January Staff Monthly

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January 2018 Upcoming Events Drop-In Lunch with Dan Meyer, Director of Facility Services


Chili Cook Off

February TBD

All Staff Meeting

Thursday Feb. 8 9—10 a.m. Somerset Room

Jan. 25 Noon—1 p.m., Brokaw, LL

Staff Recognition 

President’s Award of Excellence committee for their work reviewing the nominations and making recommendations to the President

Kate Allison ’12 for her innovative approach to building student/alumni relationships and overall LU pride. If you haven’t heard of SAP yet, you are missing out!

Lawrence University

Staff Monthly Welcome to Winter Term from the Office of Diversity and Inclusion! The cultivation of empathy will be our emphasis as we continue to strengthen relationships, build capacity and create accountability in order to increase inclusion at Lawrence University this term. We will provide a number of opportunities to learn and practice important skills related to understanding with feeling the perspectives of others. One event that I would like to bring to your attention is Upstander Training taking place February 17, 2018, in the Esch Hurvis Studio (WCC), from 10 a.m. - 2 p.m. The training will help you build the skills to interrupt microaggressions, bullying or other harmful behaviors. Learn how to become an agent for change and co-creator of positive narratives related to race and other aspects of identity. Participants will unpack real-life scenarios to enable them to effectively challenge prejudice in our community. I hope you will plan to attend. Please RSVP by February 11 by emailing us at div-inclusion@lawrence.edu. For those of you interested in doing some learning on your own about current diversity issues we have two “tool kits”, Diversity 101 and Freedom of Speech 101, available online that contain informative short articles. I invite you to visit our website (http://www.lawrence.edu/info/offices/diversity-and-inclusion) for these and other resources to help you take an equity-minded approach to your work. Best wishes for a successful term! - Kimberly Barrett, VP for Diversity and Inclusion and Associate Dean of the Faculty

Congrats to Svetlana Belova from Development for submitting the winning photo this month! Please submit future submissions to staff_connection@ lawrence.edu by the 30th of each month.

Notes from Admissions

From the world of admissions, financial aid, and communications—or AFAC as we (OK, I) call it around here. (And yes, you may pronounce it with the same quack sound as the insurance company’s spokesduck.) 

January 15 is the final deadline for first-year students to apply for admission for Fall 2018. Transfer students have until April 1 to apply for Fall 2018.

If you know a student who would make an excellent Lawrentian—whether someone in your own family or someone in your neighborhood—you can put that student on the admissions office’s radar by completing our online referral form. If s/he is interested in admission for Fall 2018, please get in touch with the admissions office directly. Your friends in the admissions office will take good care of them from there.

We have three open house events for future Lawrentians who have applied or been admitted coming up over the next few months: Friday, February 23; Friday, March 30; Monday, April 16. When you see prospective students and families wandering around campus those days—or any day—please make them feel at home (as you always do).

Our financial aid team is very hard at work putting together financial aid awards for new students over the next couple of months. As they work with new students, they’ll also taking great care of all of our current students who receive financial aid (which is about 70% of Lawrentians)… so if you see Sara, Ryan, Susan, and Mary (or Karma, the dog), please give them a high five (or paw) of encouragement.

The communication team is writing, photographing, filming, designing, marketing and posting about Lawrence day in and day out, working hard to raise our institutional visibility and share our stories with the world—both on and off campus. Speaking of on-campus, if you haven’t seen the virtual tour that they, along with our friends in ITS, designed and launched this year, I highly encourage you to do so. It has tons of great images, including 360-degree virtual reality that helps visitors from all over the world see themselves in our space.

-Ken Anselment, Dean of Admissions

Have a happy, healthy and productive Winter Term! -Your Staff Connections Team

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