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Welcome to the Service Center

The USDA Service Center located at 4920 Bob Billings Pkwy is home to three government farm and conservation agencies. The Douglas County Conservation District makes its home here, as does the USDA’s Natural Resource Conservation Service (NRCS) and Farm Service Agency (FSA).

District Manager Suzy Mooney is the new District Manager as of August of 2022. She was the Education and Outreach Coordinator for the District along with working as part of the NRCS office as an independent contractor.


Suzy grew up on a small farm in Missouri and has called Lawrence home for the last 22 years.

After 9 years with the District as the District Manager, Randy Winchester has retired. He started with the district in 2014. He was born and raised in a small NE Kansas town, where his family operated a grain elevator, cattle feedlot, and farmed several hundred acres of row crops. He also owns a 70-acre farm in SE Douglas County, where he and his family raise Scottish Highland cows.

Thursday, February 16th, 2023, 6:00 p.m.

The Douglas County Conservation District’s annual meeting will be at the Douglas County Fairgrounds Building 21. Come and join us for a great night. Expiring terms for Board Supervisors this year are John Bradley and Lowell Neitzel

Conservation Initiative (CSP-GCI) contracts valued at over $53,000.

Participated in the Kansas Climate Smart Initiative and helped our state to surpass their enrollment goal of 100,000 acres.

The District continued to offer our no-till drills for rent at reasonable rates, with more than 50 people taking advantage of the equipment. Many of those people also took advantage of our seed sale program, purchasing native warm-season grass seed, cool-season grass seed, wildflowers, and forbs. We also provided drip torches, fire mats, and backpack sprayers to people conducting prescribed burns.

We were also able to offer several education opportunities throughout 2022.

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