERT BENJAMIN, 945 MASSACHUSETTS ST APT A3, LAWRENCE KS 66044 $143.14 1003763, CONSTANCE DENNIS D, 817 TENNESSEE ST, LAWRENCE KS 66044 $61.10 1013589, COPELAND RONALD T, 1134 E 2100 RD, EUDORA KS 66025 $106.86 1015144, COPP DANNY, 1908 E 19TH ST LOT W8, LAWRENCE KS 66046 $376.72 1015144, COPP MELISSA S, 1908 E 19TH ST LOT W8, LAWRENCE KS 66046 $376.72 1015900, COSBY EARL GENE, 501 E 10TH ST LOT C38, EUDORA KS 66025 $206.88 1016635, COVERT CHARLES, 1908 E 19TH ST LOT W64, LAWRENCE KS 66046 $159.42 1020779, COWELL MOLLY, 9117 W 131ST CT, OVERLAND PARK KS 66213 $340.32 1020779, COWELL TODD, 9117 W 131ST CT, OVERLAND PARK KS 66213 $340.32 1019221, CRABB BRANDEE RENEA, 3512 W 7TH CT, LAWRENCE KS 66049 $466.22 1019221, HAINES FRANKLIN RAY Jr, 3512 W 7TH CT, LAWRENCE KS 66049 $466.22 1016934, CRAWFORD LAUREN ANN, 1381 S S 3RD ST APT 5, LOUISVILLE KY 40208 $95.22 1005879, CREATIONS & ALTERATIONS BY MARLENA, 3510 W 8TH CT, LAWRENCE KS 66049-3220 $49.90 1005879, GRAMLY DAVID & MARLENE, 3510 W 8TH CT, LAWRENCE KS 66049-3220 $49.90 1017183, CRIMSON ENERGY LLC, 1611 SAINT ANDREWS DR, LAWRENCE KS 66047 $130.14 1013850, CRIQUI JERRY L II, 1600 HASKELL AVE APT 206, LAWRENCE KS 66044 $460.50 1013850, CRIQUI MICHELLE R, 1600 HASKELL AVE APT 206, LAWRENCE KS 66044 $460.50 1013860, DALTON BRETT A, 2021 W 27TH ST APT 8, LAWRENCE KS 66046 $67.40 1015753, DAMIAN VERONICA, 1908 E 19TH ST LOT E91, LAWRENCE KS 66046 $269.00 1019577, DAMM AARON J, 429 N IOWA ST, LAWRENCE KS 66044 $211.02 1002971, DANIELSON DAVID D, 1202 E 1094 RD, LAWRENCE KS 66047 $73.70 1007881, DAPALIO TONI, 213 EISENHOWER, BALDWIN CITY KS 66006 $749.34 1007881, OTTO CARL T, 213 EISENHOWER RD, BALDWIN KS 66006 $749.34 1000957, DARTING BETTY J, 14020 B RD, EMMETT KS 66422-9645 $233.62 1001798, DAUGHENBAUGH TERRY L, 628 ARKANSAS ST LOT 5, LAWRENCE KS 66044 $142.20 1003653, DAVIS PATRICIA M, 1248 N 1100 RD, LAWRENCE KS 66047 $82.74 1020741, DE JESUS ALEX, 2411 LOUISIANA APT C32, LAWRENCE KS 66046 $87.66 1007597, DEGRAW MICHAEL, 629 N 2ND, LAWRENCE KS 66044 $115.52 1005781, DEL CAMPO JESSE, 434 1/2 LOCUST ST, LAWRENCE KS 66044 $74.48 1005781, EAST SIDE TAVERN, 2713 LOCKRIDGE, LAWRENCE KS 66047 $74.48 1007529, DELCAMPO SERVERNA, 2713 LOCKRIDGE, LAWRENCE KS 66047 $420.96 1007529, LA TROPICANA, 2713 LOCKRIDGE, LAWRENCE KS 66047 $420.96 1017773, DEMALINE SHAWN TYLER, 2000 E 19 ST LOT 1, LAWRENCE KS 66046 $95.22 1020933, DEMBY JACOB I, 2702 BONANAZA ST, LAWRENCE KS 66046 $103.62 1013606, DOBERER KEVIN, 100 ARKANSAS ST LOT 21, LAWRENCE KS 66046 $205.64 1013606, STALLONE BRIAN E, 100 ARKANSAS ST LOT 21, LAWRENCE KS 66046 $205.64 1019639, DODSON BARRY CRAIG, 8545 WESTGATE ST, LENEXA KS 66215 $186.26 1020056, DONAHUE JUSTIN MICHAEL, 901 FRAZIER ST, VALLEY FALLS KS 66088 $84.86 1012394, DOUBLE J PIPELINE CONSTRUCTION LLC, PO BOX 51, BALDWIN KS 66006 $2,365.16 1012514, DOUBLE J PIPELINE CONSTRUCTION LLC, PO BOX 51, BALDWIN KS 66006 $1,937.38 1013906, DOWNING MATTHEW, 3002 N 78TH PL, KANSAS CITY KS 66109 $77.22 1010274, DOWNINGS LAWN CARE INC, 1621 E 400TH RD, LAWRENCE KS 66049 $715.64 1006551, DROP ZONE EXTREME SPORTS, 811 E 23RD, LAWRENCE KS 66046 $89.54 1006551, EXTREME SPORTS INC, 811 E 23RD, LAWRENCE KS 66046 $89.54 1002027, DUNAVIN DENNIS, 1908 E 19TH ST LOT E67, LAWRENCE KS 66046 $275.70


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1003881, DURAN LIZABETH D, 1700 MASSACHUSETTS ST APT 317, LAWRENCE KS 66044 $367.98 1003881, MCCLURE CONRAD G, 3323 IOWA ST LOT 452, LAWRENCE KS 66046 $367.98 1020275, EARL STACI A, 1447 MARILEE DR, LAWRENCE KS 66049 $70.96 1016469, ELLIOTT LAURIE, 1908 E 19TH ST LOT W75, LAWRENCE KS 66046 $463.16 1016942, ELMER RODNEY J, 405 E 267 ST, CLEVELAND MO 64734 $67.40 1010460, EMBREY LEE F, PO BOX 442657, LAWRENCE KS 66044 $381.86 1002522, ERICKSON BETTY J, 2114 MAPLE LN, LAWRENCE KS 66046 $110.46 1002522, ERICKSON CLARENCE E, 2114 MAPLE LANE, LAWRENCE KS 66046 $110.46 1015440, ERICKSON IRIS, 204 PINECONE DR, LAWRENCE KS 66046 $64.11 1015440, ERICKSON MICHAEL ANTHONY, 204 PINECONE DR, LAWRENCE KS 66046 $64.11 1015440, GUY MARY, 204 PINECONE DR, LAWRENCE KS 66046 $64.11 1007816, ERICKSON MICHAEL ANTHONY, 204 PINECONE DR, LAWRENCE KS 66046 $312.26 1000390, ESCOBEDO FRANK P, 706 KICKAPOO, HIAWATHA KS 66434 $67.40 1005032, ESTRELLA MUSIC VIDEO, 2449 IOWA, LAWRENCE KS 66046 $79.20 1011636, EVANS DOUGLAS R, 677 E 100 RD, OVERBROOK KS 66524 $86.40 1016363, EVILSIZOR JODI L, 420 NORTH ST LOT #41, LAWRENCE KS 66044 $282.76 1016363, EVILSIZOR MARK, 420 NORTH ST LOT #41, LAWRENCE KS 66044 $282.76 1005063, EXECUTIVE BENEFITS NETWORK, 4601 W 6TH ST UNIT B, LAWRENCE KS 66049-4189 $79.10 1005063, JONES JOE B, 627 MONTEREY WAY, LAWRENCE KS 66049 $79.10 1013927, FALER LINDA C, 17 PLAINVIEW DR, MC GEHEE AR 71654 $87.20 1013927, FALER LON E, 17 PLAINVIEW DR, MC GEHEE AR 71654 $87.20 1018141, FERRELL SHAMRON D, 28730 HOSPITAL DR, PAOLA KS 66071 $70.12 1018197, FLINT ANGELA M, 2154 W 26TH ST APT 5, LAWRENCE KS 66047 $100.74 1019482, FLOERSCH JOHN R, 15621 W 87TH ST APT 252, LENEXA KS 66219 $107.56 1002135, FLOYD WYNONA, 2200 HARPER ST LOT A08, LAWRENCE KS 66046 $416.86 1009050, FOLKS JENNIFER, PO BOX 189, LECOMPTON KS 66050-0189 $576.52 1009050, JAG GRAPHICS, PO BOX 189, LECOMPTON KS 66050-0189 $576.52 1018272, FORSYTH BETTY L, 1016 ORCHARD LN APT 19, BALDWIN CITY KS 66006 $108.28 1019818, FOX ALAN D, 1473 HWY 40 LOT F, LAWRENCE KS 66044 $84.86 1018359, FOX TRENDA J, 3000 IOWA ST, LAWRENCE KS 66046 $91.22 1017077, FULMER DEBRA, 17647 246TH ST, TONGANOXIE KS 66086 $87.24 1002534, GAGE VICKI, 100 ARKANSAS ST LOT 32, LAWRENCE KS 66044 $184.96 1002534, TWIGG VICKI, 100 ARKANSAS ST LOT 32, LAWRENCE KS 66044 $184.96 1010194, GARBER DOUG CONSTRUCTION INC, 1445 E 920TH RD, LAWRENCE KS 66049-9148 $210.12 1019828, GARCIA MIGUEL ANGEL, 3323 IOWA ST LOT 522, LAWRENCE KS 66046 $283.24 1012598, GARDNER NIKI C, 811 N 900 RD, LAWRENCE KS 66047-9592 $84.72 1020401, GARRISON TIA MARIE, 7645 LOOKOUT TRL, OZAWKIE KS 66070 $69.22 1020401, HOLT RAYMOND K, 7645 LOOKOUT TRL, OZAWKIE KS 66070 $69.22 1001962, GERLING ROBERT D, 8925 GILLETTE ST, LENEXA KS 66215 $74.34 1000850, GLOVER LORENE A, 1908 E 19TH ST LOT W45,




