Every Student Gets the Spotlight at Lawrence University

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every student gets the spotlight at lawrence university

Are you an opera-singing small forward studying chemistry who writes poems about sloths in iambic pentameter? No? Okay. Are you a philosophy fanatic who shreds like Hendrix and volunteers to clean up rivers on Saturdays? Still no? Okay then. Are you an anthropologist with the voice of an angel, but a surprising curiosity in learning about the devil’s symbolism in French literature? No? No worries. That’s cool. Because we’re interested in you.

We want to know your name. We want to know where you come from. We want to know what you’re passionate about. We want to know what you love to do. We want to know how you want to spend your Mondays and how you want to spend your Saturdays. We want to know what makes you tick. We want to know if you hate the question “What makes you tick?” We want to know everything that makes you, you.

at lawrence, you don’t have to Be any one thing or checK any one BoX you

can B e e X actly who you are and we’ll support you and help you Become the Best, most interesting, and authentic version of yourself. Because here, every student gets the spotlight

(even if you have stage fright)

timeless education

We’re the #1 Liberal Arts College in Wisconsin. Why? Because a Lawrence education sets you up for anything the future throws at you. Our academics combine tradition with innovation, mixing a classic liberal arts education with new programs like Business & Entrepreneurship, Environmental Science, and Statistics & Data Science. We’re on a trimester system, which means you’ll have three terms each year with three classes per term. This allows you to try more classes and deep dive into them. 80% of our students study in the College of Liberal Arts & Sciences and 20% study in the Conservatory of Music. But each student goes through First-Year Studies, which is a long-time intellectual tradition that lays the groundwork for your academic experience.

Lawrentians (that’s what Lawrence students call themselves) are known to double major, have several minors, gain fluency in new languages, take free music lessons, conduct research, study abroad, and try lots of things they’ve never done. It’s this freedom to experiment (while not losing focus on your end goals) that will define your experience at Lawrence.

But more than any statistic or philosophy, what makes a Lawrence education unique is that it can be whatever you want it to be. No two students take the exact same classes. Some students create their own major. (Yes, that’s a thing here.) And our professors spend so much time with you that they don’t just know your name they know your hopes, dreams, fears, and even your middle initial.

our students create Unique combinations

of our 65+ maJors, minors & ProGrams and our 50+ studios and ensembLes to

brinG aLL their

Passions toGether

let your Brilli

By researching so

Research doesn’t have to be dusty, dense, and disinteresting. It can be fun. It can be surprising. It can be for science majors. It can be for art majors. It can be filled with whatever you are passionate about. It can be and we don’t say this lightly — something you’d actually want to read. It can be whatever you want it to be.

At Lawrence, we encourage all students to complete research in addition to other academic experiences. And we put our money where our mouth is. You can receive a stipend of up to $4,000 to participate in intensive 10-week summer research projects either at Lawrence or major research institutions around the world. And through the Chandler Senior Experience, you can receive up to $3,000 to support an ambitious or distinctive senior experience or honors project.

here at the viKing room, our on-campus hangout spot, the people are warm, the drinKs are cold, the food comes from uB er e ats and d oor dash, and the entertainment doesn’t reQuire you to wear a headset to escape reality.


it’s time to

your shine shine



viking like

men’s varsity



cross country



ice hocKey





s wimming & d iving


indoor tracK & field

outdoor tracK & field

women’s varsity


cross country


ice hocKey





s wimming & d iving


indoor tracK & field

outdoor tracK & field


cluB sports

cheerleading team

nordic sKi cluB

outdoor recess

sailing cluB

frisBee association

rowing cluB

80fil#5 CLUB

melee dance studio



philosophy dance marvel comic BooK author chemistry Biochemistry flute performance organic chemistry phd student, university of notre dame

marjorie liu ’00

vp of people operations & inclusion, opera philadelphia voice government ethnic studies co-founder of BlacK opera alliance

here Belong you

when you decide to come here, we’ll give you our finsta.

until then...

ig: @lawrenceuni

yt: @lawrenceuni

tt: @lawrenceuni

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