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LAWRENCE KS 66046 $206.40 1000850, GLOVER WILLIAM M, 1908 E 19TH ST LOT W45, LAWRENCE KS 66046 $206.40 1014500, GOLDRING CHRISTOPHER C, 27711 207TH ST, EASTON KS 66020 $67.40 1019398, GOLDSTEIN RUTHERFORD M, 712 ALABAMA ST, LAWRENCE KS 66044 $67.40 1017901, GOMEL BRADLEY A, 8847 BROADMOOR CT #3508, OVERLAND PARK KS 66212 $67.40 1003130, GONGORA JUAN EDUARDO, 1629 HASKELL AVE, LAWRENCE KS 66044 $212.56 1019984, GOODRICH ELIZABETH, 1908 E 19TH ST LOT W77, LAWRENCE KS 66046 $201.24 1002134, GORDON JEFFREY L, 203 E RED JACKET ST, OTTAWA KS 66067 $181.90 1010055, GRANT VAN H, 925 N 1464 RD, LAWRENCE KS 66049-9184 $2,341.86 1019401, GRAVES ALEX T, 3421 JACOB AVE, LAWRENCE KS 66047 $85.94 1007245, GRAY TINA, 420 NORTH ST LOT 86, LAWRENCE KS 66044 $377.66 1007245, MCCAWLEY TINA, 420 NORTH ST LOT 86, LAWRENCE KS 66044 $377.66 1010553, GREEN FOREST TREE FARM, 292 N 2100 RD, LECOMPTON KS 66050 $189.96 1010553, RYAN TED, 292 N 2100 RD, LECOMPTON KS 66050 $189.96 1020284, GRIGGS BURKE W, 1717 W 7TH ST, LAWRENCE KS 66044 $278.64 1015962, GRONINGER CHRISTOPHER, 831 GARFIELD ST, LAWRENCE KS 66044 $67.40 1016823, HAAKE MELANIE A, 5083 COMANCHE LN, MC LOUTH KS 66054 $82.32 1016823, PRUITT MELANIE, 5083 COMANCHE LN, MC LOUTH KS 66054 $82.32 1007894, HADL BILL, PO BOX 182, BALDWIN KS 66006 $327.00 1007732, HADL WILLIAM A JR, PO BOX 182, BALDWIN CITY KS 66006 $94.44 1012732, HANSEN C T, 917 DEER RIDGE CT, BALDWIN CITY KS 66006 $129.44 1001439, HARDY JASON, 526 ALLEN CT, RAYMORE MO 64083-8261 $383.18 1001439, LAW SHARI J, 1908 E 19TH ST LOT E56, LAWRENCE KS 66046 $383.18 1020308, HARE MELANIE C, 1412 BRIGHTON CIR APT A, LAWRENCE KS 66049 $80.46 1007838, HARGETT ASHLEY, 1502 COLLEGE ST, BALDWIN CITY KS 66006 $252.74 1005539, HARGIS REX D JR, 3323 IOWA LOT 428, LAWRENCE KS 66046 $338.42 1005539, HARGIS SEAN M, 3323 IOWA LOT 428, LAWRENCE KS 66046 $338.42 1015450, HARRIS HEATHER R, 1225 HIGH ST, BALDWIN CITY KS 66006 $113.02 1000830, HARRIS THOMAS W, 1703 PENNSYLVANIA ST, LAWRENCE KS 66044 $67.40 1018274, HARRISON NORMAN A, 940 JANA DR, LAWRENCE KS 66049 $67.40 1019650, HARTER BRUCE M, 1821 W 26 ST APT 25, LAWRENCE KS 66046 $67.40 1019650, HARTER DAVID D, 1821 W 26 ST APT 25, LAWRENCE KS 66046 $67.40 1003571, HATCH ERNEST L, 1414 W 19TH TER, LAWRENCE KS 66046 $65.80 1017492, HAUS DUSTIN R, 501 E 10TH ST LOT E86, EUDORA KS 66025 $325.58 1017616, HAVERKAMP RACHEL, 3323 IOWA ST LOT 331, LAWRENCE KS 66046 $293.46 1019227, HAWKINS WILLIAM CAVERY, 1942 STEWART AVE G3, LAWRENCE KS 66046 $100.74 1017558, HAYNES ANGELA, 3323 IOWA ST LOT 333, LAWRENCE KS 66046 $403.70 1001513, HECHLER ANNA K, 1908 E 19TH ST LOT W101, LAWRENCE KS 66046 $416.86 1017533, HELM SARAH RAE, 3323 IOWA ST LOT 125, LAWRENCE KS 66046 $617.02




Wednesday, October 19, 2016


L awrence J ournal -W orld

PUBLIC NOTICES 785.832.2222

PUBLIC NOTICE CONTINUED FROM PAGE 9C 1019411, HEMEL BRANDON E, 1009 BIRCH ST, EUDORA KS 66025 $70.14 1018151, HEMMERLING JASON, 128 SANTA FE DR, BALDWIN CITY KS 66006 $242.46 1020263, HERNANDEZ SAUL ULYSSES, 1517 W 9TH ST APT 37, LAWRENCE KS 66044 $100.74 1008314, HIBNER CLIF, 501 E 10TH ST LOT C54, EUDORA KS 66025 $290.30 1007876, HILDEBRAND MICHELLE, 204 1/2 WESLEY, BALDWIN KS 66006 $301.50 1009379, HILL KARRER JENNIFER, PO BOX 566, LAWRENCE KS 66049 $78.26 1007890, HILL OIL & GAS CO INC, 1528 FOUNTAIN DR, LAWRENCE KS 66047 $186.16 1008289, HILLEBERT JOSEPH, PO BOX 718, EUDORA KS 66025 $206.87 1008289, HILLEBERT VICTORIA, 501 E 10TH ST LOT C50, EUDORA KS 66025 $206.87 1021375, HINCHEY CARL L, 7629 HEMLOCK ST, OVERLAND PARK KS 66204 $94.79 1017147, HINDS JOHN PAUL, 814 MAPLE ST, LAWRENCE KS 66044 $86.36 1019320, HITZ JACK MCNAUGHT, 2600 W 6TH ST APT D1, LAWRENCE KS 66049 $143.14 1019092, HOFFER ROYALL B, 891 WALNUT, LAWRENCE KS 66044 $82.40 1017919, HORN DANIEL J, 2711 RAWHIDE LN, LAWRENCE KS 66046-5163 $71.72 1005106, HOTZ BUSINESS SOLUTIONS INC, 2732 NE INDEPENDENCE AVE, LEES SUMMIT MO 64064 $74.86 1009114, HOUSER MIKE, 10941 NIEMAN RD, OVERLAND PK KS 66210 $67.40 1008350, HOWARD SEAN, 501 E 10TH ST LOT C51, EUDORA KS 66025 $198.18 1010591, HUFFMAN BARBARA J, 2178 E 225 RD, LECOMPTON KS 66050-4024 $123.18 1010574, HUFFMAN EDWARD L, 2178 E 225 RD, LECOMPTON KS 66050-4024 $83.92 1019891, HUMASON SHANE, 925 SCARLET HAZE AVE, LAS VEGAS NV 89183 $109.86 1020326, HUMBATOV ELMADDIN, 266 PINECONE DR, LAWRENCE KS 66046 $136.50 1018812, HUNTINGTON NATIONAL BANK, 41 S HIGH ST STE HC0910, COLUMBUS OH 43215 $74.34 1016191, HUPP ALAN L, 1210 NW VAN BUREN, TOPEKA KS 66608 $67.40 1019150, HURLEY JOSHUA, 502 S 1ST ST, BUSHTON KS 67427 $213.92 1019150, HURLEY KARLA ROSE, 502 S 1ST ST, BUSHTON KS 67427 $213.92 1016172, HURLEY THERESA G, 110 N 48TH WEST AVE, TULSA OK 74127 $173.44 1003963, HURRELBRINK BRANDY L, 3704 SHADYBROOK LN, LAWRENCE KS 66047 $65.98 1003963, HURRELBRINK MELVIN JR, 3704 SHADYBROOK LN, LAWRENCE KS 66047 $65.98 1013934, HURST AMELIA, 915 LOUISIANA ST APT 4, LAWRENCE KS 66044 $94.28 1005820, HUTTON MONUMENTS, 201 SW TOPEKA BLVD, TOPEKA KS 66603-3059 $227.72 1005820, LAWRENCE FUNERAL CHAPEL INC, 201 SW TOPEKA BLVD, TOPEKA KS 66603 $227.72 1001077, HYDE MATT, 6007 W 76TH ST, PRAIRIE VILLAGE KS 66208 $84.64 1011443, HYDRO LOGIC INC, 1927 N 1275 RD, EUDORA KS 66025-8127 $500.48 1017843, INGRAHAM LUCAS JACOB, 1320 MAIN ST, EUDORA KS 66025 $155.72 1010703, ISAACS JOHN F, 1049 E 1800 RD, LAWRENCE KS 66046-9288 $795.10 1007683, JARDON BILLY R, 910 FREMONT, BALDWIN KS 66006 $63.31 1007683, JARDON DENEESE, 910 FREMONT, BALDWIN KS 66006 $63.31 1010056, JARMAN MICHAEL S, 9900 MASTIN, OVERLAND PARK KS 66212 $103.06 1019697, JARMUSCH KEITH L, 707 ELM ST, LAWRENCE KS 66044 $74.36 1019697, TEENOR SHAWN J, 707 ELM ST, LAWRENCE KS 66044-5435 $74.36 1001168, JARRETT RICHARD F, PO BOX 311, LAWRENCE KS 66044 $147.78 1018127, JEFFERS LESLIE A, 5902 S BRIDGETON LN, SOUTH BEND IN 46614 $95.22 1018127, JEFFERS REILLY WILLIAM GORDON, 5902 S BRIDGETON LN, SOUTH BEND IN 46614 $95.22 1020517, JENKINS RICHARDS, 405 CS WOODS BLVD, BULL SHOALS AR 72619 $153.42 1020517, THOMAS DONNA, 405 CS WOODS BLVD, BULL SHOALS AR 72619 $153.42 1004163, JENSEN JEFF, 620 W 9TH ST, LAWRENCE KS 66044 $86.76 1004163, JENSEN RETAIL LIQUOR, 620 W 9TH ST, LAWRENCE KS 66044 $86.76 1007963, JOHNSON JAMES H, PO BOX 51, BALDWIN CITY KS 66006 $421.56 1014907, JOHNSON SHANE, 1112 DOON AVE, BILLINGS MT 59101 $80.46 1012573, JOLLIFF JIMMIE G, 218 E MAPLE ST APT 316, SLATER MO 65349 $63.66 1007058, JONES DAVID EUGENE Jr, 400 PERRY ST, LAWRENCE KS 66044 $87.86 1017098, JONES HERLINDA, 13160 W 88TH CT APT 165, LENEXA KS 66215 $74.76 1008287, JONES MRS ARTHUR, 5613 W 131ST ST, OVERLAND PARK KS 66209 $67.40 1008287, VAN METER ROGER A, 203 E 6TH ST, EUDORA KS 66025-9506 $67.40 1008108, K B PAINTING LLC, 3010 FOUR WHEEL DR STE 1, LAWRENCE KS 66047 $148.52 1013957, KASTEN CAMERON TYLER, 1010 W 10TH ST APT 2C, LAWRENCE KS 66044 $103.20 1011940, KAY LARRY DUANE, 1763 N 200 RD, BALDWIN KS 66006 $61.16 1001305, KAYS SATIN, 100 ARKANSAS LOT 44, LAWRENCE KS 66044 $115.52 1014903, KEARNS JASON S, 1864 N 500 RD, BALDWIN CITY KS 66006 $67.40 1017376, KELLEY JOHN F, 927 LAWRENCE AVE, LAWRENCE KS 66049-3016 $73.46 1017433, KENNEDY CASSANDRA LORAINE, 281 S KING ST, DENVER CO 80219 $87.76 1013963, KENNEDY FRANKLIN EARL, 1108 W 27TH TER, LAWRENCE KS 66046 $108.46 1013963, KENNEDY LYNNE, 1108 W 27TH TER, LAWRENCE KS 66046 $108.46 1017926, KENT JASON EDWARD, 959 E 1300 RD, LAWRENCE KS 66046 $92.20 1014153, KEOKHAMPHA SY, 1908 E 19TH ST LOT E41, LAWRENCE KS 66046 $186.56 1014153, SINGKEO MARIE, 414 E 15TH ST, CLOVERDALE CA 95425 $186.56 1002630, KHALID CRYSTAL, 2342 RANCH WAY, LAWRENCE KS 66047 $103.20 1016144, KING BRIAN SCOTT, 16000 KREIDER RD, BONNER SPRINGS KS 66012 $166.58 1004596, KNOX LAW FIRM, CHARTERED, 810 PENNSYLVANIA ST #8, LAWRENCE KS 66044 $122.82 1003718, KORBE JAMIE, 610 N EAST ST, HILL CITY KS 67642 $250.16 1016988, KROENKE RUSSELL D, 11607 S MARION ST, OLATHE KS 66061 $69.90 1003456, KRUTSINGER JOHN C, 2300 WAKARUSA DR APT M1, LAWRENCE KS 66047 $95.22 1018386, KUHN RYAN N, PO BOX 58, LYNDON KS 66451 $67.40 1020975, KUSTORE.COM, 10555 LIDS WAY, ZIONSVILLE IN 46077 $134.14 1020975, SPORTS AVENUE, 4449 48TH AVE CT, ROCK ISLAND IL 61201 $134.14 1014581, LAMPKIN BRETT JAMES, 5702 OUTLOOK ST, MISSION KS 66202 $67.40 1009322, LAMPTON TAYLOR S, 10519 MANOR RD, LEAWOOD KS 66206 $67.40 1007825, LANDKAMER SHIRLEY, 216 2ND ST LOT 2, BALDWIN CITY KS 66006 $432.48 1020552, LANGHAM LAURA MEGAN, 1607 W 24TH ST APT 3, LAWRENCE KS 66046 $67.74 1019556, LEBLANC ADRIENNE R, 886 E 1050 RD, LAWRENCE KS 66047 $67.40 1006501, LIFE ENRICHMENT CENTER, 2619 W 6TH ST STE A, LAWRENCE KS 66049 $105.36 1021295, LIN YUSHI, 3100 OUSDAHL RD APT1024C, LAWRENCE KS 66046 $209.30 1009616, LISCHER ROBERT T, 4514 W 74TH TER, PRAIRIE VILLAGE KS 66208 $86.52 1014985, LONGACRE MARY C, 510 E 10TH ST LOT C40, EUDORA KS 66025 $297.42 1000167, LONGANECKER DARRYL, 1908 E 19TH ST LOT W38, LAWRENCE KS 66046 $207.92 1000167, LONGANECKER MARTHA, 4851 HARVARD RD 3207, LAWRENCE KS 66049 $207.92 1000167, LONGANECKER WILBUR, 4851 HARVARD RD #207, LAWRENCE KS 66049 $207.92 1020518, MADDEN EUGENA, 110 N MICHIGAN ST LOT 61, LAWRENCE KS 66044 $224.64 1001527, MAGNESON BRANT K, 1301 RANDALL RD, LAWRENCE KS 66049 $222.94 1018898, MAGNUM EXPLORATION KANSAS LLC, 11181 LIGHT RD, LIPAN TX 76462 $447.06 1010753, MAJESTIC CONSTRUCTION INC, 6328 CANDY LN, LAWRENCE KS 66049 $143.38 1014668, MANN NOAH M, 49 E 1900 RD, BALDWIN CITY KS 66006-7183 $130.26

1014668, POWELSON-MANN MELISSA, 505 OAKLEAF CT, BALDWIN CITY KS 66006 $130.26 1011062, MARTIN EDDIE J, 1717 E 17TH ST, LAWRENCE KS 66044 $505.78 1011663, MARTIN MICHAEL G, 1300 E 15TH ST, LAWRENCE KS 66044 $205.28 1003880, MARTINEZ ARTHUR B, 1908 E 19TH ST LOT W88, LAWRENCE KS 66047 $249.30 1003880, WHITE PAUL, 1908 E 19TH ST LOT W88, LAWRENCE KS 66047 $249.30 1004064, MASSACHUSETTS CHIROPRACTIC, 1807 MASSACHUSETTS ST, LAWRENCE KS 66044-4259 $370.96 1004064, SCHOLLE V J DR, 1807 MASSACHUSETTS ST, LAWRENCE KS 66044-4259 $370.96 1010582, MATHEWS JEFFERY L, 691 N 2050 RD, LECOMPTON KS 66050 $106.72 1017203, MATTHEW GINNY, 393 COUNTY RD 3987, WINNSBORO TX 75494 $67.40 1016111, MAZUREK JENNIFER E, 530 ELDRIDGE ST APT D5, LAWRENCE KS 66049 $100.08 1013498, MCAULIFFE DOROTHY A, 106 CHAPEL ST, BALDWIN CITY KS 66006 $134.37 1015880, MCCARTY JEREMY M, 139 PERRY ST LOT 4, LAWRENCE KS 66044 $92.40 1019166, MCCOY MICHAEL, 915 OAK ST, EUDORA KS 66025 $262.92 1019166, MCCOY PATRICIA, 915 OAK ST, EUDORA KS 66025 $262.92 1008567, MCCOY MICHAEL J, 915 OAK ST, EUDORA KS 66025 $79.30 1020795, MCCOY TOM JR, 16024 W 136TH TERR, OLATHE KS 66062 $131.06 1019275, MCDONALD JOSEPH MATTHEW, 708 RHODE ISLAND ST, LAWRENCE KS 66044 $146.38 1001361, MCDOUGALL PATRICK, 2001 W 61ST TER, MISSION HILLS KS 66208 $81.26 1020257, MCGOYNE VICKI RENAE, 776 E 250 RD, OVERBROOK KS 66524 $139.76 1012587, MCGUINNESS FRANK J, 689 E 1375 RD, LAWRENCE KS 66046-9253 $79.80 1002525, MCGUIRE JOHN L, 2000 E 19TH ST LOT 13, LAWRENCE KS 66046 $695.40 1002525, MCGUIRE RHONDA A, 2000 E 19TH ST LOT 13, LAWRENCE KS 66046 $695.40 1018456, MCKINNON CHRISTOPHER ALAN, 25195 STILLWELL RD, LAWRENCE KS 66044 $206.48 1007099, MCLEES LAURA L, 420 NORTH ST LOT 46, LAWRENCE KS 66044 $279.56 1006964, MED FURNITURE, 235 2ND AVE, HICKORY NC 28603 $609.48 1008514, MEYER STEVEN D, 1333 BIRCH ST, EUDORA KS 66025-9487 $150.06 1018294, MEYER WILLIAM E, 414 LAFAYETTE ST RD, NORTONVILLE KS 66060 $67.40 1015873, MICHAEL DAVID J, 313 S NORMANDY DR, OLATHE KS 66061 $67.40 1016786, MIDWEST TRANSPORTATION LLC, 3502 YALE RD, LAWRENCE KS 66049 $188.42 1011859, MILLER ALLEN T, 2330 N 300 RD, EDGERTON KS 66021-4002 $513.16 1011859, MILLER LADINA J, 2330 N 300 RD, EDGERTON KS 66021-4002 $513.16 1015004, MILLER JAMES D, 100 ARKANSAS ST LOT #12, LAWRENCE KS 66044 $227.32 1017618, MILLER JOSIE, 100 ARKANSAS ST LOT 31, LAWRENCE KS 66044 $152.02 1003872, MILLER KATRINA, 1908 E 19TH ST LOT W117, LAWRENCE KS 66046 $490.20 1008318, MILLS BECKY, 1106 N B ST, ARKANSAS CITY KS 67005 $491.32 1008318, MILLS TERRY, 1106 N B ST, ARKANSAS CITY KS 67005 $491.32 1000595, MILLS KIM, 100 ARKANSAS ST LOT 23, LAWRENCE KS 66049 $407.08 1000595, SAYVANGSA BOONYANG, 100 ARKANSAS ST LOT #23, LAWRENCE KS 66044 $407.08 1020297, MINICK CAITLYN MICHELLE, 4485 ROANOKE PKWY, KANSAS CITY MO 64111 $143.32 1004524, MISSFORTUNES CREATION STATION INC, 1938 MAPLE LN, LAWRENCE KS 66046 $403.32 1017939, MITCHELL ANDREW W, 1833 W 28 TER, LAWRENCE KS 66046 $109.96 1017285, MITCHELL JERRY, 815 ALABAMA ST APT B, LAWRENCE KS 66044 $99.24 1003577, MITCHELL JOHN D, 1715 WINNIE ST, GALVESTON TX 77550 $79.80 1017386, MOELLER AMANDA FRANCES, 1908 E 19TH ST LOT W74, LAWRENCE KS 66046 $273.40 1019736, MONAHAN ARIN LEA, 2200 HARPER ST LOT B28, LAWRENCE KS 66046 $313.98 1006192, MONTANA MIKES #3007, 1015 IOWA ST, LAWRENCE KS 66044 $818.20 1006192, SAVAGE SAVAGE & BROWN INC, PO BOX 22845, OKLAHOMA CITY OK 73123 $818.20 1007615, MOON ANDREW W, 417 MAPLE ST, LAWRENCE KS 66044 $89.04 1007615, MOON MICHELLE A, 417 MAPLE ST, LAWRENCE KS 66044 $89.04 1020456, MORGAN DAKOTA, 501 E 10TH LOT C38, EUDORA KS 66025 $206.88 1014852, MORRISON GRADY ROGER, 7207 EDGEWOOD BLVD, SHAWNEE KS 66203 $68.00 1021372, MOWREY DARYN, 2200 HARPER ST LOT B2, LAWRENCE KS 66046 $124.53 1010029, MULL DEREK, 8231 HARDY, OVERLAND PARK KS 66204 $67.40 1010029, MULL RENE, 8231 HARDY, OVERLAND PARK KS 66204 $67.40 1016375, MURPHY BRIDGETTE LEIGH, 1230 DELAWARE ST APT 19, LAWRENCE KS 66044 $225.00 1001334, MURPHY COLLIN, PO BOX 4123, LAWRENCE KS 66044 $415.76 1001334, MURPHY EDWARD, PO BOX 788, CHARLESTON AR 72933 $415.76 1019446, MUSTAIN LUCAS, 1837 DELAWARE ST, LAWRENCE KS 66049 $67.40 1020520, MYERS CHARLENE, 2102 N LINCOLN AVE, DAVENPORT IA 52804 $219.10 1004088, NEIGHBORHOOD LIQUOR, 1906 MASSACHUSETTS ST, LAWRENCE KS 66046-2942 $249.40 1019676, NEWKIRK KEVIN L, 4137 WIMBLEDON DR, LAWRENCE KS 66047 $299.56 1019676, NEWKIRK NEALY A, 4137 WIMBLEDON DR, LAWRENCE KS 66047-2031 $299.56 1019450, NIETO ABRAHAM, 1618 LINDENWOOD, LAWRENCE KS 66044 $67.40 1009581, ODELL JULIE A, 8418 BOONE BLVD, KANSAS CITY MO 64114 $187.12 1008439, OLESON MICHAEL D, 506 E 15TH ST APT E, EUDORA KS 66025 $77.96 1016873, OLSEN BRETT, 501 E 10TH ST LOT C47, EUDORA KS 66025 $250.84 1017519, OTTENS BRADLEY RAY, 312 HILLSIDE TER, TONGANOXIE KS 66086 $249.82 1017519, OTTENS CHRISTINA DARLENE, 312 HILLSIDE TER, TONGANOXIE KS 66086 $249.82 1006229, OVERFIELD CORPORATION, PO BOX 4246, LAWRENCE KS 66046 $315.56 1006229, OVERFIELD SCOTT, 1112 OAK TREE DR, LAWRENCE KS 66049-3867 $315.56 1019014, OVERFIELD CORPORATION, PO BOX 4246, LAWRENCE KS 66046 $142.22 1019014, OVERFIELD SCOTT, 1112 OAK TREE DR, LAWRENCE KS 66049-3867 $142.22 1017489, PAGAN E C, 4725 MOUNDRIDGE CT, LAWRENCE KS 66049 $96.28 1017489, PAGAN LAUMA, 4725 MOUNDRIDGE CT, LAWRENCE KS 66049 $96.28 1016447, PARKER DONALD E, 1204 E 25TH TER, LAWRENCE KS 66046 $77.62 1001848, PARKINS DEBORAH A, 3323 IOWA ST LOT 345, LAWRENCE KS 66046 $59.18 1017131, PARROTT WILLIAM G IV, 1714 W 26TH ST, LAWRENCE KS 66046 $99.24 1020457, PARSONS STACY, 255 N MICHIGAN ST APT 92, LAWRENCE KS 66044 $217.34 1014332, PARTRIDGE KURT AUSTIN, 1046 E 1326 RD, LAWRENCE KS 66046 $67.40 1014332, PARTRIDGE MATTHEW L, 1046 E 1326 RD, LAWRENCE KS 66046 $67.40 1019229, PASLEY RICK, 706 ACORN, EUDORA KS 66025 $190.82 1020720, PATTERSON GREGORY J, 266 HWY 40, LECOMPTON KS 66050-4151 $72.06 1014508, PATTERSON ROGER T, 1503 W 22ND ST, LAWRENCE KS 66046 $67.40 1018303, PEAT VINCENT, 1788 N 600 RD, BALDWIN CITY KS 66006 $67.40 1000486, PEDA VANESSA, 736 CONNECTICUT ST, LAWRENCE KS 66044 $103.20 1017957, PEELE NICHOLAS RYAN, 1401 EDDINGHAM DR, LAWRENCE KS 66046 $65.23 1019234, PELLIS DAVAUGHN JAMES, 2345 RIDGE CT APT 42, LAWRENCE KS 66046 $118.32 1018984, PETERS JUSTIN S, 786 E 1700TH RD, BALDWIN CITY KS 66006 $85.50 1003236, PETERSON BRANDY, 3323 IOWA ST LOT 136, LAWRENCE KS 66046 $462.46 1003236, PETERSON JUSTIN, 3323 IOWA ST LOT 136, LAWRENCE KS 66046 $462.46 1020549, PETERSON BRANDY, 3323 IOWA ST LOT 136, LAWRENCE KS 66046 $77.56 1020549, PETERSON JUSTIN, 3323 IOWA ST LOT 136, LAWRENCE KS 66046 $77.56 1009331, PETERSON GREGORY, 6110 COUNTY LINE RD, KANSAS CITY KS 66106 $192.64

1009331, PETERSON PENELOPE, 6110 COUNTY LINE RD, KANSAS CITY KS 66106 $192.64 1020898, Peterson Jonathan Michael, 3800 STOCKDALE CT, LAWRENCE KS 66049 $70.30 1016754, PHENIX KEVIN, 18300 N 88TH AVE APT 1159, PEORIA AZ 85382 $158.82 1014327, PHOMMATA SALLY, 2504 MAYFAIR DR, LAWRENCE KS 66046 $67.40 1013989, PICKERING EDWINA, 406 W 3RD ST, KINSLEY KS 67547 $575.62 1015860, POE HEATH J, 904 N 7TH ST, LAWRENCE KS 66044 $73.16 1019564, POEVERLEIN KENNETH D, 314 OKLAHOMA ST, LAWRENCE KS 66046 $67.40 1004873, POOL ROOM, 925 IOWA ST, LAWRENCE KS 66044 $649.96 1004873, S & W INV CORP, 925 IOWA ST, LAWRENCE KS 66044 $649.96 1012167, PUCKETT TRENT M, 1869 N 700TH RD, BALDWIN CITY KS 66006-7398 $85.08 1017066, QUARANTA KASSIDEE MARIE, 416 WISCONSIN ST, LAWRENCE KS 66044 $95.22 1019312, QUICK SHERRI, 819 MICHIGAN ST APT A, LAWRENCE KS 66044 $267.80 1003495, RAGAN PATRICK J, 26110 LINWOOD RD, LAWRENCE KS 66044 $198.58 1016853, RAGAN PATRICK J, 26110 LINWOOD RD, LAWRENCE KS 66044 $334.84 1021254, RAMSBURG RICHARD, 12633 BLACKFOOT, OLATHE KS 66062 $130.79 1021254, RAMSBURG ROSANNE M, 12633 BLACKFOOT, OLATHE KS 66062 $130.79 1017827, RANKER HOLLY MARIE, 255 N MICHIGAN ST APT 42, LAWRENCE KS 66044 $77.62 1003412, RASMUSSEN PATRICK, 5203 STONE CREEK CT, LAWRENCE KS 66049 $76.40 1019585, RAZO JOSUHA, 110 N MICHIGAN ST LOT 110, LAWRENCE KS 66044 $335.31 1003352, REED EDWARD, 1908 E 19TH ST LOT E101, LAWRENCE KS 66046 $4,873.20 1013521, REMIGIO-DIAZ SALVADOR, 3323 IOWA ST LOT 319, LAWRENCE KS 66046 $560.14 1019723, RENFRO-HARDY KRYSTYN, 101 N MICHIGAN ST LOT 97, LAWRENCE KS 66044 $272.06 1008638, REYNOLDS JACK, 501 E 10TH ST LOT E-93, EUDORA KS 66025 $453.66 1008638, REYNOLDS RON, 501 E 10TH ST LOT E-93, EUDORA KS 66025 $894.44 1008638, ROBERTS RANDY, 501 E 10TH E-93, EUDORA KS 66025 $453.66 1008638, ROBERTS RONALD, 501 E 10TH ST LOT E93, EUDORA KS 66025 $453.66 1015855, REYNOLDS PAMELA K, 16024 W 136TH TER, OLATHE KS 66062 $215.08 1003970, RICE CHRISTOPHER W, 3624 BRUSH CREEK DR, LAWRENCE KS 66047 $88.98 1008143, RINEHART CONSTRUCTION INC, 1307 8TH ST, BALDWIN KS 66006 $251.32 1020801, ROBINSON NATHAN, 1110 W 24TH ST, LAWRENCE KS 66046 $68.16 1003828, ROCKER JOE, 1908 E 19TH ST LOT E71, LAWRENCE KS 66046 $204.18 1003124, ROLLINS LESLIE, 1221 WAGON WHEEL RD, LAWRENCE KS 66049-3541 $139.82 1019683, ROMAN JOY E, 4000 W 6TH ST STE B108, LAWRENCE KS 66049 $71.08 1002179, ROPER BARBARA S, 1908 E 19TH ST LOT W39, LAWRENCE KS 66046 $293.92 1001233, ROPER ROLAND L, 1908 E 19TH ST LOT W39, LAWRENCE KS 66046 $67.40 1003953, ROSE RICHARD E JR, 3327 GLACIER DR, LAWRENCE KS 66047-2635 $67.40 1018312, ROSTE-UNFRED ERIC R, 406 E 7TH ST, EUDORA KS 66025 $68.00 1010942, ROTHWELL JOHN, 1114 E 1200 RD, LAWRENCE KS 66047-9448 $69.46 1020413, ROWE KATHY, 901 MICHIGAN ST APT 2, LAWRENCE KS 66044 $219.76 1016266, RUSSELL DANIEL D, 1329 E 2300TH RD, EUDORA KS 66025 $92.17 1019756, RUSSELL DANIEL D, 1329 E 2300 RD, EUDORA KS 66025 $169.82 1019756, RUSSELL GARY D, 1329 E 2300 RD, EUDORA KS 66025 $169.82 1007682, RUSSELL JAMES L, PO BOX 824, BALDWIN KS 66006 $119.90 1007682, RUSSELL LINDA M, 509 INDIANA ST, BALDWIN CITY KS 66006 $119.90 1019517, SAFFER LAKEN MARIE, 1301 W 24TH ST APT K1, LAWRENCE KS 66046 $103.20 1017351, SAMPSON DIANE M, PO BOX 3022, LAWRENCE KS 66046-0022 $100.74 1012989, SANCHEZ ELIU, 35 ASHWOOD LN, BONNER SPRINGS KS 66012 $67.40 1018314, SANFORD BENJAMIN R, PO BOX 167, LECOMPTON KS 66050 $75.98 1001745, SARNA MATT D, 13631 KING ST, OVERLAND PARK KS 66221 $94.82 1001261, SATOMI MOTOI, 1908 E 19TH ST LOT E20, LAWRENCE KS 66046 $276.40 1001261, SATOMI TINA, 1908 E 19TH ST LOT E20, LAWRENCE KS 66046 $276.40 1003552, SAULSBURY BRANDY, 101 N MICHIGAN LOT 89, LAWRENCE KS 66044 $240.60 1020601, SCHAAL TORI, 420 NORTH ST LOT#87, LAWRENCE KS 66044 $162.60 1003940, SCHIMMEL RANDY R, 110 N MICHIGAN ST LOT 113, LAWRENCE KS 66044 $281.16 1016068, SCHMILLE STEPHEN E, 4601 ROUNDABOUT CIR, LAWRENCE KS 66049 $67.40 1019745, SCHONBACHLER DANIEL P, 921 E 21ST ST, LAWRENCE KS 66046 $278.40 1000564, SCHRIMSCHER PATTI ELAINE, 1908 E 19TH ST LOT W21, LAWRENCE KS 66046 $282.96 1018355, SCHWAGER TONY A, 1804 N 1100 RD, LAWRENCE KS 66046 $112.04 1015334, SCHWARTZ CHARLES R, 2217 MASSACHUSETTS ST, LAWRENCE KS 66046-3045 $67.40 1001577, SCOTT GLEASON TRACY, 1908 E 19TH ST LOT E140, LAWRENCE KS 66046 $305.10 1003716, SCOTT MICHAEL L, 1924 SE 30TH ST, TOPEKA KS 66605 $79.80 1001859, SCRIVNER DEBRA, 1908 E 19TH ST LOT E50, LAWRENCE KS 66046 $813.18 1001859, SCRIVNER JAMES, 1908 E 19TH ST LOT E50, LAWRENCE KS 66046 $813.18 1019452, SHANG WENDA, 2703 UNIVERSITY DR RM 101, LAWRENCE KS 66049 $1,174.50 1015642, SHARON DAVID, 1055 E 1500 RD, LAWRENCE KS 66046 $312.38 1015642, SPEICHER ANN, 1055 E 1500 RD, LAWRENCE KS 66046 $312.38 1013756, SHARP FANNIE, 1908 E 19TH ST LOT W62, LAWRENCE KS 66046 $435.46 1013756, SHARP PAUL, 1908 E 19TH ST LOT W62, LAWRENCE KS 66046 $435.46 1011693, SHAY JOEY, 285 E 2300TH RD, EDGERTON KS 66021-4006 $67.40 1019184, SHEPERD CRYSTAL, 1908 E 19TH ST, LAWRENCE KS 66046 $227.18 1018013, SHEPPARD AMANDA J, 1908 E 19 ST LOT W51, LAWRENCE KS 66046 $67.40 1002152, SHUCKAHOSEE JAY A, 1908 E 19TH ST LOT E145, LAWRENCE KS 66046 $384.38 1002152, SHUCKAHOSEE LORETTA, 1908 E 19TH ST ST LOT E145, LAWRENCE KS 66046 $384.38 1018133, SICILIAN DAVID LAWRENCE, 3432 W 24TH ST, LAWRENCE KS 66047 $108.46 1017469, SIMON BRITTNEY LYNNE, 1921 KENTUCKY ST, LAWRENCE KS 66046 $195.78 1018018, SKEEN ROBERT D, 9555 VALLEYVIEW DR, OZAWKIE KS 66070 $67.40 1000490, SMALL DICK, 101 N MICHIGAN ST LOT 21, LAWRENCE KS 66044 $322.98 1003270, SMILEY SETH, 1105 NE WINFIELD AVE, TOPEKA KS 66616 $210.28 1000722, SMILEY STACEY M, 3323 IOWA ST LOT 439, LAWRENCE KS 66046-5222 $381.00 1010812, SMITH ARCHIE E, 1518 W 26TH ST, LAWRENCE KS 66046 $67.40 1020803, SMITH BRYAN S, 4930 STONEBACK PL, LAWRENCE KS 66047 $99.04 1020803, SMITH CHRISTOPHER C, 4930 STONEBACK PL, LAWRENCE KS 66047 $99.04 1020803, SMITH RYAN L, 4930 STONEBACK PL, LAWRENCE KS 66047 $99.04 1016712, SMITH DUANE T, 1523 WEDGEWOOD DR, LAWRENCE KS 66044 $87.76 1013745, SNIPES WILLIAM CHRISTOPHER, 1951 MILLER DR, LAWRENCE KS 66046 $77.34 1018095, SOCIA CHRISTOPHER JAMES, 3323 IOWA ST LOT 351, LAWRENCE KS 66046 $451.50 1018095, SOCIA SARA, 3323 IOWA ST LOT 351, LAWRENCE KS 66046 $451.50 1018387, SOFIS MICHAEL JOHN, 1303 REGENCY PL APT 2, LAWRENCE KS 66049 $109.86 1005361, SOUTHPOINTE APARTMENTS 2005 LLC, 2310 W 26TH ST D25, LAWRENCE KS 66046 $180.36 1018369, SPECHT JEREMIAH JAMES, 201 S COTTONWOOD ST, IOLA KS 66749 $260.00 1020458, SPOOR DAVID, 501 E 10TH ST LOT E91, EUDORA KS 66025 $275.52 1008371, SPOOR JACK, 501 E 10TH ST LOT E100, EUDORA KS 66025 $298.30 1001062, ST PETER LARRY G, 3109 RANGER DR, LAWRENCE KS 66049-1951 $67.40

1017423, STANIUNAS JOHN F, 809 VERMONT ST, LAWRENCE KS 66044 $108.46 1000974, STEWART KAREN NOTTINGHAM, 1140 TENNESSEE ST, LAWRENCE KS 66044-3228 $67.40 1007585, STILLA 5 IRONWORKS LLC, 533 WALNUT ST, LAWRENCE KS 66044 $577.16 1003602, STODDARD CHRISTOPHER, 116 SHARON DR, LAWRENCE KS 66049 $99.24 1014292, STONE LUKE, 3429 BRUCE RANDOLPH AVE, DENVER CO 80205 $104.00 1015418, STONEBACK JAY B, PO BOX 134, LAWRENCE KS 66044 $215.46 1012073, STOUT JAMIE L, 1884 N 100 RD, BALDWIN KS 66006 $463.76 1020606, STRADLEY RICHARD, 2200 HARPER ST LOT D29, LAWRENCE KS 66046 $67.44 1000044, STRICKLAND RANDY C, 101 N MICHIGAN ST LOT 86, LAWRENCE KS 66044 $344.14 1006639, STUART CHIROPRATIC, 1420 KASOLD DR STE C, LAWRENCE KS 66049 $293.68 1001994, STUBER MATT S, 2908 WESTDALE CT, LAWRENCE KS 66049-4404 $91.62 1004955, SUBANDO LLC, 811 MASSACHUSETTS ST, LAWRENCE KS 66044-2657 $1,653.26 1018130, SULLINGER STEPHEN MATTHEW, 18521 SPRUCE ST, GARDNER KS 66030 $72.90 1013622, SULLIVAN PATRICK, PO BOX 113, PRINCETON KS 66078 $309.60 1017416, SUMNER SARA M, 306 4TH ST, BALDWIN CITY KS 66006 $146.90 1017416, SUMNER TOBY A, 306 4TH ST, BALDWIN CITY KS 66006 $146.90 1001532, SURLES THOMAS, 1644 E 800TH RD, LAWRENCE KS 66049 $67.40 1007121, SUTTON ANTHONY J, 2345 RIDGE CT APT 45, LAWRENCE KS 66046 $71.60 1011872, TANKOOS LISA, 49 E 86TH, NEW YORK NY 10028 $292.32 1002249, THARP THOMAS N, 3323 IOWA ST LOT 441, LAWRENCE KS 66046 $229.72 1019065, THARP THOMAS N, 3323 IOWA ST LOT 441, LAWRENCE KS 66046 $67.40 1019700, THOMAS DONATHAN R, 817 DEER RIDGE CT, BALDWIN CITY KS 66006 $67.40 1019700, THOMAS JENNY M, 817 DEER RIDGE CT, BALDWIN CITY KS 66006 $67.40 1019527, THOMPSON DAVID SCOTT, 100 ARKANSAS ST LOT #15, LAWRENCE KS 66044 $230.10 1000743, TICE DEREK, 110 N MICHIGAN ST LOT 71, LAWRENCE KS 66044 $250.54 1018029, TOCHTROP LORI, 483 HUTTON CIR, LAWRENCE KS 66049 $90.04 1016519, TOTTEN THOMAS, 746 NE OAKLAND AVE, TOPEKA KS 66616 $136.08 1017703, TRETTEL AMY E, 618 WALNUT ST, LAWRENCE KS 66044-5530 $119.46 1017703, TRETTEL SCOTT A, 618 WALNUT ST, LAWRENCE KS 66044-5530 $119.46 1019837, TREZISE CANDICE NICOLE, 925 B PEACH ST NE 190, ATLANTA GA 30309 $204.30 1008269, TROBER JERRY W JR, PO BOX 597, EUDORA KS 66025 $387.06 1016970, TUCKER MICHAEL, 9886 CO RD 1400, PEACE VALLEY MO 65788 $74.12 1016184, TYREE DOUGLAS L, 1908 E 19TH ST LOT E19, LAWRENCE KS 66046 $319.78 1016184, TYREE MICHELLE R, 1908 E 19TH ST LOT E19, LAWRENCE KS 66046 $319.78 1006136, UNDERGROUND SOUND RECORDING STUDIO, 3029 RIMROCK DR, LAWRENCE KS 66047 $209.62 1006136, WAGNER THOMAS B, 3029 RIMROCK DR, LAWRENCE KS 66047 $209.62 1010691, UNFRED TERRANCE R, 581 N 1850 RD, LAWRENCE KS 66049 $67.40 1010960, UNIVERSAL SALES, 2758 CHIPPERFIELD RD, LAWRENCE KS 66047 $87.86 1010960, WIGGINS NYLE R, 2758 CHIPPERFIELD RD, LAWRENCE KS 66047 $87.86 1009514, URBAN GERALD E, 5925 OTTAWA RD, ATCHISON KS 66002 $89.12 1009514, URBAN JERRY D, 5925 OTTAWA RD, ATCHISON KS 66002 $89.12 1009682, URBAN GERALD E, 5925 OTTAWA RD, ATCHISON KS 66002 $364.34 1009682, URBAN JERRY D, 5925 OTTAWA RD, ATCHISON KS 66002 $364.34 1019819, VALENTINE CHARLES, 200 N SHORE MARINA DR, QUENEMO KS 66528 $64.22 1018190, VAN KUIKEN GARY A, 2816 HERITAGE LN, BRADENTON FL 34209 $67.40 1018187, VENNELL KASSALINA, 420 NORTH ST LOT 11, LAWRENCE KS 66044 $246.86 1005773, WAGGONER ERIC, 1303 DELAWARE ST APT 4, LAWRENCE KS 66044 $100.74 1002306, WALDREN STEVE M, 1713 BULLENE AVE, LAWRENCE KS 66044 $67.40 1017294, WALKER SHELBY, 619 WHITFIELD ST LOT 19C, LECOMPTON KS 66050 $266.62 1021169, WALLACE JEFFERY D, 1275 E 2300 RD, EUDORA KS 66025 $875.97 1019258, WALTERS SHAWN P, 3100 CREEKWOOD DR, LAWRENCE KS 66049 $108.70 1003786, WARD GARY C, 1843 W 27TH TER, LAWRENCE KS 66046-4309 $87.66 1020738, WARREN AMY J, 2732 GRAND CIR, LAWRENCE KS 66047 $67.40 1017379, WATKINS DAVID, 8225 SE 105TH, OVERBROOK KS 66524 $75.98 1018394, WEBER DEREK DANIEL, 1620 W 19TH TER, LAWRENCE KS 66046 $85.46 1019705, WELLS JANICE, 306 N BAY HILLS BLVD, SAFETY HARBOR FL 34695 $146.68 1019705, WELLS SHAWN, 306 N BAY HILLS BLVD, SAFETY HARBOR FL 34695 $146.68 1009140, WELSH JOHN T, 1210 WAGON WHEEL, LAWRENCE KS 66049 $67.76 1009140, WELSH LONNIE W, 1183 E 550 RD, LAWRENCE KS 66047-9517 $67.76 1014880, WENTE PHILIP C, 1627 N 1300 RD, LAWRENCE KS 66044 $89.12 1018948, WENTE PHILIP C, 1627 N 1300 RD, LAWRENCE KS 66044 $113.38 1018035, WESTGATE MATT C, 604 JERSEY ST, BALDWIN CITY KS 66006 $74.12 1006007, WESTRIDGE SHOPPING CENTER, 601 KASOLD DR, LAWRENCE KS 66049 $86.60 1017092, WHITE CHRISTINA, 1239 CHURCH ST, EUDORA KS 66025-9425 $93.44 1007189, WHITE WM J, 2157 N 66TH ST, MILWAUKEE WI 53213 $65.52 1010889, WIGGINS NYLE R, 2758 CHIPPERFIELD RD, LAWRENCE KS 66047 $139.30 1011009, WIGGINS STEVE INSTALLATION, 1027 E 1500 RD, LAWRENCE KS 66046-9267 $275.28 1001506, WILCOX GINA, 2621 HARPER ST, LAWRENCE KS 66046-5079 $95.98 1001506, WILCOX ROBERT, 2621 HARPER ST, LAWRENCE KS 66046-5079 $95.98 1019587, WILEY BRUCE, 3323 IOWA ST LOT 217, LAWRENCE KS 66046 $662.50 1017157, WILLIAMS MANAGEMENT LLC, 1760 E 1100 RD, LAWRENCE KS 66049 $504.18 1010813, WILLIAMS MARK, 944 E 1100 RD, LAWRENCE KS 66047-9425 $98.94 1019455, WILLIAMS MELISSA GAIL, 4500 OVERLAND DR APT D102, LAWRENCE KS 66049 $119.98 1018040, WILLS ANNMARIE, 6210 W 76 PL, PRAIRIE VILLAGE KS 66208 $68.12 1016838, WILSON ANDREW, 800 W 47TH ST STE 705, KANSAS CITY MO 64112 $256.92 1018963, WILSON JOEY L, 8401 NEWBURY RD, EVANSVILLE IN 47725 $139.02 1001131, WOODRUFF CHARLOTTE M, PO BOX 1125, LAWRENCE KS 66044 $65.16 1001092, WOOLS GLEN W, 1705 ATHERTON CT, LAWRENCE KS 66044 $141.80 1007087, WOOLSONCROFT TROY, 751 GRANT ST, LAWRENCE KS 66044-5441 $147.02 1019313, WRIGHT MICAH TYLER DEAN, 18841 E 430 RD, CLAREMORE OK 74017 $108.46 1016572, WRISNER CHRIS, 2500 W 6TH ST SUITE I, LAWRENCE KS 66049 $68.80 1016573, WRISNER JONAH, 2500 W 6TH ST SUITE I, LAWRENCE KS 66049 $67.40 1000209, YAZZIE ERNEST, PO BOX 3062, LAWRENCE KS 66046 $348.90 1000209, YAZZIE MELVINA M, PO BOX 3062, LAWRENCE KS 66046 $348.90 1000784, YELTON CHARLES E, 3323 IOWA ST LOT 590, LAWRENCE KS 66046 $235.93 1000784, YELTON LINDA, 3323 IOWA ST LOT 590, LAWRENCE KS 66046 $235.93 1016523, YELTON CHARLES E, 3323 IOWA ST LOT 590, LAWRENCE KS 66046 $130.76 1007898, YOUNG KYLE, 2358 STAFFORD TER, OTTAWA KS 66067 $287.32 1007898, YOUNG SCOTT ALLEN, 2358 STAFFORD TER, OTTAWA KS 66067 $287.32 1013655, ZARAGOZA PEREZ SANTIAGO, 420 NORTH ST LOT 89, LAWRENCE KS 66044 $439.44 1014168, ZUNIGA JESUS ANTONIO, 3301 W 22ND ST, LAWRENCE KS 66046 $87.12 1021228 AKERS, ERIC LEE, 5205 HARVARD RD, LAWRENCE KS 66046 - 2014 $90.20 Totals: $96,185.68 ________

Wednesday, October 19, 2016

An edition of the Lawrence Journal-World

(Hint: It’s all in the pressing) Postal Patron Local

PRSTRT STD U.S. Postage PAID Permit No. 108 Lawrence, Ks 66044-2243

By Sara Moulton


Associated Press

y mom started traveling abroad when I was in high school. And after each of her trips, we cooked a meal from the country she’d just visited. It was after her trip to Italy that I became a huge fan of veal. Veal, of course, is notoriously bland, so what’s the appeal? I love it because it functions mostly as a firm landing strip for the delicious sauce of your choice, and I’m a nut for sauces. Recently, I figured out that tofu plays the same role for vegetarians as veal does for carnivores. Made from soybeans, water and a coagulant, tofu is notably healthy — low in calories, devoid of saturated fat and a great source of protein, calcium and iron. But there’s the little matter of tofu’s flabby texture and its flavor (or lack thereof), which is why I’ve always shied away from the stuff. It turns out, though, that properly prepared tofu is a great sponge for flavor, a natural fact exploited to good effect in this light entree for the new year. The first step is to lose the excess water in tofu, which will — Duh! — water down your dish. So you force out the excess water by putting a weighted plate on top of the tofu and let it press and drain for about 30 minutes. The tofu becomes firmer and less watery the longer you press it. This also ensures that when you cook it, the tofu will have a springy texture and a crispy exterior. The crispy slices of tofu are a wonderful foil for this recipe’s intense chili-orange sauce. The

sauce is complemented with broccoli and red pepper. Serve it on brown rice and you’re looking at a one-dish meal, light but filling. My husband, a die-hard carnivore, had no idea that this was a healthy vegetarian dish. He just scarfed it down and said thank you.

Sauteed Tofu With Broccoli And Red Peppers In Matthew Mead/AP Photos Chili-Orange Sauce THIS DEC. 8, 2014, PHOTO SHOWS Start to finish: 1 hour 15 minutes Servings: 4

Ingredients: 14-ounce package extra-firm water-packed tofu 1/4 cup fresh orange juice 1/4 cup water 2 tablespoons hoisin sauce 1 tablespoon soy sauce 2 tablespoons chili-garlic sauce 1 tablespoon cornstarch 1/2 teaspoon sesame oil 4 tablespoons vegetable oil, divided 1 red bell pepper, cored and cut into thin strips 6 cups medium broccoli florets, blanched until crisp-tender, then drained 2 teaspoons minced fresh ginger 2 teaspoons minced garlic Brown rice, cooked, to serve Toasted cashews, to garnish Directions: Cut the block of tofu in half horizontally to create 2 thick slabs. Wrap each slab in a clean kitchen towel and place on a plate. Place a second plate on top of the tofu, then weigh it down with several heavy cans. Press in this manner for 30 minutes to drain water from the tofu and firm it up. Unwrap the tofu and cut each slab into 1/2-inch pieces. Set aside.

TOFU to be sauteed with broccoli and red peppers in chili-orange sauce, shown above. This dish is from a recipe by Sara Moulton.

In a medium bowl, whisk together the orange juice, water, hoisin, soy sauce, chili-garlic sauce, cornstarch and sesame oil. Set aside. In a large nonstick or stick-resistant skillet over medium-high, heat 1 1/2 tablespoons of the vegetable oil. Add half of the tofu pieces, sprinkle with salt, then cook, stirring occasionally, until golden brown on all sides, 8 to 10 minutes. Use a slotted spoon to transfer the tofu to a medium bowl. Repeat with another 1 1/2 tablespoons of oil and the remaining tofu. Return the skillet to the heat and add the remaining 1 tablespoon of oil. Add the red pepper and cook, stirring, until it is almost tender, about 3 minutes. Add the broccoli and cook for 2 minutes. Add the ginger and garlic and cook, stirring, for 1 minute. Whisk the sauce in the bowl to make certain the cornstarch is dissolved, then add to the skillet, whisking. Bring to a boil to thicken, then add the tofu and cook just until heated through. Arrange a mound of rice on each of 4 serving plates, then top with the tofu mixture and cashews.

23rd & Louisiana

Sunflower Natural Foods

Sunflower Natural Foods

Bulk Dark Chocolate Covered Cranberries


Sunflower Natural Foods

Bulk Deluxe Mixed Nuts

Salted or Unsalted

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Bulk Dried Turkish Apricots




Wednesday, October 19, 2016

L awrence J ournal -W orld


A HAM AND CHEESE SANDWICH WITH GREEN SPREAD, styled by Sarah Abrams, displayed at the Institute of Culinary Education in New York.

Are you ready?

Richard Drew/AP Photo

Exp 10/31/16

Green Genie sandwich spread transforms ham and cheese By Elizabeth Karmel Associated Press

My sister sent me a text about a green spread that said, “you have to make it on sandwiches, crackers, eggs, etc.” And she was right — this green spread is a sandwich genie. It is also a great way to get a few more vegetables in your diet. Better yet, it’s made with ingredients that you almost always have in the pantry. The “Green Genie” spread, as my sister and I refer to it, is a garlicky pureed artichoke spread colored with curly green parsley that gives it a fresh clean flavor rich with garlic, lemon zest, pistachios and good olive oil. It is neutral enough to go with most of your sandwich fillings and enhance their flavor. It is also a great topping for crackers and if you keep it on hand, it’s an easy appetizer before dinner.

Ham And Swiss On Rye With Green Genie Spread Servings: 2 Start to finish: 15 minutes

$ 10OFF

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Ingredients: 2 slices rye bread 2 slices of Swiss cheese 2 slices ham Green Genie Sandwich Spread (see below)

chios or other favorite nut 3 cloves of garlic 1 cup packed curly parsley, washed and dried Zest and juice of a large lemon 1/3 cup best-quality Spread each slice of extra-virgin olive oil bread with the Green Genie 1/2 teaspoon fine-grain Spread. Layer the ham and sea salt or more to taste the cheese and cut sandWhite pepper to taste wich in half. Enjoy at room temperature. Directions: Put all ingredients in a Green Genie Sandwich blender or a food processer Spread (Garlic-Artichoke fitted with the “S’’ blade. ProSpread): cess until smooth and pureed. Makes about 1 1/2 cups Depending on your blender, (10 servings) you may need to use a spoon to move the ingredients as Ingredients you process them. 1 can water-packed arPlace in a non-reactive tichoke hearts, rinsed and container until ready to drained use. Will keep in refrigera1/3 cup roasted pistator for up to one week.

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win a $50 Checkers gift card and be featured in the LAWRENCE Journal-World’s Holiday Guide!




Submit Your Favorite Cookie Recipes by Oct. 31 HOW TO ENTER


Enter Online, By Mail or In Person.

Address: Phone Number:


To Submit Online: go to


By mail or in person: clip this form and attach your typed or legibly printed recipe with name, ingredients and baking instructions. Mail or drop off at P.O Box 888, 645 New Hampshire, Lawrence KS, 66044.

XXX L awrence J ournal -W orld

Wednesday, October 19, 2016

FRESH ! $ $ E L 4 Fowler Farms, New York

McIntosh Apples






Large Pineapple

Acorn, Butternut & Spaghetti Squash





Fresh Spinach





Fresh Cut

Boneless Beef Top Round Steaks


Fresh, Thick Cut

Pork Rib Chops Economy Pack




Boneless Beef Brisket






Whole Fryers




| 3CRA



Wednesday, October 19, 2016



L awrence J ournal -W orld

grocery � ��s �r ��� ��ʦ

Limit 12

Limit 10

3/ 1

Best Choice Vegetables


Selected Varieties 14.5-15 Oz. Can

Maxwell House Ground Coffee



Selected Blends 22-36.8 Oz. Canister


Sunflower Natural Foods Bulk Dark Chocolate $ Covered Cranberries


Totino’s Pizza Rolls

Selected Varieties 40 Ct. Pkg.




Sunflower Natural Foods Bulk Dried $ Turkish Apricots

Sunflower Natural Foods Bulk Deluxe $ Mixed Nuts Salted or Unsalted



StarKist Chunk Light Tuna

Selected Varieties 8-8.5 Oz. Bag


In Oil or Water 6.4 Oz. Pouch


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Lean Cuisine Favorites Entrées Selected Varieties 5.25-11.5 Oz. Box

V8 V•Fusion or Vegetable Juice

Only 49¢!

Only 49¢!

with Card and 2,500 points

selected varieties 18.5-19 Oz. Can

Uncle Ray’s Potato Chips

Ruffles Potato Chips Selected Varieties 8.5-9.5 Oz. Bag

Progresso Soup

6/ 10 $

MorningStar Farms Selected Varieties 5.25-12 Oz. Pkg.

C&H Sugar

Best Choice Wheat Bread



Selected Varieties 46 Oz. Bottle

2 Lb. Brown & Powdered or 4 Lb. Granulated

with Card and 2,500 points

with Card and 2,500 points

Split Top 20 Oz. Loaf

with Card and 2,000 points


Hiland Milk

Selected Varieties Gallon

FREE! with Card and 3,000 points


L awrence J ournal -W orld

Wednesday, October 19, 2016

grocery � ��s �r ��� ��ʦ

2/ 9 $

DiGiorno 12 Inch Pizza Selected Varieties 17.3-34.2 Oz. Box

Kraft Deluxe Macaroni & Cheese or Velveeta Shells & Cheese 9.4-14 Oz. Box

Campbell’s Soup Cream of Mushroom or Cream of Chicken Soup 10.5 Oz. Can

Limit 6



Selected Varieties 2 Liter Bottle

Taco Bell Refried Beans


Selected Varieties 16 Oz. Can

Kibbles ‘n Bits Dog Food or Meow Mix Cat Food

Selected Varieties 13.5-16 Lb. Bag



Coca Cola Products



Taco Bell Taco Shells or Sauce Selected Varieties 12 Ct. Box or 7.5-8 Oz. Jar

Cascade Action Pacs Dish Detergent Selected Varieties 12-20 Ct. Pkg.



dairy ��s to ���h �r ���

Florida’s Natural Orange Juice or Ruby Red Grapefruit Juice 59 Oz. Carton


Kraft Cheese

Shredded, Chunk, Cubes, Crumbles or Cracker Cuts 5-8 Oz. Pkg.



FOOD & FUEL 23rd & Louisiana

Chobani Flips Greek Yogurt Selected Varieties 5.3 Oz. Cup



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Wednesday, October 19, 2016

L awrence J ournal -W orld

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Top Round Roast



Best Choice Chicken Wings



Individually Quick Frozen 3 Lb. Pkg.

lb. Oscar Mayer Deli Fresh Lunch Meat

Farmland Sliced Bacon



Selected Varieties 12-16 Oz. Pkg.

Selected Varieties 14-16 Oz. Pkg.

Wild Pacific

El Monterey Burritos or Chimichangas

Farmland Pork Sausage


Selected Varieties 30-32 Oz. Pkg.

12 Oz. Roll


AquaStar Salmon Fillets$ Individually Quick Frozen



produce ��h f � �� ��e

12.8-14.4 Oz. Pomegranate, Chipotle Ranch, Sesame Asian, Bacon Bleu, Sunflower & Poppy Seed

Dole Chopped Salads

2/$5 Orange, Yellow or Red

Bell Peppers




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12 Oz. Eat Smart

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Tangy Limes

5/ 1 $


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J. Skinner Cinnamon Rolls $ or Sticky Buns


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Wednesday, October 19, 2016









ChrIs CAssAtt & GArY BrOOKINs








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Off thE MArK






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